• Published 25th Oct 2018
  • 1,171 Views, 4 Comments

A Fox in Equestria - FoxMcCloud7921

Fox McCloud is no stranger to alien worlds, but he hasn't seen anything like Equestria.

  • ...

Enter Fox

Author's Note:

Oh hey it's me, that guy that writes stories and has a horrible reputation of uploading constantly. And also keeps making new stories. So uh...take a look at this one.

Space. It was an all too familiar scene that Fox McCloud was used to throughout most of his life. However, this part of space was foreign to him and the rest of the Star Fox crew as they were making their way back to the Lylat System. It was only one day ago that they had helped the group known as the Starlink Initiative defeat Grax and his Forgotten Legion, a threat that could’ve taken over the entire galaxy, including Lylat.

Now, Fox, Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare, and Slippy Toad were flying in formation through hyperspace, having only left the Atlas system an hour ago and were due to reach Lylat in about three hours. Naturally, the team was in good spirits.
“It’s gonna be real nice when we finally reach home,” Slippy said.

“You got that right,” Peppy said. “I don’t know about you three but I’m willing to take a small vacation.”

“Wonder if ROB’s been lonely without us,” Falco joked.

“I’m sure he’s been busy with the new features we gave the Great Fox,” Slippy said. “I can’t believe Starlink was willing to give us a copy of Sage.”

“Well, that Starlink technology might come in handy for Corneria,” Peppy added.

“Hey, earth to Fox? You still with us?” Falco’s words finally woke Fox up from his thoughts as he looked down to his console.

“Yeah, I’m still here don’t worry,” he said.

“Alright, what’s bothering you?” Peppy asked, ever the parent figure. “Just yesterday you were hooting and hollering just like the rest of us and now you seem distracted.”

“That obvious huh?” Fox couldn’t help but smirk slightly. “I’ve just been thinking about Wolf, that’s all. I know we stopped him and all but we lost track of him after we took out his mothership.” That was the main reason they had shown up in Atlas in the first place. General Pepper had heard word that Wolf had disappeared from the system and managed to track his ship to Atlas, which until now had been uncharted territory. It was a good thing too that they had shown up, for Wolf had been ready to unleash his own small faction of Legion on Corneria, a planet part of a system that was still recovering from a long and costly war.

“His ship looked pretty banged up,” Falco commented. “Even if he managed to escape Atlas I don’t think his ship is in good enough shape to get back to Lylat.”

“So you think he is…?” Slippy began.

“Doubtful,” Fox answered. “If there’s one thing I know about Wolf, it’s that despite the odds he’s a survivor. I had Sage scan for Wolf’s ship since I’m sure we’re following in the same direction but nothing yet. If we don’t get a hit by the time we get back, we can either assume he already made it back or-”

“Target identified,” Sage’s calm voice suddenly rang throughout the Arwing. “Distance: one thousand two hundred-”

Fox reacted quickly, shutting down the hyperdrive as the Arwing slowed back down to real space. The three other pilots did the same despite the amount of confusion.

“Hold on a second, she’s saying Wolf is nearby?” Peppy asked.

“At least his ship is.” After getting a good look at their new surroundings, Fox could see the nearby planet. “If I had to guess, I’d say that’s where he touched down.”

“Okay, so what exactly are we supposed to do?” Falco asked. “Sure, we can take him captive, if he’s still alive, but these Arwings aren’t big enough to fit two.”

Fox was quiet for a moment as he did some quick thinking. There was one way. “If we get back to Corneria and get the Great Fox and bring her back here, it’d take about six hours total right?”

“Perhaps, though with a ship like the Great Fox it may take a bit longer, possibly an extra hour at the very least,” Slippy said, though he didn’t sound too confident.

“Then that settles it. I’ll go down and look for Wolf while you three continue on to Corneria.”

“Now hold on just one minute!” Peppy snapped. “You’re seriously considering going down there all by yourself!?”

“Gotta agree with the geezer on this one Fox,” Falco said. “We’re back in uncharted territory and we’re not sure what’s down there.”

“Until he’s put in a cell on Corneria, Wolf is a threat and right now he could be a threat to whoever’s down there,” Fox said. “Besides, there’s a good chance he could be gone by the time we come back.”

“Well at least someone should come with you?” Slippy suggested.

Fox shook his head. “We don’t know who’s down there or what their technological capabilities are but at least just one of us should be enough to create anymore unwanted attention. Besides, I’m more than capable of handling Wolf on my own if I need to.”

“I don’t like this one bit…” Peppy said. “But I know you’re not gonna back down from it either.”

“You know it.” Fox could tell what Peppy was thinking. Just like his father.

“Well, all I can say is don’t get yourself killed,” Falco said. “And don’t have too much fun down there without us.”

“Copy that. Hopefully the Great Fox will be ready to fly by the time you three get back.”

“Be careful Fox,” Slippy said.

“No sweat.” It wasn’t long before the three other Arwings slipped back into hyperspace, leaving Fox all by himself. He then made his way towards the planet, setting thrusters to max as he closed the distance.

Flames surrounded the ship as he made his way into the atmosphere. He kept a close eye on his radar. There hadn’t been any ships orbiting the planet and so far nothing was coming up on his map. “Sage, is there anything you can tell me about the Wolfen?”

“The signal transmitting from the Wolfen is weak, possibly meaning that the ship has sustained major damage.”

“So he really is stranded on here then,” Fox said as he approached the surface. The planet for the most part seemed to resemble most he’s seen in the past. Large mountains, green acres, though it seemed there were some volcanic areas as well as a lot of ocean. “At least the air seems to be breathable. Alright Sage, just keep an eye out for any unwanted guests.”

It wasn’t long before he found the wreckage of the Wolfen. The ship itself was still in one piece but judging by the impact, it definitely wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Scanners weren’t picking up any lifeforms from the ship but Fox wasn’t taking any chances. He landed the Arwing nearby and grabbed his blaster as soon as the canopy above him opened up. He slowly dropped out and approached the ship slowly, keeping his eye out for any traps that Wolf may have set up. Apparently Wolf had been in a hurry to get out since nothing had been laid out and upon checking the cockpit, it appeared the Wolfen’s systems were pretty much fried.

Fox had been ready to check for Wolf’s trail when he suddenly felt something hard and cold press against the middle of his back. He grit his teeth in disbelief that he had let Wolf get the jump on him. However, once the assailant spoke, he quickly realized it wasn’t Wolf and instead a female.

“You got ten seconds to tell me who you are or else you’re ending up in a body bag.”