• Member Since 1st May, 2012
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Comments ( 244 )

The fact that people are still using this shitty displaced story template tells me that there are still many awful trend following writers out there. Seriously have some originality.

hey I just find it fun.:pinkiehappy:

Here we go again! Adventure, awkward/funny conversations, epic locales, sexy times, and more.

Can't wait to see more.

Considering you just finished Hyrulquestria isn’t this a bit too much too soon?

Glad to see Corruption of Champions meets My Little Pony...

Believe it or not this was in the works before Hyrulequestria. Inferno had RL issues to tend with, so Silver and I hammered out Hyrulequestria before this was finished. If anything, this one is a year late in coming.

Tis true, its completed, plus another story that we finished when editing Wiatr got a bit...hard.

Really good first chapter. I wish there were more Dark Souls crossovers.

There was one story where Spike accidentally goes through the mirror during a Twilight experiment gone haywire that had CoC in it but I can't find it again or it got taken down.

Before I read this, can anyone tell me what the H mean, please?

Good batch of chapters. That curse is nasty as far as curses go.

I personally don't like that chapter ending.

Well... I mean... it is a curse. But yeah not very nice.

Weird I immediately thought of corruption of champions as I was reading the summary 😅

Aye its great to see you writing a new story again

I'd be into it, but I don't know enough about Dark Souls, and the lack of required context just leaves me frustrated.

If you make something a bit more to the line of Fable, let me know.

All the fetishes you have are my jam if it wasn't for the shitty displaced crossover meta context of the story I'm sure it would be good clop fic

Yeah, as a parent myself, while I like the story, and have faved it, that ending.... I can not feel any part of myself agreeing with it. Fucked up doesn't discribe it. I get it, you are rolling with willow being cursed AF, but that.... That's taking things a bit to far, even by Dark Souls and CoC standards. Again, I love the story, but that ending was just too far.

I get that is the emotion you were trying to cause, but there were better ways to make that kind of emotion than that. And I guess being a parent is making it worse for me. Just.... Please. Don't do something like this again. Once, I will forgive only of the storytelling next chapter makes up for this shit. But a second time.... I won't be reading anymore. It was that horrible to do to any character.

Yeah, at this point I'd be like: Spike, it's time to square up.

Like they're assuming humans WON'T fight to the death over their own children. This person has just been nearly enslaved by a princess of their nation because she felt like it (Luna better get B-slapped into the abyss and be trapped there like a moon banishment) then he gets cucked out of his own children. He shouldn't just back down after all that's happened.

Daring says that they could have more kids is just making it FAR worse. You don't want NEW children. That's just replacing them! They're worth more to a person than that!

It doesn't matter that they have an alicorn there. Only one person there can respawn. And as far as I gathered. No alicorn can take away his ability because he doesn't have a fragment of their souls or whatever. Nor can they afford to without dooming the world anyways. They would HAVE to give him what he rightfully "owns". Instincts are no excuse. Of course. Twilight being twilight would probably try to cruelly do something immoral to "solve" the problem. Out of not liking the Protag. I'm betting its gonna be memory tempering seeing which way this story is going.

Spike can go without. He seems like he's barely a teen or a young adult. He's got plenty of time to find a mate and have legitimate children. Putting the person who just got into this world recently through all this stress while THE WHOLE WORLD DEPENDS ON THEM is absolutely retarded. I'm telling you this now. This person is going to snap and it's not gonna be pretty. Any real person would. I get this is a curse. But they solved a "Class S eldritch" curse. There's NO WAY IN HELL they couldn't fix this. They just don't want to put in the effort to. And Willow has to suffer for it.

Watch the author make Willow suddenly okay with all this not 5 chapters later. If this type of thing happens again Il follow your lead and just quit this story. It inconsistent bull meant to artificially pull at the feelings of the audience, The rest of the chapters were good and bad. But this was just a mess.

I don't want to quit the story, but there are lines. I know for a fact that if someone tried to take my son from me, weither or not they were biological theirs, I would fight until they were mine. They could break my legs and I would still try to stand and fight until I physically couldn't do anything anymore. I understand that the author wants to envoke emotions, but after everything going on to the character, when the one spark of joy they have is Daring and their own children (Which I love that she loves regardless of how they were conceived), to have her children robed of her after everything. Expecially since everyone knows she is a proficiesed undead, meaning she could end the world if she so wanted. The last thing you want is that person to snap, and I'm sorry, being raped repeatedly (while understandable because of CoC), being enslaved, constantly molested then raped by your own armor, the stress of knowing you are the Fate of the world, trying to care for your loved one right after the one spark of hope you have goes though something tramatic, and now your own children no longer being yours. Anyone, anyone would crack. Maybe not break, but certainly crack.

That ending was... a bit much... I think...
*Awkward Silence*
Anyway, where is that version Jack from? I mean, which story? Something about him is very familiar... Is he Jack's Doppelganger from "Ponylands: The Pre-Sequel!"?

Correct~! As linked in the description, I am one of the co-authors, and since the story is self-contained from crossovers save post-story crossover content, there were scenarios where mine and Inferno's characters were suitable for crossovers, as well as various random shenanigans.

Hey there, GameJunkie7, it's been a while since I heard anything from you. I'm a fan and read your stories, it has been a while since you updated them.

From beginning to end I'm in a constant state of wtf

Yea, I know. I've realized I'm not one for solo writing. I work best when I'm working with someone else. For the foreseeable future, content I've had a hand in will be posted by SilverWolfDemon considering we churn out content like a factory. I personally have hopes I can get DJ back to continue Ponylands what with us now having the Steam version of BL3, but now thanks to the magic of quarantine, he's ended up addicted to RP Discord servers, especially D&D, to the point he plays D&D almost daily. Like, holy crap dude. :rainbowderp:

Yep, the wonders of dnd. Either way, thanks for the update.

Also, writer burnout is not something that should be taken lightly, it's amazing how far you can go when you can bounce ideas with someone else. I suppose that's how a lot of what exists today is the way it is because of that, good luck with your future projects.

Dammit, that chapter was too short. I'm feeling like Daring here, I just want more! Not that far of how I envisioned it would end up, I half expected you to turn Spike into a herm and have both him and the MC fuck a few eggs into each other as a apologize, just using CoC logic here. Either way, good chapter, I hope it won't take long for the next one.

Also, considering his hard on for magic, and the concept of reproduction, that soul is most likely Seath the Scaleless. The fluffy coat is expected since both Priscilla and Yorshka had them in the first place, the height also checks out, although, the only weird part is the mention of scales. Although, that should only apply to the stone scales and he could have smaller reptilian scale on his skin, plus you could later make the characters realized that they are actually small crystals. I wonder how Cadence would react to that?

Okay, Displaced is not uncommon around here. But one such as Willow probably the first.

“I’ll just...okay, baseball. YuGiOh cards. Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold night. Hillary Clinton. Yep, I’m good now!”

:rainbowlaugh: :pinkiecrazy: :facehoof:

Did Twilight just called Spike daddy?

Last chapter she wasn't able to get out with teleportation...so like Willow's kids she got hybridized...so she's now a Kirin from Spike/Daring...altho she still has her pony parents

“I had my nose poking out the edge. Fuck Willow. If I’m not pregnant, we must be sterile.”

Hold up. How can an undead being impregnate a living one?

Wow... so many things escalated in just a few minutes. Poor Starlight, I believe she is waiting for her crush, no?

“Oh no. No Goddess is going to Enslave MY lover! I may just be a Godkin, but I am not going to stand for my beloved to be some self-important god’s plaything! I invoke the Pact!”

Wow, this armour is really territorial.

It is a bit depressing to those involved. The only positive of the outcome was that nobody died or critically wounded.

I am surprised Twilight hasn't run science experiment on her new body yet.

So when will everybody be seeing the rest of mane six in this story?

“Corruption?” The black dragoness asked, sounding angry. “Okay, I’m all for sadism, and bondage, and role-play rape, but what is Corruption?”

She seriously need to meet Cadance.

I wonder who else among the Mane 6 still doesn't have a child?

while Shining Armor...well. He fell over, backward, with his admittedly big dick having punched a hole in his trousers before he passed out from all the blood rushing out of his head

No wonder he bagged the Princess of Love as his wife.

*learning about the population of some races including the dragons*

First off, I'm going to be making something so there will be male dragons again, incase there are non from Spike.

And...second...off, grrr seeing red...must rip andtear!

A break is good. I needed it because of how crazy this story is.

But I will never mind if there are brutal deaths of demon and caribou. Hell I will even turn them in females for what they did.

Absolutely loving this!

Not for a good while. The Elements are background ponies for the most part, but they have relevancy later on for a bit.

Wow, it's been a while since I heard about Ava.

“Female dragons go all vapidly egg-crazy when they’re pregnant, and the more pregnant they are, the worse it is. Seeing what you do to them though, what happens to males?” Spike asked as he approached and leaned on Daring a bit, gushing cum into our shared mates and making them moan as they began growing again.

So, it's just egg-craziness... I still subscribe to the Seath Theory though.

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