• Published 7th Oct 2018
  • 3,630 Views, 41 Comments

The Lightning In Your Teeth - Meridian Prime

Luna suspects her sister has not been entirely honest with her, but has no idea where her search for truth will take her.

  • ...

Staring At The Sun

Her life felt quite surreal, these days.

In the mornings, she ate with her sister and conversed with her about the various topics of the day, enjoying the rare time spent with family. She rested for most of the day, gathering her strength for the coming night, and woke in the early evening, to prepare the castle and take up her sister's mantle. As Equestria fell asleep, she would walk the dream world, helping her citizens rest easy.

And finally, when her duties were done, she would dive to the depths of her sister’s mind, and kiss the mare that was not her sister on the shores of a dying ocean.

She knew it was wrong. She was not sure she knew why anymore—had long stopped asking those questions—but she was not foolish enough to think it was right. But she was tired and lonely, and if she found solace in strange places, then who was the world to judge?

And, well. While Celestia played the part of the demure, blushing Princess well, her counterpart clearly had no problems flaunting her body. And what a body it wa

“Ah, Luna! Just in time for breakfast.”

The Diarch of the Night blushed slightly as her sister, whose body she had in some way just been thinking about, held out a plate of pear pancakes to her with a radiant smile.

Nope! Different pony, different pony, different pony…

She repeated her mantra silently in her head as she accepted the plate, returning her sisters grin.

“Thank you, ‘Tia.”

Celestia rolled her eyes at the familiar nickname.

“Sure thing, ‘Lulu’,” she replied sticking out her tongue.

Luna scowled back playfully, swiping at her sister half-heartedly with a hoof, missing completely. The two siblings quickly settled into a companionable silence as they ate, simply enjoying the other's company. Eventually, however, Luna yawned and stood up.

“The meal was delicious, Sister, but I fear I must take my leave of you now. My mattress calls me,” she said with a tired grin, before she began to leave.

“Ah, Luna, wait just a second?”

Luna blinked. Celestia sounded almost hesitant, a rare thing for her sister indeed. She sat back down, frowning (Damn it all!) slightly, before she schooled her face into a more neutral expression.

“Is something wrong?”

“Oh no, no! Nothing has happened,” Celestia waved a hoof, chuckling a little nervously, but began chewing on her lip slightly, “Well, nothing new.”

Definitely not normal. Much to her annoyance, Luna began to frown again. “What is it, ‘Tia?”

Celestia stopped fidgeting, and with a sigh looked down at her now empty plate.

“It’s about Daybreaker.”

Luna could have sworn that for a brief moment, the blood in her veins turned to solid ice. Her sister had obviously misinterpreted her wide-eyed look, chuckling awkwardly once more and glancing to the side. She held up a hoof to forestall a question that, unbeknownst to her, the panicking Luna would never have asked.

“I know, I know—my response the last time we talked was more than a little stubborn. But you were right,” Celestia said, her face turning serious, “I have been too obstinate by half. I should have trusted your judgement from the start, but as I said,” she grimaced, “Daybreaker scares me.”

She turned slightly, looking Luna straight in the eyes.

“I am giving you permission, Luna, to deal with her as you see fit. I am still not sure I can face her, but if you tell me that that is what I should do after meeting her yourself, then I shall. All I ask,” she stated, still staring at her with utmost seriousness, “is that you be careful. Daybreaker is not a foe you can underestimate. Do you understand?”

Luna stared at her sister, trying desperately to ignore the swirling feeling in her gut that threatened to send her breakfast right back up again. “I understand,” she said hoarsely.

Celestia sagged, a great weight falling from her shoulders as she sighed with relief. “Thank you, Luna,” she whispered, and with a grateful smile at her sister, left to begin her day.

It was a long time before Luna could move from her seat.

The skies were clear today, no storm in sight, and yet Luna could feel the tension in the air once more. Or perhaps that was just her nerves.

Daybreaker smiled at her entrance, but it fell slightly when she saw the look on the smaller mare’s face.

“What has happened.”

Luna explained, spilling her wretched feelings into the heavy air as Daybreaker listened silently. By the time she had finished, she was weeping, and her voice was scratchy and raw. The taller mare remained silent.

Luna bit her lip, then took a deep breath, and pulled herself up.

“I can’t do this anymore.”

The words sounded strangely small on this vast empty world, but there was a finality to them that seemed to linger. Daybreaker did not so much as blink. Eventually, after a long pause, she opened her mouth.

“I see,” was the only response given. The wind whistled quietly, the flames murmured gently, the sea swelled on to the shore, and Luna waited desperately for something, anything more.

Eventually, it came.

“One day,” Daybreaker began, seemingly unconcerned at the loss of her lover, “you will slip. Or Celestia will. And when that happens, you will find your way to me.”

She smiled.

“You will be back, someday.” Her smile widened. “I’m patient. I can wait.”

Luna stared. And then, with a muffled sob, she was gone.

Daybreaker sighed, and shifted her body towards the ocean, head craned up to gaze at the sun.

Her mane swirled and crackled.

The wind howled.

The sea swelled.

Time passed. How much time, she did not know. She did not particularly care. She was, after all, very patient.

There was a shift.

Ever so slightly, the corners of her mouth twitched upwards in a smile.

She opened her mouth.

“You can stop hiding.”


Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed.

If you want a glimpse at the major inspiration for this story, click here, or listen below. The story wouldn't exist without the song.

For a look at the process behind writing this, and the reasoning for how I wrote Daybreaker and Luna, check out my blog post, and this other later blog post.

Comments ( 34 )

Good story.
Sad, but in the end Luna betray her real sister.

I wonder who Daybreaker was talking to at the end...

All in all, an excellent story! I love the deeper explanation into Celestia's psyche that Daybreaker represents. Taking what she wants, what she loves, and being a pure antitheses of Celestia's Harmony. Daybreaker is Chaos, Freedom, Love, Lust, Fiery Passion. Everything Celestia doesn't allow herself to have.

No wonder Luna would be attracted to it, considering the nature of her own ills.

I wonder if Nightmare Moon found her way into Daybreaker's prison with Luna's presence...


I wonder who Daybreaker was talking to at the end...

I think its Luna.

Nope, wrong Sister.

Thank you (for the comment and the fave)! I'm glad you liked it.
It's supposed to be a little bit ambiguous - after all, Luna may have come to finally destroy her. Or maybe the world's ended and there's nothing else left. Who knows! Your interpretation is 100% valid though, I'm definitely going with Death of the Author here.

Oh wow thank you so much! I'm happy I was able to convey Daybreaker so well to you, that was really one of my main goals with this story. I must confess, I hadn't thought of NMM turning up - but who knows? :ajsmug:

As for your first question - well, 9215768 has the right of it. The end ties back into the very beginning.

EDIT: And thanks for the addition to all your bookshelves! :pinkiehappy:

Oh man, I didn't realise I'd made it so ambiguous. :pinkiegasp:

I wrote the story with Luna being the pony at the end - but I like your interpretation of it! Especially as this will eventually have a prequel focusing on said other sister...

Anyway, thank you for the fave!


It's supposed to be a little bit ambiguous - after all, Luna may have come to finally destroy her.

I dont think so. Celestia directly ask for help. And what Luna do? Nothing! Looks like she like this twisted version of her sister much more then real one.

Well Luna has left. And if the world outside has not ended somehow, then the only other being that could get through Celestias Defenses without freeing Daybreaker directly would be Celestia herself.

Hmm... I keep trying to imagine how to bind NMM into this story-line... But it's pretty hard since if Daybreaker is Pride... And NMM is envy.... Those two would be REALLY hard to write as anything other than straight up nemesis's .... Though.... I'm kinda wondering right now if there's any way to use NMM's envy of Luna and Daybreaker to have her turn to Celestia o.o

It would make for a Hillarious family talk later down the line XD The idea of Celestia confessing to Luna that she's been developing some kind of relationship with NMM while trying to ''reform her'' only to have Luna end up confessing about Daybreaker just has me giddy XD

Anyways XD All in all an extremely tasteful story :3 Would love to see some more of it too XD


The idea of Celestia confessing to Luna that she's been developing some kind of relationship with NMM while trying to ''reform her'' only to have Luna end up confessing about Daybreaker just has me giddy

Nice idea for sequel btw.

Yeah though it might be a bit too humorous of an outcome considering this story is tagged as dark ^^;;

Hmm... I guess one could tweak it somewhat to fit a darker story o.o

9215879 9215895
I'm afraid I agree with your second comment here - this is probably a little too humourous for this particular version of these characters. There's no reason you couldn't write something like that yourself though! And it's pretty cool to see that you liked the story enough to speculate on possible futures. :twilightsmile:

Sadly enough I tend to struggle with fleshing out a story and also preventing power creep :/ I can easily place out major storyline events... But it's almost impossible for me to actually connect them all up in a good tempo >.<;; And I struggle with creating believable characters since I have trouble understanding the social aspects :/

So instead I end up like this XD Devouring other people's stories and trying to imagine how another author would write it... Or how the story could continue? Or maybe even how it could've gone if something had gone differently in the story XD It's quite fun to do :3

And yes after going through it some more I too figured it'd be way too much of a theme change if NMM and all that happened XD Though atm I'm twisting it around in my head trying to make a darker spin on it xD

NMM using Celestia to hurt Luna while unknowingly hurting herself in the process for example? XD

This is a very fun concept to ponder on :3 Really hope some more authors explore it ^^

Oh, that's where that went! Clever, and well executed!

Stellar work, Meridian. Dark and rich and gorgeous. Your takes on Daybreaker and Luna and Celestia are fantastic, and their drives and hidden demons and desires come across strongly. Cracking painting of scenes as well - the description of Daybreaker's ruined dream-realm and Luna navigating it were lovely and vivid.

Thanks! :twilightsmile: Wasn't sure about that at first, but I'm glad I stuck with it.

I mean, doesn't everyone? :ajsmug:

Well, a little radioactive I would imagine - with just a hint of hydrogen. :trollestia:

Aww, thanks! And thank you so much for all the wonderful comments - even having a few lines per chapter just made my day.

Oh wow - I'm going to have to break this down a little to answer!

Your takes on Daybreaker and Luna and Celestia are fantastic,

Given how much I love your Celestia (The Tempest remains one of my all-time faves), this is high praise indeed.

and their drives and hidden demons and desires come across strongly. Cracking painting of scenes as well - the description of Daybreaker's ruined dream-realm and Luna navigating it were lovely and vivid.

The two biggest things I wanted to achieve while writing this were to conjure the image of Daybreaker's world in the readers mind, and to convey what a complex, twisted relationship the Sisters have - in large part through Daybreaker and how I envision her. So to be told I nailed that is pretty awesome. :pinkiehappy:

Stellar work, Meridian. Dark and rich and gorgeous.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - positive feedback like this from authors that I really respect is one of the most fulfilling things I get out of writing. Thanks. :twilightsmile:

Exquisite. Daybreaker's personal sun logic (like moon logic, but more incandescent) has the terrifying internal consistency of madness. So long as you accept that terrifying first precept, everything else falls into place. Perfectly, as it should. Luna's preconceived notions giving way to guilt and that impotent feeling that doesn't know if it's rage or lust, Celestia's rightful fear over what she may become, the lies, the secrets, the clandestine rendezvous...

Truly fantastic work. The cyclical construction was the cherry on top, and the bottom of the sundae glass balanced on that cherry. (You did order the Mobiüs Deluxe, right?) Thank you for this, and best of luck in the judging.

(But seriously, Luna, call in the junior princesses. Even if love and friendship can't help, baby-powered doom lasers might.)

These are the kind of comments that I write to see. Wow.

Daybreaker's personal sun logic (like moon logic, but more incandescent) has the terrifying internal consistency of madness. So long as you accept that terrifying first precept, everything else falls into place. Perfectly, as it should.

Daybreaker is fascinating to me because she is very much Nightmare Moon's opposite - Luna gave up when she became NMM, but for Celestia to become Daybreaker she has to give in. In that way, there's a lot more of Celestia in Daybreaker than there is Luna in the Nightmare. And I don't think Celestia survived 1000 years as Equestria's ruler by staying entirely sane.

Random digression aside—you have put into words how I wanted to convey Daybreaker's madness better than I did in my actual outline, so it's good to know I got it across!

Luna's preconceived notions giving way to guilt and that impotent feeling that doesn't know if it's rage or lust, Celestia's rightful fear over what she may become, the lies, the secrets, the clandestine rendezvous...

Yeah, this Luna may have beaten the Tantabus, but she still has Issues with a capital I. :moustache: And while I totally understand most people's instinctual reaction to the sisters feeling like this towards each other in any way—they're very, very old, and very, very messed up ponies, who undoubtedly have a lot of very complicated feelings for each other. If the Lannisters can do it.... :trixieshiftright:

(also, more on Celestia's fear coming soon to a fimfic near you!)

Truly fantastic work. The cyclical construction was the cherry on top, and the bottom of the sundae glass balanced on that cherry. (You did order the Mobiüs Deluxe, right?)

This is the best comment. And I did absolutely order the Mobiüs Deluxe—with incestual undertone sprinkles! Also I'm glad the cyclical construction worked, that was relatively unplanned. It just kind of appeared once I started sketching out the story, for no real reason. Probably too many Mobiüs Deluxes.

Thank you for this, and best of luck in the judging.

(But seriously, Luna, call in the junior princesses. Even if love and friendship can't help, baby-powered doom lasers might.)

You are very welcome—thank you for reading and leaving such a lovely comment! :raritywink:

(And yeah, Luna really dropped the ball there. Twilight would have had them all hugging it out or just Nanoha'd them into friendship, Cadance would have had them...

...Well to be honest, Cadance would have probably ended with the same result. Just less angst for all parties involved. :ajsmug: )

Yeah okay I had no chance of winning. I'm perfectly happy if this is what I lost to.

This was a wonderful story. Daybreaker was exquisite, and Luna was excellently portrayed as well. I could feel the maelstrom of emotions surrounding them, and you really sold their characterizations. The writing itself was beautiful and so, so evocative. I am in awe.

Congratulation on placing. You deserved it.

This is a truly amazing thing to hear from the author of the entry I thought would probably win. I've been blown away in general by the reaction to this fic, and I'm so glad to hear in particular that I sold the emotions, I was most unsure of that (not having written romance written convincing romance before).

Thank you.

I enjoyed the depiction of DayBreaker, and it was really good to see Luna forging forth where celestia fears to tread.

I liked the ambiguity at the end as well - I’d like to think it’s Celestia, finally looking vanquish her demon now that she’s asked Luna to help. :)

Luna is definitely the more "act now, ask questions later" of the two sisters. :pinkiehappy:

And your interpretation of events is completely valid - that may well be what is happening! I'm going full Death of the Author on this one. Thanks for reading, and thanks even more for commenting; it's always great to see feedback. :twilightsmile:

This is the type of Princest fic that I wanted! Something that explores old emotions. None of that "OOOOOH we're sisters. This is a taboo. Teehee." Prose were pretty stellar too. This fic gets my literary boner all rock hard. Thank you!

Also, will you write something with the sisters again? or is this a one shot?

Literary boners are the best kind. :ajsmug:

Thanks! I really wanted to try and do something exploring that more mythological side of the sisters here. As for a sequel, well there's one in the works, but IRL stuff and a couple of other projects have pushed it back a little. Should see it sometime in Feb I'd imagine? And it's more of a prequel anyway...

Comment posted by The Forgotten Host deleted Dec 29th, 2018

This was really engaging! I really liked how the plot was driven so much by Luna's motivations, both for good and for ill. It made it really exciting, even though all it came down to for a lot of scenes was two ponies chatting a whole bunch--or that's how I remember it seeming, anyway. It didn't feel like there was much happening, not always, but I always wanted to see how Luna would react and handle the various situations she was put in.

And the descriptions of both scenery and ponies were so cool. I was especially fond of this sentence:

The corrupted alicorn was looking right at her, her eyes glowing like sickly beacons in the half-light, her mane and tail lonely torches in the vast, empty sky.

I did think it sped by a bit in places, though--I think the transition from Luna being sorta into Daybreaker to considering her a lover felt quick and not totally earned.

Still pretty interesting, though. Thanks for writing!

Sorry for the late reply on this, been a little absent from Fimfic for the last few weeks, focusing on irl stuff.

This was really engaging! I really liked how the plot was driven so much by Luna's motivations, both for good and for ill. It made it really exciting, even though all it came down to for a lot of scenes was two ponies chatting a whole bunch--or that's how I remember it seeming, anyway. It didn't feel like there was much happening, not always, but I always wanted to see how Luna would react and handle the various situations she was put in.

I'm glad you liked it! And you're absolutely right, 90% of this is Luna and Daybreaker just kinda chatting. Not the most enthralling of tales, so I'm glad you think I made it work.

And the descriptions of both scenery and ponies were so cool. I was especially fond of this sentence:

The corrupted alicorn was looking right at her, her eyes glowing like sickly beacons in the half-light, her mane and tail lonely torches in the vast, empty sky.

Thank you! A lot of my effort was put into really setting the scene.

I did think it sped by a bit in places, though--I think the transition from Luna being sorta into Daybreaker to considering her a lover felt quick and not totally earned.

Still pretty interesting, though. Thanks for writing!

That's definitely a weakness of this story. I'm not even sure it's one that would have been fixed by a longer writing process - I had a very specific concept for this story that I wanted to convey, and I don't think I have the experience or writing chops to write a longer, more believable romance. Hence why I just sort of skipped ahead. But thank you so much for commenting, and I'm glad you liked it!

This is so damn good... I'm sorry, but I have no words that do this justice.

That in itself speaks volumes! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for commenting. I see you also gave Hyperion a read--thanks for dropping by, and I hope you like my future stories! There should be one coming out fairly soon? It just needs a bit of a clean up, the current version is a bit rough.

Please, please, please tell me you have a sequel or a prequel planned for this story ! Because its so damn good, and i want more of it. I really enjoyed the complex chemistry that was gradually building up between Luna and Day breaker. Also the way you portrayed day breaker in your story , was really cool and unique. Shes not just some crazy , deranged pony, but there's more to her that meets the eye.

Sorry for the absurdly late reply--in answer to your question, yes there is a sequel in the works for this. No promises on release date though. The next few months are going to be very busy for me IRL, as the last few have been, and on top of that there are a few other half-finished projects that I really should get out first.

But thank you for reading, and for all the lovely praise. Stick around, and you'll get the sequel prequel soon enough... :ajsmug:

This story is such a delightful mix of sad, dramatic, and funny. I really love how the ending recontextualizes the whole thing- because if Celestia was watching, that means her giving Luna permission to deal with Daybreaker how she felt was right was her saying "Okay, fine, you can sleep with my evil alter ego," which is just hilarious. Fantastic work here! <3

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