• Published 13th Oct 2018
  • 1,017 Views, 11 Comments

Maud Goes Gay - Timegal25

  • ...

The Truth about Maud

The sound of rock being chipped away echoed through out the halls of the cave. It was rhythmic, calming, soothing even. Though it was the kind of soothing that could easily be broken by the sound of footsteps or a heavy object being dropped. The life of mining and cave exploring was a mostly silent one, but for those that preferred isolation, it was perfect.

Such was the case for Maud. The deep cave system under the town made it perfect for her to made a rather steady living from just picking at stone and mapping out the caverns within. Many were worried about dangerous creatures that had been unnoticed by the studies of those that came before, as well as the roaming 'Diamond Dog' gangs. Maud wasn't really scared of them, sure they had lived underground for so long that they had hands that could easily cut through hard materials and quickly dig, but she knew how to defend herself in a dangerous situation.

Though, recently things didn't entirely feel...right for her. The days were feeling longer, there was a missing spring in her oh-so-energetic step. Was she perhaps tiring from the workload? If it was that, it was a first. Even when working on the rock farm as a child, she never complained about getting up early in the morning and only stopping for lunch and dinner. She thought about this as she stopped to take a small break for lunch. "Boulder, something doesn't feel right." She said, looking at her pet rock.

"..." Boulder replied, with his usual amount of observation and deduction.

"I don't think there are any toxic fumes in the caves. I would have passed out if there were." Maud replied.


"You could be right, but you don't need to say it like that. Have you been getting a decent amount of sleep?" Maud asked as she looked down at him. "You've been so cranky recently."


"You did what to my lunch?" She opened up her bag and looked in. "Gasp. You're getting to be a wise-ass, Boulder. I get that growing up is a hard and confusing time, but that doesn't mean you have to be rude." She took him inside her place and but him in the corner. "You are on punishment until further notice. I'm going out."

A while passed and Maud was sitting down at one of the few open tables of a crowded burger place. She was mostly just still eating from the basket of fries, as she never ate much to begin with. "And then, Trixie said: 'And you're outta here!' And swung the enchanted bat as hard as she could. They went flying into the distance!" Trixie explained, telling the miner about her latest adventure with Starlight Glimmer. "Trixie said that because they were the ones using magic to force their team to cheat at baseball!"

"Are you sure that's how it went?" Maud asked as she took a few more fries from the basket.

"Of course Trixie is sure! She was the one that did it, isn't that right Starlight?" The supposedly powerful magician said, elbowing Glimmer.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, she was totally the one that did it. She hit them right out of the park. Literally." Starlight said, backing the other girl up. "I'm mostly surprised she was able to do such a powerful spell."

"It's all in the name, great and powerful spells are my expertise." Trixie beamed, getting up from her seat. "Trixie will be right back."

"Leave the cape." Starlight said as she sucked on her straw.

"It gets stuck one time and now Trixie needs to leave it every time she goes to wash! We all make mistakes, Glimmy."

"And we learn from those mistakes and change so that you don't wake up someone in the middle of the night to help you not be chocked or sucked into a toilet." Trixie silently walked off after hearing that, Glimmer looking at the rock farmer. "You OK Maud...? You haven't eaten that much, even for you."

"Recently I've been feeling like somethings missing from my life," Maud replied, "but I don't know what that is. Boulder has been rather snippy lately, and whenever I scold him I feel bad afterwards. Am I being to hard on him?"

"I don't think it's that. When you're done scolding boulder...do you feel like you need to talk to someone about if yelling at him was right?" Starlight couldn't believe that she was asking a woman about how she felt about being stern to a rock.

"I do. Taking care of him can be more than a one person task at times.” Maud began to think about ways that she could deal with this without having to take time out of her friends’ busy schedules. “Do you know any places where I can hire a live-in second parent?”

“I…don’t think those are real and even if they were, I think there’s another solution to this. One that’s less open to the possibility of hijinks that could seriously mess up your schedule for the week.” Starlight wasn’t even being subtle. “Maud, you’re feeling lonely. You need to find a companion who is willing to spend the rest of their life with you.” The princess of friendship’s on and off student pulled out a small notepad, with her own marking on it. “Now, we should go over what you look for in a companion. Was there ever a time where you found yourself staring at a guy for a long period of time?”

“.…Not really. Most of the things I do require that I keep my eyes on other things. Rock mining, kite flying, poetry reading. Am I supposed to be looking at people for long periods of time?” The rock farmer asked.

“Well, what you find attractive in a guy?” Glimmer continued on, knowing that this was going to be a difficult task, for a number of reasons. “There must be at least something we can go off of.”

“Well…” Maud began to answer, but was interrupted as a new basket of fries was placed down on the table. A few onion rings were placed in there as well. “We didn’t ask for onion…” The rock farmer dragged off as she looked up at the server.

“I know, but I saw that you were almost done with your current basket, and I didn’t want you waiting real long. We here at Steve’s Big Burgers believe that no one should be without a basket of somethin’!” The server replied, cheerily circling around the table. She was on roller-skates, moving around as if it were second nature to her. She winked at the miner, brushing aside some of her blue raspberry hair aside.

“T-th-th-th-tha..” Maud was trying to say thank you, but for some reason the words were stuck in her throat.

“Don’t worry, I won’t charge ya extra for it. Though, don’t eat too many. I’d hate for you to loose that strong look you got going.” The server continued, smiling as she skated over to Starlight. “Also, tell Trixie that she still owes us for catering one of her big shows. Trixie bucks don’t pay the bills.” She said, before skating off to another table.

“Of course she still pays with ‘Trixie bucks’. Still, it was nice of her to, Maud?” Glimmer noticed that Maud was still trying to get out a word of any kind. “Maud, Maud! Earth to Maud!” She snapped in her friends face as she blinked a few times.

“H-huh? Oh, right. I don’t know what I find attractive in guys. We’re supposed to do that?” Maud was slowly returning to normal, her face loosing any signs of expressions. The blush on her cheeks was still there though.

“Oh my god, I get it. I should have seen it sooner.” Starlight smacked herself in the forehead before digging around in her bag for a something. She pulled out a few random assorted notes, index cards, and a small curled up flier that seemed to show various vehicles racing across what looked to be the Dusty Dunes.

“The Equestrian Mega-Blast Combat Race?” Maud reached out for it, but it was quickly snatched up.

“O-oh, that’s…just a small side thing. Don’t tell Twilight, alright?” The magic user asked her friend, as the Great and Powerful Trixie joined them once more. “Hey, do you still have that card for that one club we tried?”

“Trixie refuses to go back there! They were so cruel and mocking!” The performer said, holding her nose up high.

“It’s not for us, it’s for her.” Glimmer eyed Maud. Trixie glanced at the rock woman. Her eyes widened. “Yeah, I was the same. I feel so stupid for not realizing it sooner.”

Maud still wasn’t getting it. She looked down as a small card was given to her. “….The Hidden Side.” She read the title, looking at the location. “What’s this all about?”

“Well, Maud. It may be very possible that…” Starlight thought about whether or not it would be good to tell someone what their sexuality was if they didn’t seem to know it themself.

“It’s very obvious that you are a lesbian, Maud Pie.” Trixie finished the sentence for her. Maud blinked a few times. Once with both eyes, then with just her left, then just her right.

“Is that all?” She asked, her blinking still irregular. “Is this for a night club?” The fact that she was accepting all of this so fast…was slightly unnerving.

“You…seem to be fine, somewhat with all of this. This isn’t coming in too fast for you?” Starlight asked.

“I’m going through moments from my life. It makes sense. …That explains so many of your actions when you worked on the farm.” The great and powerful performer was turning red.

“Trixie was lonely, so she thought flirting would help!” The magic user explained to her girlfriend.

“W-why are you acting like you flirted with her when we started going out?” Glimmy shook her head. “Anyways, this place is a great place for you to meet up with and interact with other girls.”

“If you like being mocked, and ridiculed when you all you want to do is go out and have a good time!”

“Oh my god.…don’t let what Trixie says affect your experience there. I know this may all seem fast, but I just want to help a friend as much as I can.” The purple haired woman smiled at Maud as she slowly got up to leave.

“I need to get some proper clubbing attire then.” She pulled a few assorted bills out and putting them on the table. “This should help pay for what I ate. Use the largest one as a tip.” She got up and headed for the exit.

“You’re helping pay too, and in actual currency.” Starlight said to Trixie, while looking at the money that Maud had left. They….were all very high amounts, and smelled slightly of cream cheese frosting.

“Once Trixieland becomes recognized a world power, you’ll be eating your words.” The performer mumbled under her breath as she dug around in her wallet.

As Maud walked to the Carousel Boutique, she began the countdown in her head. She knew what was coming, and had begun timing it just to see how precise its arrival. “3. 2.” She counted down.

“Maud, Maud, Maud!” Pinkie Pie barreled down the street, at high speeds akin to being fired from a cannon. “Guess what I’ve done!”

“You’ve coated all your money with various sweet scents?” Her sister asked, smiling as the pink haired party maker stuck the landing.

“That, and I’ve made a brand new batch of cotton candy and ice cream cupcakes!” Pinkie held up a small pink sack, with hand drawn balloons on it. “You get to have the first few, still fresh from the ovens!” She said with her usual smile.

“Thank you for this, you didn’t have to give me the first few.” Maud said, continuing her walk as Pinkie followed her. “Pinkie, I think I have something to tell you.”

“Lay it on me, Maud! Your sister is all ears! I mean, not all ears that’d be a nightmare! Can you imagine being able to hear everything thanks to all the ears you’d have? You’d go deaf within seconds!” Pinkie was going on a tangent.


“If you were deaf then you wouldn’t be able to hear any of the great music or songs, or voices of your friends! I mean, I guess you could get hearing aid, but you’d need like so many of them for all your ears!”


“But at least you would be able to still see things and taste things! And smell them too! You’d just need subtitles or hearing help for movies and-”

“Pinkie, I think I’m a lesbian.”

The party person stopped in her tracks as the words circled around her head. ‘Lesbian. Lesbian. Lesbian. Lesbian.’ A number of Maud heads floated around her as they repeated the word over and over again.

“Did you hear what I said?” Maud asked, looking over at her sister. She looked so….out of it. She looked stunned.

“O-of course I did, Maud! It’s just…” Pinkie ran a hand through her hair. “You surprised me! You were able to get me! Congrats Maud! You did the impossible! I think I’m gonna go see Twilight and tell her how you got me! I’m happy for you Maud, I mean it! We’ll talk later, bye!” And with that, she bolted off, heading for Twilight’s castle.

“...Huh.” Maud continued her walk. The boutique was in sight, and she wanted to look proper for the place. Upon entering, the smell of burning incense filled her nostrils.

“Of course, I’ll have those out by next Thursday. Do you want the cuff links monogrammed as well?” Rarity asked, talking on her phone while looking through her various materials and fabrics. “I’ll call you again once all the items have been obtained.” She hung up and looked at her new customer. “Ah, Maud! Always a pleasure to see you, dearie.”

“Hey Rarity….I need help with an outfit.” The rock farmer explained. “I know I don’t really like fancier looks, but since you know so much about fashion.”

“Oh, why of course dear! I always anticipated the day you needed anything from me! Now then, before we even get to trying out things, is this casual or for an event?” The fashionista happily moved her hands, using her magic to bring in a tea pot and some cups from the kitchen.

“I’m headed out to a club tonight.” Maud responded.

“Oh my, you going to a club? I suppose you are more like your sister than I thought, but let’s not just stand and chat! Let’s get to work!” Rarity said, taking a sip of her tea and setting it down. Various outfits and tools came flying out, lining themselves up in an order that seemed to make perfect sense to the element of generosity. “Now, what kind of club is it? One of those more quiet and controlled clubs with a love of the finer drinks in life, a rave club where booze is the word used to describe the drinks?”

“It’s a lesbian night club.” The caused the fashion designer to momentarily stop. She seemed to be tasked with a problem she had never dealt with before. “Is something wrong, Rarity?”

“Oh, no no no! You just caught me off guard with the sudden confession. Good for you! Now…if I’m going to be honest and open up juuuust a tiny bit….I’ve never done outfits for those types of clubs. Now, gay bars are probably one of my most popular hits, but…I can’t recall a time I’ve ever done one for…what ever lesbians hang out at. Night clubs? Bars?” Rarity pondered on the naming and location rules for female loving female get togethers.

“You haven’t done outfits for lesbians?” Maud asked, confused as a few of outfits went flying back.

“Oh, no. It’s not that dear. I’ve designed for every kind of person there is, and of course Photo Finish is one of my biggest customers. Though, I think that her assistant is the one she’s finally gotten serious with-” Rarity paused and shook her head. “I am getting off track. I swear to you, Maud, that I will get you the perfect night club casual outfit for your night of drinks and bonding!”

“...Alright. Thank you.” Maud smiled as they began their search.


“Wait, so…you’re looking for…” Twilight asked as Pinkie looked through all the various shelves of the castle library.

“A book on what to do when your sister comes out to you as gay, and you’re happy for her are going to fully support her, but are worried about what the response will be when she comes out to other family members based on the belief system that our parents practice 100 percent seriously!” The pink haired party planner took a breath as she tossed more books out. “I know I saw it somewhere around here last time!”

“H-hey, we just got done organizing that!” Twilight said, quickly moving her hands around to make the tossed pieces of varying literary importance go back into place on the shelves. “A-are you really this worried about what will happen?”

“Rock Farming communities will not joke when it comes to things that could be seen as going against the faith, Twilight! One time, Marble asked why we and the other farmers needed to spend every Sunday morning worshiping Holder’s Boulder! She asked in front of every one!” Pinkie stopped again at that as she remembered what happened. Her pupils shrunk as she could hear the sounds.

“P-Pinkie?” Twilight nervously asked.

“A-anyways, I need any advice that I can find! I want Maud to feel accepted and welcomed, and comfy!”The element of laughter shook her head, her hair inflating back up a bit as she continued her search.

“Well, personally, I think that just being there for her when she needs it most is more than anything else.” The purple haired magic user said, giving her own thoughts on the issue. “And, if you needed advice on what to do-”

"You could ask Rainbow Dash!" Spike said, carrying a small assortment of snacks with him on a tray.

"Spike! That's a great idea!" Pinkie said, running up to him and hugging him. "You seem to always have good ideas at the most convenient moments!"

"Aw, it's nothing. Just the hero of the crystal empire helping anyway he can." What the hero didn't seem to notice was that the one hugging him was also sneaking a few chip bags and candy bars into their hands.

"She's in the game room if you're looking for her." Twilight said as she watched Pinkie skip off. She giggled slightly as she went back to her notes. "I hope you're not planning on eating all of those in one go, and especially not in the library." She said to her faithful assistant.

"Huh? Oh, no! I'm just getting stuff set up for later! Me and the guys are having another get together soon! I...might need your help setting up the projector again." Spike said, awkwardly chuckling as he snatched the back of his head.

"I'll get the set up guide in a bit." The princess responded as she looked at what she had written down. 'Dreams = View of different universe?' was written, alongside various sketches of strange looking equines.

"Come on, Applejack! Just admit that you're not a master, like I am!" Rainbow Dash said, laughing as her fingers rapidly pulled off the motions to preform special moves. "Nothing wrong with admitting that being raised on a farm leads to sucking at video games!"

"If you weren't such a cocky one, I might've. But ah ain't the type to let yer face get even more smug." The element of honesty replied, the two having gone at it most of the afternoon.

"Hey guys! Ooo, another tournament? Can I join?" Pinkie asked, watching the screen. AJ was making her character go through her deck to find the perfect hand to use against her opponent while also giving herself boost. RD was in the middle of preforming an 'Super High school Level Despair' combo, kicking and sweeping the goth up, down and all around.

"Hey Pinkie, might have to wait a while. Rarity wants to take on whoever wins next." Rainbow said, pointing at the small whiteboard with names written on it.

"Oh, that's fine! But, I came here to ask you something, Dashie." The party planner said, sitting on the floor next to the couch. "Can I borrow some stuff from you for a bit?"

"Sure, Pinkie. What do you wanna take?" The expert flier asked, taking a second to grab a drink from the table in front of them and chugging.

"Can I borrow some of your porn?"

"W-WHAT?!" RD coughed on her drink, Applejack taking there opportunity to get in her hits. It was just what she needed, canceling Rainbow's combo with the screen saying 'Goodbye Despair!' and ultimately defeating her. "H-hey! No fair, rematch!"

"Come on, please! Maud might need it for when she's alone, and I want her to know that I support her!" Pinkie begged, grabbing on to her bestie's jacket arm.

"Sugarcube, ah don't think you get your sister porn when you wanna say you support them." AJ said, chuckling. "Besides, Rainbow ain't the type to share stuff important to her. Specially nothing from her stash."

"Yeah, no. Wait! I mean yes to the first part! Not to the second! Listen, Pinkie, I'm not going to give you porn for you to give to your sister. I don't even have any!" The element of loyalty said, so dark red.

"Oh...sorry, Dashie. It's just...I don't know how to tell Maud I support her and show her how much I mean it! I don't want her to be scared of not being accepted..." Pinkie's hair deflated slightly.

"I...I get that. Took me so long to tell my own folks. But, as long as Maud has someone like you giving her love and support, she won't need anything else as proof. If you wanted, I could talk to her about all this stuff and what it feels like if you think that would work." Rainbow Dash said, smiling.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Pinkie exclaimed, hugging her bestie as tight as she could. She then let go, thinking. "Ooo, I'll bake her a cake! With rock candy toppings and cookie crumble fillings!"

"Guess that means I won't see you at the open family dinner tonight then?" Applejack said, chuckling.

"O-oh, sorry Applejack! Not this week, but can you still save me a piece of pie from dessert?"

"Course, sugarcube. How bout you, Rainbow? Wanna have some Apple family home cooking tonight?" AJ looked at RD, knowing that if she got into talking about the meals being made that night, Rainbow wouldn't be able to focus on anything else.

"Tempting, but...I already have plans for tonight. Will definitely take any left overs off your hands though." The Wonderbolt replied, looking at the kitchen.

"Well, I gotta get everything ready for the cake. See you guys later!" Pinkie said, eagerly bouncing out.

Just a few seconds after one pink haired element hopped out, another one walked in with a tray of drinks. “I…made some more lemonade in case you two wanted something more healthy.” Fluttershy said, giving a nervous smile. She was hoping that this would take the place of energy drinks and the occasional beer can that were laying about on the table.

“Hey, you didn’t need to go and do that. I would have gladly made the drinks.” Rainbow said, pulling her close and kissing her on the cheek. “I like helping you.”

“Oh, no no no! You looked so into it, I would hate to drag you away from it.” The element of kindness said, blushing and giggling.

“So..uh, you two any closer to getting ready to come out to the others?” Applejack asked, looking at them.

“We’re working on it. Just..this stuff is so much harder than I thought.” Rainbow dash admitted, rubbing the back of her neck almost embarrassed. “Just…don’t tell anyone about this for just a tiny bit longer.”

“Course. Just curious if y’all were worried about something.” The farmer said, giving an honest thumbs up.

“Thank you, Applejack.” Fluttershy said, pulling the two into a soft hug.

It’s nothing. If a good friend can’t keep secrets, then why even call them friends?” Applejack asked, smiling.


“I keep telling Sweetie that she is going to hate getting earrings. She is too much of a tender head to let sharp needles near her ears. And I can only imagine the sounds she’ll make once it goes it. She’s still the type to be nervous when she gets her shots!” Rarity explained, sighing as she then looked at all the outfits the two had gone through. “Oh…that can’t be everything, can it? There must be at least one more outfit we can try on you…”

Maud looked around, her eyes seeing something that finally interested her. “That one.” She said, pointing to it.

“You want…that one, darling? That’s just a gray tank top.” Rarity was surprised she still had that one left. She could have sworn that all her tank tops had been purchased before the summer had begun. She wasn’t a fan of the things in general, so that made the possibility of her keeping it even more odd.

“Let me try it on.” Maud wasn’t budging.

“...Alright. I suppose when all else fails…” The fashionista said, grabbing it.

After getting changed, Maud looked at herself in the mirror. “Perfect.”

“It does fit you like a glove.”

“This isn’t a glove. It’s a tank top.” Maud still had a ways to go in terms of comedy.

“Very funny, darling. I think I’ve done all I can help. Looking for a bottom to go with your top is simply something you’ll have to do by yourself I’m afraid. I have a large workload to deal with and must get started at once! But do tell me how your time clubbing went!” Rarity said, going to her work table and pulling out one of her many sketch pads.

Maud nodded and walked out. She headed back to cave, new clothes in hand and a spring in her step. It was finally coming back. After arriving, she saw the Boulder had moved from his spot. She sighed, picking him up and placing him back. "I'm disappointed in you, Boulder. This new attitude is nor a welcomed one."


"This is what I'm wearing tonight. I'm going out for a while." Maud explained. "I know you're old enough to be left on your own, so I won't ask Pinkie to watch you. I hope that you can behave yourself."


"There we go. Being nice isn't hard at all." Maud patted Boulder on the head, going to make some food for him while she was away. She had to hurry. Trying on all those outfits took longer than expected.


"Gummy, I hate to tell you this but I can't let you try any of the batter this time. You're a growing gator, and you need to eat healthy! Even I can't live off sweets and pastries!" Pinkie explained as Gummy snapped at the spoon she was holding. He was starting to get bigger, which meant he needed to get on a diet. "Healthy food means nice, shiny teeth! And we all want those right?"

She moved to the fridge, getting out other ingredients as she worked on the cake. She knew this one was gonna take a good while, and would require the utmost attention. "Alright, the cookies are ready to be crumbled!" She exclaimed, taking out a rolling pin. "I hope Maud didn't think that I don't care about her. Cause I do! She's my sister so of course I care about and support her!" She kept telling herself that over and over again, thinking that some part of her didn't believe it. She then jumped back, feeling small cuts in her leg. "Gummy, no! You're definitely not getting any batter!" She said, getting on top of the counter. Her pet just licked it's scaly lips and walked back to her room. "Note to self, remember to see Fluttershy about this."


The walk to the club took a bit longer than Maud expected, but since I was in the less crowded part of town, it was at least a nice and quiet one. It allowed her to think about moments in her life. The few times she was allowed to play with other girls, she felt weirdly happy. The whole time she was studying to get her rocktrine, she would look around the library to see if one of the librarians were there. This thing had been starring her in the face the whole time, and she didn't notice.

The building looked a bit small, and modest. There was a sign that said 'The Hidden Side' in big letters. This was the place alright, no going back when she was right on the threshold.

Maud walked to the doors and slowly entered, the dimly lit lights of the club showing her various posters for bands, meet ups, and the occasional desperate want for an orgy. Maud knew that she was stepping into a new world, and that she would see things that could never be forgotten.

Thumping music played from the walls as she walked into the main area. There was a stage, a dance floor with a large number of women dancing with each other. A few standing tables and booths, and a bar. A few heads turned to see the new girl, but it was mostly people just focusing on their dancing.

A techno beat filled the air as the rock miner walked to the bar. An older woman was behind the counter, smiling as she approached. "What'll you take?" She asked as Maud thought for a second.

“Anything strong.” She replied, as the bartender got to work. Maud watched the ladies dance, getting all up close and personal with one another. It was clear that the community familiarity of normal ponyville carried over to this place. Even a nightclub where ladies were probably banging in private rooms couldn’t escape the infectious friendship of the town.

“You’re new around here.” The bartender said, placing the drink down on the counter as the rock farmer and miner took a sip. “Welcome to the Hidden Side. Name’s Candice.”

“Maud. I’m still trying to figure things out in my life.” Maud replied, watching the ladies dance and taking glances at the stage.

“You came on a good night. It’s show night.” Candice said, smirking as she made herself a drink.

“Show night?” Maud was confused. She watched as the music slowly faded and the lights dimmed even more. The ladies on the dance floor walked to tables and booths. The lights under the stage lit up, as Twilight walked on. No, it wasn’t Twilight. It looked like her, but her hair color was different. It was no longer purple with a pink stripe, it was shades of pink, purple and a tint of red. A flag color maybe?

“For the last time, Rainbow. My magic will not be used to help you grow bigger breasts.” The fake Twilight said.

“Oh come on, egghead! My boobs get bigger, the most faster I am!” A fake rainbow dash said, walking after her.

Fake Twilight stopped and turned. “Wait…what?” She looked at the Fake Rainbow.

“You know. Fast is stored in the boobs! The bigger the boobs, the most fast!” Rainbow then ripped off her top. The ladies watching cheered and whooped. “I mean, look at these babies. They’re storing a good amount of fast, but they could store even more!”

Maud blushed as she watched this. This was an interesting performance to say the least.

“Don’t just toss your top off like that! Someone might think you’re a lesbian!” Twilight said, putting her hands over Dash’s breasts and blushing.

“Nothing wrong with that, egghead. After all, a bookworm like you is anything but straight!” Dash replied, smirking as she unbuttoned Twilight’s top, quickly tossing it aside.

“Y-yeah, well…you still can’t just toss people’s tops off! And who told you speed was stored in the boobs?!” The Fake Twilight slowly grew more and more red.

Suddenly, a puff of smoke covered the stage and… “Behold, Twilight Sparkle, it is I! The Gay and Pitiful Trixie!” Maud now completely understood why Trixie hated this place. She chuckled softly as the show went on.

“How big is the cast?” The rock farmer asked Candice. She took another sip of her drink.

“Includes the Elements and the two that defeated that Changeling queen. Sometimes if we’re lucky, the princesses show up.” Candice replied as she made drinks for other customers. The show went on, with the three talking about what breasts stored, and how that obviously meant that Twilight should use her magic to enhance Dash’s.

“Hey there, cutie.” A voice said, causing Maud to turn her head. A woman in a light, velvet coat sat to her side, a drink in hand. “Never seen you round here before.” She smiled, moving some of her chocolate brown hair aside.

“This is my first time going to a club of any kind.” Maud explained, her eyes locked onto this stranger. “I feel so different here.” She set down her glass as Candice started to refill it.

“A big, strong girl like you ought to feel at home here. It’s where we belong, after all.” The stranger said, smiling as she slowly moved closer to her. She stroked Maud’s arm, smiling at her. “Oh, don’t be so lonely and scared. We’re all here for you, sweetie.”

“Your drink’s refilled…” Maud didn’t notice the bartender’s voice being more flat. She didn’t really notice anything at the current moment. Her eyes were still focused on the stranger.

“A drink. To finding the real you.” The woman said, smiling as she raised her own glass. Maud raised hers, taking a sip of the now thick, pink liquid.

The next few events came to Maud as quick flashes. She was on the dance floor, freely moving her body with all the other ladies and the performers. She was smiling from ear to ear as she saw all the women dancing were the same, with their pupils shrunken down, and slightly colored.

The next flash came, and she was on stage with music playing. “You can’t tell me what toys I can play with! You can’t tell me not to grow my crops! You can’t tell me which sex I can marry! It’s so scary, the weird way that you watch!” She sang, the crowd going wild. “Some people know their Cutie Marks, some must crusade, some of us know our role in life, while others must wait. I love all you lesbos, lesbians are great, if I had it my the whole world would totally gay!” The rest of the women joined in singing the last few lines.

With the next flash, she saw the woman in the velvet coat smiling. She stood in the center of the room, dark red energy surrounding her as everyone else stood still. “W…wha…” Maud temporarily broke out of her stupor as the woman looked at her.

“Oh, Maud. I cannot thank you enough for this. You see, I needed someone with such a strong will and body as yours to make this thing work. All the strong women here are good, but you…you were the final ingredient in this wonderful thing I’m making.” The woman explained, patting her on the cheek.

“W…why?” Maud weakly asked, already feeling her mind empty.

“Simple. I want power, and to get back at someone.” The woman then thought for a few seconds. “Ah, what the hell. Everyone here is oh, so friendly. I am your new Mistress Supreme, but if you want to call me something else…how about the Voodoo Queen.” The woman said, smiling as she snapped her fingers, all the girls looking at her, their eyes now showing strange red pupils. Maud groaned and soon, she stopped thinking hew own thoughts.

“I am proud to serve you, Mistress Supreme.” Maud said, her voice hollow.

“Good, now then. Ladies! Time to make our move!”


The elements were all gathered around the cutie map, mostly just trying to get in at least 5 more minutes of sleep before they were told what would happen next. Getting an emergency text so late at night always meant something big was coming.

“So, what’s the big mission, Egghead? I was in the middle of some really good Zs.” Rainbow Dash grumbled, wiping her eyes. She was lucky Fluttershy wasn’t heavy, cause she was currently in a sleep that nothing could wake her out of.

“I..didn’t call this meeting. Maybe Starlight did?” Twilight asked, thinking as the doors to the room flew open with Trixie running in at top speed.

“Girls, I need your help! This is serious!” Trixie shouted, reaching the table and panting.

“It’d better be. Having to get out of bed with Opal on my chest with it being so late at night.” Rarity said, taking a sip from the tea cup that was resting on her chair’s arm.

“S-someone from my past is coming back to get me!” The great and powerful magician explained.

“They’re probably just want money or something else you ‘borrowed’ from them back. Not like you knew anyone dangerous before you came here and messed with us.” Dash said, yawning.

“You will not back talk to Trixie like that! This is serious!” The two started arguing as the others sighed, listening to them bicker. As Applejack leaned back, she heard something. It was subtle…but after working on the farm for her whole life, she knew exactly what the sound was.

“Uh, girls…I think we’d best prepare for something.” The farmer said, jumping to her feet and running to the entrance.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, immediately following.

“I think there’s a stampede coming!” Everyone jumped to their feet at that, as Applejack ran to the door, trying to look and see if the street lamps could help show the herd of whatever was coming. “In the distance. Something’s a coming.”

“Ooo! It’s a big one! My Pinkie Senses are going nuts!” Pinkie said, her whole body rapidly vibrating in her seat.

“Well, what should we do?” Twilight asked as she looked ahead.

“Well, I’m gonna need some binoculars to see how big and what kind of animal it is. Hopefully, I can lead them outta the way, but I might need you to use your magic to help protect the town.” Applejack said, looking out.

“I’ll head to the skies, seeing if I can get the size from here!” Rainbow Dash said, before floating up before zooming into the night skies.

“She can’t see for nothing in the darkness, but the thought counts.” The apple farmer said, looking through her binoculars. “I’m seeing something..but, I don’t wanna believe it.”

“What is it?” Twilight asked, nervous.

“A large group of women, all moving towards the town. They don’t look friendly.” Applejack replied.

“...Darling, is that supposed to be a joke? I don’t find it funny. At all.” Rarity said, walking over to her.

“I don’t joke this late at night, Rarity. Look fer yourself!” Applejack responded, handing the binoculars over.

“...Oh my god, she isn’t joking.” Rarity said, stunned.

“Come on girls, let’s go try and talk to them before they do anything rash!” Twilight said as the girls ran out, leaving Fluttershy to her sleep.

As they all reached the large moving mass, the women marching stopped. The one leading smirked. "Oh my, the Elements of Harmony giving me a welcoming to Ponyville!" She said, laughing a bit. She brushed some of her hair aside.

"Just who the heck are you, and what do you want?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking at her.

"I am the Voodoo Queen! And while most of you may not know my name, I know that one does. Isn't that right, Trixie?" She said, looking at the performer.

"O-oh, hey Vee! H-how are you doing?" Trixie said, sweating heavily.

"I'm good, I'm good. Just had to find ways to survive after you kicked me out of your show...and never once gave me my share of the money!" The Queen snapped, her eyes glowing with dark and forbidden magics.

"You...never paid her?" Twilight asked, looking at the magician.

"Trixie did too pay you! You lie!" Trixie responded.

"You. Paid. In. COUNTERFEIT. MONEY!" The Voodoo Queen shouted, before calming down. "It doesn't matter now anyways. Soon, all of you will be my slaves and all will bow to me. When I'm ruler of the lands, maybe I'll make Trixie bucks legit currency." She said, laughing. The other girls behind her began laughing as well.

"Hey, that joke wasn't funny! Not even in a ironic way!" Pinkie proclaimed, annoyed.

“Trust me, it’s hilarious. Isn’t that right, Maud?” The Queen asked, laughing as she waved her hands.

“It was a gut buster.” Maud said, stepping forward. Pinkie looked a bit surprised by this. “A real side-splitter. You’re the funniest one around.”

”Maud! If I had known these were the ladies from the bar you were going to…wait right here one second!” Pinkie exclaimed, before zipping off.

”D…did your friend just zip off?” The Queen asked.

”Give her a few seconds, she’ll be back soon.” Rainbow Dash said, yawning and stretching. “Listen, it’s late and we’ve all got stuff to do in the morning. How about you just give up now and we won’t make this hurt too much.”

”R-Rainbow Dash! Don’t speak for me like that! L-listen, I know that you’re mad at Trixie for what she did, many people have reasons to be angry at her.” Twilight shot a glance at the magician as she looked away. “But, there’s a better way to do this. We’re all adults, right? We can go more than a week without having to resort to spells and magic…right?” The princess of friendship asked, hoping that for once it would work.

”Maud! I made you this very special cake!” Pinkie said, suddenly back with the cake. As usual, it was decorated with a huge amount of love, care, creativity and then some. “It’s a cookie crumble rock cake with rock candy filling and creamy chocolate caramel frosting! I’ve spent all day on it, just to show you that I support you in this new stage of life! And of course, there’s more than enough to share with your new-”

The cake was slapped to the ground, luckily not smashing. Pinkie was smart enough to keep in a plastic container and lid. Running with an exposed cake would just be silly. “If you really want to support me, you’ll give up now and surrender to the Mistress Supreme.” Maud said, the red pupils in her eyes glowing harshly.

”O-ok, I see why you have that name now Miss Queen…but, maybe, we can still reach an agreement…?” Twilight asked, hoping things wouldn’t get worse.

“You’re going to pay for what you did to Maud!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed, launching herself at the mistress supreme.

“Alright girls, show them what dark magic can do!” The Voodoo Queen commanded, her brainwashed soldiers charging at the six.

“Fine, you wanna keep me from sleeping, I’ll make sure this hurts!” Rainbow Dash said, charging at them. Applejack sighed and followed suit.

“I’ll go get starlight.” Rarity said, turning and beginning to walk away. One woman, switch blade in hand, tried to rush her from the side. She was promptly lifted up by her feet into the air, Rarity’s hands moving to make a simple levitation spell. “Oh, don’t you even dare.” The fashionista said, before tossing them into a few of the others.

“L-let Trixie come with!” The ‘great’ and ‘powerful’ Trixie shouted after her.

“Yeah, nice try. For once can you just apologize to someone that you screwed over?” Twilight asked, pulling the other girl close. “I’m pretty sure that in these past few years, at least once a year I have to deal with something related to you!”

“H-hey, do not talk to Trixie like that! Trixie does not wish to be seen like she is an old married woman with you, Twilight Sparkle!” The magician replied, unknowingly taking a few girls down.

“Yeah, well, I would like to not have to constantly deal with you and your mistakes! At this point, we might as well be an old married couple!” The princess replied, pulling one girl close and trying to see if she could remove whatever was controlling them.

“Heh, these girls might be boosted by dark magic or whatever, but they’re still no match for this iron woman!” Rainbow Dash said, smirking as she was able to easily dodge swings at her for the most part. “I mean, none of them can fly either, so that’s another advantage.”

“Yeah, well, they can still gang up on ya, and if they grab onto a part of yet body…well, yer getting dragged down.” Applejack said, fighting alongside her. “Dodgin’s good and all, but you gotta learn to also throw a punch!”

“I am punching!” Dash retorted.

“Heh, I thought you were just flailing.” Applejack laughed to herself at this, the two both knocking down an attacker.

“Knock us down all you want, but the Mistress Supreme’s power makes us unstoppable!” Candice said, trying to get back up. A fist knocked her back down.

“They say that a bull can’t be held down, but I sure as hell have been able to do it to a few. They produce less waste from their behinds than all of you do from your mouths.” Applejack said, standing over her.

“Since when were you into one lin-” Rainbow Dash was cut off as she was suddenly hurled into the side of a house.

"And she’s outta here.” Maud said, holding an entire tree like a bat as she smiled. The lights in houses were starting to go on. People were starting to notice the elements fighting a large group of women in the middle of the night. It was kind of hard to miss.

“See, now that’s a joke! Fight it Maud, Fight it!” Pinkie shouted, while the Voodoo Queen held her tight.

“Oh, I think that someone with your…energy would work well in this fight. Now then, time for you to join!” The Queen said, her hands glowing as she entered the party planner’s mind.

“Pinkie!” Twilight shouted, quickly firing off a random spell to try and save her friend.

As it hit, the Voodoo Queen’s eyes went white as she looked around. “What….where am I?” She said, her mind being shown a seemingly dark void. “No…no…no no no!” She shouted, letting go of Pinkie before backing away.

“Huh? What’s got you all scared? Are you finally seeing the error of your ways? Are you gonna be good?” Pinkie asked, her voice growing a bit more harsh as her hair seemed to deflate and flatten.

“Y-you’re….not from here…” The Queen said, shaking though the spell was wearing off.

“Wait, where am I..?” Pinkie looked to the side as her eyes widened. “Maud?! DASHIE?! But I-”Before she could finish that sentence, the spell ended and her hair inflated back up. “Huh? Wait, where did I go?” She asked as the Queen got up, knocking her out of the way.

“So, it looks like things aren’t going exactly as planned…” Voodoo sighed, shaking her head as she snapped her fingers, looking at the miner. “Maud, get Rainbow Dash for me. Let’s try this again.”

“Of course Mistress.” Maud said, running to where she had hit Rainbow. She was rather quick, just missing knocking over Starlight and Rarity.

“Maud?!” Glimmer jumped back, a bit surprised. Just as soon as the rock farmer had run by them, she was running back, dragging the dazed Rainbow behind her.

“Here you are, Mistress Supreme.” Maud said, throwing Dash to her feet.

“Very Good, now act as my shield as I make this work. This is gonna be fun.” The Queen laughed as she got to work, this time with more protection.

After a few long seconds, Dash jumped back up, cracking her knuckles. “Heh, now I feel like a real iron woman. This’ll be fun.”

”Yeah, well…you ain’t gonna feel like that for long.” Applejack replied, tackling her as they began to wrestle.

“This is getting out of control! We need to contain this before she gets to the civilians!” Twilight said, running to Starlight. “M-maybe we can create a force field for the area before they get to anyone else.”

“Well, we’d better hurry!” Glimmer said, pointing to the crowd that was slowly approaching to see what was going on. The two began to use their magic to make a glowing bubble around the area.

“Oh, I don’t think it’ll be that easy!” The Voodoo Queen said, snapping as all her brainwashed girls eye’s glowed, all standing up and at attention. “Oh….now, this is power. I can feel it…I can feel it SURGING THROUGH MY VEINS!” She began to laugh as veins in her body began to course and pulse. She punched the ground, a burst of dark energy blasting into the sky and enveloping her. Everyone in town saw it, and with how high and how powerful it was….a few other people in the land saw it too.


“Sister! Sister!” Luna burst into her sister’s bedroom, shouting as her midnight blue hair flowed behind her.

“H-huh? Wuzzat…what’s going on…” Celestia asked, slowly getting up and looking around. “It’s still night, right? I didn’t oversleep again, did I? This isn’t a midnight at noon again, is it?” She asked, rubbing her eyes as Luna led her to the balcony.

“L-look! Dozens of citizens of Ponyville are waking up, and dark sinister powers are being summoned! We need to do something!” The princess of the night said, looking out at the dark power.

“You’re right. I know what we must do.” The princess of the day said, running to the other side of the room, to her dresser. She threw open the doors, and….looked at a map on the inside of the door. “That’s Twilight’s territory. We give it…” She looked back at the dark energy outside. “12 hours and if it’s not solved, we step in. Now then, I’m going back to bed.”

”Sister, are you saying we should leave this all to Twilight?!” Luna asked, surprised her sister would respond this way.

“Listen, I’ve been dealing with magical evil entities for a good part of my seemingly endless life, all by myself. In the past few years, things have changed. You’re back, two new princesses, Discord is good and all that. This isn’t a giant man beast rampaging, this isn’t the god of chaos destroying everything, this isn’t even the Storm King.” Celestia responded. “I think I deserve this. We deserve this.”

“Mother wouldn’t have wanted this.” Luna replied.

“She also wouldn’t have wanted you to keep perpetuating a rumor about you eating people’s souls if you didn’t get candy. Or embracing the time you almost tried to cause endless night.” Celestia retorted, waving her hand and sliding her sister out while closing the door.

“We…we must do something…” Luna said to herself, preparing to go to her guards.

“Do not worry about it….Twilight knows what she is doing.” A voice said, even though no one else was around.

“B-but…” The princess started.

“I know you care, but…we have our plans don’t we? We need to save our energy if we need to pull this off correctly.” The voice said. “Your love must be saved for another time, my dear.”

”Yes….you are right. I am sorry for being so brash.” Luna said, looking down.

“Do not be sad. Your compassion is why I wish to help you. It’s why I love you~” The voice replied, laughing softly.


“You have no power here. I am the strongest there is!” The Voodoo Queen laughed, knocking the elements aside, while laughing. “Those that resist, shall be tortured!”

“What hell kind of stage magic did you two perform together?!” Glimmer asked, shaking Trixie violently.

“I didn’t know she was into dark magic! I thought it was all just some typical fake black aura stuff!” Trixie replied, trying to find the best place to hide.

“Oh, no you will not hide on this! After this is over, you will pay her what you’ve kept!” Twilight shouted, rage and anger in her voice. It was clear she wanted to get some sleep.

“Maud, come on! Snap out of it! The whole town could be ignited into flames if you and the others don’t return to normal!” Pinkie said, holding onto her sister as she followed the rampaging Queen. “If this is because you’re afraid of being rejected for being into that, don’t be!”

“Mistress Supreme, I offer my body as a source for draining if you need even more power!”Maud said, ignoring her sister as more and more women that came to see what was happening were turned. “Please, take my power!”

“Oh, Maud. You are far too kind. Once we take the others in this town first…Twilight will become my source. And then so will the other princesses.” The Queen chuckled, looking around for another willing slave.

“Hey, you wanna take someone, how about you take something instead?!” A voice asked as the Queen turned..only to get totally belted in the face, as a pair of roller skates rode across her face, some dirt leaving a mark. The attacker skated to a stop on the ground, panting. “….Holy shit, that worked.” She laughed, in the way that one does when they succeed when even they thought they would bomb hard. Then the Queen got up, glaring at her. “…Oh shit, that worked.” She said, continuing to skate around the Queen and Maud as dark energy was blasted at the spot where she was.

“Maud! Grab her and break her bones!” The Voodoo Queen shouted, enraged. As the brainwashed tool was about to, she stopped. Those skates, that skill, that blue raspberry hair…

“Th..Th…Th…Tha…Tha….Tha…” Maud just stuttered, shaking as she watched her move, as if moving from table to table to serve food. Which really was about the same as dodging death beams.

“Come on, you can’t hit a girl on skates? Ya really are pathetic!” The skater taunted, just doing everything she could to keep her attention.

“Oh, I’m just gonna kill you at this point! And I’m gonna enjoy! EVERY! SECOND! OF!” She pointed her hand right at where the skater would be. “…it….?” Nothing came out. “Every. Second. Of. It.” She said it again, retrying the motions. Still nothing. “What in the…”Her eyes widened as she realized what was going on.

”You know…it should be obvious to deal with the girl who can remove others powers as soon as possible.” Glimmer said, smiling as the mind controlled girls slowly began to return to normal.

“U-uh…Applejack? Why are we…?” Rainbow Dash asked, blushing as she saw that she had pinned the farmer down.

“That time has come on gone, Dash. We’re here because that Queen controlled you.” The farmed said, getting up. “Yer pretty decent at a good wrestle.”

“Alright darlings. If any of you are missing clothing, I’d be more than happy to hand out blankets. This season is so cold, and chafing.” Rarity said, smiling. “Just come to the boutique and I am happy to help!”

“No no no! I will not be stopped now!” The Voodoo Queen shouted, rushing at Starlight. “I will win!” But before she could get up close, she was clocked in the side of the face and sent to the ground.

“Damn it, Vee…” Candice said, rubbing her fist from the punch, she sighed pulling out her phone and calling the police.

“Yay! Maud, you’re back!” Pinkie proclaimed, hugging her sister tightly. “I was so worried you were gonna be fully corrupted and evil and I’d never get you back or at least not see you again for a good few months before the elements either destroyed or reformed you!”

“I…Pinkie…I’m sorry.” Maud was shaking, feeling like she could collapse in the dirt.

“O-oh, hey…is this a bad time?” The waitress said, nervously skating up to the two.

“U-uh..u-uh..uhhh…” Maud was once again lost for words.

“Nope! It’s actually a good time! I need to get Maud’s second back up cake and see if the one that was knocked down is still in good condition or not! Also I need to see if anyone would like some nice and warm food before they head back home!” Pinkie explained, then slapped Maud on the back. “You can do it, Maud!”

“U…Uh….Hi.” Maud seemingly regained her composure, though it was clear she was still nervous. “Thank you for saving me. If I had any celebratory rocks, I’d give you one.”

“It was not nothing, but I don’t mean it in a selfish way! I mean, it was terrifying as all hell. I didn’t know what I was thinking, but my mind saw that she wasn’t looking my way, and I kinda took that chance.” The waitress giggled, rubbing the back of her neck.

“Thank you. I’m Maud.” The rock farmer stated bluntly. It was clear she had never done this before. “Are you a lesbian?”

“.…My name’s Maisey Blue. Cause of the hair…thinking of getting it changed. Can we do that?” She asked, chuckling awkwardly.

“It’s a good name. I know a stone named Maisey.” Maud said, smiling slightly. “She’s nice.”

“Is that so? I had no idea that stones could have names…”

“You just need to ask one, they’re more than happy to share.” The two started talking about common rock names, and what said rocks were like.

Pinkie watched happily, giggling as she held the cake she made for her sister in her hands.

“So, guess she didn’t need the porn after all.” Applejack said, laughing to herself as her and Rainbow joined Pinkie in watching.

“I don’t have any porn!” Rainbow retorted, groaning. She looked tired, as did most of the elements. Except for Fluttershy. She was still asleep in the castle.

As people went back to their homes and went back to sleep, the night began to quiet once more. A bartender watched as her ex was put into a special transport van. Two magic users were arguing with their girlfriend over paying someone money. An athletic hero carried her lover back to their cottage, and somewhere in space between universes, a psychopath with a long deleted ask blog was slowly getting ready to be brought back.

All in all, another normal night.

Author's Note:

I really hope that you got an enjoyment out of this. All comments and criticism will help upon writing future stories, because I have so many stupid ideas I want to write, and I want to make sure that it's not a total dumpster fire.