• Published 8th Aug 2018
  • 11,926 Views, 591 Comments

Her Knight in Sunlit Armor - AliceLiz

Twilight Sparkle has always had trouble making friends since before she went to CPA. Until she becomes the tutor for the new girl, Sunset Shimmer.

  • ...

2. An Otherworldly View

Twilight bounced on the balls of her feet while Sunset dug through her pockets for her house key.

“We’re just gonna send a message to the princess, and then we’re going straight away, right?” she asked, smiling with excitement.

Sunset chuckled. “Well, we don’t have to leave right away.” She opened the door to her room, gesturing for Twilight to enter first.

“Mom won’t be home from work for a few hours yet,” Sunset smirked. “Whaddya say we have some fun before we leave?” She pulled Twilight close, sealing their lips in a soft kiss.

“I must admit that is a very tempting offer,” Twilight blushed.

“In that case, why don’t we continue this in my bedroom?” Sunset led Twilight by her hand up the stairs.

Twilight could feel her excitement build as they approached Sunset's bedroom. Once they were inside, Twilight took a seat on the edge of the bed, giving her girlfriend what she hoped was a sexy look.

Sunset leaned forward to kiss Twilight, weaving her hands through her girlfriend’s hair.

Twilight moaned in response, even as Sunset pushed forward, pressing her back against the bed. Twilight gasped at the butterflies swarming her stomach as Sunset straddled her waist.

Lost for words, Twilight simply stared in reverence at the beauty before her. Her breath caught in her throat as Sunset leaned over her, capturing her lips in an even deeper kiss.

The feel of Sunset’s hands gliding under her shirt to caress her waist was almost heavenly. Twilight moaned loudly into the kiss, digging her fingers into her girlfriend’s rich head of hair and breaking away only to take in a frantic breath before returning the kiss.

She felt one of Sunset’s hand trail lower, her heartbeat increasing with each electrifying inch it traveled. Twilight’s eyes widened suddenly as Sunset’s fingers snaked underneath the band of her panties.

“W-wait!” she cried, pushing the other girl away suddenly.

Sunset shot off her as though she’d been shocked. “I’m so sorry!” she gasped, looking panicked. “I didn’t mean to... I-I don’t know what came over me, I just got caught up in the moment-” she flinched. “Dammit, that’s not an excuse.” She looked up with fearful eyes. “I’m so sorry, Twilight. Are you… o-okay?

Twilight nodded, hugging her legs to her chest. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just overreacted, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making you have to hold back like this,” she added, guiltily looking away.

“No, Sweetie,” Sunset said, shaking her head. “It’s my fault, I should be able to control myself better. I don’t want to push you, I really don’t, I just… I lost control.” She hung her head, sighing heavily.

“But I don’t want to make you have to wait,” Twilight said in a small voice. She felt a knot well up in her throat and tears fill her eyes. “I honestly thought I’d be ready by now. I want to be ready,” she choked out, her tears steadily trailing down her cheeks.

Sunset crawled back across the bed, slowly and gently wrapping Twilight in a warm hug. “Don’t push yourself for my sake, Twilight. It’s only been a week. There’s nothing wrong with you not being ready yet. I’m just really cavalier about this stuff,” she sighed. “But that’s not important. What’s important is that you feel comfortable with taking the next step before we do it. So, we’re going to wait until then. No buts.”

“But-” Twilight cut herself off, cringing. “I guess you're right. And, you're sure you don’t mind the wait?” she asked with a small frown.

Sunset wiped the tears off her cheek. “Oh, Twilight. Of course I don’t. Do you want to know why?”

Twilight nodded, eyes wide with curiosity.

Sunset leaned closer, whispering in her ear. “Because you’re worth waiting for.”

Twilight giggled. “Thanks,” she whispered with a grin. She wiped away the rest of her tears, chuckling. “Sorry I got so emotional and ruining the moment.”

Sunset kissed her on the cheek. “Don’t ever apologize for that.”

Twilight leaned her head on the redhead's shoulder. “Okay, If you insist.” She allowed herself to fall into the comforting embrace of her girlfriend as her worries and anxieties ebbed.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, until Twilight slowly extricated herself from Sunset’s embrace. “We should probably get going.”

“You feeling better?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah, I’m good,” Twilight said. “Thanks for being there for me. And for being so soft and cuddly,” she added with a giggle.

“Oh, you think I’m cuddly now, just wait until you see me as a pony,” Sunset smirked. She then stood up to grab the journal from her desk, and wrote out a short message. “I’ll have the Princess open the portal in fifteen minutes. That’s about how long it’ll take us to walk there.”

The journal announced the Princess’s reply. Sunset, after reading the message, returned the book to its place on the desk. “Alright, let’s go.”

Twilight stood up to follow after Sunset. “Hey, Sunset?” she asked. “I was wondering. Did you ever tell the Princess about us?”

Sunset chuckled. “No, actually. I guess that kinda makes me pushing you to tell your parents kinda bad, huh?”

Twilight shrugged. “Maybe. But you are right about that, though. I should tell my parents about us. Besides, you told your mom before we even went on our first date. Actually come to think of it, why didn’t you tell the princess, yet?”

Sunset cringed. “I kinda figured it’d be better to tell her in person. Though, to be honest, that was mostly an excuse to put it off. I mean, how am I suppose to tell my friend that I’m dating her doppelganger?”

Twilight giggled. “I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that. But I guess I’d want to hear that in person if it were me. Which it sorta is, I guess.”

They giggled together on their way back downstairs.

“I still can’t believe I’m going to a magical land of ponies,” Twilight said with a mixture of excitement and disbelief.

Sunset giggled. “You’re so cute when you’re excited.” She took Twilight’s hand as they left the house and began the short walk to Canterlot High School.

Winter was more or less over for the year, save for the occasional snowy day. Today in particular was the first truly sunny day of the year, and Sunset looked especially happy about that. She seemed to visibly soak in the sun’s rays, giving off a beaming smile in return.

“So,” Sunset said, trying once again to start up a conversation. “What are you most excited about seeing?”

“You already asked me that,” Twilight huffed.

“Technically, I already asked you what you were most excited about,” Sunset said defensively. “Now I’m asking what you’re most excited about seeing.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Fine. I guess that one would be a tie between seeing magic, and, well… you,” she added with a smile.

Sunset squeezed Twilight’s hand. “Hmm. I guess I can’t complain. Magic is pretty cool, after all,” she said, bumping Twilight affectionately with her shoulder.

“Hey, Sunset!” someone shouted behind them.

Twilight looked around in surprise, while Sunset simply froze on the spot, her eyes wide.

“Oh, no,” Sunset groaned.

They both turned around to see a group of girls running towards them, led by a rainbow haired girl who Twilight presumed was the one who had shouted.

Twilight remembered seeing these girls from a distance at the mall, all those days ago. She felt her excitement fade to be replaced by anger. She crossed her arms, glaring at the five girls as they caught up.

“Sunset, we’ve been trying to contact you for ages,” the rainbow haired one said, voice tinged with agitation.

“I know, Dash. I’ve been avoiding you for ages,” Sunset put her arms on her hips, shooting Dash an annoyed look.

“Twilight!” one of them gasped with a noticeable accent. “I didn’t realize you had come back.”

Twilight cocked her head in confusion and took a step back from the stares of the other girls. She looked over to Sunset for support.

Sunset sighed. “Guys, I’d like you to meet my new friend, Twilight Sparkle — not the princess — who I met when I transfered to Crystal Prep. Twilight, meet Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie,” she indicated each girl in turn.

There was a chorus of ‘oh’s from the girls, before Pinkie stepped uncomfortably close to Twilight.

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie. It’s nice to meet you, can we be friends, too?”

Twilight took a step back from the energetic girl. “Uh, no,” she said coldly.

Sunset grabbed Pinkie by the shoulder, ushering her back to the rest of the girls. “Look, we’re in kind of a hurry here, so what do you want?” she asked coldly.

“Well you see, darling, about a week ago we, well…” Rarity trailed off, looking to the others for support.

Applejack stepped forward. “We found out that you weren’t actually the one spreadin’ those rumors, on account of the real culprits comin’ forward.”

Sunset’s expression softened. “A-and?” she asked, her voice a little shaky.

“We wanted to apologize, for one,” Rarity said.

“And we were hoping you’d come back to CHS,” Rainbow finished. “And it’d be totally awesome if new Twilight could come too.”

Sunset stared at them with wide eyes. “R-really?”

Twilight touched Sunset’s shoulder, getting her attention. “Sunset?” It pained her to see the conflict in her girlfriend’s eyes.

“Whaddya say, Sunny?” Pinkie piped up.

Twilight glared at the girls she’d come to hate. “She’ll think about it,” she said coldly. She took Sunset by the arm and led her back down the street towards the portal. “C’mon, Sunset, we have somewhere we need to be.”

Sunset allowed herself to be dragged away wordlessly.

“Call us!” came Pinkie’s shout from behind them, l just before they rounded a corner.

The two of them kept walking in silence for a little while, before Sunset spoke up in a small voice. “So, that was something.”

Twilight fidgeted with her fingers, not meeting Sunset’s eyes. “You’re really considering their offer, aren’t you?”

Sunset didn’t answer right away. “I don’t suppose you’d want to come with me if I did transfer back?” she asked hesitantly.

Twilight wrapped her arms around her torso. “I don’t know. Crystal Prep wouldn’t be the same if you left. I’d still have Cadance there, though. Do you want to go back?”

Sunset cringed. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. If for no other reason than because my mom works there.” She gave a humorless chuckle. “I figure most teenagers would hate having their parent as their principal, but I kinda liked having her close by all the time.”

Twilight sighed heavily. “Well, if you do decide to transfer back, I can’t promise to come with you, but I won’t try to stop you or anything. So long as we can still be friends, and, you know… girlfriends.”

Sunset smiled, wrapping an arm around Twilight’s shoulder. “I’ll promise you one thing; I have absolutely no intention of changing either of those,” she said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Good,” Twilight replied, resting her head on Sunset’s shoulder.

“Alright we’re here,” Sunset said as they rounded a corner and her old school came into view.

“It’s not as impressive as Crystal Prep,” Twilight muttered, a little bitterly.

Sunset chuckled. “We’re not here to compare schools, Sweetie.”

“Right, sorry,” Twilight blushed. “Is that it there?” she asked, pointing at a statue of a horse on the front lawn.

“Yep, that’s it, alright.”

Twilight tilted her head as they approached it. “I was expecting something more…” she waved her hand in circles, looking for the right word.

“Magical?” Sunset suggested with a grin.

“Otherworldly,” Twilight responded.

“So, in other words… magical,” Sunset said smugly.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Fine. I expected it to be more magical,” she gave in with a huff.

Sunset squeezed Twilight’s hand, before stepping up to the flat surface of the statue’s base. She put her hand up until it was almost touching the stone.

“The portal’s open already,” she turned her head towards her girlfriend, smiling wide. “Come here and feel it.”

Twilight stepped up to her and lifted her hand next to Sunset’s. Even without touching the stone, she could feel something. There was a faint throbbing in the air.

“Woah,” she said. Twilight had seen magic firsthand with the journal, but feeling it like this was even more fascinating.

“Are you ready?” Sunset asked, her excitement starting to shine through her voice.

Twilight looked around them, noting that they were alone. And that they hadn’t been followed. She took a deep breath, then nodded.

Sunset nodded back. “It’s best if we go one at a time. I’ll go first, and you follow me a few seconds after, okay?”

“Okay, I’ll see you on the other side,” Twilight smiled. Her heart was pounding.

Sunset leaned in for a quick kiss, then walked through the solid stone.

Twilight blinked. “And the award for most realistic portrayal of magic goes to platform nine and three quarters,” she muttered under her breath, eyes wide.

She used Cadance’s breathing technique to calm herself down while counting the seconds.

Two, three, four, five.

As she reached five, she closed her eyes and stepped into the tingling embrace of the portal.

Twilight spun through a rainbow tunnel of colors. She lost feeling in practically every part of her body. After a few seconds, the sensation faded. She felt herself tumbling forward, and a shiny crystalline floor rushed up to meet her.

“Aah!” she yelped, before she suddenly stopped in midair.

“Don’t worry, I gotcha.”

Twilight looked up at hearing Sunset’s voice, seeing two ponies standing in front of her. One had a striking resemblance to her girlfriend, and the other to herself.

The purple one, presumably her own royal counterpart, had a horn and a pair of wings, while the orange one, Sunset, had only a horn. Which was glowing a faint teal hue.

She felt whole body being lifted slightly, and deposited on her legs — all four of them.

“Hello, Twilight. It’s nice to finally meet you,” said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Oh, uhm. It’s nice to meet you too… Twilight,” Twilight responded awkwardly.

Sunset had a wide grin as she got closer to her. “I’m glad you got to keep the glasses here. They look really cute on you.”

Twilight felt a slight blush from Sunset examining her like this. She instinctively brought her foreleg up to adjust her glasses.

“Uhh, thanks.”

“It looks like the portal did age you up, too,” Sunset continued, and started circling around her girlfriend. "The princess and I expected that would happen."

Twilight turned her head to follow Sunset, and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror she had just come out of. Her jaw dropped, and the pony in the mirror copied her.

She raised her left foreleg and watched her mirror image do the same. She got up close to see her features better. The best comparison she could think of for what she looked like was a plush toy.

She could hear Sunset exchanging pleasantries with the Princess while she continued to examine herself.

She wiggled an ear, flicked her tail, and even made faces at herself.

“So how are things back at CHS? Have you talked to the girls yet?” Twilight heard the Princess say with a worried tone.

Sunset sighed. “Actually, yeah. We ran into them on our way to the portal.”

“How did it go?”

Twilight shifted so she could see Sunset’s reflection in the mirror. Even with completely different facial features, she could tell that her girlfriend was still deeply conflicted.

“They apologized. Sorta. But I’m still not sure what I should do. I think I need some time to think about it.”

Twilight turned and made her way over to the other ponies. In the process, she noticed they were standing in a huge library. She made a mental note to try and read some of the books here if she had the time.

“How are you feeling?” Sunset asked, her frown turning into a smile as she focused on her newly transformed girlfriend.

“Pretty good, actually,” Twilight answered with an excited grin.

“I’m glad to hear that,” The princess said. “So, Sunset. I was thinking that maybe spending some time with the girls here might help you figure out what to do. There not the same as your friends-”

“Ex-friends,” Twilight interrupted with a frown.

The princess smiled awkwardly. “Uh, right… Anyway, I know the girls at CHS can be a bit immature at times, but I saw the potential they had when I met them. You just need to give them a chance.”

Twilight gave an annoyed huff, and was surprised at how… horsey it sounded. She decided not to voice the grievances she held over those girls, and instead looked around at all the fascinating sights. Mostly, she looked at Sunset’s new body. It looked so soft and cuddly.

“Maybe,” Sunset said, looking away. “I guess it could be fun to at least meet them. Which, I’m sure would take place in the form of a Pinkie party.” Sunset giggled.

Twilight brought a hoof up to stoke Sunset’s leg. It was even softer than it looked!

“I could ask Pinkie to throw a party for you guys if you want,” The Princess offered.

Twilight pulled her hoof back. She took a deep breath, then did her best to try and bury her muzzle in the fur of Sunset’s side.

Sunset stumbled a bit, before catching herself. “Sweetie? Are you okay?” she asked, giving Twilight a curious look.

Twilight blushed back at her. “Uhm. Sorry, you just looked super cuddly.”

Sunset ruffled her mane with a chuckle. “See, I told ‘ya so.”

Their attention was brought back to the third pony in the room when the Princess giggled behind her hoof.

“’Sweetie,’ huh?” she asked, teasingly.

Sunset’s eyes widened. “Oh, right.” She looked away, coughing into her hoof. “Uhm. Princess, I’d like you too meet Twilight Sparkle... my marefriend.”

Twilight tilted her head at the word. “Marefriend?” she asked Sunset. “Oh, right. Mare as in… Right, I get it.” She brought a hoof up and awkwardly adjusted her glasses.

The princess gave Sunset a playful wink, nudging her shoulder with a hoof. “I thought there was more going on then you let on in your letters,” she teased.

Sunset shuffled her hooves. “I wanted to tell you in person. We’ve been going out for about a week now.”

“That’s wonderful,” the princess beamed. “I’m really happy for you two.”

Sunset looked away, shuffling her hooves awkwardly. “So, uhm… I’ve noticed that you two are pretty similar — sometimes in very specific ways — and I feel like I should ask, even though it’s really awkward. You’re not, like, jealous or anything… right?”

Twilight’s doppelganger laughed mirthfully. “I get why you might be worried about that, but no. I’m very happy with our friendship as it is.”

“Okay, great,” Sunset said in a relieved chuckle.

Twilight smiled. She didn’t want to admit it out loud, but she felt a wave of relief flood her at hearing that she didn’t have to worry about competing with a magical prodigy princess.

“I’m going to go get some refreshments,” said princess continued, turning to make her way out of the library. “Feel free to make yourselves at home until I get back.”

As their host left, Twilight decided to take a closer look at the room they were in. She had already established that it was huge, but upon further inspection, she saw that every wall was lined with bookcases. There was also a cozy reading area with a couple of sofas and a coffee table.

She followed the bookcases along the wall, stopping every few steps to read the titles on the spines of the books.

“Are these books on magic?” She asked, feeling a little childish when she heard her own words. She looked over her shoulder to see that Sunset had made herself comfortable in the reading area, taking up one half of the loveseat.

“Some of them, I’m sure,” she replied, glancing at the tall bookshelves.

Twilight gazed in awe at the room. “When you first told me she lived in a castle, I just kinda shrugged it off as magical and otherworldly. I didn’t consider that she might have a whole library in her home. It kinda makes me jealous. Honestly, just being here is really incredible when I think about it.”

“If you think this is incredible, just wait until you see the rest of Equestria.” Sunset nodded to a nearby window.

Twilight made her way over and took in the view.

“Woah,” she gasped at the tall mountain in the distance, surrounded by wide meadows and the occasional forest. There was a city perched on the side of the mountain, only the largest marble structures visible from this distance. “That’s amazing.” She smiled over her shoulder at Sunset, before turning back to the window.

“I can’t believe I’m looking at another world right now,” she giggled. Sunset came up next to her and put a hoof on her withers.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

Twilight nodded, then cocked her head in thought. “It looks kinda familiar, though.”

Sunset gave her a knowing smirk. “Oh?”

“Yeah, the large meadow, with the mountain over to the right. And that’s Canterlot, isn’t it?” Twilight asked, pointing at the city on the mountain.

“Mhmm,” Sunset hummed in confirmation.

Twilight gasped. “It’s the painting! You painted this in class, and showed me afterwards!”

Sunset kissed her on the side of her muzzle. “That’s right. I visited here during the holidays, and got the tour of the castle. When I saw the view here, it made me a little nostalgic and this image really stuck in my head.” She returned her gaze to view, a small frown. “My painting didn’t turn out quite right, though. This was all covered in snow when I first saw it, so I kinda had to guess some of the colors.”

The two of them were brought out of the moment by the sound of the door opening again. The Princess came back inside, carrying a tray in her magic which she set down on the coffee table by the sofas.

Twilight and Sunset made their way over to the reading area, thought Twilight couldn’t take her eyes off the floating tray.

“So, it turns out the welcoming party is tonight,” the princess said with a forced smile plastered on her face. “It seems that a certain reptilian assistant of mine let slip that you’d be visiting today, and plans have already been made without anyone actually asking any of us.”

“Of course,” Sunset sighed. She retook her spot on the loveseat, Twilight following with only a little trouble hopping onto the sofa. “Better late than never, I guess. You don’t mind, do you, Sweetie?”

Sunset looked over her girlfriend, who was staring open-mouthed at the magenta encompassed teapot currently pouring tea into one teacup after the other.

“You’ll get used to it,” Sunset smirked, using her magic to close Twilight’s mouth.

Twilight shook her head as she registered her girlfriend’s words. “Will I, though? Also, can I do that?” she pointed a hoof at the teacup Sunset had just picked up in her teal aura.

Sunset looked down at her cup. ”Yeah. It’ll take some practice, and if memory serves, I already agreed to teach you. In the meantime,” she added, lifting Twilight’s cup in her aura as well, and bringing it up to the awed unicorns lips. “I can give you a horn,” she winked.

Twilight giggled, before taking a hesitant sip. She felt a little silly being unable to even drink tea by herself, but with Sunset being the one helping her, she didn’t mind.

Sunset turned her attention back to the alicorn. “So about this party. Will there be booze there?”

The princess’ smile faltered slightly. “There can be, if that’s what you want.”

“Great!” Sunset cheered.

“You’re going to be drinking?” Twilight admonished. “You’re not even of legal age yet!”

“Yeah I am,” Sunset retorted. “And from the looks of it,” she added, giving Twilight’s new body a scrutinizing look. “So are you.”

“Oh, right,” Twilight groaned, rubbing her temple, almost knocking her glasses off in the process. “I forgot about the age thing. How does that even work?”

Sunset shrugged. “If you ask me, the best way to deal with it is to just roll with it. And by that I mean enjoy the fact that you can legally get drunk while you have the chance.”

“… Sunset?” Twilight asked, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Have you been drinking illegally?”

Sunset took a sharp intake of breath. “Again, with the mirror, and the whole age thing, who can really tell?” she chuckled nervously

Twilight glared disappointedly at her.

“Fine. Yes, I have,” Sunset relented. “And you may feel free to oppose me doing so in the future… But tonight, I’m officially legal. And after our encounter with the girls earlier, I really need something stronger than soda to process my feelings.”

“That doesn’t sound very responsible,” both Twilights said in unison.

Sunset huffed. “Look, I clearly have some tough decisions ahead of me, and I’m already pretty stressed out, okay?”

“You seemed like you were doing fine a minute ago,” Twilight frowned, suddenly feeling guilty for not noticing her girlfriends discomfort.

“That just means I did a good job of hiding it,” Sunset said with a sad smile. “Look, I promise I won’t do anything stupid, okay?”

“Okay. But I’m going to hold you to that promise,” Twilight smiled, awkwardly rubbing her face against Sunset’s neck in a vague facsimile of a nuzzle.

Twilight noticed the Princess fidgeting on the other sofa. “Maybe I should go help Pinkie with setting up. You two could stay here, or go exploring the castle.”

“Sure thing. We’ll find some way to entertain ourselves,” Sunset answered with a nod.

The Princess hopped off the sofa. “Alright, I’ll come get you two when everything’s ready.” Before leaving, she trotted up and grabbed Sunset in a tight hug. “I’m so happy to see you again, Sunset.”

Sunset melted into the hug. “It feels good to be back.”

The hug ended and the Princess turned her attention to Twilight. “And I look forward to learning more about my alternate self, and the mare who stole one of my closest friend’s heart.”

Twilight and Sunset giggled as the Princess turned to leave.

After she was gone, Sunset turned fully to face her girlfriend. “Anything in particular you want to do before the party?”

“Magic,” Twilight replied instantly.

Sunset giggled sweetly. “Alright, we have time for some of the basics.”

Author's Note:

I'm going to be honest... I'm not super happy about having to constantly refer to Princess Twilight as 'the princess' or 'the alicorn.'

At one point, I tried calling one of them 'Twilight' and the other 'Twi' in the narration, but I really didn't like how that turned out, either. The narration is meant to be from SciTwi's POV, and it didn't really make sense for her to think of herself as 'Twi' or anything like that, and 'the princess' felt like the most natural nickname she'd use for her counterpart.

I think the way I did it works well enough, but I will probably try to stay clear from these kinds of situations in future fics. :twilightsheepish: