• Published 12th Jan 2019
  • 7,661 Views, 393 Comments

Principal Noses and Ancient Roses - Irrespective

An ancient foe draws the nosey Prince and the Lunar Princess to the strange and unfamiliar land of the Equestria Girls

  • ...


* * 🥘 * *

“You know, they never mention this part in any of the stories I read,” Mister Bean remarked to Principal Celestia as he swept the confetti and broken hot dog bits into a pile on the stage. “I’m also a bit miffed that my barbeque was used for heckling the Dazzlings off the stage. At least I used the cheap generic brand, I suppose.”

Celestia giggled a bit at that as she swept her small pile towards his. “It’s the conservation of detail, Mister Bean. The climax of this story has now come and gone, and a reader isn’t going to be interested in the mundane act of cleaning. They want the conclusion; the resolution of the plot points that have heretofore remained unresolved.”

“I guess I still have a lot to learn about writing.”

“You’ll get there, Bean. You’ve already got a good start going.”

Mister Bean gave a half-smile to that, and her heart performed a small backflip in her chest as she gazed into his sparkling sea green eyes. “Thanks. I don’t think I’ll quit my day job just yet, though.”

“I hope not. I’ve gotten used to having you around.”

“I do have plenty of material to use, I gotta admit. Talking ponies, alternate dimensions, sirens, brainwashing and magical rainbows of doom. It’s all so fantastic that it borders on the unbelievable.” Bean tapped his chin in thought. “I suppose it could be written as fiction.”

“The truth is sometimes the most unbelievable thing of all, in my experience.” Celestia said with a small shrug. “But it does make for some wonderous stories, if done properly.”

“That’d be the trick.” Mister Bean paused to glance up at the night sky, and he took in a slow breath. “You know what’d be the funniest part of the whole thing? It’d be when one of the main characters tells the others about how a talking yellow pony gave him dating advice and told him to ask his unrequited crush out on a date.”

“The amusement would be doubled when the crush reveals that the talking yellow pony kissed her.”

“He did?” Bean sounded so forlorn that Celestia tried her best to stifle a giggle, made only worse when he added under his breath, “Great. The pony me gets more action than I did.”

She had no real intention of responding, but Celestia found herself saying “That could change, if you’d like.”

Mister Bean’s broom hit the floor, and he stammered a bit as he bent down and picked it up. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, in the end.”


“Well, there’s the nepotism rules to start. I’d have to transfer to a different high school if we did get serious.”

“Crystal Preparatory Academy is not too far from here, and I hear Principal Cinch is looking for a dietician, too.” Celestia leaned against her broom. “At least you don’t think I’m too old for you.”

“You’re not old,” countered Bean immediately. “You’re just... um... I better stop there.”

“Seven years difference,” said Celestia. “I have your employment records, after all.”

“Oh. I thought that you would…” Mister Bean trailed off, and his eyes went to the bristles of his broom. “Well, even after all that, I know about Sombra and Chrysalis. I’m pretty extra sure that you don’t want to ever experience that kind of pain ever again.”

“True, I will be most cautious in the future due to my past. What I told myself was control I see now was domination. Confidence was arrogance, and care was really abuse. But that strange pony and a rather blunt sister have helped me to see that I have allowed my fear to deny me the potential for joy.”

Bean’s eyes betrayed his inner confusion over her words, but he did not flinch away when her hand gently touched his. If anything, his hand had reached out first.

“I don’t know if this will work out,” she said as she stepped closer, “but I am told that it’s worth a try, and it’s been working pretty good so far.”

“I’ve heard that, too,” Bean affirmed.

“At the very least, we could see what this could be.” For the first time she lowered her gaze, a bashful blush burning in her cheeks. “It would be nice to have a new friend.”

“You know what?” He gave her hand a squeeze, and he smiled as his eyes met hers once more. “I always like making new friends, too.”

“It’s about time,” Star Struck announced from backstage. The dietician and the principal gasped at the intrusion, but both laughed as Star approached and gave them both an approving smile. “Ah was wonderin’ how long it was gonna take before one of you made a move.”

“There’s still a lot we need to learn about each other,” Mister Bean warned.

“Ah think you’ll be just fine if’n you never forget that,” Star quipped. “However, Ah was tryin’ to find Luna. Do either of you know where she is?”

“I thought she went home,” Celestia said with a wink for Mister Bean. “Something about having a rather large headache.”

“And I would be there,” Luna added as she approached from their left, “but we did carpool here together, Sister. A few aspirins have done much to improve it, but I would still like to retire for the evening as soon as is practical.”

“Oh, lass!” Star was instantly at Luna’s side, and she hummed a bit as he took her into his gentle embrace. “Why dinna you say somethin’? Ah can give you a ride home right now!”

“I would greatly appreciate that, Deputy. You truly do serve and protect, don’t you?”

“Ah do my best,” he said with a soft chuckle. “But since Ah finally have your sister here as a witness, I do have something to ask you, if Ah could.”

“Oh? What is it?” Luna asked with a knowing and expectant twinkle in her eye.

“Well, it’s what Ah wanted to talk to you about earlier. Ah’ve been thinking a lot, and Ah realize that Ah’m happiest when Ah’m with you. Ah know you could do better than me, if’n you wanted, and Ah can’t promise that Ah wouldn’t be a thick-headed wulver at times, and—”

Vice Principal Luna slid one hand over his lips, and she gave him a playfully annoyed look. “Oh, just ask already so I can say yes.”

“What? You wanna really—oh!” Star released her, and a round of laughter was shared as he dropped to one knee and produced a velvet box from his pocket. “Right, right. Luna, my dear light in the night, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

“I was wondering if you were ever going to ask,” Luna replied with a tearful smile, and she held her left hand out towards him. “Deputy Star Struck, I accept your proposal.”

“Really?” the Deputy squealed in delight for what was probably the first time in his life, and he fumbled for a moment before pulling the ring from the box and sliding onto her hand.

“A perfect fit,” Celestia noted with a sniffle of her own. There was no hesitation on her part as she moved into Mister Bean’s embrace, and she rubbed noses with him while Luna tackled Star and wrapped him up in the biggest bear hug Canterlot High School had ever seen.*

*Later, at the Canterlot Hospital Emergency Room

“I am so sorry!” Luna whispered with deep remorse.

“Och, ‘tis naught but a few cracked ribs. I’ll heal.”

* * 🥘 * *

Almost One Week Later

Principal Celestia smiled and waved to her students as they filtered out of Canterlot High, and a warm delight grew in her chest as she caught the snippets of conversations regarding their various plans for their upcoming weekend. Life had settled back into its normal pattern once more, and the predictability of that pattern always gave the dutiful administrator a sense of accomplishment and peace.

Yet, not everything had returned to normal, and as she deftly caught the frisbee that had sailed her way, she reflected for a moment on how wonderful that truly was. Tonight was to be her first date with Mister Baked Bean, and despite all of the pain and heartache she had gone through in the past, she was actually looking forward to this opportunity. The dietician had been most attentive as they had discussed Sombra’s betrayal in detail over the last week, and he expressed a heartfelt and sincere conviction to never do the same.

The best part of that promise was that she believed him.

“Is this yours?” Celestia held the frisbee out to Snips, who took it with a “thanks” and then sent it airborne once more towards Snails. Thankfully, there had been no residual effects from the siren’s magic, apart from some scattered headaches and a lot of apologies, and she smiled as she observed the magic of friendship among the student body. The sirens themselves had disappeared without a trace after the Battle of the Bands, and although Celestia was obligated to report their absence to the authorities, she was reasonably sure that Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk would not be seen in the halls of Canterlot High at any point in the future.

“Good afternoon, Miss Shimmer,” Celestia greeted with a smile as Sunset walked up to her. “How was your practice session with the Rainbooms?”

“It went really well,” Sunset said with a slight squeal of joy. “Fluttershy has this great new song she’s started, and we’re all trying to help her get it finished. We’ll have to give you a preview once it’s a little further along.”

“I would be delighted to hear it.”

“Would you happen to have a free minute? I just got a message from Princess Celestia in my journal. I guess Prince Bean is coming over for a visit and wants to talk to the Rainbooms and to you. He said he’d be here in ten minutes. I already told the others, and they’re going to meet us out there.”

“Oh, I suppose I could tear myself away from the requisition forms for a few minutes,” Celestia said with a grin.

“How’s Vice Principal Luna and Deputy Star Struck doing?”

“I’m afraid my sister has become a bit insufferable.” Celestia sighed in a good-natured way, and she rolled her eyes. “She has purchased every bridal book and magazine she can find, she is flooding her social media with requests for recommendations for everything from cakes to venues, and I have had to confiscate her credit cards to keep her from buying every wedding gown that she looks at online. It is going to be a grand celebration, and I would not be surprised if every last student received an invitation to attend.”

“Maybe she should just have the wedding in the gym,” Sunset joked as they began to walk towards the exit.

“It would be a more affordable option,” Celestia mused.

“Well, whatever she chooses to do, it’ll be awesome. Do you think she’ll invite any Equestrians?”

“I think she will invite Prince Bean and his wife, but she will be understanding if they are unable to attend. Princess Twilight will receive her own invitation, that I know for sure.”

Sunset snickered slightly as she pushed open the main door and followed the Principal outside. “It’s gonna be a bit weird to have two of you in the same room, if they do come.”

“True, but I have to admit I would like to speak to my counterpart at some point. I believe she and I would have much to talk about.” Celestia caught herself rubbing her own flat stomach and pulled her hand away quickly, before anybody else noticed. It would wait, after all.

“Princess Celestia would like to have that conversation as well,” Prince Bean called out. The principal and the student gasped at his sudden intrusion into their conversation, but that gave way to smiles and handshakes as the rest of the Rainbooms approached and formed a loose group around the two.

“I thought you said you’d be here in ten minutes,” Sunset playfully teased, and Prince Bean shrugged with a grin.

“Must be that pesky time difference between our dimensions. Go figure.”

“I must say,” Rarity pulled on the sleeve of the Prince’s immaculate blue coat, “this uniform is simply inspired! The brass buttons add a subtle boldness to your overall bearing, and this stitching is so tight and clean!”

“You’ll be pleased to hear that your pony counterpart was the one responsible for this creation,” Bean said, and Rarity swelled with pride.

“Naturally she would be, darling.”

“It’s good to see you again, Your Highness,” Fluttershy offered. “We all really wanted to thank you and Princess Luna for your help.”

“It was our pleasure, entirely. However, now that my wife halfway trusts that I won’t wander off when she lets me off my leash, she wanted me to pass along some things to you.”

“She does?” Rainbow Dash asked, and Prince Bean nodded.

“Both my wife and Twilight Sparkle do, actually. First off, I have this.” Prince Bean bent down with a slight wince, and he pulled a hardbound book from a box that had been waiting patiently beside him. With a quick flip, he revealed that the front cover was emblazoned with Twilight Sparkle’s cutie mark, and he smiled as he opened the volume and revealed the blank pages. “Princess Twilight would like to keep in touch, so she had these journals prepared for all of you. They are linked together in the same way Princess Celestia’s journal was linked to Sunset Shimmer’s book, so you may write to her whenever you like.”

“Awesome!” Pinkie Pie declared while Bean handed the journals out to the girls.

“She even has one for you,” Bean continued as he handed not one, but two books to Principal Celestia. “That bottom book is linked to Princess Celestia, and I believe she has already written a message to you in it. Both she and I would love to be your penpals, if we may.”

“Of course. I look forward to our correspondence,” Celestia replied with a smile.

“Next, I have a declaration that my wife wants me to read.” Prince Bean produced a long scroll from the box, unfurled the whole of it, and cleared his throat. “Let’s see. ‘Be it known, that on this, the fifth day of—’ oh, this is all just formal stuff. Let me see. ‘Exceptional bravery, fortitude in the face of dire odds, true ally to Equestria,’ blah blah blah, ah! Here’s the good part. ‘...that the Kingdom of Equestria does hereby recognize Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, and Principal Celestia with the Pink Heart of Courage.’ I have one here for each of you, along with copy of this official declaration.”

“Ah, shucks,” Applejack stammered as she doffed her hat and accepted the medal. “Y’all didn’t need to do this. We were more than happy to help out.”

“Well, the Princess insisted you should receive this high award for your actions, and I wholeheartedly agreed.”

‘Thank you kindly, Yer Highness.”

Each member of the Rainbooms thanked Prince Bean as they accepted their award, but Rainbow Dash immediately took hers in hand and studied it a bit closer with a devious grin. “Heh, wait ‘till Trixie gets a load of this! She’s gonna be furious!”

The others simply rolled their eyes at this, and Prince Bean chuckled. “Let’s see. Oh! For Principal Celestia, I have this.” He produced a rather large cloth bag which rattled and clanked while he handed it to her.

“What is this?” Celestia asked as she untied the drawstring, and a gasp came when she beheld the contents.

“I do believe there should be one dozen of each stone,” Bean offered when Celestia pulled out a diamond the size of a large pea. “Amethysts, rubies, emeralds, and whatever else we had lying around. I offer it to you as a small token of our appreciation. Weddings are expensive,” he added.

“I don’t…” Tears welled up in Celestia’s eyes, and the Rainbooms quickly moved to hug their beloved principal. “I don’t know what to say. This is…”

“I’ll say you said ‘thank you,’” Bean replied with a wink. “I am a sap for happy endings, after all.

“And that’s just about it. On behalf Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and the Kingdom of Equestria, I offer all of you my most sincere thanks for your assistance. May you all be richly rewarded for your actions, and may Harmony continue to guide your steps.”

Another round of thanks from the girls was shared with a group hug for the Prince, but then Pinkie Pie gasped, and her eyes lit up in delight. “You know what this calls for? A ‘We’re Heroines in Equestria’ party at Sugarcube Corner! My treat!”

The idea was met with much acceptance, but as the Rainbooms began to walk away, Prince Bean called out to Sunset. “May I have another moment of your time, Miss Shimmer?”

“You girls go ahead. I’ll catch up to you,” Sunset said to the others before drawing in a long breath and facing Prince Bean. “This is about that question I asked in the journal, isn’t it?”

“It is. The Princess is waiting, but you are under no obligation to come. If you need more time—”

“No, no.” Sunset glanced at Principal Celestia, and the memories of her time as the student to the other Celestia flashed before her. “I want to do this. I think I need to do it, really.” She hesitated again, glanced around, and swallowed hard. “Is she just kinda mad at me, or is she really mad?”

“You’ll have to come see for yourself,” Bean replied as he swept one hand back toward the portal.

Sunset flinched back, but she felt a small pulse of comfort when Principal Celestia put a hand on her shoulder. “If I may offer some advice, I have found it is much easier to enjoy the present if you can come to terms with your past.”

“You’re right. I’m ready, Your Highness. Let’s go.”

* * * *

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

It was an old adage that Sunset had heard dozens of times, but the true depths of the statement were now revealing themselves to her as she walked down the main hallway of the Palace and towards her old mentor.

The changes—as they had manifested when she had stepped through the portal and beheld Twilight Sparkle’s new home—were remarkable and awe-inspiring, to say the least. The Princess of Friendship had been waiting to greet Sunset, and after a quick tour, Twilight had insisted on tagging along with Prince Bean and Sunset for moral support. Sunset was more than happy to have her Equestrian friend by her side, and that gratitude had grown exponentially as they had approached Canterlot.

Nothing about her old home had changed. The colors, the smells, and even the cool touch of the tiles beneath her hooves reminded her of a life that she had rejected so many moons ago. While she knew it did no good to dwell on what might have been, she couldn’t help but wonder if she would be the one with a pair of wings and the title of Princess, if she had followed the instructions of the Princess and controlled her cravings for power.

There was one detail that was slightly different, however, and Sunset had to ask about it. “Prince Bean, why are all the stained glass windows being replaced?”

“Ah, that.” Bean chuckled nervously. “That would have been me. When Tirek attacked, I thought I could buy some time by knocking them out so he would not know about Twilight. Celly tells me the greatest artisans and glassmiths are hard at work on the repairs, but it will be several years before they can be fully restored. Even then, some of them will be quite a bit different, much to the consternation of the artistic community.” Bean scuffed one hoof along the marble floor. “In ten or twenty years, they may even talk to me again.”

“It was all for a good reason,” Twilight added. “The value of the windows is nothing compared to the value of the lives you saved.”

“I would debate you on my methods, but we’ll save it for another time,” Bean said as the ornate double doors to the throne room swung open. “We’re here.”

Sunset swallowed hard, and her head dipped low as she was lead in by the Prince. Princess Celestia radiated the same power and command that she always had, and her wings flared out as she glared at the approaching ponies. Sunset felt a bit relieved when Princess Luna gave her a wink, but the effect was only temporary. As difficult and as awkward as it was going to be, Sunset knew what she had to do.

“Introducing Miss Sunset Shimmer, Your Highness,” Bean said with a small bow.

There was an awkward pause, but then Sunset inhaled deeply and lifted her gaze to the Princess upon the throne. “Princess Celestia, the last time we saw each other, I was your snide little pupil who betrayed and abandoned you. I come before you now a changed pony, humbly asking for forgiveness for my past misdeeds and my many, many offenses against you. I have learned so much about the magic of friendship during these past few months, and if you can find it in your heart, I would like to be your friend again as well.”

Celestia’s wings folded down, but her gaze remained impassive. The tension was crushing, and Sunset’s eyes went back to her hooves in shame. “Or I can just go, and you never have to see me again.”

The familiar, feather-light touch of Princess Celestia’s hoof gently tilted Sunset’s eyes up, and her heart pounded with joy when she saw her former teacher’s soft smile.

“I’ve missed you, Sunset Shimmer.”

Tears flowed on their own accord, and Sunset felt a calm serenity wash all of her concerns away as the teacher and the student embraced each other. For several long moments, there was nothing but the calm tranquility of forgiveness and reconciliation, but when Sunset pulled back, a playful smile was tugging at her lips.

“So, a little yellow pony told me you got married.”

“Among other things,” Celestia replied with a laugh while one hoof gently rubbed her own stomach. “Could you stay for tea, Sunset? I believe we have much to talk about.”

“I would love to, Princess,” Sunset replied over Twilight Sparkle’s squee of delight.

* * * *

Sunset Shimmer smiled as she flipped open her journal, and she paused for a moment in thought. Now that she was back at Canterlot High with her friends, she had a homework assignment from the Princess, and she was looking forward to completing this one.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Thank you once again for everything! I wish there was some way I could pay you back, but I know that will be impossible. All I can do is follow your advice, and I promise I’ll do the best I can to learn all about friendship, both from Princess Twilight and from my friends here at Canterlot High.

As for your homework, I hardly know how to express everything I want to share. So much has happened, and I don’t know what we would have done without Prince Bean and Princess Luna. When I first wrote to you asking for help, I didn’t know how much both of them would change my life. I know that the beauty of this world…

Sunset paused, chortled a bit, and shook her head as she continued writing.

struck your husband in a most unique way, and I doubt he will ever forget the impact we had on him. Princess Luna was quite enamored with this world as well, and I am sure she will keep many fond memories from her time here.

A buzzing in Sunset’s pocket broke her concentration, and she smiled as she quickly glanced at the text she’d just been sent.

Will write more later, Princess. Band practice is about to start!

Your friend and student forever,

Sunset Shimmer

Sunset closed the book with a happy sigh, and she began to walk towards the practice rooms. While there was still so much she had to learn, the path she needed to take was clearer now than it had ever been before, and she knew that, with friends on both sides of the mirror, she could achieve anything she wanted to.

“Miss Shimmer?”

Sunset smiled and waved to the other Celestia she had befriended. “Hi, Principal Celestia. How are you doing?”

“I’m doing well, thank you. Have you seen Mister Bean? I have a few items of business I need to discuss with him, but I can’t find him anywhere.”

“No, I can’t say that I have.”

It was just then that a beautiful piano sonata drifted down the hallway, and a look of amazement was shared between principal and pupil before they both followed the sound. The adagio pacing of the tune seemed to keep the overall tone tight and crisp, and Sunset wondered who could could be playing such a beautiful aria with nothing more than eighty-eight keys and a deft hand.

“Mister Bean?!” Celestia exclaimed.

“Principal Celestia!” Mister Bean immediately stopped playing and sent the piano bench flying backwards as he stood. “I was just, um… just practicing.”

“You never told me you could play the piano,” Celestia said with amazement.

“Well, you never asked,” he sheepishly replied. “I’m not that good, though.”

Sunset giggled as Principal Celestia twiddled a lock of her multihued hair around one finger and blushed. “Could you play some more?”

Mister Bean nodded with a soft grin. “I would love to.”

* * * *

“Bean?” Princess Celestia called out from the bathroom. “Are you still reading that Star Struck book?”

“Mm-hmm,” he grunted back without looking up.

“You should put that up. It’s time for bed.”

“But I am in bed,” he countered with a grin.

“Perhaps, but I have found it is very difficult to multitask while in bed.”

Bean glanced up, and his heart swelled with delight—and a few other emotions—as his beloved wife slunk into the room in a loosely-tied silk robe. A sultry smile overtook her perfect face as she delicately pranced over to him, and Bean completely forgot about the book as she slid onto the bed.

“You see, this thing—” Celestia pointed behind her “—most certainly does not work separately from this—” and she kissed him “—or these” she added, wrapping her forelegs around his neck and pulling him close. “No paperwork in bed for me or you. Put that book down.”

“But it’s a good book,” protested Bean, but still giving in to a long kiss. “A really good book,” he added.

“I’m better,” purred Celestia as she turned off the light.

Comments ( 70 )

“You see, this thing—” Celestia pointed behind her “—most certainly does not work separately from this—” and she kissed him “—or these” she added, wrapping her forelegs around his neck and pulling him close. “No paperwork in bed for me or you. Put that book down.”

“But it’s a good book,” protested Bean, but still giving in to a long kiss. “A really good book,” he added.

“I’m better,” purred Celestia as she turned off the light.

she's got a fair point there Bean, you can't snuggle or marry a book (even if Twilight insists you can :facehoof:) also you can't boop a book so she's got you there

Happy Endings all around! :pinkiehappy:

With just a bit of meta :rainbowlaugh:

Oh no Sunset forgot to bring the toaster along :O

Awww yiss, happy endings with a happy ending :trollestia:

And she's gonna keep him there, too. :trollestia:
She'll bring one when she next visits. :twilightsmile:

Everypony loves a good happy ending. :pinkiehappy:

“It’s about time,” Star Struck announced from backstage. The dietician and the principal gasped at the intrusion, but both laughed as Star approached and gave them both an approving smile. “Ah was wonderin’ how long it was gonna take before one of you made a move.”

I am Star Struck in this scene :moustache:

“I’m better,” purred Celestia as she turned off the light.

I don't think he'll disagree :twilightsmile:

A great happy ending indeed!

I do hope this is a "Til we meet again" to Prince Bean and his beloved wife, not a solid goodbye. But, in either event, it was absolutely beautiful.

This series is so wholesome and delightful!


I don't think he'll disagree :twilightsmile:

Not in the slightest. :yay:
Don't you worry, there is still more Prince Bean and Princess Celestia action coming up soon! :trollestia:
Why thank you! :pinkiehappy:

Good ending, nice work

Also, with this story over, those this mean that you might continue in the harem one in the near future?

Another great story keep up the good bean work lol



It was just then that a beautiful piano sonata drifted down the hallway, and a look of amazement was shared between principal and pupil before they both followed the sound. The adagio pacing of the tune seemed to keep the overall tone tight and crisp, and Sunset wondered who could could be playing such a beautiful aria with nothing more than eighty-eight keys and a deft hand.

What you did there, I can see it.

I am planning on writing another Harem chapter next, yes. :)

Another excellent story comes to a conclusion,I salute you dear author and look forward to your next work,

Another wonderful story! Thank you for all your hard work and letting me wake up to such a wonderful read.:twilightsmile:

Is good! Hope there'll be another story after this pertaining to the child and all the fun that'll cause.

It was just then that a beautiful piano sonata drifted down the hallway, and a look of amazement was shared between principal and pupil before they both followed the sound. The adagio pacing of the tune seemed to keep the overall tone tight and crisp, and Sunset wondered who could could be playing such a beautiful aria with nothing more than eighty-eight keys and a deft hand.

“Mister Bean?!” Celestia exclaimed.

“Principal Celestia!” Mister Bean immediately stopped playing and sent the piano bench flying backwards as he stood. “I was just, um… just practicing.”

This reminded me of the scene in the Corpse Bride when Victor's playing at the piano and Victoria (very imaginative name by the way Tim Burton) comes to listen, causing Victor a similar reaction, it was the first time the two met after all.

Was Principal Celestia pregnant or just hoping to become pregnant like her counterpart?

Just hoping. One day, maybe. :twilightsmile:
I haven't seen that one all the way through yet. I need to.
Said story is being plotted out in my head as we speak! :yay:
You're welcome! :pinkiehappy:

It's a rather predictable film. I was about eight or nine when I first saw it and even then I knew what would happen.

My face appears to be frozen in a satisfied grin. I believe this is your doing. Good job.

Hehe, so sweet!
It's been super fun!

aw a super ending to a awesome story.

now time will tell how the story grows from here.

like speak to my counterpart

either "to speak" or "speaking"

Gah! :facehoof:
I shall fix that.

Fantastic ending to another great Bean & Co. story!

Celestia giggled a bit at that as she swept her small pile towards his. “It’s the conservation of detail, Mister Bean. The climax of this story has now come and gone, and a reader isn’t going to be interested in the mundane act of cleaning. They want the conclusion; the resolution of the plot points that have heretofore remained unresolved.”

I don't know what Irrespective looks like but I feel as though when they wrote this their expression was somewhere along the lines of:


:pinkiehappy: Something along those lines.

A nice story and sweet ending though a part of me can't help but picture Luna getting an invite to hold her wedding in Canterlot.

I did wonder if it was a nod to the Victor/Victoria film.

Me too.

That was exactly what I was going for yes. :3

Needless to say, they only sell this in Scotland. (Or at least, I have yet to see it anywhere else.)

Ah, I should be safe then. :twilightsmile:

Is this required reading for the series?

Honestly, no. There will be a reference here and there, but if you like, you can go from This Nose straight to Pregnant Nose.

Oh good deal, I'm not a large enough fan of EQG to go back and forth.

Heee. Oh that was truly a delight! Your stuff is just so damn fun to read. Has me in half a mind to start up a new fic myself.

I love everything about this. Every bit was wonderful, and I'm so glad I came back to read it!

And now on to pregnant noses and harem noses!
A sentence worthy of Discord, I think.

“I do believe there should be one dozen of each stone,” Bean offered when Celestia pulled out a diamond the size of a large pea. “Amethysts, rubies, emeralds, and whatever else we had lying around. I offer it to you as a small token of our appreciation. Weddings are expensive,” he added.

Can you say ‘set for life?’

It's Celestia. How could Bean do any less, human or not? :yay:

Sweet! I shall blog this forthwith! :yay:

Bean glanced up, and his heart swelled with delight—and a few other emotions—as his beloved wife slunk into the room in a loosely-tied silk robe. A sultry smile overtook her perfect face as she delicately pranced over to him, and Bean completely forgot about the book as she slid onto the bed.

His heart, and another part of himself, I’ll bet...

It was just then that a beautiful piano sonata drifted down the hallway, and a look of amazement was shared between principal and pupil before they both followed the sound. The adagio pacing of the tune seemed to keep the overall tone tight and crisp, and Sunset wondered who could could be playing such a beautiful aria with nothing more than eighty-eight keys and a deft hand.

Ha! I see what you did there you little sneak.

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