• Member Since 9th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 30 minutes ago


Not much to say. I love to write, and I write just about every kind of story.

Comments ( 45 )

To the image? There isn’t one. The artist isn’t posting it.

A A A A A A A A A H H H H H H.

tell em I said it looks doable.

Might need a psychiatrist after this. Especially since I've Enjoyed this.

The best clopfics are the ones that make you reevaluate if you call really call yourself a good person afterward.

I don't read rape stories that treat rape as a fetish, rather than a crime and a tragedy for the victim, but after checking a few paragraphs here, I found that this story is surprisingly non-rapey.
Without consent definitely, as the stallion didn't ask Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake first and just decided to take what he wants, but the two of them begin to actively enjoy it and to crave more very quickly, so they aren't forced to do something they don't want to do.
When I saw the "rape" warning, I thought it's done against their will while they suffer and scream and cry, like it's in all those rape fetish stories, but since Pound and Pumpkin come to like sex here after the first contact with it and then decide that they want more, this is a story I can actually read.
Shelved until I have time to read it proper.

This is partly because they're children who haven't been taught the full implications and responsibilities of sex. It's statutory rape, rape that is often characterized by the lack of knowledge and/or emotional control needed to make decisions with their long term goals and interest in mind. Sex is a very emotional experience inherently and emotions don't often play well with rational thought.

True, they may have enjoyed this that night, but the combination of introducing incestuous sex and the impact he likely had on their views of sex and eventually their own self worth has yet to be fully realized.

Sex is often culturally considered something reserved for only a select few that hold significance to them and thus those that easily have sex with many partners are seen as devaluing the significance of both their sexual relationships and the sacredness of obtaining a sexual partner. This leads to slut shaming, it leads to sex being less intimate as it is seen as more of a routine rather than something exclusive (especially in the sense that they had the choice taken from them to save themselves until they met someone to give exclusive access to their body. They can never honestly say that someone special to them is the only one they have shared that act with and it can have a profound impact).

Granted, one of my guilty pleasures is foalcon/lolicon, but I'm well aware of the impact such acts can have on a child and the long life they have ahead of them. I studied it extensively in my own time to understand the risks and the dangers just so that it would come to mind whenever my thoughts get a little echi. No child deserves the troubles such thoughtless actions cause.

That said, I'm getting a bit ranty so I'll end it here.

Good people have bad thoughts and recongnize them as things they refuse to do, but having someone to talk to doesn't hurt! If yall have concerns about your urges (either in the sense of the dominance/submission of rape senarios or the lewd desires towards younger people) don't hesitate to message me!

PiMan #9 · Oct 17th, 2018 · · 1 ·

You seem a little focused on exclusivity. Most people don't have only one sexual partner through their whole lives; depending on the survey, the claimed average number of sexual partners across a population or demographic is anywhere between 4 and 24. This can be the case even if they remain monogamous at any given time.
You're right enough that the option of exclusivity has been forcefully taken from these Cake Twins, but it was unlikely in the first place, even if they had been given the option to wait until they were more mature. (Assuming ponies are anything like people IRL)

The rest of what you've said, I largely agree with.

A fair warning that things do get pretty traditionally rapey for Pinkie Pie


It's statutory rape

Yep, that's what I realized when checking this story. "Statutory rape" is a legal term, however, so I'm fine with stories that contain this kind of "rape". I only don't read stories where foals get forced to sex or blackmailed into sex against their will, aka, the classical and natural definition of rape.

I studied it extensively in my own time to understand the risks and the dangers just so that it would come to mind whenever my thoughts get a little echi.

You shouldn't take your desire to read such stories so serious. It's not real.


Because she gets forced to lick Pound's penis and Pumpkin's vagina? That makes things a little complicated, as Pinkie is clearly not comfortable with that, yeah. But this is mostly a Foalcon story, so I'm reading it for foals and not for adult ponies and can glance past it for that reason.
And since Pound and Pumpkin genuinely enjoyed it, this will help soothe Pinkie's guilt that she will feel afterwards.
If she gets raped by him at the end of the story, though, I will probably skip that part, yeah.

More the choice of exclusivity and that doesn't mean "1 person for the rest of their life", it's more "only people I deeply trust have access to me that way". A fairly considerable number of people still have the more conservative views on sex as something that isn't done with someone you don't know well and trust implicitly. Sex is considered a large part of a close relationship by many of them and having it without that closeness depreciates the meaning behind it.

People who have lots of sexual partners by choice (ie: people who seek out things like one night stands and possibly even orgies or other sexual encounters) still have some of the issues i mentioned (mainly things like "slut shame") but they're more adjusted to handle them by the time they're adults and don't have the issue of their self worth being shaken up over a realization that they were taken advantage of as a child. They also tend to have a different view of sex in general. For them, the act of sex may be detached from the meaning behind it and the same act could have a different emotional response depending on the person behind it.

It isn't to say that children can't recover or possibly even get by without major damage to their psyche, but the risks are much higher and inherently have more time to cause problems in their lifetime.

That said, i suppose that's still a fairly simple way to sum up the compex and widely varying issues that stem from a child being put in a sexual situation.

There were a few reasons i "took it seriously". It started when my little sister had a run in with a pedophile and kinda kept going as i explored my interests on human psychology in my preteens and again when i was a teenager and was babysitting. I kind of had to take it seriously, especially when i realized i found certain childlike attributes attractive.

We can repeat the popular "it's not real" reasoning but sometimes you have to ask what the reasons behind your attraction is. I'm not accusing anyone here of being a predator waiting to happen, but if you never prepare a defense against the possibility, you might find yourself in a situation you don't know how to handle and as much as i want to believe that everyone would force themselves to behave, people have literally been raped because someone didn't.


As long as your desire begins and ends with fictional stories/art, you are safe. If the creatures you desire in these stories/art pieces are young, preteen ponies, you're even more safe.
If you actually have a desire for children that are able to walk past you on the streets, you'll notice that quickly, because romantic feelings or the feeling of sexual arousal can't be mistaken. And if that happens to you, there is still plenty of time to take precautions.
But if you only go off on fictional material, there is no need for such. When it's about children and sex, people like to forget the difference between "fiction" and "reality", but it's nonetheless an important distinction to make.

I... i feel like a bad person...
Oh wait, it's gone

Wise words friend, wise words

that was a good rant, you get a upvote

that I can agree with, as long as its fictional not based on real people living or dead and your desires don't go past the realms of fiction your fine. but if you do find yourself desiring "more" you should seek help preferably from a trusted friend and not a therapist cause all they'll do is get you arrested


from a trusted friend and not a therapist cause all they'll do is get you arrested

Indeed. One of the things I would not recommend to a pedosexual person is seeking out a therapist. It should be a person they can trust and that won't judge them.

Having sexual desires for children in itself technically isn't illegal but i would say outing yourself to anyone you know personally is generally a bad idea. Even some of the closest friends might completely change their tune if they find out you have those urges. Part of the reason I'm willing to somewhat out myself online is so that others can find me to talk to. Someone who can relate on some level and can ask questions without fear of reprisal simply for having certain thoughts. Also, there are therapists who specialize in pedophilia without criminalizing them, but they are still legally bound to tell someone if you actually acted on it.


I was going to say that it would be best if they talk to another pedosexual person with more experience, as such a person probably has developed certain strategies to deal with the desire, but then again, a real friend will not judge.
If they do, or even abandon a friend who outs themselves as pedosexual, then that might be hard, but at least they know that their friend isn't a true friend then. And if that's the case, it's probably best to let go of that person anyway. They might judge for other things that are yet to discover, too.
However, talking to a therapist, no matter how specialized they are, is never a good idea. Letting aside that one can never really know how a therapist will react, the law also requires therapists to report a pedosexual person that confesses to them to authorities, regardless if they acted on their desire or not.
The therapist telling the family of their client is optional, but even if they only inform authorities, this would already pretty much destroy someone's life, as they are immediately listed then and with that, word can go around easily. Therapists are hardly safe for such people.

Hmm, fair enough. My own experiences are just from those who worked at a prison i was a correctional officer for and i haven't ever brought it up with them about myself. There really isn't much point putting someone on that list a second time and it wasn't really my job nor considered appropriate to talk to them about why they were in since i was security, not treatment, but i did learn a lot about the sort of dehumanization that inmates go through.

It's the most surreal when you talk to the ones who you've learned are in for some pretty dark shit but they hardly seem to be that different from someone you talk to on the street. There are some weirdos, a prison system that's taken on the load from the defunding of mental hospitals is like that, but it's the ones that don't seem weird that makes things a little unnerving, especially if certain topics come up and they transition from perfectly sane to "what the fuck!?" without skipping a beat.

"Fic contains Rape and foalcon"

Might want to specify incest too. The pic already implies it, but better to be certain.

Comment posted by H2GO deleted Oct 19th, 2018

hopefully pinkie pie can undo some of the damage done and teach the twins that sex isn't like that

Welp i found my fap material for later. :pinkiecrazy:

I saw the picture on Derpibooru and it got my interest. When I saw it was you that wrote the story I knew it was going to be a good one.

Awww, thanks! I hope you enjoyed the filth hehehe.

If the artist ain't posting, how'd you get it?

He drew it for this fic. It was recently posted by an anonymous guy to derpibooru, but I still want to follow the artist’s wishes and will not be linking it.

Therapists are not required to report all pedos only those who have acted upon it as they committed a serious crime against someone.
Speaking with other pedos is also dangerous as it often can reinforce the behavior and continue to escalate things. It needs to be done in a somewhat controlled way with someone who understands your situation, the risks, the consequences, and how to constructively navigate those desires.
Friends, no matter how close, can abandon you because things like child molestation and rape are considered by society to be some of the most abominable crimes; in some cases more so than murder. If close families are ripped apart by this how can you expect friends to stick around? Everyone has limits and no love is unconditional.

Yes, we have issues with it being so stigmatized that it is hard for people to get help, but seeking out others with the same issues outside of a rehabilitative environment is a very dangerous situation. The reason we have a sex offender registry is because child predators have a recurrence rate of 83%. Drug dealers is 22%. If they were able to help themselves and each other this wouldn't be the case.

People need a support network that includes professional help if they feel their ability to differentiate reality from fiction is waning.


The filly’s ass wrapped around Locksport’s cock wonderfully.
“Hey Pound. Your sister still has one hole that she isn’t using.”


“Can you open your mouth please, sis?”

Over the next several hours, they all came more times than they could remember. Their bodies twisted against the tape restraining them, and their hips humped unconsciously into the air as they came again and again. Until the next morning when, at last, the Cake’s found them.

They are so gonna be traumatized by what they saw...:fluttershyouch:.

Not as traumatized as Pinkie, but yeah, that’d be a hell of a thing to come home to hehehe

That was a nice story. A tad too short in parts I think. For example the last paragraph could have been expanded on as I would have loved to read more about their reaction to being stuffed with vibrators. For example Pound Cake. He doesn't seem that enthusiastic but of course like the others will enjoy it plenty still.

But that is just my opinion. I liked this story and I certainly wouldn't mind reading a sequel to this! :yay:

Well.. that was somethin'.

Wow. Don't know why I read it but I liked it. Well done. You know this could actually have a sequel to it?

Pinkie watched the whole thing in disbelief. It was surreal, seeing this (the) foals that she’d helped to raise doing something like this right in front of her. In spite of everything, she was glad that they were having fun. Maybe they’d come out the other side of all of this without any real lasting problems. She hoped so. A hoof slapped her butt, causing her to yelp.


YandereDev supports pedophilia!!!


Therapists are not required to report all pedos only those who have acted upon it as they committed a serious crime against someone.

Depends on the country I guess. There was a British user of a funny picture site I use who was into lolicon and was terrified of it potentially getting worse so he tried to go to a therapist for help and they outed him to the police immediately for fictional cp. He had to go to court and ended up with a huge fine cause thought crimes are illegal over there I guess.

What are these comments? 🤮

These people need to be purified with fire!

Fuck my morbid curiosity

to be fair, anything that is non consensual is rape, so the cake twins were raped, regardless of them starting to like it

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