• Published 7th Oct 2018
  • 5,618 Views, 50 Comments

King's Puzzle - FerociousCreation

Twilight seeks out Sombra's horn after his defeat to study it but quickly finds herself studying with him once she finds the horn.

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King's Puzzle

Get a grip of yourself, Twilight, I whispered to myself. Nopony saw you take the horn.

But no matter how many times I coached myself with a positive outlook, fear injected itself deep into my bone marrow.

You didn’t steal it. You confiscated it in the name of research and to keep it from dangerous ponies.

I opened the saddlebag with my magic, unwilling to touch the object within with my hooves as if it would curse me on contact. But I knew the power of a broken unicorn horn and the energy stored within them must be handled with care.

A jar lid poked out the top of the bag like a curious kitten. I levitated the glass container slowly, the guilt of being so sly and secret made the levitation spell much more difficult than it needed to be.

Within the transparent glass was King Sombra’s red horn.

The recent events of the return of the Crystal Empire and the defeat of Sombra were very raw. I recalled the moment the tyrant was shattered to pieces and watched the horn soar off into the frozen tundra. Thankfully, the crystal heart thawed a major portion of the land, making trekking over the land much safer.

During the revitalization of lost farmland and return of wildlife, I used that time to go on “research walks” as I called them in an attempt to find Sombra’s horn. Fluttershy occupied my company most of the time, aiding many migrating animals to find a nice home to live. The time we spent together was not wasted. But I couldn’t shake the reality that I used her in order to find what I wanted-, no needed.

It took months to find. Even after I became a princess, I perused and persisted. And I succeeded.

Sombra’s horn was a fascinating specimen. A broken unicorn horn, depending on the length of it, was a bond of unstable energy. As for the object within the jar, it was the entire horn. What’s more, there were no flaws about it. No cracks, no dents, no signs of decay.

I’ve only read about broken horns in books and was even able to hold one that was completely drained of its power. But with the fresh energy still radiating within the jagged horn, I was finally able to get some hooves on experience.

The tree library’s basement was all to myself, yet I felt the presence of somepony. I knew I locked the door in case Spike wanted to interrupt what was considered taboo. It wasn’t uncommon for me to wish for privacy. Still, I had to look over my shoulder just to still my worried mind.

Thankfully, but to no surprise, nopony was there.

Everything was set. Glad I was all alone, I looked back at my wonderful machine I made to hold Sombra’s horn. While my friends and I traveled to and from the Crystal Empire, I used as much time as I could to construct it in secret.

If most ponies would see the dubbed Sombra Observation Gadget, or S.O.G. for short, they would identify it as a machine used in old horror films to rise a pony from the dead, or something cliche and unrealistic.

No, mine was far from the mad scientists portrayed in black and white. It was for the benefit of true knowledge. I figured that someday, perhaps on my deathbed, I would reveal the secrets of my studies to the world if I discovered anything that may benefit unicorn magic.

With caution, I took the jar in my hoofs and held it against me. The magic inside it was warm against my breast. It was as if it was calling to me, inviting me in to learn of its properties. However, the warnings of many books I’ve read kept me from being too hasty.

With the speed of an hour dial, I started to open the jar. The lid came off with a light pop sound.

And what I heard next wasn’t so subtle.

Interesting!” a horrible voice spoke.

I screamed, dropping the glass jar to splash sharp fragments all across the floor. Sombra’s horn bounced away as if alive but came to a stop after it rolled into the S.O.G. The voice laughed a low melody, deep as the void. “Did I scare you, little pony?

The red horn started to bubble with familiar green and purple magic. “Because you SHOULD BE SCARED!

As the horn started to slowly bleed this liquified magic, it began to corrode everything it touched. Instinctively, I levitated the horn and placed it on the S.O.G’s central platform and placed the protective glass seal over it, though I feared the corrosive magic would eat through the container.

I ran over across the basement and reached for the killswitch. It was the last thing I wanted to consider, but it was the only option I could think of.

However, I didn’t grab it and slam it down so suddenly. I didn’t want all my efforts to go to waste in one pull of my arm. Despite my fears, I needed to know who was speaking to me.

“Who’s there?!” I cried at the horn, fully aware the presence was within it.

Who am I? Do you not recognize my voice? My power?

To my surprise, Sombra’s horn seized its dangerous spill of magic. And when I put two and two together, I came to the ultimate conclusion.

My hoof slowly returned to the ground, stabilizing my worried and slightly excited nerves. “King Sombra?”

Smoke engulfed the container like a squall, and soon, a glowing red eye pierced my soul. “I would say ‘in the flesh,’ but that vessel is tragically no more,” Sombra responded. His eye darted around the basement before returning to me. “This is very interesting, indeed.” he hummed a low tune. “Why has my enemy brought me into her study?

Sombra’s words put me on edge. The threat of him exploding with power again was a nasty possibility. I didn’t think Sombra would be thrilled to know that I would be using his horn as a subject matter.

But the red eye’s stare looked interested

“I-I’m sure you know who I am,” I started.

As do I,” Sombra blinked. “And yet, I don’t know your name.

The introduction process was going along much better than expected. The crystal ponies described Sombra as explosive and easily irritated. Yet, his consciousness floated on the fixture, patiently awaiting my response.

“Twilight Sparkle.” I assumed Sombra would press me about more personal detail, so I chose to explain more about myself. “I am Princess Celestia’s most prized pupil and now the Princess of Friendship.”

Are you now?” Sombra once again let out a chilling laugh. The eye danced around again with amusement. “This is certainly interesting! It fills me with joy to see a pony like yourself interested in the thrill of studying!”

“You are?” I asked, lowering my guard a little.

Indeed! What a cursed blessing this is!

I twitched with subtle disgust. Cursed blessing. An oxymoron. I hated those. But my distaste for contradictory phrases prompted me to ask, “Why is it a cursed blessing?”

Sombra’s positive mood quickly folded in on itself and erupted with wrath. “BECAUSE I HAVE TO BE IN THE PRESENCE OF A PONY WHO HELPED AID IN MY RUIN AND BE STUDIED LIKE A LAB RAT!”

Afraid of a potential catastrophe, I teleported over to the killswitch once again. I played my trump card, “Don’t do anything rash! One error on your part and this will destroy you!” I warned, afraid for my safety and for the loss of unanswered questions.

The swirling cloud of black stopped stirring and the old king looked at the switch. “Ah, you have taken precautionary steps in case a catastrophe occurs.” Sombra departed from his fury, thankfully, perhaps intimidated by the fear of being obliterated. I would too. Being overloaded with electricity would be quite the end to one’s life.

There is a blessing to my fate,” Sombra continued with a much more relaxed approach.

“And that is?”

I can only assume that you are in the pursuit of knowledge indicated by the device I’m resting in,” Sombra answered. “What do you wish to achieve, Twilight Sparkle?

The secret study I was going to have was quickly going to be not so secret. I lowered my hoof away from the kill switch and watched the stress in Sombra’s red eye relax. “I’ve always wanted to study a freshly chipped unicorn horn, but never could because… well, obtaining one through certain means would involve either an accident involving another unicorn or an act that could result in me being imprisoned.”

The kill switch danced in my peripheral. “And I fear this study will have my friends and Princess Celestia cast their judgment upon me.” My enthusiasm suddenly flooded my bloodstream like an adrenaline rush. “But I just want to learn through experience! Your horn isn’t damaged despite how you were…”

Reminding Sombra of his defeat might cause him to flare up again, so I forced myself to look for a better selection of words.

“...how your body was broken…”

His eye rose and dipped, floating in his own black storm. Observing. Listening.

“Your horn is whole and ripe for study!” I looked at the floor that had turned into black rot, corrupted by Sombra’s magic; some of it managed to affect the leggings of the S.O.G. “And I am eager to study your horn’s magic, regardless of its destructive nature.”

“Fear of rejection…” Sombra sighed. “I know that feeling all to well and even lived through the experience. I assume you care very dearly about how your friends view you.”

Sympathy was not my first guess to how Sombra would behave. Was he doing his evil king manipulation talk?

“And let me guess… Did the other crystal ponies claim that I was a schemer and swayed hearts for my own purpose?”

I flinched as Sombra predicted my own thoughts. His eye rolled, “Of course they would.”

“They never said such things,” I said.

“But they most certainly have said other matters about me.” Sombra’s eye shook from left to right, “Regardless, I understand your struggle, Twilight Sparkle. I myself have delved into research that has raised eyebrows, yes. But I did it not for power, but for knowledge and to aid the progress of ponykind.”

My interest in Sombra, not his horn, grew. “You’re a researcher as well?”

The red eye nodded, “One who takes great pride in setups like the one I reside in, yes.” Sombra looked at his surroundings, “This certainly must have taken time to construct. It would be a tragedy if it were to be destroyed without its purpose fulfilled.”

His words did not sound like a threat, but they did force my eyes back to the kill switch. “Do not take my words as a threat,” Sombra said, his voice concerned for the switch. “I'm sure you’re now aware of what I can do.” He looked at the damage he already committed. “What my magic is capable of.”

“But I believe it would be in your best interest to allow me to reside here as you commit to yourself to studying my horn,” Sombra continued. “I know you will benefit from what I possess.”

So many potential scenarios flooded my mind. Sombra could easily be telling the truth and is willing to comply with me. He could also use his magic to corrupt the entire tree library. It was my home. And I would curse myself if I allowed anything to happen to it.

“Maybe you need some convincing.” The slit in Sombra’s eye thinned into a narrow line. “I… I am… dying.”

Sombra’s words pulled me toward him. “Why?” I asked at a near whisper, somehow feeling sympathy for the then dying king.

Despite Sombra’s grim fate, he let loose a few chuckles. “Why don’t you grab yourself a scroll, quill, and ink? I have much to say.”

I didn’t have to look for my clipboard and writing utensils. My magic quickly engulfed them and were flung over to me in an instant. So many more questions were conceived, such as, “How did Sombra conceal himself into his horn,” and, “How much time does he have left?” I theorized he would cover both in his explanation.

“Aren’t you an eager filly,” Sombra said with an amused hum.

I squinted an eye at him, “Just note that I will be taking your words with a grain of salt and be taken as speculation until proven true.”

“And I do not hold that against you. I could claim I was once a good pony, but that’s up for you to decide later on.”

I swallowed, my memories flashing back to how I once never considered friendship would be a blessing in my life and recalled how I treated my friends back in Canterlot with little care; I was once a not-so-kind mare to others.

It was funny how Sombra was infecting my mind with many feelings even though he sounded genuine.

“Please take a close look at my horn,” Sombra said. The dark galaxy of smoke disappeared and revealed the red horn. As I stepped forward, I dipped my quill into the ink, ready to take note of anything.

“You might be curious about why my horn is its color and how I stored my conscious into it.” I nodded, looking through the glass, almost tempted to remove it to get an even closer look. “The truth is, it’s not my original horn, but was fused with ruby.”

My quill happily danced on its own, my eyes not on the clipboard, but I knew how to write without looking. “How did you convert your horn?” I asked, my voice too eager for my liking.

Sombra flooded the space within with smoke, his eye startling me. He easily expressed more amusement. “Transmutation,” he said. “But more on that later.” Once more, his eye and smoke vanished. “Because of my genius marriage of gemstone and unicorn magic, I was able to amplify my own power in order to conduct more rigorous researches. My transmutation was also secretly a last resort mechanism.”

I wanted to see Sombra’s expression, so I stepped back once I finished the last sentence of notes. Without words, his eye was summoned. The slit pupil, as sharp as it was, was wide and relaxed. “When my body was obliterated, I used the last of my magic to store my soul into my horn to evade death.” His gaze fell to the floor, and I was surprised he was keeping a well-gripped composure, despite the fact that his eventual death was imminent.

“But you said earlier that you were dying,” I said to the red eye.

“Yes, I did,” the eye nodded. “Despite my backup plan, I knew I would eventually be claimed by death. In truth, I fear my eventual fate. I just wished to stay a while longer and lie dormant, hoping for somepony to find the consciousness in my horn so I can give them my knowledge if they so desired.”

I bit my lower lip as Sombra’s tone grew quieter and quieter. He was clearly bothered by his circumstance. “How are you dying?” I asked.

“When a horn is fractured from a unicorn’s skull, it still maintains its magic.” Sombra looked up at my own horn. “How much depends on the unicorn. Or in your case, alicorn.” He returned his attention to my clipboard. “Are you aware of magic decay?”

“I am.”

“Then I assume you are aware that a unicorn’s horn will eventually lose all its power over a period of time. As for myself, well…”

Sombra hid his eye back into the horn. “You can assume what happens to me once the horn loses all its magic.”

I dared to say, “You’ll die.”

“Correct,” Somrba said in kind. I waited for Sombra’s eye to return, but it stayed dormant. “If I so choose to unleash my magic in an attempt to destroy what I can, no doubt will that bring me closer to my end. How long, I cannot say.

“Now, allow me to ask you this: do you still wish to study the properties of my horn and even listen to my own words of wisdom?”

I was truly making a deal with the devil. Anything that was said could have been false. But I was wanted to trust Sombra. I bore the core Element of Harmony: Friendship. I reflected on Princess Luna and her redemption. How that, despite striking against Princess Celestia, her very sister, Celestia allowed Luna back into her life. And Luna was loved by all since her arrival.

The wings at my side fanned out, reminding me that I was the Princess of Friendship. Was there more than to just gaining knowledge from the king? If I was to trust Sombra and his claim that he will not lay waste to my home, I needed to test him myself.

I gandered at the few sentences I scribbled down and asked Sombra, “Do you have research notes somewhere in the Crystal Empire?”

Sombra’s eye came out from the horn. His voice was low and hostile, “If there was an absolute purge of my items deep underneath the castle, then no. Wouldn’t be surprised if the crystal ponies asked the princess that rules there now. They’ve always hated everything I did.”

To my surprise, Sombra looked sad.

“Everything…” he whispered.

My notes and writing devices floated away from me as I placed them on a nearby table. I smiled in an attempt to make Sombra somewhat relieved. “Would you be pleased to hear that I voiced my opinion to the crystal ponies to not destroy whatever was below the castle?”

The red eye pressed against the glass, causing it to lean forward. “My work still lives?!”

The corners of my lips nearly touched my ears. “Aren’t we eager to hear the truth.”

Sombra settled down and confusion took residence in the king. “Why?”

“Because my brother, sister-in-law, and myself concluded with one idea in mind: preservation of the past helps us learn.”

“And your words convinced the crystal ponies?”

“Mmhmm,” I nodded happily. “Though there was some who protested against the idea, they quickly thought otherwise in a matter of time.”

Sombra’s eye squinted at me, “They aren’t furious with you?”

“Not that I’m aware of,” I answered.

The slit pupil danced all around me. “Why couldn’t you exist in my time?” Sombra asked.

“I do now,” I winked.

A genuine laugh echoed from the horn. “You are quite amusing.”

I performed a perfect Canterlot curtsy, “Why thank you, King Sombra.”

“As well as being quite the lovely mare to compliment your intelligence.” My hoofing weakened, almost causing me to stumble forward and into the S.O.G. I was not expecting quite the compliment.

“I assume you and I will make somewhat good acquaintances?” Sombra asked.

When I managed to stand upright without weak knees, I answered, “Why don’t you tell me where to locate your notes? Then our acquaintanceship will commence.”


A week has passed by since Twilight Sparkle had left me alone within my transparent home. I knew this because I watched the clock’s arms rotate 126 full circles in her absence. She was kind enough to gift me a tower of books to read and observe while she was away. Both she and I were worried about how much magic I would dispense whenever I would have to use magic to turn a page. But we figured if I did just one simple action, it wouldn’t be too harmful to my existence.

I didn’t feel weak, but I made sure to use very little of my magic. When Twilight asked me what books to give me, I requested texts about the present times. I was interested in what Equestria became during my 1000 year absence.

Finished with the book dubbed, Ponyville’s Foundation, I closed it and placed it in the tall and neatly stacked finished pile. It had a gentle story about Granny Smith and her influence with zap apple jam. I was tempted to ask Twilight if she would bring me some to taste. However, I didn’t think that I was capable of eating anything.

I never grew hungry during my residence within my own horn. I also never grew tired, nor could I find sleep. Neither bothered me at first, but when I didn’t feel like reading anymore, passing the time was difficult. My consciousness would just float as the empty room echoed its silence. Also, the story made me wish for taste; something I never thought I would miss when I chose to trap myself.

I also didn’t want to admit it, but I was beginning to crave Twilight’s presence. She was the only pony to give my work a chance. That was enough for me to wish her safe travels.

The door at the top of the staircase flung open, startling and relieving my bored soul. Twilight scrambled down the flight of steps, nearly stumbling over her legs. Her saddlebags were stuffed with scrolls, reaching high like golden wheat ready for harvest.

I prepared myself to catch her if she fell, but the mare managed to live another day when she touched down to the final step. She called up to the door, “I will be remaining down here for quite some time, Spike! Knock if you need my attention!”

There was no response from upstairs, but Twilight didn’t wait for one and slammed the door before applying her massive collection of locks to it.

“Did you miss your king?” I asked, noting Twilight’s eager twinkle in her eye.

“You-!” Twilight stumbled over to me as if the scrolls were too heavy and would snap her in two. “You insane- mad-”

My enthusiasm to see Twilight started to fade. I hated those words. I became associated too well with them thanks to the wretched ponies of the Crystal Empire.

“Cruel?” I added with little hopes she wanted anything to do with me.”


I gave Twilight my surprised eye to look at. Even though I had a 360-degree view of my surroundings when I was inside my horn, I sometimes felt the need to focus on something when it peaked my interest.

And Twilight certainly interested me.

“You aren’t… upset with my research?” I asked.

The mare splayed all the scrolls on a long bench in a neat order, separating the older-looking rolls from the more fresh and white ones. “Why would I be?!” Twilight fanned open the scroll closest to her hoof with her magic. “Your details about transmutation are some of the most sophisticated, yet groundbreaking research I’ve ever come across! Even after you’ve been banished for 1000 years, nopony has come up with anything like this!”

“And you believe my claims?”

Twilight giggled like a filly, “I’ve already done a few tests myself!” She placed down my scroll, opened her own, and showed me the contents within it. Her grin slowly faded into a sheepish one. “Sorry it took me so long to return. I just had to test your notes.” Twilight gestured to her scrolls that easily outnumbered my own. “That was just a small amount of what I really wish to do.”

Before I could catch a glimpse of Twilight’s notes, she hugged the dome that housed me. “And that is to learn about your beautiful horn.”

If I had the capacity to blush, I certainly would have. I hid back into my horn. “Were anypony suspicious about your deeds?”

“Nope!” Twilight sang. “In fact, Cadence came along with me into the depths of the castle and we ‘discovered’ what you mentioned to me.”

Twilight climbed off of the glass and beamed at me, “As we speak, Canterlot scholars are viewing your work and are very impressed with what you’ve accomplished.”

“I wish I could kiss you,” I said, still not willing my eye to Twilight. And I meant my words.

What was becoming of me?

“Oh you!” she laughed, batting a hoof at me. Her grin subsided and Twilight’s mood became serious. Twilight rubbed the back of a forelimb with a hoof as if ashamed of something. “However, nopony knows about us. Nopony knows about you being down here.”

“I don’t blame you,” I said with comfort. “Certain practices might be considered taboo. In fact, the research you ‘found’ was claimed to be ‘forbidden’ by the Crystal Empire.” Hatred started to bubble and manifest as my magic crackled from my horn. “They never gave me a chance!”

Twilight took notice of my mood and power immediately. “Sombra, calm down! You might accelerate yourself toward your death if you present too much power!”

It took no effort to snuff out my magic, but the anger still lingered. The mare’s eyes observed me with genuine care. Even after my terrible act against the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle managed to give me a soft look.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked. “Why would anypony say that your work was forbidden?”

Since she was kind enough to listen to me, I birthed my eye from my horn. “They were afraid that my research was an attempt to gain power. Don’t get me wrong, I love power. But that power was to be aimed at the betterment of ponykind. And a researcher’s job is to discover what exists and how it works, not remain ignorant and hide under a rock.”

Twilight’s ears folded back as she listened. Her eyes wandered to the floor. “I somewhat agree with you, but there are some magics that are forbidden for a reason.” Before I had the chance to flare up again, Twilight countered her own logic with, “But I also think that some risks need to be taken in order to understand what’s out there.” Twilight looked up at the tree roots that clawed down at her and me. “Some things have to be done in secret.”

“Indeed,” I agreed.

We had an interval of discussion. Silence spectated us, waiting eagerly to be broken.

“I-” I started, but I fled back into my horn. “I sincerely wish to extend my gratitude by thanking you for understanding me. And for doing what you’ve done for me. To hear that my work is finally being understood and accepted makes me finally feel appreciated.”

Twilight turned her head and smiled at me. “You’re welcome, Sombra.” She walked over to the scrolls and started to pointlessly poke at them. “You know, you can be very sweet.”

Emotion deep in my core sparked. I knew it wasn’t my heart, but it certainly was not anger.

Twilight spun on her hooves and presented a smile that rivaled the sun’s gleam. “Now let’s turn this moment into something we both love: research!”


It was very difficult to mention the Crystal Empire as I studied Sombra’s fascinating horn. The mere mention of the city would set off a dangerous chain reaction that would hurt him in the end. As the study continued to move forward, I wanted to learn more about him.

And for once, not in the name of research, but to better understand Sombra, a pony who I was slowly considering to be a friend. I pondered what my friends might think of me if they knew about my affection toward the old king.

...What Princess Celestia might think of me…

...my parents… my B.B.B.F.F… my-


Sombra’s voice jolted my worried nerves. “Y-yes?” I responded, snapping my neck at him.

His red eye furrowed, “You’ve been looking down at the empty bench for quite some time. Are you pondering about any confusing results?”

I retreated back to my research. No need to focus on worries when my fascinating discovery was scribed onto a scroll several steps away from me. I briskly walked over to it, my white lab coat fluttering with my motion. I gave no reply to Sombra’s question.

After fanning it open, the respite of my studies relieved my soul. “To think that magic fused with a precious gem would help amplify its might.” I scanned over my notes, noting the various gemstones that were excavated and used to observe. “It never came to my attention that various combinations of natural elements would dramatically change the effect of magic, such as the corundum within the ruby of your horn.”

“I once considered using a sapphire gem,” Sombra said. “However, because I couldn’t find a near flawless sapphire, I chose ruby instead. When a gem is foggy and flawed, it makes sending magic through it difficult.”

I fanned open another scroll, featuring a list of metals and their potential when combined with magic. “I am also surprised our study resulted that metals help consense magic,” I said, pointing at titanium specifically found in corundum. “Thus, minimizing magic decay.”

“Indeed,” Sombra’s eye nodded. “Gemstones are what make specific reactions when magic is applied to them. Because corundum has oxygen atoms, it allowed me to use the oxygen to transmute myself into smoke. Rubies and sapphires both contain corundum, making them both candidates when I decided to make a new horn.”

A gilded chest at the end of the table danced in my peripheral. I swallowed as I walked over to it. Again, guilt started to bubble in my heart. “Ah, finally going to reveal what’s inside,” Sombra said with interest.

A note was taped onto the chest with Princess Celestia’s writing on it:

I know you will take great care of these. Whatever your research may be, I believe great things will come from it.

To think I would abuse my trust with the princess in order to pursue my studies. I opened the chest and levitated the Elements of Harmony out of it.

“Where did you get those?!” Sombra exclaimed.

“The princess,” I said quietly. “I assume you know about the Elements of Harmony.”

“They look different from the books I have read, but I easily recognize the six colors associated with them.” Sombra blinked at me, “To answer your question, I do know of them. They help vanquish evil.”

The king leaned his eye backwards, “Why have you brought them here before me?”

Fearing he might get the wrong idea, I quickly answered, “I didn’t bring them to threaten you with them if that is what you are worried about.” Sombra relaxed but didn’t remove his sight on the six objects. “But I want to begin a new study, and I’m sure you will happily aid me.”

“Gladly,” Sombra said with no disturbance in his voice. “And what would that entail?”

“Allow me to present to you my scientific problem.”

I had to let out a sigh in hopes to dispense my guilt. The secret study between Sombra and me were starting to eat away at me. It most likely was because of the drastic consequences that would happen if anypony knew about us. Still, I pressed on.

“Why do magical artifacts maintain their effects while your horn, despite being fused with ruby, is slowly losing magic which will lead to your eventual…”

I couldn’t say the word.

But Sombra did. “Death.”

The reality of Sombra’s fate saddened me. I learned so much from him over the last two months, and vice versa. It was slow, but every day, I was more eager to see and talk with him.

Time was short. I wanted to save him from death. I wanted us to learn more in the name of research. But I didn’t know how much time we had left, hence why I spent most of my time with Sombra.

My friends were becoming suspicious of my behavior. They worried about my health, but I simply told them I was in the middle of a breakthrough discovery. More guilt bottled up at the thought of them, and I was at my breaking point.

“What is your hypothesis?” Sombra asked, his tone weary.

“I don’t have one,” I said with a choked response.

I clenched my eyes to fight back the tears, but the cracks of my eyelids allowed them through. “Twilight, what’s wrong?” The glass container Sombra sat in lifted away by his magic. A trail of smoke swam toward me, his eye getting close to me.

“Sombra, don’t do that!” I protested. “You need to preserve your magic!”

He didn’t bother listening to my plea. “What’s. Wrong.” Sombra scanned me over as if he could find the answer on my tear-ridden face.

I found his concern very sweet and stepped forward to hold his figure. But when I grabbed for him, my arm cut through Sombra, further depressing me. The one time I wanted somepony’s embrace, even their touch couldn’t be obtained.

Sombra looked helpless as he watched his being pushed through with ease. Still, he continued to attempt to make me feel him and wrapped a cloth of smoke around my arm. I did what I could to not move and imagined his contact to be warm.

“I feel guilty, Sombra,” I confessed, watching my tears puddle at my hooves. “Me holding myself up here to study you and your horn is forcing this ugly feeling in my heart. I know studying a freshly broken unicorn’s horn is a taboo. But you know my intentions, right?”

“Of course. We’ve discussed this before.”

“But what about my friends?” I asked, my voice cracking with helpless abandon. “What will they think of me if they find out about us?”

Sombra furrowed his brow, “I would hope they wouldn’t cast harsh judgment.”

I tossed my arm at the Elements of Harmony. “Or what about me abusing Princess Celestia’s trust by asking her to hoof me the elements for ‘personal studies?’ How will she behave if she learns about how I plan to use them?”

Sombra turned toward the six artifacts. “And how do you plan on using them?”

“To find a hypothesis for my problem. I want to learn the difference between an artifact and what your horn is.” I settled my hoof back to the ground. Sombra claimed it with a second veil of smoke, holding both my arms with unfelt comfort.

“Is that what’s stressing you?” Sombra asked, his only option was to ask questions.

I felt heat rise in my cheeks. “I’m also… very…”

Just tell him.

With one long intake of air, I let it out and confessed, “I am very worried about you, Sombra!”

The king’s pupil thinned in shock, the edges of his smoke stiffened for a brief moment. Tears ran down my face even faster at a rate I feared would drown him and me. “I spend my time here with you because I fear that any day would be the last! We’ve learned so much from each other! You’ve let me use the S.O.G. machine to harmlessly study you and your horn’s properties, while you’ve learned many things about today’s present world!”

Sombra’s smokey body and floating eye came closer, surrounding me in comforting darkness. I couldn’t feel him, but I certainly smelled the smoke. The incense of Sombra smelled sweet somehow, and it calmed my mood. I closed my eyes and said, “I consider you a friend, and I don’t want you to die! I want to save you!”


I didn’t open my eyes, only using my ears to listen.

“That means so much for you to say those words,” Sombra spoke with a gentle hum in his voice. “But it seems that this study has been too much for you. Why don’t you consider taking a few days of respite?”

“What about you?” I whispered. “What if something happens to you and I cannot say ‘goodbye?’”

Sombra somehow found the need to laugh for some reason. “When I do depart, just know that I will die happily. You gave my work a chance, and now, as you’ve put it, is now the most focused subject at Canterlot. Never in my entire existence would I have imagined anypony would accept my work at all.”

When I opened my eyes, a very warm-red eye swarmed most of my view. Sombra did not startle me, but rather, kept me from getting emotional again. “Go to your friends. See them. Spend time with them. I may be the best subject matter to exist, but I’m not the only one important in your life, now am I?”

I giggled in agreement with Sombra’s comment. “You are certainly on my top favorite studies.”

“Your king is flattered,” Sombra boasted.

I rolled my eyes, “Don’t let the compliment get to your head.”

“I don't have a head. And don’t let this stress get to you, dear Twilight.”

More of Sombra’s smoke entered through my muzzle. It was an infectious scent, and I feared I may become addicted to it if I lingered within it for too long.

“Will you miss me when I am gone?” I asked Sombra.

The eye nodded, “Of course.” It looked to the stairway, and I followed where it meandered. “But I am sure your friends miss you, too.”

I didn’t want to leave. Not with Sombra to be left alone.

“I swear I will be here when you return,” Sombra said with a bold declaration.

I smiled at his words. “You better. We both still have much to learn.”



Once more, I was alone, left with the last remnants of Twilight’s actions. Her scrolls were left on the table, some of which gathered a very thin layer of dust. The Elements of Harmony sat extremely close to the S.O.G. device, each one beautiful and dangerous all the same.

I pondered if them being present was a test from Twilight to see if I would use and steal them to use for my own devices. However, I had no use for them. Artifacts all have a unique and specific design accompanied with a detailed purpose. They were used for good.

Kindness. Honesty. Loyalty. Laughter. Generocity. Magic.

The only element I would benefit from would be the crown that wielded the magic element. The former five are emotions I do not possess. Especially laughter.

Besides, what would I do if I could equip the Element of Magic? Blast through Twilight’s library with what little magic I possess? I would never do that in fear of losing my own life.


...And I would never do that to the pony I loved…


It might have just been my eye playing tricks on me, but Twilight appeared to have returned with much more color in her face. She walked down the steps with a soft smile. On her back was a saddlebag, making me curious about what was within it.

I wished I could show her my grin, but creating a mouth might expend more magic than needed. “Did you enjoy your time away?” I asked.

“I did,” Twilight answered, her pace quickening at my words. When she returned to the workbench where the Elements of Harmony remained untouched, Twilight observed them. “I will admit it was hard not to think about you over the last ten days.”

“I swore that I would be here when you returned!” I proclaimed as if I accomplished something great.

“Hehe, how romantic of you, Sombra,” Twilight beamed.

I did my best to not waver my attention onto her and make Twilight suspicious of my true fondness of her. “What did your days consist of?”

Twilight laughed some more, “Would you believe me that my friends were even more concerned for me when I told them I wanted to take a break from studying?”

“How amusing!”

“It was! Anyways, I had a great time with my friends. We performed many activities with each other, consisting of hikes, stargazing, and mining.”

I furrowed my brow and questioned Twilight, “‘Mining’ is considered an activity to perform with friends?”

The purple unicorn winked at me, “You can say that. My friend Rarity wanted to seek out some gemstones for another dress lineup she has in mind.” Her purse flipped open with a magical pull and out floated the most beautiful, flawless chunk of amethyst I had ever witnessed. “I also found this. You have no idea how difficult it was for me to convince Rarity that I needed it for research.”

“Bring it close to me, please!” I asked.

Twilight nodded and the rock floated over to me. When I peered through it, I managed to see her through the amethyst, albeit a distorted form. Regardless, the gemstone was a sight to behold. “What do you plan on doing with it?”

I waited for a response from Twilight, but I received none after a few seconds of silence whisked by. “Twilight?”

The transparent rock floated away like a slow moving comet, revealing Twilight’s worried expression I was all too accustomed to. “I wish to ask if it would be wise to convert my horn as you did with yours.”

The mere suggestion disgusted me, and not just because it was a dangerous task. “Absolutely not!” I roared. “The ponies of the Crystal Empire shunned me for such a practice! You say you are worried about your friends and Celestia judging you bitterly, and then come back with such a foolish suggestion?”

“But I-” Twilight begged, but I allowed no quarter.

“I forbid your pursuit!” I demanded.

Twilight shook her head and readied herself to argue. “Will you hear my problem and hypothesis at least?”

I relaxed my temper, awaiting whatever she decided to tell me, though I was prepared to rebuttal. Twilight was not just a young princess, but a foolish mare. She wasn’t capable of understanding what she didn't know.

“Fine,” I answered. If I could, I would have snorted in protest. But I don’t have a nose.

Twilight glanced over to the perfect gemstone and presented her scientific issue. “How do I save King Sombra? That is the problem.”

As happy as that made me hear Twilight wish to aid me, I knew it was already improbable. But how does it relate to the chunk of amethyst? Or Twilight wanting to transmute her horn?

“My hypothesis is this: by allowing Sombra to host his soul within my eventual amethyst horn.” Twilight’s voice was desperate. Her emotions were raw with truth. She genuinely wanted to save me. “The reason for my hypothesis is because of our first and last experiment when we tried to use the S.O.G to inject electricity into your horn.”

I winced, remembering the intense pain that brought me. “Even though we managed to give you some rejuvenation to your soul,” Twilight continued as she frowned at my eye, “it brought you agonizing suffering.”

Twilight went to the amethyst and placed a hoof on it. She rolled it around, allowing each side to twinkle with hope. “But what if there was a host for you to reside in and naturally supply you magic? If I could transmute my horn and then allow you to take residence within it, you could be saved from death! You said that your horn was also a safety mechanism to store yourself into it to delay your eventual end. Why not do something similar? It all sounds plausible! Right?”

I didn’t want to give Twilight false hope but also didn’t want to break her heart. I gave Twilight no response.

“...Right…?” Twilight whimpered.


The sight of her tears stabbed deep into my core. Even when I wasn’t trying, I brought negativity upon myself. And the one pony I never wanted to hurt wept into her arm.

“Why do you want to go through extra lengths to help me?” I asked.

Twilight slammed her hoof on the table, bouncing everything on it with a harsh crash. “You’re asking me to do nothing as I watch you die?!” she cried.

“There’s nothing you can do,” I said as a matter of fact. “And even if the transfer was a success, how will your friends react? Or Princess Celestia?”

I didn’t want to think of the blasted Crystal Empire and its accursed race, but I needed to inform Twilight of the true and real fear of rejection. “When I was committed to my studies and was doing research unknown to ponykind in the Crystal Empire, they branded my research as forbidden and me a mad scientist! And anypony associated or even slightly interested in what I performed was shunned!”

It was difficult to look at Twilight’s puffy red eyes. Sadness never looked so intimidating. “I don’t want you to become shunned and rejected! I have too much respect for you to throw away everything you worked for!”

I aimed my eye at Twilight’s wings. “Ponies will even reject their Princess of Friendship if she associates with a tyrant.”

Twilight ruffled her feathers, a few flaking off in protest to her action. “You don’t know that…”

“But I fear it all the same, Twilight. Even if there is a chance, I’d hate for the reality to come to pass.”

The only way to convince the stubborn alicorn was to explain why it would be impossible to go forward with Twilight’s plan. “You see the Elements of Harmony over there, yes?”

“What about them?” Twilight barked.

I wanted to snap back at her, but I couldn’t blame Twilight for her attitude. If I had somepony on their deathbed and they continued to beg, ‘Just let me die,’ there would be some obvious resistance. Even if there was nothing I could do.

“Every element is designed to perform a certain ability when equipped or worn.” I retreated back into my horn to allow Twilight to see my flawless horn. “The absolute similarity between the elements and my horn is that they all perform a function.

“Your first problem was to find out why they differ from my horn. The answer is actually quite simple: the elements are an amplifier, like a magnifying glass pointing a point of sunlight to a specific location.”

Twilight levitated the crown and rested it on her head. “How come their power doesn’t die out?”

“Imagine my magnifying glass analogy again, this time, one that is old and one that is new,” I instructed. The mare wiped her soaked cheeks before closing her eyes. “What’s the difference between the two?”

“Their age,” Twilight answered.


Just as Twilight opened her blood-shot eyes, my one eye blossomed forth. “You can still use either tool to observe or scorch a few ants, though I assume you would do the former.”

We both looked at the five remaining elements on the table. “As for those and your crown, they were designed to be worn and have the artifacts draw a specific power from the wearer.”

Twilight gasped, stepping toward my glass dome. “So the reason why your horn is able to be an artifact is that its design was to house your soul into it and nothing else! It also draws from your magic, allowing you to exist within it!”

“Your deduction skills are very impressive, Twilight,” I said, glad she saved me from having to explain my horn’s function.

She tapped a hoof on her chin, her clockwork mind still at work. “I think I understand why sending electricity into you was so painful. Your horn wasn’t designed to intake energy.”

“I came with that conclusion a while back,” I nodded my eye. “However, I was not expecting it to hurt me as much as it did, so don’t blame yourself for that.”

The beautiful amethyst on the table looked like a comfortable home. But I was convinced the move would not work. “Your hypothesis was extremely accurate. If you could fuse amethyst with your horn and then absorb my soul into it, there may be a chance I could be saved.”

It was a foolish move to give Twilight any hope. She bounced forward with eyes determined to use my words as a contradiction against me. Too bad I already had a counter-argument.

“There is one flaw, however,” I muttered and retreated into my pointed home. Twilight’s wings slumped to the ground, weighted by my persistent facts. “My horn is not designed to absorb or be absorbed from. It’s meant to house my soul and nothing else.”

Twilight turned away from me, her head angled so low to the ground, I feared she would scratch her muzzle on the floor. “I see…” Twilight sighed in defeat. “There isn’t anything I can do to save your life…”

“Correct.” I was starting to hate that word every time I spoke of it; I wanted to be wrong for once in my life.

“But-” The mare lifted her heavy head and looked back at me with a microscopic smile and two rivers of tears that clashed with one another. “At least I tried to help you. After all, that’s what friends do.”

Her words gutted my entire existence. I tried to cry like her, but I lacked the capacity to do so. Even when I wanted to express the one emotion I thought I lost when I became a tyrant, the damn world wanted me to suffer.


Visits between Sombra and me became slightly less frequent but consistent enough for me to share various books and discuss them with him. Our transmutation studies came to a halt after that day I chose to attempt to save Sombra. The mere discussion would only force us into another emotional argument I was not willing to endure after the third time.

It was a shame that my words didn’t reach Sombra. I was hoping that he would reason with me. Because that week I took off to spend time with my friends, I told them the truth about Sombra and pursuit to find his horn. I broke down when I told Fluttershy how I felt I was using her, but she happily forgave me.

My friends never gave me the judgment I feared, even though Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack had their varying levels of concern. After I confessed to them about the truth, Princess Celestia was next on the list.

Again, I was met with not harsh criticism, but rather praise. Celestia was proud that I performed my duty as the Princess of Friendship to the fullest of my capabilities. The only critique I received from her was how secret I had become and hid away what was still a taboo practice. All Princess Celestia wanted was my trust and to allow me to be honest with her.

When all was said, I confessed how I wanted to save Sombra. My proposed idea was met with disapproval, which was no surprise. Everypony jumped to the same conclusion: they didn’t want me to become possessed by Sombra. I reminded them how he was a much different pony and that my duty as a friend and the Princess of Friendship was something I wanted to commit to.

I asked Princess Celestia specifically if she had the capacity to save somepony she loved, would she do everything in her power to save that pony. The answer was a yes, but she told me to not be naive either.

Everypony wanted to believe Sombra had turned a new leaf, so they all allowed me to present to him my hypothesis and report back to them when I had his response.

Ironically, when I told everypony how he countered every attempt I made to store him in my horn was when they believed he was a reforged pony, albeit his temper never seized to flare up from time to time when the Crystal Empire was whispered or thought up by him.

I cried at Princess Celestia’s throne in tears, begging for another way to help change his mind. Her conclusion was all the same as his: there was nothing that could be done.

It was a lie. There was an answer there. Somewhere. It would take time to find out.

But time was not on Sombra’s side.

And soon, the day came…


Late afternoon was an abnormal time for me and Sombra to do our reading session. However, when the topic was Starswirl, it would be impossible to not talk to the pony who was alive during the wizard’s life.

I didn’t throw the locks onto the door as I normally did. Instead, I flew down to the S.O.G. machine with my special edition History of Star Swirl the Bearded in hoof.

“Sorry I couldn’t wait till this evening,” I giggled with excitement. “You know how excited I get when you-know-who is mentioned.”

The delay it took for Sombra to reply brought me to immediate alarm. His eye was smaller than usual and it appeared to be tired. “...Twilight…” he whispered. “...I feel weak… I believe it’s happening…”

Sanity was not present when I grabbed the glass container and threw it aside. It splashed shards of glass everywhere, but I cared very little about the mess I would eventually clean.

“Sombra!” I cried aloud, taking his horn in my hooves. “Just- Hang in there!”

What was I saying? There wasn’t anything to do to save him.

His eye looked frightened. So frightened. So alone even though I was there for him. Even though his state was very weak, Sombra managed to speak. “Take me outside, Twilight. I want to see the sky one last time.”

The edges of my eyes darkened. My instincts took control of me as I flew toward the basement door, slamming hard into it. The hinges loosened on contact, but I didn’t care about my reckless abandonment. I shoved passed the door and fled the library, taking to the sky.

I held Sombra close to me, the horn prodding my chest. I wanted Sombra’s last moments to consist of me being a clumsy fool.

A lone cloud drifted alone in the orange sky. If Sombra was going to see the sky, I was going to give him the world.

When I took shelter on the platform, my senses returned and felt every stress that threatened to make me collapse. My heartbeat pounded in my ears, my lungs sucked in breath after breath, my brain cramped with an intense headache.

“Twilight?” Sombra whispered.

“Hmm?” I whimpered.

“Place me down. I want to do one last thing.”

I was not sure about what Sombra planned on doing, but I listened and did what I was told. The horn sank a little into the cloud but stilled itself quickly. Then I watched smoke slowly seep out of the ruby horn, much more than I was expecting.

“What are you doing?!” I cried.

“I want to attempt something,” Sombra answered calmly. “And create a farewell gift.”

“D-don’t stress yourself! You might die instantly!”

My words fell on deaf ears Sombra’s horn started to float into the air, and soon, a head formed at the base of it. In a matter of seconds, a physical form was created. “I know making myself solid would exhaust plenty of magic, but I want to attempt to feel you just once.”

There in a dark-gray coat, Sombra sat with a defeated frown. His face was a handsome form, his chin perfectly chiseled. His mane was jet-black and whisked in the breeze. The red in his iris’ weren’t threatening but inviting.

I reached out my hoof to touch him. I feared I would cut through his form with ease, but I too wanted his touch.

Thankfully, I grabbed something solid. And real.

Sombra twitched when I felt his cold body. “You’re so warm.”

I moved slowly as I bunched myself up against the dying king. His figure was cool, but it quickly heated up with my body heat.

A chilly hoof touched my chin and directed my attention to Sombra’s face. He sat tall, not slumped over like I was. I felt small in his wake but didn’t bother to care.

“You look beautiful.”

I had no time to react to his motion because of his stunning compliment. The flustering shock froze me in place, leaving me vulnerable to Sombra’s oncoming kiss. All I could do was close my eyes and brace for impact.

The touch, again, was cold. But thanks to my warmth, it reinvigorated some life into him. I closed my eyes and pulled Sombra into me. He pressed his mouth into my soft face, allowing the king to pursue me even further.

I flopped onto my back, wrapping my four limbs around Sombra. I didn’t want to let go of him, but time was short.

“I want you,” I whispered into his ear.

And for a short period of time, neither of us let go of each other.


Twilight was always such a beautiful time of the evening. It was a time that day passed into nighttime with the most beautiful shade of purple. However, I never thought in my lifetime I would witness two in unison.

A very exhausted Twilight Sparkle huddled close to my figure, shaking like a frightened puppy. I myself was very tired as well, and I could feel my consciousness start to weaken with every second.

“Thank you, Twilight,” I said, looking down at the mare I was destined to say farewell to. “For everything.”

My words forced her to cling onto my barrel. “I don’t want you to go…”

I rolled onto my side and faced Twilight. The stars were nowhere near as beautiful to look at. "I don't either."

Twilight and I stared at one another, unwilling to move another inch. Every bit of energy I used made it difficult to hold my figure together. It was hard enough when we were having our intimate moment, but I managed.

Slowly, exhaustion started to take its toll, and I was unable to hold myself together. Smoke started to waft off my figure, forcing Twilight to take notice. "Sombra!" she squeaked helplessly.

I clung onto Twilight as tight as I could without hurting her. I didn't want to go. But I was too tired to stay awake.

"Twilight..." I said as my vision of the mare of my dreams started to blur. "Thank you... for giving me a chance."

At first, her cries were loud in my ears. Then her cries became whimpers. Then a whisper.

As my vision started to go white, I felt my soul drift toward the stars.

I'll be waiting for you, Twilight Sparkle.

Author's Note:

Work sited because I had to do research about gem stuff:



Thank you for reading King's Puzzle. I hope this is a good entree to the Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord contest.

Comments ( 50 )

Holy shitake mushrooms this was great! Hit me right in the feels

Came for lewd Princess, left with Depression.
[I hope there's a sequel of some sort, amazing how you can stuff an entire story of events into one chapter..]

Im in tears over here. please don't let it end like this.

Sombra answered calmly. “And create a farewell gift.”

WAIT did he knocked up Twilight?!

This was such a wonderful and captivating story!

Sombra was very in character (in my humble opinion) and Twilight, too. The only tiny nitpick I have is that sometimes Twilight speaks like Sombra.

“It was! Anyways, I had a great time with my friends. We performed many activities with each other, consisting of hikes, stargazing, and mining.”

But that’s about it! 10/10 -ign “would cry again.”

Loved it. Wishing for a sequel.

Damn, what a read.

As an aside: Those ninja's with onions are really good at what they do...

Great read! The characters felt spot on. Up the ladder of feature list you go! Right now you've topped non-mature and are third highest on mature. :twilightsmile:

Tell me your secret! How did you make a single chapter so chock full of meaningful plot and irresistible emotions?!


Why do you do this to me? :fluttercry:

I beg you, please, I want a version where King Sombra gets to live! A full-blown story, if possible. I beg you!

Damn... This is probably the third most emotional story I've ever read. Number 2 was Two Step, a Left 4 Dead horror and adventure fic, and Number 1 was Northern Lights and Ocean Dreams, a Pokemon romance and drama fic.

Dammit, the feels!

Admittedly, I had a slightly odd impression with the 'head forming at the end of the horn' line - until reading further, I was imagining a little Sombra-head sticking out of the base like the ice-cream on a cone.

Damn, haven't read something so....emotional in a while, brilliant piece of work.

Hey new cover art! Nice!

I came for a Twilight/Sombra fic, I left with depression... :fluttercry:

Very good work here, good sir or madam! Very good!

Also, new cover art. Nice.

Your profile picture is beautiful! XD

Damn right it is

Well, thank you! And nice work with this and the feature! It's nice seeing some more Sombra content~

9222670 I assume you had a good liking to it :3

Honestly, I am surprised that the updated cover art brought the story back onto the featured list (with non-mature stories filtered)

Nice cover art catches attention and says good things about your story. And ye, I tend to lurk around Sombra content to see what's good, and this one got a like from me.

*looking through my "Great" bookshelf*

Ooh, nice new cover art you got there. Looks great!

Aw man... I never thought I'd ever see good SomLight on here :fluttershysad:
HOW DARE YOU BE SO GOOD :applecry::applecry::applecry:

A wonderful, poignant story that was a pleasure to read. I would have read it sooner, but have been working through some difficult arthritic issues. This was very good and am always glad to see good Sombra stories in the featured box - a privilege I've yet to attain.

Ocean was a damn good Pokemon fic. Definitely in top 5.

Can you PM me and tell me what it's about? I don't have nearly enough good Pokémon fica in my library.

That was a pleasant read. The necessary drama was kept to a minimum, and I could see a progressive trend in Twilight seeing Sombra as a colleague, to a friend, then a romantic interest. I've noticed before in your works that you seem to be able to keep a very sanitised, 'fandom headcanons-free' interpretation, which appears here too. The same with the change in their relationship. There's no underlying romantic tension to start off. It instead slowly sprouts. Less capable writers would have had it at the start.

9448903 I can assume by your "fandom's headcannon-free comment" you mean that I either go on my own cannon and/or don't really care about what is the "acceptable" and "better" ship than another. If that is the case, I'll explain the first part first. The choice is that while some writers may use another's interpretation of two characters romantically interested in each other as a blueprint, I ask the question, "How would I do it?" As for the "acceptable" and "not-so-acceptable" ships, I really don't care what others may think so long as their chemistry works.

Your final point about me starting off Twilight and Sombra's relationship the way I did stems from the fact that I love to start at the beginning of how two characters meet and either grow together or apart. I like to watch things grow, so I apply it to my style.

Thanks for the comment and even noticing my style of writing. When you leave a comment, I usually jump at it and want to know your critique.

That was beautiful :applecry: really hits you in the feels :raritycry:

Damn. Just... damn. Hitting me hard right in the heart of my heart, pal... It hurts so good...:applecry:

This story is simply beautiful, and the ending it got me for sure. Probably one of the best Twibra stories I have read in a while. Poor Twilight. That really hits right in the feels. Amazing work, very well done.

9839216 One of the few stories I’ve written have such an end. That yearning for happiness cannot be given because of the world’s cruelty. Isn’t it interesting that stories with varying harsh endings or hard struggles are memorable; because they leave that scar.

:raritycry: :raritycry: The tears won't stop!! WHY DID HE HAVE TO GO?!?! SOMBRA!! :raritycry: :raritycry:

So heartbreaking:fluttercry:

Noooo!!! My heart!!! 💔💔💔

This is an amazing story! I loved it, and it really tugged at my heartstrings. I wish there was a happy ending somehow, but this is written so beautifully that I don’t really mind.

Thank you for this!

“Crewel?” I added with little hopes she wanted anything to do with me.”

Well,dear author, could I know what "crewel" means here?:applejackunsure:

That was beautiful.

This brought tears to me.

I'll be waiting for you, Twilight Sparkle.

He is going to be waiting for a long time:facehoof:

My heart :raritydespair:

Ponyville’s Foundation

ah, a book on makeup. didn't know Sombra was interested in that sort of thing.

It was a lie. There was an answer there. Somewhere. It would take time to find out.

But time was not on Sombra’s side.

it was ever thus. people say that you always have a choice, that there's always a better way.

and they're right. there is always a million and one ways of solving any problem.

but finding them! much less doing so quickly enough to be able to use them...

aye, there's the rub.

That was a good story.

really great story

oh look I just made a ocean with my tears:raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:

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