• Published 15th Nov 2018
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Starcraft: Queen and Country - Wanderer D

A seemingly safe experiment is violently interrupted, sending three unwitting innocents through the Void to emerge into a universe at war.

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Chapter 018: Tradeoff

Starcraft: Queen and Country
By Wanderer D
Chapter 018: Tradeoff

2504, Koprulu Sector, Planet Char █

"I hate this place," Gallus stated. "I hate it so much. You have no idea. It's worse than The Badlands and Griffonstone combined."

"Bah, what's not to like, birdboy?" Tychus asked. "Can't you appreciate the simple beauty of the place?"

"I guess you wouldn't mind the ashes that cover everything, given you smoke cigars inside your helmet," Gallus grumbled, "but ignoring that doesn't make it better. This place is designed to charbroil any creature that steps on it!"

"So what, you're afraid that half of you will be breaded and left out to fry?"

"Even if that worked, this place would make anything exposed to it inedible."

"Exactly. It's just like being back in prison."

"Alright you two, keep it down," Raynor ordered as he approached with another grumpy-looking terran.


"Warfield. How's the arm?"

"Better than ever," Warfield chuckled, showing off his transforming mechanical arm. The terran shook his head. "I still can't believe I owe you two my life. Between you boys and Sweetie Belle I'm beginning to think I'm actually just crazy and committed to a padded room, and just haven't realized it."

"Wait, Sweetie?" Gallus asked. "You know her?"

Warfield, who Gallus remembered now was the Dominion's general who Raynor had sent his forces to rescue, glared at him for a moment. "And what the hell are you supposed to be?"

"This is Gallus, the griffon," Raynor said. "He's from the same planet that Sweetie came from originally."

Warfield's demeanor relaxed just an inch. "I see. So you knew her from before she became a Zerg."

Gallus grimaced. "Yeah. How did you meet her?"

"She conquered the world I was planning to retire to," Warfield grumbled. "Had a nice, lakeside view too." He sighed. "We lost a lot of good men and women… but she allowed just about everyone to escape when I asked nicely."

Tychus let out a guffaw. "Yer telling me you surrendered to the zerg? What, you couldn't hold your own until the evac ships showed up?"

"They weren't coming, Tychus," Warfield growled.

Tychus frowned, but didn't retort, choosing to chew on his cigar while Warfield shook his head.

"Too many Zerg. They were going to leave us… but Sweetie Belle called back her entire army to give them enough space to feel safe enough to evac the last of us."

Gallus shot Raynor a glance.

"Hey now, don't give me that look," Raynor said. "It's true that Sweetie is not your normal zerg, but you can't forget that she is a zerg."

"That is true, boy," Warfield said, glancing down at Gallus. "I count myself lucky that Sweetie had a heart then, but she didn't hesitate killing others, or sending her zerg to tear apart everyone else. As much as I'm grateful for her mercy then, I can't expect that it will continue indefinitely."

Gallus sighed, his mind going back to Agria. The cavern. Sweetie's aggressive self-assurance. The genuine happiness in her eyes when she saw him. How he felt when he saw her.

Gallus gulped, then shook himself to steer his mind away from where his thoughts were going.

"Oh yeah, he's got it bad," Tychus said, elbowing Raynor.

"I don't know what it is about you pirates and hooking up with murderous hybrid alien females," Warfield said. "But you'd better keep your heads in the right place."

Tychus snorted and shook his head. "Whatever. Just don't get us killed for a kiss."

"I would never kiss Sweetie Belle, Miss Rarity would flay me alive!"

"Yeah. That would be easier to believe if you weren't grinning so much, kid."

"Anyway, I brought you boys something," Warfield said, the mirth leaving his face. He stepped to the side as four more terrans brought down a container that opened up to reveal one of the Xel'Naga devices.

Raynor and Gallus exchanged a glance. If the emperor's son was to be believed, this was their way to bring back both Kerrigan and Sweetie.

"Well," Tychus said, "what are we waiting for? Let's punch through their defenses!"

"Easy there," Raynor said. "With this here, and if Valarian is right, we might be able to turn back both Kerrigan and Sweetie Belle to normal. We can't mess this up."

"With their forces it's going to be a tough battle. We won't be able to use the artifact until it's completely ready," Warfield said.

"With so many zerg… can we even do this?" Gallus asked.

"We have a way," Warfield grumbled. "According to the Mobius boys, we can discharge waves of energy that should eliminate any zerg within its reach." He took a cigar and put it in his mouth, chewing on it as he contemplated the device. "Problem is… once we use it, it takes time to recharge."

Raynor snorted. "At this stage… we'll take all the help we can get."

Kerrigan sat on her throne, her right hand placed firmly against her face as she listened, with eyes closed, to Sweetie's report.

Predictably Izsha jumped in the moment the younger queen finished talking and started berating her, but Kerrigan was still processing things.


Kerrigan had known when she had given Sweetie the chance to keep her own mind, that she was taking a risk. While not as powerful as her, the strange alien-turned-zerg had amazing psi potential, unknown skills, weird ways of using her powers, and an all too happy-go-lucky attitude for a zerg.

It was an experiment. Sweetie was endearing, but subservient, and through her connection she could sense that the younger queen saw her, Kerrigan, as a surrogate sister of some sort. She was unquestionably loyal, but the way she viewed her, also tainted the way she would interpret her orders, comments and intentions.

Because to Sweetie, she was family.

And it was very hard for Kerrigan to not embrace that, given all she had sacrificed and lost. Sweetie's affection was honest and carried no resentment. There was no fight from her to usurp her, unlike other queens. No zerg-like need to succeed at her cost to replace her.

Truth be told, Kerrigan would have disposed of her if that was all she brought to the table. Not out of hate, but… out of compassion. However, beneath her sisterly devotion, there was a burning desire to prove herself Kerrigan's equal. To get what she wanted, to grow and evolve and consume… in very different ways, but still there.

Sweetie wanted chaos and harmony together, where she could direct it to where she saw fit. Under her smiles, under her songs and her uncanny ability to empathize with her enemies to the point she had seen Raynor and even Tychus hesitate to shoot her, not out of fear, but a desire to help before they gathered their wits, Sweetie was a predator ready to jump and kill to satiate her hunger.

Her young lover… the so-called griffon in Raynor's army was an object of desire for Sweetie. Feelings she had buried when she had been a unicorn filly (something that, Kerrigan had to admit, was just… a bit too much to be real despite the evidence currently being chewed out by Izsha being right in front of her) had evolved and matured into something else. Whether that was out of Sweetie's want for harmony or true admiration for the unfortunate soul was up in the air. And Kerrigan still had to make up her mind on what she thought of that.

But… Protoss.

And not just any Protoss, but that bitch Selendis. Executor Selendis. She could only imagine the trouble that obnoxious zealot was in right now because somehow, Sweetie had decided that 'deal with them' did not mean 'kill them all.'

Oh no. That was too easy for Sweetie. No no. 'Deal with them' apparently meant: 'Use diplomacy to ensure that one of the most obstinate beings in the universe—who just happens to have dedicated decades of their existence to the eradication of our kind—signs a non-aggression agreement with us despite their historical disdain for such, and essentially promise to not raze the planet with fire when hybrids appear because they are a different variant than the one they know. Oh, and make sure they secure the border while you're at it.'

It was hilarious. And slightly worrisome.

"Izsha, enough."

Immediately her assistant clamped up and pulled back, hovering expectantly, no doubt wanting to see her queen punish the upstart. And she should. But now was not the time.

"Sweetie, you know you creatively interpreted my orders despite my clear intentions."

"Um…" Sweetie sighed and lowered her head in submission. "Yes, my queen."

"And you knew that you would face consequences for this, did you not?"

"Yes, my queen."

Whatever Sweetie's many faults were, she had apparently finally learned not to interrupt and talk too much when she'd only end up digging herself deeper. This was good.

"It has come to my attention that Raynor and his crew are allying themselves with the Dominion. They have brought us that which we want. Do you feel it?"

Sweetie Belle nodded.

"We must bring the Xel'naga device to us. Already it sends wild zerg into a frenzy, its pull cannot be denied. It must be mine!"

"Yes my queen."

"Raynor has started moving his troops. I want you to lead others around to attack their base while they concentrate on breaking through my front." She smirked. "This is not a strategy they are prepared to face from us… because they have never faced two queens at the same time. They will be wary, but not enough."

Sweetie nodded.

"Destroy their Dominion troops, and I will consider your punishment… reduced." Kerrigan looked down at Sweetie. "And this time, don't hold back. Use your power. Use your anger. Use your hunger. Prove to me you are Zerg."

"Yes, my Queen!"

"But, my Queen!" Izsha immediately spoke up. "She dared make peace with our enemies—"

"Had she not," Kerrigan interrupted, "she would still be at war and not here in Char to assist us. I expected she would arrive as the battle drew to an end at best." She tilted her head, narrowing her eyes at her assistant. "She did not fail me exactly, but she also did not do exactly as she knew I intended. She will be punished accordingly."

"Yes, my Queen." Izsha pulled back, head bowing down deferentially. She was another that would not betray her, but Kerrigan knew that her assistant had a lot of limits to her intellect. Perhaps… no. Sweetie was enough for a fanciful experiment. The end of everything was close enough that she should put her energy into consuming it all.

The roach hid among the rocks overlooking the Terran camp. There was a lot of movement, with Raynor building a fortified front all around the Xel'naga artifact. It would be a tough battle… but one that she ultimately was thankful for.

Seeing through the roach's mind, Sweetie smirked. Warfield had set up at the ready a bit further away. That meant that she needed to attack at the ground level while her queen took on Raynor and got the artifact.

"Sweetie Belle, I will commence my attack. Jim has been kind enough to bring the completed artifact to me here. We shouldn't disappoint him."

Sweetie nodded. There was no way Raynor could beat Kerrigan here in Char with the extreme advantage they had in numbers alone. But the Terrans were entrenched in a good defensive position, and well armed too.

"Destroy Warfield's army. Do not let him get stronger."

Sweetie released the mental connection and studied her hatchery. Larvae, drones, zerglings and hydralisks waited for her command. She could build up more, but she needed to act fast or her attack would not deter the ground troops.

"Alright then, let's pile up the pressure while we build up more of our forces," she muttered, then smirked.

[Base is under attack.]

"Dammit, they already started!" Raynor growled. "Gallus, stay with Warfield. Tychus, cover my back but don't leave the area unguarded! Move! Move!"

Gallus flew over Char, dodging the fire of the zerg attempting to invade Warfield's camp. He had remained behind to assist the terran in keeping the camp secured as best as possible, serving as a scout and occasional combatant, but now that Raynor was covering the North Eastern front, he had instinctively jumped into the air to survey everything.

Ever since his last battle with Sweetie, he had promised himself to never underestimate a zerg queen again.

"So what do you see, Griffon?" Warfield asked, his face appearing in the small monitor he had in his helmet.

"Nothing but the regular masses of zerglings and a couple of hydralisks you're already repelling," Gallus reported. "Most of the action seems to be from Raynor's side of the camp. I'm thinking they're planning something."

"Good instincts, kid," Warfield growled into the radio, "zerg these days are nothing if not unpredictable."

"This reminds me of one of Sweetie's strategies," Gallus muttered under his breath. "General, I think they might be using worms."

"Good call. Let's get some surprises ready just in case we have to face—"

The transmission was interrupted in an open channel by none other than Sweetie Belle, who managed to wave at Warfield with one of her scythes. "Hello, Warfield!"

"Sweetie Belle?" Gallus asked.

Her eyes lit up. "Oh! Hey Gallus! I somehow missed you, and you know I like to keep my eyes on you."

Gallus could feel his cheeks burning. "Sweetie, Rarity would be upset if she heard you say things like that."

"Why? Did she already claim you? I knew she liked them—"

"No!" Gallus hollered. "It's nothing like that!"

"Then I see no problem other than you not being here next to me."

"Uh, I guess I could leave you kids to it," Warfield said into the radio, completely unable to hide his amusement. "I could arrange for the barracks to be clear for you, Sweetie Belle, if you cease your attack."

"Warfield!" Gallus shouted into the coms.


"Sweetie!" Gallus wasn't sure if he sounded excited or offended to the others, but he forced that thought to the back of his mind. "You two can't just decide to do that!"

Sweetie snorted. "Oh, come on!"

"Sweetie, why would you ever—" The image of Sweetie prowling around him in that cave hit him like the Ponyville Express and he shifted his focus to something much less appealing. "General, why would you ever—"

"Sorry General," Sweetie interrupted, sounding a little dejected, "as fun as it sounds, I can't do that, I'm already on shaky ground with my Queen for interpreting her orders creatively in Agria. I don't suppose you'd be willing to abandon everything and run screaming?"

"I'm almost afraid to ask what you did to get on Kerrigan's nerves," Warfield said. "And I owe you my life, Sweetie Belle, but unfortunately—"

"I understand," she replied, a sigh coming across the radio clear as day. "I figured it wouldn't be that simple this time, but I thought I'd give you the chance anyway. For what it's worth, I'm sorry for what's about to happen."

"Hey, hey," Gallus spoke up. trying to quell down the nagging disappointment at the turn of events, "we really don't have to do this."

"Gallus, report back to base," Warfield ordered. "See you on the ground, Sweetie Belle."

"General, I should be able to convince her to back down, we just need to get me through to her!"

Warfield sighed. "Kid, I've seen this before with Raynor. You put too much faith on who these queens used to be, and not on what they are now. You may know the Sweetie of old, but I know the Sweetie of today… and if she had any intention of letting us go, she'd have offered a chance to do so. Surrendering is not an option and you know it."

Gallus sighed. "And given what's going on it wouldn't be even if she offered."

"Exactly, so I don't want to hear complaining. So better get to it!"

"Yes sir!"

At that moment the ground started shaking and Warfield grimaced. "It seems that your guess was correct."

Gallus nodded. "Good thing we prepared!" Still… there was something in the air… something familiar…

Just as the first of the worms should've broken through the ground, the troops rushed over to take cover and took aim at the raised ground, ready to begin firing the moment the creature emerged…

"Nothing?" Warfield asked, just as stunned as the rest of his troops. "What th—" he didn't have enough time to react before Gallus had picked him up with his modified armor's help and was already halfway through the camp just as the griffon's shout to disperse started to register.

Before his eyes, glowing particles swirled around the middle of his troops for a few seconds, lifting up into the air just as the biggest lightning bolt he had ever witnessed crackled across the air in front of him turning everything from dreary rusty red to a light-blue for just a split second as his troops were obliterated before his eyes.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tychus shouted into the radio.

"Unicorn magic!" Gallus roared over the wind that followed the blast, circling down to drop Warfield in front of the remaining troops. They hadn't sent everyone there, thankfully, anticipating that Sweetie would try something different.

"She fried them all!" Warfield gasped. "Could she do that all along?"

"That big?" Gallus shook his head. "Even for most unicorns that's too much on demand. Sweetie must have been charging that for a while, even when she was talking to us!"

Warfield snapped out of his daze when the first two Nidus Worms emerged, the one they had anticipated earlier bursting through the glass-surface that the lightning strike had created, south of their camp, the other to the west, their mandibles opening into the air with a roar as they landed heavily and zerglings and hydralisks poured out at full trampling speed towards them. "Open fire! Gallus, lead the air strikes!"

"Sir!" Gallus jumped into the air barely dodging fire from one of the many Mutalisks that were suddenly flying at them from the East. "How in Tartarus—"

Before he could order the few Vikings they had, the western wall exploded as several banelings rushed in, straight for the spaceport. "Crap, General—!"

"I see them!"

It was then that Gallus spotted Sweetie Belle, moving like a perfect predator out of the Westernmost worm. She rushed past the other zerg, taking a high leap into the terran forces and slicing them to pieces faster than they could react. Their reactions were not quick enough to do more than nick her armor with their weapons and she had demolished the resistance there in seconds before she and her swarm moved to destroy the barracks.

"Reinforce the barracks!" Warfield shouted as Gallus escorted him next to the artifact, "if we lose them we're goners!"

"I'm on my way!" Raynor replied.

But it was too late. The barracks was on fire already, and zerg had almost infiltrated the building. Warfield drew himself up. "Brace for impact!" he shouted, smashing down on the console and activating the artifact's Nova Pulse.

"Wait!" Gallus shouted, as the energy built up in the machine, "Sweetie's here!" And then everything was washed in white-blue light.