• Published 11th Jul 2020
  • 771 Views, 29 Comments

Pokémon Eclipse II - Light of Harmony - moviemaster8510

Set roughly one year after the events of Pokémon Eclipse, two teenaged trainers are enlisted in Twilight's School of Friendship, where Sam Brier serves as a Pokémon-training teacher. Meanwhile, new foes emerge to wreak havoc on both worlds...

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Chapter 2 - To a World Unknown

A knock on the door prompted Mikael to spring from the kitchen table and answer the door, weaving around the backpack and fully-stuffed duffel bag he had laying in the middle of the living room floor. Pulling the door open, Mikael smiled warmly to see Sam standing on the porch as expected, his backpack still on with no seeming intention of taking it off or staying awhile.

Sam nodded upon seeing Mikael’s bags. “Morning, Mikael.”

“Hey Sam,” Mikael greeted. “Or should I get used to calling you Mr. Brier?”

“Whichever you feel more comfortable with. You’ll hear plenty of variations in my classroom.”

Mikael nodded as he picked up his backpack first, prompting Ingrid and Divvy to follow him to the door. “Oh, don’t you leave me again without saying goodbye this time.”

“I wasn’t going to forget, Aunt Ingrid.” Mikael let her cup the sides of his jaw in her hands before pulling him in to kiss him on the forehead.

Mikael and Ingrid then wrapped their arms around one another in a tight embrace, Sam patiently watching on. Ingrid breathed a cathartic sigh upon letting her nephew go, allowing him to pick up his duffle bag and hoist it onto his right shoulder. Divvy then nudged into her, and with a chuckle, she petted down its side.

“And I’ll miss you too, Divvy. See ya’.” As Divvy joined the two outside, Ingrid looked to Sam. “You take good care of him now!”

“I’m certain we all will,” Sam assured her. “Thank you, Ingrid.”

As the two stepped off the porch, she waved them both off. “Bye, Mikael! Please have fun!”

Mikael could only muster a non-committing nod, but he waved back as a show that he’d promise to try. The three then began their trek downtown, Ingrid keeping the door open the whole time to watch them off before she could no longer see them.

After a few minutes of walking through the south end of the city, Mikael, Sam, and Divvy approached a glass building with a blue roof and supports. Stepping inside, they watched as a massive double-decker gondola slowly made its way at the top of the lift. Upon reaching the platform, the doors opened, allowing a couple dozen people to pour out of it and make their way out into the city that Sam and Mikael were soon to leave. With it soon empty and now glacially moving around to go the other way back down, the people waiting to board began to pour in, Sam guiding Mikael and Divvy to join them.

“I haven’t had breakfast yet,” Mikael spoke. “You said they serve it here, right?”

Sam nodded. “Sure do. Their spiced bacon is worth the ticket price alone, so hopefully we can get in line before they take it all.”

“Then you better get in line ahead of me.”

Sam chuckled, happy to see a little of the Mikael that Ingrid promised was in there glimmer through. After pulling out his two tickets from his pocket and flashing them to the uniformed woman overseeing the loading of passengers, she waved her hand to let Sam, Mikael, and Divvy inside.

As the gondola made its way down Mt. Coronet, Sam, Mikael, and Divvy all looked out and around them from the top-floor windows, watching as the snow became more sparse and the crags and grass on the mountain become more plentiful. As the gondola came to another slow point to let the next gondola that reached the bottom or top load and unload, Sam and Mikael saw this as an opportune time to resume their breakfasts. Sam’s consisted of a couple of eggs Benedict, a plate of melon slices, and some peppered Tamato berry juice. Mikael’s plate was only a small mound of bacon that others passed by with envious disdain.

Upon the gondola letting off at the base of the mountain in Celestic Town, Sam, Mikael, and Divvy departed the station as the latter two searched for their next destination. Both of their winter attires were now off and tied around their bags, Mikael now sporting a black jacket and shirt whose bright-blue trimmings matched the highlights in his corn-blonde hair. Sam kept his eyes on the billowy plume of smoke from a classic steam engine in the distance, prompting Mikael and his Pokémon to rush after him and towards the station.

By the late afternoon, the train pulled up to the platform in the Jubilife City station, serving as a stark contrast to the sleek bullet trains that sat in the other platforms or were pulling in or out. Sam, Mikael, and Divvy were the first to exit, quickly walking through into the station so as to avoid the other people getting off who began to crowd and congest the space.

That night, Mikael lounged on his hotel bed, his head propped up on a tower of pillows. With his eyes closed blissfully, he listened to music on his headphones, his head subtly bumping in time to the beat of whichever song he was listening to. With his next day’s folded clothes, wallet, Holo Caster and Z-Ring placed on the desk across from his own bed, Sam crawled underneath the covers and prepared to sleep in preparation for the busy day ahead of him. Sam reached over to the lamp on the table between his and Mikael’s beds, only for Divvy, who also sat on the floor between them, to lift one of his arms before the switch at the base of twisted by itself, putting the room in darkness save for the light of the streetlamps outside. Sam smiled and nodded to Divvy before both of them shut their eyes.

Early the next morning, Sam, Mikael, and Divvy approached the large glass building with the EarthQuestria logo adorning it, its splendor shining down over the several blocks of city that it overlooked. Mikael had his bags clutched tight, knowing that in a matter of minutes, he was about to step into a world that wasn’t his own for the very first time.

Sam turned over to look at Mikael. “You ready for this?”

Mikael shrugged uncertainly. “I mean, can Twilight find another student in time if I’m not?” Sam continued looking at Mikael, unsure if he was being serious or not, only to feel a pleasant deflation upon seeing Mikael walk closer to the building before him. “Come on, let’s get going.”

Sam and Divvy were both quick to pick up their pace to walk alongside him. Sam pulled the door open for Mikael and Divvy before swooping in after them and heading to the front desk before they could. Mikael and Divvy, however, were too enraptured by their new surroundings to go on ahead, admiring the architecture of a building he never thought he’d enter before.

Looking up, a clerk beamed to seem Sam walking up to her desk. “Mr. Brier, so good to see you again! Where were you looking to go today?”

“Ponyville,” Sam answered, “but I’m bringing a couple of…” Sam looked to his right where he last saw Mikael, only to find him no longer there. Looking behind him, he saw him and his Bronzong both looking up at the people on the balcony walkways, unsure of what they’d be doing in a place like this. “Mikael, Divvy!”

Upon hearing their names and seeing them come to Sam’s call, the clerk maintained her chipper smile. “So this is the Mikael Wallström I’ve been told I would meet! Well, great news, Twilight has provided us with all of his information, so he’s all registered already! All that’s left to do is to get his picture taken, and we can get his passport all printed out! Please, make your way inside and we’ll take care of you from there!”

“Thanks a lot,” Sam bid before heading into a large, short hallway next to the desk.

Upon approaching the large metal doors, a loud buzzing sounded out above them, allowing the doors to swing open by themselves once Sam and Mikael got close. They entered inside and found themselves in a rounded hallway that looked like it would encompass the entire building.

Upon coming inside, they were met by a man in a stylish white labcoat, who approached Mikael and Divvy in particular. “You must be Mikael! Follow me this way and we’ll get your picture taken and your passport printed in a jiffy!”

Sam stood by as Mikael was ushered toward what appeared to be a plain office door. As the EarthQuestria employee opened the door for Mikael, Divvy floated close behind to follow him in.

Mikael stopped and turned to it. “Divvy, just stay right here. I can’t expect this to take more than a couple minutes.”

With Mikael giving it an assuring pat on its side, Divvy softly rested itself down on the floor, its fixed wide-eyed grimace serving as an intimidating warning to those who would try to enter in next. After dropping his bags down, Mikael walked inside a white room with wooden floors and a machine attached to the wall that rose up into the ceiling. Above a large screen that was positioned just below eye level was a camera, and beneath it was a large slot one could easily fit their hand inside.

The man pressed buttons on a small keypad on the side of the machine until it booted up and the camera activated, showing Mikael facing away from the camera and half his face cut off as he stood away from the center. “Whenever you’re ready, stand in front of the machine, face the camera, and smile.”

Looking at his own digital reflection, Mikael jolted and did as instructed, making sure his face was front and center. After brushing his hair down with his fingers and taking a couple of relaxing breaths, Mikael looked dead into the lens and smiled softly, slowly widening it in the off chance that he looked too dour the first time.

“Alright!” the technician exclaimed. “Perfect! Want to take a look?”

“Uhh, yeah…” Mikael sauntered over to the screen and looked closely as his face was replaced by a quartet of screenshots whose smiles grew wider as they went from left to right. “Oh, you took extras?”

“I figured that the face you tried to make may not be one you like, so I took some before and after to get a more natural expression, no offense.”

“None taken…” Mikael looked at a couple of the ones on the bottom, where he really felt his smile looked more friendly and approachable. After hovering his finger between the two, he finally accepted the one to the bottom left and pressed on the screen. “I like this–”

Upon tapping the image, the other three went away as the chose one enlarged and put itself in the center, making Mikael step back in mild shock.

“So, you like this one?”

Mikael began to study the smile more now that his decision was no longer set in stone. However, as his thoughts on his picture began to subconsciously sour, he glanced to the side and wouldn’t look back until he knew it would be gone.

“Yeah, that one’s perfect,” he said.

“Alrighty, then.” The technician pressed another button on the keypad, causing the machine to whir to life.

Mikael mustered the strength to look back, partly relieved that the screen now showed a progress bar, which was already over a quarter of the way through and “Loading.” Once it quickly reached 75%, the status changed to “Printing,” causing the machine to loudly buzz. Upon getting to 99%, the machine settled down and became quiet. Finally, the bar filled up to 100%, and a thick plastic card dropped down inside the machine and into the slot.

Mikael reached inside and pulled the card out. Looking at it, he saw his chosen picture with Wallström, Mikael below it.

“Nice,” he muttered. “Even put in the umlaut.”

Beneath his name was the superimposed EarthQuestria logo, and on the top of his picture in all capital letters spelled, “STUDENT PASSPORT.” Finally, Mikael began to gyrate his card around, admiring how a different color appeared as it was caught by the light.

“Very nice.”

“Looks like it came out okay.” The technician went to the door and exited, stepping aside and leaving the way open for Mikael to rejoin Sam and Divvy. “Thank you for your patience, Mikael. You’re all set to go to Equestria. Have fun!”

Mikael stopped before stepping out, flashing the card he helped him make. “Thanks a lot. Bye.”

Mikael left, and with his return, Divvy awoke and resumed tailing its trainer. As Sam saw them coming and put his backpack back on, Mikael hoisted his own backpack up as Divvy lifted his duffle bag and put the strap over his shoulder.

“Got your card?” Sam asked.

Mikael held it up between his two fingers. “Would have been a boring couple of minutes if I didn’t.”

“Sweet. Let’s get going.”

Sam, Mikael, and Divvy returned outside into the lobby and took a right, passing by the desk of the clerk they had just met. “I just informed the technicians in the transport chamber of your destination. You should be all set to step on once you’re in.”

“Appreciate it,” Sam said. “Thanks again.”

They then came to another hallway just to the right that slightly narrowed as it led in. Save for the glass turnstile that separated the lobby from the transport chamber, Mikael got a full view of the transport pad just up ahead that would take him to a completely different world.

“Wow,” Mikael gasped. “This is really happening.”

“Care to do the honors?” Sam asked him. “I mean, this is your first time after all.”

“Uh… yeah. Thanks.”

Walking up to it, Mikael saw a red X on display on the end of the turnstile. Looking to the right, he saw a large tinted window where one or more security guards were no doubt watching his every move. He then spotted a small slot to the right of the turnstile that he knew his new passport would fit perfectly in. With it still in hand, he fed the card into the machine face-up. After a few moments, the red X turned into a green circle, and both doors pushed their way in. Mikael shuffled through the doors with both of his bulky bags while Divvy floated precariously above them.

Once they made it through to the other side, Mikael looked back at the black glass, uncertain if there was anything else to do on their end. Just then, Mikael’s passport shot out from the other end of the turnstile and stopped halfway, prompting Mikael to take it. He then watched as Sam reflexively put his passport into the turnstile and walk forward just as the red X turned to a green circle as if this was the hundredth time he had done this. Once he was through, Sam stood patiently until his passport was fed back through. Upon grabbing it, he placed it in his pocket and walked to the pad, Mikael and Divvy quick to follow him.

“Hey, so…” Mikael muttered aloud, “Sam. Obviously it’s too late to turn back now, but… what’s it feel like?”

Sam continued walking. “What? Going from one world to another?”


“Well, your feet’ll vibrate a little…”

As Sam stepped up onto the platform, Mikael couldn’t help but stop in his tracks. “Is that it?!”

“That’s it, man! Now come on up so we can meet your new teachers!”

Mikael jogged up onto the center of the pad beside Sam, Divvy quick to be beside him too.

“Sir!” one of the male technicians called out to Mikael. “Please have your Bronzong rest on the platform so that it can transport it too.”

Mikael nodded, understandingly patting his Pokémon’s side. “You heard the man, Divvy.” As if sensing Mikael’s meaning, Divvy did exactly as the technician instructed. “Also, can I put my bags on the pad?”

“Whatever you want! Just as long as they’re connected to someone or something on the pad, it’ll come with you.”

With a shrug, Mikael put his duffel bag down.

“Are you all ready?” another technician called out.

“I think so!” Sam exclaimed. “Mikael?”

“Yeah, man! Let’s go!”

“Alright.” The technician returned to his computer, speaking through his headset. “Establishing connection to Ponyville Center.” The machine turned on underneath Sam and Mikael’s feet, the two of them only feeling a mild vibration. “Connection complete. Prepare warp to platform 3.”

A railing rose up from the edge of the platform, the light fixtures upon which began to glow brightly. Soon, the platform underneath them also began to light up. Mikael’s breathing quickened as the gravity of his situation became clearer by the second.

“It’s okay,” Sam cooed. “Just calm down and stand up strong; you’ll be fine.”

As rays of even brighter light began to pierce through the floor as it turned a brilliant white, Mikael held his breath and tensed up the muscles in his legs, ready for the ride of his life. Soon, the light rose to envelop his vision, along with Sam and Divvy’s. Mikael closed his eyes tight as he felt his body get slightly heavier and heavier. Just then, he felt a massive tug down before his normal weight returned and the lights got dimmer.

Opening his eyes back up, Mikael found himself in a similar room as before, only the technicians monitoring the teleportation were primarily equine in appearance. Even with the comically-identical labcoats that they all wore, along with the companion Pokémon working beside them making it feel a little more like home, Mikael was too in awe to care. Divvy floated slowly from behind him and out, also enraptured by the sight.

“Oh my god…” Mikael gently shook his head. “We’re actually here.”

“Transportation complete,” a unicorn mare technician exclaimed, the outer railing descending into the floor of the pad. “Welcome to Ponyville, guys! Whenever you’re ready, you can step out into the lobby and exit the building whenever you wish.”

“Thank you.” Without missing a beat, Sam quickly walked down the stairs and made his way to the lobby, the hallway leading to it also secured with another turnstile.

Mikael couldn’t help but glance back and forth to each employee of every shade, species, and gender, but upon seeing Sam already so far ahead, he jogged off the platform to catch up, Divvy flying close behind.

“Thanks a lot,” he quickly, but sincerely bid to the mare. “Sam, hold up!”

As they walked through the cozy town down the grassy roads, Mikael and Divvy’s sights were virtually anywhere but forward, looking at the hay-roofed buildings with rustic architecture, along with the odd pegasus, Tailow, or Pidove that would fly overhead. Periodically, Sam would receive a kindly morning greeting from a passerby, which he was enthusiastic to return. Mikael earned mildly curious stares from the earth ponies and unicorns that surrounded him and Divvy, but neither could keep their focus on them for nearly as long, desperate to see the next amazing thing that they’d see once they turned the next corner.

“Amazing, isn’t it?” Sam’s query brought Mikael and Divvy to look primarily forward again.

“I mean…” What could Mikael possibly say? “I saw your match with Alice on TV last year, and I saw all those ponies who watched it in person, but… it’s just so much different getting to see all them in person. This is… just truly–”


Mikael frowned, finding the choice of word a bit too silly. “I was thinking more ‘incredible,’ but…”

Sam chuckled. “Trust me, this place has that effect.”

Looking even more around, Mikael looked over and saw an earth pony stallion walking alongside a Midday-from Lycanroc and another Pokémon that appeared as a reddish-brown fox with tufts of black fur on its eyes and snout like a robber’s mask and a moustache.

“There are a lot of Pokémon living here,” Mikael commented. “Did you do all that?”

“Me?” Sam felt both entertained and honored that he’d even credit himself with such an endeavor. “Oh no! I mean, I helped, sure, but I certainly can’t take all the credit. Don’t worry, you’ll meet the real brains behind that today.”

“Wasn’t really worried, but alright, cool…”

After several more minutes of walking and otherwise silent observations, the three finally reached a large hill where the School of Friendship, looking exactly like the picture Twilight used in her slideshow, was nestled. Mikael seemed to know enough at this point to not stop walking, but as he continued his advance on what would be his new home, his eyes refused to leave the majesty of the building and the space it occupied.

“Just be sure to watch your step,” Sam quietly warned. “Sure, it’s a straight shot to the front door, but the walkway can still be slippery if you’re not careful.”

Mikael blew a rueful sigh, saddened that he’d have to tear his gaze away, but as they approached the pond that separated them from the front doors, Mikael was indeed mindful to watch out for the puddles both large and small that had splashed up onto the path at some point. Once they safely made it up to the large golden doors with green-stained glass, Mikael closed his eyes, both thankful for Sam’s warning and preparing himself for whoever, or whatever, he’d meet beyond them.

Sam opened his mouth to talk to Mikael, only for him to speak first. “Divvy, you wouldn’t mind, would you?”

Sam nodded in appreciation as Divvy stretched its handle-arms out at the doors, a magenta energy forming around the handles. Mikael couldn’t help but hear murmuring inside, but he simply decided to attribute the noises to the creaks of the door as Divvy began to pull them open.

Mikael and Sam continued to stand by as they began to see the massive interior of the entryway. However, the thing that immediately caught Mikael’s eyes were the eight ponies and small purple-and-green dragon that stood in a row further back along the carpet that fed into both ends of a perpendicular hallway. While Mikael felt himself seize up to see all of them eagerly awaiting to greet their newest student, Sam smiled fondly as he stepped inside to approach them.

“Sam’s back, baby!” Sam threw his arms out, welcoming the ponies to come greet him.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both flew over toward him as their other six friends trotted up right beneath him. Spike, meanwhile, took off on a pair of small wings of his own, joining Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy up in the air. From behind Starlight and her Sylveon that walked beside her, a Lurantis and Salazzle both scurried ahead to come greet their former trainer.

Sam gasped excitedly to see them. “Hey, guys! It’s so good to see you again!”

Falling to one knee, Sam kept his arms open and let the two Pokémon rush into them, Sam hugging them as tightly as their smaller bodies would let him.

“Sam!” Sam looked up to see Fluttershy land on the ground and join Starlight as the two approached him first.

Lurantis and Salazzle stepped aside to let the two ponies hug their best human friend, Sam putting an arm around each of their necks and pulling them in tight. As the others awaited just behind them, Mikael and Divvy slowly walked in, uncertain at which point he’d be greeted too.

“Hey, lookie! Our new student has arrived!” Mikael dropped his bags and jumped up nearly half his height to hear Pinkie Pie’s voice behind him, despite certainly seeing her with her group of friends.

Upon landing and turning around, Pinkie Pie was surely right behind him, just as he heard. Divvy simply turned around to face the pony that made her introduction first.

Mikael slumped over with his hands supporting the rest of him on his knees. “Is… is that just something she does?”

“You’ll get used to it, sugar,” Applejack said.

“Sorry to frighten you, Mr. Meeky!” Pinkie Pie apologized. “You don’t mind if I call you Meeky, do ya’!”

Mikael turned to Sam, who only shrugged in response before he turned back to her. “I actually… prefer Mikael, if that’s okay!”

“You’re right, I kinda’ like Mikael too!” she squealed with an excited bounce. “It kind of has a neat smokiness to it, you know, like, ‘Mee-kaaaalle.’”

The extra rasp she added to the name certainly gave it the quality she assigned it, but Mikael was just a little too overwhelmed to reply at that point.

“Anyways,” Pinkie Pie resumed, “I’m Pinkie Pie. I teach the Laughter class here at the School of Friendship. Please, meet my other friends! They’ve been waiting all morning to meet you too!”

Before Mikael could say a word or make a move in compliance, he felt Pinkie Pie physically herd him over to Twilight and the others, Starlight and Fluttershy standing back in line to join them.

Twilight walked up first. “Mikael, it’s so wonderful to meet you in person!”

Reaching her hoof out, Mikael awkwardly grabbed hold of it and gave it two equally-awkward shakes. “Yeah… likewise.”

Twilight sympathetically giggled. “No need to feel anxious, Mikael. We completely understand this is a completely different change of pace for you, so if this feels a bit much and you want us to keep our distance, we’ll do whatever makes you comfortable.”

“No, it’s…” Mikael scratched the back of his neck, feeling ashamed. “Yeah it’s a lot to take in, but I mean, I came here to make new friends, so if you feel the need to break down any walls I happen to put up, please, fire away!”

“Alright! Love the attitude!” Rainbow Dash swooped out in front of him and put her hoof out at him. Upon trying to take hold of it, she pulled her hoof away and gently pounded the fist he incidentally made. “Rainbow Dash, best Loyalty teacher at the entire school.”

“You’re the only Loyalty teacher at the school,” Rarity replied in deadpan as she stepped up next. “Apologies, darling. Rarity, teacher of our Generosity class, and I must say, you looks quite fierce in that jacket of yours.”

“Uh… thanks!” Mikael felt comfortable being the one to offer his hand this time around.

After Rarity let him take his hoof, she stepped back to let Fluttershy go next. “I’m Fluttershy. I like your Bronzong.”

Mikael blinked, almost having forgotten that he even had one. Turning back, he saw as Divvy tilted out from behind its trainer and waved at Fluttershy with one of its arms, its bashful act making her giggle.

“I teach the Kindness class,” she explained, holding her hoof out, “and I look forward to seeing you in my class.”

Once Mikael looked back to her, he shook her hoof.

Applejack stepped out next. “Howdy, Mikael. Name’s Applejack. I’ll be your Honesty teacher this year, and we’re glad to have ya’ on.”

“Glad… to be on!” Mikael responded, the two reaching out and shaking at the same time.

Finally, Starlight came forward and reached her hoof out. “And I’m Starlight Glimmer, vice-principal of the School of Friendship. Fluttershy and I go way back with Sam.”

After Mikael shook her hoof, Spike stood in line and simply waved. “And I’m Spike. I’m… with Twilight.”

Mikael pumped his fist, wanting to seem supportive. “Right on.”

Spike smiled nonetheless. Twilight then stepped forward once again.

“We appreciate you coming in so early this morning,” she told Mikael. “We though it would be best to give you a tour of the school and help you know where each classroom is and where the library is. Oh! And there are plenty of bathrooms here too! Don’t worry, we installed a human-sized toilet in each one so you don’t have to–”

“Hey, Twi?” Applejack poked her on the shoulder, stopping her tangent. “I’m sure Mikael can figure out how to use a bathroom.”

Mikael couldn’t withhold a chuckle, only to grimace upon doing so. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have laughed.”

“Please,” Twilight said, “don’t be. I tend to get a bit high-strung when I want to make sure things go right. But even without the bathrooms, we still have a lot of ground to cover today, so please, Mikael, Divvy, follow us.”

“Oh!” Fluttershy gasped. “So Divvy’s its name? Where’d you come up with that?”

Mikael glanced left and right nervously. “It’s a long story.”

After an oddly uncomfortable second of silence, Sam walked toward the back of the foyer, Lurantis and Salazzle following him. “Hey, why don’t we give Mikael that tour now! We still have to show him the other part!”

As the six ponies, dragon, and Sylveon each muttered in agreement and began following him, Mikael and Divvy stood in place. “Other part?”

“Did Sam not tell you?” Rainbow Dash then let out a single loud whoop of a laugh. “Boy, are you in for a surprise. Come on, get your stuff and follow us!”

With Sam, the Pokémon, and Equestrians making their way inside without a sign of stopping for him, Mikael scooped both of his bags up and ran after them, Divvy hoisting itself up and soaring after him.