• Member Since 14th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Hello. I'm MisterEdd and a horse is a horse of course of course.


Comments ( 588 )

Nice story going. :ajsmug: sombrero is best evil pony

Thank you so much! I really have fun writing his scenes. I feel as though Sombra is more of a villain than say, someone like Discord. Discord is more of a blue-and-orange-morality-based trickster looking for a good time while Sombra is your classic definition of villainy.

good fic can't wait to see what else is in store

"Well, I'm an only child and I...spent most of my life in a library with my nose in a book..."

Who is Shinning Armor to her then?

"Well, I'm an only child and I...spent most of my life in a library with my nose in a book..."

Twilight is saying this line. Wasn't Shining Armor in this fic? Is he adopted?

"Well, I'm an only child and I...spent most of my life in a library with my nose in a book..."

Wait a minute... Isn't Shining Armor her older brother? Is he adopted?

In regards to your questions, yes, I believe Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle are adopted siblings. I mean, come on, they look nothing alike and Shining Armor looks nothing like his parents. Besides, I kind of like the idea of them forming such a close bond despite not being blood relatives.

So you are exercising your right to personal canon over show canon. I accept that.

Yep. Since it's an alternate universe, it gives me free rein to explore the possibilities.

I just love stories like this. I look forward to the next chapter with great interest.

Also, if I can make just one suggestion, try to slow down the storyline just a bit: Give each character their chance to grow and develop. In particular, I hope the new royal couple start to fall in love as they start to bond over their mutual interests, over a long period.

But I digress, I find this story rather charming.

Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! I will definately keep that in mind. Thanks for the advice!

Quite the promising start. As someone who is a Twibra writer, I look forward to seeing where this goes...

Thank you very much! I can promise you that it won't exactly end the way you think it will...

I know! Pinkie's my favorite of the Mane Six (and my dream girl) so this was a very hard chapter to write. :(

Just started reading this, seems good thusfar

Thanks! Glad to see you're enjoying it!

And I was just going to sleep...
Welp, I believe we will see the rest of the main 5 too. Struggling with their lives

Yes we will... Mwah ha ha ha!

I'm not sure, was it ever covered if this was anthro? Cause the constant mention of arms confuses me.

No it's not anthro. When I say "arms," I mean "forelegs." Sorry for the confusion.

Yeah, she's my second favorite of the Mane 6 so this was a bit hard to write

Not gonna lie, I can't wait to get over the mane five and have some focus back on Twilight.

Yeah same here. I just wanted to show how Twilight's absence was affecting everyone else. Just two more, I promise.

Yay, we're almost back to Twilight!

Yeah, as much as I liked writing what was going on with the others (with the exception of Rarity), I definitely wanted to get back to Twilight and Sombra ASAP

Thank you so much, Your Highness! I'm glad that you loved it! Now that the next chapter's up...I'm afraid you might hate me now...

Now you did it, i'm feeling sorry for poor sombra

Whoo-hoo! I mean, aw, I'm sworry….

Whoa, another double update!

This was amazing! I love it even though it wad sad!

Thank you so much! Yeah, it was so hard to write.

You might want to slow down, friend. Give yourself some time to recover. Ah, but then, you seem like a rather prolific fellow. My interest has peaked.

As my favorite Disney film and the fic it inspired show us, methinks this is the turning point in the character’s relationship. I believe a bit of an apology and mutual bonding is in order.

This is a really good story, especially for a Twibra ship. These last few chapters really did tug at my heartstrings. It was really messed up, but in the good kind of way. I really cant wait for the next few chapters. And as always, Keep up the good work.

P.S. Could you please add this in the Twilight x King Sombra group. Thank you.

Done and done! Thanks you so much, I'm glad that you're enjoying it!

Thank you very much! I will be slowing down on the heavy stuff; I just thought a warning was in place since Sombra's past will be further explored and it will be very dark. And yes, apologies and bondings will be needed and will occur in short order.


Yeah...sorry about that. There will be more dark chapters but the few will be lighter I swear.

That was amazing! I wish I could write this good, but alas other people have that skill. Although the last few chapters were dark, I think they made sense in a way to show why Sombra is the way he is. Can’t wait to read the next chapter! Keep up the awesome work!

You had me hooked from the start:twilightsmile:


Aw phooey, I like your writing. And thanks for the praise, it really means a lot! There will be several more chapters detailing Sombra's past and let's just say that the dark parts are not over yet...

Thanks so much! And thanks for the watch!

no problem if you ever need help with a story just let me know

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