• Published 4th Jan 2019
  • 967 Views, 8 Comments

Vivalavida - sejox

Spike has a lot of work on his shoulder every day, yet he always finds some time to rest on his secret hideout.

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Today I helped pinkie pie

A little shirping canary swirled through the air; dancing with the wind as it searched for a good spot to land. While on it, the bird found itself coursing above the Apple's family orchard. Unfourtanetly for him, most of the apples had been either took from the trees or swiped off from the ground. The canary bowed its head in desolution for a moment before a sweet smell got its attention. The smell was coming from a conglomeration of trees that formed a circle in the area. the canary dived down to the odd spot and made its way through the branches of the trees.

Once inside, the bird scanned the surroundings. The ground was covered in leaves and few flower that had barely survived their way up through the folliage. A purple drake lay sleeping in one of the trees, with a closer inspection the bird recognized the dragon as a friend of Fluttershy, Spike. The bird narrowed the distance between itself and the drake, courious about the odd and sweet scent coming from the drake. The canary couldn't notice that despite its intent, its constant chirps and fluttering wings were loud enough to be heard.

Spike woke slowly from his slumber, stretching his arms and legs as he moaned, "boy... that was a good nap," he said gleefully before taking the arduos job of opening his eyes. He was meet by the bird's chirppings of couriosity, "hello there buddy, What brings you here? you were looking for a quiet place too?"

The bird stood quite for a moment, jumping from one side of the drake to the other, "You are looking for something? oh!" he jolted, "that's right, I eat a pie before getting here, you are probaly searching for the remaining crumbs," he moved to the side and showed the fore mentioned crumbs, "Serve yourself, it's from Pinkie Pie, one of the best bakers I know."

As the bird happily took the remains of the pie, Spike took a handful of leaves from the ground and started to form a mountain, "sometimes I forgot that she is not always jokes and smiles, you know? That mare is a box of surprises," He glanced at the bird, and then back to his work, "today, I helped her on manehathan, she wanted a heavy lifter to carry her stuff and since Big Mac is occupied she had to call the second best option."

The bird finished to eat and looked at the mountain of leaves before it, without asking for permission or giving any kind of adivce, the bird flew and perched on the top of the mountain. He looked at the drake, "you got yourself comfy, huh?" Spike asked, "well then, prepare yourself a good story."

A pink mare skipped and jumped through the allyway of the big city known as manehatthan. Her name was Pinkie Pie, and along side her Spike was following with a quick strode while carrying a pile of boxes of all sort of colors and heights.The allyway had multiple store for them to choose, mostly of them featuring baking related items; from books to utensils, machinery, decoration, furniture, anything that could give you the image of bakery shop was there, and it made Pinkie and her curly mane jolt and shiver in sheer joy.

"I understand now why you brought me here," Spike said, "I'm sure you'll buy most of the things in here, right?"

"Of course not, you silly," Pinkie cooed, "you are the one who is gonna buy something here."

Spike stopped abruptly, making his pile shift dangerously to one side. "What?" he said before struggling with the unbalanced weight upon him.

Pinkie Pie ogled at the discord tall pile moving from one side to the other, "wow... come on, Spike you can do it!" she cheered. Spike managed to get back the balance at the stake of losing his breath, "well done, now let's get back to bussiness, see this is the deal."

"She offered me to choose what she will buy for herself, which I found weird," Spike said, before pausing for a second in thought," let me give you some context, Pinkie was using her saving of the year to make a big shopping trip and get everything ready for heartswarming... eventhou it's just september..." he glanced to the side, as if the whole issue felt akward for him, "the thing is: I got there when she had most of her to-buy list done, she only needed to buy herself a gift and then carry up everything back home. Both works were given to me."

His eyes doozed off on the waving branches as he kept his story, "I wish i could see how I looked there, a mountain of presents moving from one store to another. it surely would make me laugh the same way Pinkie did. However, with enough time I found a good decoration that could help her store look more colorful. After packing in... good mother of mine the look that the mare on the cash register gave me after I asked the purchase to be packed in a hearstwarming decorated fashion."

Spike breathed, "I thought to myself, well, she is Pinkie Pie, I beat she doesn't mind some odd looks now and then." He said and then looked at the bird, "then I meet her at the entrance of the shop... and saw her, she was smiling in such a way... oddly enough she always is smiling but each time she does it, every smile she gaves is unique in its own way--maybe because she has done it for so long that she had grown experiencied in the curling lips skill."

The bird, flew towards the drake's head and perched on his spikes. "She noticed my ogling at the time, and said: isn't great to see happiness on others? come on, we need to hide those presents, some say that they got better with time. Obviously that's isnt true, but I wasn't the one to argue and made that smile fade."

Spike yawned deeply and slowly rested his back on the tree, "today... I felt like I didn't need to search for a purpose in life."

The drake's eyelids moved down slowly, his breathing calm and deep. The bird looked down and noticed the snores coming from the drake; Mindful to not wake the drake again, he jumped off and landed on the mountain of leaves before flaping its wings towards the clear from where he made it there.

Author's Note:

hope y'all like this new chapter. Just so you know, I'm planning to make most of the chapters unrelated to previous ones. Unless I get a wild idea and decide to ship right and left or make a one shot adventure... who knows? however, see ya next time, lads.

Comments ( 7 )

Spike yawned deeply and slowly rested his back on the tree, "today... I felt like i didn't need to search for a purpose in life."

CUTE YAWNING!:rainbowkiss:

LOVE the idea of this story. I very rarely read anything but this has gotten my interest.

Warning! Baby Dragon yawning.

Very nice idea. looking forward to more when you have the time :)

oh no, more crazy ideas!!! waaaa, cute shippings! you just made the cute ships appear on my head!

Maybe it's because I just know the song, but isn't it meant to be Viva la Vida and not Vivalavida?

Actually the proper way will be "viva la vida" but I like it more this way because it holds a meaning on itself. let me put it this way: if I were to traduce the given tittles they will mean the following:

Viva la vida: hail life, hurray for being alive.

Vivalavida: rejoice in the act of living.

maybe I'm wrong for doing this, but anyway, it doesn't bother the ones speaking spanish so... i'll stick up using Vivalavida since it seems more poetic

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