• Published 5th Oct 2018
  • 2,630 Views, 98 Comments

Overqueen in Equestria - Xinrick

Mayan death timer is a thing, and I'm now a hero of a world...just in a very weird situation.

  • ...

Chapter 12

It’s been years for both Tanya and John, the both of them experiencing life, love, and the wonder’s of parenthood…seeing their children grow…they were happy that the kids reproduced asexually cause it would have been very awkward for them, but they saw their family flourish and grow bigger and bigger each day…though one thing the both didn’t like but had to was…keep up their tactical skills, as they both learned that in their new Hybrid forms, their minds could process information and think of idea’s at a much faster pace than their normal high level Starcraft tactics could do.

“I…really hate how we’re going to be throwing our kids into war…” Tanya sighed.

"Don't really have a choice." John sighed. "We'll be arriving back in Equis soon, and according to the last letter more time has passed to give the others their prep time."

“Hopefully it’s enough time for us all…” Tanya sighed. “Amon probably has the same kind of time dilation as me and you have for all this to make his army and make them stupidly strong…”


“So…what do you think we’re gonna do after all of this is over?”

"No idea…" John sighed. "But one thing I do know is I'll be here with you, and that's all that matters."

"Cheesy as ever." Tanya giggled as she gave a quick peck on John's cheek.

"The best cheese."


Time passed, as everyone prepared for War, a War that hasn’t been seen in thousands of years, a War for the right to live in an uncaring reality that lets monsters roam free to cull what isn’t needed anymore.

As Tanya, John, Helix, Imago, Karax, Zegara, Han and Horner, Swan and each diplomat from every country on this planet stood in the same war room…all they did was wait for when Amon and his benefactor would show up for this war.

In a flash of an unnatural pitch blackness, Amon emerged from the strange portal, their armored figure radiating power. But the one with them, sent a rod of fear through all present. She looked terran, almost like a corpse with her milky white eyes and pale skin. She wore a white top with jeans, no shoes and her hair was completely flat, looking almost wet as it clung to her skull, back and arms. It felt to them as if the void itself walked into the room. It did.

“Uh…hi there.” Tanya said. “I…we didn’t expect to…see you…uh…” Tanya motioned to the woman that gave her ‘The Ring’ vibes even as she tried her damndest not to beg for mercy at how horrified she was at the woman.

“I am All Maker Pain.” She addressed. Her voice was calm, showing no signs of hesitation, fear, almost no emotions at all, almost. “I am the one who revived Amon. I have been training him in the ways of being a God. What it means both to himself and his creations.”

“And that would be the complete annihilation of any and all being’s that scorned him before.” John frowned.

“Wrath of God isn’t something to take lightly.” Celestia commented carefully.

“I am no simple god, Celestia.” Pain addressed the solar monarch, making her flinch. “The All Makers, are a family first, and all of my family members work hard to create, to guide life across the multiverse of multiverses and endless timelines. Without us, none of you would exist.”

“And what about us?” John inquired while motioning to him and Tanya. “Are we something that you’re family, most likely Genie, created?” John asked.

“Not the bodies, if we want to get technical.” Tanya added.

“Yes.” She said, making John and Tanya said. “Your home reality, your earth, your bodies even were made by members of my family. You two come from a set of realities we call ‘Anchor Realms’. Think of it like all the endless timelines, all the different realities and multiverses like chains all linked together and hanging from a hook. Your home reality is one of many that make up this important hook that holds them all up. As a result, we can not interfere in what happens on an Anchor Realm reality, but we can take and replace beings on them without causing an issue.”

“So…God is an All Maker or something?” John asked in surprise.

Pain was suddenly in front of John. “Gods and All Makers are two different classes entirely child. A god may create life, maybe even a planet or a universe, but All Makers craft the multiverse, the timelines of chance and probability, the very cells, atoms and DNA we designed protein by protein, all the way down to your building blocks of matter. Comparing a god to an All Maker is like comparing a single celled bacteria to a black hole.”

“She’s not wrong.” Amon said. “There is nothing anyone can do to even scratch her. It would be an exercise in futility.”

“Than who the hell was the guy that brought us here?” Tanya inquired. “Cause they claimed to be capital G god and…from what you make it sound like, normal gods can’t just grab people from the anchor world without some extra nonsense happening.”

“They can’t because there are no gods in your Anchor Reality. Some do have gods, but yours is godless. It was most likely one of the family using an alias. Since you always seem to think of a god as a singular individual, they probably figured you wouldn’t have questioned it that much.”

“I mean…considering we either thought all the other pantheon’s from mythology either died from a lack of belief or fucked off to god know’s where…eh?” Tanya shrugged helplessly at that part.

“That’s not how gods work.” Pain said, suddenly back next to Amon. “But, to the point. As you are all well aware, there are very few planets left in your universe that still house life. A few hundred across your entire universe. Some of which Amon has already attacked and obliterated. So let me ask you all this… what do you believe my roll in my Family is?”

“You are the Mother of Monsters.” Imago answered. “The one that brings Death to any civilization you take an interest in, giving some ‘sporting chance’ considering there have been planets that have seen you and your creations or ‘hired help’,” Imago motioned to Amon. “But…that’s all dependant on how you see fit to destroy, is that correct?”

“More or less. To clarify, let me ask of you a question.” Pain said. “Imagine if infinity is within a jar. Endless eternity and expansion all housed within a sealed jar. Infinity is always expanding, always getting bigger, yet the jar stays the same regardless. Finite space housing infinite creation. To keep the jar from breaking under the pressure, I remove excess… possibilities. Maybe just a planet. Maybe a solar system… a galaxy. Maybe even a whole universe. This is what I do, I keep the jar from breaking by removing excess.”

“I…hate how we can actually understand the sheer scale of it…” John grumbled.

“Yeah…” Tanya said nervously. “Good to know…and right now…we’ve been given a ‘sporting chance’ to stay alive?”

“Currently, I am speaking with four million, three hundred and six thousand, nine hundred and twenty three alternative timelines of you all where this meeting and this war will take place.” Pain said, making everyone present pause. “And I can assure you all, only one of your timeline parallels will be victorious. Whether you or another is irrelevant. Victory means you continue your existence. The rest are removed.”

“Right…” Tanya said. “Well…better make this count I suppose.”

“The path to victory is quite simple. Whoever can take Amon’s head, wins.” Pain said.

“Despite the stakes, it won’t kill me. Pain assured me that with my talents, I will be serving her in her mission within the realities and timelines.” Amon said. “That being said, should any of you make it to my chambers, taking my head will not be a simple task.”

“You weren’t easy to kill before, why wouldn’t you be easy to kill now?” Tanya pointed out.

“But we’ll still defeat you nonetheless.” John said readily.

“Because you two know me from a video game, a simulated replica of the events I personally witnessed and endured and fought in. This time, you fight the real me.” Amon said flatly. “And a ‘Game Over’ won’t spare your lives from me.”

“Good thing we weren’t going to take this lightly.” John said readily.

With that, Amon and Pain went back into the void portal, and once it closed everyone took a breath.

“That was…unpleasant…” Celestia sighed.

“I’ve lived for thousands of years…I have fought against creatures of the Void…” Imago muttered, shuddering in horror. “But Pain…”

“On top of Amon, we will be fighting against time as our parallel timeline selves will be fighting for their own survival as well…” Helix said. “Meaning if one of them claims Amon’s head, we lose regardless…”

“As long as we beat Amon, who gives a shit.” Tanya said honestly. “If one lives…that means a future is still possible for us all.”

“Except it won’t really be us.” Celestia said. “Alterative timelines form from branches splitting off from other timelines, from choices we make to things we can’t even controle. Even if another set of us wins, the us in this timeline are wiped. Like trimming the excess branches off a tree, we only exist so long as our link points from when time split to make our unique timeline split. Once one of them takes Amon’s head, we get snipped and cease to exist at all…”

“In other words, yes, an us will have a future, but it won’t be us in that future…” Helix said. “We won’t even have a past… just nothingness and nonexistence.”

“Are we really going to start fighting ourselves just for the right to live?” John asked.

“I don’t think so. Odds are Amon’s other timeline parallels will be fighting ours. What this means for us could mean we win or lose depending on how strong or weak our parallel selves are and Amon’s are.”

“True…” John sighed.

“Well, best we can do is prepare for the eventuality of him spawning whatever the fuck he has at our front door.” Tanya said. “Which…hopefully things will go smoothly depending on how things will go.”

“We have three days before our ‘original’ war date was going to start…” Imago said. “So we have plenty of time to get everything situated for this upcoming battle.”

“Gives us time to prepare.” Helix nodded.

“Yes, it’ll give us plenty of time to get prepared.” Tanya nodded.

“It’ll also let our kids get some proper equipment for once, cause while they are extremely strong, getting some gear would always help.” John nodded.

“I’ll send the shipments.” Helix said.

“Going somewhere, Faust?” Helix asked as she and Imago stood outside the door to Faust’s ship.

“I’m leaving.” Faust said.

“Running away again I see.” Imago said, nonchalantly filing one of his nails that he didn’t really have to but it was to help prove a point. “Running from responsibilities, running from family, running from your home…when will it end auntie?”

“With luck… when I die…” She said, typing away at the console.

“You know when this ends, if we lose it’s over for everyone.” Helix said.

“I know. I originally built a dimensional jumper to use as an escape means. Imago’s father has a larger one I made for him. Can house many, but not everyone.”

“Oh cut the shit Tardigrade!” Imago snapped, calling Faust her changeling name as he was growing tired of this same crap again. “There is no more running! No more hiding from everything and everyone because you can’t handle your emotions…I don’t know what you went through after the war, but I’ve known for a long time…a long time that you need to stop and take a look at your family, not as test subjects or some fake form of parenthood or being an aunt…we’ve been here for so long…” Imago sighed, wishing he could get through to his stubborn as shit aunt who either cared more for work or some…wrong way of thinking how family should work, and he especially doesn’t know if she has PTSD from the War he fought against her…

Faust stopped, looking down. “Sociopath.” She said. “That’s what I was diagnosed with at a young age. I never showed or got emotions. That all changed when I came to this planet. Equis. The… magic, did something to me. I began to feel things I never felt before. Part of me hated it, part of me wanted more of it. In the end, even with emotions, I still never understood them. I started a civil war all because I refused to actually learn how to process these complex things called emotions. All these years and I still don’t understand them. Even with them, I never saw you as real family. I could feel it, but not… accept it. Heh. I sent my own daughters away because despite I could no feel love, I didn’t love them… I am not a good person, you two know this. Why keep me around?”

“No, you’re not, and…that honestly explains half of what the hell went on.” Imago said honestly. “It was the Void’s fault with my father’s experiments that truly set the civil war on track…but why couldn’t you accept it? You accepted it before you had emotions, and now that you do you’re not sure about anything?”

“I’ve been alive for a long time, much of that was without the ability to feel emotions. Now that I can, every day since has been like a fog. Sometimes I despise it, wishing I could just… Make it go away, other times I want so badly for it to take me whole. Lose myself in it. I’m tired Imago… I don’t know what I want, but I know if I remain and die, I will die never knowing peace again.”

Imago sighed, rubbing his temple. “The one time I…finally get a straight answer from you on this…” He grumbled, feeling his shoulders sag as he just felt…drained, barely any argument or fighting…just given a straight answer as to what was truly wrong after so many thousands of years…

“If you leave, you might also lose the ability to feel emotions too.” Helix said.

“... If that happens, then at least I will have some clarity.” Faust said, going back to typing on the console.

“Did…you ever have anyone next to you to help you understand?” Imago asked. “Did you ever try and seek out help? A second opinion? Anything?” He asked, knowing she was stubborn as hell but still…

“Yes.” She said. “He was born generations later, already in a new form and no longer able to shapeshift. He was like me, but the magic of this world, the fog… I finally met someone with as much misery, confusion and happiness as I… In the end, he asked me to kill him.”

Imago just…sighed. “Is this really it?” He asked.

“The alternative is to die. I don’t want to die, I just want peace, clarity.”

“Just let her go Imago.” Helix huffed. “She’s not worth the effort to convince otherwise.”

“I just…expected more I guess…” Imago shook his head. “After literally everything that’s happened…”

“Listen to Helix Imago.” Faust said, the ship beginning start up as ahead opened a portal, sparking and unlike any Imago had seen before. “You two do look cute together. I hope you survive to have the family you both have wanted for so long.”

With that, the door closed and the ship shot off into the portal, closing immediately after the ship entered.

“Come on, we have prep work to do.” Helix said, taking Imago’s hand.

Imago squeezed Helix’s hand. “I…expected something more…I…I feel tired and…robbed, that Auntie was…that all of this is because she didn’t have emotions or understand it…” The changeling said weakly, having expected a fight, an argument…something, but only getting a tired old woman that doesn’t understand and just wants peace.

“Not always are the people we hate the way they are for the reasons we want… Sometimes, they’re just broken, and tired. No different than us really…” Helix sighed, pulling Imago close. “At least, now, she’s gone… Now, all we gotta do is win…”

“And we are going to win.” Imago said, wrapping his arms around Helix and held her close. “I promise.”

“You ready Amon?” Pain asked. “Gonna be a lot of fighting.” She and Amon sat atop the tallest of his new castles towers. From here, in fractured glass like windows he saw all the timelines before him. All the lives to be slaughtered, ended, and only one would live to continue on after.

“Yes.” Amon nodded. “But a simple matter to kill so many timelines, even with the ‘chosen’ at the helm, I have stronger soldiers and much more tactical experience to deny them victory until only one survives.”

“Hope you enjoy killing the same two or four people at a time. This fight will take a while, and in the end, it is just you fighting all of them. You know, it would be funny, to be the last and survive by being the last to arrive and challenge you. Make sure you’re army doesn’t let any hide out amongst the planets or stars. Harvest and slaughter all you need and collect the ruins for yourself. The spoils are all yours after all.”

“Yes, and currently there are many that are trying to escape…Tardigrade being the one that wants to escape the most out of everyone.”

“Let them. Most will die in their new realities, and those that don’t will live out their days alone or in agony at never achieving their sense of peace.”

“A cruel punishment for cowards…I’ll allow it.” Amon said simply. “Shame though, such a brilliant mind in that one…all hampered by one simple detail.”

“Don’t fret. A few timelines, they remain to fight. Feel free to take her corpse. I’m sure you can remake her into a valued member of your new race Amon.” Pain chuckled. “Or maybe a bride~” She teased.

Amon blushed once it what felt like an eternity ago. “W-well…possibly? But we're not here for me to date someone or to literally create a ‘Build a Bride’ in my home world.”

“Still hear it’s a thriving business.” Pain mentioned.

“Excuse you?” Amon blinked.

“Oh, just something one of my In-Laws does.” Pain chuckled. “Wish I could say I’m surprised but… heh, some things are multiversal.”

“I have a feeling I’m going to be meeting some of your In-Laws randomly…” Amon said nervously.

“Possibly. Though, if you meet a woman with green hair with a white stripe that goes behind her ears… Accept your fate. That woman scares me at times…” Pain said.

“Well…uh…at least I don’t have bones…” The new god said slowly as he crossed his legs in fear.

“Oh she won’t go after you like that… but she will find someone who will. It’s like, her whole thing. Also, don’t be surprised if there’s more than one. She has a harem thing when she helps people.”

Equis, every city and large landmass had weapons, stations, ships in the millions, the planet was ready for war. And war came just as ready. A ring of unnatural darkness appearing in the sky. Rather than darkness, through it was a strange place, where a planet resided inside the abnormal ‘space’ and from that planet, came the armies of Amon from the void.

“Thought he would have made Void portals around the world…” John said.

“Nobody really expects a literal ‘War of the Worlds’.” Tanya frowned.

“We’ll have contact in a few minutes.” Helix said. “Anyone without armor and a gun, get some!”

The ships entered the atmosphere. Some began shooting at the cities, others landed outside them, deploying troops. A strange race that was unlike the hybrids Amon used prior. These were… almost natural in their appearance, resembling a mix of wolves, ponies, wings akin to the griffons, Psionic abilities and capable of absorbing biomass directly from a target while in combat to regenerate.

They were fast. They were durable. They were agile. They were smart. They were Amon’s race. The Void Hybrids.

“Shit these fuckers take a lot to go down!” Helix yelled, their base already infiltrated. To make it worse, they also could utilize magic.

As Amon’s new hybrid tried to breach through the defenses, a thick mist started to appear and turquoise colored blades appeared through their bodies dealing killing blows as the Dark Templar took to the scene to defend their new home. “But they are still vulnerable in the right spots.” One of the experienced Templar said as they moved through the shadow’s for their hunt.

On the ground, all across the planet, each and every race fought and struggled against the new Hybrid, Zegara and her Swarm fighting against them as their Magicite Evolved selves, Karax and his Protoss fighting with Advanced Tech that fuzed their Solarite with Magicite to increase their strength a hundred fold…but it was six pillars that caused the greatest swing.

As the first Goliath, Genesis, a giant Godzilla like Kaiju monster made of pure Magicite, burst forth from his home and fired off a beam of pure energy at the sky, destroying thousands of Amon’s ships and flying Hybrid. “Come and face the First! I am Genesis vile Void Spawn!”

The second was in the Frozen North, near the Crystal Empire and Yakyakistan, as another giant of Magicite started to walk across the frozen plans, as Amon’s Void Hybrid were buffeted by a sudden raging blizzard to the point where they were either slowly, or very quickly freezing to death, as many tried to rush to the eye of the storm to seek whoever caused it, only to start having ice form on their body in a completely clear area, their last sight seeing a humanoid in kingly raiments and a Crown made of Ice so cold that even daring to look at it caused your body to grow cold. “Enter the Winter Court Void Spawn! Pray whatever God made you is worth the time of the Winter King, Glacies!”

In the Badlands, an Alicorn Mare the size of a two story building lightly swung a whip made of a flame so pure and hot that it could burn anything, atomizing Hybrid with such intense heat as she grabbed one by the head. “I am the Burning King, Ignis, and may my Flames give you a quick end as your very soul burns to ash.” She said, igniting the Hybrid in her hand as it was naught but ash in seconds.

In a massive mountain range, a giant Octahedron like structure slowly floated along, it’s magicite body looking more like a mirror as it was attacked by Hybrids and it’s many weapons and technology, all doing nothing as a force field shined across it as it blocked each attack. The being stopped it’s trek as it opened up like a flower and showed a small being, the size of an average terran, the sound of a woman’s scream in reverse was their only response before a powerful beam rocked the area around them just from the firing, as the mountain range and so many Hybrid were not but dust in the massive explosion. Mare, the Dark Delver has arrived, and nothing shall stop it’s rampage against the Void.

In the Dragon Lands, a humanoid figure drew one of his thousand blades and sliced apart Hybrid with such precision and and grace it almost felt like he was cutting the very air itself. “Come my Dragon’s! Let us show these Void spawn what real power is!” He shouted as the dragon’s roared in agreement. “Let all know the name of Dane of a Thousand Blades! And let them know absolute obliteration!”

And the last was in an unknown location, even to many, as Amon’s forces tried to use it as a foot hold, only for a Sphinx like entity the size of a mountain burst forth and rampage against them. “I am Altera, the Mother of Goliath’s and protector against the Void! You shall not desecrate this planet once again!” She roared in anger at this slight against the planet she was built to protect from happening again.

"The Goliath's have risen! Come on!" Imago said to Helix as the two ran out to get prepared.

In the sky ships battled through the space between Equis and the Portal. Ships and frozen corpses littered the vacuum as the battles continued without rest.

In a ship, fighting and dodging the enemy, was John and Tanya. They were aiming for the planet through the portal, for Amon’s head.

“Shit this is worse than I was expecting!” John said, working on keeping the ship moving through the endless battle around them.

“Oh yeah!” Tanya agreed readily as she shoved her fist through one of Amon’s Hybrid’s chest and crushed it’s heart.

“Once we get into the portal it’s gonna get a whole lot worse.” John huffed. “Engine’s stabilized for now.”

“And we’re clear of any stowaways.” Tanya said honestly. “If this is Amon’s Hybrids…fuck if we know how actually fighting Amon is going to be.”

“Not easy. Maybe other timeline us’s weakened him by now.”

“Hopefully, and I especially hope that none of our other timelines selves are trying to gank each other for some dumbass reason.”

“No idea. Right now not too concerned about-” The ship shook. “For fucks sake this is the fifth time they hit the cargo bay!” John yelled as he rushed back down to the cargo bay.

“Seriously, can these bastards take a god damn hint when I patched that!?” Tanya yelled as she rushed along with John to deal with the growing problem.

The ship, damaged and more patchwork than any space fairing ship should be for space flight, the two crash landed upon the surface of Amon’s world.

They crawled out from the wreckage, and found themselves surrounded by the Void Hybrids. Each one holding onto either a rifle, spear or sword.

“Ah shit…” John huffed.

“Cause of fucking course…” Tanya growled, ready to use some psionic powers to get them out of this jam.

The Void Hybrids kept their positions, then a section of them backed up and they began forming a pathway. In the distance was Amon’s castle.

“... don’t know if this makes the situation better or worse when they’re letting us pass to Amon’s castle…” John said.

“Both I guess…” Tanya said, getting up carefully. “So…no fight all of you?” She asked carefully.

“Pass directly to lord Amon’s castle, and die like the rest who came before.” One of the spear wielding ones spoke up.

“... Well shit…” John said.

“We’re not going to lose.” Tanya said, gently taking John’s hand and giving it a little squeeze.

“So said the others.” Another said. Suddenly things were thrown at the two.

Heads. Their own heads. Decapitated or pulled off the necks all in gruesome states.

The two swallowed hard as they felt fear sink its claws into their very souls.

“This is… how many of us has he already…” John breathed.

“We…we can’t give up.” Tanya said, trying to stay strong but this was…horrifying. “I don’t want to know how many…this is awful…”

The two, slowly, began walking towards the castle. As they did they would see bodies. Various versions of their own bodies all beaten, incinerated, torn apart, hacked apart. They were surrounded by nothing but their own corpses.

Eventually, they reached Amon, sitting atop a throne in the castle courtyard, wet and stained with blood all around.

“Another pair. It’s getting boring, you know. I ran out of unique ways to slaughter you two almost two hundred and thirty kills ago.” Amon said.

“That’s…weird.” Tanya said slowly. “And…I suppose you’ve been in perfect health since we started all this bullshit?”

“A few of you got some hits on, but all in all, not many were worth the effort. I have to say, for being ‘experts’ on my world, you two really can’t fight.”

“Doesn’t mean we will stop.” John said.

“So you say-” Amon spoke, then got blasted by a beam of green energy. It slammed him through a wall.

John and Tanya turned to see an armored Helix and Imago. Imago’s hands glowing the same green as the beam. “Nice hit.” Helix said.

“Thank you my love.” Imago said with a smile. “Now, how about we try this again.” Imago said. “Only took this entire time for my body and powers to ‘wake up’ after so much suspended animation in the Void.”

“Uh… why are you two here?” John asked.

“We figured given how many of you two have been killed, we should give this a shot.” Helix said.

“I agree!” Amon said, jumping back out from the hole. His armor was scorched. “I actually felt that! Pain said combat would be the most fun when I felt my opponent’s hits. Now I see what she meant!” Amon yelled, shooting off beans of void.

Helix deflected one and grabbed the other in her hand, the armor absorbing it. “Heh, so glad your old man let me take a look at Chrysalis’s biology. This armor is perfect for dealing with Void attacks.”

“In times of War, we need every advantage.” Imago said readily.

“Really wish we could have mass produced that kind of armor…” Tanya muttered.

“Took forever to make this one.” Helix said.

“Now, you two I like.” Amon said, crafting twin blades form thin air and charging at Helix and Imago.

The two met his clash and began battling.

“... Is it weird I’m okay they basically stole this from us?” John asked.

“We’re tacticians.” Tanya said. “I’m perfectly fine with that.” She admitted, trying to focus on the fight for anything that could help the two get an edge on Amon.

Helix and Imago were matching Amon in speed and hits. With Imago’s void resistance and Helix’s special armor, his attacks were less impactful yet still dealt damage. That being said, they still damaged Amon in return. The god had many dents in their armor and a few holes where blood spilled from.

Eventually the two managed to pin Amon down, then broke his arms and took his blades.

Amon laughed.

“You two, now that… was a fight.” Amon breathed, his climes slowly trying to turn and spin back into place as his body healed.

“Thanks. That was fun.” Helix said, popping her broken nose back into place. “Now die.” She said, hacking Amon’s own blade to his neck and separating it from his head from his body.

As it rolled, Pain stopped it and picked the head up. “Congratulations. Your timeline is the winner.”

“That’s…good to know.” Tanya said honestly. “So…what was different about this Timeline than the others?”

“Us, for one.” They all heard someone say as the four turned around and saw…

“I’m fucking sorry, when did the Kaiju convention roll around with Evangelion?” Tanya asked in mild horror.

“Not important.” Altera, the ‘Mother’ of the Goliaths, a Sphinx like entity made of pure Magicite, answered as she looked at Pain. “Mother of Monsters…the ‘Pure Void’ knows.” She said vaguely, as Pain was the only one that understood the being ‘knew’ who she truly was.

“Congratulations.” Pain said, looking at the four. “You four will be returned to your timeline. The rest…” She snapped her fingers, and the sky above no longer was lit by the explosions of ships fighting. “Are now gone.”

“You can just do this at the snap of your fingers…” Helix said. “Why bother with all this?”

“It’s fun.” Pain smirked.

“Excuse me, what!?” Tanya asked incredulously.

“It’s fun for me.” Pain said, walking over and putting Amon’s head to his neck. It reattached and his body began healing once again.

“I wouldn’t argue with a being that can literally snap her fingers and remove us all from existence.” Helix said.

“She’s done it before.” A reasonably sized Goliath, Dane of a Thousand Blades, made mention.

“And…how do you know that?” John asked worriedly.

“We are constructs made of the purest Magicite this planet has to offer, and while it’s ‘purified’, it’s still a part of the Void…and through the years of studying our nature and fighting the Void, we have learned from it and many histories.” Dane answered.

“Ri~ght…” Tanya said slowly.

“So…what now?” Imago asked Pain carefully.

“Now, you all go home, rebuild your world, do that whole recreate extinct races thing. I genuinely don’t care. You won, so you get to live until your reality expires naturally. As all will eventually.” Pain said, helping Amon back to his feet. “The corpses from the other Timlines are on your planets south territories.”

“Good. The planets?”

“Here and there. Plenty for your people to use and recycle.” Pain then looked back to the four. “Well, off with you then.” Pain snapped her fingers, and the four were returned to Equis.

Time flew by, rebuilding took less time than expected. The world was rebuilt better than it was before.

Tanya and John sat in their new home in New Baltimare, a simple house on a few acres of farmable land the two worked. They no longer needed to fight, so they cultivated crops, and raised their children. It reminded them of their time on that other planet.

“Going from the end of the world and playing video games, to being farmer’s in brand new bodies in magic land…” Tanya chuckled at the absurdity.

“At least it’s peaceful.” John sighed. “Maybe someday we can take to the stars to check on the Changelings and the worlds they’re repopulating. Oh, and Helix and Imago just had their fourth kid.”

“Went from fighting like cats to damn near having a kid every time Helix is ready.” Tanya shook her head at how lovey dovey those two became.

“Well, they both have wanted families, and they basically are immortal so… I guess they’ll be spending all that time doing each other as well as raising kids. Odds are by the time they finish that whole universe repopulation thing those two will still be alive and still having kids.” John chuckled. “Wonder how long we’ll live? These bodies are hybrids so…”

“Protoss are long lived from what I remember, and Zerg don’t age as far as I remember so…unless we take fatal damage, I’m pretty sure we’re ageless at least.” Tanya brought up.

“Oh… Guess that means… do we compete with those two then or…” John asked, earning a playful slap from Tanya. “It’s a suggestion.” He laughed.

“Perv.” Tanya laughed as well. “But…maybe we can…now that we have the time to raise a family without war looming over our heads.”

“Well, the kids are all in town, save James, think they’re sweet on that Dawn Flyer pegasus from the cafe.” John chuckled. “Crops are watered and the barn is locked up. Wann kill time inside then?”

“Of course.” Tanya nodded. “Let’s enjoy the rest of the day…together.”

The End.

Author's Note:

And now this is done. To be honest? Me and Bio struggled with this story and neither of us really know why. But thankfully we managed to finish it and I'm happy with it.

Comments ( 4 )

Complete? I hope a sequel is coming!

Suddenly I imagen something like 40K Warhammer coming to a end, could they even go to peaceful life even if everyone stopped starting or continuing wars?

*salutes that universe in particular*

Thank you for your story...here's hoping there is a sequel like with the story that's now doing a thing with world of Warcraft.

This was an ok read. Went from awesome zerg in pony land to a lot of "well ok this is happening now". Was enjoyable over all.

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