• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 10th

Gabriel LaVedier

Just another University-edicated fanfiction writer who prefers the cheers and laughter of ponies to madness and sorrow.


Trixie Lulamoon is a Roa, and increasingly less shy about expressing that fact. The loyalists of Princess Luna long ago, who never ceased to be loyal to her vacant throne during her banishment, suffered under fear and derision for a thousand years. But they never wavered, even if loyalty became only culture.

Now comes a moment, a gesure, a recompense for the pain. So long in coming, so small in scope, and yet... it may be the most vital thing in the world.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 38 )

... Must... hug. Hug and not let go!

This was amazing, please write more of Trixda. It was beautiful :pinkiesad2::fluttercry::yay:


I have one more story in me. At least, one more planned. More may come up in the future but nothing is concrete.

No but seriously this pairing is awesome in all of it's forces. And it has been a joy reading something of tack, originality and quality in a fandom which may be going do the drain.

The Roa idea is good, but... I don't feel like you pulled it off. I wish I could provide meaningful feedback. I really don't know why I didn't enjoy the story.

The only thing I can point out specifically is a trivial one, but it is this: gryphons do not have lips.


They also don't have hair on their upper bodies but Gustave LeGrand has a mustache :twilightsmile:

The MST3K Mantra comes into play here, but, let me put it in this light: In a magical world, their beaks are allowed to be flexible enough to have lips.

And i understand the "not pulled off" vibe. I get it too but can't really see how to fix it. A deeper explanation would seem contrived and out of place. All I can say is, I hope you liked what was there.

oh she's a gypsy also isnt gadje a Japanese term


Thank you. It has always been my mission to produce things of quality, and with some meaningful values behind them, without having to resort to gore, psychosis or blowing up Equestria. I only hope to continue to do so.


That would be impossible. Japanese, almost exclusively, only ever has Vowel-Vowel or Consonant-Vowel pairs when non-single elements are involved (The only exception is the letter N, the only single consonant that can be moved around). "Gadje" is the Kalderash Romani word for "Non-Roma person."

Also, don't say "Gypsy" around them. Trixie reacted badly to it in "Too different, exactly the same" and now Gilda has absorbed her fiancee's negative reaction. And she's violent :rainbowlaugh:


That's a beautiful sentiment! I need to look at the rest of your stories now. If you're going for that kind of value, then even if I didn't like this one I may just love the others.


The problem becomes they are highly interconnected. Odds are something will eventually refer to something else. "The Bad Apple Chronicles" and "Elements of Discord" form the bedrock for most things, especially my Mane Six ships, and what is going on with Luna. Sort of. Bad Apple Chronicles mostlyjust gives background for Bad Apple. If that's not a priority go Bad News Apple -> The Discarded Son -> The Unfavorite -> The Nightwatch -> The Equestrian Resident. That gives a basis for the relationship with Luna which powers a lot of the drama and humor in "The Unsuitable" and the "Dames of the Tea Table" series.


I was wondering when this errant thread would be woven, it's nice to see it so soon. Am I hallucinating or was she also supposed to invite Trixie to perform in Canterlot? If not, I blame my crazy travel day for everything.


Also, the side story for Dames of the Tea Table, where from this specific thread came. If you want a fleshed out, detailed, contiguous world, look no further than Gabriel's stories.


Which thread? Trixie becoming settled with her Roa bloodline and relationship with Trixie? It's not over. There's more to come. :pinkiehappy:

No, she's not necessarily supposed to ask her to perform in Canterlot. She might eventually but this is an allusion to a story I still have in the works.

Very, very good writing as always.

I'm curious as to the fate of Roma in europe. Are they still disenfranchised people who are generally trouble?


As far as I have learned there have lately been calls for more enfranchisement and integration along with the attempt to move away from the normal racism and stereotypes.

Right, I see.

when I was in europe, all they did was try to steal from me. The older ones try to scam you out of money by pretending to be deaf/dumb/mute or just bag-snatching, the little ones are pickpockets...

I had one try to take my wallet on Mont Marre, Paris. It didn't bode well for the poor child.

Great job expressing their sadness and struggle :pinkiesad2:


I never said the tapestry was complete, just that you have begun to weave that thread. The thread in question by the way was the one from Kip, where Luna learns of Trixie.

Edit: Luna nodded. "Aye, I recall this from one of her reports." She settled on the couch. '"Perhaps I should invite this 'Trixie' to perform at one of my parties, if only to see her particular display of showmareship."

Interestingly enough, I don`t remember all that much of stigma to be connected to gypsies around here. On one hand, I do recall some older beliefs that tsigane are capable thieves and conmen, even those older beliefs tend to picture them as not evil per ce, but merely cunning. They often enough serve in auxiliary roles in folktales, either training the hero of the story to be nimble and cunning, or as informants, or as potion-makers or just as entertainers.

What`s most amusing is that "tsigansky tabor", aka travelling commune of gypsies, is quite often treated in russian folklore as an equivalent of traveling circus with a side order of veterinary thrown in. Oh, yeah, last bit comes from the widespread belief that gypsies tend to have a good rapport with horses and are particularly apt at caring for them... and at stealing them.


Hehe, yes. I've heard of that to some degree (I don't read as much Russian folklore as I should, the furthest east I usually get is Czech stories.) Also, they are associated with a beautiful horse breed (The Gypsy Vanner, one of the most lovely breeds I have seen.)

This was more taken from a western European conception, who look on the Roma as criminals. It's a sad thing. But there as still some integrations, just not as many as there should be.

Thank you for reading this little story. :pinkiehappy:


Ahh yes, that's right. In that case, there's going to be a stronger connection to be found in the next 'Dames' story.


I wanted to advance a thread I saw in another story that stalled. And in my modest study to have Trixie speak and act properly I grew more and more sympathetic to the Roma, and transferred that to Trixie.

And Gilda's Irish culture comes out of the fact that my mother is a giant fan of all things Irish. Gilda is just jaded about it because she's a minority member of a majority culture.


Oh, don`t take me wrong. Russian folklore tends to suggest one would be a fool to trust gypsies as well. My point was that they don`t get pictured as unequivocally evil, here. Borrowing from D&D, gypsies are usually viewed with Chaotic Good outlook, at least as far as folklore goes.

Modern gypsies are.. er, less then pleasant, per ce. In Soviet times, there was much done to bring gypsies up to speed with the rest of population as far as education and income was concerned, but lately... Those gypsies who lived here since USSR times are more or less fine, but recent immigrants from Romania, Bolgaria and Chroatia? They DO tend to enjoy rather well deserved reputation of petty crooks.


As expected, really. There's some small truth to the idea that immigrants are very different from the natives, even if they share the same culture or identity. I know this personally because I am an American who has Mexican ancestors, but new immigrants from Mexico act exactly like the stupid sterotypes people have made up. It's very frustrating. :facehoof:


Well, that is to be expected. Y`see, the stereotype is linked not to specific ethnicity, but to the global notion of "impoverished foreigner". A person with no ties to the land and nothing to lose is a danger to have around, indeed. Therefore, society instinctively raises against such people. It`s a social response to obvious undesirables. And as far as things stand, this response is usually entirely warranted.

1014556 i was thinking of the word Gaijin


Ah. Still, meansessentially the same thing :twilightsmile:


You can count on me to notice things like that. As to your response, yay!

Just my two cents on stereotypes, just like legend and myth, there is always truth to them, but only a fool believes it's all true and applies to all.


I was going to mention that, but it seems I forgot last night.


I'd say CN personally.


Not quite. In russian folklore, gypsies tend to be quite firmly Chaotic Good. As in, hero can always count on those guys to come through and help when it comes to guile or witchcraft.


The "Chaotic" part is what makes them personally unreliable. But the "Good" part makes them magically reliable.


I'll relent, you make good arguments.

This was a wonderful piece. The little tidbits of culture and the dialogue were well done and didn't feel slow or unnecessary. What I like best is the emotion in this; you can feel the joy, sadness, and pain that the characters do. Just to ask: Any plans for another story with Zecora and Applebloom?


Maybe. It's hard to give them starring roles because Applebloom is just so young it's hard to write her.

I know I've said this before, but I love the way you write Trixda. Please tell me we get to see the wedding. (Especially if Gilda feels she should invite Rainbow Dash.)

It will take a while. Their story is rather complex and intersects with several others. She still has to reconcile with Dash, she needs to formally be adopted into the tribe (and go through the process of learning a lot of things) and has to deal with her brother.

But yes, it will be a beautiful wedding.


Can't wait. I love this paring, because like all the best couples they are very similar and yet also very different. "Too different, exactly the same," as you put it. Scratchtavia and Flarity are two great examples of that. (Especially the last one. Rarity's confidence and dominant attitude are a perfect contrast to Fluttershy's personality.)


I agree with you there. Similar folks who are hilariously different make for good writing (Which is odd because I just don't do so well writing Flarity. I guess I find it just hard to write Fluttershy.)

Damn. People don't usually get the whole Old English (Equish?) thing very well, but you nailed it. Kudos for that.

At the time I was taking a university course on Elizabethan drama, and I took extensive notes.

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