• Published 5th Jan 2019
  • 873 Views, 117 Comments

Prisoners of the Heart - KidatHeart5

9th installment of the “Royal Canterlot Family”. Based on “Beauty and the Beast”. Powerful ponies get trapped in Tartarus, the threat of war hangs over the Everfree, and the lives of enslaved innocents are in peril! Will all be resolved?

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The cannon shot out for the seventh and last time and its trademark blast sounded through the solemn air. After the lingering boom faded, there was only silence. All was quiet in Canterlot, not a single sound was made. The residents of the noble capital didn’t need an announcement from the palace or printed words in a newspaper to tell them what they already knew: Sombra, their beloved former king, was dead.

Understandably, the news – no matter what form they took – devastated everyone who learned it. But none were more devastated than the members of the large Canterlot family themselves. Celestia, crippled by her deep grief, could do nothing but raise and lower the sun from the bed she didn’t dare move from. This was the bed she once shared with her husband, the husband she had now lost twice. Although she tried her best to prepare for the dreaded moment, it stung just as hard as when Sombra became cursed, if not more so. Even though the duties of moving the sun were important, Celestia was always painfully reminded of the days that would pass without her dear Sombra.

Her ten daughters were affected the same way. For six of them, they had the same grief from when they thought they had lost him the first time, but this time, it was much deeper because they knew their father was truly gone. It was so deep that Twilight couldn’t fully function as queen. Luna, though she too was reeling from Sombra’s death, stepped in to help her niece perform her duties. The brothers-in-law, who thought of Sombra as their father figure, were also hurting from the loss and did their best to comfort their loved ones even though they felt like falling apart themselves. The same could be said for their children, the grandchildren of Celestia and the late Sombra. Cotton Candy’s grief was so great that Cannon Fire allowed her to return to her kingdom to mourn the loss of her grandfather. It definitely wasn’t easy telling the youngest generation about the death of their great-grandfather and how he wasn’t coming back at all.

Of all the members of the Canterlot family, both biological and in-law, Capricia was the rock that gave everyone comfort and support during this difficult time. Capri was Discord’s long-lost sister who had gotten separated from him a long time ago until she was freed from Gladmane’s amulet five years back. Between the time she got separated from her brother to when she became trapped in the amulet, she created a magical cloud land called Paraddock. It was unlike any wonderland of legend, for it was like a chaotic haven for those who were in danger or harmed. After she was freed from Gladmane’s necklace, she spent some time with her brother and his family before resuming her responsibilities as overseer of Paraddock. However, when she learned of Sombra’s death, she left Paraddock in the hands of her friend Steven Magnet to console her family.

The Guardians of Equestria – Flurry Heart, Mischief, Roller Blade, Skater, Apple Butter, Blaze, and Nova Rose – continued to be strong for their country, but like the other members of the royal family, those who were related to Sombra were distraught. Since Flurry Heart wasn’t as close to Sombra as her cousins were, she, her husband, Nova, and AB’s husband Zealot provided solace for the others in the days after losing Sombra. When Nova had promised to stand by Blaze in good times as well as bad, she didn’t think she had to live up to that vow so soon. Just before Sombra died, Blaze and Nova happily married in Canterlot and embarked on a weeklong honeymoon in Puerto Caballo. But despite their joyful wedded bliss, that happy time soon came crashing down a month later when they returned from a Cutie Map mission and found out Sombra was dying. Blaze was so badly broken he kept crying for hours; he was like this for a week. Nova, not wanting her new husband to wallow in his pain alone, comforted him and acted as his shoulder to cry on, both metaphorically and literally.

Though he was only newly integrated into pony culture, it pained Captain Blackthorn to see Skyla’s parents so downtrodden from Sombra’s death. Since Skyla was not as acquainted with Sombra as her parents were, she and her deer fiancé chose to be strong for them. Blackthorn then got the idea of spreading comfort to everyone affected in Equestria. With his beloved princess’s blessing, he and his fellow comrades set out to rekindle even the smallest bit of joy for the citizens to feel again. They helped throw parties on the bereaved party princess’s behalf because Pinkie couldn’t find the strength to; they performed community service for those in need; they put on all kinds of happy shows – puppet shows, stand-up comedy, romantic plays, even short skits around a campfire. It was all to make the denizens laugh and smile again, even for a moment. In all honesty, none of the deer had ever thought they would be friends with ponies.

Back in the days when their forest kingdom of Thicket was still around, every deer was proud of their heritage. They considered themselves to be above the reckless behaviors of ponykind and strived to protect the natural world that was their home. They cared not for the affairs and struggles the other creatures were dealing with. They did not affect the deer in any way, so why would they bother? On the other hand, if the deer or the Everfree were affected, they would not hesitate to charge straight into battle. The only time they were prevented from doing so was on Gaea Everfree’s wishes to grant the alicorn sisters sanctuary.

Blackthorn could remember when Celestia and Luna first built their castle in the Everfree Forest. He was a young fawn at the time and was recruited by the deer guard as a scout. His mission was to observe the alicorn sisters and the construction workers (who were cautious of their forest surroundings) as they built a giant structure on a clearing that was almost like an island amidst a large ravine that separated it from the rest of the forest. When the alicorn sisters first made their home there, the deer were certain that the crystal tree deep within the crevice would repel the ponies away from the Everfree. Surprisingly, it did not. It was as if the tree welcomed them, much to the deer’s chagrin. Over time, though, the deer learned to ignore the ponies that eventually passed through their forest home. As long as they stayed away from the deer and did no harm to the nature surrounding them, the ponies would be of no concern to them.

As Blackthorn matured into a strong young stag, he moved up the ranks of the deer guard until he earned the distinguished title of Captain of the Guard. From that moment, he put his heart into his duty and swore undying loyalty to Thicket. He would do everything in his power to protect the forest kingdom and the Everfree from all who threatened it. He and his comrades took their responsibilities very seriously and performed the tasks the king had given them quite excellently. But no matter how rooted he was in the sacred ways of the deer, Blackthorn couldn’t help but gaze at the alicorns’ castle whenever he patrolled the part of the forest surrounding the ponies’ home. He wondered what exactly the ponies would do on a day-to-day basis. Even though he was sure they did nothing that concerned the deer, he pondered on the possibility that maybe they had lives like his kind did. But before he could get lost in his thoughts, he would staunchly resume his patrol.

Every day, Blackthorn and his comrades would partake in the same routine, mundane yet exciting. However, no one could have imagined the sharp direction their lives would take. One fateful day, Blackthorn and his soldiers went out to scout for any Timberwolves that were too close to Thicket. Sure enough, when they found those Timberwolves, it practically took the guards the whole day to drive them back to their roaming grounds. As they trekked back to Thicket, they passed by familiar landmarks; when they got there, however, they could not see the lights of the tall and majestic trees or even the large gates of the city. Gaea Everfree then appeared before them, sadly reporting that the city had vanished into thin air. After the forest spirit granted them agelessness until Thicket returned, the deer guards saw no point in staying in the Everfree and decided to venture out to search for their friends in case they were taken.

The deer only traveled during the night so they would not be seen. They didn’t travel far on their journey when they encountered trouble in a small pony village. A young mare no more than 16 was cornered by a band of hooded thieves who were after her valuables. Blackthorn could’ve stood by and done nothing. He could’ve taken his comrades and moved on. But that night, something changed in him. Too many times, Blackthorn and his deer guard had seen creatures that were too weak or small to defend themselves. Looking at the pony-in-distress, he realized she was no different than the animals they had saved on many occasions.

He had no choice. He had to fight.

He charged straight towards the bandits and fought them with great vigor. Though his comrades were greatly confused by his actions, some of them jumped in and helped their captain fend off the dastardly foes. Once the thieves were driven away, the mare grabbed her valuables and muttered her shy thanks to the deer. The soldiers who had stayed out of the affair chastised Blackthorn for helping a pony, but they remained with him as the group traveled forth. Gradually, they grew to help every pony and creature in need. However, their great deeds were all under the cover of darkness, hence earning them the moniker of “Angels of the Night”. Needless to say, this drew the attention of a very manipulative king by the name of Gladmane.

At first, he wanted them because they were known throughout the country. He even cast a curse on them to do his bidding and thus prevent them from leaving Las Pegasus. However, when he formulated his plan to start a war and become the most powerful monarch in Equestria, he commanded the deer guard to masquerade as dark and mysterious soldiers and cause the children of various kingdoms to go missing. Luckily, Gladmane was thwarted and peace was restored to Equestria. Though it was the effort of many that stopped the cruel king’s plans in their tracks, Blackthorn always attributed the deer’s freedom to his princess Skyla, who took the time to listen and help him and his comrades. Now, with the former king of Canterlot gone, he understood why the loss affected so many: Sombra was a national hero.

Centuries before Sombra’s rule, Arimaspi overthrew King Greystreak of Canterlot and took the throne for himself. This in turn led to many years of terror, sorrow, and darkness. Suffice to say, those years were not all under Arimaspi’s iron fist. After Arimaspi was defeated by another monster, a cycle of war began. More often than not, monsters would invade Canterlot and challenge the ruler. These conflicts were always terrifying for the ponies regardless of who won. If a monster ruler was lucky, they would have a successor to continue their fearsome legacy. One of such monsters was Grogar, a goat powerful in the dark arts. Ironically, the choice to raise an heir would ultimately be his fatal mistake.

For his heir was Sombra.

A seemingly-orphaned unicorn colt, Sombra was chosen for his potential for dark magic. As such, Grogar tried to mold him into the kind of successor he desired, but failed in doing so. With his goodness nurtured by Star Swirl in secret, Sombra eventually grew into a wise and benevolent stallion and defeated Grogar, thus saving Canterlot and bringing an end to the Reign of Monsters. When the city was restored to its former glory, he reclaimed the throne of his father Greystreak only with the blessing of the grateful denizens. The story of Sombra’s journey and triumph became legendary throughout the land and a holiday was established to honor the king’s victory: the Summer Sun Celebration. Despite all the fame and praise he got for defeating the treacherous Grogar, Sombra always kept himself humble about his accomplishments and kind towards all ponies and creatures (those who meant well, anyway). With the void left by Sombra’s passing, everyone knew that never again would a pony grace the land with his wholesome virtue, firm but fair sense of justice, fierce courage, and ever-loving heart.

The day of the royal funeral had now arrived after a week of national mourning. Yet, nobody was prepared to bid one last goodbye to the beloved former king, not even his grieving family. As everyone reluctantly got ready for the procession, the weather pegasi gathered gray clouds over Canterlot. Gray clouds also hung over every city, town, and kingdom in and near Equestria so their citizens could acknowledge the solemn occasion. Then, just an hour after dawn, the guests began pouring in through the castle gates. They were a mixed bunch comprising of royals, delegates, celebrities, military officers, members of various councils, mayors, and even a few family friends. Twilight – dressed in a simple black dress with her crown sitting atop her bunned hair – peered out her bedroom window and saw the scene from above.

At that moment, Flash Sentry came up to his wife and asked, “How are you holding up?”

She sighed sorrowfully, “I can’t believe this is really happening. I thought that…” Tears then welled in her eyes. “…he would stay…just a little bit longer.”

As Twilight fought the tears and the pain that accompanied them, Flash embraced her in a comforting hug. He told her, “I felt the same way when my parents were gone. I raged at the universe for taking them from me and I felt lost without them. I had to make it on my own before I found the flyer for joining the Royal Guard. At least you had your mother and aunt for comfort before your dad came back.”

She sniffled, “You…you’ve dealt with grief before. Were you more prepared this time?”

He sighed, “Honestly, no. Losing Sombra stings just as badly as when I lost my parents. Grief doesn’t get any easier with each death. It still hurts. You just have to deal with it every time it hits.”

Suddenly, a page knocked on the door and spoke, “Your Highnesses, it’s time.”

Twilight wiped her eyes and cleared her throat, “Yes. We’d best be going.”

As his wife walked out of the room with a strong composure, Flash worried about the way she was hiding her pain from the rest of the world. He wanted to help her grieve in a healthier manner, but he knew Twilight was one of the proudest and most stubborn mares in Equestria, so there was no way she’d allow herself to be vulnerable even now. There was nothing he could do but wait with the other guests at the basilica for the funeral.

While the husbands, children, grandchildren, and guests were at the basilica, Celestia and her ten daughters walked behind the funeral carriage bearing Sombra’s coffin, which was draped with the Canterlot flag and had lilies and his crown on a purple pillow resting on top of it. As the carriage rolled through the street towards the city gates, the tenor bell rang every minute and saddened onlookers paid their respects to the late Sombra. Many couldn’t hold back their tears, and neither could the princesses.

Fluttershy and Rarity wept silently and dabbed their eyes with handkerchiefs. While Sunset and the CMC sniffled with tears running down their faces, Pinkie sobbed piteously. Rainbow Dash tried to keep a straight face, but her lips quivered and tears continuously slid down her cheeks. Applejack had tilted her hat down so her eyes could not be seen. As for Twilight and Celestia, they kept strong for their subjects, though they could not hide the forlorn expressions on their faces.

When the family and carriage reached the city gates, they turned around and went down another street where more onlookers were gathered on the sidelines. After a while, they reached the basilica, with the family taking their seats alongside the sons-in-law and the unicorn guards approaching the carriage. Their combined magic then enveloped the casket and lifted it off the carriage before the guards placed it on the purple-clothed platform most carefully. As the guards went to stand on the side, Luna walked up onto the platform next to the coffin and stepped towards the podium. The weather pegasi then parted a small section of the clouds so a soft ray of sunshine could illuminate the coffin as per Sombra’s wishes to bathe in his wife’s radiant sun one last time.

Luna then spoke into the microphone, “The royal family of Canterlot thanks you for your attendance today. For those who were not able to be here, their kind thoughts and words shall be most appreciated. This has been a difficult time for us, all of us. Not just for Sombra’s family, but also the many lives he touched during his time on Earth. He was a brave soul, for he took on one of the world’s most treacherous monsters and thus ended a dark age for our beloved kingdom. He was kind and fair, for he gave to the poor, rewarded those who did a great service, and punished those who sought to harm others. He was a great leader, for he led his ponies out of darkness and restored what was once thought to be lost.

“In all honesty, there are few words that can accurately describe Sombra. He was a king, a hero, a husband, a brother-in-law, a father, an uncle, a grandfather, a great-grandfather, and so much more. If Celestia had the strength to speak today, she would’ve rambled on about how wonderful he was.”

As the guests chuckled at her joke, Celestia blushed and gave a small smile, the first anyone had seen in so long. Or would’ve seen, had her black veil not obscured her face.

“We now open the service with Countess Coloratura’s rendition of Mother Earth and Father Time.”

Coloratura – at the piano – began to play the music and sang, “How very special are we…for just a moment to be…part of life’s eternal rhyme…How very special are we…to have on our family tree…Mother Earth…and Father Time…He turns the seasons around...and so she changes her gown…but they always look in their prime…They go on dancing their dance…of everlasting romance…Mother Earth…and Father Time…

“The summer larks return to sing…oh, what a gift they give…Then autumn days grow short and cold…Oh, what a joy to live…How very special are we…for just a moment to be…part of life’s eternal rhyme…How very special are we…to have on our family tree…Mother Earth…and Father Time…”

After Coloratura finished her song, the service commenced. A few members of the family and some family friends stood before the crowd to share their remembrances of Sombra. One of them was a unicorn who was part of Gusty the Great’s brigade. After encountering Sombra at one point of his journey, Gusty and her comrades were crucial in helping him send Grogar to Tartarus. All through the service, fond memories were shared, solemn yet celebratory music was played, and a heartfelt eulogy that praised Sombra endlessly was given. After the reflection, the guests rose from their seats and the casket was again placed onto the carriage. The ray of sunshine disappeared and the carriage resumed its journey.

The family and many guests trailed behind the carriage as it made its way down the last street it would travel on. For the last time, the tearful onlookers paid their respects to the deceased as the coffin rolled by. The carriage finally stopped near the mountainside, where a curtain of vines hid the secret passage to the King’s Crypt. The many secrets of the crypt – including how to enter the hidden door – were known only to the royal family and the royal morticians. No one else could enter the crypt except on the sole condition that the royals give their blessing and share the secrets of the tomb.

Once the followers came to a stop with the carriage, the unicorn guards lifted the casket from the carriage and carefully set it onto the wheeled cot just outside the curtain of vines. Luna once again spoke to the crowd and imparted the closing words of the service. When the time came to bury Sombra alongside his father, everyone lingered their gaze on his coffin for as long as possible. The royal morticians solemnly put their hooves on the cot and slowly wheeled it into the green curtain. A minute passed…then two.

Finally, the morticians emerged from the curtain and one of them said, “Sombra rests in peace now.”

Author's Note:

This chapter took me a good while to complete. With school starting up again, I am as usual tied down with my schedule and assignments. Another factor is that I had to do research with funerals, including Princess Diana’s. I do have some good news, though: I have plotted out the entire story, so it’s just a matter of writing it out.
The song featured here is “Mother Earth and Father Time” from Charlotte’s Web (1973). Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ipVHyKnx6Y
Just a little clarification: the basilica is the same place where the Friendship Festival was held.