• Published 12th Oct 2012
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Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Sparkle's Notes - AdmiralTigerclaw

Companion Text to Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Lone Ranger

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Manuscript One: It all started with a big 'BANG!'

To the reader:

I have converted the dates within these notes from the Equestrian yearly calendar over to the human Gregorian calendar in order to help facilitate a better comparison between events written in Randy’s logs and events as I’ve seen them.

I would also like to point out that I have included my letters of correspondence with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, as well as their replies for the sake of completeness.

It is my fondest wish that when put together, our combined observations can paint the clearest possible picture of the events that befell us during those first six months. I find no greater honor than to show to the universe that friendship can happen anytime, anywhere, with any species no matter how different or alike we may be.

Signed: Your friend in spirit,
Twilight Sparkle

Diary Entry
July 27th, 2257

Dear Diary,

I was awoken late last night by a strange concussive sound. It was so loud that it rattled the entire library and woke most of Ponyville. Nopony is quite sure what happened. Derpy said she saw lights over the Everfree, but knowing her, that could be anything.

There was an unusual smell in the wind this morning. It smelled like something burning, but with an odor I couldn’t put my hoof on. There haven’t been reports of any fires, and aside from that noise last night, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Correspondence between Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia
July 28th – July 31st, 2257

To my Faithful Student,

It has come to our attention that something has occurred in the last few days. On the night of the spring equinox, a tremendous noise was reported across Equestria stretching in a line from Los Pegasus to Canterlot itself. I’m sure you are aware of this, as reports I have received indicate that it awoke all of Ponyville.

I do not have any answers yet as to what caused that noise, but I have been told by my sister that might relate to an object that recently appeared in the night sky. You may see her show up in the next few nights to investigate any leads she has found.

If you wish, I am told that the object in question can be found in the constellation Lauralfost almost directly overhead around an hour before dawn. Your telescope may prove to be some use as mine has. I would consider it a treat if we could compare what we are seeing.

Princess Celestia.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have taken your advice and have examined the object you told me about in your last letter. And I must admit, I find myself most intrigued by what I have been looking at. Its color and shape remind me of a machine. But it would be a strange machine indeed, as it appears to be extremely large.

I’ve included a drawing of the object as I have observed. But I will also describe it here in case you can’t make sense of my diagram. In all honestly the object looks like some kind of flying metal ant.

The front is arrow shaped, tapering off into a segmented cylindrical body. This part appears to open on one side much like the doors to many of the palace chambers. There are two fins on it that appear almost as if whiskers, legs, or wings.

Further back, the cylinder tapers into a much smaller segment. Attached to this segment appears to be some kind of broken, spinning ring. I do not know what purpose that would serve, but it was definitely moving while I was observing.

Behind that, the body widens again, and I can distinctly make out three large fins of some kind. Perhaps these are wings that allow it to fly so high.

However the most interesting part is the lights. The ‘flying ant’ appears to have them in several places. They blink suddenly and brightly every few seconds from points on the ends of the fins. There are also more lights inside the ‘palace doors’ on its underside. They appear to blink in sequence as if meant to act as a guide.

Whatever this object might be, it is most certainly not Equestrian in origin.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

To my Faithful Student,

I must agree with you on your assessment of this… ‘flying metal ant’. I must pause and tell you that I find that description of this object quite humorous. Princess Luna expresses her own amusement as I write this.

Anyway, I must agree with you. This object is not of Equestrian origin. Aside from the fact that no form of modern pony industry can produce a flying contraption of that size, getting it into the sky without our notice would prove a most challenging task that would be impossible for a small group to pull off.

This sets a number of precedents I have never had to deal with before and that I would most certainly appreciate your help in if I should so require it.

For one, if the object is not of Equestrian origin, and not of our world, then it stands to reason that there is a high possibility of intelligent beings out there. I would also be willing to consider that this object may have, or still houses one or more of these beings.

As a result, it is entirely possible that we may come to meet one of them. If that happens, it is my most heartfelt desire that this encounter be a peaceful one. As a student of mine studying the magic of friendship, I feel you will be perfect for such an encounter. I hope I can count on you to be ready if such events come to pass.

Princess Celestia

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am honored that you would think me the most qualified pony for this task. However I must mention that I don’t think friendship alone would be sufficient for making contact with an alien race. I’m just saying, that if we were to put myself in such a position, I would most likely approach the situation like I would a good book. That is to say, study it carefully.

IF an alien creature sent that object, and IF one happens to have come with it, I am willing to bet that it will attempt to study us first in the name of Science. As such, I don’t think we can simply make friends with it without first learning about it, and allowing it to learn about us.

And since it has to learn about us, it would probably not be wise to let any guardsponies approach one of these beings if it is sighted. I know the last thing I’d want to have happen if I were in this situation would be approached by armed stallions.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle

To my Faithful Student,

Once again, I find myself agreeing with you and quite pleased at the wisdom you have presented to me in this situation. It is refreshing to hear in light of some of the guards around here expressing their suspicion that we may encounter more hostile creatures. (Honestly Twilight, some of the guards think we should hunt down this creature and destroy it before it destroys us. Never mind that we haven’t even confirmed that such a creature even exists yet. I’m glad I made your brother the captain of the guard. He’s got an intelligent head on his shoulders, much like you do.)

I have already sent word for the guards to be on the lookout for strange and alien creatures. And that should one be found, to avoid it unless it is obviously doing somepony harm.

Princess Celestia

Diary Entry
August 2nd, 2257

Dear Diary,

My correspondence with Princess Celestia over the past few days has left my imagination in overdrive. Not only because of recent events, but of revelations the princess confided in me after observing ‘The Ant’.

Never in my life have I ever considered the idea that Princess Celestia didn’t know how to handle something. But I found myself exchanging letters with her at a rate I’ve never before known. It’s subtle, but after reading letters from her for years I can tell she was worried even as we started conspiring for a plan of action we may not even use.

Thus, it is strange to witness my thoughts placed into words when I write this, but I think the princess is scared.

To make matters even more complicated, I have the feeling that what we discussed may in fact come to pass. Applejack came by today, and mentioned some strange orange creature had been in her apple orchard. I can’t recall any animals from the everfree that might be orange, but she did say it was quick to leave once she pointed it out to Big Macintosh.

Diary Entry
August 3rd, 2257

Dear Diary,

An air of nervousness has swept through Ponyville today. The strange orange creature Applejack saw is reported to be sitting on a hillside just outside of town. What it’s doing there, nopony knows. It hasn’t moved all morning. The only thing we do know is that it came from the direction of the Everfree. I’ve heard all kinds of wild stories about how it lurks until nightfall, then sneaks up on you to devour you whole. But honestly that sounds like a load of hooey. I mean, if it’s BRIGHT ORANGE like Applejack said, how exactly could it sneak around?

Knowing the ponies here, this is just like when Zecora first came to town. You’d think that after a few decades living on the edge of the Everfree Forest they’d be used to the occasional odd creature. Especially considering that normally when creatures that want to hurt or eat ponies come out of the Everfree, they’re usually a little less subtle than sitting around on the edge of town looking as if they’re TRYING to be seen.

So I think what I’m going to do is trot myself right up there, and show this town there’s nothing to be afraid of. (I hope.)

Diary Entry #2
August 3rd, 2257

Dear Diary,

I saw it! I saw it! I saw it!

It was only a few seconds, but I saw it! It’s like nothing I’ve ever known, except maybe that Minotaur… Iron Will? It was bright orange, sitting on top of a small hill just outside of town like it WANTED to be seen! But when I tried to get closer to it, it seemed to spot me and immediately left before I could get up to it.

I think for now I’m going to call it a Stridetaur. Because it moves and stands like a Minotaur, but has longer legs, perfect for taking long, fast strides. If it shows up tomorrow, I have a perfect view from the balcony! Where’s my telescope?!

Diary Entry
August 4th, 2257

Dear Diary,

I saw the Stridetaur again today… In fact, I saw it a LOT thanks to my telescope. It’s built almost exactly like a Minotaur. Except is has the strangest face on a creature I’ve ever seen. It has fur or a mane on its head but that seems to be about it. What I thought was orange fur before looks like some kind of garment. An extensive garment at that. I’ve never heard of any kind of clothing aside from Rarity’s fancy gowns and some special protective clothing covering that much of anypony’s body before. But if this is indeed an Alien, then maybe that’s just how they wear clothes on their world.

I also think it saw me… Scratch that. I KNOW it saw me. I don’t know how, but it was just sitting there looking down into town when it suddenly looked up and put a pair of binoculars up to its eyes.

BINOCULARS! I can’t believe it! It was also eating something that came out of what looked like shiny paper. I’ve never seen paper like that. Oh, I want to know what it is, but I don’t want to run it off like yesterday.

Maybe I can make contact with it somehow. That’s what Princess Celestia wanted me to do anyway. If I can do that, then I’ll send her a letter!


Diary Entry
August 5th, 2257

Dear Diary,

I’m hoping this idea works. I drew a picture of myself up and placed it in a basket alongside a little bit of food and something to drink. Fluttershy’s always said that sometimes the fastest way to an animal’s heart is through its stomach. That idea seems to work on ponies too. I know it softened me up a little with AJ back when I first moved to Ponyville. Maybe it’ll work on the Stridetaur.

I hope the drawing gets a response. I’d like the Stridetaur to know I’m self-aware and intelligent enough to recognize the need to establish communication. I admit my drawing skills aren’t too hot, but the picture at least LOOKS like a pony… Sort of.

Diary Entry #2
August 5th, 2257

Dear Diary,


It responded! It ACTUALLY responded! I did it! I’ve made contact with an ALIEN! And! AND!

And… boy. Did it respond all right.

Okay, calming down and thinking about it, there’s a serious technological difference here. I placed ink and parchment in the basket with my drawing and the food, but it was returned only with this strange, super perfect alien paper like I’ve never seen before. It’s so smooth and glossy.

Even as I look at it, I can say that the creature understood my drawing and returned in kind. The Stridetaur produced an amazingly detailed diagram of itself. I know it doesn’t have eight appendages, so I must assume that this diagram shows its form and range of motion.

From what I can tell, based both on this diagram and my observations, a Stridetaur is nearly identical to a Minotaur in most of its physical aspects. However, where a Minotaur has bullish features, I can’t even begin to place the Stridetaur’s features. Most importantly are the legs. As I said, they’re longer, allowing it to take long steps. But the joints on its body are amazingly symmetrical and evenly spaced in such a manner that it almost seems like it could potentially make use of any part of its body and move in any position.

I’d like to surmise that based on its upright nature, but wide range of motion (matching or possibly outstripping the dexterity of an Earth Pony or Pegasus), that it might have been at one time some kind of ambush predator. Using its height for both intimidation and scouting, and its dexterity to make sudden, fast attacks.

I’ll need to talk to Fluttershy and see if I can’t examine the Stridetaur closer to be sure. It might be an omnivore. The apples and drinks I left in the basket were not returned.

That being said, there’s one other thing that it left with the diagram. Some kind of code, maybe a hello letter, but I can’t make heads or tails of it. The column here starts with a single vertical line, with two horizontal lines next to it, and then a dot. Below that, is a symbol with a flat line at the bottom that extends in a curve up away from it. That’s followed by the two horizontal lines again, and then two dots.

The third ‘row’, has a symbol made with two half circles stacked on top of each other, openings facing left. The double-lines again, and three dots. And then a new symbol and four do- Wait.

Wait a second!

One, two, three, four, five, six… These- THESE ARE NUMBERS!

I’ve GOT to write down every second of this. These other markings… One and one with a cross shape between them, then double lines, and two. Two and two with the cross shape, and then the lines… and four.


This… this is addition.


Four add four, equals eight…

Five and a single line with three becomes two…

The crosses are addition signs! The single line’s a subtraction sign, and the double lines mean EQUIVILENT!


And this last one. Eight, add eight equals… One-six? No, not-one six… the numbers go up to nine, and then it’s one and a circle. With ten dots… The one must represent a single group of ten, and the circle must represent a lack of value in the original digit slot. Which means the circle must be zero, or nothing. Which means they cycle and add a space at the tens of every number… That means its number system is base ten!

Base ten? Wow, compared to equestrian two-hoof and four-hoof math, that’s a lot of symbols to memorize. But maybe it’s because they count on their appendages too. They have five digits on each of their paws. So that makes perfect sense. It probably makes their equations a lot shorter too. I remember this one time Princess Celestia had me calculate the mass of a fully grown Silver Wing Dragon and how much magical power it would take to levitate it... All so I could understand just how much magical power I was really messing with so I wouldn’t try anything too crazy.

Speaking of the Princess, I still need to write her that letter! And the Stridetaur put more equations on here as well, blank ones.

I get this… I SO get this! It’s asking me ‘Do you understand math? Can you solve math?’ It wants to know how intelligent I am! It’s- IT’S TALKING TO ME!

Well, I better give it an answer! Not only can I do math, I’m GOOD at math! And I’ll put it in its number system, just to prove it! Oh, this is going to be so much FUN! And just like spell encoding from ‘Magical Missfires: Systems of Simplifying Slavishly Sophisticated Spells!’

I LOVED that class! I had so much FUN with the princess!

Oh yeah! LETTER! Letter first, encrypting math second!

Correspondence between Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia
August 5th, 2257

Dear Princess Celestia,

It seems that in the last few days, there has been solid activity concerning our last conversation.

I'll just cut straight to the point.

I have found, Identified, and MADE CONTACT with a creature I believe is related to the metal ant. To ensure you that I am POSITIVE that this creature belongs to the ant, you'll find included with this scroll a detailed diagram of the physiology of this creature and by extension its species. I must note for you two things of interest to me that you should have already noticed:

- One: The paper this diagram comes on is not of Equestrian origin. It's far too 'perfect'. Not even the best producers of our finest lettering can create material of the quality presented.

- Two: You should be able to tell almost immediately that the creature represented is almost entirely alien. Aside from some similarities to a minotaur in its upright, bipedal nature, the similarities end there. It's taller, leaner, has longer hind legs, and has a FAR more balanced structure. I've given its species the tentative name of 'Stridetaur' until I can find something more suiting.

Anyway, long story short, the creature started appearing on the edge of Ponyville shortly after I received your last letter. As far as I've been able to gather, it's been keeping its distance, but has been making itself clearly visible. The last few days it has taken to sitting on a hill on the edge of town and observing with binoculars.

That's right, it has binoculars. It also has a bunch of other interesting things I haven't been able to identify, like this shiny material it keeps food in, and it wears clothes that are bright orange that cover almost its entire body. And it knows MATH!

I've already made an attempt to initiate contact from a safe distance. No, I didn't try anything rash. I placed a basket of food and simple drawing out on the hill it sits on. And it replied in kind. That's how I got that diagram. It also sent me a paper that in fact turns out to be a test of basic math equations. By the time you read this, I'll be busy composing a reply of similar nature. I believe it is entirely possible to open communications with it in this manner and go from there.

Based on my limited interactions so far, I don't believe it has any hostile intentions. So far, I've only seen one. And by itself I doubt it could pose any real threat against us. Or, if it is capable of posing a threat, would not have gone through the trouble of looking as non-threatening as possible if it wanted to do ponies harm.

If you want me to wait before replying to the math it's given me, let me know ASAP and I won't do anything until you've given your consent.

I've attached additional notes to this scroll along with the creature's diagram.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle

To my Faithful Student,

I'm sure it comes as no surprise when I express the greatest of concerns regarding this situation. And I must be honest with you when I say that I find myself feeling the touches of anxiety I never realized I was harboring until the moment you mentioned you made contact.

I'm looking over your notes and the diagram as I write this, and even though I... I admit I fear it. It is different and unknown, and I haven't dealt with pure unknowns since my sister's 'tantrum'.

But I digress...

Even though I feel some fear of this creature, I cannot at the same time deny a fascination with it. There is a rugged beauty to its form not present in any stallion I've ever known. The body shown in this diagram is built for agility and dexterity on the ground. It's compact, and its musculature appears strong, but not overbearingly distorted. But strangely, for all the physical power it must have, and your description suggesting carnivorous habits, I do not see any claws on its body. I agree that this creature is probably an omnivore. But I do not believe this was ever an ambush predator. Something about it suggests something far more dangerous. However I could just be projecting my misgivings onto it.

Bearing that in mind, I implore that you be extremely careful around it. This Stridetaur looks like it could bend in ways most ponies may have thought impossible and still retain a significant portion of its physical strength. Looking at its wiry upper limbs, I could almost imagine that if it got them wrapped around your body or your neck, you would not be able to escape no matter how hard you tried without using teleportation. While it may be friendly now, I am apprehensive to imagine what it could do if you angered it.

With my worries out of the way, I must comment on the paper. This is indeed the strangest, most perfect paper I have ever had the pleasure to see and touch. It has no natural wrinkles or folds, and is such a pristine shade of white that I'm shocked at how close to a perfect match with my fur it is. Its size is also extremely precise. I'm sending it off to have it inspected to see what it's made from immediately.

Be very cautious my little pony. I trust your judgment in contacting this creature, but I'm well aware of your... Enthusiasm when you get excited. There are many creatures in the world who seem peaceful at first, but are easily frightened and are extremely violent when in such a state. This Stridetaur may possess a similar nature, and your otherwise innocent actions of curiosity may be taken as hostility. So please, be safe.

Princess Celestia

Correspondence between Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle
August 5th, 2257

To our most esteemed subject,

I write this after having witnessed my sister respond to your most recent letter. I haven't mentioned this to her, but I located and visited the site of this 'Stridetaur' back on [July 29th]. Sister has always preferred a more hooves-off approach to matters when she can help it.

However I was never as taciturn as she tries to be. You of course know this after our last meeting.

Needless to say, my dear sister is being a touch paranoid, but I cannot blame her. Hers is a position of the light, and she's spent a millennium acting as a beacon of hope and prosperity in the predictable (if all too often boring) lives of her subjects. Such tranquility and order has left her a bit jumpy when something genuinely unknown lands on her back. I tell you this as her sister and having recognized the complacency she's come to rely on to help her keep it together over the centuries. (Doing both our jobs and acting as the leading authority figure for a nation for a thousand years is hard on one's sleeping habits.)

As for the 'Stridetaur' as you have named it...

The creature currently resides in a metallic home shaped like a bird deep in the Everfree Forest. I am making an educated guess as to presume that this bird-like object is actually some kind of flying machine it used to get here. From what I observed back on [July 29th], it seems alert and cautious, but neither paranoid, nor aggressive. I do believe you can safely contact it without fear of injury or death. Perhaps once communications are established, you may gain its trust enough to meet it directly.

If you wish it, I would be more than willing to 'happen to be nearby' when direct contact is made, just to ensure that everything transpires without incident. I do not fear this creature, but it is not my place, no matter how high my station, to gamble the life and well-being of others on my whims. That is a lesson I've learned very well.

In short, consider me to be at your service should you feel even remotely vulnerable. I do not foresee danger in this Stridetaur, but I have been wrong before.

By the Tides,
Princess Luna

Dear Princess Luna,

It's nice to see a letter from you! I hope you're doing well.

I appreciate your gesture and understand fully your offer and its reasoning. Like you, I don't see any real danger from the Stridetaur, only curiosity on its part. As such, I don't think your protection is necessary.

However, like you I've noticed some tension in Princess Celestia's most recent letters and I think it would be best for her peace of mind if you 'happened to be nearby' as you put it when I go for making contact with the Stridetaur. If you should need it, you are more than welcome to stay here at the Ponyville Library. We could even make a slumber party out of it! I'm sure you'd love it! There are so many activities! Smores, ghost stories, truth or dare... Oh now I've got to go figure an entire schedule out for us! So much to do, so little time.

Anyway, I have to get back to writing up this math first... A mare's got to have her priorities. And I have an alien to 'talk' to!

Your subject, and friend,
Twilight Sparkle

To our most esteemed subject,

I am flattered. This 'slumber party' sounds like a most enjoyable time. And I would be honored to be allowed dormitory in your home while you make contact with the alien. I shall make arrangements to allow for my departure at any time immediately. You need merely send the word.

By the Tides,
Princess Luna

Diary Entry:
August 6th, 2257

Dear Diary,

I'm so excited! I mean, yeah, no difference from yesterday or the day before... But I thought I'd just mention that. I mean, on top of the Stridetaur, Princess Luna is going to come stay in the library for a while. It's going to be SO MUCH FUN!

So, anyway I left the Stridetaur a sheet of math equations involving fractions this time. Nothing too complex, I don't want to confuse it or anything, just something a little more complicated than the arithmetic it was testing me with. I also gave it a test with Equestrian numeric symbols to see if it could solve things the way I did. It's smart enough, I expect good answers back!

Diary Entry:
August 7th, 2257

Zecora showed up today to inform me that the Stridetaur has been attacked and hurt by a Manticore. Sometimes I forget the Everfree forest is an extremely dangerous place for ponies. Or even other creatures. According to Zecora, the Stridetaur looked to be okay when she left, but was limping from a wound on its leg. She also told me the Stridetaur used some kind of loud metal thunder-maker to scare the manticore off.

I hope it's okay. I'd like to go check on it, but Zecora is warning me that injured creatures trapped in a strange place can be more dangerous than normal. I suppose it would be better if I had somepony else check. So I guess I'll send a letter to Princess Luna. She said she already found where the Stridetaur lives. Perhaps she'll be able to do it without scaring it.

In the mean time, I'm going to get a first aid kit ready. I hope its biology is similar enough to ponies for it. I'd hate to muck things up. Zecora did mention its blood was red though...

Correspondence between Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna
August 6th, 2257

Dear Princess Luna,

I heard today from my friend Zecora that the Stridetaur was injured in the Everfree by a manticore. On her advice, I feel that checking on it myself is not the best course of action. However, I am still concerned for it and am hoping you would be able to get close enough to be able to assess the extent of its injuries. I am currently preparing a first aid kit and I have an extra bed ready for you when you arrive.

Your subject and friend,
Twilight Sparkle

To our most esteemed subject,

I am on my way. Be ready.

By the Tides,
Princess Luna

Diary Entry:
August 8th, 2257

Dear Diary,

Princess Luna arrived yesterday within half an hour of sending her response. It was supposed to be an exciting meeting and I had so much extra fun planned, but the manticore attack ended up forcing me to saddlebag my itinerary. The Princess only stayed long enough to ensure she'd have a place to sleep come sunrise. After that, she left for the night, scaring half of Ponyville with her abrupt appearance and departure.

She spent all night watching the Stridetaur to ensure it was going to be okay. And I myself spent most of the night worried sick, wondering if I was going to have to wake Nurse Redheart and get the girls ready for an emergency trek into the forest.

However, Luna returned this morning with good news that the Stridetaur seemed more or less okay aside from a gash in its leg. As far as she could tell, the injury was not from the manticore's deadly poison tail. Zecora told me she had a powerful antidote for it, but I'd rather not risk it on an alien creature.

Luna's currently asleep in the other room. She'd followed the Stridetaur back to the hill this morning and mentioned it was limping, but clearly okay. I left the first aid kit and an umbrella on the hill before hoof. Rainbow Dash has rain scheduled today. And I'd rather the Stridetaur not get stuck in a downpour with the injury it received.

I suppose that my math will have to wait...

Diary Entry:
August 12th, 2257

The Stridetaur has been recovering from its injury very quickly. It started exchanging math equations with me the day after the rain once more and quickly increased the difficulty on me. Some of the math it gave me yesterday I've never even seen before. I know I'm smart, I study a lot, so I would expect to be, but I have to admit some of this math stumps me. I've never seen an equation as complicated as this before, and I don't even know what discipline it falls under.

Princess Luna says it looks a bit like Astral Curvature Mathematics, which was developed by Starswirl the Bearded in order to better predict how advanced magic would behave. However even she admits that until we can fully decipher what all the new mathematical symbols actually mean, she can't solve the equations.

Her stay with me has been fun I might add. Spike's a little grumpy at having a princess around, but I think he's just grouchy he has to clean up after her. Not that he has to clean up much. Princess Luna is admittedly a better house guest than even Rarity. She keeps her bed immaculate, cleans almost everything she uses herself, and even re-shelves books correctly.

I asked her about it, and she said it was a habit from a thousand years ago. Something about it being very easy to get sick if she didn't because pony medicine wasn't what it is today. Plus she had to do a lot of her own cleaning as well because the servants of the time were not very good at cleaning by candle or torch light. I suppose being princess of the night comes with better night vision. I remember when she was Nightmare Moon, she had those creepy reptilian eyes.

Anyway, I think tomorrow I'm going to attempt to meet the Stridetaur face to face. Luna says she'll watch me to make sure everything goes safely, but I really hope we're just overstating the danger. I think it'll just be that much faster to learn if I can sit with it and work the math it's been presenting me with in real time. Maybe it can show me how to do those equations.

However it turns out, I hope I'm up to it.

Boy... I feel a bit nervous now. I thought I'd be excited to meet it but I just can't help but wonder...

What if something goes wrong?

I hope I'm just jumping at shadows.