• Published 9th Oct 2018
  • 4,979 Views, 884 Comments

Equestria Girls/Spider-man Book 1: Amazing - Equestrian Defender

Flash Sentry tries to balance high school, being Spider-man, and the magical misadventures of Sunset Shimmer and her friends.

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Flashback 2: Waking up with Super-Powers

Journal Entry #2

The next day, I woke up feeling much better than I had the night before. I didn't feel queasy, my head felt fine, and I pretty much felt like a million bucks.

But something still felt, off.

I opened my eyes, and I immediately noticed that for some reason my bed, my desk, and my nightstand were all on the ceiling. "What the hell?"

And that's when the startling realization came to me.

I was the one on the ceiling.

I'm not kidding! For some reason I was stuck on the ceiling by my hands and feet, like they somehow got covered in superglue!

I started panicking, and suddenly I found myself falling, thankfully onto my bed...

...which I promptly bounced off of into the air, and was about to fall headfirst onto the floor. And I seriously doubt it would be a soft landing.

However, while I was airborne I somehow managed to flip in midair, and by the time I reached the ground I had pulled off the traditional superhero landing. You all know the one; bent knees and one fist on the ground like they're punching it. (Though speaking from experience, despite how cool it looks it's actually really hard on your knees. Fortunately having superpowers lessens the pain to an extent.)

But as you can probably imagine, hurt knees were the last thing on my mind at the moment.

I just did a mid-air flip like an acrobat, something I'd never been able to do before, and I was sticking to the ceiling like a spider.

A spider.

Almost instantly I remember the spider that bit me yesterday, the one that was part of Oscorp's Cross-Species Genetics program. I looked at the hand the spider bit, and sure enough the bite marks were still there. "Did that spider, give me super-powers" I asked myself in disbelief.

Deep down I knew for a fact it couldn't just be a coincidence, but part of me was still in disbelief at what was happening. I mean no offense, but when I went to bed last night I was a normal teenage boy.

I mean, granted I used to date a girl who was really a pony from another dimension, and now she and her five friends are able to use magic from that world to become magical girls. But your's truly, Flash Sentry, was still a normal teenage boy. So my point still stands.

It was then that I noticed my reflection in the large mirror I had on the wall.

And boy oh boy, was it a shocker.

Now, I was in no way, shape or form out of shape. My gym grades can attest to that. But whatever superpowers the spider-bite had given me had apparently decided to give me some muscle. I wasn't a bodybuilder or anything, but there was no denying that I now looked like either I spent a few hours at the gym lifting weights for the past few months (which I wasn't) or I was taking steroids (which I also wasn't and I never will. Don't do drugs kids.)

There was a knock on my door and I heard Uncle Ben ask "You alright in there, kiddo?"

Managing to control myself I replied "Yeah. I just tripped and fell when I got out of bed. Oh, and good morning."

I heard a chuckle as the door opened, revealing my Uncle Ben's brown eyes, gray hair, and his usual goofy smile. "Well it has been a while since you last cleaned your room."

I'm a teenage boy, what do you expect?

"Anyway, Thorax called and asked if you were free today. Said something about a project you guys were working on?"

Oh yeah. I forgot it was Saturday.

As for the project Thorax and I were working on? That's a story for another time. Trust me on that one. :)

Once Uncle Ben left, I grabbed my phone and texted Thorax. Dude, I need to show you something. How soon can you meet me at our hideout?

The answer came back after a few seconds. About thirty minutes. What do you need to show me?

I smirked as I replied Trust me, it's something amazing.

After going through my morning routine (shower, brushing my teeth, other normal people stuff) I set off towards the hideout; an old warehouse near the waterfront that nobody had used in years. Thorax and I sometimes come here to just hang out or when we need someplace quiet to think (which is a rarity in the city of New York.)

Once we met up I told him what happened. Naturally he was skeptical at first, but a demonstration of me crawling up the wall and then sticking to the ceiling convinced him.

Of course he fainted and I had to wake him up and convince him that what he saw was not a dream, and that I did indeed have superpowers.

"You're one lucky guy, Flash. You get bit by a spider and get superpowers. I get bit by a spider and I just get a lot of pain."

"Personally I'm just thankful I didn't grow four extra arms. That would be weird."

"So aside from sticking to walls, got any other superpowers?"

I smiled. "That's what I'm hoping to figure out. Got any ideas?"

We spent the rest of the day running tests to see what all the spider bite gave me.

For starters I had super strength, which we tested by going to a junkyard and having me move various objects of size and weight. The heaviest was an old Volkswagen Beetle, which I could move but I really had to push myself to do so. We figured that as time went on and with consistent practice I'd get stronger, and considering nowadays I can stop armored bank trucks and the occasional semi, I'd say we were right.

Another thing I had was that thing the tour guide said about, the Spider-Sense. We found out I had it when Thorax chucked a tennis ball at me when my back was turned, and somehow I could sense where it was coming from and dodged out of the way before it hit me. We did this a few more times to make sure it wasn't just a fluke, even going so far as to blindfold me.

The Spider-Sense test also led into my reflexes and agility test. My reflexes were now so fast that I could grab a fly between my fingertips, and so agile that with the aid of my Spider-Sense I could pretty much dance around anything Thorax threw at me. Yeah after the tennis balls we moved up to baseballs and then basketballs. ("This wouldn't happen to be because I drew on your face, would it?")

At the end of the day we were packing up to head home when Thorax asked "So, how come you don't have webs? Don't all spiders make webs?"

I thought about it for a second before I replied "I don't know. But it's nothing a quick look on my computer won't answer."

"Okay. One other question, what are you planning on doing with these powers of yours?"

That one was a bit trickier to answer. Nothing came to mind at the moment, so I simply replied "I guess we'll figure that out later."

Author's Note:

Sorry if this one's a little short, but I just couldn't really figure out anything else to put in for the moment. Next Flashback we'll see Flash make and test the web shooters. Get ready to hear about him webbing himself in the face.

But next chapter I promise we'll see our hero take on his next supervillain, the villainous Vulture!

Till next time.