• Published 9th Dec 2020
  • 2,371 Views, 204 Comments

My little Sirens - CaioCoia

Starswirl must be the best magician of all Equestria, but not even the worst villain is capable to do what his 3 daughters did: They made him cry and freakout everyday. That's his life as father of Adagio, Aria and Sonata.

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Hearts and hooves of grand(parents) Part.2

At the momment I casted the teleportation, I knew exaclty where me and my daughters would be... In front of the Royal Graveyard of the heroes of Equestria.

To be sure to nopony would recognize me and my daughters, we were sure to wear clovers with hoods over our heads.

I was sure at this Holiday, everypony would be on their homes made by tents and rocks enjoying their special moments with their loved ones, and while some ponies are trying to find their love mates, in a search of being luck on whenever they were... Little did they know what actually was the meaning of this day...

Me and my little fillies, crossed some tombstones about some legends who gave themselves to defeat some terrible monsters, and some died in a war against the dragons... Flash Magnus once per year comes to give his visit to his squadron who died against a Dragon Commander, that war was by far one thing Flash Magnus wanted to forget in his life, but he will never want to forget his squadron and his commander from a few years ago...

I wanted to sympathize with him, but the best advice I could say to him was... Leave to be, the death comes to everypony, you can try to be ageless, but nopony is indestructible. The best thing we could do is, live our lives to the fullest, live with the things we will never regret at the end of our lives... And if is possible, live the afterlife with the same smile on the face as we lived the world.

But maybe my words went too harsh on him because I remembered I get punched in the face... I promised myself to never give advice to ignorant ponies again.

But I know at someday he will understand the meaning of my words... Because I know what I said is true... because this is the lesson my parents gave to me.

Adagio who was jumping happily, while Sonata was walking around my steps, and Aria who was in my back mounting me to not walk anymore... Yeah, they seemed really energic on this day...

"Adagio, stop jumping. Sonata, stop walking around like that, you will make me fall and we cannot disturb the resting ponies. Aria if you want to be on my back just ask." I said using my magic and adjust the little pink filly to have a good position on my back, while my other 2 fillies stopped their tracks, and nodded their heads.

"Okay, daddy." The trio always in synchronism made me open a weak smile, and then keep going forward.

Walking a few steps in front, we finally went where we wanted to be... I found 2 hooded ponies, who seemed to be the gravediggers over the place... They seemed sorely focused on watching the grave behind them... I couldn't see their faces, because their faces were hidden with a coat, in the same way as me and my daughters.

I walked by them, while I could see their smiles on looking at me and my daughters.

"Oh, look that honey... It seems Hearts and Hooves family came to a visit." A deep and calm voice made me and my kids look at each and other in silence, while they are trying their best to hide their excitement. "Such lovely and energic family..."

"Yes, my dear... It's been so good to see these lovely children and this good looking father as well." The female elder said in a softened tone, while I could see from behind her coat a grin made by her. "I'm questioning who would be the mother of such lovely children? Isn't she with you my young stallion?"

I sighed deeply...

"Really? We have to make this every year?" I asked while I ignored the giggling coming from a couple of elders and the giggling from my own daughters... Et Tu? My children?

I decided to pass by the elders and with chalk in my hoof, I went to the gravestone of my parents. It was a gravestone and behind it was a big statue of a couple, one was holding a sword with his horn, and the other was using the shield protecting his mate.

I went over the stone in front of the statute and I wrote the runes... The first step was complete... Adagio then went in front of the runes and dropped a flower bouquet... Aria went next, and with her bag in her hooves, she dropped some candy and chocolates in front of the gravestone. Sonata went next and decided to give a kiss at the gravestone in front of her...

Then I decided to recite a spell created with these runes...

"Roses are Red, violets are blue, I came here to visit my parents, the same way you must love you too." I recited while the glowing horn of my head, creating a huge magic blast, focusing at the keys of the rune to open a secret just I and my daughters know...

The statue started shaking, and a glow appeared in front of the gravestone... The runes over the statue started to move by themselves and created a form that would be similar to a wooden door. The statue itself was a passage, to a secret nopony must know behind this Holiday... I heard a giggling coming from the elders behind us...

"It seems you are still capable to visit your parents, young Star Swirl..." The elder male walked in front of the door at the statue and opened it to reveal a large corridor that would defy all the laws of the reality we lived... But the answer to this simple question of how and why... It's pure sorcery, not only magic, but ancient magic behind everything... the female elder took the little fillies near me, and with them passed through the door...

I looked around to see if there was anypony suspect... While I prayed to Faust to remain this secret as forever... And decided to ignore the future outcomes... I went through the door. I used my horn to make sure to close it, and to make the door behind me disappear at the moment it closed...

While we went throught the corridor, I finally could see an open area which revealed what would be a waiting room... Which would make me and my daughters confortable after walking inside in...

I went over the dark corridor, while I could see Aria, Adagio, and Sonata giggling and jumping while the two elders were smiling and laughing as they were holding themselves for a long time...

"Mom, dad... You can release your corpses now... But I have to ask... Mom you really need to make the same question every year?" I'm not lying when I said I'm tired to hear the same question, over and over again... While I could see my daughters giggling, I saw a glow coming from the two elders, and then 2 skeletons appeared over the floor, while 2 young transparent ponies came outside.

"My Faust, I hate to be inside of this thing for too long..." My father, who seemed to stretch his back made such a comment, while I could see my mother rolling her eyes.

"Honey, you just were there for 10 minutes... While I was there for 10 hours." Her comment made my father smile sheepishly while the giggling from my kids made my father even more embarrassed.

"I couldn't get helped, a mortal corpse wouldn't fit after being year after year getting in and out from a corpse..." I could see my father being embarrassed with the same way as an excuse...

But now It was my time for the kill...

"So maybe I shouldn't have brought you pudding, since you are getting uncomfortable to your spirit not fit through your body..." At the moment I said that I could see my mother's eyes gleam while my father's eyes and face palled in terror.

"Starty, you can threaten me with whatever you want... But never... Never use candies as blackmail... Not against your parents..." My father remained calm while I could see my mother and my children laugh from his pathetic attempt to save himself some candies...

I decided to remain in silence while savoring my sweet victory.

"Anyway, it's good to see you after another year son. I hope you didn't have used a lot of magic." The female pink spirit who was in fact my mother, went by my side and touched my face. "You have been using magic all the time, maybe you should eat something, me and Hearts are doing some lunch for someone who needs love..."

"Mom..." I rolled my eyes, while I suppressed my grin. "I'm fine, I created spells which could stop the time, just using sorcery to create a magical door inside of this plane, isn't different than making me coming back in time for 10 seconds... Trust me, at least using this sorcery don't break the line between the mortal plane and immortal plane... But I have to confess, making an entire Area under the graveyard, just for you two work it always shocks me... What did you do to make Faust use this kind of sorcery?"

Then a familiar smile coming from the spirit made me realize what she wants to say..

"Now, Now, my son... You know the rules. You cannot talk about magic theory before dinner." Her mysterious smile always makes me annoyed about her secrecy, but that's one thing I always understand about my mother... She really enjoys playing around...

Then I saw something which I was expecting too... My little daughters were in silence during so much time, after taking a glance, I could see, they are holding themselves to explode... in 3..2...1... Now.

"GRANDPA, GRANDMA." I saw my little sirens jump straight to their spirits, just to get passed by them and almost falling at the floor, my mother had used her magic to make them levitate.

"Woa, woa, woa, my ninas. I know it has been a year, but you don't need to jump on me like I'm some kind of food... That's what boys are for in the future." Her comment, made me and my father snap to her.

"MOM, HOOVES." Both of us made her cringe in her place.

"Please, they are kids yet. Refrain this talk until they have 30 years." I said while I could hear my father scoff...

"Really Starty? 30? Aren't you a bit free to much? I would say 45." At the moment he said that I raised my eyebrow... That wouldn't be a bad idea.

"HEARTS AND STARSWIRL..." We both looked at my mother who looked more outraged than angry. "I swear to Faust... If you are taking this seriously, I will make you get sleeping at the coach during a century."

She had pointed to my father while making him gulp. While then she pointed at me.

"And you... I will make sure it will be at least 1000 suiters for you until 10 years..."

Her predatory smile, while making my eyes wide open... I could understand one thing, she was talking seriously.

"Alright... 15 years old... That's maximum." I frowned like I didn't have a choice but I couldn't let my children act like a bunch of ravenous flirtatious maniacs over Equestria...

Then her predatory smile became a more sincere smile.

"Alright, deal. I'm sorry for making such a comment. Anyway, honey, we have a lot of work to do, and then we can pass our rest of the day passing with these adorable sea pegasuses." My mother carried my little daughters while I could see they enjoyed their time with their grandma...

"Let's go, son, there is a lot we can talk to catch up... And by the way... Happy Hearts and Hooves Day..." My father said while he used his magic to take of my hat, while I could see he was running to approach his grandchildren... While me I couldn't help but feel nostalgic and a bit happy again... Finally a bit of peace...

"Yeah... Happy Hearts and Hooves Day mom and dad." I whispered while I followed them until the next room.