• Published 6th Jun 2019
  • 1,020 Views, 3 Comments

A Few Words For Him. - sejox

Your wish for a better life for Spike rests on the hoofs of his friends. Are they truly the best option for him, or will your proposal convince Spike to choose a better way?

  • ...

One Shot

Brimming eyes are set upon you, eight pairs in total detailing your form, hair, and figure. The ponies and dragon, owners of those eyes, scan that new creature before them. You smile at the issue, thinking on how the humans would react in the same situation... probably with guns at hands.

"What are you?" asked the purple one in the middle of the room's table-shaped map, the one known to you as Twilight Sparkle.

You laughed and told her your name and race, which made her and the rest all the more confused.

"That is not true, you are a changeling disguised as... well let's leave it as how you called it since I have never seen that kind of creature before," The pink unicorn, Starlight, said.

A smile curled your lips. "Well that is a funny story," you said before transforming into another creature, not a changeling but something you felt more comfortable wearing. The ponies and the drake around you became ever more confused afterward since they were expecting you to turn into a changeling... not a dragon, a female one to be specific.

"Yo, not funny, we already know what you are," Rainbow Dash, the pegasus said before hovering above us.

"Yeah, but you don't know who I am," I corrected while raising my pointy green finger. Fluttershy, the other Pegasus, asked nicely for an explanation and I was happy to concede it. "Glad you asked, shy, and that is a yes I know you, all of you to be honest. But most importantly," You pointed to Spike the only real dragon on the room, "I know about you, Spikey Wy-"

A killing intent traveled down your spine and made your scales shudders. You glanced to the alabaster unicorn staring at you, "so that part was true..." you whispered before recomposing your pose, "It's something the matter, Miss Rarity?"

The mare hummed in discomfort, and avoided your glancing eyes, "nothing, I was just looking at your choice of colors..."

"Yeah, right, that must be," you cooed, "and here I was thinking you were willing to kill me the moment I call Spike by his nickname," your tone turned cocky as you stared back at Rarity, "Well, where was I? oh, right, Spikey Wicky is a special dragon for me."

You felt joy upon seeing the anger burning the mare's cheeks to red. "He is a drake left behind by his own fathers, a dragon that was taken either by a busy governor or..." you glanced to Twilight, "her unprepared and inappropriate student."

"Spit it out already," hissed Rainbow Dash.

"I'm about to," you replied. "Spike, you grew up in a society that had been either fighting or running away from your species for centuries... yet," your breath escaped your lungs as your eyes kept focused on the dragon, making him visibly anxious and uncomfortable... all the more cute for you. "yet, you managed to make something no other dragon had ever done: unlike them, you are not as feared or hated." as you stare upon his eyes, you see the reflection of your pupils shaping into hearts, "you are better than them, you made others feel calm and..."

Rarity approached the drake and took him into her hooves, "another crazy creature it is..." she growled in her own refined language while judging you with her eyes, "just like those radical fans from the crystal kingdom."

You glared at her, "at least let him speak first, I promise not to hurt him," I offered. Rarity nodded after looking the pleading eyes from the drake, and stood by his side.

"I'm very grateful for your compliments... and a little mad about the things you said to Rarity and Twilight," Spike paused, "I'm willing to hear you out since I'm still curious about that human form you showed us earlier."

"Oh- yeah, sorry…" you scratched the back of your head. "I got carried away while talking about you, Spike," you breathed, "let me put it short: I’m from another world and because of some heavy stuff, that I don't want to explain, me and millions of humans know about your adventures... or better say the adventures held by the residents of Equestria."

"How do you get here exactly?" prompted Twilight.

"Hold on a second there Twilight, there is something more important," urged the orange mare known to you as Applejack. You felt confused upon seeing her face turning red. "Does humans watch us all at times or... ?"

"Oh, nonono," you responded quickly to ease the mares and the drake, "... but most of us would want to..." you added for the presents’ embarrassment and for your own amusement. After a good laugh, you explained yourself, "we only see a resume of the important parts of your adventures in a compressed time, twenty-four to sixty minutes approximately."

"An entire world watching us?" asked Pinkie Pie, the pink fluffy mare, "that's a little creepy, even for Fluttershy standards."

"Hey!" Fluttershy yelled or better say tried. the little shenanigan made you laugh in a way that they felt more comfortable, yet it was something new for them to see you like that.

"Well, you'll see," you gestured to them, as if praising them, "this is why we like to watch you all, for your clumsy shenanigans, your occurrences, your hardships and your happy days," you explained with a calm expression before taking a serious tone. "The thing is that our world is not, or will ever be, as good as this one. There is so much hate, corruption, and things alike in that place... Sure, There are good humans and life still offer us some light from time to time but... sometimes, we humans just want to see others being happy; we like to be shown the beauty of the world we live in, we want someone to tell us that life has something for us, that not everything is lost, that..." a tear trailed down your face, making you aware of your own words, "god, excuse me, I tend to get lost on my thoughts while talking."

"It looks like your kind goes through a lot," Pinkie said, "I'll try to make a good show for you all."

"So in short, a whole world is watching at me making stunts every day?" asked Rainbow with enough astonishment on her that her pupils shaped themselves like stars, "That is awesome!" she cheered and hovered up to the ceiling, but stopped mid-way, "wait, do they watch me when I fail too?"

"Why would you think they like to see you so much?" Applejack teased.

"Well, at least is better than seeing your sweaty plot every day," Rainbow barked back.

After that, the whole room became a chit-chat catastrophe as the mares and the drake bombed questions about this new world of yours, so much, in fact, was their curiosity that they couldn't wait for an answer before asking another question. You decided to just laugh and wait for them to calm down.

"Wait, that means they knew about my fail attempts at time travel?" Starlight asked.

"What do you mean with failed attempts? Is there something you are keeping from me Starlight?" Twilight urged in a mix of anger and fear.

"Come on Twilight, I'm sure that it can't be that bad," Spike prompted, "at least not as bad as that time you summoned that god of--" Twilight took Spike and muted him with her hoof.

You smiled and laughed quietly while watching at the whole scene unfurl. Spike being now the only quiet (by force) of the group got your attention. You saluted him with a kiss, making him blush and avert his eyes.

"How cute," you fawned. The scene was something you wanted to keep for a while, but time wasn't your ally, so you decided to get the group's attention, "mares, please, may I have your attention?" you asked, obviously waiting to not be heard for them. "Well, at least I was expecting that"

You blew a cloud of fire into the air above the mares, eyes now set upon you. "that's better, now girls, I need to be quick on this, time is running out and I need to go back to my own world and prepare the lunch for my daughter," you explained before cleaning some ashes that fell on your head, "So let me start with this."

You breathed deeply, "Spike, I love you, and I want you to live with me in my world."

"No thank you."

You wanted to see the expression on the mares around him, but he answered so quickly that it left them no time to react. "Ha, ha... it’s a bit sad that I was expecting that answer from you. You just love your ponies that much don't you?"

Spike nodded, "They are my family and to leave them will take a whole lot more than just a love declaration from a stranger."

I smiled at him, "loyal to the ones you love. I adore that of you, Spike. Well, actually I love everything about you, from your kind heart to your troublesome ego. I could use all the time I have to explain how lost in love I am, but..."

You glanced at Rarity with inquisitive eyes, “if you really want to stay here, then your answer doesn’t matter. Only your friend’s words will save you.”

You knew that Spike was someone that defied fillies sometimes because of his innocence. His love towards his friends may be true, but you wanted to make sure that he was indeed in good hands and that his future could be bright.

Rainbow Dash, as straight forward, as she will ever be, didn’t think in the same way. Her intentions were clear enough to know what was she going to say, but still, you had to let her speak.

“Agh, blahblahblah. Let’s just kick him out of our dimension; I don’t like this human one bit.”

She didn’t even finish speaking before adopting a fighting stand; ready to charge at me. Of course, you wouldn’t let her have her way, but a fight wasn’t the best option either.

“Rainbow, may I remind you that dragons’ claws and teeth are sharp and strong enough to break diamonds? Let’s keep it cool for a moment,” you proposed. However Rainbow Dash couldn’t take that as a reason to stop her, so you produced another idea, “Let’s make a deal, if so happens that we end up fighting, I’ll let you be the first one to hit.”

The fire in her eyes didn’t dim, so you decided to prepare your claws for a demonstration.
“Dash, take it easy for now.”

The words of reason came in the form of a purple magical aura; Twilight had stopped her friend before things could get nasty. You felt relieved at the fact of not wasting more time in fighting, yet something about the unicorn made you felt unease the instant you crossed eyes with her.

“I know we can convince her to get back to her planet,” that is what she said, but her eyes were telling another story.

She is not taking my dragon out of my hooves.

That determination made your lips curve into a smile. Sure, it was eager for you to assume what Twilight’s meant with that glare, but the idea alone was enough to raise your spirit.

“Let’s see if you fit my standards then,” a trail of smoke puffed out of your nostril, “actually you don’t have to do much, the only thing I ask is really simple.”

“I want Spike to be happy”

The dragon itself was the first to bargain, laughing as he did so. “Really, then you can pack your stuff and leave, this dragon is so happy living here that he even rejected the throne.”

He didn’t need to be a king, neither have a big title in his name; all Spike had ever wanted was just there around him. The real question was how much he will last like that.

“See? Our Spike is more than happy living with ponies, so you don’t have any reason to worry about him.”

Rarity was quick to add more wood into the fire, but maybe her reason had more to do with how she knew that you had something waiting for her. And yes, you had something prepared just for her, so why don’t use right at that moment?

“Well, I’m happy to hear that from Spike, I hope he can live a peaceful life here. Honestly, it won’t be hard for him, he already has two good jobs, a fine house, a bunch of friends… a marefrie- no wait…”

The sick smile on your face was enhanced by the reptilian features. It served you well for the occasion, for everyone in the room had felt silent. An eerie feeling damped the whole place as the mares slowly turned to face Rarity. Spike was one to be talking too; his perfect smile vanished the moment you made him remember the truth. That day, while failing both to their imminent death, Rarity acknowledged Spike’s feelings, yet… she didn’t answer them.

You had expected for Rarity to be the first to make an excuse, but Spike was the one who responded

“I’m still a youngling, so it doesn’t matter right now.”

“Really? Are you really a baby dragon, Spike?” You said slyly, “A cute little baby dragon who took care of a mare when she became a foal by accident. An innocent child that faced the trials of the gauntlet of fire and took the dragon’s scepter. An unprepared infant that now holds the title of dragons’ ambassador.”

“Y-yes…” he stammered, “I’m just a ba-”

“Hold it there Spike, I know that child labor is common around here so I won’t judge Twilight for giving a job to a child. But may I remind you that you were the only “baby dragon” to be summoned by the dragon lord? Isn’t that strange?”

“Well yeah but…”

“Let's get to the deal already!” Exclaimed an infuriated Applejack who until this point had been quiet. Obviously, avoiding the truth was the reason behind her outbreak.

“Alright, then let me put it straight. Spike, you want to marry somecreature one day?”

Eager as you were to expose Rarity, it'll be more enjoyable to let the situation unfold itself.

“Yes… I… actually, somepony already owns my heart,” said Spike while peeking at the fashionista, “but I'm too young for her…”

“What if you weren't?”

Spike suddenly raised his head at the question, his eyes the size of balloons about to pop. His stare slowly turned from me to the pristine blue eyes of Rarity.

“Spike… I…”

Rarity hesitated; it was too soon for her to face him. She recoiled back, one hoof at a time, as panic made her chest swell and sweat drop.

“If I were not a baby dragon, then I will do my best to make her my special somepony; and to be the best dragon she could have ever dreamed of.”

Rarity stopped in track, her ears shuffling to the front as she grew curious of the drake's initiative. Just like her, something warm pierced through your heart; easing your senses and calming your breath. Surely for you, hearing that bold and romantic statement awoke something primal hidden within.

“Now, if I was to fail, it surely will break my heart, but I'll do my best to keep our friendship the way it was. With enough time, I'll move on… and find somepony who can love me”

Spike's fists were clenched strong enough to crack its own scales; such was the amount of courage being held in his heart.

“Oh, Spike…” Rarity sobbed as tears started to ruin her mascara. She lunged forward to embrace the little dragon.

“Wow Spike, that was quite the macho style right there. Be cautious of you may get a pie interested.”

Pinkie cheerful flirt was accompanied by a silent approval from a blushing Fluttershy. Surely she was caught off guard by the Drake too.

The other three seemed content of her friend display of honesty and courage.

Well it didn't go as I planned, but…

Producing a round of applause, you gathered the attention of everyone. “Oh, Spike, believe me, if it weren't because I love you so much, I would have your friends seized and would take you right there where you are.”

A cold enveloped you as if a snake had just encircled itself around your whole body. Even when Twilight was the one glaring you with the killing intent; Starlight was the one holding you down.

“I really want to friendship this creature all the way to Tartarus”

“You can't do that! My daughter will die of starvation and loneliness if you do that!” You pledge sarcastically, for it was a fact that no matter what they'll do, you were bound to return to earth.

“I'm starting to doubt if this fella really has a family,” commented Applejack. You couldn't blame her for it after all that you have shown them.

That reminded you of that important detail: time. It was getting late for you and a bad impression about humans was something you didn't want to be remembered for.

“Okay everyone, my time is out. I probably have a couple of minutes before leaving so let's call it quits. I need something important to tell you before I go.”

Starlight eased her hold on you but she was as ready as Rainbow Dash to kick you out the planet at any given moment.

“Ahh… that's better,” you relished and then glanced at Spike. “Being honest Spike, I didn't expect you to act as you did. I was hoping to make you realize how all your friends will eventually get someone to love while you remain as the reliable, but a single, dragon. I still don't trust in Rarity to have you thought… ahh, wish I could have more time; who knows maybe I could have found someone perfect for you with at least an hour to play around.”

“I don't need a stranger to give me love advice. In any case, I'll rely on my friends and family for that.”

God… make him stop before I grow crazy of love, there is so much I can take…

“I'm happy to hear that,” you smiled, a single tear running down your new scaly face, “Spike, another truth is that the contract I signed, in order to get here, said that I'll have to use this time to express my feelings for you; I'll stay true to that point.”

You paused for a moment, waiting for Spike to let you continue. His eyes adverts you, yet he nodded. He had nothing against your final wish.

“Thanks.” You look at Twilight,” thanks Twilight, for helping Spike grow along your side. I think is thanks to you that he is capable of loving his friends with all he has, he learned to love everything bad and good about you, and because of it I love him for he is capable of looking at someone for what he or she is.”

Next one was Rarity, as surprised as she was for being the one looked upon; she seemed ready to receive anything from me. Easy for her, she is the one hugging our cute little dragon.

“Thanks, Rarity, you were the first to trust in Spike for who he is, and also you were the first one to show him that he wasn't a monster, that as long as he wanted it, everyone could look at him with no fear. For among the ponies he is one of the friendliest of them all.”

“Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, thanks for showing Spike the way of altruism. If everyone cared for the wellbeing of others as you three do, there will be no more villains in this world”

“I think we always learn a little more from looking at each other, but thanks anyway,” Commented Fluttershy who seemed to trust you more after hearing your honest feelings.

“This doesn’t change the fact that we will beat you if you ever try to stay near our Spikey Wickey” cheered pinkie that still didn’t have an ounce of faith in you, yet she seemed to like your honesty.
“Hey wait, why does she get a free pass to call him by his nickname?” you barked.

“That’s a secret between me and Pinkie, Darling.”

A couple of coughs pulled you up high towards the mare waiting to be complimented. Just for the sake of having some fun, you turned your look at the quiet farmer, “thanks Applejack, for showing Spike that he can always rely on his friends… I wish Twilight would have caught it first, but well, at least she has him to watch over.”

The rancher knew what you were up to, but decided to take your words and hide her expression with her hat.

“Excuse me?!” Rainbow yelled, “Rainbow here, the one that showed Spike how to be awesome… and… wait… no, I didn’t teach him to fly…”

A cocky expression from you turned the little Pegasus even more furious, “you don’t even know how you had helped him, do you? Don’t worry I’ll give you some time. In the meantime, hey Starlight” you called.

“What, Me?” she crossed her eyebrows, “I have been learning more than Spike than he from me for more than a year now.”

“That may be true, but even still, you showed him and Twilight that everyone in this world matters. Back when you were evil and changed the world. Every reality they went through was one in which one of the mane six, or even Spike, wasn’t there. A lot of people back in my world lose their heads over the silly idea that they can’t make the world change, but you showed him that this is not true, that every decision, every pony, every creature, matter, and because of it. He has grown fond to care for others… even a changeling that wanted a change for his race.”

Starlight’s magic slowly faded; Tears welling in her eyes and damping her cheeks. Even in her worst, she had helped someone to grow into a better creature.

“Thanks, Starlight,” you finally added before eyeing up to meet Rainbow again. Unfortunately, your previous plan had backfired and next thing you knew, Rainbow Dash was eyeing at Spike with an apologetic look and teary eyes. “I’d have taught you something, right?”

“Come on, Dash, don’t be like that,” you sighed and let your eyes rest for a while as you started to morph again into a human, “you were one of the first to respect for the way he is, and also, you helped as much as Applejack about believing in his own strength, I wish you could have seen him back when he earned the title of dragon lord, he swung alongside monsters, rescued a princess, saved a moron and ran his way to victory like a badass!”

By the time you exclaimed that last word you opened your eyes again to see Rainbow’s expression, but to your demise, Rainbow had a confident smile in her, and any trail of sadness had disappeared. “Go on; keep saying how good I am at raising dragons.”

Pinkie laughed at your expense, “you really thought she will get sad so easily?”

“Yeah, my bad… should’ve known better,” you sighed again, deeper this time, the sound that you made almost seemed for a moment to be the one of a howling soul; that oddity made you realize that part of your body was disappearing. Probably your throat was too and that is why your voice from that point on was like the one of a ghost.

“Well, it seems it’s my time to leave. Take care of Spike, girls. He is one of the best husbands in my world,” you said before blowing a kiss to him, “see you in my dreams, honey; don’t ever change. After all the things you had learned and embraced, you have grown into someone that I could rely on, someone who will see his loved one as an equal, someone that anyone can trust… you are perfect just the way you are.”

And just like that, you disappeared back into your world (and late for making dinner).

The group stayed a moment in place after the human’s departure, appreciating the kind words left behind. Sometimes it takes a big effort to realize how much you can affect the lives of others for the greater good. Being acknowledged for it, now, that’s when you realize how deep your love towards your friend is; but that’s how all in life works, you need to take your time to appreciate something to see how beautiful It really is.

One by one, the mares turned to spike and hugged him, making a big group hug that will make Pinkie Pie feel all fuzzy for a week at least.

“Did I miss something?” a voice called at the end of the hall. It was Discord, holding a gorgeous phone in his right hand.

Twilight was the first one to retreat from the group hug, “We got a visit from someone of another world. A human that thought us how much we mean to Spike,” she smiled down at her friend, “I believe he never really wanted to take you away from us.”

“Even still,” Applejack was quick to put in, “I would’ve had chosen a better way to present myself. Cuz’ the first thing I wanted to do was buck his butt all the way back to wherever it came from.”

“We are on the same boat AJ,” added Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy, who had been silent by now, couldn’t take his eyes out of the mysterious object that held by Discord. “Hey discord, what is that blue box you have there, you have been watching it for a while.”

“Oh, this? I just made a deal with a creature to get it, something about getting them here turned into a dragon…” he responded superficially, all he really cared about was how to use the phone. ”Now… it says in the box that I should be able to take a picture of Luna from here, but the camera doesn’t seem to work properly because I can’t see Luna no matter where I aim, ahg what a waste of a contract, I can’t make jokes with this...”

Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise at the realization, “Wait, what do you mean by a contract? Discord, did you have anything to do with that human getting into this world?”

Discord clumsy look turned to mildly panic, his eyes searching for a way out (even when could just pop out of existence if he wanted). “Oh, ahm… ” He stammered, “I haven’t tested the phone outside, maybe that is the problem, see you later!”

And poof he was gone, leaving five confused mares and a mad Twilight (Spike was too lost in the hugging his crush to care anymore).