• Published 6th Dec 2018
  • 1,256 Views, 62 Comments

The Lesbian: One Hundred Nights - Undome Tinwe

The human poet Sappho seeks her Muse in Equestria, and finds her in the mysterious Princess of the Night.

  • ...


Something terrible had happened.

Nopony that Sappho had spoken to knew what it was, but word had quickly spread among the castle staff. Whatever Luna and Princess Celestia had set out to resolve in the Crystal Empire earlier this week was much worse than anyone could have imagined. All throughout the day, a sombre silence had smothered the castle, and now everypony not on duty was standing in the main courtyard, awaiting the return of their rulers.

The quiet mutterings in the crowd only served to intensify the feeling of dread that had enveloped them, and Sappho found herself torn between wanting to run and hide in her room and wanting to see Luna again after missing her for three days. Thoughts and fears had consumed her in her absence, and Sappho did not know what her presence would bring.

Before she could make her decision, the first of the Princesses' escort alighted on the steps of the castle, his expression hidden behind a soldier's emotionless mask. In response, everyone looked up to the north, just in time to see the Princesses and the rest of the escort appear over the edge of the castle walls.

Every one of the guards wore a haunted look in their eyes, one that spoke of such loss that Sappho could scarce breathe under the weight of them. She glanced to the Princesses as they landed, and saw that they radiated a deep anguish even as they remained calm and composed.

"My little ponies." Princess Celestia was the first to step forward and address the crowd. "It is with great sadness that I stand here before you today. Three days ago, a citizen of the Crystal Empire came to us of dire news. She reported that a mad unicorn named Sombra had overthrown Princess Amore and enslaved the Crystal Ponies.

"My sister and I, along with a contingent of brave soldiers, travelled to the Frozen North to investigate. We discovered that Sombra had indeed used dark magic to seize control of the Empire and its ponies, and had committed many atrocities against them. In our attempts to free them from his control, we fought him, but just as we were about to strike the final blow, he cast a spell to banish himself and the Empire to a realm beyond time."

Princess Celestia bowed her head, and for the first time, Sappho saw tears forming around her eyes. "The Crystal Empire is no more. We do not know if it shall ever return."

With those words, the crowd erupted in shouts and panic.

"The entire Empire is gone?"

"Is everypony there dead?"

"How do you even banish an empire?"

"My sister was travelling to the Empire for trade!"

"What will happen to the Crystal Ponies still in Equestria!"

"Is Equestria in danger?"

On and on the questions and fears came, and Princess Celestia braced herself to address the crowd once again.

But before she could, Luna stepped forward, her expression still calm and collected even though Sappho could see the raw anguish in her eyes.

"My little ponies, I know that you have many questions and concerns. We are all in mourning, and we are all scared, but we ponies are resilient. We shall not let this tragedy destroy us. We will endure, as we always have, in harmony and in unity."

Luna straightened, her poise perfect and commanding. In that moment, she was every bit the leader and the Princess that Equestria needed. A strong goddess who could endure the pains that her mortal subjects could not. She was radiant, an aspect of the Moon itself.

"Now, there is much that needs to be done, and little time to do it in. We must have a full accounting of the lost souls, and find a place to live for those displaced by this tragedy. My sister and I will be convening an emergency session of the court to determine our next course of action. To all of you, I beseech you to continue in your duties. I know that all of you will wish to help, but until we have a plan of action, the best thing you can do is to continue to ensure that our ponies live in peace and order.

"Thank you, and please return to your duties."

There was no arguing against that tone. Luna was far too imposing for anypony to dare speak up after her dismissal. As Sappho left the courtyard, she gave one final glance at Luna, and her heart calmed. There was no doubt in her mind that the brilliant, wise, and experienced Princess of Equestria knew exactly what had to be done to move forward after this tragedy. All would be well.

"It was horrible."

Luna collapsed onto Sappho's bed, shaking. Sappho reached out to place a comforting hand on her shoulder as she spoke. "I cannot imagine what it must have been like to face down such a terrible monster—"

"Not that." Luna buried her head deeper in Sappho's pillow. "I was useless in court today. Celestia is the one who understood which Nobles could be convinced to help resettle the displaced Crystal Ponies. She knew which aspects of our trade would be most affected, and which merchants she needed to talk to in order to prevent a collapse of our economy. Time and time again she reassured our ponies that all would be well.

"And what did I do? I sat there, next to Celestia, in complete silence save to agree with her. You could have replaced me with one of those statues from the festival and nopony would have known the difference." Luna rolled over, and Sappho saw the first sign of tears in her eyes.

"You know that is not true," Sappho said, continuing to stroke Luna. Her hand rubbed up and down the soft fur of her shoulder, and Sappho savoured the warmth that radiated from her body. "Your sister needs you. You complete each other. While you may not have her skills at statecraft, remember that it was you who stood strong when we were all filled with fear, when Princess Celestia could not go on. You were hurting just as much as she, and yet you calmed us, and made us feel safe once again."

She gently pushed Luna until she rolled over to face her. "Because that is what you are. A hunter, a warrior, a guardian. You are Artemis, the Goddess of the Moon, and we trust you to defend us from the horrors that lurk in the darkness."

Luna let out a mocking laugh, bitterness staining her tone. "Some guardian I am. I could not save even one soul from Sombra's spell. A nation is gone, vanished as if it never was, all because I failed my duty as the Princess of the Night."

She moved to roll over again, but Sappho grabbed her foreleg and forced the princess to face her friend. "You did no such thing. You stopped a dangerous tyrant from invading Equestria. You defended your ponies from a threat beyond mortal comprehension. This is what you were meant to do. All victories come with a cost, and I have known too many who have lost a loved one in battle to allow you to shoulder the blame yourself. You did what you could, I have no doubt of that."

"Then why does it hurt so much?" Luna whispered, the tears flowing freely now. "If I am a goddess as you say, then why can I not will the pain to stop?"

"Because you are more than that." Sappho smiled as her own heart swelled. Her face went to cup Luna's face as she lost herself in those deep blue eyes, like the endless seas that led to Hades' realm. "When you stood in front of the castle and spoke unto us, you were a goddess mourning in quiet dignity at the loss of a great empire. Now, you are a mare crying at the unfairness of it all, at the burden you have been forced to bear. We do not love the gods because they are powerful — we love them because they still remember what it was like to be powerless. No being is all-powerful, not even the great Zeus himself."

"How are you so wise and yet still a mortal?" Luna's smile was all the more beautiful for the tears that streamed down her face, a defiant joy in the face of despair. "Nopony has ever said such things to me before."

"I have the advantage of perspective." Her face felt so soft under Sappho's hand, and warm and wet and wonderful. "You let me into your life, and allowed me to see the Goddess who is a Mare, and the Mare who is a Goddess. You are not one or the other in tandem, but both in harmony."

"You have such a way with words, Sappho of Lesbos." Luna's hoof was resting against Sappho's arm, now, a constant weight that projected her divine presence onto her friend. "Beauty and wit rarely walk the same path together, and yet I have been blessed with the companionship of one who possesses both."

Luna leaned in closer, and Sappho divined her intent a moment after it was too soon to stop her. Warm, soft lips pressed against her own, and the scent of Elysium filled her senses as she was kissed by the Moon herself.

Then, just as quickly as it had begun, Luna pulled back, her eyes widening in horror. "A thousand pardons!" she gasped out, her breathing, like Sappho's, still rapid. "I was overcome by your kindness and your beauty. Please forgive me for forcing myself on you."

"There is nothing to forgive." Sappho forced herself to slow her breathing, and to stop panting. "It is your right to take what you will." And oh, how she wanted to be taken again. A fire raced through her body from her heart, inflaming her blood and stirring her humours.

"No." Luna's eyes narrowed dangerously, yet Sappho didn't feel the least bit threatened. "I am not one of your gods, and even if I were, it would never be acceptable for me to impose myself on you in that manner. I am a guardian, a protector, and you trust me to keep your well-being above mine own. I have violated that trust, and used you for my own selfish desires."

She stood up, her head hanging in shame. "I will leave you now, and no longer disturb you. If you wish to avoid me after this, I shall not find fault with you."

As Luna walked towards the door, Sappho cried out, "what if I desired your touch as well?"

Luna stilled.

Her head turned to face Sappho, a guarded expression in her eyes. "Why?" she asked, her voice restrained and cold. "Many have tried to seduce me. Do you desire riches, fame, or simply the knowledge of having bedded a Princess?"

Sappho flinched, the words hitting her like a slap to the face. "You know I care not for such things," she replied, her heart tearing itself apart with uncertainty. She should have kept her mouth shut and let Luna leave. And yet, she could not simply have let her suffer like that.

"Then why?" Luna pressed, returning to the bed. With each step she seemed to grow larger, until her presence filled up the entire room. "Is it duty that compels you? The desire to worship at your goddess' hooves? Will you serve my every whim in bed, please the Mistress of the Night because she commands it?"

In those words, Sappho finally understood. Her mind cleared, and the path ahead was revealed to her. Taking a moment to clear her throat and still her heart, she spoke, tenderness infused into every word.

"I know what you mean to do." she stood up and met Luna halfway across the room. "You won't be able to push me away that easily. I see you. All of you. Mare and Princess. Flesh and Divinity."

She placed a hand on Luna's cheek once again, but this time, she let herself enjoy the sensation of Luna's sharp muzzle under her palm. "You took nothing from me that I would not have given freely."

"Is that true?" Uncertainty swirled about in Luna's eyes as she spoke. "Three days ago, you would not have considered sharing your body with another mare. Can you truly say that you desire this? Desire me?"

"In those three days, I have had much time to think. About you. About myself. You are not the first of the female persuasion to have caught my eye, but you are certainly the most radiant." The admission was freeing, another tether to her past shed. At this moment, Sappho was flying, but also cognizant that Luna could drag her back down to the ground with a single word.

"I trust you. I trust that you would not deceive me in this." Luna smiled through her nervousness, and it was beautiful. "Do you truly desire me?"

Sappho nodded. "I do."

"Then I shall have no qualms about doing this."

Unlike their previous union, Sappho had plenty of time to prepare for the kiss this time. Luna leaned in slowly, pursing her lips ever so slightly in invitation, and Sappho was helpless to resist the Lunar Princess' allure. She had never kissed or been kissed before this night, but some of the women in her reading circle were married, and others had lost their maidenhoods and enjoyed playing around with the unmarried and married men before their own marriages. Sappho had heard plenty of stories of what it was like to kiss, and what made someone a good or bad kisser.

None of those stories could compare to what she was experiencing now.

It was very clear that Luna had centuries of knowledge and wisdom in the arts of passion as she deftly teased Sappho into a fever pitch. Time and space and reality ceased to exist as Sappho was caught up in the chaos of Luna's embrace, hooves crawling over her back and Luna's tongue dominating hers.

And then, Luna nipped lightly at her lips, and Sappho let go of all thought and simply allowed herself to feel. Pleasure unlike any other coursed through her veins, as if Eros himself had blessed her heart.

After an eternity of bliss, Luna pulled back to Sappho's immense displeasure. Both mare and woman took a few moments to catch their breaths as they stared into each others' eyes. Lust and love and fear mixed together in that endless sea of blue, and Sappho saw within it Aphrodite's touch.

"I am very glad that you rule over Eros' domain as well," Sappho said, panting. Her arms were still wrapped around Luna's neck, and she could feel the mare's hooves behind her, tracing slow circles across her back. "If these are the fruits of desire, then I can certainly see why few of the women in Lesbos are maidens on their wedding night."

"Oh, this is but a taste of the pleasure that the arts of passion can provide." Luna's voice dripped with heat from her sacred fire that seared Sappho's soul. "I could show you so much more. I can bring you ecstasy beyond your wildest dreams. Only say the word, and let me into your arms."

Sappho paused, knowing the weight her answer would have. She was still a maiden, and had intended to be until marriage. And yet, this was not just any mortal asking, or even any deity. This was Luna, Princess of the Night, Mistress of Dreams, Goddess of the Arts and Love, asking her, a mere mortal, to share her bed as Eros had to Psyche.

And this was Luna, who sang of unbearable loneliness with the voice of a Siren, and jested like Pan in the Dionysia, and cried when her heart could not bear the weight of her anguish, asking her friend whose body she desired to share a night of passion.

Steeling her resolve, she spoke her answer to her friend and her goddess. "I am yours, Luna. Let us wash away the horrors of this night together."

And thus did Princess Luna take her to bed, her eyes smouldering like Hephaestus' forge and her hooves pulling her into her undoing with Herculean strength and velvet softness.

And thus did Sappho of Lesbos become a woman.

"I now see why gods and men are always willing to risk so much for the touch of a woman," Sappho mused as she lay in bed, naked and panting next to the magnificent Princess of the Night.

"I am glad you enjoyed yourself," Luna replied, nuzzling Sappho. "I, too, have not been pleasured so well in many a century."

Sappho's cheeks warmed at the praise. "I'll admit, I never knew hooves could be so dexterous."

"There is still much I can teach you." Just like that, the hunger in her loins that Sappho had thought sated returned in full force as Luna trailed her hoof slowly down her body.

"I am your faithful student!" Sappho gasped out as Luna brushed over a particularly sensitive part of her thigh, sending electric sparks shooting through her body.

Luna chuckled. "I would be happy to continue teaching you." Her smile faded as she sighed. "Alas, duty calls. Many affairs of state still need to be done, and I am afraid I have already spent too long away from my post."

Sappho nodded. "I understand." She couldn't help the slight pout on her lips at being denied, though.

Luna stood up, but paused before leaving the room. "Perhaps we should talk first of what just transpired," she said carefully.

"I — yes." Of course. It was not as if they could remain simply friends after sharing such an intimate connection. Sappho could feel her soul connected to Luna's, and she would never forget the memories she had made this night. "D—Do you wish to do this again?" That was the most important question. "I understand if you wish to move on to more fetching lovers."

Luna's shook her head, disapproval glinting in her eyes. "There is none I would rather share my bed with than you, Sappho. Alas, for a Princess, such matters are not so simple."

"I understand." There were so many sides to Luna. Mare, Goddess, friend, ruler. To lay with one was to lay with all of them. "Your subjects would not approve of me. In this land, I have no titles, no dowry, and I am not of your kind."

"I care not for such things," Luna quickly interjected. "But yes, it would draw attention were I to court you publicly. I am used to such talk, of course, but I would not want your hurt."

"So long as we can be together, I am content." The lie flowed out smoothly, and even Luna didn't seem to notice the hitch in her voice when she spoke it.

"I am sorry that I cannot give you more."

"You have already honoured me with all you have given." Sappho sighed. "And I too cannot promise you that I shall stay with you forever. I still wish to return home one day, and I still have a duty to be wed for the good of my family." The thought of having to share her body with a man made her sick. Now, it felt as if she would be betraying Luna.

But then again, didn't all stories about mortals falling in love with gods end in tragedy?

Luna nodded sadly. "I did not believe I could ever have even this," she said. "Long have I looked upon you with desire, and lusted for both your mind and body. But until today, it seemed fated that I should always long for that which I could not have, for that was my lot in life. Whatever you choose to share with me, I shall treasure."

Sappho could hardly believe her ears. To think that Luna, a goddess and ruler of Equestria, would desire her so much, and yet never act on it... "you could have had me whenever you wished," she muttered, a flicker of annoyance in her voice. "If you had told me of your desire, I would fain have accepted you." And this could have been only one of many nights of violent delights they would have already had shared.

"But would you have lain with me, or with the Goddess of the Night?" At Sappho's silence, Luna continued. "Besides, I had already waited centuries for you; a few days more was but a trifle."

Centuries. Luna had lived many mortal lifetimes, and yet still found her beautiful. It was enough to make her heart race once again.

But that could wait. "You should attend to your duties," she said, hating herself for saying it. "Your ponies will have dark dreams this night, and they will need their Princess to guide them through it."

"I shall take my leave," Luna said, "but do not think I will forget you. When you are ready, slumber, and I shall see you again in the Realm of Dreams." Fire raced through Sappho's veins at the husky tone of Luna's voice. "If you think our first union was enjoyable, it is but a shadow of what can be achieved in my domain. I await your pleasure, Sappho of Lesbos."

With that, Luna's horn glowed and she vanished, as Eros had when Psyche had unmasked him.

It took several minutes before Sappho could move, or even think, again. Today had been an absolute whirlwind of emotion, but had ended in the best way possible. Even if this arrangement was only temporary, Sappho would savour every moment she had with her lover, now and forever.

With a wide grin on her face, she raced over to her writing desk, and let her muse run wild. Afterwards, she would sleep, and see Luna — beautiful, mercurial, vivacious, divine Luna — and they would continue to share in the passions that had been unleashed this night. But for now, she had a duty to the Muses, and she would complete this task first.

A bright future spread out before her mind's eye as she wrote, and Sappho was ready to embrace it with her whole heart.

Once you lay upon my bosom,
While the long blue-silver moonlight
Walked the plain, with that pure passion
All your own.

Now the moon is gone, the Pleiads
Gone, the dead of night is going;
Slips the hour, and on my bed
I lie alone.

But not for much longer