• Published 1st Jan 2019
  • 9,473 Views, 205 Comments

Mother Moon, Daughter Nightmare - ShadowStar_IMHP

Who is Nightmare Moon without Luna? Without the drive to bring eternal night, her jealousy at her sister? Without Luna's influence could there be a chance for the Nightmare to be redeemed? In this Universe Equestria about to find out the answers.

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Chapter Nine

The family, her family now moves to the large dining table. Celestia at one end and Luna at the other. Nightshade found herself sat in a high chair, on the other side of the table Cadence and the Stallion Shining Armor. She figured out that he was Cadences betrothed. Somehow these ponies were now her family.

“Alright, I got tonight planned out. After dinner, we go to the club and enjoy the modern nightlife.” Cadence even bounced in her seat as she stated her plans. “It’s going to be so much fun a real royal girls night out.”

“Fun? What is this fun?” Luna asks looking puzzled.

“What do you mean? We used to have all kinds of fun. Our old castle was basically a funhouse with all the secret passages and tricks in it. Not to mention the pranks we played on Starswirl.” Celestia spoke with a hint of confusion.

Even Nightshade looks over “Fun?” Her mind ran through her thoughts trying to find meaning in the word.

Cadence stood up and walked to Luna looking at her with a tilt of her head. “Luna may I use my magic on you. I promise to not do anything to you I just want a reading.”

“What do you mean Cadence?” Celestia asks curiously.

Cadence nods “Most ponies believe I’m nothing more than a glorified Cupid. This is wrong I’m the princess of Love. Love itself is very complex you can love a place, family, things, and every type of love in itself is complex. To explain it I can sense the aspects of a pony that connects to others and things. I need to be able to do that in order...” She was interrupted then.

“She needs it to ship others.” Shining Armor chuckles “Really she has whole folders full of best compatibilities for couples. She even has one for Twilight.”

“I’m telling you that Twilight and Moondancer will have made a very cute couple. If only Twilight wasn’t so blind to Moondancer’s affection. Such a shame I was sure that Party situation would have worked too.” Cadence shook her head “Nevermind, as I was saying let me look at you Luna and see what’s happening.”

Luna watched the byplay then sighs nodding. “Very well thou may do so.”

Celestia stood up and walked over to where Shining was standing and whispers “So who she been shipping me with?”

Shining shook his head “Nope not going to say, Celestia.”

Cadence's eyes turn white then she gasps backing up her face a mixture of fear and confusion. “I.. I never have seen something like this. It’s like something blacked out every memory that brought joy. I see the heart of ponies like gems. Each facet an aspect to make the pony whole being. I see darkness clouding over parts of you Luna. Did... did the nightmare do this to you?”

Celestia gasps “Memories clouded? No, not the Nightmare, there another that do things like that. Clouding ponies minds... Sombra.”

Over a thousand years ago, Crystal Empire.

Celestia and Luna lead the troops down the streets of the Crystal City. Up ahead was the tower of the Crystal Palace. Around them, the faded Crystal ponies walk in a daze.

“What is wrong with them, sister?” Luna asks as she looks at the crystal ponies.

“They can’t recall aught just the torment King Sombra endues those folk. ” Celestia sees the fear flash in the ponies eyes that heard her.

The group continues along the path when the sky grows dark. “HE’S COMING!” A crystal pony yells before hiding.

“Luna, get to the palace, findeth the Crystal Heart I shall keepeth Sombra at bay. ”

“I shall guard thee, mine own Princess!” Came the voice of the silvery Shadow Striker as he joins Luna on the mad dash for the tower. Sealing his fate.

“Indeed Sombra corrupted the minds of his victims. I was... I was caught in a trap of his. It was when my beloved Shadow Striker died.”

Celestia started crying and hugged Luna. “It’s my fault. If I was paying more attention. I assumed your depression was just because of Shadow Striker. I never imagined there was more.”

“Who told me that we were too old for what might have been?” Luna hugged her sister back.

“So Sombra weakened your mind and made you susceptible to the Nightmare and it took you over?” Shining Armor asked thinking about it.

Celestia shook her head “That what the public knows. The truth was Nightmare Moon, and Luna is the same being. Now... now I understand why it happened.”

“Well, then it’s all the more reason for me to stay. Thanks for sending Prince Blueblood to the Yaks instead of me. I have a lot of work to do. If there any pony that can remove this Sombra’s corruption it is me. The first step is to make new memories and that starts with dinner.” Cadence smiles and goes to ring a bell for dinner.

“A good family meal, then a night out to strengthen the sisterly bond.” Cadence nods as she watches the two sisters embrace.

Shining Armor rubs his chin “If the corruption still there then what did the Elements of Harmony remove?”

Luna blinked as what Shining Armor said entered her mind. “What did they do?”

“Hello, am I’m chopped celery?” The baby Nightshade spoke up with her baby babble.

The four adult ponies look at the baby. Then Cadence smiles “Seems the Elements saved your child and gave you something to bring you joy.”

“Phhrrrrrrttttttth” Nightshade gave Cadence a raspberry. ~Then again if Nightmare Moon was the result of Sombra’s dark magic then... who am I? Discord called me bad memories given form... is that why I can remember Mystic Glow saying she was with foal and you can’t?~

About that time the servers arrived. The older ponies got eggplant parmesan where the server tending to Nightshade put a small bowl of orange paste. “Good news little princess we asked the doctor and he said you should be able to handle basic foods from time to time.” She scooped up a spoon full of the mush and brought it to Nightshade’s mussel.

Nightshade looked to the mush smelling carrots and some honey. Plan but then it’s better than having the bottle again. Even if it’s filling the formula was boring so she opened her mouth to accept the offered mashed carrots. “Oh, you are such a well behaved Princess.” The earth pony servant says. Nightshade looks at her seeing a mare of tan coat and green mane and tail.

The dinner went well till the end when Cream Puff’s mother Buttercream came in with a cart. On the cart was a large cake with blue icing, with stars and moon decorations. “Greetings Princesses! I made a lovely double chocolate cake decorated for the lost Princess Luna.” She cut up the cake and served Luna first.

“Thank you Buttercream. This dessert looks wonderful.”

“Why I don’t get any!” Nightshade whines as she reaches for the cake. “Sorry, little Princess no cake for you. The Doctor gave us a very strict diet guide.”

Nightshade gave the servant the stink eye then her horn lit up with the dark purple aura of hers. Soon Luna’s cake slice flew through the air and into the servant’s face.

“Oh my! Well, perhaps we have dessert later. We are going to be late for the club.” Cadence says as Celestia looks at the chocolate cake. “But, cake.”

The servant wiped the cake off her face and tasted it. “Well, it is a good cake.”

Luna picked up Nightshade and put her on her back. “I’m sure we enjoy the cake later, Buttercream. It doest seems the time is getting late we cand a nice snack once we return from this Club Arcane. ”

Buttercream nods “I make sure a stasis spell is on the cake to keep it fresh.”

“I shall take Nightshade to her Nanny and meet you two at the gates,” Luna says to Celestia and Cadence.

After a short trip through the halls, Luna came to the suite that was remade into Nightshade’s rooms.

Nightshade looked at the door then poked Luna and motions to Luna’s chambers.

“You are indeed a smart filly. No, my little nightshade, we aren’t going to my chambers. These are yours.” She pushes the door open and walks in.

Nightshade riding on her mother looked at the Purple chamber spotting the soft furniture. There hanging up a Zebra mask was a stripped pony. For a moment Nightshade thought he was a Zebra but there weren’t enough stripes and the ones on his legs were red. “Ah, Princesses it’s good to see you two.”

Luna smiles “Nightshade this is your Nanny Peppermint Heart he is taking care of you when I’m busy during the nights I’m busy.”

Nightshade fights the feeling of being abandoned that washed over her. She knows she wasn’t being so but like the feelings that hit her at the daycare the instinct to stay with Luna was strong. So instead of listing to that feeling, she starts exploring.

The mumble of the older pony fades in the background as she heads to the collection of stuffed toys. Shifting the toys about she lines them up in neat rolls. Seems even the toys from Luna’s chambers were here including her pony size Ursa. The lines of toys were before the Ursa. Nightshade let herself play for a change.

Her army was before her in full display. The troops were lined up in military formation as she walked back and forth before them. “Today we begin to bring the land under my rightful rule. Soon history will recall your actions as just. The ponies of today are soft and weak as our neighbors' plot to take what is rightfully ours. Today Equestria, tomorrow the world!” Nightshade stands there as the cheers sweep over her.

Peppermint watched as the filly played. Luna had already left for the night. He wondered what the filly was playing at. The wonderment grew more as he watched her walk in front of the toys. “Where did you learn to do that?”

After a time Nightshade grew tired sometime after the epic battle against the dragons. This, of course, was nothing more to Peppermint then watching Nightshade smashing stuffed toys together. He picks her up and after changing her diaper settle her into the crib.

Without the distractions, the question returned to her sleepy mind. Who am I? Family... her family she thought about Luna, her instincts tell her that Luna was her mother. The blood tests confirm it. Nightshade thinks trying to remember anything before Sombra. Who was her real mother? Was her father a pegasus? Nothing before going into the Crystal Palace.

Her thoughts move to Celestia. Another bundle of questions. Jealousy over what? Are those pompous nobles always showing favoritism to her? Even a thousand years ago Celestia didn’t go out to the commoners often. So the only ponies she interacted with was the nobility. Did she get jealous over nobles? Or was her memories distorted because of Sombra?

As much as she hates to think about it Discord seemed more and more right. She wasn’t anything more than some random memories given form. She curled up to hide her face in her wing and cried herself asleep.

Author's Note:

I always wondered why in Lunar Eclipse episode Luna didn't know what FUN was. She had a castle full of secrets and didn't know about fun. Add to the fact the whole jealousy thing seems very weak.

Then it dawned on me we seen Ponies act odd because of corruptive magic. Sombra made the Crystal Ponies forget everything joyful in their past. We also have seen Discord warp the Mane Six into opposites of their Elements.

Why couldn't something like that happen to Luna? Loyalty became Betrayal, Honesty became deceit, and Kindness turned into Cruelty. Some say Luna was Laughter but after talking with a friend we came with the idea she had Kindness.

Celestia has a mischief side that caused the Trollestia idea. So we consider her having Laughter. Generousity because of her giving the land where Sweet Apple Acers to the Apple family. Last is obvious and that's Magic.

This leaves Loyalty, Kindness, and Honesty for Luna.

But if she was corrupted by Sombra or Discord those elements would get twisted the end result is Nightmare Moon. Like how Fluttershy became Cruel, Applejack a lier, and Rainbow Dash disloyal.

Anyway that my headcanon and I'm sticking to it!

I focused on Nightshade viewpoint for this chapter next chapter is going to be Luna's perspective as she gets a taste of modern Pony clubbing, then into Nightshade's Nightmare.

Luna speaking more modern this chapter just a few times she slips up. She's trying! Really that helps with my Headcanon given how Nightmare Moon spoke modern English. Not to mention Starswirl in Shadow Play spoke modern.

Like always I know somewhere I messed up. Spelling or Grammar wise there bound to be a mistake. If you see any let me know and I be happy to fix it.