• Published 11th Jan 2019
  • 1,559 Views, 238 Comments

My Little Punnies - AstralMouse

A collection of very short stories that set up bad puns or word avalanches.

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13. Guards on duty, in doody

"You lost your saddle?" Ironshod asks.

"Um... kind of?" Sad Sack replies.

"Well, keep looking! We can't be late reporting to the captain."

The two royal guards search for the missing equipment, with no luck.

"Oh, I am gonna be in so much trouble," laments Sad Sack.

"Yeah, well, I'm not gonna be late with my report again. I'll go deliver it while you keep looking. It probably fell in the water or something."

Ironshod leaves his partner and travels along the stream, going with the gentle flow of the water. Eventually he reaches the captain's campground and finds his tent.

"Captain Shining Armor, sir! This is Private Ironshod, here to deliver my report," he announces at the entrance.

"Come in," comes the captain's voice from inside.

Ironshod enters the tent and salutes stiffly. "Nothing to report from the North, sir," he says.

"Good. And your partner, Sad Sack. Where is he?" Shining Armor asks suspiciously.

"Well, sir, he appears to be, uh..." Ironshod says hesitantly, not eager to get his partner (and thus himself) in trouble. "Up the creek without a saddle."