• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 1,265 Views, 12 Comments

I'll Stay - sejox

Spike the dragon has been waiting for eons to fulfill his wife's wish. How farther he will go to do achieve that wish? Maybe even a whole dragon life will not be enough to answer that question.

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Until the end of times, we'll stay

In the corner of the universe’s east section. Near the center of their own galaxy and just at two planets from its closest dead star, rested a now arid planet; named many times yet still insignificant to the rest of the universe.

In this planet only one creature remains alive, his lungs are magically provided with air and his inner fire keeps himself and his treasure alive. Yet if you take a moment to see him with care you can notice that life is something that he can’t show. He was alive once, but now only the hope for a new beginning keeps him there.

Unlike the others he prevailed through isolation and despair, he lost everything and everyone he loved. Even my image is not more than a shadow of the past for him.

Don’t get me wrong, he may have lost everything but he is in fact not lost. What he seeks is an opportunity in a million; for life is not a thing that just happens nearby the ones who sought for it. You have to look for it, even play god if you really are so desperate to find it.

Yet, he stayed, knowing from the beginning by my own advice that destiny will outsmart him before he could even see a fair glimpse of life again in this planet. He stayed through the coldness and roughness of space.

He stayed there, without his beloved one… just like I have done many, many times in the past.

As the distance between us narrowed, I took my fair amount of glimpses to the lair hiding beneath his enormous body, the statue of Twilight shined just like the first day I created it for her… or better say the second day, when I molded the figure into something more serious. Really, what was wrong with showing a near god like hero with a dumb face? It adds character, creatures would have been more intrigued about her that way. Such a wasted potential, dear Twilight, such a waste.

Oh, sweet creatures from long past time.

Here stays the last ones of your kin.

A lonely, once mighty, old school knight.

A wholesome drake of warm heart.

I stuttered for a second. It had been eons ever since the last time a singed out of the blue. My eyes prompted to the drake in front of me.

“Maybe there is still life inside you, my old friend,” I said after realizing where those feelings came from. The magic of harmony, something I had experienced many times but not once I was able to use or gather. It is in our nature after all, for chaos and harmony are not meant to be entangled.

It’s the curse of gods, right my dear?

We had everything in the list for our love to succeed.

Passion, friendship, joy and tears.

Yet destiny was the one to fear.

“Oh boy!” I shouted, my lungs convulsing by a forced amount of coughs. “Spike you are killing me right here, I wasn’t expecting to give a show today,” I commented before flickering my magic fingers.

The clicking sound of my paws were accompanied by an magic aura that took the drake by the jaw gently before a second spawn of magic in the form of a giant hand slapped him right across the face.

The drake’s eyes snapped open once, twice, three times and more, yet he won’t wake. “At least be polite enough to be a decent crowd, would you?”

The drake growled slowly, finally, a signal was given to me. Unfortunately, I couldn’t resist the urge to keep the song when I left it.

My sweet Celestia.

If you could only see your child.

Loyal to his believes.

Honest to his feelings,

And prisoner of his past.


My sweet Celestia.

If you could only see his love.

His devotion to your pupil.

His craving to see another world.

Flourish like you made it with your own…


Oh~ Celesti-

“Discord will you please stop?” Spike offered, to my discomfort.

“Aw, Come one, first you makes me sing with all that fuzzy harmony aura of yours and now you want me to stop? That is why I never liked the theater,” I pouted.

“You were singing.”

“Singing, improvising, acting, is all the same. It’s just a bunch of words told in a fancy way.”

The drake laughed at my words and asked me how much creatures I thought my judgment on theater had could make them mad. I couldn’t care the less, even if they were alive to begin with. He laughed once more, this time in a more consenting way. In other times he would have lectured me for my lack of care in others and for my disrespectful manners. Those were the times in which he lived while sleeping.

“So… what are you doing here? You got lost while coursing through space?” Spike asked. I glanced to him, then the neatly statue of Twilight and the mountain of papers inside his body made cave. How long has it been since this has started? How many times have I travel all the way here hoping to find him resting from his duty?

“Spike,” I said after a long silence, “I’m sorry, but you need to wake up from that bubble…”

The dragon glared at me with crossed eyes, his expression denoted anger. However I wasn’t the target for that feeling. Maybe some part of him was ready to give up. To let his magic rest and finally succumb to the vacuum of space as his whole kind once did.

Yet, I was there to offer a solution less lethal; the desire I had in the past to see his soul at peace, had surrender after seeing him prevail over the eons. Now, how he will took my new offer was the important part.

“Discord, you had lived more than me, I’m pretty sure that more than once you have seen life grow back out of a dead planet!” He expressed with a craving to refill some of his hope.

“Well yes I had, actually there was a place with life on my way here, but I’m pretty sure they are dead by now, or maybe they transcended into divinity, who knows? That is the problem with infinite space you see, it’s so big that it makes it able for life to happen, but at the same time, that hugeness makes it impossible for life to know others.”

“Then that means that I can go and find it right?” he concluded, to my dismay.

“Yes… and no, Spike listen, even if you manage to avoid all the dangers along the way. I’m pretty sure you will be dead before getting any result.”

Spike puffed some of his fire out of his nostril, a reckless decision given the fact that it was the magic inside that fire that kept him from dying. “Fine, I’ll just keep waiting for something to happen,” he said.

“Spike…” fine I still wanted to test him one more time, “I think it’s time for you to let this all go. Twilight wouldn’t want this for you, to wait until the end of your days for something to happen and bring back everything to you.”

“Then I’m sorry for her, but I won’t give up. Her knowledge and history will remain with me until the day arrives for me to use and shared it,” he stated, not with confidence or bravado. The only thing in his eyes was a fire much more powerful than the one inside his lungs.

Maybe what I really wanted was to see that determination of him, it was something to admire after all. Others so called immortals would have fell to dismay and break afterwards. I, for once, or maybe three hundred and five times, was one of them—who counts it anyway?

“Let me offer you this in that case,” I flickered my fingers, a portal growing out by my side. Light and sound pierced through the gap that broke time and space. Oh how I love to mess up with reality from time to time; it gives me the chills remembering how everything is so futile yet so beautiful to exist even though I could destroy it all with a flick of my fingers.

“What is that light? And that, is that?!” Spike gasped. His jaw falling down by the second.

“Is another dimension that I found a couple of millions of years back, I didn’t give it importance until, I found… this,” I swiped my hand near the gap, making the image shown to move towards a certain purple creature that produced some of the sound from that world.

I could describe more about the world near the creature, like how vivid it looked, or how colorful and peaceful the green grassy dunes seemed while they were graced with the soft breeze of spring. But the face of Spike took me out of place for a while. He was even happier than our sweet Pinkie Pie in her own birth day parties.

“Twilight…?” He asked, but his words came out more like a breath, “Is that her?!” he added, this time with more energy. His breathing pace doubled and I could hear from afar his heart bumping out of joy, “Where is her horn?”

“Another dimension, remember? No horn neither unicorns here. At least that is what I know, it could change in the future,” I explained before invoking a luxurious couch. Even an all mighty god needs to rest every once or two times after a half galaxy long trip.

Spike hurried down to his multiple scrolls yet took only half of the pile and presented them to me, asking me to retrieve the information to that dimension. I had to stop him right there, multidimensional travel decompose everything into its core materials. Only living things can pass through it, with the only condition that they will be reincarnated in the other side.

“Well, except for me,” I added cockily, “I’m too special for that rule…”

“Then what happens to me if I go instead? Will my memories remain intact? What if there is another Spike there and we have to share Twilight?” Spike rambled. I launched a finger to his mouth to stop his gibberish sounds.

“Boy, relax, don’t you see that I tried to get comfortable? I’ll explain everything to you, after all, this matter will affect me two,” I proposed, unmuting him afterwards. “I know how much you crave to share what life had teach you. At first I saw certain pride in looking your will remain strong through the ages, but now I’m the one fearing to death.”

I took a huge breath and glared at Spike, forcing an assertive look on him, “I won’t let destiny take away something precious from me again. That is why I am showing you this,” I stirred up myself. “A safe trip to salvation. Your inner self is the only thing that will remain; so you can say goodbye to your memories and everything you had accomplished up to this point.”

I let the words sink in for a moment. Spike hummed after no long, in a happy tone I must add, and following with a smile he commented: “Living all that again? From the bad times to the good ones,” at that point, I knew he was speaking with himself, I didn’t mind it, living for so long takes that effects on oneself. He continued, “years to celebrate, sing, laugh and love. Which will be followed by another cycle of seemingly eternal wait…”

He finally looked down at me, the smile still plastered on his face, “Do you by any chance know if this decision of mine has been done before?”

“Will that make you change your mind?”

“Not in the slightest,” he laughed off, “ha, haha…” He turned to the mare at the other side of the gap, “I need to take care of her, and she will need an assistant to keep her from destroying everything up with her magic.”

“I couldn’t agree more to that,” I said, smiling up at him, “Then good old friend of mine, I’ll ensure you have a second chance to fulfil both yours and your wife wish. Just a little head up though, if you happen to see another version of me there, then it means that I screwed up big time by sending you there; I’ll probably be evil once again if that happens.”

The drake arched a brow at me, his expression sly and cocky, “huh? It sounds like you had done this before.”

I looked at him with the same expression, “Will that make you change your mind?”

He didn’t answer me at first, instead he decided to give the statue of his lover a peck and a nudge. “Not in the slightest,” he finally spoke, “We will take care of you Discord. That’s what friends do after all.”

I swayed a paw to him, offering him to not start with the cheesy acts. I was not, nor am a man fond to emotive departures and things alike. Unfortunately, Spike was a dragon obsessed with that kind of things; something I always forget because of his tremendous stature and shape. It was of no surprise that I wouldn’t see his goodbye hug coming.

A simple “thank you” was the last thing he said before jumping off to that distant land.

Silence followed after, a deep isolating silence. I looked at my claws for a while. It was over, the last piece of what made me who I am has gone… and probably I will go too, after some time.

it sounds like you had done this before, he said… maybe that’s true, but I can’t really tell for sure. It wouldn’t be chaotic if I knew how my magic works, right?”

I turned to my back, where once stood the gap between dimensions.

My sweet Celestia

I will do everything for you,

Even remain in solitude!

I rocketed out to the infinite space, swirling through the stars swiftly, to a place far away from the magic I once witnessed.

I’ll give them all the time they’ll need.

Let them be prepared to face the truth,

That chaos is a constant

Just like you…


My sweet Celestia~

I can’t wait for us to meet again.

My sweet Celestia~