• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 29,839 Views, 384 Comments

How I learned to stop worrying and love the Changeling - Harry Leferts

Having been summoned back after being sucked into a portal, Twilight and Chrysalis are... making out

  • ...

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro, not me.

Watching over the last few preparations for the spell they're about to use, Shinning Armor sighs as he sees a lone tiara in the middle of the runic array that had been constructed in the town square. "Twilight..."

******************* Flashback******************

Bucking a Changeling, Shining Armor grimaces as it's replaced by two more. 'Where are they all coming from... and why here...?' Looking over the town under attack, he snorts while ducking under one that goes flying past, covered in a purple aura. Shocked, he turns to see one of the two princesses. "Princess Luna!"

Galloping up while throwing the attackers in every direction, Luna takes a looks around. "Come Captain, we do not have much time. There can only be one reason why they're here in Ponyville."

Blinking as she starts off, Shining has to strain to keep up as they run through town (though he blinks as one green unicorn is fighting the Changelings alongside one). "What do you mean your Highness?"

Scowling, Luna shakes her head, her magic flinging an unfortunate changeling through a cart. "Who lead to the defeat of Chrysalis? You, Our niece, and..."

Eyes widening as his stomach sinks and his heart stops, one word escapes Shining's mouth before he speeds up. "Twilight..."

A resounding boom echoing through the town tells them where to go. By the time they get there, they find Twilight and Queen Chrysalis locked in magical combat. Laughing as she dodges a spell, Chrysalis grins as the changelings converge. "Now Twilight Sparkle, meet your end!" Around her, energy from the changelings flow into her as her twisted horn glows with a venomous green light. At the same time, the injured and tired Twilight also charges her horn, the two glows powerful enough to cause everyone to look away. "NOW DIE!"

Twilight’s eyes spring open as she growls in frustration and anger as her eyes glow almost pure white. "LET'S END THIS!" As one, they shoot beams of magical might at each other. Both seem about to collide when twist around each other. To the two combatants shock, the two attacks then merge and detonate causing a massive explosion knocking all within sight to the ground, those in the air being thrown out of sight. Groaning, Twilight's head comes up as she hears a snap. A moment later, the dust cloud of the explosions swirls into the center revealing a vortex that begins pulling everything into it. Using her magic, Twilight holds herself in place as on the other side, Chrysalis does the same thing, fear mirrored on both their faces as they struggle. But time seems to slow with what happens next. At the very edge of the Town's Center, a Unicorn Guardspony notices Chrysalis struggling to not get sucked in, and uses his magic to throw a cart at her. Unable to move, it hits her causing her to fly towards the vortex. But a piece of debris also hits Twilight, dazing her but for a moment...

And a moment is all that's needed as she, too, is sucked into the vortex. Her last sight of Equestria being both Luna and Shining Armor rushing towards her as blackness claims her. On Shining and Luna's side, they nearly reach the vortex right as it detonates, sending them flying. Shaking his head, Shining turns to see the vortex gone. "No... No! NO!" Anger rushing through his system, he turns towards the only target: The Unicorn Guard who threw the cart. "YOU!" It takes Luna and the rest of the Mane 6 to pull him off the poor soul...

***************** Flashback End ************************

Shaking his head to clear it, Shining sighs as he feels a hoof lay itself on his shoulder. Turning, he smiles as he sees the gentle expression on his wife's face. "Are you okay Shining?"

Taking a deep breath, he slowly releases it. "Yeah... I just hope that this works." Glancing back at the array, he takes note of his sisters best friends moving towards sections of it set aside near the center and Celestia and Luna move towards their own points midway between the inner and outer parts. "Still..."

Reaching down, Cadence grasps his shoulder. "It's okay Shining. It's going to work and I trust my Aunties when they say they have it down pat." She gestures at the tiara with its star shaped gemstone. "The Element of Magic is still connected to Twilight. And with the locks of hair." Shining notices how the Tiara is holding down several strands. "That we retrieved from her hair brush, which gives us a way to find the right Twilight. Then the other Elements will act as a sort of magical magnet drawing her from wherever she is to here with Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna as well as us providing the necessary power." She then smiles. "Anyways... our turn to set up." Nodding, Shining takes up his position before looking over the Unicorn guards stationed around the outside of the array, his and Twilight's parents there as well. Seeing the expression on his face, Cadence giggles. "He's not there Shining, the medics haven't released him yet." Seeing the blush as he looks away, she reaches up with a hoof and pulls his head so that she can look him in the eye. "Hon, I would have done far worse if I had been there then what you did."

Hearing a clearing throat, she gives him one last kiss on the cheek before turning to where Celestia is standing with an amused look. A moment later, the amusement fades as she looks around, everyone there listening. "Now then, as you know we'll be going over this in stages. First the guards as well as Night Light and Twilight Twinkle will channel their magic into the array. Then, Cadence and Shining Armor." She gives the two a nod. "Will create a shield to prevent any energy from escaping to increase the energy we can use. After that, me and Luna will cast the spell as the Elements are activated. If all goes well..."

A sigh escapes her as her voice softens. "If all goes well... Twilight Sparkle will be returned to us." Becoming serious once more, she nods. "Everyone understand?" Seeing as they nod, she turns towards Luna. "Then let's begin." Closing her eyes, the group begins to perform the spell making the array glow brighter and brighter until there's a massive flash. Blinking the spots away from her eyes, Celestia takes a step towards the center. 'Did it work...?' As her vision finally clears, she smiles as she sees Twilight gently sleeping in a sleeping bag causing her to sigh. 'She's okay... and I didn't know she learned how to magic objects out of thin air...'

Her thoughts screech to a halt as a familiar changeling queen pokes her head out of the sleeping bag and yawns before nuzzling Twilight. "Mmm... it's morning love..."

Before they can say anything, Twilight sleepily giggles as she brushes off Chrysalis. "Stop that." She groans as the Changeling begins nipping at her neck. "Ooooohhh. No faaaaiiiirrr Chrissy..."

Chrysalis grins and is about to go on when she feels a sickening feeling sweep over her. 'Hate...?' Now fully awake, she looks around and spots a rather large number of Unicorns, two Pegasus, two Earth Ponies and two Alicorns all looking very angry. "Aw... horseapples."

Hearing that, Twilight's eyes pop open and she looks as well before the two scramble from the bag just as the first spell goes flying. The two work together as they protect each other. Dodging a bolt shot from Celestia, Chrysalis groans. "When I said we might have problems when we came out with our relationship-" Blocking a spell from Twilight Twinkle, she continues. "To your folks and friends, this wasn't quite how I imagined it!"

Rolling her eyes as she sends out a mild stunning spell, Twilight exclaims. "Holy Alicorn Batman, I never would have guessed!"

Chrysalis stops for a moment before ducking under Rainbow Dash as said Pegasus tries to tackle her. "How long have you been waiting to use that?"

Twilight looks up for a moment as she yanks a rock in front of her to take a blow before shrugging. "Since Gotham."

Rolling, Chrysalis shoots off a spell. "Which one?"

Grimacing as she shoots off another spell and blocks one at the same time, Twilight grumbles. "Third. It was... the retro one I think?"

Chrysalis nods. "Ah. That one was an odd one. I liked number five myself." She gains a saucy grin. "That was where I swiped that costume from Catgirl and-"

Blushing as her eyes widen, Twilight stumbles. "GAK!" Twilight whips her head around as a spell just misses her head due to her doing so. "WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE HERE!"

Chrysalis only chuckles and is about to say something when she notices an orange blur. "TWILIGHT, TO THE LEFT!"

Twisting, Twilight blasts the ground causing Applejack to trip and go flying. She's set down though as a green glow surrounds her. Scowling, AJ shouts at her Unicorn fellow Element. "GOSH DARN IT TWI! SNAP OUT OF IT! SHE'S BRAINWASH YA!"

Groaning, Twilight rolls her eyes before shouting back as off on the sidelines, Cadence's own eyes widen. "I'M NOT BEING CONTROLLED APPLEJACK!"

Rainbow Dash lands next to Applejack with a scowl. "Ah, hay. Looks like she really got a hold of her."

Beside her, AJ nods. "Aye Rainbow. Ah reckon' that things are gonin' ta get complecated."

Off to the side where Shining had her go when the battle started, Cadence blinks as she rapidly looks over the fight. 'Wait... those spells. Why would Chrysalis have both her and Twilight use weak, disabling ones and...' Her eyes widen as a wagon that had been thrown at Chrysalis gets deflected by a spell originally shot at Twilight, sending the cart heading towards the unknowing Unicorn... only for Chrysalis to jump in front of it and take the hit. At that exact moment she senses something she did not expect from Chrysalis. 'Oh no...' She starts running towards the fight. 'I GOT TO STOP THIS!'

Back at the fight, Twilight's stunned at what happens and that's all that's needed as her friends and Luna dog pile her, Rarity and Luna holding her down with help from their magic. "LET ME GO!"

Wincing at Twilight's struggles and the desperation in her voice, Rarity shakes her head. "I'm sorry darling, but you'll understand that it's for your own good."

Seeing this, Chrysalis struggles to get back up when Celestia knocks her to the ground and holds her there with a hoof on the Changeling Queen's chest. Glaring up at the Alicorn above her, Chrysalis grunts. "Let... me... go!"

For her part, Celestia just presses harder. "Enough." Glaring at the being below her, Celestia snarls. "I was going to leave you alone after the wedding. But then you had the galls to not only attack my student but to also brainwash her..." Narrowing her eyes, she finishes in a cold whisper. "You'll never harm anyone again..."

Watching as the Solar Princess' horn lights up, Chrysalis turns her head to lock eyes with Twilight. 'I am so, so sorry Twilight...' Keeping her eyes on Twilight's she doesn't notice a blue glow surround a shocked Celestia until said Alicorn is thrown off her and a familiar pink one stands in front of her on back legs, forelegs outstretched to protect her as she faces the others. "What..."

Looking over her shoulder, Cadence gives her a smile as Chrysalis descends into a coughing fit. "Easy now, don't strain yourself."

Helping Celestia get back on her feet, Shining looks over at his wife in shock. "Ca... Cadence!? What are you doing!?"

Steeling her nerves, Cadence's horn glows for a moment, helping Twilight throw off the ponies on her before the purple Unicorn rushes over. "Saving someone." Looking over her shoulder at Twilight as she gathers Chrysalis into her embrace, Cadence raises an eyebrow. "She okay?"

It's Chrysalis who answers though. "Ugh... been through worse..." Looking at the Unicorn holding her, Chrysalis smiles. "Hey... Twilight I... need..."

Twilight gives her a shaky smile. "Hey, I don't think that we should be doing that here in front of them."

Chuckling her some groans, Chrysalis shakes her head. "You Perv." Snorting a little she lays her head on Twilight's shoulders. "You know what I mean."

Twilight just nods as she shifts, exposes her neck. Going bright red from the slight moaning behind her, Cadence clears her throat. "Yes, well..." Seeing the stares, she sighs. "Twilight's not being controlled by... her."

Raising an eyebrow, Luna looks behind her. "Really now? And how did you come to this conclusion niece?"

Sighing as she knows she'll get a chance to explain. "First, Chrysalis was defending Twilight, which is something she would never do if she didn't care for her a lot. Two, both of them used weak, disabling spells. Three, remember, my talent is love and I can-" She whips her head back and glares. "CAN YOU STOP MAKING THOSE SOUNDS!?"

Twilight grins weakly as Chrysalis sighs in relief. "Er... sorry."

Coughing into her hoof, Cadence nods. "Yes, well... anyways, as I was saying... My talent is love and I can tell true feelings of love, not the fake stuff." She then raises a hoof. "And fourth..." She gestures at Twilight's eyes. "Her eyes are her normal ones. If she was being controlled they would be green."

They all blink and looks at a sheepish Twilight who's rubbing the back of her head. "He he he..."

Fluttershy blushes some as a thought occurs to her. "Do... doesn't that mean that her... and Twilight are... Eep!" Twilight, Cadence, and Chrysalis are all treated to the sight of not only the Royal Guards and the other Bearers of Harmony freezing up, but also Celestia and Luna as the same thought runs through their heads.

'What the buck!?'

Walking over to the crowded table in the library, Twilight levitates the kettle of tea. As she starts pouring it into the cups and mugs, she raises an eyebrow. "I suppose that you all want an explanation?"

They all nod though aside from Luna and Cadence, they're all glaring at Chrysalis (who's leaning to the side to get a better... view, of Twilight). Clearing her throat to get attention, Celestia glances at her student. "That would be most helpful Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight is about to reply when she's wrapped in a green glow that drops her in front of Chrysalis... who then proceeds to drape herself over the lavender Unicorn before burying her muzzle into Twilight's mane. For her part, Twilight reacts with only an eyeroll before answering the question. "Well... it's a rather long story, but I got a question first." At the nods, she takes a breath. "How long have we been gone for?"

Blinking at the odd question, Shining answers while shooting a cold look at the Changeling queen who replies with sticking out her tongue. "About a week Twiley."

Twilight blinks as she looks up thoughtfully. "A week..." She slowly takes a sip of her tea. "For me it's been a lot longer..."

Before anyone else can speak up, Luna does. "'Dissociative Temporal Distinctions' Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight chuckles. "Well... yes." Holding up a hoof, she tilts it this way and that. "Time for the multiverse is basically a big ball of timey whimy wibbly wobbly stuff. You get it traveling at different speeds depending on where you are."

Ignoring the fact that Twilight is giving Chrysalis a look as said Changeling hums some song, Applejack raises an eyebrow. "Then how long was it for ya'll?"

Looking back, Twilight sighs. "Years."

A moment later she regrets it as her mane streams behind her due to the wind created by the shout from the others. "YEARS!?"

Rubbing her ear alongside her marefriend, Chrysalis scowls. "Yes, years."

Stuttering, Dash holds her forelegs our wide. "Bu... but years?! That makes no sense! You don't look any older!"

Shrugging, Twilight sips her tea. "I know." Setting the cup down, she sighs. "I have no clue except maybe it has something to do with being the bearer of the Element of Magic."

Sipping at her own tea, Cadence sets it down. "So... how did..." She gestures at the two. "That happen?"

Twilight and Chrysalis share a look before Celestia's student sighs. "It... took a while and a number of worlds. Not to mention that we got off on a pretty rocky start..."