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Walkin' on Sunshine

Babs Seed was having an exceptionally good day.

She had got an A+ on a test she’d thought she had failed, scored a B on an exceptionally hard piece of homework, and got two drinks out of the cafeteria drinks machine when she’d only paid for one. As well as that, she now had a practice with her band, the East Coast Crusaders. Inspired by her cousin, Babs had named the band in their honour.

There was no denying that the visit to Canterlot had done her a lot of good. Gone was the shy, withdrawn teen that had previously roamed the halls of Edison Elementary School. Nowadays, Babs Seed was a confident, cheerful member of the school community, usually with a smile on her face and an energy that had previously been lacking. She had enthusiastically thrown herself into school life, and her presence was usually a mark of approval in any matter. At the moment, she was heading for a practice with the band.

However, although the hint from Celestia had led to the bullies showing some restraint, they still caused her some bother.

“Hey, Bad Seed!” one of them bellowed behind her. “Ya never did answer me on that question in November?”

She looked back, with an annoyed look on her face. “Ya clearly didn’t get the message. I ain’t interested in you.”

“No, you like that cross-eyed klutz of a dancer,” he snapped back, mockingly.

Babs knew he was trying to get under her skin, and every fibre of her being just wanted to punch him. However, she’d been taking a course for anger management, and simply kept her cool.

“Hey!” she barked, stepping toward him with confidence. “That’s not how you talk to my friends!”

“Friend?” the bully snorted with a laugh. “Oh please. Who cares if I tease you a bit?”

“Trust me hombre, that’s a bad idea,” Babs snorted, her face locked into a permanent smirk.

“Well, what ya gonna do?”

Now for the big, heavy hitter. “Tell ya parents about ya bad attitude!” and with that, she leaned straight into his face. In his desperate attempt to avoid colliding with her nose, he fell backward and topped over.

Babs walked away with a grin. “Never gets old.”

Babs walked into the rehearsal room where her classmates had gathered for the rehearsal. Their band consisted of 5 members.

Over on Babs’ left, and tuning his guitar, was a boy with orange skin and purple hair; to a certain degree he looked like a male version of Scootaloo. He had purple eyes, and was wearing a red long-sleeved shirt, and blue jacket, black pants and a pair of purple shoes. His name was Tender Taps, and he was a seriously good dancer, something for which he had been mocked by the same bullies who had tormented Babs. Luckily, she had come to his rescue, and given him the offer of joining the band. He made a seriously good rhythm guitarist as well.

Over by the stage, tuning her bass, was a girl with yellow skin and ice-blue hair. She had blue eyes, a magenta long-sleeved collared shirt and blue slacks, and a pair of magenta boots with blue lining. Her name was Raindrops, bass player for the East Coast Crusaders. She had been a friend of Tender’s for years, and when Babs had mentioned the band, he’d suggested her as a bass player, and she’d fitted the bill perfectly.

At the piano was another boy. He had white skin and two-brown hair. He wore a brown shirt and white slacks, as well as brown shoes. His name was Featherweight, and (I’m sorry to say) was targeted due to his buck teeth and small stature. However, like Babs, he was a seriously good pianist, and was a valuable asset to the band, helping to keep them all in tune.

Finally, sitting at the percussion, was a girl with purple skin and silver-blue hair. She wore a purple blouse and blue shorts, and currently wore a pair of purple shoes. Her name was Silverstream, an exchange student from Rhode Island. Whilst she was originally targeted due to how extremely enthusiastic she was, there was no denying she was an incredible drummer. Whilst there was no guarantee how much longer she would be around for, she was the rock that held the rest of the band up.

Tender was the first to speak. “How’s the day been Babs?” he asked, in his usual calm manner.

“Jeepers, where do I start?” Babs smiled at him. There was a theory there was something going on between them, but nothing was confirmed. “Got a good test back, and got two drinks out of the machine.”

“That’s almost unheard of!” Raindrops laughed.

“I brought it here for us to share,” Babs replied. “A glass would be nice.”

“I’ll do you one better!” Featherweight called, bringing 5 glasses over. Babs shared the coke between all 5 glasses, and picked hers up.

“East Coast Crusaders forever!” she called.


Their glasses clinked together, but it rapidly transpired attempting to down fizzy drinks wasn’t the smartest of ideas.

After they’d finished coughing, Tender spoke up. “So, what are we gonna rehearse today?”

“How about that one by the Primitives?” asked Silverstream.

“Sure!” Babs replied, slinging her guitar off from her back and starting to strum.

“That was fun!” Featherweight smiled.

Babs looked back. “We need to make the parts tighter if we’re gonna perform that live. We were a little outta sync durin’ the Middle Eight.”

“Nobody's gonna notice!” Raindrops called. “Besides, we oughta get a chance when we go to N’awlins.”

Babs was surprised. “N’awlins?”

Now it was Tender Tap’s turn to be surprised. “You haven’t heard? There’s a school trip to New Orleans leaving in a few days!”

“Fuck!” Babs cursed. “I’d really have wanted ta go on that.”

“There may be still be a few spaces left,” Silverstream said to her. “I’m certain you’ll get on.”

“Of course, she will!” Featherweight added. “6 days in the Big Easy, comprehensive tour schedule, performance options, all meals paid for, and bed in the heart of the City, on Charters Street!”

“Sounds awesome,” Babs nodded, as she put her guitar away, and closed the case. “See ya guys later.”

“See ya then!” they called to her.

Babs arrived at her home in the afternoon, and walked in through the door to see her mother in the kitchen. Since we last met them, Mrs Orange had changed jobs in order to spend more time with her children. It still paid well, but the hours were shorter, so she now had more time to cook.

“Good evening Babs!” she smiled. “How are ya?”

“Fine Mom,” Babs answered. “I was wantin’ ta ask ya somethin’.”

“What about?”

“There’s a trip goin’ off to New Orleans in a few days. I’ve no idea how I’d missed it, but my friends are goin’.”

“You want to go with them?” Mrs Orange asked. “I understand. You 6 do practically everything together!”

“Yes Mom, but...please?”

Mrs Orange sighed. “Yes dear, you may. You’ve been a good girl for the last few months and deserve a treat.”

Babs hugged her mother. “Thanks!”

“No problem. Now, don’t you have someone to be callin’?”

Babs froze in shock. “The Skype call with my cuz’! I forgot!” She shot upstairs, and switched her computer on, opening the app and connecting to her cousin’s account.

Apple Bloom’s face appeared on the screen. "Howdy Babs!” she said.

“Cuz’!” Babs replied.

“Ah know it’s only been a month since Christmas, but it feels like ages since Ah last saw ya!”

“I feel the same way too. Besides, I get the impression the build-up to Christmas where you are wasn’t too much fun.”

“Yeah, bein’ accused of cyberbullin’ wasn’t mah high point.” There was a pause. "How are things in the Big Apple?”

“We got four members for the East Coast Crusaders,” Babs replied. “We’re soundin’ pretty good now, and we’re goin’ to NOLA in a few days as part of a trip.”

“Ah hope ya like the food! Ah’m told it’s extremely spicy!”

“Spicy? Forgetaboutit! You’re talkin’ to a girl who eats Mexican with no cream!”

Yer brave!”

“How’s life with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle?”

“It’s been great fun. We’re goin’ on a school trip to the CCR yards to see how they operate things tomorrow. It looks fun!”

“Time for dinner!” called a voice in the distance.

“Sorry, that’s Mah. See ya later!”

“See ya cuz’!”

Over dinner, Babs told the others of the trip. They were a little surprised.

“Seriously?” Sunflower asked. “Why don’t I get to go on trips?”

“Because your grades aren’t good enough,” Mosely Orange reminded her. Babs had not just gotten happier, but her school performance had surged. She’d gone up 2 entire grades in most of her subjects.

“You’d have more trips if ya weren’t focused so much on yer nails and hair!” Babs joked.

Mrs Orange began laughing. “And we’d have more cash in our pocket!” But her face went serious. “But that placement on the Black River and Western Railroad wasn’t cheap either.”

“But Babs got some practical skills out of it!” Mosely answered. “She fixed my motorbike engine as a result.”

“But boy was she mucky afterward!” Sunflower added.

“That’s why it’s so fun!” Babs laughed. “What’s the point of livin’ if ya don’t get a little mucky?”

That evening, Babs took a shower so she didn’t need to the next morning. Sunflower hammered on the door.

“How long are ya gonna take?” she called.

“I’ve only been in here 2 minutes!” Babs shot back.

“Well, hurry up!”

Babs smirked. She began to sing, LOUDLY!

“Babs Seed, Babs Seed, what we gonna do?

Got a bully on our tail

Gotta hide, we gotta bail!”

“NO!” came the cry from Sunflower. “I’D ONLY JUST GOT THAT SONG OUT OF MY HEAD!”

Author's Note:

Well, here we go again...

Any of you ever been to NOLA?