• Member Since 14th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 56 minutes ago


You know what they say about monkeys and typewriters.


It should have been simple. Twilight Sparkle and her team would pull off one last heist and use the profit to live comfortably outside of Equestria for the rest of their lives. It went wrong. Of course it went wrong. Twilight should have done more research into the artifacts. She should have known.

The job went wrong. Her team scattered across the world and went into hiding... with the artifacts.

Now Twilight has to track down her team and recover the stolen goods before the world ends, all with an annoying royal guard breathing down her neck.

Cover art by Mr Tech

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 9 )

Well this is a interesting start for sure. I am wondering where Spike will come in on this. I think it would be interesting if he was another member of the team. But he had a falling out with all of them, mostly with 'Magic' and 'Generosity' and he refused to work with them again. Even going straight. But with Twi now captured they NEED the only other person who can plan just as well as Twi can. He was Twi's right hand man, he was per partner longer than any of them. So what will he do when she is facing death or life? That is just my idea tho. Or he could be input in many other places I can picture in this story. I am just hoping tho that he isn't a child or but a adult even if he stays in small form unless needed. But it would just seem a shame to have him be a child. I just like the idea of him having a fall out with the group, Generosity cheating on him from orders from Twi, He was left to riot in jail by them when the shit hit the fan during a crime which seeing how Spike was always taken advantage of and not really respected by the girls I could so see them doing that only to pay for it now when they DO need him, He could be such a interesting aspect to the story when he does come in.

It also could be possible that spikes the royal guard in charge of keeping an eye on twilight where during there travels to find the rest of twilights group they begin to bound and spike joins them in the end that or spike and twilight are brother/sister and while twilight chose crime spike picked justice

I thought of that. But I also remember them mentioning Flash by name. Which is what made me think it would be him to watch over her since if that isn't the case it would seem odd to drop the name of a character who is known to be a very possible love interest for Twi in it. Spike being the guard is possible as well for sure. But I think for him to do something like join a band of criminals I think it would need to be more than him just becoming friendly with them. I think some major things would have to happen for him to join them. Kinda like Rock from Black Lagoon. A major ethic and side change NEED something just as major to cause it, I can see him letting them get away but staying a guard but for him to join them and throw away possibly everything he worked towards something HUGE would have to happen to rattle that core of his.

Now, we get told why the Mane Six become criminals, right?

Excellent work on this story thus far. The exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up is all well done in all the right places. I particularly liked the call between Twi and AJ in the first chapter , the confrontation between Twilight and Celestia in the previous chapter , Celestia's explanation to Twilight concerning the situation and Twilight and Spike's first meeting (in THIS universe) in THIS chapter.

So, yes, I will most assuredly be looking forward to more (especially concerning the possibility of explanations of the Mane Six's reasons for turning to crime) , but will respect that real world circumstances have to come first.

Not sure yet if I'll read this, but the description is really giving me a Twilight the Third vibe from this.

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