• Published 9th Aug 2018
  • 614 Views, 2 Comments

I Will Always - Gpizano

Applejack has a good life, family, friends, even adventure. But no matter how many days past, memories last...

  • ...

Think of You

The evening fall air was crisp and cool, washing over the bodies of the ponies that worked on the property of Cherry Hill Ranch. They had put in a hard days work and after a wash up, they were setting up for a right good time outside the main barn. It was a cozy area where the workers could let loose on the wood dance floor, sit at one of the crate tables, or even sit at the makeshift bar and drink the night away (drink what was their share or what they brought themselves of course, Cherry wouldn't just let the foxes have free range of the chicken coop after all!).

A phonograph was playing toe tapping numbers in between ponies taking a crack at the piano or with their own instruments. It was a night of merriment, a world of it's own hidden among the cherry trees and beneath a blanket of stars. Two mares in particular had arrived just as the festivities were warming up to hot, one an older mare with a light, cream coat and deep red mane and tail, the owner of the ranch Cherry Jubilee. The other a fit younger mare, with an orange coat and blonde mane and tail, an element of harmony and every now and then picker of cherries, Applejack.

"Good ta' see they still have their fun." commented the blonde mare, smiling as she watched faces familiar and new having a night of merrymaking.

"Shoot darlin', Ah might run a tight ship but Ah ain't cruel." said Cherry, giving a smile and a nod to those they passed as they headed for an empty crate. "E'erypony's gotta' let off some steam now n' then."

Nodding in agreement, Applejack passed a table where a couple of stallions were shooting the breeze, with and old one gazing down into his cherry beer with a doleful look. "Ne'er seen him before. He okay?" Applejack murmured to Cherry, giving a subtle nod to point out the somber blue-grey stallion.

"Hm?" asked Cherry, glancing over before frowning softly "That's Coal Horse. He uh... he's had a rough life darlin'." she said, leaving it at that as they reached their crate and took a seat at it. "Anywho. What would ya' like to drink? Mah treat." she offered with a kittenish smile.

"Still no hard cider?" teased Applejack with a grin.

"Mm, Ah'll have to check. Might have to settle fer' some cherry beer. Though Ah could work up somethin' a l'il special fer an element of harmony." Cherry teased back, getting up when the blonde mare nodded and trotting over to the bar.

Left alone, Applejack just leaned back a bit and looked up to the stars. She didn't like being away from home, but Cherry always paid good and she had the time. It was just about as beautiful as the night sky above Sweet Apple Acres.

She was so caught up in her star gazing that she didn't notice Coal Horse chug his beer before standing and trotting over to the piano in the corner. Hadn't noticed that the music from the phonograph had died down nor the couple of keys Coal plunked as he caught his bearings.

Not until he began to play a couple of particular keys that she snapped to attention. She stared right at his back as he played those keys over and over again. An old song... that carried a lot of memories.

The homestead was quiet that warm night, what was normally a comfort now felt eerie to young Applejack as she tip hoofed to the door of her and Big Mac's room, wanting a glass of water. However, the thought of thirst was replaced by curiosity when she heard a sound gently drifting up the stairs.

Was that the piano?

She quietly closed the door behind her and headed down to the living room, a bit surprised to see her mother sitting at the piano. "Mama?"

Pear Butter paused, looking over her shoulder and smiling tiredly to her daughter.

"Mama. Granny says you gotta' rest." the filly said softly.

The mare turned, just a bit since some movements were hard with such a big belly and patted the spot next to her "C'mere Applejack." After a moment's hesitation, the filly joined her mother at the piano, gazing curiously up to the mare. "You wanna' hear a song?"

The filly perked up at that. Her mother hadn't sang since papa... since papa...

Pear Butter just smiled that same, sad smile as she began to play "It's n' old one, but Ah used ta' like it..." she took a moment to clear her throat before she began to sing.

"I will always..." rasped Coal, bringing Applejack momentarily to the present. "Think of you. Ah see yer' face, when he stays through. And days go paaaaaast~" Oh so fast "But memories they last~"

A song that didn't even last a minute and a half was so hauntingly long. Even though Coal was a bit clumsy with the keys now and then, his voice certainly wasn't her mother's. But it kept Applejack glued to her seat, staring at the back of his head as the memory played out in her head. It wasn't broken until the last key played out, seeming to echo past them all and into the cherry trees, out into the night, taking with it that last night Applejack had seen her mother before she left to see the doctor with Granny.


The blonde blinked, looking into lime green eyes instead of the back of Coal's head. When had Cherry gotten back from the bar?

"Applejack. Girl what's wrong? Ya' been starin' off n' you've been crying."

An orange hoof raised up, brushing over a wet cheek. "Ah..." she began, mouth open but no other words following at the moment. "Ah... s'cuse me." she said, standing up and quickly trotting off, heading around the corner of the barn before sinking down onto her haunches, rubbing her face to try and get rid of the tears. She hadn't heard that song in an age... so why...?

Applejack jumped when she felt a hoof on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Cherry there again, worried but smiling softly, wanting to be a comfort. They didn't say anything for a time, Applejack could feel her eyes watering and suddenly leaned forward, hiding her face against Cherry's shoulder. The older mare simply wrapped her forelegs around Applejack.

The record on the phonograph was changed, new music drifted up into the warm fall night as the two mares huddled close together in the shadows of the barn.

Author's Note:

I couldn't help but get this one shot thought in my head when I heard this song and I just wanted to get it out of my system. Everyone always writes something about Appleack's parents at some point so here's some vaguely sad shit. XD

I Will Always Think of You

Link above if you wanna check out the song for yourself.

Comments ( 1 )

Weird right? Or maybe there was but it never caught on.

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