• Published 19th Oct 2018
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The Bucket List of Princess Celestia - CrackedInkWell

Princess Luna sets up the greatest prank in Equestrian history. She bribes her sister's most trusted doctor to tell Celestia that she has a few days to live. After finding this out, Celestia is determined to live life to the fullest.

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7: Truth or Dare

“…. And that’s why Yaks love to smash.” Yona smiled as she and her friends exited the School of Friendship. Classes have gotten out that afternoon in which many students took advantage of the pleasant weather outside. For the Yak, the sun was a welcoming sight after being trapped inside for hours on end.

“That’s interesting.” Ocellus the Changeling nodded. “It explains so much when you put it like that.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Smolder the young Dragoness rolled her unamused eyes. “So, what are we doing today anyway? We’re already caught up on homework.”

“Not to mention that we’ve got extra time for the upcoming exam in Headmare Twilight’s class.” Sandbar, the only pony in the group pointed out.

“That reminds me,” Gallus the Griffon said, “am I the only one that noticed that she’d walked around with a limp?”

Silverstream the Hippogriff gasped, “You don’t think that she’s hurt herself, do you?”

“Doing what?” Smolder raised an eyebrow. “I mean sure, I’ve noticed she was walking funny, but I bet that’s no big deal.”

“Yona picked up Headmare Twilight smelled weird.” The young Yak scrunched up her face. “Like taking bath in sweat and something sickly sweet. Don’t know what smell was.”

“Oh well,” Gallus shrugged, “still, we got time to kill. So, what do you guys wanna-”

“Hi, there!” All six students paused to turn towards the new voice that spoke to them. Behind them was a young mare roughly their ages that none of them have seen before. A Pegasus with an antique gold mane and white coat who smiled nervously at them. “The name’s Sunlight Carefree, I’m new here.”

Sandbar raised an eyebrow as he craned his neck over to the side. “You’re Princess Celestia, aren’t you?”

“What! I mean uh…” she hastily trotted forward to get within whispering distance. “How did you know it was me?

“Next time, Your Highness, if you want to go around in a disguise,” he pointed at her cutie mark, “it might be best to have a different cutie mark then the iconic sun.”

“Hold on…” Smolder walked up to her, “Are you really Celestia?” She nodded. “What are you doing here? Didn’t someone say that you might be dying really soon?”

“Well… yes…” she rubbed one of her forelegs. “But I’m out here to mark something off from my personal bucket list.”

All six students looked at one another until Silverstream raised a claw. “Why would you make a list for buckets? That’s silly.”

“No Silverstream,” Sandbar told her, “a bucket list is just a list of things that you wanted to do before you die. Or, as the old saying goes, ‘kick the bucket.’”

“Still,” Ocellus asked, “If you really are Princess Celestia, what are you doing here?”

“Well, I was hoping that with your help, you can fulfill something that I’ve never gotten the chance to experience.”

Yona tilted her head. “What that?”

Taking in a deep breath, the disguised Celestia said, “To become a teenager, at least for a couple of hours.”

Another long awkward pause. “Really?” All of them asked in unison.

“Why, yes,” Celestia nodded, “you see, growing up as a Princess, I had to grow up pretty quickly where I had to go from foalhood straight onto adulthood as the country counted on it. So, I never had time to do what any of you do on a regular basis. There were no hangouts, or going to parties, or even just doing something stupid and rebellious because of your teenagers. I never had that. So… from one dying mare to all of you, would you let me join you for a while?”

Silverstream hugged her, “Well, of course, we will! We’re gonna have soo much fun today, aren’t we guys?”

After they glanced at one another, Gallus said: “Eh, got nothing better to do today.”

The others agreed.

Although this was the first time in years that Celestia had ever set hoof inside the remains of the Castle of the Two Sisters, being inside it once more had brought back so many memories. Both nostalgic and depressing as in every way, this was her and Luna’s foalhood home. However, for this evening, she is visiting this haunting place for the last time and planning to leave it on a good note.

In this case, a house party made entirely of teenagers.

Of course, Celestia had to bring in a couple of things that the six students had recommended. There were enough drinks to drown out the entire Equestrian Navy, a DJ for the latest music, expensive lights and visuals to make the evening interesting, some goodies to make things entertaining. While the set-up is crude, the Sun Princess admits that it was refreshing compared to the tradition of hosting the Grand Galloping Gala in which she hardly gets to participate or enjoys herself in.

Plus, it also helps when those six students have invited many, many, many others to the party.

In a few hours, the ruins of the castle had come back to life with students looking for a place to party. Once the lights were up and the drinks were passed around did the party truly began with pulsing music that some of them began to dance. And although Celestia was still in disguise, she too began to join them in the excitement and let the music take control.

“Hey! There you are!” Celestia turned to find Silverstream taking ahold of her hoof. “You’re needed.”

“For what?” She called out over the music.

“We’re gonna play a game.”

This intrigued Celestia. She likes games as much as any other pony. However, the kind of games that she’s used to having been involved in things like strategy, magical trivia, wit, outsmarting and eventually overthrowing your opponent into a pit filled with… something. So naturally, she was rather curious about what kind of games the young players, especially teenagers.

Silverstream lead Celestia to a room that wasn’t too far away from the buzzing impromptu dance hall. It was the remains of what was the Royal library in which ancient books, tables, and statues have been exposed to the elements from the collapsed ceiling above. There is a center of the room was the rest of the six students who were waiting for them. The Sun Princess noticed that the library was mostly dark except for moonlight and lit candles in which the students sat around.

“I’ve found her!” The hippogriff said as she plops down in the circle.

“Silverstream told me that you were going to be playing a game,” Celestia said, “if I may ask, what were you playing to play?”

“Truth or dare,” Smolder said. “Ever played it?”

“I’ve heard of it,” Celestia replied as she took her place in the circle. “Although I’m quite an inexperience in the game.”

“Well, since that’s the case,” Ocellus told her, “I’d think that we might wanna set some ground rules. I’ve heard stories how this can be taken way too far.”

“Oh c’mon!” Gallus whined. “It’s practically the best part.”

“I think Ocellus has a point,” Celestia said. “I think that whatever we do, it should go to something rather extreme or dangerous that can result in someone getting hurt.”

“Yona wants this too.” The Yak agreed. “If Yona is gonna play, no one gets hurt.”

“Fair enough.” Sandbar nodded. “So anything else?”

“Oh! I got it!” Smolder raised a claw. “How about this: none of us can do truth or dare three times in a row. So that way, we’re not entirely stuck on doing only truths or dares.”

All of them agreed to this. Silverstream brought out a bottle in which it was placed in the middle. The idea behind it was that as they get a turn, they will spin the bottle in which they can have whoever the bottle picks to tell the truth or do a dare. So with that, Smolder went first as she spins the bottle in which it slowed down to point at Yona.

“Okay, Yona, truth or dare?”

The young Yak thought about it for a moment. “Truth.”

Smolder took a moment to think before asking: “Is there anything about the Yaks that they’re not the best in?”

Yona’s face soured. “Yaks best at everything… well…”


She glanced around the empty library and muttered. “Yaks maybe not good at giving presents…

Sandbar blinked. “Wait, really?”

“Finding the best gift not easy,” Yona confessed. “Even among Yaks. No idea what to get or if it is the right gift.”

“You might find that’s actually rather common,” Celestia said. “Even I had trouble trying to pick out gifts, especially around Hearths Warming.”

Then it was Ocellus’s turn, in which after she spun the bottle, it landed on Gallus. She asked him if he would take up truth or dare. The griffon, his chest puffed up, said that he was willing to take a dare.

Smolder snickered, “You’ve gotta give him a good one.”

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out…” The blue Changeling said in thought, her hoof under her chin.

“Well, I’ve got an idea…” Smolder leaned into Ocellus’s ear and whispered her suggestion. To which, the Changeling blushed while the dragoness giggled.

“What she say?” Gallus asked.

After glancing over to Smolder, Ocellus told him: “I dare you to kiss Sandbar, on the lips, for at least ten seconds.”

This got a reaction from the rest of the group. While the girls were squeeing and all have their eyes on the only two males in the group, Gallus and Sandbar mirrored their wide-eyed shock over this. “You can’t be serious.” The griffon protested. “I mean… with him?”

“What’s the matter?” The dragoness smirked, “Afraid you might like it?”


Gallus’s eyes were scattering every which way, while Sandbar bit his lip. The green pony raised a hoof, “Uh… Don’t I get a say in this?”

“Nope!” Celestia went behind them within a flash in which she held their heads close to one another. “Now kiss!”

At first, the two of them froze with a blushed expression – and it didn’t help as Smolder, then the other girls starting chanting, “Do it. Do it. Do it…” Gallus closed his eyes for a moment to sturdy himself. “Ya know what?” he said aloud, “Buck it.” And just like that, he leans forward to kiss Sandbar, much to the happy screams of the other females. Celestia meanwhile counted down in her head to make sure Gallus does the dare properly.

If only I thought of this for Blueblood earlier,’ she thought, ‘it may have finally let him come out of the closet a long time ago. Maybe I could get Luna to pull this off. Still… this right here… I ship it.

Ten seconds later… the two of them still hadn’t parted. If anything, it was as if the two of them were enjoying the dare a little too much. Celestia parted them. “If you two are in need of a room I know a few that are nearby.”

The embarrassed students looked away from one another but insisted on continuing the game.

Eventually, the game continued on in which the students dared another to do something humiliating or telling an embarrassing truth. Eventually, however, when it got to Sandbar’s turn in which the bottle pointed at Celestia, he asked her. “Okay, Princess… truth or dare?”

Celestia thought for a moment. “Truth.”

“Okay… I was wondering if you could settle a rumor that I’ve heard about you for a while now.”

“I’m listening.”

“Is it true that you’ve tried to sabotage the Grand Galloping Gala on purpose?”

Celestia smirked. “Not until recently. In the past, I used to uphold hosting the gala as a sort of sacred duty. Back when it started, I was accustomed to the ceremony in which I was more than willing to play a part in. However, as time went on, those nobles slowly had my lines of duties being taken over, gradually pushed me aside until I had only one duty – greeting ponies at the door and shaking their hooves.”

Silverstream’s jaw dropped. “That’s… That’s horrible.”

“It was incredibly boring, that’s what it was.” She chuckled. “Eventually, I had enough so I’ve decided to do something about it.”

“Like urinating in the punch?” Smolder asked. “I’ve heard that over the radio.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, that is true. As I’ve been shoved to a corner, I had to up the pranks I pulled during the gala or at least, try to sabotage it somehow. From ordering the wrong décor to fiddling around with the guest list. It turned out that inviting Twilight, her friends and later on Discord was a solid plan to liven up the evening. Sure, he nearly sent somepony into an alternate dimension, but it was worth it.”

“Wish Yona and friends could go,” Yona commented.

“Tell you what,” said Celestia, “after this, I’ll tell Luna to invite all of you to the next gala, only on the condition that you’d cause some mischief.” The disguised alicorn winked.

The game continued on in which it got to Celestia’s turn for her to spin the bottle. This time, it was pointed at the Changeling. “Well, then Ocellus, truth or dare?”

“Dare me.” She said with a confident smile.

Celestia hummed for a minute. Then with a cheeky smirk, she dropped her disguise for a moment to light up her horn to summon up a series of spray-paints before reverting back to her disguise. “In that case, see these?” She nodded. “I dare you to graffiti a wall of my sister’s plot – in full view of everyone.”

Every jaw in that room dropped to the floor.

“You can’t be serious,” Gallus said.

“Oh, I am indeed.” Her grin widened, “And, if I may add, she paints in front of those that are dancing in the main hall.”

Ocellus fidgeted at the words. “B-But I can’t do that! I mean, I’ll just end up getting into deep trouble.”

“Not if it’s a command from a Princess it isn’t.”

The other students pause for a minute or so until Smolder said, “Well… She does have a point.”

So, from there, the students and the disguised Celestia moved from the library back towards the main hall where the thumping music and dancing were still going strong. Before the Changeling was let loose, Celestia told her to make the painting big, Ocellus flew up to one of the remaining stone walls in which, with one last look at her friends below, she shook the can, popped open the lid, and begun to paint.

At first, the dancers below didn’t notice as they were preoccupied with dancing and being awed at the light show. However, as Ocellus spray on some blues and blacks in which the enormous blotches that slowly the partiers became curious. As she continued to paint, adding on the cutie marks and drawing a crack, did it become clear to those below what the Changeling was doing?

If anything, Celestia smirked as she noticed how some of the young stallions were getting excited over the cartoony large plot that was painted up.

But even after she put on the tail, Ocellus wasn’t done. She then went above the painting in which she painted the words: “Worship This Moon.” To which, the majority of partiers shouted up: “Long live the Princess!”

Once Ocellus was done, she flew right back to her friends and Celestia. “Big enough plot for you, Princess?”

The disguised alicorn nodded. “Mooning the moon, I like it. I should add to my will to have this move to the national art gallery just to annoy Lu.”

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Princess suddenly straightened up during her lunch break. One of the servants asked. “Princess, are you alright?”

“Yes…” She glanced at a window. “I had this chilly feeling just that somehow, somewhere, my sister is commenting how big my posterior is.”

The servant leaned over to the side. “It is perfectly proportionate, Your Majesty.”

Luna glared at her servant. “Good choice of words.”