• Published 28th Oct 2018
  • 663 Views, 13 Comments

Ashes - Olakaan Peliik

New monarchy, new era for Dragonkind... same war. As Speaker to Queen Ember I need to find a way to end this war through peaceful means, which may not be possible any longer

  • ...

II - Politics In Wartime

I could hear the morning chorus of birds outside as I stretched my wings, awakening back in my bed at our home. Rubbing my eyes, I remembered all the things I needed to do today. Work until noon, lunch with my sister, meeting with Fancy Pants to discuss current and future events, and lastly dinner with Niirah after her performance. I looked over to where Niirah was supposed to be laying beside me. Her absence meant she must have gotten an early start, a theory that was confirmed by the note she left on my nightstand.

Went to Algae’s early. I’ll see you tonight, love,” It read.

“That you will,” I mumbled to myself.

I got up and got ready for the day: took a shower, had coffee and breakfast, and checked my mail. After saying a brief good morning to my, groggy and very pregnant, sister-in-law Klo, I knocked on my brother’s door.

“Brother? You awake?” I called.

“No,” Nandak mumbled, his voice heavily muffled.

“It sounds like you are.”

“If I am awake it means I have to go get random food items and put them together to create even weirder foods,” he complained. “You know what she asked for last night? Fish patties on ice cream. Gross.”

“Just open the door, will you?” I barked.

I heard him dragging his claws to his bedroom before opening it. “What? I don’t get many hours of sleep as of late,” he mumbled, blinking and yawning.

“You are gonna meet Kii and I for lunch this time, yes? You flaked the past two times.”

“Klo needed me,” he reasoned.

I sighed. “Yes, I know. That is why we forgave you. However, Kii hasn't seen you since you and Klo came to the last checkup.”

“I know, I know. I’ll do my best, okay?” he practically groaned.

I wasn’t going to get anywhere with this: exhaustion just made my brother even more stubborn than normal. “Okay.” I headed out the door and decided to walk to work

I noticed a pony stepping into a big red glass box on the street corner as I walked past and grabbing a device from a smaller box on the wall. Equestria had made some great strides in their technology, or more accurately, their Magi-Tec over the past seven years. Enchanted bits of wood, glass, and crystals made what every creature called “phones,” which you could use to talk to another pony miles away. Medical Advances extended the life expectancy of most creatures an additional five years.

However, I was not excited about the advantages in weaponry. Especially the things called ‘firearms,’ an advancement unfortunately developed by dragons. Mini-cannons, capable of firing a projectile no bigger than a pebble faster than the eye can see, the biggest and fastest of which were capable of getting through a dragon's natural armor. One of the reasons the death toll of this war jumped up a few hundred in the past two years.

I certainly didn’t need one: with my fire breath supercharged by the Elderspark, I was a super weapon all on my own. That was a subject I didn’t particularly want to think about, but was something my mind visited every so often.

A tooting sound and a foul smoky smell reminded me of another invention: these motorized carriages called ‘cars’ that all the rich were buying around Canterlot. No more need to hire other ponies to pull you to a destination, just drive yourself. They got the job done, but they were ugly and noisy contraptions that gave off a terrible odor. It was times like this I was grateful I was born with wings.

I rounded the corner to the street where all the embassies in Canterlot stood: a roundabout street which had its own gated entrance to Canterlot Castle. In the middle was a diner that served all sorts of food from around the world.

I went off the list of embassies as I passed them. The Yak Embassy I purposely avoided, not because of any ill will, but because it was near impossible to get out of a conversation with a Yak without help. It was made of wood that was unbreakable though. Good thinking on the construction workers’ part.

The Crystal Empire's Embassy was made of (big surprise) crystals. It was easily the most glamorous building. Representative Ruby was a little eager to impress, but she represented her home well enough I suppose. She couldn’t do much worse than her predecessor. He had been caught embezzling funds from royal projects. The Royals didn't take to kindly to that.

The Hippogriff Embassy was a beautiful building, fitting for the very proud creatures. Statues of hippogriffs flanked the front doors, rose vines climbed the walls, and they had a garden on the roof with a great view of the city rooftops and a massive pool filled with aquatic life. The embassy was headed by Ambassador Ocean Flow, a hippogriff who prefers being a seapony. She is kind enough to let me visit on occasion when we have meetings. She and I got along well enough.

The Abbissian Embassy, headed up by Representative Lennix. It looked like a bank, brick walls and bars on the windows. As one of the Dragonlands’ most significant trade partners, other than Equestria, I found him… tolerable. He is a particularly persuasive character, I have to make sure to read everything I sign with him to ensure there are no loopholes.

Then there was the Embassy for all woodland creatures, shared by the Deer and the Kirin. The building was more or less an enormous greenhouse, fogged windows, of course, to keep from prying eyes. Ambassador Wasp of Thicket is a great help with the restoration to the forests in the Dragonlands. He has also been instrumental in turning a few mass graves into something a little less depressing. Representative Mina , while representing the Kirin, she took it upon herself to represent the Qilin (half-dragon, half-deer) as well, even though none were yet adults.

The Griffon Embassy. An intimidating building, taller than the others, and heavily over-guarded, I suspected it was more military post than an embassy. Ambassador Ranger didn’t like me, but then again, he didn’t like Dragons in general really. The way I heard it from Viing, a small army of Refiner’s Fire Soldiers had tried to circle around our defenses three years ago. They circled too far and attacked a small Griffon town thinking it was us. Ambassador Ranger apparently lost some family in that attack. So relations with the griffons are tense, to say the least at the moment.

Then there was the Zebrica Embassy and the Saddle Arabian Embassy. Both were on either side of the Dragonlands Embassy. Simple buildings, the first two floors of which were administrative, the other two were residential housing for their staff.

Finally the Dragonlands Embassy. Our flag flew proudly above our doors, and two dragon statues stood guarding the doors (I mean that literally, they’re stone golems. Olakaan’s work). Dragon-made volcanic bricks made up the outer walls. Our embassy was easily the biggest: dragons aren’t famous for our pride for nothing. I invited the other Ambassadors and Reps over for a lunch once a month. That made me popular with a few of them but not all. Really, I was just glad to have other creatures to talk to.

Opening the front door, I walked past our directory. Two secretary dragons and a security guard sat at the front desk. To the left was Visa assistance, down the right was where new applicants and arrivals went. I took the elevator up to our offices on the third floor.

Reaching the third floor, I headed toward my assistant’s desk. She was there already, of course. Smolder might have been young, sarcastic and had a bit of an attitude, but I didn't really mind as long as she worked hard.

“Good morning, Smolder. Anything noteworthy to mention?”

She had a bit of a raspy voice making her sound a bit like a dude. “Mail on your desk and Ambassador Ranger is calling a meeting in about an hour,” she said, not looking up from her paperwork.

“Meeting? Did he say what about?” I asked.

“His messenger didn't say, just to let you know.” She said that as though I should have expected this. I should have really.

“Call him and tell him I will be there in a few minutes,” I instructed her and she left my office. If I knew Ambassador Ranger, he was only trying to do one thing as of late. Get the griffons involved in the Dragon War, which it seemed as if that was all I was trying to keep him from doing lately.

I sat down in my desk and sifted through all the mail that accumulated while I was at Queen Ember’s coronation. Currency update, currency update, another currency update... another merc group offering their assistance on the frontlines? I flung that in the trash; I’d learned early on that any creature willing to go to war for money was not worth trusting.

I found a letter from Dwiin. I put that in my bag to read at home later.

A letter from the Hippogriff Embassy marked as urgent? I opened the letter. “Speaker Krein, hopefully, you received this before the meeting with Ambassador Ranger, it is imperative that you call me before you go. Ranger claims to have evidence that will force the rest of us to join the Dragon War. —Ocean Flow

Oh. Yeah, that’s urgent. I put the letter down immediately and dialed her number. These were closed phone lines that went directly from embassy to embassy so it was easy to contact one another. The phone only had the chance to ring once. Speaker?

“What evidence?” I asked not wasting time.

“You don’t know? Of course, you don’t know. A small town and a couple of farms appear to have been raided by Refiner’s Fire soldiers.”

An alarm bell went off in my head. “What do you mean ‘appeared?’ And where?” I stood and started to gather a few things.

“A small town in Abbissia and, a water farm in Saddle Arabia: there were no survivors from either. And a fish farm to the west of Mount Aris, that family got out. Ranger says they were all hit by dragons. Krein, he has pictures of the damage they caused. They are… difficult to look at. He brought the evidence to Princess Luna this morning and we having an emergency meeting in just a few minutes.” She paused. “Krein, the reason I said ‘it appears as if they attacked’ is because something didn't seem right with the pictures. I couldn’t place it.”

“I’ll see you there,” I hung up and hurried out the door.

Smolder was alarmed to see me rush out. “Something wrong?”

“Emergency meeting. I’ll be at the castle if anyone needs me,” I called over my shoulder.

Back out in the street, I saw the rest of the Ambassadors and Representatives making their way to the gate. I walked quickly after them.

Dragon attacks or not, Ranger was up to something. But what?

It was near eleven in the morning, and for the past hour and a half, I had to listen to Ambassador Ranger present the evidence of the dragons’ attacks on other species, all while making racist and snide comments about dragons. Ranger was part of the Redtail family, as such he looked a hawk-like griffon, but the tail feathers at the base of his tail were a bright red hue.

It would be soon time for me to speak. I had my work cut out for me; with the photographs and witness testimony, combined with his gift for speaking, he indeed made a compelling case. If I didn't know any better, I would have had to let them march troops into the Dragonlands to stop the war from spilling into other territories.

However, I did know better.

“Under Section 24F of the World Peace treaty all our leaders signed, if a civil war crosses into an allied territory, the allied forces, after a majority vote, may provide reinforcement to the government to quell the violence, whether they want help or not,” Ambassador Ranger said, pacing before the room.“This evidence makes it clear to us all that this savagery can no longer be tolerated by our civilizations. We must all vote in favor of acting to stop this mindless butchery before our own kind suffer at the claws of the dragons. Thank you.” He gave a very brief bow and returned to his seat.

“This is indeed very hard and compelling evidence. Before we take that vote, however, we would be remiss if we did not allow Speaker Krein to say something in his Queen’s absence,” Princess Luna reasoned. “Speaker Krein, you have the floor.”

I stood and bowed to her before speaking, ignoring Ranger’s growl. “Thank you, Princess.” I walked up to the front of the room and took a breath. Every eye was upon me.

Step one: debunk the evidence. “Can I ask that the projector operator bring up the thirty-fourth image in the evidence Ambassador Ranger provided? It’s of a stone wall on the farm near Aris.”

The operator did as asked. An almost white stone with burn marks on it. “Note the manner of which this wall was marked,” I said. “Being a fire dragon myself, I know fire burns when I see them, and those are not fire burns. They look more impact burns from lightning to me. There are no dragons that can harness the power of lighting, not in several millennia anyway. Furthermore, I only know of a few creatures that can direct lighting like this. The unlikely theory is unicorns. Magic can do this. However, the more likely scenario is that a thunderbird attacked the fish farm for food. The surviving family claimed that fog moved in just before the attack. Thunderbirds can control the path of lightning as well as weather patterns like the pegasi can.”

There were a few nods of agreement around the room. I saw Ambassador Ranger glaring at me. One attack down, two to go.

“Now can we have the image of the water farm in Saddle Arabia? The one with all the claw marks on the barrels?”

The picture showed claw marks all over the barrels, water spilled all over the place. “Ambassador Dahab, wild guess here but none of the barrels were actually missing? Just destroyed or broken open?” I asked.

Ambassador Dahab. She was an elderly mare, no less beautiful though, her black coat and mane were complimented by her choice of gold clothing. “Yes, how did you know?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Amphitheres,” I said bluntly pointing at the claw marks on the screen. The other creatures all looked at me in confusion. “Think almost bird-sized Wyverns. They travel in massive swarms and can devour a drake in just a few short hours. Nasty bite.”

“Yes, I’m familiar with them,” the Zebrican Ambassador Nomsa nodded, a young but particularly intelligent Zebra. “They are common in our homelands; we call them ‘Winged serpents.’ We use potions to keep them at bay.”

“Up until seven years ago, I thought they were solely a Dragonlands issue,” I admitted. “My brother told me that amphitheres had started moving to other lands. In this regard, I will admit the war is displacing our wildlife and they are looking for new places to thrive. Hence the attack on the water farm: they were looking for water and food.”

“Are thunderbirds also native to the Dragonlands?” Ambassador Ocean Flow asked.

“Indeed they are. Far up north is a thunderbird breeding ground: ‘the Storm Barrens,’ we call it. Not even Refiner’s Fire Soldiers are dumb enough to go in there though, ninety-five percent chance of death by lighting,” I explained. “Pretty at a distance though.”

“So what's your excuse for the Abbissian Town?” Ranger asked, smirking as though he’d thought he’d finally caught me.

I didn't even look at him. “Goblins. Image sixteen please!” I waited for the image to change.

A destroyed town square and a pile of rubble where a clock tower had once stood. On the ground in the bottom right of the photo was a little stone war ax.

I pointed to it. “A goblin's weapon: you can see it’s far too small for even an average dragon. Our goblin friend probably dropped it as he was hauling away armfuls of loot. Surprised you didn't see that, Ranger. You're usually so aware,” I snarked, trying not to smirk at him.

He stood to start yelling at me, but Luna intervened. “Enough! Speaker Krein makes some valid points. It does not appear as though dragons were responsible for these attacks. We will still take a vote to decide whether or not outside involvement in the Dragon War is worth revisiting. All in favor?”

Ambassador Ranger raised his claw instantly. One by one Lennix, Nomsa, Dahab, and the Yakyakistan Ambassador Gregor, all raised a hoof, claw or paw. Five votes, six needed for a majority. And it seemed the majority were in my favor.

“Majority rules. The Dragonlands will continue to handle their affairs alone per their request. Meeting adjourned.” Luna tapped her hoof loudly to signify the decision.

I bowed to her, my way of thanking her for siding with me. Adjourned, I met with all the Ambassadors who sided with me outside the chamber. “I want to thank you all, ” I started.

“We don't want to get involved in your war. Ranger does. The dragons are fighting for peace and want to keep the rest of us out of the war for the same reason. I respect that,” Representative Mina of the Kirin said. Her sage green mane popping against her amber scales, and brown coat.

“But that doesn't mean that we will turn a blind eye if you need help, ” Ocean Flow added.

I rubbed the back of my head and sighed. “If this war takes another turn for the worse. We might not have a choice in the matter.” I admitted.

“What do you mean?” Ambassador Wasp asked, he was your typical brown buck with three pointed antlers. He wore amber colored and green accented robes.

I hesitated for a moment: the kind of information that I was considering revealing were not something that should fall into the wrong ears. But then again, how could I expect them to trust me if I didn’t trust them? Sure that they noticed my hesitation, I took a breath and spoke. “We recently suffered heavy losses during a campaign to reclaim the Frostfire region: we were actually forced back almost everywhere. The truth is, we’re losing, and badly.”

“It sounds like you could use support after all,” Ruby commented. The crystal pony’s red crystal coat faltering momentarily.

“We do, but I want Queen Ember to make the request, not have it taken from her. It would not go over well, especially since she is a new monarch,” I explained.

Ocean Flow nodded. “I understand, it would be better if the Dragonlands asked for assistance.”

“Give me sixty days. If I can't convince her to ask for help by then, I ask you all do whatever you think is right. I intend to do the same,” I informed them.

They all nodded in agreement, and then we dispersed. I looked up at a clock nearby on the wall. It was close to noon. Best I head to lunch with Kii. I could use some time to talk about something other than war.

I was waiting at a restaurant just outside Canterlot Royal Hospital. A place called Bliss, a quiet place with outside seating perfect for dragons. I had ordered Kii’s favorite tea for her while I waited.

While she finished her final four years at Celestia’s School of Magic, Kii was working as a part-time intern at the hospital. She might not have completed school yet, but her knowledge of healing magic was beyond most ponies older than her. As a twelve-year-old, she was fully grown and mature; already she was the same height as our sister Nikta, and a beautiful young dragon. I’ve heard rumors she’s already turned down a few would-be boyfriends. I supposed I’d have to meet some of them someday.

“Big brother!” Kii called to me. I saw her cross the street quickly and up to me. She was wearing her purple special dragon-tailored scrubs.

I stood to hug her. “Baby sister!”

She laughed as we embraced. “I’m not a baby anymore. I’m twelve and fully grown,” she reminded me proudly.

“Ah, but you’ll always be that baby sister I raised from a hatchling.” I smiled as we parted. “So tell me what’s been happening with you.”

We sat down as she started. “Well, Hex has decided to go into show business as a magician. Light Knight has been asking the Army, Navy, and Guard recruiters for info packets, so I think he wants to serve.”

“Has Hex confessed her feelings to him yet?” I asked, sipping my tea.

“No!” she exclaimed and threw her claws up. “It’s frustrating, it’s like when you are reading about two characters in a book, and you know those characters are gonna end up together, but the author is taking forever to make it happen and you are pulling your scales out because you know it’s gonna happen but you don’t know when!” Kii ranted.

I snickered into my tea. “Have you tried helping it along?”

She rolled her eyes, “They are both too oblivious for that. I know because I tried three different times and they missed the hint.”

“That does sound frustrating.”

“It is. I’m close to resorting to extreme methods,” she admitted.

“What kind of extreme methods?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Locking them in a room together until they confess?”

“Something like that,” Kii said. We were both quiet for a few moments. “So enough about me, what about you? I know you can’t talk about ‘Speaker stuff’ but anything else? Like Niirah? How is Niirah?”

I shrugged, “She’s good. She went to see Algae today.”

“Algae still not talking to you?” Kii asked.

I shook my head. “Spoke to Viing while I was at the coronation, he said he might be able to get Dwiin home for a short time.”

“Well that’s good, isn’t it? That means the fighting is going well?” Kii asked. I just held up a claw and wiggled it flat. “That bad, huh?”

“I can’t officially say anything so that is the best you’re gonna get.”

I could tell she wanted to know more, but she’d learned long ago that when I said something was a secret, it was a secret. “Fine. Where is Nandak? He said he’d be here,” Kii asked looking around.

“I tried putting some pressure on him, but Klo does take priority right now,” I reminded her.

“I know. I think on my next day off I’ll see about visiting him.”

Talking about Klo suddenly reminded me of something. “Oh, I wanted to tell you, as you would be the first to know officially.” I leaned in close. “I was gonna go pick a material to carve Niirah’s betrothal necklace out of next week.”

Kii’s eyes went wide and she wrapped me up in a hug, squealing happily. “It’s about time! You gotta make sure you pick something both meaningful and fetching. It’s gotta go with her scales or she’s not gonna wear it.”

“I know, no pressure right?” I asked sarcastically.

Kii must’ve missed that though, “No pressure? No, definitely a lot of pressure. It lets your partner know where you are in your relationship and if your partner is not there like you are it could all come apart at the seams in an instant and you break up and then it gets all awkward for those of us who are still friends-” She finally caught the look on my face. “You were being sarcastic, weren't you?”

“I was. Now I’m nervous. Thanks.”

“No problem. I—” A chirping sound came from her pocket and she pulled out a small flat gem that was flashing on and off. “Dammit. Surprise lesson for us interns, I have to get back,” she pouted.

“No problem. Just glad we could talk at all.”

She stood so she could run back. “Me too. I promise I’ll find time to come over for dinner one of these days.” She placed a sisterly kiss on my cheek. “I’ll see you next week big brother!” she hurried back to the hospital.

“See ya,” I called as she ran out of sight.

“She’s just grown up so fast, and I just want her to slow down,” I sighed.

“You can’t stop them, my friend, you can only guide them, and you’ve guided her well.” Fancy Pants said sagely.

“I know. I can wish though. Anyway, this isn’t why I’m here,” I refocused.

“I know. But I’m afraid that other than the Grand Galloping Gala there are no major events upcoming this year. Any smaller event would do nothing for your reputation at this point, ponies know you to be busy.”

“What about the annual Garden Party?”

“As far as I know, Jet Set and Upper Crust decided to let somepony else host it but nopony has stepped forward,” Fancy Pants informed me.

Hmm. It was important to keep myself in good social graces to try to ensure our alliance with Equestria was stable, so....nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

“Perhaps I could?” I suggested.

I had to give Fancy Pants credit for his control of his expressions: I barely saw his eyebrows raise. “I don't see why you can’t,” he admitted. “If you wish to do so I would send out invitations in the next two weeks and schedule it for two months after the Gala. I can get you a list of all the usual guests, and if you wish to invite a few additionals you are free to do so. You are the host.”

“Sounds good to me. How is Fleur’s modeling business by the way?” I asked.

“Well, since she is no longer a model herself she figured she would teach. She has taken a few young mares to teach as well as a hippogriff, a kirin, and a dragon. Based on her letters, things are going well.”

“You miss her?”

He smiled forlornly. “Most times. But some space, even at our age, is good for us,” he admitted.

“Yeah, I wasn’t gonna say anything but you got a little more grey sprouting just about-” I pointed up to his mane.

He smiled and laughed, “Not all of us have that dragon youth, my friend. And I might not be so spry anymore, but that doesn’t make me old!”

“Alright, alright.” I stood to leave. “Dinner at my house tomorrow?”

“I’ll be there,” Fancy nodded.

I was headed to Niirah’s performance with a bundle of silver roses (Niirah’s favorite) in claw. Since her first shows, she’d become pretty famous in Canterlot for her skills at harp: she did some music for more than a few acting performances and had three records in stores that sold reasonably well. Today was a “fluff concert” as she called them to let her fans know she is still working on music.

I headed toward the back door of the theatre: Niirah put me on a list of visitors allowed to enter this way. A unicorn security guard stood not-so-vigilant by the back door: in fact, as I got closer, I realized that he’d fallen asleep standing up.

“Excuse me,” I said as I approached.

“Ah!” He jumped, “Oh hey, Krein. Here to see Niirah?” he asked, rubbing his eyes.

“Am I that predictable?”

He nodded as he yawned. “Kinda.” He glanced at his list to make sure my name was there, even though we both knew it was. “Go on in,” he said, gesturing vaguely at the door. It looked like he was ready to go back to sleep.

“Thank you.” I walked past him and into the backstage area.

I could hear Niirah's unique brand of harp playing: a light humming sound behind the individual notes. She had been experimenting with sound lately, she thinks that different harmonic frequencies can trigger different emotions in listeners. This one seemed to be happiness, because I felt all my troubles melt away as I listened. I watched from backstage as she played: she was gently stroking the strings of the harp that I’d given her as a gift seven years ago.

As she played she spotted me out of the corner of her eye, and smiled. I smiled back and gave her a wave. I listened to the remainder of her performance without causing any distraction. As the last note faded away, the audience burst into loud applause.

She gave a bow and thanked them all for being there, before stepping off stage and taking her harp with her as the curtains dropped. “Ah, I don't think I'll ever get used to that,” she sighed as she walked offstage with her harp.

“Used to what?” I asked.

“Having adoring fans,” she said as she put her harp away in its case.

“Well, I hope you have time for your number one fan?” I held the flowers out for her.

She smiled. “Silver! You know me so well.” She took them from me and breathed their sent in deep. “Ah. So where are we going for dinner?”

“Well, what are you in the mood for?” I asked.

“I don't know, but I could use something filling, and maybe a drink,” Niirah said, patting her grumbling stomach. “‘Classy’ is not high on my priority list, ‘cause the ‘snacks’ they provided at the meet and greet before the show left me hungrier than before.”

“How about Sandbar’s? Good crowd, food, drinks, and one of the waitresses there, Silverstream, is Ambassador Ocean Flow's daughter, so she could get us a good seat.” I offered the idea.

“Sounds as good as anything right now. Let's go,” she said leaving her harp.

“What about—”

“My agent is gonna deliver it to the house, don't worry,” Niirah interrupted.

“Okay then.” I caught up to her. As we entered the alley and started toward out destination she leaned into me and smiled. I smiled as I lead her through the city.

Sandbar’s was right on the edge of the waterfall that fell from Canterlot. It was decorated with naval themes, and the menu was mostly beach-related foods. I found the place quite lively, and there was the smell of seawater in the air. Outside there was even a place for sea ponies, sea dragons, and any other land-challenged creature to dine underwater.

A lighter pink and two-blue toned mained hippogriff was waiting at the entrance with a very big smile on her face. “Ohmygosh! You must be Speaker Krein, my mom has told me so much about you!” she squealed, her words as fast as an express train. “Are you here to eat? Is this your special somedragon?” I managed to get a nod in somewhere. “I'm, Silverstream I'll be your waitress. Follow me, I think I have an upper deck table for two available. It’s gonna be just perfect for you two!” She led the way upstairs, still chatting happily.

Niirah leaned in close to me. “I’ve never seen a waitress so excited about their job.”

We followed Silverstream through the establishment. As we passed the bar I spotted a familiar dragon.


She turned around, but only looked momentarily surprised. “Hey, boss.”

“I didn't know you came here.”

“Well yeah. The bartender, Gallus, makes the best brimstone bonfires in Canterlot. He's also dating my friend Silverstream.” She nodded at a blue griffon standing behind the bar, shaking a mixer. “Our yak friend, Yona, is one of the cooks here and is the only one who knows how I like my fish cooked. Plus, we’re all friends with the owner Sandbar,” she explained.

“Whom is likely out on a date with Ocellus our… Kirin friend, leaving me to deal with this crowd,” The bartender Gallus added bitterly.

“Nice connections,” I nodded. “Anyway, good to see you. I'll see you at work.”

She just waved as I continued to follow Silverstream out to the deck. “Your menus are waiting right there. Can I take your drink order?” she asked, hovering in midair.

I glanced at the wine menu. “That year fifteen-hundred wine from Coltifornia looks tempting,” I said.

“How about we share the bottle?” Niirah suggested.

“Sounds good. We’ll take that,” I told Silverstream.

“Perfect!” she chirped. “I’ll be right back!” She flew off in a blur of feathers.

“So Smolder seems… abrasive,” Niirah observed.

“Yeah, a bit like you were when we first met,” I joked.

“Oh well, when you put it like that… it’s a wonder why you put up with her,” she snickered.

“She is nowhere near as bad as you were, okay?”

“What do you mean ‘were?’” Niirah asked, feigning offense.

“Was it just me you were mean to?” I asked.

She scoffed. “No dragon else was trying to charm me.”

I raised a brow. “So I charmed you, eh?”

“More like seeing you fail is what charmed me,” Niirah joked.

“My grand plan has worked then,” I smiled.

Niirah rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

We exchanged more idle conversation before Silverstream returned with a bottle in a bucket of ice and a pair of glasses. “Year fifteen-hundred wine as promised! Are you ready to order your food?”

“Yes, I'll have the shark burger, with jalapenos, and on a cider bread bun, tater tots on the side please,” I ordered.

“Fried fish and waffles, sunny side eggs well done, and strawberry syrup, please,” Niirah smiled briefly.

“Coming right up!” Silverstream chirped and hopped off happily.

“She is almost as happy as Pinkie Pie,” Niirah commented.

“You've met Pinkie Pie?” I asked.

“Hasn't every creature?” Niirah asked.

“Possibly, I don't know,” I shrugged.

I looked out over at the moon and stars reflecting off the huge pool next to the restaurant, pondering: should I ask Niirah about getting married? It had been seven years, after all. Opinions could change…

“Krein? What’s up?” Niirah asked, touching my claw.

I smiled back at her. “Nothing,” I said.

It could wait until later. Tonight was perfect just the way it was.

Author's Note:

First two chapters done with chapter three is in the oven and on its way.

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