• Published 25th Sep 2018
  • 1,279 Views, 23 Comments

Diary of My Better Self - Rethewa

Vignette wakes up in Equestria as a pony Adagio. She's horrified, until she looks in the mirror.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Day 1:

It. Has taken me. Four hours—four! Four hours!—to learn how to hold a pen. A pen! Who spent their life with hooves and then decided pens were the future of communication? Honestly. Might as well be using carrier pigeons, these things are so slow like this.

I can’t go on like this. I can’t, I really can’t. I haven’t left the room these… these creatures gave me yet, it’s so awful out there. They don’t have an internet! You have to… see things in person, actually touch things you want to buy, speak to merchants, it’s—it’s horrid! What a backwards time these creatures live in. I’d almost feel bad for them, if I didn’t have to share their circumstances.

And… and I’m one of them, now.

They say I can’t go back yet. Not until they know how I got here. I can complain about things all day long—by this point, I already have, writing all this down takes so long—but I’m scared. I want… I want all kinds of things. My favorite plush chibi-me, at least one of my smartphones—Sandra should do, she’s both reliable and trendy—the support of all my SnapGab followers…

I don’t know how I’m going to get through this.

Someone’s knocking—I should go.

My name is Vignette Valencia, and I’ve been a pony for a day. If you ever find this, send help, a daring rescue attempt—but not too dangerous, please, I’m more delicate than these savages—and a great deal of sympathy and O M G this pony will just not stop pounding at my door who does she think she—

Day 2:

What a mess I must be. There’s a mirror here, somewhere—there must be, right?—but I can hardly bear to think about looking at myself. I’m not like some of those fortunately “disabled” hussies who hardly have to work to be stick-thin—my figure was the result of countless hours of not sweating, not eating, not… look, it’s harder than you might think, alright? That the swirly thingy took all that and just threw it away and made a mockery of me like this is sooo abhorrent I just can’t even stand to think about it!

Point is, I’ve just woken up and I feel hideous and now I’m crying as I write in my diary and unlike last time I don’t want it and thousands of supportive emojis aren’t just a selfie away!


One of the ponies, that winged princess of Friendship—they actually need a school for that here, can you believe it? Savages, all of them—wants to take me outside and show me around. I’ve said I’m not interested, but she doesn’t seem to have listened.

Oh, look at that, she’s knocking on my door again. Honestly, this place is like someone took the worst parts of a cheap motel and a prison, mashed them together and called it friendship. As if.

Whatever. Fine, fine, I’ll go indulge this silly pony—I hope she’s grateful.

I’m finishing this entry an hour after I started it. That was… not the princess, as it turned out. No, it was an… eerily familiar pony who looked very much like someone I knew, and wanted me to visit her boutique with her (And, just between the two of us, she seemed rather taken by me).

And… she’s marginally more interesting than the rest of these backwater horse-creatures. Alright, fine, I supooose I can brave the outdoors with her.

This is going to be awful.

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:


Day 6:


Has it been three days already?! I feel like it’s only been a few hours, I’ve just been—no, no, no, don’t do it, I’ll lose a whole week at this rate—

It’s just—it’s so poofy—and so swishy—and so shiny and huggable and NO NO NO don’t you dare look at that mirror again—I could just sway in front of a mirror and watch it flounce about for hours!

This. Is. The best. Thing~!


I’m Vignette Valencia, my mane is the most fabulous thing on this planet, and you know what I don’t care I’m going to go admire it some more because it deserves it goodbyyyyyeeeeee~

Day 10:

Oh, I’ve never been so glad to be so exhausted. It’s taken my three whole days, but I think my exquisite posing-for-selfie skills have finally been transferred to my new, sleek, sssexxxy pony…

Aaand taking a second shot at this entry a few hours later. Turns out I look utterly sublime sprawled out on a couch just so.

Who knew that all it took was an immediate crowd of fawning adorers to correct one’s ailing self-esteem? If all those ponies hadn’t flocked to me when I’d been dragged outside, I’d never have been brave enough to actually look at myself.

Now, though...

Hmm… I wonder…

If I were to wear glasses—they’d look viciously adorable, of course—maybe they could have little mirrors mounted on the insides? Small things, just so that my beautiful visage was only ever a glance away?

… Or I could just stay here and look at myself in the big one.

Yes, let’s do that.

Day 11:

So I went out for a stroll today—carefully, because while I’d love to spend hours brushing my mane, doing so with the purpose of getting twigs out sounds absolutely ghastly—and a few fillies came galloping up to me to tell me how pretty I was.

And then they said that I must be as pretty as “Princess Celestia.”

Apparently, the pony monarch is regarded as the most beautiful pony in all of Equestria.

… There is only one thing I must do, now.

Day 12:

I’d forgotten how horrible the lack of an internet is. It is sooo much harder to challenge someone to a selfie-off when they’re only reachable by mail.

But I’ll manage it somehow. Enlightenment will reach this Princess Celestia, one way or the other… (I know you can’t hear what I’m doing, but imagine a fashionably villainous cackle here, please? Kthxbai).

Day 15:

I. Could not. Have asked for anything better! One of the ponies in the palace apparently caught word of the challenge I issued the princess and leaked it, and now it’s in newspapers everywhere! Oh, this is amazing!

Being a social media queen wasn’t all that bad—anyone who says being famous isn’t worth it hasn’t ever tried it—but when I’m an actual queen... I am going to be made queen after this, right? That must be how it works. Their princess is the prettiest, so… well, whatever, I’ll bat my enviably luscious eyelashes as often as it takes to start a revolution if I have to.

This train cannot get me to Canterlot—ugh, what a tacky, last-season name; note to me: rename Canterlot when you're queen of it—quickly enough.

Oh well. Time to rehearse. I could always use some…


Oh my.

The most… not most, but—yes, actually, the most exquisite pony just—oh my. She’s looking at me. She’s—I’m looking at—no, no really I—

I think I’m going to faint. How does one—oh, how stylish I must look as I lose—

Day 16:


Have never been…

Sooo… thrilled…

To be so exhausted.


Day 17:

Whew. Alright. I’ve got a lot to say and I have to do it before she wakes up again. Because—ahem—reasons.

Anyway. I met this mare named Adagio—OMG, that name; I could say it all day long, it’s so deliciously exotic, so effortlessly sensual, so—


So, she’s… not supposed to be here, really. Says she snuck here through a portal while the ponies weren’t looking—how dare they not look at her! But, anyway, she’s here now, and—this is the really fun part—she’s aiming to see Princess Celestia too! So cray, so cray, but I love it! Apparently, she was aiming to do something else—something blissfully mischievous, I’m sure—but then she heard ponies whispering about Celestia’s mane, and as soon as they mentioned her shampoo—apparently that’s what makes her mane be all breezy and ethereal, who knew?—Adagio just knew she had to have it for herself. And I am so on board with that.

Oh, she’s stirring! If this is the last entry—oh no she’s almost—ifIdon’twriteanymoreIdiedofabrokenpelvisandIregretnothiiiiiing~!


Day 24:

The weeks just speed by when your world’s rocking, don’t they?

“We’re still going to see Celestia soon, right?” I’d said to her last night, and she to me this morning.

“We’ll get around to it” was what we had each said in reply.

She’s lying next to me right now. Fast asleep—she is so very beautiful when she’s still and calm.

If someone looks exactly like you, you can look in—admire—their eyes and yours at the same time.

Somehow, I think the next “We’ll get around to it” will turn into “why bother?”

And I’m alright with that.

Comments ( 23 )

So, just to be clear, Vignette got capital-D Displaced and ended up in a borderline selfcestual relationship with Adagio?

:rainbowlaugh: I wasn't sure what to expect from the contest, but it certainly wasn't that! Definite points for novelty, though the written journal conceit doesn't quite work well for some of the entries that look more like text to speech. Still, fun stuff, especially the little details like Vignette naming her phones (because of course she does.) Thanks for entering!


So, just to be clear, Vignette got capital-D Displaced and ended up in a borderline selfcestual relationship with Adagio?

Yuppers! :pinkiehappy:

I was hoping you'd like some of those small details :twilightsmile: And yeah, I do kinda agree that parts of this read more like text-to-speech than regular writing. But, like, Vignette would totes be super theatric in her writing too, I think :raritywink:

Thanks for putting this contest thingy together! I had a lot of fun putting this together for it :pinkiehappy: :heart:

By the way, you might want to include a message in your story about if or not they'll be cross-overs with other displaced, that way people don't bother you about it if you're not readdy/not planning to cross-over.

OMG, this is the best displaced story I've read in like forever!

Hey sweetie, thanks for a lovely run of one good thing after another:

1. Someone added a story to the group I started.
2. That story is not porn! Seriously, this is the first non-porn story with Vignette tagged that isn't written by me! It's only been, like, three months since Rollercoaster of Friendship or something...
3. Then I saw the name of the person who wrote it.
4. Then I read the story.

It's really good! Everyone's always like all nyah nyah nyah people shouldn't be superficial about good looks, but it's like, if you've got it, don't insult those who haven't by being all shy about it. And this story kind of took that and ran with it, and made it endearing. I do kind of wish there was still one character at the end of it all who still looked like Vignette, just so that someone did? Obviously you couldn't have Adagio look like her, but maybe Fluttershy dresses like her one Nightmare Night and everyone says she fine so she sticks with it. Maybe the surprise twist is that it's her who then dies of broken pelvis?

Love your cover art, too, it's like Disco fro meets sixties hippie something :rainbowkiss:

Make sure you find lots of people to downvote your story, apparently that's the most important thing all stories about Vignette have in common :facehoof: It's like they don't understand irony.

EEEEE this is the first nice comment I've seen from you on anything thankies I'm so flattered :twilightblush::heart:

Yeah, I figured every displaced fic ever is trying to pretend that they're something more than the author's fantasies brought to the page, so I figured that just being honest about the trope's inherently shameless escapism would be a neat spin to put on it :pinkiehappy: Like, sure, yeah, if you were suddenly turned into your favorite character and dumped into your favorite world, you could go off and do a badass quest or try to get back home or whatever, but who'd actually do that, right?

I do kind of wish there was still one character at the end of it all who still looked like Vignette, just so that someone did?

There's probs a pony Vignette somewhere in Equestria, right? :raritywink: Just 'cause we don't see her here doesn't mean she's not off doing her own thing, blissfully unaware of how jealous she oughtta be :trollestia:

Love your cover art, too, it's like Disco fro meets sixties hippie something

Thankies! :pinkiehappy:

Make sure you find lots of people to downvote your story, apparently that's the most important thing all stories about Vignette have in common It's like they don't understand irony.

Yeah, I dunno what's up, I guess Fimfiction's, like asleep or something, 'cause the downvoting Vignette-haters are sooo slacking off here so far :rainbowderp:

Uh. I mean. I could do that, I guess, yeah? Maybe it's just me, but I'm not really seeing a reason why I'd have to, though? I've literally never seen stories, displaced or otherwise, talking about potential crossovers like that until you mentioned it and I took a peek at your stories. And this story's marked complete, so I'm not sure why anyone would think there'd be an opportunity to crossover with it?

So, I appreciate the thought, but I think I'm fine not saying anything about that.

Alright, I was suggesting it incase you were to get popular and suddenly you find your inbox full of messages of people wanting to cross-over.

9195663 But, lyk, y would they do that tho? Why would anyone want to write a crossover with this story instead of coming up with their own original ideas?

Because that's the point of the Displaced lore, but of course cross-overs are optional and not required, there are stories out there that have never had a single cross-over with other Displaced within the multiverse

9196490 Ok, but, like... what Displaced lore? I thought it was just a genre of stories that follow the setup formula of someone buying a cosplay item at a convention, waking up in Equestria and thinking they have a story worth telling?

I hadn't noticed the crossover element between stories before, is that something lots of Displaced stories go for then?


the Displaced genre share the "one big multiverse" basic concept, which is what differencies it from simple crossovers: the displaced can come and go, and their action leave a mark on the story, for as little as it may be

in theory, all displaced story have a loose common canon they came down (who are the displacer? why do they do it?), but unless the story touches directly on those point, it can be completelly ignored

using the "x goes to a convention and get powers" is the easiest and because of it, the most used excuse for displacement, since it gives an easy and clear way to describe the antefact, but there are no real limits on that. in theory, even a pre-existing charather from another fictional universe, like a Jedi or a metahuman could be displaced, but I personally never found a story of those that reach a conclusion

serPomiz explained a bit of this. The muliverse takes place in a giant forever growing space known as the void; a very dangerous place of paradoxal chaos. The tokens were created as a safety measurement so that the Displaced can travel through the void without harm if another Displaced summons them. Sadly, alot of cross-overs from writers who are new to writing or the Displaced genre will end up either doing too many cross-overs and thus it can ruin their story, or worse the second Displaced stays in the story for too long and never helped advance the plot, character development, or world building.

The comic con and the merchant is only the basics of a Displaced, but again it is not required as humans or other characters can be Displaced by other powerful beings without needing those elements.

This is quite an interesting story from both the format of a running diary and the taking of that well used Displaced idea and putting a fun twist on it. (How many Displaced stories has the displaced person meeting the 'actual' villain they've displaced?)

Both Vignette and Adagio such narcissists that of course they would hook up and can't keep their hooves off each other!

I also like Vignette's Invader Zim like notions “Ponies are ruled by the tallest most beautiful one!” and the idea of her writing to Celestia for a showdown.

One tricky thing of the story though, is that for those unfamiliar with the Displaced concept might get a little lost with what happened exactly. I know the diary format constrains a little, but perhaps having Vignette complain about accepting gifts from weirdo fans with snaggle tooths and now she can't get this stupid ruby pendent off especially with hooves, yadda yadda. Just a sentence or two to put in the information we get from the description in the story itself.

Also, if Vignette's the one with the ruby collar does it mean actual Adagio is bare-necked? Perhaps Adagio acts like Vignette's coach to prep her for that upcoming beauty 'bout. Or they practice a perfectly synchronized duet together. Could make for a fun second chapter :raritywink:

All and all a fun story and a good entry! Love to see you write more with the premise!


A comment! A week after the story's published! :pinkiehappy: :heart:

How many Displaced stories has the displaced person meeting the 'actual' villain they've displaced?

That's one of the things that irks me most about Displaced fics, is that they're not only putting in a less interesting character than the actual villain or whatever would be, but passing up that juicy selfcest opportunity :rainbowkiss:

Or, I mean, I guess you could have a more serious take on a villain meeting someone displaced as them, but, like... they wouldn't kiss and stuff, so where's the fun in that, right? :raritywink:

So that little void to fill and also how I've never seen a canon character being displaced were big motive thingies for me to write this.

One tricky thing of the story though, is that for those unfamiliar with the Displaced concept might get a little lost with what happened exactly.

Hmm... yeah, okay, good point. I'd question how someone would manage to frequent the site for long and not stumble across a Displaced fic sooner or later, but yeah, it would be better to be safe. I'll do a fiddly edit and see if there's a bit where a bit like that could fit :twilightsmile:

Also, if Vignette's the one with the ruby collar does it mean actual Adagio is bare-necked?

I'd assume so, yeah? Dagi's gem still got broken (:fluttercry:)so I'd assume that the mirror portal didn't give her a new one, in which case, yeah, she'd be bare-necked.

Or they practice a perfectly synchronized duet together.

Love the image, it's cute as a bunny with a lollipop, but I don't know if I can see that happening?

Firstly, they'd have to be in the same room and not be hugging/kissing/fadoodling/what-have-you. Bit tricky for them :raritywink:

But also, Adagio can't sing anymore and there's only the one gem. Buuut they do have the mirror thing, so... bugger, I'm picturing Vignette going back to buy more siren gems and displace herself over and over again but having to take a bunch of tries to get back as Adagio :raritystarry:

Love to see you write more with the premise!

Thankies :heart: I don't have any plans for the moment, sorry--even this was something I spewed out in under 24 hours, so I can't say I ever had a plan. I'm not totally against the idea (If nothing else, the world needs more Adagio/VignettAdagio), though, so we'll see what happens.

Congratulations, sir or madam. You have written the first Vignette Valencia story I ever upvoted :) This was absurd and very in-character, and the bizarre twist with Adagio was also awesome. Nice work, and best of luck in the contest!

Thankies! :heart: Vignette needs more love, seriously.

I hope your own entry is going well :twilightsmile:

...stunning Ruby necklace, huh?

...Adagio Dazzle, huh?


You know what. I normally despise the f***ing s**t stains on existance that are Displaced stories. But this may be the only good one ever done. Period.

Have an upvote.

Yeah, I dunno what all those other Displaced authors are doing. So many of them are so serious and like trying to be cool and stuff and it's just like, guys, this idea is stupid, you can't make it work.

So... yeah, I can fully believe that the only Displaced story you've liked is the one that's poking fun at the genre.

Thanku muchmuch for the upvote :heart:

This is an E? Funny, since I count even Rollercoaster of friendship as a T

This was an absolutely adorable piece though why didn't Twilight used the mirror portal to bring her back to the EQG world?


They say I can’t go back yet. Not until they know how I got here. I can complain about things all day long—by this point, I already have, writing all this down takes so long—but I’m scared. I want… I want all kinds of things. My favorite plush chibi-me, at least one of my smartphones—Sandra should do, she’s both reliable and trendy—the support of all my SnapGab followers…

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