• Published 6th Aug 2018
  • 8,640 Views, 32 Comments

Love Letter - Rated Ponystar

Ocellus gets a love letter in her locker and follows its instructions to find out who has feelings for her

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Finding A Letter

Author's Note:

It's just a small one shot I got an idea for. I was going to work on my Fallout reaction story, but I did this instead.

If you are curious, the Student Six parings I like are Ocellus x Sandbar, Sandbar x Gallus, Gallus x Smolder, and Sandbar x Silverstream

Back during the times of Queen Chrysalis, education wasn’t necessary a priority for the common changeling. There was a time, before her reign, that the changeling race would buy, steal, or copy written works and bring them to their own libraries for study. All to get to know the other races better so they could blend in and steal love with ease. Occasionally, a changeling would write or come to a discovery of their own, but that was rare. One sad thing about the changeling race was they didn’t have much in terms of their own originality. When Chrysalis came into power, she deemed all such things unnecessary for the workers and common changelings to have. Only she, and those she deemed worthy, were allowed the right to educate themselves beyond the simple numbers, letters, and basic history of their people. Not to mention their purpose in life which was two things: get love for the hive and serve their queen.

King Thorax changed all that, and Ocellus was just happy for it. She loved to read and write long before her change into her current form. Her mother worked as a servant in the castle during Queen Chrysalis’s reign and Ocellus was expected to follow in her hoofsteps. During which, she would sneak into the royal library and learn all that she could. Rarely did the guards ever enter, and even rarer did the queen. Much didn’t change so much after the transformation and the coup, but she did get caught one day by Thorax when he entered to find some light reading for the night. She half expected to be executed, but instead he asked for her opinion on what was good to read. Next thing she knew, she was chosen by him to represent the changelings in the new school in Equestria that was opening itself for all races.

Although nervous over the fact she was meeting complete strangers that were once enemies of her kind, she grew to love the school after the first week. She met five amazing friends, had access to so many books, and Professor Twilight even offered her extra lessons at her request. Most importantly, she now had a goal. She wanted to be a teacher, just like her favorite professor, and educate her people with the amazing power of books and learning.

Of course, that was many years from now. Today, she was just happy to be with her friends and fellow students.

“I must say, Ocellus, that is quite a divine dress you have made,” Professor Rarity complimented as she stood beside her with a nod of approval. Her friend Silverstream posed with grace as she twirled around, showing off the glowing blue stars at the hemline of the white dress. “How did you come up with the inspiration for the glittering blue stars? It goes very well with the silver bow at the end of the waist.”

“Silverstream and I found some glitter rocks outside and used Professor Pinkie’s rock crushing methods to get the glitter out. We then managed to stick it together,” Ocellus replied with a smile. “That part wasn’t easy, and it required some magic from a Razz Star over there.” She waved to a light green male unicorn with a grey mane and multiple blue stars for a cutie mark. He waved and nodded in thanks for the recognition. In fact, it was Ocellus’s idea to make the designs of the hem based on his cutie mark as thanks.

“Well, I think this deserves an A+ in my books. And I’m going to give Razz Star extra credit for being a good friend in assisting you,” Rarity said before moving on to the next pair.

“Alright! A+! Awesome work, Ocellus!” Silverstream said as she got down from her podium and hugged the changeling.

“Thanks, Silverstream,” Ocellus answered before walking over to Razz Star who smiled at her.

“We should thank you too, Razz Star. You really helped us in the end,” Ocellus said, nodding.

“No problem. Anything to help a fellow student. I really did like your dress, Ocellus. I think you’d look great in it,” Razz Star replied which made her blush. “Anyway, let me know if you need anything else in the future.”

“Sure, and the same in return.”

Their conversation was interrupted with a loud sneeze and the flare of flames that forced the class to cover their eyes. When it was done, they looked at a smoking yellow Pegasus whose eye was twitching as she stood in the ashes of her dress. A wide-eyed Rarity turned to a blushing Smolder who rubbed the back of her neck. “Um, sorry?”


“Stupid allergies…” Smolder muttered as she and her friends exited their class room. “It’s not my fault Professor Rarity used lavender perfume today! That stuff always makes me sneeze!”

“At least she gave you a C instead of an F,” Ocellus replied.

“And that Swan Dive didn’t hate you too much for ruining her feathers,” Silverstream pointed out.

“Eh, who cares what she thinks. She wasn’t really the best of partners. Always chatting and chatting about her family history, nobility, and the great amazing things her father does in Cloudsdale. Geez, I’d rather hear Yona go on for six hours about Yaks.”

“Oh! Yona love to!” They turned around to find their other three friends, Sandbar, Gallus, and a very excited Yona behind them. “Yona love to educate friend Smolder! Long time ago, Yaks were made by Gods. Gods very big and strong so make sense they make Yaks big and strong too! Yaks then—Hey, where friend Smolder flying off too!”

The group chuckled as Yona chased after a retreating Smolder before Sandbar casually asked, “How was class with Professor Rarity?”

“Great! We go an A+!” Silverstream cheered as she hugged Ocellus who struggled to breath for a bit before she was let go. “How was Professor Dash’s class?”

“Still the best undefeated dodgeball champs as always!” Gallus proclaimed as he and Sandbar hoof bumped. “Of course, Yona still got out first as always. We keep trying to tell her not to charge ahead like a missile, but it falls on deaf ears. Still, she’s a good distraction to get some key players out early on.”

“Well, since classes are over for the day, why don’t we find Smolder and Yona before heading over to the lake to relax a bit?” Ocellus suggested. The others nodded in agreement. “Great, I just need to head over to my locker. I’ll meet you guys there.”

They bid her goodbye, but just as she was about to leave Sandbar called to her. “Hey, Ocellus? Are we still good for that study session tomorrow night?”

“Sure, I have nothing planned,” Ocellus answered with a smile.

Sighing in relief, Sandbar smiled back. “Thanks. I really wish I was better at math like you. You’re so smart and kind to help me out.”

“Oh, I’m just being a good friend. You’re being too kind,” Ocellus replied, turning her head to the side so Sandbar couldn’t see her blush. It was taking all her effort not to change into an ostrich and hide her head in the ground. “I’m sure you’d rather spend your weekend doing something more fun.”

“No, I like hanging out with you—I mean my friends. And you’re one of my friends. So, I like hanging out with you… yeah,” Sandbar muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh, I’m going to meet with the others. See you at the lake!” He rushed to catch up with his friends as Ocellus wondered what was wrong before she turned around to make straight for her locker.

Debating which book in her saddlebags she wanted to bring to read, Ocellus noticed a ruby red colored earth pony with a blond mane combing herself with a mirror from her locker door. It was held together by a bright red bow that also happened to be her cutie mark but around a teddy bears neck. Noticing Ocellus, she paused and smiled. “Hey, Ocellus. How was class?”

“Hi Ruby,” Ocellus greeted as she nodded to her locker neighbor. “It was fun. Got an A+ as always.”

Giggling, Ruby closed her locker and smiled at the beaming changeling. “You always get such good grades. I hope that one day I can be as smart as you. I just keep getting C-Pluses and B’s.”

“Those are still good grades. Besides, I just like to try hard, you know?” Ocellus answered, doing her best to hide her blush. “Besides, we had help thanks to Razz Star. He really helped make that dress look nice.”

“That Razz Star,” Ruby sighed as she pressed her back against the locker and held her hooves over her heart. “What a dream colt. I wish he was my partner, but we only have classes with Professor Fluttershy and Applejack together. What would I give for a special somepony like that.”

“I guess he is kinda cute,” Ocellus answered with a shrug. “Anyway, my friends and I are going to the lake to hang out. You wanna come?”

“Sorry, but I gotta go to a volleyball club meeting. Professor Dash thinks she can get us a match with the Canterlot Crossblades so we’re planning to practice hard for the match. Maybe some other time.”

“Okay, see you later!” Ocellus waved as Ruby rushed off. Opening her locker, Ocellus was about to put her books in when she noticed something inside. “Huh? What’s this?” Using her magic, she levitated it over and found it to be a white envelope. Turning on its side, she instantly froze upon seeing the red heart sticker that managed to keep it folder. “W-where did this come from?” She looked at her locker, wondering if someone slip it in through the air cracks of the door.

Slowly, she peeled the envelope opened and red what was inside. It was a letter, but what was on the letter made Ocellus “eep” and transform into a frigid squirrel as she stared at the letter which floated down for her to read again:

“I really like you. Please meet me at the big tree tomorrow at 12PM.”

-Love, A Secret Admire


A secret admirer?!”

All five friends of Ocellus stared at her as she held out the letter for them to see. Smolder quickly grabbed it and read it out loud which made everyone slowly turn to their blushing friend who had changed into a little whimpering puppy. She was still trying to process this as well. Never had Ocellus even thought of someone in the school feeling…attracted to her. Sure, she could make herself attractive with her magic, but that wasn’t the real her. The only other creatures besides she and her friends were ponies, and she didn’t think anypony would be attractive to a changeling.

Silverstream shrieked with joy as she instantly grabbed Ocellus and started hugging her so tight her puppy face was turning dark blue. “Oh my gosh! This is Amazing! Ocellus has a special crush that’s pinning for her! Eeeeek! I can’t wait to meet him!” Ocellus struggled for air. The world slowly turning dark. “Oh, what if he’s a hunky earth pony?! Or a cute looking pegasi?! Or a regal looking unicorn?!” A light was ahead of the darkness as a sweet heavenly choir sung in Ocellus ears, begging her to come to them. “I can’t wait to plan your first date! Then your wedding! Oh, and your future baby showers! Ah, this is going to be so much fun!” Her grandmother was there. Smiling and begging her to come and embrace the sweet embrace of death.

“Silverstream, the only thing we’ll be attending is a funeral if you don’t let her breath!” Sandbar shouted which made Silverstream drop the gasping Ocellus who felt her soul return to her body.

“Oh, sorry.”

“Yak not understand why ponies court with paper,” Yona asked picking the letter up and tilting her head. “Seem wasteful.”

“How do yaks court their crushes?” Gallus asked.

“We tackle crush and lick them over and over again! More licks means more affection!”

“One, ew,” Gallus said, shivering. “Second, who gave you the letter, Ocellus?”

Turning back to her normal form, Ocellus sighed as she sat on her haunches. “I-I don’t know. I don’t really interact with guys that much. Apart from you and Sandbar.”

“Well, I didn’t send it. No offence, Ocellus, but you ain’t my type,” Gallus said, crossing his arms. He turned to his best friend who was still looking shocked over the surprise. “Yo, Sandbar? You give the letter?”

“Huh? Oh, no… I didn’t…” Sandbar answered, lowering his gaze downward as his mane dropped a little.

“Well, has there been any guy you talked to recently?” Smolder asked.

Suddenly, Silverstream gasped and Ocellus reacted by ducking behind her dragon friend. “I know who it is! It’s Razz Star!”

“Razz Star?” Ocellus asked, popping her head out. “I… I don’t know…”

“Well, who else could it be?!” Silverstream then started using her talons to list her points. “He’s the only guy you’ve spoken to recently. He’s very kind to you. He helped on our project. He complimented you. And I think I’ve seen him glance at you when he passes by your locker! It’s gotta be him.”

“Me and… Razz Star?” Ocellus whispered. She thought about his handsome looking face, combed yet stylish mane, and the fact that he had a warm smile. Visions of him holding her close, whispering words of romance, and cuddling made her feel warm. “I… I guess maybe…but I can’t think of anyone… really liking me… I mean there’s nothing to like.”

“You’re wrong!” Sandbar shouted, making them jump. “You’re the smartest student in our grade! You look amazing with your colors blending together! And you’ve got one of the kindest souls around that it would rival even Professor Fluttershy! Any guy would be lucky to have you! He’d be an idiot not to like you!”

“Um, thanks?” Ocellus replied, as her wings twitched from the compliment.

“Well, there is only one thing we need to do! Get you ready for tomorrow!” Silverstream shouted as she grabbed Ocellus and flew into the air. “Which means a makeover! Girls with me! Sorry, boys you stay here!”

“W-wait! Silverstream! Wait!” Ocellus shouted as she was carried away.

“Yona help too! Yona know several yak beauty tips!” Yona cried out as she followed her friends.

“Eh, I got nothing else to do,” Smolder replied as she got up and followed, a bit more lazily.

That left Gallus with his sullen looking pony friend who was drawing circles on the ground. When he was sure the girls had left, he turned to Sandbar and asked, “Dude, did you really send the letter or not?” When he got a shake in reply, the griffin groaned. “I told you to tell her before it was too late. Now look? She’s gonna get a special somepony and it’s not going to be you.”

“Okay, I get it!” Sandbar shouted, before sighing. “I’m just not as good at this as you are.”

“Hey, there is a difference between being a bachelor like me and confessing to the girl you’ve had a crush on for months,” Gallus stated as walked over and put his claw on Sandbar’s shoulders. “Look, why don’t you just tell her how you feel now before she meets this Razz guy? If she really does fall for him, you’ll be out of luck and regret it for the rest of your life.”

“I know that, but…” he sighed, “what if she really does like him? What right do I have to break up that happiness? I like her. Like really like her! But I don’t want her to be unhappy. I’d rather never have her then see that happen. So… I guess I’ll just have to accept it.”

Gallus stared at him for a long time before shaking his head. “You really are too nice for your own good.”

“Yeah, but I can live with that.”


The girls spent the rest of the day and the following morning getting Ocellus ready. At first, she wanted to maybe transform her body a bit to look more beautiful, but Silversteam was against that and instead did her best to make her shell sparkle, hooves cleaned, wings bright, and her face given a touch of makeup that made her eyes and cute nose stand out. Yona even managed to somehow braid her mane into a ponytail. While Smolder… offered emotional support. Although, she reluctantly gave up one of her gems that Yona and Silverstream turned into a necklace for her wear.

Gallus and Sandbar stood with jaws wide open over Ocellus’s appearance as the group stood outside the big tree. There was even a bit of drool dripping down from Sandbar’s mouth. “W-what do you think?” Ocellus asked, turning around to show off her new look.

“Beautiful…” Sandbar whispered, his eyes in a hypnotic daze of wonder.

“Yeah, you look really good, Ocellus,” Gallus seconded as he gave a thumbs up. “I’d even date you if you were my type.”

“Those classes with Professor Rarity really helped out,” Silverstream nodded as she puffed out her chest. “If I keep this up, I’ll be even better than my cousin in makeovers!”

“Um, what time is it? We’re not late are we?” Ocellus asked, nervously looking around.

“Um, according to the sun it’s a few minutes before noon,” Smolder replied, looking up at the sky. “Guess we better hide out, huh?”

“Aw, but Yona want to meet Ocellus’s future mate,” Yona whined, making Ocellus appear ready to faint upon hearing that. Nevertheless, the group began to make their way towards some bushes to hide it out.

Before he followed them, Sandbar paused and turned to Ocellus with a small smile. “Hey, don’t be nervous. You’ll do great.”

“Thanks, Sandbar,” Ocellus said, with a relaxing side. “You always know how to make a friend feel relaxed.”

Sandbar nodded before slowly joining his friends. Ocellus stood there, the wind blowing in her face as the leaves of the tree fell off. She sat on her haunches, feeling the urge to run growing inside her chest as some sweat began to drop down her neck. What should I do when he gets here? Should I speak first? Do we… kiss? No, that’s too soon. Oh, I wish Mother was here to help me. Even King Thorax would be better. Not that I don’t mind help from my friends. Maybe I should cut this whole thing off and—”


Holding her breath, Ocellus slowly turned around and saw a stunned Razz Star staring at her. She gulped before getting up and slowly moving forward towards him. “Um, high Razz Star.”

“Wow, you look… amazing,” he replied as his eyes went up and down.

“D-do you like it?” she asked bashfully rubbed her hoof on the grass. “I… I thought I’d try a new look.”

“Well, its looks great,” Razz Star nodded with a smile that made Ocellus give one back. “But, what are you doing here?”


“Um, you invited me,” Ocellus answered, but upon seeing him raise an eyebrow, she levitated the note she had and showed it to him. His eyes widened upon seeing it as he took it into his hooves. “I…I really like that you…um, like me…and I guess…I’d be willing to try it out…if you want?”

He continued to stare at the letter as she slowly looked at Ocellus, then back at it. He closed his eyes and looked downward. Tilting her head, Ocellus decided to reach out with her power to see if there was anything wrong, but what she felt shocked her. There was… no love. No love directed at her… just… regret…and sympathy.

“Ocellus… are you… locker 2198?” Razz asked, solemnly.

In an instant everything became clear to Ocellus as she stood there as frozen as ice. “No…that’s Ruby Bow’s…I’m 21…97.”

There was a long silence in the air. The wind blowing in both their faces as the sun soon faded away from a set grey clouds that erased the warmth it was giving in the area.

“Ocellus,” Razz spoke, “I’m sorry. It was… I thought… I didn’t mean to make you…”

“It’s… It’s okay,” Ocellus spoke, giving a shaky smile. “Just…it was just a mistake…you didn’t…mean to.”

He stepped forward. “I still feel bad. Is there anything I can do to make it up?”

“N-no, I’m fine. S-sorry for the misunderstanding,” Ocellus stated as she slowly turned away. If only not to see the single tear that was dripping down her eye. “You… you can find Ruby at practice I think. She… she should be done by now.”

Razz slowly nodded his head and, with tail between his legs, slowly left the area. He didn’t even say a word.

When he was gone, the five of her friends came out, each with sympathy in their eyes as Ocellus kept hers close. She knew if she opened them she was going to start crying and she didn’t want to do that. Not now. Not until she was in bed.

Then she could cry.

“Ocellus… do you… do you need anything?” Silverstream asked, gently touching her shoulder.

“…I just want to be alone for a bit,” replied Ocellus as she slowly walked away.

None of her friends said anything while she left, but Sandbar gritted his teeth and pounded the dirt in frustration.


When school started after the weekend, all Ocellus could hear was the news about Razz and Ruby going out. All day she had to listen to the gossip of how ponies though they were cute together and it made her sick. It wasn’t that she hated either of them. Razz clearly made a mistake with the lockers and he had apologized again that morning for unintendedly hurting her. Ocellus forgave him easily.

No, it was the fact that she didn’t have a special somepony or a special changeling or…just someone special. She spent all weekend in her room, ignoring her friends’ attempts to talk to her. She just wanted to be left alone, mourning over something she didn’t realize she wanted until recently. She wanted someone to like her like Razz to Ruby. She wanted that kind of affection.

When the last of her classes ended, she packed up her books and made for her locker. Thankfully, Ruby wasn’t there but Silverstream was with a small wave. “Hey, Ocellus.”

“Hey,” she muttered back.

“Um, I was wondering if you wanted to come to my dorm with the rest of the gang and play some board games. Well, everyone but Sandbar, he said he had something important to do.”

Shaking her head, Ocellus answered, “Not today, Silverstream. I think I’ll just do my homework and go to bed today.”

Silverstream frowned before slowly wrapping her arms around the frigid changeling. “I understand, but please promise to talk to us soon? We just want to help you.”

The thought of yelling that they couldn’t help her entered her mind, but Ocellus forced it down. I can’t get mad at her. She and the others are just worried about me.

“I will. I promise,” Ocellus answered as she saved Silverstream goodbye. She went to her locker and opened it, only to get a sense of dejavu as she stared another envelop waiting inside for her. “W-what?” She slowly took it with her magic. “Is…is this a joke?”

She slowly opened it and there was another letter this time.

I know you must be feeling strange reading another one. But I have something important to tell you. Meet me at the big tree as soon as you get this.

-A friend


Ocellus didn’t know why she was doing this. Her mind was telling her to just leave and not bother with this. It had to be a prank from somepony who found out about what happened and just wanted to mess with her. So why am I going forward with this?

Like the letter said, she made her way towards the big tree where her heart was crushed, but there was nopony there. “Hello? Listen, if this is some big prank you’re jerk to mess with someone like this.”

“It’s not a prank.”

Turning around, she saw Sandbar come out from behind the tree. He glanced at her with a small hint of red on his cheeks as he slowly made his way towards her. “Sandbar? What is this?” Ocellus asked, tilting her head. “Why did you ask me to come here.”

“Because I’m going to do what I should have done a long time ago.” Taking a deep breath, Sandbar looked at Ocellus eye to eye with nothing but warmth in his gaze. “Ocellus… I really… really like you.”

Once again, there was a moment of silence. Yet the clouds that once gaze the sky soon began to fade away and allow the sun to shine down once more. To her credit, Ocellus didn’t blush or even faint, but stare at her friend with her heart beating like a drum against her chest. “W-what?”

“I’ve… I’ve had a crush on you for months,” Sandbar confessed, rubbing his hooves together. “All those things I said about your smarts, beauty, and kindness? I meant it all. All of it! I’ve wanted to tell you, but I…I chickened out.” He looked at the tree with narrow eyes. “Seeing you…suffer that embarrassment two days ago…I felt like I had to make you feel better…so the only thing I could do was show that…Razz might not think you’re special…” He then smiled at her and gently touched her stunned face. “But you are special to me.”

Ocellus felt the blood rush to her face as she began to stutter. “B-but… but… how do I? I mean, are you s-s-sure?”

He smirked before leaning over and placed his lips on her cheek. A small peck graced her face, but for Ocellus she felt something from it. It was love. Real love. The honest to good kind of love that made her insides bursting with joy. Yet it was special. It was his love. His love for her. And only her. A special kind of love.

“Sandbar…” she whispered as a real smile graced her face for the first time since her heart was crushed. Now it felt renewed, and ready to sing. She slowly closed her eyes and embraced him, resting on his barrel as he rest his chin on her head and nuzzled her. She felt her wings buzz with excitement and her horn slowly absorb the love given to her. It was unlike anything she ever felt in her life. And it was all for her.

“You want to get some milkshakes at Sugarcube Corner?” he asked, whispering in her ear.

She giggled and nodded, but not yet.

She wanted to be in this position just a bit longer.

Comments ( 32 )

Absolutely adorable...

This story is so sweet! :twilightsmile:

for a second I thought the coverart was the flag of japan

“I must say, Ocellus, that is quite a divine dress you have made,” Professor Rarity complimented as she stood beside her with a nod of approval. Her friend Silverstream posed with grace as she twirled around, showing off the glowing blue stars at the hemline of the white dress. “How did you come up with the inspiration for the glittering blue stars? It goes very well with the silver bow at the end of the waist.”

Dialogue goes into a new paragraph, just so you know. It makes things less confusing.

This was so cute! That mix up was heartbreaking but Sandbar more than made up for it. Personally, Sandbar x Ocellus is my favorite ship for the Student 6, though I guess Sandbar x Silverstream is a good backup, like you mentioned in the beginning.

Gosh that last part takes me back <3

I can actually see this happening on the show...well, except after what happened after Hearths Warming Club but hey, maybe you can do a sequel where Ocellus gets back at Sandbar for that though she's too nice for that so Sandbar has to be the nice guy that he is and give her an apology gift..

I'm sorry, but I had to stop part way through this. There were too many spelling and grammar errors for me to ignore. It may be just me being tired though, so if you manage to get another round of editing done let me know.

Silverstream had the right idea, shape shifting to be more attractive wouldn't have been authentic. I think authenticity would be even more important for shape shifters.

Awww... SO CUTE :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

Though, you should improve your grammar! :twilightblush:

This was really sweet and pretty funny, would make for a very entertaining episode

Hnnnnggh! I was overdosed with adorable.

...the Student Six parings I like are (...) Gallus x Smolder (...)

Finally! I'm not the only one who thinks that should be a thing! :rainbowlaugh:

Anyway, very adorable story. :twilightsmile:

D'awwwwww! This was really cute!:twilightsmile:

I've never given any thoughts into shipping any of the students together, but I can roll with this.

In an instant everything became clear to Ocellus as she stood there as frozen as ice. “No…that’s Ruby Bow’s…I’m 21…97.”

mega oof

“We tackle crush and lick them over and over again! More licks means more affection!”

This right here. This is classic Yona. Yona is best student.

"excited screaming" Oh my gosh! Am I still alive or have I died of ship overload?! :pinkiehappy:

Ocellus: Gets heart crushed and spends 2 days alone moping over what could've been.

Chat: "Oof big mood"

Dunno why, I'm just starting to really like Ocellus, especially cute stories like these where I don't have to see that ridiculous design. I'm still upset about that, two years later.

I take it this wasn't proofread, as I found myself tripping over tons of little typos. Still readable, though, but definitely keep a proofreader on a leash. Beyond that, my only problem with this is how some of the characters act; some reactions just felt weird and unnatural, oftentimes forced. I don't have a guaranteed method, currently, of avoiding that, but I'm thinking about having a reference sheet of basic character traits that might define whatever character's reactions.

This story is pretty damn cute, despite my criticisms. Kinda harder to name specific positives without some time, but I can say that it was enjoyable. Refreshingly simple, self-contained, all that.

"Alright doc, give it to me straight.":pinkiehappy:
This story gave me heartburn and cavities!
This is everything I've been needing (except sleep). Actually, this took sleep from me trying to find the perfect story for the night.

Even though they didn’t end up together in the show, Ocelbar is still my favorite ship for the Student Six and this is still one of the best stories for the couple.

Beats YonaBar in my book.

This is a wonderful letter and a wonderful story that everyone, especially the fans of these heroes, should listen to, you will also be interested to learn about writing assignments, you will find more information on my educational site, which contains the best reviews for the best assignments services.

Aww poor Ocellus Not only she got embarrassed but she was heartbroken man that hurts so much Not only that sandbar was in love with her Despite that it was just a misunderstanding but he felt even more guilty for what happen but What up to the end this was a pretty sweet sandbar Confess to ocellus his in love with her so sweet 💗

“I know that, but…” he sighed, “what if she really does like him? What right do I have to break up that happiness? I like her. Like really like her! But I don’t want her to be unhappy. I’d rather never have her then see that happen. So… I guess I’ll just have to accept it.”

Gallus stared at him for a long time before shaking his head. “You really are too nice for your own good.”

“Yeah, but I can live with that.”

Stuff like this is why Sandbar is amazing.

Also, you said you liked Sandbar and Silverstream?!? Those are my two favorite Young 6 members. I'd show up for a story like that.


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“Eh, who cares what she thinks. She wasn’t really the best of partners. Always chatting and chatting about her family history, nobility, and the great amazing things her father does in Cloudsdale. Geez, I’d rather hear Yona go on for six hours about Yaks.”

Griffon triggered “Yona say Yaks history and geography” switch.

Comment posted by KenGusikowski deleted Sep 8th, 2021
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