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An Intricate Disguise

Selling out has never felt so dirty.

Comments ( 50 )

The amount of shame Shining would feel once it finally wears off.

You may want to zoom in that cover a bit more or at least ask a mod just to be safe.
We wouldn't want you to be banned again just because you weren't cautious.

Already asked two, being safe! Thanks for your concern, however.

I don’t know how I feel about this she’s wiping his memory than going to seduce him, whether or not he goes for it, she has to realize it doesn’t matter if he thinks she’s attractive the reason he gave and the reason that will still be there when he gets his memory back is that it is his sister his blood relative also the fact that she wiped his memory and seduced him is also a bit of a pisser
But now that I realize it I’m over analyzing clop I guess I doesn’t matter

You're certainly right, it's morally dubious at best! That said, our pre-season one Twilight wasn't exactly the best with social cues, this just stretches that character to slightly include ethical ones, mixed with the obsession she's shown with Shining already. Bad (and sexy) combo! It was good of you to point it out, because you are in fact right, but this isn't meant to be overly dramatic in tone either.

*Reads description*
Would a Dark tag go here? She's inducing temporary amnesia, just to fuck him, and everything that transpires will stay and mix with an otherwise confused and terrified, suppressed ego. This is gonna mess him up. It would take some crazy mental gymnastics if he's cool with everything afterward and isn't pissed off instead.

I was about to tell you the same thing haha. Definitely good to run it by a few mods.

I've been considering that tag, as the point you're making is a good one and one that crossed my mind since this idea's inception. I've not reached a verdict just yet, but it's in mind. I'm going to see how the next chapter goes and what the tone feels like, then progress from there!

That said, if this turns out to be a very popular reader opinion, I'll likely change it regardless, as the tags are for the readers, and I care about their enjoyment and ease of site usage than anything else.

Nothing wrong about mind rape and GHB-like spells, right?

NSFW, so you can't get a link here.
Derpi #1828265

I didn’t expect Twilight would get any amount of consent for her plan. Though I’m curious if Twilight would’ve actually stopped it if Shining told her to.

Glad that he at least consented in theory, even if his understanding of what he was doing was slim.

Though really Twi - restraint boring? Bright Knight may convince you otherwise! ;)

Surprise sorta consent.

That last line was pretty hot. Props to Twilight for concocting such an elaborate plan. Funny how Shining's responses to Twilight's slew of questions almost doubled as a wrench in her proverbial gears.

She was distracted by the head of one of the drivers poking his head through the door. "You guys have got some really screwed up family issues, you know. It's kinda hot, honestly."

I chuckled

9168363 Dubious consent, though :rainbowlaugh:


She's not thinking of the FUN kind of restraint.

Going into Ch.2 like: Okay, excited about this story. Gonna read it no matter what. But, hoping this isn't going to get too far into (R-word) territory. How are we going to avoid that?
Oh? ... Oh! Oh god!

TFW this is the sexiest consent I have EVER read!

This Is the smartest example of non con i have seen


"This sounds like rape with a whole bunch of extra steps"
-Morty, probably

TFW you want to argue, but you're not actually sure if Morty is wrong.

9169775 9168912 9168363 9167980 9166133

The consent seems pretty clear:

"If you could, Shining, would you? If you could just... stop looking at me as your little sister and start appreciating me as a mare, if you could turn off that thing in your mind stopping you, would you do it?"

"Would I do it if I could? In a heartbeat. That mental barrier I mentioned? I kinda hate it."

"What if I could take that feeling away from you for a little while? Just to let you see how it felt? If I had a real, serious way to make that happen, would you trust me?"

"... if you really think there's a chance it will make you happy, that it'll fix things, whatever it is, do it."

The whole point of this chapter is that it demonstrates that he wants to desire her, but he is literally incapable of doing so. Like someone in a wheelchair wanting to go up stairs. She's just giving his brain the ability to do so. Though I must say, the amnesia route is a bit of a... eh, convoluted means of getting there, rather than just removing that barrier. Granted, she hadn't planned on him telling her all that. Her amnesia plan is a unique approach. It certainly
gives me a few ideas.

9165724 The way you've set up the characters, and their motivations, I'd say there's no call for a dark or non-con tag. Trust me, I had my own reservations reading the description. (I was expecting straight up non-con going into the spell.) I get that you're playing it safe to the audience who may not agree withthis interpretation, but the way you've characterized Shining, and his own desires, I'd say that you're free and clear going forward from this point. It would be nice for Shining to come out of this seeing her in a new light. Though admittedly, I am a bit biased to this pairing. :twilightblush:

Consent? Yes.
Informed consent? No.
That's what it boils down to. Not that I have anything against how this is playing out.

9170426 That is an important distinction, and I'm glad you point it out.

But I would still say that just because he doesn't know the exact nuts and bolts of the spell, the 'how' of what he's consenting to, he's aware (informed) of the 'why' and her intention which I would say is the important part in this context. It's not like she's being subtle about that. "I'm gonna do a spell, them I'm gonna do you."
Rather like consent for surgery. He asked about the risks. "Will it hurt?" And based on her promise, and his trust, he consents.

If he consented because she told him exactly what she was going to do (spell-wise) under false pretenses, or the omission of her intentions, that would be entirely different.

In any case, I too am also loving the way this story is playing out, and it does make for a good discussion.


I was on the fence about sticking this story somewhere for future reading, and then I saw that Shakespearicles is already on board.

To my TNSFCW bookshelf!

Gonna fav, because while TwiArmor is not exactly my favorite ship, ths has been writen very well for now, so, I'll wait the upcoming chapters.

I want to say there will be hell to pay once the effect wears off, but then I remember this is a porn story, so he'll prolly just shrug.

Up until the carriage scene, I honestly was hoping [edit: the story] would end with Shining using the spell on Twilight to erase her attraction to him and all memory of it. If that turns her asexual, well, how different is that from canon *shots fired*

However, having read that scene, she makes it pretty clear that this isn't just a hypothetical even if he doesn't know all the details. He still appears to be game. From the perspective of Shining Armor, I think at first glance that while it might be dubious consent I can't call it non-con. However, there's still the stallion who wakes up in the hospital to consider...

Either way, It's still really damn morally dubious: imagine a guy who goes on a date having planned to rape the girl if she says no ... but she says yes.

I think the most important part is that this actually has a story with a bit of texture and the characters feel.. well.. alive. This seems to be totally plausible for the FiM universe.

I actually hope this one keeps up with a solid story beyond just a clop scene or 2 because similar stories actually turned out really well. One such example is room 219.

She was distracted by the head of one of the drivers poking his head through the door. "You guys have got some really screwed up family issues, you know. It's kinda hot, honestly."


Agreed, the narrative is really great, it is really dificult to see a author textualize the thoughts of the characteres so well, I hope It gets even better...


Twilight Snarkle and the Fucking Miscommunication

It feels Twilight needs the ice more than Shining, that mare has the heats way too high.

Nice to see another chapter of this again, keep it up.

We don't know

What we did!

I'm loving this. More please!!!

The last few lines made me laugh

Intricate please, I am DYING without more chapters of this.

I sense a long trail of cock-blockings in the future of this fic. :rainbowlaugh:

Well this was a delightful little dose of a cockblock :yay:

Dammit Disguise, y u no finish? :p

Love this so far, even if it’s never finished I think you did a great job in the buildup.

Goddammit. bbaited aagain xd

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