• Published 20th Nov 2018
  • 4,460 Views, 45 Comments

Here Kitty Kitty! - Midknight_Stardust

  • ...

A smaller, more honest soul

It was the Fall season in Canterlot City. It was the beginning of the week, Monday; the slowest day of the week though also the one where a lot of business and mundane tasks were taken up. For a young Rarity? After school she was to go to the vet and pick up her kitten Opalescence who over the weekend had her routine 3 month check-up.

Rarity only had the little kitten for almost a year now and always hated sending the little kitty off; she always missed her like crazy and could never wait to go and pick her up and take her home to cuddle with her. Opal was one of Rarity's main sources of inspiration when she was drawing up designs for dresses at home and she always helped get the posh girl to sleep on nights when it was harder than most. However right now?

The little kitten was being naughty as she had broken away from Rarity in the midst of her taking her home from the vet to chase after a squirrel who had apparently been teasing her. Opal was a very sensitive kitten and didn't like being taunted by people or animals alike.

Giving chase, Rarity felt her shoes scuffing and her skirt ruffling as she ran to try and catch her speedy little kitten. As she came into the park she saw the grumpy kitten chase the bushy tailed rat up a tree and then attempt to pounce it only to miss and get stuck on a nearby branch.

"Opalescence! You get down this instant little kitten!!!" Rarity shouted up to her kitten pointing a stern white finger to the ground signalling the stubborn kitten to cease its naughtiness at once.

Opal meowed nonchalantly and indignantly as she pawed at a nearby squirrel who simply scurried away after tossing an acorn at the kitten. Opal hissed at the squirrels who simply chattered at Opal seemingly laughing at her.

Puffing out her cheeks Rarity pouted her lips now fuming. "Oooooh Opal I told you not to bother with those furry little rodents!" Rarity complained and stomped her foot in annoyance pouting her lips.It was then she got an acorn to the forehead making her stumble back and fall on her behind and in a small pile of leaves and dirt.

"Eeep! oofmph, oww!"

Yelping and falling down with a slight thud and rustle of leaves that got caught in her hair Rarity sighed and pouted getting up and brushing herself off. Shooting a mean look at the squirrel in the tree she picked up an acorn and tossed it back at the fuzzy tailed creature.

"How uncouth of you to throw things at a lady! Eeep!" Rarity yelped as she ducked another acorn that was tossed at her and then heard a large amount of chattering as she witnessed more of them show up and they all had acorns in their paws and she gulped as she began to look nervous and slowly began backing away.

"Ehehe n...niiiiice squirrels...um...oh dear...yaaaaaah!" Rarity shouted as she dodged a round of acorns and ran off to hide behind a tree that was just a few away from opal who was still in the other tree batting her little paws at the fuzzy tailed assailants.

Groaning in annoyance she sagged to the grass beneath her and pouted and while she didn't wish to cry in public as mommy said it was 'unbecoming of a lady' to do so? She was so hurt and sad that her poor kitten was stuck in a tree with no safe way down and on top of that? She just got her outfit dirty and got pegged by a bunch of squirrels with acorns! Certainly that was something to cry about right? However just as the tears and hiccups began to start? An unfamiliar voice spoke out to her.

"Hey what's a matter?" A young southern female voice asked curiously and with a hint of concern. "Ya'll alright? Ya ain't hurt are ya?"

At first Rarity didn't answer however upon looking up she came face to face with a young blonde girl with orange color skin and freckles. She dressed like a tomboy wearing brown open toe sandals, blue overalls and red shirt that had stripped green sleeves. On the front of the shirt were three red apples. Sniffling as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand she spoke.

"T-Thank you for asking darling...Um...I suppose I am okay though I am quite worried for my kitten Opalescence." Rarity said in a dejected tone as she pointed to her kitten who was still stuck in the tree guarded by an army of squirrels armed with acorns.

"You see I was bringing her home from the vet when those horrid little rodents started picking on my poor Opal and lead her into that tree and then they all threw acorns at me and made me fall in leaves and got my clothes all dirty and-" Rarity began to whine and pout.

"Now now calm down sugar take it easy. It'll be alright." The young southern girl said taking the girls hand and patting it to calm her down. Hearing what she had to say she looked to the tree and pursed her lips looking at the squirrels. "Hmph those rowdy lil rascals again huh? Well shoot ain't that just mean!? Pickin' on a poor lil kitty cat like that. Don't worry sugarcube! We'll help ya! Ain't that right Winona?" The young southern girl said with a charming smile as she looked to the tree that held her kitten. Next to her was a little puppy dog with a brown and white coat and red collar. The little pup barked in reply which the southern girl took as a yes.

Her eyes lit up with excitement as she saw the adorable pup next to the girl and she squealed adorably. "Awwwww what a cute puppy! She's sooooooo adorable!!" Rarity said fawning over the adorable little pup whom she scooped up off the floor and nuzzled closely and the small pup responded by licking the side of the posh girls face excitedly showing her affection making the now happier alabaster girl giggle. "Ehehehe awww aren't you affectionate? Thank you for wanting to help me. Oh dear! Where are my manners!?" Rarity said as she placed the puppy down and straightened out her skirt and her hair. 'A lady must always look her best' as she remembered her mother always said. "My name is Rarity; a pleasure to meet you." Rarity said with a kind smile and a curtsy.

"Well ain't you fancy? Hehhe you remind me of mah auntie and uncle orange out in Manehatten! My names Applejack! Fancy meetin' ya Ms.Rarity!" Applejack said taking the posh girls white hand and shaking it vigorously with a smile. After shaking her hand for a good 10 seconds she let go and then turned to the tree that held her kitten. "Alrighty then! Time to go catch a cat!"

"Oh do please be careful! Those squirrels look awful mean and Opal is very weird with strangers." Rarity warned. While only a kitten? Opal had a bit of a temper and tended to claw people she wasn't familiar with. Rarity warned as she saw Applejack begin to approach the tree.

"Don't you worry sugarcube! I'll have your kitty down faster than it takes a squirrel to find nuts in the fall!" Applejack said as she dashed over to the tree only to be met with a hail of acorns but she powered through it and latched onto the tree climbing up quickly and swinging from branch to branch until she reached the kitten. Slowly crawling along the branch she would see the small kitten whom she now noticed had a small purple bow upon its head was curled up on the branch it had once been combating the squirrels on.

"Here kitty, kitty; come ta AJ; niiiiice and easy now"

Taking her time she would inch closer and closer and she would lightly pet the small animal to let it know she was not a threat and would gently scoop her into her arms and she smiled as she sat on the branch cradling the small animal. Surprisingly; most of all to Rarity, Opal purred and cuddled into Applejack's embrace.

"There we go; don't ya worry. It'll be alright. I promise." Applejack said as she cradled the little kitten whom cuddled itself in her arms to feel safe.

Rarity was astonished by the girls show of bravery and her show of care towards her cat. Never before had she seen such chivalry much less from another girl! She had friends and all of them were like she was; posh, high class, clean and loved to shop, make clothes, do makeovers and things of that nature. This girl? She was much different from any other girl she had met. She smiled as she saw her cradle her beloved Opal and clapped at her show of bravery.

"Bravo! Oh thank you so so so much Applejack! Now please come down; it is quite dangerous up there." Rarity said semi-nagging the farm girl.

"Sure thing sugarcuuuuuu-woooooah!" Applejack started to say as she stumbled over part of the branch and fell from the tree. Luckily for her though? It wasn't too high up and there was a nice pile of leaves right under the tree considering it was the fall season and many children liked to jump in the leaves in this area after the running of the leaves. Landing in a soft pile of red and orange leaves she popped out and shook her head and chuckled as she safely still held the little kitten in her arms.

"Ehehe whoops; must'a slipped" Applejack said sheepishly.

Rarity rushed over to check on them as Applejack emerged from the leaves and while she saw they were okay she still looked worried and voiced her concern. "Oh my goodness! Are you alright? Oh dear that was so reckless! I told you to be careful!" Rarity chastised in a pouty posh girl manner wagging her finger scolding Applejack making the young farmer blush.

"Heheh sorry; I aint mean ta worry ya"

Rarity sighed and shook her head giggling away her worry. "Oh it's alright I was just worried about you and Opal. That was a brave and generous thing you did Applejack."

Applejack blushed and smiled waving a nonchalant hand at Rarity's praise. "D'awww shucks it wasn't nothin'. Always happy to help a damsel in distress, it's what we Apples do!" Applejack proclaimed proudly with a smile.

Rarity smiled happily as she cradled Opal in her arms. Looking over the horizon she saw the sun was beginning to set and she knew that was her cue to get home and get home quickly as she was to be home by supper time. Turning back to Applejack she would speak again. "Well this damsel is certainly thankful for your aid. Can I hope to see you again?"

"Well sure! Ah live out on Sweet Apple Acres and my daddy n Granny n Big brother all work in the markets in town! Just swing on by anytime ya like! We'd love ta have ya sugarcube!" Applejack said smiling as Winona barked happily next to her.

Rarity nodded smiling and as a quick show of thanks for Applejack's generous help? She planted a quick and sweet kiss on the farmers cheek making the farm girl blush and she blushed in return as it happened. It lasted only about 10 seconds but for the two of them? It would be a moment they'd replay in their minds every single day.

"Thank you Applejack. I hope to see you again soon! Ta-ta darling!" Rarity said as she cantered away leaving the young Applejack standing in the park under the old oak tree stunned at what had just happened.

Putting a palm to her cheek which was still blushing? It felt hot to the touch, as she sniffed the air? A lingering scent of lavender hit her nose likely from the girl who had just been within a few feet of her. Even though the girl had left a full 10 seconds ago? Applejack finally rebooted herself enough to say.

"See ya 'round sugarcube~💛" Blushing still Applejack walked out of the park with Winona in toe as the memory replayed in her head and she had hoped to one day repay the generous gift she was given for her act of chivalry. As she walked ahead toward the sunset she caught sight of the woman whom she had come here with in the first place.

A tall woman with freckles just like her but she had flowing curly orange hair and a yellow flower placed in it. She wore similar attire to Applejack in it being 'southern comfort' since it was fall weather outside with her outfit consisting of brown boots, blue jeans, a red shirt and blue jacket over it. Applejack ran up to her and she hugged her as the small pup ran up and cuddled her leg.

"Ya have fun Jackie?" Buttercup asked chuckling as she rustled her daughters hair and got all the leaves out of it.

"Heheh yeah; I had ta help a friend get her cat out of a tree. Poor gal would'a had a fit if I ain't come along." Applejack said the blush still clear on her face.

Noticing her daughter's blush she chuckled very easily able to put two and two together. "And did she say thank you?" Buttercup asked in a semi-smug tone with a sly smile on her face to her daughter.

"Y...Yeah...course she did" Applejack blushed more and turned her face away and pursing her lips.

Buttercup giggled and decided to not press her daughter further about it as she was pretty sure she could tell what happened. Applejack was a terrible lair just like her father. It would seem her daughter? Much like herself had found love early in life and she could tell it was only a matter of time before it blossomed into something beautiful. "So what was her name sugarcube? What was she like?"

Applejack's blush intensified as she thought of the girl with snow white skin, her beautiful voice, fancy clothes and generous spirit. Unsure of how to exactly put what she was like into exact words Applejack simply chose to say. "She was a Rarity" And that was the single greatest truth Applejack had ever realized.

Buttercup giggled and kissed her daughter on the top of her head and rustled her blonde hair and said. "Really? That the honest truth?"

Applejack blushed and smiled nodding. "As true as the sun sets."

Author's Note:

First Rarijack fic! What do you all think? Let me know if you want me to keep this one going. I have a few more ideas and I plan on taking each story up in rating. So this one was rated E. Next will be rated T and if in high enough demand? There will be a rated M clop story for these two. Like, comment and follow!

Comments ( 45 )

Please, for the love of Kami, get a proofreader who has English as their first language.

Trust me if it were that simple? I would. Sadly? One man production here:raritydespair:

A little harsh there, mate.

Eh its all good, any feedback is good feedback and he ain't wrong lol I need a proofreader so damn bad its ridiculous how I manage without one xD

True that criticism should always be appreciated, but still, there are better ways to word it. Doesn’t hurt to at least be polite when pulling a Sugarcoat.

There is a Proofreader group on here as well. Let me get a link for you

Actually, there are two from the top of the list.



thank you. Always appreciate when people give feedback like this and are willing to help me out. Gives me more motive to write.

Could use some editing but darn it its cute!

thanks and i am aware of the need of an editor i just couldn't wait to post this lol xD the idea was too fresh in my head and writers block has been TERRIBLE

Cute little story


Le Sigh, when will I get to read a story about people actually becoming friends instead of getting the crazy eyes for each other? No offense author, truely this comment is an arbitrary one, couldve been left on any one of the hundreds of A/R stories out their... I guess you could look at it like winning the lottery, except you get no money, someone has just yelled at you and they are proceeding to moan and gripe about a story they haven't even read yet without offering any objective criticisms... So more like a McDonald's sweepstakes.

No worries. Like I always say. Any feedback is good feedback. I wanted to try my hand at this ship but have it be a slow burn in a sense but also have some parallel to the romance between buttercup and bright Mac but try and put a different spin on it. This story is just the first of about 4 that I have planned. Thanks for the input!

There will be a sequel I just need a little time to form ideas

Just wanna thank everyone who has liked this story! Reached 40 likes. Currently drafting the sequel which will be a direct continuation of these events with a small few weeks time jump. This series is gonna be a slow burn romance so I hope you all are enjoying it


"She was a Rarity."

Good ending line. The story was cute and had suitable cover art to go with it. I will give some criticism though:

Try not to let your sentences run on for too long. It can be very draining to read which can lead to people skimming over some stuff. Also,

A smaller, more honest soul

I'm guessing the chapter title is a reference from RWBY? If so, you got some good tastes.

Was wondering when someone would get that reference

Very cute story, thank you for writing.

Glad you enjoyed it. Working on new one shots for this couple

I see you have gotten comments about it needing some edits, and I'm not sure if you've done any yet. It does need some editing, but I to did think the criticism you got was a little harsh. This is a very cute story. Nice and self contained with a good feel over all. Your biggest problem I can see is run on sentences. I think you have the same problem I do. I know I start doing run-on's when I forget to watch myself and start writing like I speak. It's actually an easy problem to police, and I can give you a tip if you want.
Other then that, please fix the mistake in the description. I noticed you've been here a while, so you should know that that will make people lose faith in a story. And it's a good story, just needs some polish.
Noticed some other stuff while going through comments, but this one is getting long enough. I'll pm you if you do want more advice.

Comments and feedback are fine and yes I know I need editing done.

short and nice, very good!

Cute one-shot with some nice characterisation. Well done!
Keep up the good work!


Thank you! New story posted that is kind of a sequel to this

Awww, that was cute. Good job! :ajsmug:

This was just plain adorable.

dawwwww.... this was cute. Super cute :rainbowkiss:

This maybe the cutest rarity ever written. It is a stark contrast to the last rarity fic i read which, although hilarious and well written, portrayed her as a nearly well manageing Sociopath lol. I have now witnedsed both ends of the spectrum.

Time and experience changes people lol

aw this was so cute

what story was that

Rarity's a sociopath and paper girl(its sequel) both by leeroy_gIBZ

Okay, everyone cover your ears. It's about to go down.


That was so cute! I want to hug little Opal and Winona! :heart:

*recomposes myself*

Also, remind me to avoid that particular Canterlot park.

The squirrels there are pricks.

And I don't want to get sniped with a 50 caliber acorn. :twilightoops:

Squirrels in that parks be like

"You came to the wrong park kid"

Pretty much, I am keeping both myself, and O.C.s out of that one.

Yeesh, those squirrels are plain mean. :twilightoops:

I mean even AJ knew them as troublemakers.

I wonder if Fluttershy could straighten them out.

She does. Fluttershy is the reason they dont attack Rarity anymore lol

:yay: Nice, that's our little Fluttershy. :heart:


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