• Published 8th Apr 2019
  • 1,661 Views, 216 Comments

The Golden Age of Apocalypse, Book II: Synchronicity - Shinzakura

Book II of The Golden Age of Apocalypse. Humanity and ponydom have finally encountered one another, and in the days leading up to Sunset's coronation as a princess of Equestria and the Alicorn of Earth...how will either species fare?

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Day Four, Afternoon: The Missing Link

A discordant note split the air, followed by a voice shouting, “No, no, NO!”

One of the violinists leaned over and whispered, “Oh, great – Octzilla is at it again.”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” came the response.

Sure enough, stomping onto the conductor’s stage was Octavia Melody. She practically snorted steam through her snout before her eyes fixed on her fellow ponies. “This is not some sort of game! We are here to practice for one of the most important moments in the history of ponydom and I expect you all to be perfect – better than, even!” She pointed at Beauty Brass. “Beauty, have you had your tuba retuned lately?” She then glared at another pony. “And Meadow Song! It sounds as though your lute is in dire need of restringing!”

They all looked at her as if she’d suddenly forgotten that they were all consummate professionals like she was, all experts in their particular instruments and would obviously know how to care for them. In fact, given that she didn’t know how to play several of the instruments in question, they knew how to use it better than she. A series of angry grumbles started to utter from the musicians.

“What? I’m the conductor and you’re the hired help!” she told them. “Don’t give me attitude right now!”

Seeing everything on the verge of disaster, Lyra Heartstrings immediately galloped up to the stage and covered her friend’s mouth with a hoof. “Okay, okay,” she said to the visibly agitated musicians, “everypony take a ten-minute break! You’re all doing wonderfully, and Canterlot wasn’t built in a day, right?” She gave a huge, toothy grin to the others before dragging Octavia off-stage, much to the relief of the others.

Once they got a distance away, the celeste unicorn looked at her friend. “Octy, what are you doing? I’m the one they supposedly don’t take seriously, and when they’re listening to me instead of you, you know we have a problem. Now, are you going to stop acting like the second coming of Tirek and relax?”

The earth mare took a breath, then exhaled. “Thanks, Lyra,” she said with a wan smile. “I just….”

“I know you want it to be perfect. This is the first time that you’re conducting and the first time that we’ve been commissioned for a major piece. Heck, it’s got ponies actually thinking I’m normal and well-adjusted!”

“Oh, the horror,” Octavia snarked.

“I know, right?” The unicorn wrapped a friendly foreleg around her friend’s crest. “Just relax and let them do their job. They’re consummate professionals, just like you and me. They know this is important, and more importantly, they know their instruments – in many cases, better than you do, Octy. Don’t blow it because you want it so perfect that it becomes mechanical. Music is about the soul, not about the equipment.”

Octavia sighed. “Yes, you’re right, Lyra. Sorry for overreacting.”

“Hey, at least you got the lecture from me and not from Vinyl or Midnight – they’d never let you live it down.”

“At least somepony would let her live it down,” a voice said as a unicorn stallion walked in.

“Oh look, your coltfriend’s here,” Lyra teased her friend, turning to give him an impish wave.

“Well, where else would I be, Miss Heartstrings?” he asked with amusement. He had a long blonde mane and sharp blue eyes, and was currently wearing a sweater, with his blonde mane currently in a docktail. He looked earthy and casual, and from his demeanor, people would hardly know who it was. Though more than a few of the other musicians saw the trio talking, his “disguise” was enough that they couldn’t picture it being the individual in question.

“Dunno, maybe off taste-testing a mare or two?”

Blueblood shook his head but gave her an ironic smirk. Due to her longtime friendship with Bon-Bon, Lyra was one of the few non-royal ponies in the know about his true status with Octavia. “Oh, I think I’d rather watch you be the terror of Canterlot Music Hall, instead. Keeps things lively, I suppose?”

“Naah, I leave that to your babe here,” she said with a laugh. “Speaking of which, when’s the wedding? I’m sure Vinyl can’t wait to horrify any visiting nobles again.”

“Lyra, that’s enough,” Octavia said, wriggling out of the unicorn’s grasp. She then looked at her brother figure. “Hello, Blu. What brings you here?”

“I just happened to be on the way to Baroness Sparklebell’s office, and I thought I’d swing by and see how things are doing.”

“Just that?”

“Well,” he admitted slightly, “there’s also something valuable about talking to normal ponies instead of just trading vapid comments with a mare whose stars in her eyes are likely due to the hole in the back of her head.” A pained look then came over his face. “I know I missed breakfast this morning, so I thought I’d come to make apologies. Although, I know you’ve been busy the past couple of days, so I suspect you likely missed it as well.”

“Don’t worry, I made sure she ate, Blu,” Lyra assured him. “She’d probably be even more intolerable than she’s been the past few otherwise.”

But Lyra’s snarkiness wasn’t on Octavia’s mind. “Sparklebell?” she asked. “Isn’t she the one that….”

Blueblood sighed. “One of the ones you kicked out of my bedroom the other day, yes. But you know nothing happened, Octy.”

“I know, but does she?”

“No, and that’s the point. Remember, I have those spell foci in my home that plant subconscious memories in any visitors who are not prepared for them, so that they can think that I wined and dined them and then—”

Lyra went up to him and tapped him in the barrel. “You sly Diamond Dog, you! When should we hear about this in the social pages of the papers?”

“Hopefully, you won’t,” he told her. “Because Lady Cedarwood, the daughter of Viscount Pinewood, was also there. And yes, memories were implanted in her, as well. And yes, the two of them think that we—” He shuddered; far from being depraved, he was actually sort of naïve when it came to that sort of thing, truth be told. “Sorry, you get the point,” he amended. “In any case, if I’m lucky, I’ll have played Cedarwood and Sparklebell off one another, and they’ll be so busy fighting over who is going to get me that they’ll actually leave me alone.”

Octavia gave him a sympathetic look, reaching over to embrace him. “And so you have mares fighting over you that you’re not interested in and you end up by yourself. It’s not fair to you, it isn’t.”

“You should know by now that it’s the duty of the Crown.”

“Yes, but you’re not a Celestine cleric, Blu. You deserve somepony.” She kissed him on the cheek. “And I hope you find that somepony. Or else I’m going to tie you to Lyra here.”

“Sorry, not that desperate,” both ponies said at the same time.

In Tirfenbucker’s, an event was occurring. Given that it was a musical instrument shop, there were often performers who plied their wares there and so impromptu concerts were common. And once in a while, somepony was good enough that others would stop and listen. But today, the store was filled to standing room capacity, and there were even ponies standing outside listening to the incredible performance going on.

“A little bitter,
A little sweet –
That’s how I like my life to be
I'll take it neat:
Bitter sweet
That’s how I see the world

“I like the rain,
I like the dark
I like the mornings in the park
The summer heat,
Bitter sweet
That’s how I see the world”

Ponies sat there, entranced as fingers danced across mithril strings. A radiant voice followed, clear as a bell, singing a song from a land they had never known. A cosmic beauty as special and wonderful as the music itself was in the store and was now giving a performance for the ages, one that they never would have believed possible.

“Oh, let’s go
Let’s go
To paradise, Jack
Paradise, Jack
Let’s go,
Let’s go
To paradise, Jack
Paradise, Jack

“I got the sorrow,
I got the smile
I got a box under the stars
Shoes on my feet –
Bitter sweet
That's how I see the world”

Some stood completely in awe. A few even cried tears as the music moved them. Not a single word was uttered as the music had them in its grasp, stronger than any siren’s call.

“I got the joke,
I got the twist,
I got a lazy afternoon
I’m a girl over the moon,
Girl of the world

Oh let’s go,
Let’s go
To paradise, Jack
Paradise, Jack
Let’s go,
Let’s go,
To paradise, Jack
Paradise, Jack

“Chain me to a tree,
Watch me –
I’ll set myself free
Escape from situations
Magicians would be proud of me
I’ll lie around and sigh on,
And write verses to the moon
I’m the crime and I’m the siren,
I’m a fighter in the ring of life”

Even those that had come with the performer were completely in awe of her skill. They had a few days of experience with humans, but it had been nothing like this so far, and even though they knew in their minds that humans weren’t the monsters that myth claimed them to be, there was a difference between being aware of those myths and knowing it in one’s heart. And after this performance went on, not a single pony could claim that the myths were anything even approaching true.

“I’ve got the medals,
I’ve got the scars,
I’ve got a pocket full of hope
I got the beat –
Bitter sweet
That’s how I see the world

“And the moon is in my head
The moon is in my head
The moon is in my head….”

When it was done and the last note vanished into the ether, not only did those patrons in the store raucously stomp their hooves in appreciation, so did those outside, causing a cacophony as they rained applause for the performance they had just witnessed.

Quick Note walked towards the performer and said, “Even if it wasn’t for the fact that the Crown is paying for this, I’d give it to you just for the crowds you brought in, as well as the beautiful song you just played!” He looked at the crowd. “Give her another round of applause, folks – human music like this is clearly a treasure!”

Blushing, Octavia set down the guitar and spoke into the microphone – it looked very similar to those back on Earth, and given the rest of the technology she’d seen here so far, she was surprised that it was so advanced, relatively speaking. “Thank you all,” she said, overcome by the moment. She’d played for crowds before, but somehow this was very different. She’d come in on the way to her appointment to check on the status of the musical instruments that Sunset had commissioned for her, and the first one, a Spanish-style guitar, was ready. She’d tuned it and played, and in the process had a crowd gathered, transfixed by her artistry. Somehow that had turned into a mini-concert, based on some songs she’d memorized, obviously ones ponies had never heard before.

“You know, if you ever decide to come back to Equestria, you could make a fortune as a musician,” Quick told her. “Between your uniqueness as a human – no offense meant, of course – and your incredible musical talent, I don’t doubt you’d have an amazing career here! Maybe not even just here, but other countries as well! You could be an international superstar!”

“I….” Octavia stopped, unsure of what else to say. It was something to think about, certainly; she and Fluttershy were putting a band together, after all. But how would she explain this to Lyra, who even though she was a friend was one hell of a conspiracy theorist at her age…let alone convinced that unicorns were real – and in a way, she was right? And then there was the fact that they didn’t even have a drummer yet, much less a name for their band.

Regardless, it was something to consider. They could hone their craft here while being utter celebrities and then unleash those skills on the human world afterwards. Plus, there were all the finances they could make; just alone here, from the sounds of it, they could earn more than a comfortable living.

Rock stars from another world, she mused, running a hand across the strings. I’d have stories to tell that would outdo any in my family! Alas, however, she certainly couldn’t tell them, nor would she want to – the last thing she would want to do is to keep up the meaningless family battle that had pretty much ensnared her mother’s side of the family, one that she was lucky she and Fiddlesticks had avoided so far.

Dolente approached; unsurprisingly, she seemed completely impassive as usual and if she’d noticed the performance, there was no clue of such on her face. “Lady Octavia, we must depart soon if you are to make your scheduled appointment,” the mare said, nodding to the official guards in Octavia’s escort to begin clearing the way for them to depart. “If we depart now, we should make it there with ten minutes left to spare.”

Octavia sighed. Another medical professional who is probably going to look at me and say nothing can be done because I’m human and they don’t understand my mind, despite the fact that we’re not much different from ponies in that regard. Great.

“Leaving so soon?” Quick asked, unaware of Octavia’s irritation.

“Unfortunately, the Lady Octavia has other appointments that are paramount,” the mare spoke, preventing the teen from giving an answer herself. “I am more than sure that you will be adequately reimbursed for any troubles. Additionally, we shall make sure that a courier from the palace will be by to pick up her order once it is complete.”

“Yes, of course,” the luthier replied, an annoyed look coming onto his face for being brushed off by a fellow pony.

Octavia stood up and returned the guitar to Quick; the item still needed some finishing, so she couldn’t take it just yet. “Thank you for having me here, Mr. Note,” she replied. “I very much appreciate it.”

He gave her a warm grin. “Hey, with the business you just brought me, you’re more than welcome any time in my store!” As Octavia and her escorts departed the store, the crowd happily gave them room to depart; she paused to give one or two autographs for those who requested them. As she stepped outside, he gave her a fond farewell wave, as did several others.

Once out of the store, Dolente looked at the lead guard. “Where’s the chariot parked? We have ten minutes to get her ladyship to her next appointment and the location is—” She produced a paper schedule which she quickly scanned, “—out in Eastern Canterlot, in the Woodside district.”

“We parked it behind the building, ma’am,” the guard stated, gesturing for them to follow.

“Good. Deploy a field so that we have the path clear.” The guard ordered his flyers to do so, and as the pegasi raced off into the air, he reported the same to Dolente. Satisfied that she would get her charge to her appointment in due time, she explained the same to Octavia, who wordlessly nodded. With that, the siren and guards walked behind the building into a slightly shadowy area, where the royal carriage that had brought Octavia to her appointment was.

It was the last thing the ponies present ever saw, as a hailstorm of arrows suddenly loosed from nowhere, finding targets in pony fur, faces and weak parts of their barding. In particular the unicorns were struck first, in order to prevent them from countering with any magic spells. Immediately, one of the heavily-struck earth stallions tackled Octavia, saving her from a crossbow quarrel that sank into the guardspony’s eye. He screamed in pain, the blood splattering on the confused and terrified teenager as the body lay upon her, dead.

Dolente, bleeding from two well-placed crossbow bolts embedded in her, forced herself through the pain and immediately moved in front of Octavia to protect her, withdrawing a pair of short swords from beneath her skirt. “Run back to the store!” she ordered.

“Oh, I don’t think so,” a voice said from above. A second later, a multi-colored griffin with a parrot-like head and a cheetah-like body slammed onto Dolente from on-high, thrusting a heavy trident into the siren’s back. A grisly snap could be heard and down went the siren instantly.

Trying to scramble out from beneath the cadaver that had been her guard a second ago, Octavia came face to face with a strange griffin that looked at her with predatory eyes. “Oooh, you have pretty eyes! I can see why you’re the kind of humaness that dweeb princeling wants!” The teen’s eyes widened in terror and her assailant cawed in laughter. “I see you remember him! Well, that’s not my problem!”

Gibril looked at the dead pony beneath Giada. While they had intended to kill all of them, Giada had applied her typical ruthlessness to her target. “Had to kill off the maid, I see.”

“That wasn’t a maid, you idiot,” Giada told Gibril. “Look at those short swords she had – they’re of minotaur make. What kind of maid carries that? No, she was clearly an undercover guard and likely the most dangerous one of the bunch, too.” She picked them up. “Heh, nice toys. Mine, now.”

“Well, somegriffin’s bound to have heard the ruckus, and the minute they find the bodies, they’re going to go hunting for us. Tie her up quickly and let’s get going!”

Octavia screamed in horror as she realized the danger she was in. However, a second later, she felt something stick her in the neck.

“What in the Black Eyrie did you just do?” a guttural voice just outside of her vision shouted. “We don’t know if that sleeping draught works on humans or not!”

Octavia felt herself rising off her feet against her own will. She tried to scream again, but she couldn’t. Her eyes tried to search for a way out of this, but she suddenly found that she couldn’t move, and her vision began to swim.

A second voice said, “Oh, please – this stuff is designed to knock out a manticore. Should work on humans and humanesses, I’m sure.”

The voice that was identified earlier as Gibril commented, “Whatever. Get her in the bag, then we need to get out of here while we still can. Once we’re clear, then we’ll change into the outfits that kitsune gave us so we can get to the ship without problems. We got thirty minutes to do this and time’s a wastin’, folks – time is money. Get moving!”

As she felt herself being shoved into a bag and the light close, she heard her doom from one of the creatures: “This had better be worth getting her to that damn prince. Personally, I wouldn’t touch one of these humanesses, but if he wants to mount one, that’s his business.”

Sunny, help! Octavia screamed in her mind, hoping that her cousin would hear her. Sunset had once said she could maintain a psychic bond with them, but was reluctant to because she didn’t want to intrude on their mental privacy. Right now, Octavia would lay bare her entire soul to her cousin if it meant being saved. Help me!

“Okay, she’s in the bag!” Giada’s voice, now muffled by the bag, shouted. “Time to get clear!”

“You’re not going anywhere!” a new voice sounded.

There were some screams and caws, followed by strange sounds and the clash of steel. Octavia, unable to see anything other than the black of the bag, felt herself jostled around and then crashed hard on the ground, painfully. The events outside the bag seemed to go on for seconds or minutes; she couldn’t really tell. However, she could instead feel a dulling numbness, as she realized the poison the creatures had injected her with was starting to take hold.

A second later, a blinding light seared her eyeballs as the bag was opened once more. A blurry face spoke to her. “Are…are you alright?”

“I…help….” Octavia slurred.

“You’re safe, miss,” the voice said in a warm tone. “I’ve got you. I’m going to summon help right now.”

Octavia wasn’t sure, but she thought she said something like thank you. And then she couldn’t say anything further as her vision swam to black. She sensed her mind fading towards unconsciousness…

…and then nothing more.

Sonata Dusk dabbed a viscous brownish-green ointment on the cut, her hoof carefully rubbing the cloth against human skin. “What were you thinking? I don’t get you humans at all!”

“That was fun!” the human Sonata Dusk replied, her nose wrinkling slightly from the pungent odor of the ointment.

“Fun? Fun? Soni, you had a tooth knocked out!”

“Well, the healer regenerated one for me, right?” As proof, the teen smiled, with a new tooth gleaming brighter than the rest of her pearly whites.

Her counterpart glared at her with disappointment that would have made Fluttershy proud. “That’s not the point! You went up against all of them!”

“Not all of them.” A slight distance away, being tended to by her counterpart, Aria gave a tired grin. One of her pigtails had been undone and she was bleeding from a gash on the side of her head that pony Aria was tending to. “I think I managed to make it to about seventy-five, maybe seventy-six before I got knocked out?”

“Eighty, actually, Commander; I was counting.” Being subjected to a healing spell by one of the REN medical unicorns present, Whiskey had her arm in a sling, clearly the result of it having been broken. “I just wish I could have done more to protect you all.”

“That’s not what you’re supposed to do.” Adagio approached – or rather, limped over to – them. Covered in bandages and gauze, she’d been the one to see the most medical attention first so that she could answer any questions from those who wished to ask. “Yeah, we weren’t going to win this, but that was never the point. Someday we might find ourselves in a no-win scenario so that Sunny or someone else we care about can walk away. Do I want to be in that situation? No. But do I want to make sure that if I’m going down, at least my loved ones are going to make it out okay? I’ll take that trade.”

“Me too,” Sonata agreed.

“Same here,” Aria added.

“I would do anything for my ladies and my princess,” Whiskey stated. “I am the body to throw against the pyre when it comes time.”

“That’s a negative,” Adagio told her. “You’re a SIREN. We all go down together or we all come back home. It’s how it works.”

Seated within the privacy of a nearby tent and ignoring the pain he felt, Sable took another drink of the tincture he’d been given for his busted rib; the unicorn assured him the alchemical potion would heal it within the hour. Good thing, too, he mused, because if Celestia found out about this, a broken bone would be the least of his issues.

“I’ll be sure to process the paperwork to have them transferred to the Navy,” Adviso told him. “This little stunt of yours may have impressed more than just the potential candidates, Sable. The ones that failed already said they want to come back and try again. And Halberd says that he intends to keep a close eye on your training—”

“SDT. Short for SIREN Development Training,” he explained.

“Yes, that. Well, even if the ones that fail your SDT stay in, we’ll have a far superior quality of sailor than we’ve ever had before, and for that, I am completely impressed. Good job.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” he told her.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go report your success to Adm. Tumblehome before her spies do – I guarantee they won’t explain the reasoning behind all this and will make it out to be worse than it actually is.”

“I’m sure she will, regardless, ma’am.” Sable gave his superior a salute as she departed the tent.

The medic seeing to Sable’s injuries approached him and stated, “Admiral? The, um, ‘victors’ are here to see you, as per your request.”

Sable turned in his direction and winced slightly; he could practically feel the potion he’d just taken start to take effect – gentle, it was not. “Let them in, will you?”

“Right away, sir.” The medic went to the tent’s entrance, said something, then opened it. In walked six mares, all in the uniforms of their particular soon-to-be former branch.

He looked at them all. The tallest one was a guardsmare so huge she could easily pass as a stallion, even though she had an apparently shy disposition. The earth mare had a bronze-colored coat with a white-and-sky-blue mane and soft sea green eyes. She had the rank of a private and she looked very ill at ease in her EUP Solar Guard armor.

Standing next to her was a zebra mare wearing the robes of a mid-ranking Guild mage. The look in her eyes was scholarly and penetrating. Sable didn’t know much about zebras on this world, so he wondered what her specialty was.

Next to her and for some reason reminding him of that rainbow-haired athlete girl was a light-blue batpony. She had a short, unkempt mane of purple, and the look in her eyes was that she owned the place. Unlike the others, she wore a combat flightsuit, though Sable wasn’t familiar with the squadron.

The fourth seemed to be the senior of the group: an earth mare from the guard, a lieutenant with a white coat, a two-tone blonde mane and a professional but friendly demeanor that reminded him of several officers he’d worked with. He looked at her a little closer, then thought about the name and it came together: this was likely the counterpart of Petty Officer 2nd Class Sunny Side, who had been tragically killed during the assault on the SIREN stronghold. However, he made a mental note not to say anything at this time, as he had no idea what that Sunny Side’s fate had been in since the timeline reset.

The fifth was a pegasus with black armor, and from what Sable knew, that meant Agency – the nation’s spy services. She had a cream coat with a beige-and-black mane and sleepy orange eyes; if he didn’t know better, he thought that she would have been the resident stoner.

The final one was, as an old sergeant of his once said, “as Soviet as could be”. Stony exterior and wearing the outfit of an Army sergeant, she had a scarlet coat, a short-cut curly blonde mane with red highlights and pink eyes. But her demeanor reminded him of a Spetsnaz sergeant he’d met once during a war exercise. That guy was a stick in the mud if there ever was one, and she appeared to be no different.

“Okay, ladies, for starters, introduce yourselves.”

The tall one went first. “Um…Pvt. Embiggen. 13th Infantry Cohort, Solar Guard, sir,” she said in a barely audible voice.

The zebra was next. “Ekene is my name, dear sir. From the Guild office in Baltimare, to be sure.”

“Heya,” said the batpony next. “Ens. Moonblazer, attached to Nightswifter Squadron. I’m the best flyer there is, hooves down!”

“I guess I’m next,” the lieutenant stated. “Lt. Sunny Side, 27th General Duty Cohort, Romance Guard. An honor to be here, sir.”

Everyone turned to the pegasus from the Agency next, who stood there with a serene smile on her face for so long that Sable thought he would have to prompt her to introduce herself before she spoke up in a calm, soothing rasp: “Oh. Name’s Tomahawk, but you can just call me Tommi. Gonna be cool doing this SIREN stuff.”

The unicorn was last. Stepping forward, she said simply, “Sgt. Ushanka, 181st Ranger Cohort, Solar Guard,” then stepped back, as if that was all to say. Her accent had been as thick as if she’d been from Russia itself.

“Well, out of one thousand ponies, not only did you six not fall, you six managed to take out the five standing SIRENs,” Sable told them. “That means that you are exceptional amongst even the rest of your fellow candidates and I should expect to see that you will excel. We will need experienced personnel to protect Princess Sunset and even though you’re at the top of your game as ponies, as SIRENs you will be entering a whole new level.”

“Huh. That’s great…that sounds wonderful!” Tomahawk commented with an enlightened grin. She then started nodding to herself, as if agreeing with somepony only she could hear. “Hmm. Yeah, I think Fate is telling me this is where I’m supposed to be.”

“Are you always this much of a space cadet?” Moonblazer asked her.

“Naah, you should see my sister Tree Hugger. Confidentially, she can be a little out there sometimes,” Tomahawk admitted.

Sable ignored that. “Later today, you’ll be fitted for your spell bands that will keep you in human form until further notice. Your duties will be to remain in your human forms, getting used to them until SDT starts up next week. The recruit drill coordinator will be here personally to give all of you your instructions and I expect that you will give our incoming Force Master Chief the same level of respect that you do me, understood?”

“Eh, no biggie,” Moonblazer crowed. “Can’t be any harder than Combat Flight School.”

“We’ll see if you think that once Master Chief Clyde is through with you,” Sable told her.

“With a name like that, he sounds scary,” Embiggen said in a halting voice.

“He will be your drill instructor so yes, he is scary. And it will be his job to make sure that you all end up as scary as him.”

Ushanka stepped forward, and Sable thought he saw the barest hint of a smile on her muzzle. “I look forward to it, sir.” She then stepped back.

“Report to Naval Headquarters at 1800 for your bands,” he told them. “Any last questions?”

“One, sir,” Sunny stated. “Why us? Why not the whole two hundred potential candidates? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have them adjust to their new forms as well?”

Sable grinned. “And you just proved why you’re at the top already, Lieutenant. The fact is, if we have a situation where we need to move quickly, we won’t have time to train two hundred girls instantly how to cut it in the human world. While you’ll all receive the same training and ultimately have your assigned duties, I expect that you six will accept accelerated training while Capt. Dazzle and I figure out how we’re going to translate your present positions to our system. Regardless, we will need talented personnel at all ranks and that means that we will need those positions filled soonest. That’s where you six come in: the first tip of the spear.”

“That’s as clear as a bell,” Ekene replied. “Later SIRENs will rely on us as well.”

“That’s correct, Magus,” he told her. “In any case, report to Capt. Dazzle at 1800 at Naval HQ. Dismissed.”

The doors opened and Kibbitz stepped into the center of the room, making sure to take note of all those who came to court as they filed into their seats encircling the room. Once all were seated, the stallion sang out in the Royal Canterlot Voice, “Hear ye, hear ye, the Court of the Sun is now in session. Our Divine Princess of the Sun presides, and all who wish to petition before the Solar Throne may do so at her mercy.” His horn glowed with azure power as he summoned the first petitioner’s scroll, though he knew very well who that was.

With a formal click of his hooves, he spun with practiced precision to face his liegelady. “Your Majesty, may I present—”

“I can speak for myself, you old dolt.” A unicorn mare dressed in a resplendent white dress pushed past him. She had a cyan coat, sea-green eyes and a purple mane in a style similar to Princess Cadance. Though the dress covered her cutie mark – a diamond topped by a crown – she wore an alicorn-like torc with the mark replicated on its fascia. She walked forward as if it was clear that she owned the place and each stride she took forward caused murmurs within the crowds present.

⁅Clearly no different than the Highfalutin’ I know,⁆ “Princess” Celestia said to her counterpart, who had conveniently provided a telepathic connection between the two.

⁅If you can deal with her, I’d be appreciative, Tia,⁆ the true solar alicorn mused.

⁅I’ll see what I can do, Celestia replied as she put on her most sober of principal demeanors, the kind she saved for students on the verge of expulsion.

Meanwhile, Highfalutin’ came to a stop before the dais. “Hello, Your Majesty,” she said in a tone dripping with barely-disguised contempt. “I wasn’t aware that you had a new pet. Has Philomena decided to go back to her kind?”

⁅Pet?⁆ both Celestias thought at once. Out of the corner of her eye, the current alicorn could see the jawline of the human woman firm slightly and knew that action well; she’d done it a million times herself. It was clear that the true solar alicorn was already reaching her limit with the haughty unicorn, and the educator could hardly blame her counterpart.

Summoning her best tone of authority, Celestia said archly, “Duchess, this is my counterpart from another world, the Lady Celestia. In her world, she is me. And I would very much appreciate it if you gave her the courtesy that anyone – anypony – is due.”

“But she is no pony,” Highfalutin’ jabbed verbally.

“Perhaps I am not,” the human replied with a humorless grin, “but I would say I have the ear of my counterpart.”

It was clear that Highfalutin’ had not expected that answer. “I…see. Then my apologies, Your Highness.” Reluctantly, she turned to the human and added, “And to you as well, Lady Celestia.”

Princess Celestia, seated in her human body, trusted herself only to nod an acknowledgement, lest she decide to anger her sister by littering the moon with a resident.

Meanwhile, Celestia tilted her head slightly, a technique she used to intimidate unruly students. “So noted. Now, what is your request?”

“It is a simple one, Your Majesty,” the mare stated, somehow thinking that she’d missed something vital she didn’t quite get. “I do not feel that my duties to my duchy quite adequately match my talents at management and husbandry of the landholdings. I do not feel that I am properly utilizing my talents to the utmost of my abilities, and it would be a shame to my family’s good name if I didn’t do more.”

Celestia translated that one. ⁅Let me guess, Celly: she ran her duchy into the ground and now she’s trying to claw for more power?⁆

The princess mentally giggled. ⁅See? You’re a natural at this. The fact is, her duchy, Pindos, has been struggling the past few years and even had a riot six months ago during the worst of the Winter. There have been accusations that she’s been squandering the duchy’s wealth, but if that’s the case, she’s been very good about covering her tracks.⁆

⁅And I take it that openly calling her on it would cause too much of an issue?⁆

The human nodded slightly; to the ponies, it might seem as though it was just a human gesture, but Celestia knew her own mannerisms enough to get the point. ⁅That’s what she wants. Even if I were to prove her wrong, the fact that she “stood up to Celestia” makes her look good amongst the nobility that is anything but noble.⁆

⁅I see.⁆ The alicorn looked at the unicorn. “And how do you feel you could best prove your own skill for the benefit of the realm, Duchess?”

With a practiced grin, she said, “Why, taking on additional landholdings, of course, Your Majesty. We had a number of older nobles pass during the Winter and tragically, many of them died without heirs. Take for example Viscount Goldleaf and his wife.” She sighed theatrically and stated, “Those poor, poor souls did so much for their ponies and yet passed without anyone to step into their horseshoes! Were it not for the ancient compact that the land would return to Unicornian families, I would shudder to think what would happen to the serfdom…I mean, citizenry!”

⁅So that’s her game.⁆ Princess Celestia rubbed her chin with her hand. ⁅It seems she’s trying to overplay here.⁆ The true alicorn quickly explained the situation of Softwing’s plight and how in her greed, Highfalutin’ had just provided a critical piece of the puzzle.

⁅She really doesn’t think much of you, does she?⁆ Celestia asked.

⁅No, and that hurts the most. Despite everything, she is family, after all,⁆ the princess mentally sighed. ⁅Were it that she was as truly princely as her brother is.⁆

⁅Well then, let’s turn the tables on her. Let’s give her what she wants, Celly.⁆

The alicorn blinked. ⁅Tia, are you sure that’s a good idea?⁆

⁅It’s an old human aphorism: “Let the punishment fit the crime”. She says that there’s been a number of provinces that have gone without leadership? What’s the largest and most problematic one at the moment?⁆

The princess instantly realized what her counterpart was up to. ⁅Tia, you’re not seriously going to…?⁆

⁅Of course I plan to, Celly. I am, after all, just a feral human,⁆ Celestia said with a mental laugh.

⁅Okay, I trust you. Ask Kibbitz to pass you the survey of affected lands and then give it to me. I’m sure you can come up with a reason.⁆

⁅Already on it.⁆ The human-as-alicorn let her counterpart focus on that, so she went into action. Looking at the unicorn before her, she intoned, “I understand your quandary, Duchess. And I quite sympathize with your situation – it would be an understatement to say that the whole of the nation would benefit from proper leadership, were it to show itself.”

“Oh, yes, I quite agree, Your Majesty,” Highfalutin’ replied.

“Then let it not be said that the Crown is not sympathetic to its servants’ needs.” She looked at Kibbitz. “My dearest seneschal, would you be so kind as to pass me the Survey of Lands Affected?”

He looked at her oddly. “Most certainly, Your Majesty.”

The alicorn then turned to the human. “My dear Lady Celestia, would you be so kind as to look in the survey for a proper landholding for my most vaunted supplicant here?”

The human nodded. “It would be my honor, Your Majesty.” Kibbitz summoned a large book, then levitated it over to the woman, and Princess Celestia found herself in the odd position of not trying to use her magic to take it from him, instead just waiting for him to place it into her hands. However, once present, she got to work immediately.

Meanwhile, Highfalutin’ had put together what the alicorn had stated. “Wait – you’re giving me additional landholdings, Your Majesty?”

Celestia nodded. “Of course. My counterpart here was just telling me this morning about a phrase from her world: ‘May you live in interesting times.’ And I assure you, my dear Duchess, I will ensure you will be living in this most interesting of times.”

A self-satisfied smile suddenly came onto Highfalutin as she began to realize she’d pulled one over the eyes of her liegelady. In the galleries, various whispers of interest could be heard. The unicorn ignored them and instead bowed. “I shall endeavor not to forget this honor, Your Majesty.”

Celestia answered with, “I am quite sure you won’t forget.”

Meanwhile, the true princess had found what she was looking for. ⁅Ah, here we are: The Barony of Percheron,⁆ she mentally provided. ⁅It’s just across the sea from the griffin lands and has had to deal with an extensive amount of piracy from the warlords. Even if that wasn’t the case, it’s been a challenge, since the lands are mostly fallow and there are few natural resources. A few decades back, I had sent in a trusted guardspony who I’d invested as a baron, and Courageous Heart tried his best to fix the situation. I think he would have succeeded, had he not passed away two years ago without heirs. The problem is, no likely successor has presented her- or himself.⁆

The educator digested this. ⁅What’s the size in comparison to Pindos?⁆

⁅About three times larger. On paper, it looks like she’s making out like a bandit.⁆

Celestia smiled. ⁅Perfect.⁆ She looked at her counterpart and said, “Have you found anything of value yet?”

“I believe I have, Your Majesty.” Celestia went through the motions of looking at the section her counterpart was showing her, though the two were already metaphorically on the same page.

Finally, the “solar alicorn” turned to look at Highfalutin’. “I am willing to offer you a new land, far larger in size than your current ones.”

Highfalutin’ tried very hard not to let her jaw hit the floor; she hadn’t expected that. “That…would be very magnanimous of you, Your Majesty,” she said with genuine surprise.

“You deserve it for everything you’ve done, I’m sure. However, I do have a problem on my hands…er, hooves: if I were to give you these lands, it would be…problematic for me. Many nobles that have not earned such a situation might complain of unfair treatment, you understand. And given all that we have gone through as of late, I am sure you realize I must keep peace within the gentry.”

“Oh, I quite agree, Your Majesty,” the unicorn said, though the look in her eyes made it clear that she didn’t give a damn.

“I have given consideration to this, however, and this is my proposal to you: if you would be willing to renounce the claim to your present landholdings and take this new trust permanently instead, that would negate many of the issues and placate the other nobles. I would get peace of mind, and you would get a challenge worthy of your particular skills.” The alicorn leaned forward. “Is that not equitable?”

“It would most certainly be, Your Majesty!” Highfalutin’ chirped. She was now practically salivating at the prospect of getting her hooves on this new land.

“Then what should you suggest we do with your old landholdings?”

“My brother can have them. Even though he turned them down, they would naturally revert to him,” she said. “It’s not like he’d care anyway.”

“Lady Celestia,” the alicorn stated, “would you remind me later to discuss with Prince Divine that issue?”

“I shall endeavor to do so,” the human stated, already formulating what she would tell her nephew once this was over. Knowing him, he would insist on at least giving back some of Goldleaf and Silvervein’s old lands to Softwing.

“My thanks.” The alicorn turned back to her petitioner. “Then do you swear to renounce your claim to the Duchy and Province of Pindos forevermore, and to accept the new responsibilities that you will be given, without complaint and without delay?”

“Yes! I renounce it! Divine can take that crappy old homestead and shove it up his plot! Now give me what I deserve!” Highfalutin’ sang, and in the galleries, the voices became a loud static of various whispers as others discussed the blatant disregard Highfalutin’ had shown her regent, though some had also expressed amazement at her pure blatant actions and that they had somehow succeeded.

But not for long.

“So be it,” Celestia said in a tone that brooked no argument. “Let it be noted that on this date and time, Highfalutin’ of Canterlot abdicates her position as Duchess of Pindos and places her brother, Divine Right, in her stead. At the same time, she will immediately accept her position…” The faux-princess paused for effect, “…as the newly-created second Baroness of Percheron.”

Those present practically heard the shattering of glass in the mind of Highfalutin’ as she now suddenly realized she’d been given rule over the worst province in Equestria – and worse, as a barony, it was a demotion. “WHAT?” she shouted, all pretense of decorum suddenly now defenestrated.

Celestia ignored the unicorn and turned to Kibbitz. “My dear seneschal, please have the guards escort the good baroness to her home so that she may collect her belongings. As the province has been without a ruler for the longest time, I am sorely worried about its citizenry. Thus I feel it be of paramount importance that its newest baroness report to her new lands no later than sundown.”

“YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” Highfalutin’ roared.

“Ah, but my dear baroness,” the “Lady” Celestia explained from her seat next to the alicorn, “your sovereign has done nothing. She has merely presented a potential issue and you have made the choices yourself. A lesser mind would say that you fooled yourself into thinking you were getting more than you deserve, but it is a good thing that in truth, we know of your selfless devotion to duty. Would that my fellow humans could learn from your experience. I am humbled by your actions today,” she said with an intentionally vapid smile.

The newly-entitled baroness could do nothing more than growl and spit as she was dragged out by the guards. She shouted several more obscenities and curses, all of which were soon drowned out by the explosion of discussion from the galleries.

⁅I couldn’t have done it better, Tia,⁆ Princess Celestia broadcast smugly to her counterpart. ⁅Perhaps you might want to consider a full-time career as a princess?⁆

⁅Unfortunately, that job title’s not a common one back home, Celly,⁆ came the mirthful response. ⁅Besides, I think sooner or later you would have done something like this. The situation was just a little more tailored towards my talents than yours, is all.⁆

⁅Well, Court still needs completing, so…you’re in charge today. Of course, I’ll be here to help you every step of the way,⁆ the princess said with approval.

A genuinely sunny smile came over the face of the faux-alicorn. “Lord Kibbitz, the next petitioner, if you please? I have a feeling today will be a day to remember.”

“Oh, good, she’s coming to,” a male voice just out of Octavia’s view said as she began to open her eyes. “I want the medic to check her just in case there were any leftover effects from the sleeping dart she was hit with. Additionally, notify me once Ambassador Han’nya arrives. Even though we’ve sent word to him as to what’s going on, he’s still going to want to know why we’ve locked down one of their ships and intend to arrest a member of the Inariese Imperial Family.”

“Understood, sir,” a second voice, female, spoke. “Anything else?”

“Cancel all my appointments today. Also get a hold of my office at the palace and have any appointments I have there cancelled as well. I have a feeling this is going to require my entire attention.”

“I don’t doubt that, sir. Shall I inform Princess Luna’s office as well?”

The first voice gave a grunt of agreement. “Good idea; let Princess Celestia’s office know as well, given that this has the makings of a potential international crisis, if not interdimensional.”

“Will do, sir. Any last requests?”

“Yes – inform Princess Sunset’s delegation. Given the situation here, I have a feeling she is not going to take this well, and given her reputation, this could get volcanic pretty fast. That being said, I want to make sure that this is nipped in the bud before anypony even gets the idea.” The male voice sighed. “I can just imagine the field day that the media would have with this.”

“We’ll make sure we get a complete blackout, sir,” was the response. “Will that be all?”

“That will be all,” a third voice – another male – spoke. “Dismissed.” Footsteps echoed in the background as the drug started to wear off. The blur that was Octavia’s vision cleared enough to see a pony guard in black armor standing there, looking at someone – or probably somepony – and then her head lolled towards the individual the guard had saluted.

A second unicorn stallion stood there, out of armor and dressed more like a typical civilian. He looked like he’d been through the wringer, with his blond mane messed-up, and scrapes and scratches along white his coat. The sweater he wore was torn, and floating in the air at his side was a nasty-looking rapier that had clearly seen recent action. A cloth ran along the blade’s length as the stallion was clearly using magic to clean the blood off the blade.

“Here, hold this,” the stallion with the sword told the other, passing him the weapon before he went over to her, concern in his eyes. “Are you okay?” he asked softly. “We have a medic on standby, just in case.”

But Octavia, seeing the stallion up close, recognized the voice, mane and blue eyes, and immediately did what came naturally: she screamed.

“No!” she gasped, hyperventilating as her eyes began to shrink into pinpoints of panic. “I’m in hell I’m in hell I’m in hell….”

The stallion in question waved a foreleg. “WE NEED A MEDIC NOW!” he shouted. “Also, see if you can get a hold of Princess Sunset immediately.” He bent down over her and she started to try to scramble away. Turning back to Octavia, he said in the softest tones he could muster, “Miss, you’re safe. You’ve nothing to fear.”

“YOU’RE HERE!” she shrieked as she started to try to scramble away from him. “MY WORST NIGHTMARE IS HERE!”

He shook his head briefly as if to stop the ringing in his ears caused by her shouting. “Well, I suppose that implies that humans can use the Royal Canterlot Voice, not that I needed to know that information,” he said weakly to nopony in particular.

The medic, a pegasus, approached immediately, gently ushering him back. “Sir, she’s in shock,” she stated. “You might want to stand clear before she does something rash, like commit a final flight or something.”

“I doubt she can do that; she doesn’t have wings, though I get your point. I’m going to talk to the investigators.” He looked at the assistant in black armor. “Stay here with her and give me a report if anything changes, or if Ambassador Han’nya or Princess Sunset arrives. Understood?” The guard saluted and the pony walked off.

“You’re safe now, Miss Human,” the medic told her. “I’m going to check your vital signs, if that’s okay with you. And before you ask, yes, I’ve been briefed on human emergency medical procedures – what your people call ‘First Aid’, I think?” Octavia nodded numbly.

Meanwhile, his ears still ringing from the human’s terrified screams, Blueblood went over to where a group of Solar guardsponies and a few of his Agency personnel were doing magical forensics of the scene. “Give me a status update,” he told the assembly.

“We have the one survivor you didn’t kill in custody,” one of the Solar Guard, a sergeant, said with a salute. “Will this be handled as an Agency matter or an EUP matter, sir?”

The prince nodded, acknowledging the salute. “As much as I’d be more than happy to give your ponies the credit for the collar, Sergeant, because of what’s going on, this will unfortunately have to be an Agency issue,” Blueblood explained. “Besides, I’m fairly sure that neither Capt. Arrowswift nor Capt. Armor will want the kind of heat that will be coming their way.”

“What kind of heat?” the sergeant asked warily.

“The extremely angry alicorn that should be arriving any second now,” Blueblood said with a tone that feigned disinterest. “And when Princess Sunset hears what happened, I pity anypony standing in her way.”

There was a massive blast of power, enough to make just about all present take a step back in awe, and before them suddenly stood a maize alicorn, cyan flames burning around her enraged eyes and wings opened and locked in attack position. The guardsponies present withdrew their swords, only to realize who it was and immediately resheathed them.

“WHERE ARE THOSE BASTARDS?” she seethed, as oversized balls of spellfire started to encircle the Alicorn of Earth. It was clear that she was already in attack mode, and wasn’t going to be easily talked down.

Still, Blueblood had to try. “Your Highness, a word if I may,” he stated calmly, hoping his demeanor might get her to relax in turn.

Sunset moved right past him, headed towards Octavia. Blueblood solved that by teleporting in front of her again. “I think it’s important that we talk first,” he insisted.

“You have seconds to explain yourself,” Sunset seethed, “or else I will just bulldoze through you like an ADHD toddler in a candy store.”

“Seconds are all I need. Now, I understand you are worried about your human friend—”

“Cousin,” Sunset interjected. “Kind of like a sister, actually.”

Blueblood sighed. “I…see. Well, this may not be the most ideal time to say this, but….”

The guard in black armor stepped up, interposing himself between Blueblood and Sunset. “Princess Sunset? I am Clandestine Moves, Deputy Director of Royal Surveillance for the Agency. Prince Blueblood contacted us when he came across your, er, ‘cousin’? Anyway, we ascertained what occurred, and we have her assailants – those that are still alive, in any case – in custody. We are moving on the rest of them now.”

Blueblood, realizing what his subordinate was doing – especially given that they were in public – immediately went into his shtick: “Yes, well, I figured if Auntie realized I did a good enough deed, she would probably reward me with another title or something.”

Sunset turned and glared at him. “You? Shut the fuck up.” She then turned back to Moves. “What the hell happened?”

“As far as we can tell, Your Highness, they attempted to abscond with your cousin.”

“They tried to kidnap her?” Sunset asked, surprised. A second later her eyes narrowed. “Fujitsu – that bastard.”

“So you know, then.”

“Yes, and give me a good reason why I don’t declare war on Inari right now.”

“Ah, because Equestria and Inari are allies?” Blueblood offered.

“I didn’t say Equestria would be the one starting the war,” Sunset hissed.

A look came over Clandestine’s face as if the last place he wanted to be was in Sunset’s angry glare. “In any case, Your Highness, one of the surviving assailants, Gibril Glasscannon, told me as much as he could, though apparently it wasn’t much. But it was enough that I’ve ordered the Inariese airship in-port detained and any crewmember aboard arrested. I’ve also taken the liberty of contacting—”

Sunset’s horn flickered with cyan magic. “Don’t bother,” she ordered.

There was a swirl of leaves and Han’nya appeared in an instant, flanked by several of his guards. “I have been summoned,” he said testily, “and I demand to know why—”

Sunset immediately got in the kitsune’s face. “I’m going to backhand Prince Fujitsu into the next timezone. If you’re here to stop me, then you can join him. If you’re here to find out what the fuck happened, well, give me five minutes to make him piss in his pants before I backhand him into the next timezone.”

Blueblood looked at them all. “As much as I could care less about what’s going on, I do have my position to consider.” Turning to Sunset, he pled once more, “I strongly suggest we talk in my office.”

“As if I give a fuck what you want,” the alicorn retorted.

“Please, just trust me, all will be clear in time.”

Han’nya looked at Blueblood, who looked to be in bad shape. “And why are you in such disarray, Your Highness?”

The unicorn gave a theatrical sigh. “Paparazzi can be such a trial,” he said. “I just happened to be walking by and heard the commotion. In my haste, I jumped into those nightrose bushes over there—” He pointed to a group of neatly-trimmed black and blue rose bushes, “—and after everything was over, climbing out of them was a bit of a chore. I’m afraid I’m going to most certainly need some time at the spa in order to make up for all this.”

Blueblood put a hoof on Sunset’s withers in an attempt to lead her away, but she merely swatted it away like a particularly bothersome fly. “I’m not doing anything until I know that—”

“I’m okay, Sunny.” Sunset turned and saw Octavia nervously walking towards her, the medic closely following.

Sunset immediately changed to her human form and went over, embracing her. Seeing that, Han’nya’s jaw dropped. “What in the twelve underworlds?” he gasped.

Sunset ignored him. “Are you okay? They didn’t hurt you or anything, did they?” she asked.

“I’m still a bit groggy after whatever it was they hit me with,” the raven-haired teen admitted.

The medic looked at the humanized alicorn. “I administered an anti-toxin nostrum, and she should be fine in a few minutes, Your Highness. Aside from that I recommend she get some rest tonight and she should be back to normal in the morning.”

Clandestine sighed. “We need to take this out of the public sphere, for all involved. Please, my esteemed guests, if you’ll come with me, the Agency offices are not far and we can discuss this there. As it is, the Solar Guard will need to complete their investigation and they can best do that if we are not in the way.”

“And to think, I never even noticed!” Kibbitz laughed as the two Celestias spoke to him in the now-emptied throne room. Turning to the alicorn he said, “Lady Celestia, you are far more suited to this than you think. If my Princess should ever need time off, I think I know who to call upon!”

Celestia blushed. “Thanks,” was all she said.

“Thanks nothing, Tia,” Celestia told her counterpart. “I couldn’t have done better myself!”

At that point, one of the guards approached them. “Adm. Loam has arrived, Your Majesty,” he told the alicorn, unaware it was not really his regent.

“Thank you; please send him in,” Celestia said, a twinkle in her eye. The princess caught that and knew what her counterpart was up to.

A few seconds later, Sable approached the trio. “Hello, ladies, Lord Kibbitz,” he stated. “I trust court went well?”

“Quite so, Admiral,” “Princess Celestia” told him.

The woman stepped forward and took his arm. “So, how did the SIREN candidate selection go, dear?” she asked him.

Sable looked at her and said, “It went well, Your Majesty. Thanks for asking.”

The trio looked at him, completely shocked. “How—” Kibbitz asked, unable to even finish his sentence.

Sable laughed. Pointing at the alicorn, he noted, “She’s fidgeting her wings, which I’ve been told is a habit that new pegasi have before they learn how to fly.” Then pointing to the human, he added, “Plus, my Celestia doesn’t last more than two minutes without checking her cellphone!”

“Busted,” the alicorn sighed. “Am I really that obvious?”

“Only to me, Tia,” he told her.

One quick magic spell later, and the two Celestias were back to normal. “Well, that was fun,” Princess Celestia said with a wide smile. “I would hope that I could talk you into doing this again sometime?”

Celestia grinned, but said, “As much as it was a nice change of pace, Celly, I’ll have to decline. I don’t see my position as one step away from world domination, no matter how vital it is.”

Kibbitz stated, “Well, perhaps you may wish to change your mind over lunch? I’ve taken the liberty to have it prepared, and the chefs are standing by.”

“Well, at least that I believe I can get behind,” the woman noted. “Lead the way, good sir.” Taking her boyfriend’s arm in her own, the two humans, the alicorn and the unicorn headed off, chatting merrily about their day.