• Published 5th Apr 2019
  • 3,651 Views, 356 Comments


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What I've done!

Author's Note:

Happy Chinese New Year! :pinkiehappy:

The battle had now taken a complete one eighty turn. As soon as the Decepticon soldiers got reassembled by the power of the AllSpark, they opened heavy fire on the remaining royal guard ponies, mowing down a dozen of them in a matter of seconds. For these ponies, the only logical option was to retreat as the Decepticons now easily outnumbered them six to one. Therefore, a recently healed Princess Celestia soon gave the retreat order and all the royal guards (both celestial and lunar), began running towards the front gates of Canterlot with Princess Luna and Ratchet providing them cover fire, hoping to set a trap for the enemy inside the city.

While his troops started to chase the ponies to the gates, Megatron himself had no intention of moving from his current position. Instead, he had decided to engage his persistent nemesis, Optimus Prime, and end his miserable life once and for all. With that in mind, he began wildly swinging his mace towards the Autobot leader, but after Optimus deflected all of these strikes with his axe, their weapons were once again locked in a stalemate. A few seconds later, however, Twilight attempted to break that stalemate by emitting a beam of magic from her horn to Megatron's face and though Megatron was successfully blocking that beam with his left arm (which also had the hand he was holding the AllSpark with), the attack was distracting him enough for Optimus to slowly but surely push through. In fact, Megatron had already taken two steps backwards in the first ten seconds and was using every last ounce of his strength to block his opponent's axe with just one hand at the handle of his mace.

Luckily, help came rather soon as just when he was about to take a third step backwards, a Brute came charging towards Optimus and pushed him aside with his gigantic shield and then attempted to strike the knocked down Autobot leader with his hammer. Even though Optimus rolled out of the way and tried to fight back after standing up, he was hit from behind by the hammer of a second Brute. Soon enough, two more Brutes arrived and began attacking him from all directions while he did his best to counter each attack.

"Optimus!", cried Twilight in terror, but as she stopped emitting magic and tried to fly towards his Autobot friend to help him out, she was struck from behind by Megatron who had placed his mace to his back during the commotion and swatted the purple alicorn with his now-free right hand like a fly. As a result, she was hit in the back pretty hard and was now lying on the ground severely injured and struggling to get back on her hooves. Megatron casually walked towards her before grabbing her by the wings with his right hand (he was still holding the AllSpark with his left hand), lifted her towards a position right in front of his face, and maliciously sneered at her.

"Foolish child", he said. "Your hero is on the verge of being decimated and yet, you risk sharing his fate in order to rescue him. Why is that?"

Twilight responded by giving him a defiant glare and declaring, "That's because he's not my hero. He's my friend and true friends always help each other out no matter the cost. I'm absolutely certain he would've done the same for me."

Upon hearing that, Megatron chuckled and replied, "Of course he would. He always tries his hardest to protect the weak and the defenseless from annihilation. Ultimately, it's his greatest flaw, because he has never understood where true power comes from or how the universe actually works. One can only hope to become stronger by forcing those weaker than him into submission and using fear to control their every action. Concepts like friendship and love are merely alternative words used to describe weakness. It's taken me a lifetime to understand this and I have no intention of disregarding it simply because a na- AAARGH!!!"

Before he could finished his speech, Twilight sent a magic blast to the hand Megatron was holding her wings with, causing him to let go of his grip and her to fly towards his other hand. Once she was near that hand, she blasted it as well, which caused Megatron to drop the AllSpark and this gave Twilight enough time to grab it in mid-air. Then, she teleported to a spot right in front of Megatron's utterly puzzled face and, with a smirk on her face, she proudly declared, "Caught you monologuing!"

In response, Megatron growled with intense rage and attempted to grab her again. Even though, Twilight managed to teleport to his right and started to fly away as fast as she could, Megatron quickly transformed into his vehicle mode and began chasing her across the battlefield. During the chase, he even resorted to shooting at her using the humongous cannon of his tank form, with Twilight barely managing to avoid the incoming blasts. After failing to hit her five times, Megatron finally locked on to her, charged up his cannon, and was about to deliver the killing blow when-


Ratchet (in his vehicle mode) slammed right into Megatron and caused him to miss his shot. Though he was dazed by that attack, he soon recovered and transformed back into his robot mode, with his Autobot opponent immediately following suit and emitted the energy absorption beam of his Energon Repair Ray at him. Unfortunately, it barely had any effect on Megatron as he charged towards Ratchet and knocked him down with one left hook before crushing his chest plate with a single stomp from his right leg. Even though Ratchet's spark was still intact, he still screamed in extreme agony as he struggled to move Megatron's leg. Megatron, however, paid no attention to his struggle and began charging his fusion cannon in preparation for blowing up Ratchet's entire face.

Just then, he felt as though he was being shot at from behind and turned around to see Bumblebee driving towards him while shooting him with machine guns attached to each side of his vehicle mode. While he was more than resistant to this type of attack, it irritated him very quickly. When Bumblebee transformed back into his robot mode and jumped to the air in order to deliver a punch, Megatron removed his leg from Ratchet's chest, grabbed him by the head with his right hand, and threw right at Bumblebee, resulting in the Autobots colliding with each other in mid-air and Bumblebee getting stuck under Ratchet's severely injured body. As the scout tried as hard as he could to free himself, Megatron walked towards him and prepared to smash his head in with his left fist when-


As soon as Megatron heard that scream, he was hit in the back of his head by a blast of alicorn magic. Upon looking at the direction the blast came from, he discovered that the source of the blast was none other than an extremely furious Princess Luna hovering in the air. She then charged up her horn with magic once again and exclaimed, "I will not allow you to destroy another innocent life, monster!"

Immediately after that, she unleashed a gigantic beam of magic right towards Megatron's face. Despite the intensity of the beam, however, Megatron managed to block it with his right palm and continued to do so for fifteen seconds before Luna stopped emitting the beam due to exhaustion. Seizing the opportunity, Megatron stopped blocking and punched the ground with his left fist so hard that the resulting shock wave caused Luna to lose her balance and be knocked down once again. He then picked her up by her horn and threw her beside Bumblebee and Ratchet before shouting at them, "Look at you miserable fools! You claim yourselves to be the defenders of this world, yet you can't even defend yourselves. You are all hypocrites who need to be taught a lesson in strength and devotion. Well, I shall gladly teach you these lessons by making you watch as I burn down this planet you hold so dearly and spread my wrath to every other planet who would dare to defy me. In time, you will realize that I've become the strongest there is by never questioning the righteousness of my cause and that there is no point in res-"

Before he could finished that sentence, however, he was tackled to the ground by Optimus Prime himself. As the tow leaders rolled several times across the battlefield, they threw punches at one another with each of them succeeding in landing solid blows. Eventually, they came to a stop near the Decepticon forces almost breaking through the front gates of Canterlot and Optimus managed to throw Megatron off of him. As they recovered, the Decepticons noticed them and decided to watch the incoming fight rather than going into the city.

Megatron wiped some dust off his chassis and said, "Your little insect companion was right. I really should stop monologuing when I'm in a battlefield. By the way, where has she flown off to? I hope you haven't accidentally scared her off with one of your 'inspiring' speeches."

In response, Optimus retrieved his axe from his back and declared, "She is far more courageous than you realize. She saved me from your Brutes and even insisted that I rescue Bumblebee, Ratchet, and Luna while she took care of a few more Brutes that had recently arrived. Besides, this is going to be the very last battlefield you'll ever see."

"Ha! Then, you've finally decided to terminate me, I assume?", asked Megatron. "A noble strategy, indeed, but whether or not you can actually succeed in executing it remains unclear."

"The only way to save the innocents of the planet and stop this battle here and now is to remove the head of the invading army", Optimus confidently replied. "A sacrifice worth making in the service of the greater good."

"Oh, please! If you had truly cared about the greater good, then you would have taken this course of action eons ago!", Megatron exclaimed. "You were given countless opportunities to finish me off during the war on Cybertron and you took none of it, because you had some misguided hope that you could convince me to change my ways. Well, I have some news for you, Prime! I have absolutely no desire to change and every time you tried to persuade me otherwise, you lost many friends in the process! This means every single one of them perished because of you and you are just as evil as everyone claims me to be. So, let me ask you something. Who is the real villain here? Because, the way I see it, you are no better than I am!

Upon hearing all this, Optimus screamed in rage and ran towards Megatron while preparing to cut off his head with one slice of his axe. However, purple streaks of lightning began to form around Megatron's hands and just as Optimus was about to strike, he extended his hands right towards him and the purple beam of energy emitted from the hands caused the creation of several Dark Energon spikes protruding from the arms, legs, and chest of the Autobot leader. As a result, an ailing Optimus promptly fell to the ground and the Decepticons around him loudly cheered upon seeing this.

Megatron subsequently began laughing maniacally and declared to his soldiers, "I know I said I should stop delivering monologues, but it seems they have great advantages, after all!"

The crowd immediately cheered louder than before and even began shouting his name while Optimus was lying helplessly on the ground, not having even the slightest energy to get back up. Soon enough, Megatron came beside him and said, "Ahhh... I would have waited an eternity for this! It's over, Prime."

Breathing heavily, Optimus replied, "Never. Even if you destroy me, Megatron, others will rise to defeat your tyranny."

In response, Megatron began charging his fusion cannon and aimed directly at the fallen Autobot leader's head before exclaiming, "Then, I'll just have to destroy you all! STARTING WITH YOU!"

Just as he was about to shoot Optimus right in the face, however, he heard someone screaming, "STOP!", and looked up to see Twilight hovering above him while still holding the AllSpark with her hooves. Sensing an opportunity, a sinister smirk appeared on his face as he stopped charging his cannon and said, "He tells me you saved his life, child. I can give you the chance to do so again. Surrender that cube immediately and you shall have my permission to use it to heal him before I take it. Otherwise, I will finish him with a single shot. Better make your decision quick. His life is literally in your hooves."

Upon hearing all this, Twilight's entire body began trembling with fear as she tried to evaluate her options. Unfortunately, she soon realized that neither of them could lead to desirable outcomes. If she gave up the AllSpark, Optimus would live, but Megatron would annihilate the entire planet afterwards. If she held on to the AllSpark, then Megatron would certainly terminate her new friend without mercy. She had to find a third option that could save everyone, but as hard as she contemplated and tried to find a solution, she ultimately failed. Tears began flowing down her cheeks as she came to terms with the fact that a third option was just not possible and that she had no choice but to make a sacrifice in order to get herself out of this predicament.

Just then, however, she heard something. It was a very faint sound and when she looked down to see no one paying attention to it, she realized that it was in her head. Although she could not exactly make out what it meant, she figured it was almost like a call or signal and that it seemed to become louder every time she turned her head towards the AllSpark.
It was at this moment that she finally understood that the AllSpark was causing the sound and that it was trying to tell her something. She also remembered the story that Princess Luna had told her and asked herself, "If this cube could transfer its entire knowledge and a fraction of its power to my ancestor, I wonder what it could do to me?"

Unable to stop herself from finding the answer to this question, she promptly placed the AllSpark on her horn and as soon as she did that, her eyes glowed blue. Subsequently, the AllSpark glowed blue as well and its metal surface began to peel off, revealing a cube made out of pure blue energy, which was then completely absorbed into Twilight's horn. Right after that, Twilight's entire body began glowing blue and suddenly released an enormous wave of energy that swept over the entire area. It caused every single Decepticon soldier to be torn into pieces, and both Megatron and the Autobots to be sent flying at least fifty feet backwards. On top of that, it removed the Dark Energon spikes on Optimus' body, and completely healed the injuries of Bumblebee and Ratchet, who were the first ones to recover and look at their new conditions in awe.

"We're still alive?", asked Bumblebee before noticing the pieces of the nearby Decepticons. "Wait, how come we're alive and they're not?"

"I'm wondering that myself", Ratchet replied. "Perhaps, the resulting explosion of life energy was too much for them to handle and they blew up from being overloaded with it."

Bumblebee thought about this for a few seconds before saying, "Well... I guess that makes sense."

Just then, they both noticed the unconscious bodies of Twilight and Optimus, and immediately gasped in horror. While Bumblebee ran towards Twilight in order to check up on her, Ratchet rushed to Optimus' side with the same intention. Unbeknownst to them, however, Megatron had also recovered and when he saw the current situation of his forces, his crimson optics glowed brighter than ever before.