• Published 20th Aug 2018
  • 5,133 Views, 59 Comments

Heartfire - TwiZone

An Ancient tradition for the dragons begins soon as Spike gains help from a legendary Purple dragon to help him train to hopefully impress Ember.

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Chapter 1

Outside the castle of friendship, Celestia's sun made this day beautiful. The birds chirped in the clear blue sky and the ponies who lived in Ponyville worked hard at their jobs. But inside the castle of friendship was an older purple and green bellied dragon.

Spike has grown in the years since living in Ponyville. He has almost the same height has Princess Celestia now. His scales have gotten harder to penetrate. Spike found that out after he took a sting from a manticores tail before it struck Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle.

That was two months ago.

Walking the halls of the castle he hears voices echoing down the hallway to the Friendship map. One of the voices sounded like Twilights.

However, Spike could not make out who she was talking to so he decided to find out.

“Are you sure? you never sent me a letter about this event” Twilight said before seeing a purple tail behind the door trying to hide. “Excuse me for one sec” she walked over to the door and opened it with her magic.

A purple aura covered the door as it moved revealing spike behind the door. Spike looks at Twilight until he turns his head to see her visitor.

It was another dragon with scales that were cyan, she was a little shorter than spike but not that much. Her eyes were crimson red and her wings were a deep blue color.

It was Ember.

It has been a while since they have seen each other mainly Ember still getting the dragons to learn friendship. So far it's been successful but there are a few who still believe in the old dragon ways.

“It’s been a while Spike”

Spike only smiled and his heartbeat. Ever since he first met Ember he developed a crush on her. Yeah sure he still had one on Rarity during that time but as time moved on so did his crush for Rarity.

The crush was like a candle in rain. Burning bright till it was finally extinguished

“Yeah it has Ember how's everything in the dragon lands?” spike walked up closer to his friends while Ember rubs her claws on the back of her head.

“It’s going alright most dragons have accepted our new ways of this friendship thing, however there’s still few that prefer the old ways, Garble is one such as he tried to force himself on me once while I was having a lava shower in the volcanic springs” suddenly there was a fire that sparked inside spike.

“Garble I know you are low but I did not even think you’d go that far,” Spikes mind said as Ember heard a small growl come from him.

“What happened?” Spikes class slightly scratched Twilights carpet as she put a hoof on his shoulder to calm him down.

“He didn't last long as my guard knocked him out and he served his time in prison”.

Spike calmed down knowing Garble failed like the idiot he was. “Well thank god for your guard”.

There was silence after Ember admitted Garble attempted to rape her.
“Well there’s something I also came to tell you, Spike, it's mainly dragon business “

“There's an Ancient event in the dragon lands called ‘HeartFire’, this dates backs before your princesses were born, it is where dragons from all over come and pledge their life towards a mate during an Eternal Night Once every four years”.

Spike just stopped thinking for a quick few seconds. “M-mate?” he stuttered.

Ember nodded. “But there is a catch to finding a mate, you see if you set your eyes on a dragon and another dragon is going for the same dragon you will have to fight for the dragon, after you two go at it for a while she will see who deems worthy to be with her

Between Twilights, open mouth and Spikes widen eyes Ember regretted not sharing this information sooner.

“But-but I don’t know a single thing about fighting, sure I can breathe fire but fighting claw to claw? I have no clue” spike was panicking inside his mind.

Ember only giggled a bit. “He’s kinda cute when he does that” soon she began to question her mind. “Wow, where'd that come from?”

Ember placed a claw on Spikes purple scales. “Don’t worry it comes with nature dragon instinct we are born fighters, well maybe you weren't born a fighter but its hidden deep inside somewhere” her claw points to Spikes' heart.

“As for you Twilight I will allow you to study this event since I should've told you about this ancient tradition earlier, but you just have to keep off the coast since well you know who will also be there”

“Garble” the all muttered with disgust rolling off their tongues.

Soon the blood scepter glows. “Great a fight broken out between some clans now I need to resolve it” she groaned, this is the third time this month a fight as broken out.

As Ember began to walk towards the door as she turned around to say goodbye to her friends. A green flash revealed Spike unexpectedly hugging her as she made an awkward hug back.

“Yeah I'm still not gonna get use to this hugging, I'll see you when you called to the event Spike” after the hug Ember quickly tore a part of gems from Twilights doorway and ate it.

“Sorry but these are so good” she spoke with a mouthful of gems being crushed with her jaws. Her wings expanded and flapped as she was lifted to the sky disappearing into a cloud.

Embers body disappeared within a cloud as Spike processed the information.

“Well that was something,” Spike said as he turned to Twilight. He could see she was already writing a letter to Ember about all the details about the tradition.

“Who started this tradition?”
“How long is this tradition?”
“Are the fights to the death?”

Twilight looked in concern for Spikes safety. True he has gotten stronger while growing Rainbow Dash as calls him ‘buff’ now.

But spike has never known about fighting witch already proves a disadvantage. While thinking a letter appeared on her table just like how Princess Celestia uses with Spike just this time no burping. she began to read it.

“My Friend Twilight”
“I figured Spike would have a hard time since he’s never fought, sure he tried holding Garble off me before I was given the blood scepter and became Dragon Lord, but I mean AN actual fight with claws and teeth, this is why I'm sending my best guard to help train Spike for if in case he...finds someone, he will arrive later this afternoon”

“From Ember”

Twilight read the letter again. ‘Another dragon was coming to help Spike train, let's just hope it's not one of Garbles goons”

Twilight said to herself as she went to find Spike. Walking down the hall she hears music coming from Spikes room that was loud.

Lately, Spike has been listing to the song "welcome to the show" when she had helped her friends counterparts defeat the Sirens. somehow the Pinkie from that world manage to sneak it into Equestria, The lyrics going getting louder each time as the music bashed heavily only the door holding the loudness in the room.

"You're never gonna break me down
You're never breaking this part of me
My friends are here to bring me 'round
Not singing just for popularity

We're here to let you know that we won't let it go
Our music is a bomb and it's about to blow
and you can try and fight but we have got the light of friendship on our side"

She opens the door to her surprise seeing Spike doing push-ups that Rainbow had taught him when he requested when he was younger. Of course, he thought getting stronger would help to show his love for Rarity when he carried her bags.

“SPIKE CAN YOU TURN THE MUSIC DOWN PLEASE” luckily her voice caught Spikes ears as the music turned down so she is able to talk to him.

“Yeah Twilight? Spike asked while finishing his push-ups. “Spike it seems Ember knows that you can't really fight so she's sending one of her best guards to train you in preparation

Spike went back to slightly turn down his music.” alright just hope it's not one of Garbles goons” he spat out with poison.

Twilight giggled a bit. “Funny I was thinking the exact same thing”.

They walk out of Spikes door until they hear some knocks on the giant doors to the castle of Friendship.

“That’s probably him,” Twilight says as she leaves Spikes room at a normal pace. Spike follows twilight as he gets stuck for a little while with his door.

“Getting bigger does have its perks but with this door, it’s like a nightmare” Spikes mind says as he caught up with Twilight before she opened the door.

As the door slowly opens they see the dragon that has been ordered to come help, Spike.

The dragon had similar features like Spikes but different looks.

The dragon had purple scales just like Spike but his horns and belly were orange. His eyes were blood red showing hints of darkness within them.

Twilight clears her throat. “Hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is Spike, Princess Ember told me you were coming” the dragon simply bowed towards Twilight.

“Hello, my name is Spyro,” the dragon said as his head lifted from the ground. This was unusual. Dragons mostly spit at the Princess’s when Spike first mentioned them when he went to the dragon lands.

This dragon just showed some respect towards her. “So this is the dragon I have been tasked to train for Heartfire?”. Spike walks closer towards Spyro. “Yes that's me,” Spike says while Spyro takes a look at him.

“Heh you don’t look weak at all, but don’t worry il help you be able to fight I'll teach you some stuff my father taught me,” Spyro says while putting a wing over Spikes body while they began to walk towards Twilights front steps.

“Who was your father?” Spike said while he waved goodbye to Twilight as she shut the door leaving the two dragons alone.

“His name was Ignitus, he taught me how to fight as we lived from the far reaches of Equestria, it was a home called Warfang and he protected it from an evil dragon named Malefor, a dragon consumed by darkness and greed, one day he attacked my home and killed my father while he told me to hide”.

Spyros expression turned to a slight sadness but he held strong. “I trained, harder and harder and harder than ever before, finally after years of training I killed Malefor alongside one dragon who he corrupted with his darkness until I freed her”

“Who was she? Spike asked has he more questions about Spyros past. Spyros wing left Spikes body as he lifted them in the air.

“Enough about me let's get your training started,” he said as he began to fly towards the mountains with Spike soon followed hoping to get stronger with Spyro.

Author's Note:

hello and thanks for taking a look at my story. I felt like Spike and Ember don't get much love in the shipping so I decided why not write them. I also really wanted to add Spyro in this story since I figured he'd be perfect to help Spike.

hence why there is a crossover tag on this story.

(i do not own MLP)

(they belong to their owners respectively)