• Member Since 8th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Rainbow skies

Hey what up im rainbow skies this is my profile thing hope you like my stories and some other stuff as well but stay frosty later

Comments ( 106 )

How did I know Hammy would be here too! I must be getting really good at this guessing stuff. So note to self; always check lewd and adult stories if I want to find you.

And in case he accuses me of stalking him. Just remember buddy, it's not really that difficult for me to find you, all I have to do is look for a fetish story with clop in it and chances are really good that i'll find you there, shaming someone else. Man what a great way to spend your spare time, bullying other people.

Again disappointing, but not surprising!

Ponies are have human bodies but have wings or horns still, different colors like the show

That's called Anthro and is a perfectly usable tag. Explains it all without having to use the description.

It's okay though, soon enough there'll be a "Human in Equestria" tag with how overdone it is. At least it's vanilla HIE so it's just boring rather than mind-numbingly frustrating.

The cold night air rushed passed me

Oh god, it's a self-insert, never mind. Also, first sentence and you have an error in "rushed passed me" rather than "rushed past me." Jaded view on HiE aside, not a good first impression. Find an editor, or check over your work with Grammerly, something, anything. I don't have the time or the patience to be your English tutor, unfortunately for every hack on the site I come across.

You forgot to hit the reply button (Though judging by your rant, he's probably blocked you and with good reason.), and going on a tirade against someone for two words makes you look petty. Compared to fucking Hamster of all people. Over two words.

This isn't even a fetish story. It's just HIE but edgier. Can you at least attempt to read the story before going on your crusade?

I recommend Grammarly. Its done wonders for me, a non-native english speaker.

God, how hypocritical can you be? You yell and me, hamster, and couple other people for "bullying" you and then you come over here and do this.

Well, thank you for pointing out a few things miss. I will edit my story and I will also edit the description, to the best of my ability, and I will also see about that Grammerly you spoke of.

But frankly I don't give shit
If you look at my other stories you can see that my grammar is horrendous, but, I got to 200+ likes on them and I got plenty of Ideas to make the story better than having people judge and/or give early opinions on it. Now I dont want you to think Im bashing on your opinion, you have your right to say and think what you want. I hope you have a nice day and bother someone else
Stay Frost, Later

I don't have the time or the patience to be your English tutor, unfortunately for every hack on the site I come across.

Ps. I never asked for your help nor will I ever, and go fys

9306562 Probably the most erratic case of split-personality disorder I've seen in a comment.

You cared enough to reply and tell me to go fuck myself, so that's something.

Also if we have to dick measure, not only do I have a better like-dislike ratio, but I can actually finish a damn story.

ENot Very Anon-A-Miss
Sunset Shimmer decides to use her old blackmail tools to get to the heart of Anon-A-Miss.
Hclegend · 3.8k words  ·  373  17 · 12k views

And would you look at that, it's not even a pandering edge-fest. It's all well and good that you "don't care", but please don't use your status as someone who can pander to Fimfiction's main demographic as a reason to. It doesn't end well for either of us.

Also, it seems from comparing both your "best" story and this one that you haven't improved a bit over the last two years, since you still use immersion-breaking brackets to indicate a different time period, rather than trying to make them flow into your narrative.

But hey, you do you. At least I finished what I started with this comment.

Someone sounds upset.
Someone sounds really upset.

Yeah I actually do have multiple personalities

You didn't really finish what you started you're just adding wood to the fire, but good for you.

Its a pain in my ass tbh, but oh well

I wouldn't consider what I do 'bullying' but boosting awareness, It was actually by pure coincidence that I ran into Hammy here believe it or not. But considering what I know he's known for doing, i'm not at all surprised in the slightest. I'll bet everyone here dollars to donuts that to this day, Hammy still has never created even one story to his name. Whereas the many other people he's deliberately mocked and shamed have made several stories, myself included. So not really portraying a whole lot of strength there kiddo.

And it still boggles my mind that Russian is even here when he's not even a brony. Yes! You guys have heard me right, that was not a miscommunication, he openly admits this in his profile. I understand that this site is for everybody, but judging by it's name, I assumed that he knew it was geared towards the brony demographic.

And about that hypocritical jab, it was to my recollection that you guys had started with me. I was fine until the Hammy patrol (Yes that's my new pet name for them), had began their white knighting of what they had perceived to be bad stories. Just because you think they're bad doesn't mean you should shame them and lower the self-esteem of other people to make yourselves feel better.

Furthermore, if you need to rely on a program like grammarly to successfully articulate the universal language, then obviously you're not good as you make yourself out to be. And you guys had the gall to insult my ability to perform english literature. If it were such a problem for me, then I wouldn't be here, that's for sure, where properly articulated literature would be your bread and butter.

I hadn't directly contacted Hammy, so I really do applaud his morbid curiosity in what I had to say, Flattered even. He must have been bored enough to check on this comment section. I also couldn't help but notice that he was quick to summon the rest of his Hammy Patrol on me.

You know, sometimes I really do envy troublemakers like the Hammy Patrol, they're so unburdened with things like; Honor, morality, ambition, intelligence, humility, courage, empathy, honesty, presumably good looks, I could go on, but I won't, but I could.

... And dignity, I almost forgot to mention dignity.

If this is their best attempt to try to intimidate me, then i'm not very impressed.

Triggered? That's the best insult you can come up with? HAHAHA!!!! Just don't even insult my ability to preform the universal language when you yourself aren't much better.

Oddly enough, I'm actually finding your ignorance and rudeness to be quite entertaining.


I wouldn't consider what I do 'bullying' but boosting awareness

doesn't mean you should shame them and lower the self-esteem of other people to make yourselves feel better.

So you're boosting awareness by openly attacking me and hamster (and a couple others), then going on about how we're wrong to "shame" others?


And it still boggles my mind that Russian is even here when he's not even a brony. Yes! You guys have heard me right, that was not a miscommunication, he openly admits this in his profile. I understand that this site is for everybody, but judging by it's name, I assumed that he knew it was geared towards the brony demographic.

So, because I am not a brony, I do not have the right to come here? I do not have the right to read and enjoy other people's works of fiction because I am not in a small, very limited, demographic?


Furthermore, if you need to rely on a program like grammarly to successfully articulate the universal language, then obviously you're not good as you make yourself out to be. And you guys had the gall to insult my ability to perform english literature. If it were such a problem for me, then I wouldn't be here, that's for sure, where properly articulated literature would be your bread and butter.

"Universal Language": We got some american patriotism over here boys. Its almost like in Russia, NOBODY SPEAKS ENGLISH (relatively). I have an excuse in that enlish is not my native language. But when you have people who live in the USA and have grammar like that? Futhermore, its almost like everyone uses editing software because it is helpful. I never said I rely on it, but making assumptions is your bread and butter, huh?


I also couldn't help but notice that he was quick to summon the rest of his Hammy Patrol on me.

What? Why are you resorting to cute pet nicknames? I'm just curious at this point.

You know, sometimes I really do envy troublemakers like the Hammy Patrol, they're so unburdened with things like; Honor, morality, ambition, intelligence, humility, courage, empathy, honesty, presumably good looks, I could go on, but I won't, but I could.

1. Funny how you say this isn't "bullying".
2. Assumptions continue
3. Prove it.

... And dignity, I almost forgot to mention dignity.

If this is their best attempt to try to intimidate me, then i'm not very impressed.

What's the intimidation here? I don't get it.


Triggered? That's the best insult you can come up with? HAHAHA!!!! Just don't even insult my ability to preform the universal language when you yourself aren't much better.

Oddly enough, I'm actually finding your ignorance and rudeness to be quite entertaining.

Ah yes, "English is the universal language". The only reason its even considered that is because of the imperialist british empire and the USA's economic, military, and political hegemony. Love how you guys essentially puppeted 70-80% of europe but still can't even get that right.

I like how you're cherry picking my statements just so you can find some ammo to use on me. That's cute! So I suppose Hammy is busy at the moment, he couldn't even be bothered to show up so he sends you over to do his dirty work for him I see. Like I said before, not impressed.

1- I simply found him by chance and decided to comment.
2- What's there to accuse? Literally everytime i've seen you guys, all you ever did was shame other people's work, disrespecting it and then throwing it away like used wrapping paper. Deplorable! (I've lost count after more than 15 times.)
3- I do have proof, I have a friend on here who's also been a victim of your foul play. I'm sure you remember this guy. https://www.fimfiction.net/user/321242/tyrannosaurianrex9

I wonder how the Hammy Patrol will dig themselves out of this grave this time? This should be interesting.

1. I'm not really cherry picking. I am using 80-90% of them. I don't see how that's cherry picking.

What's there to accuse? Literally everytime i've seen you guys, all you ever did was shame other people's work, disrespecting it and then throwing it away like used wrapping paper. Deplorable! (I've lost count after more than 15 times.)

Its better than spending half an hour writing constructive critisism and then having said comment be ignored/deleted. No, really. Ask this guy: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/36010/moviemaster8510
3. Oh, him? Look at one of his recent blogs. It says something about me being "right all along". If you want something else I can provide you with photographic evidence for a while ago.

Are you okay? Your comments don't paint a reassuring picture.

There's nothing more to discuss, i've already reported you and Russian.
And I have a good feeling that I know who did most of the disliking. It's not that difficult to piece together.

I will when the Hammy Patrol does! I'm not the one that goes around and shames other people's hard work, work that you know they'll never be bothered to do themselves. At least I have standards! I would never do that to anybody!

If Hammy can't even make even one story, then he should really be mindful of what he does, even though you and I both know he won't.

A major lesson can be learned from Hamster. That being; Don't be a douche, nobody wants to have a douche around them, period. Nobody wants to deal with them (I certainly don't), nobody wants to be friends with a douche. That's a surefire way to make enemies alright. If that's Hammy's ultimate goal, then I have'ta say, he's doing a fantastic job of that.

I suppose whatever it is I have to say must be really important to Hammy for him to want to linger here.

Hmhmhmhm... I'm flattered!


I will when the Hammy Patrol does! I'm not the one that goes around and shames other people's hard work, work that you know they'll never be bothered to do themselves. At least I have standards! I would never do that to anybody!

Highly debatable.

Providing Examples:

they're delusional, arrogant and deplorable minded.

More ammo for me to use, how lovely, you're so generous.

You, Hammy and the rest of your motley crew are the disease, I am the cure, make no mistake of that!

I'm beginning to give Russian and the rest of his chumly posse their just desserts.


If Hammy can't even make even one story, then he should really be mindful of what he does, even though you and I both know he won't.

You don't need to make something to point out its flaws.

I suppose whatever it is I have to say must be really important to Hammy for him to want to linger here.

Hmhmhmhm... I'm flattered!

>hamster makes a one word post

So you ripped out one of my sentences just to use it as ammo? Seriously? You probably don't even know why I even put that there to begin with. Alright then fine, i'll unblock you, because i'm not a coward. I was actually beginning to wonder when you'd notice that you were blocked.


I'm a man of my word! Let's take this elsewhere before Rainbow get any angrier.

I've angered a lot of people over the years. But this is the first time I've triggered a spastic fit with only one word.
As for the story, have you considered reading and utilizing the writer's guide?

So I can see that this story has also been thrown into the absolutely disgusting group. Honestly, it doesn't really take a genius to figure out who did it, because it happened to me not too long ago.

I honestly don't know why Russian hangs out with a scumbag like you Hammy, I just had a talk with him and he seems like an ok person. I just want to understand you now, Why do you enjoy going around and pissing people off? Why do you actually want to be a dick? You do realize that, that'll only get people to hate you right?

If by people, you mean uber sensitive Nancy's like you...I think I'll do just fine.:rainbowkiss:

No people in general, making a career, going around and pissing in people's wheaties is generally considered a bad idea for obvious reasons.

What about Nancy? So you're calling Nancy a sensitive uber? Ok then!

Furthermore; It's because of people like you that Bronies get so much hate and get a bad reputation.

Newsflash, moron: Look to the edit button on a comment you leave if more needs to be added.

No, that would be the anthro community (big props to Mister Metokur for blowing that community apart) and lonely weirdos sperging out at the VAs and writers. Nice try though.

That coming from the person that had spelled and used the name Nancy in an incorrect context. I think i'll be just fine.

Nancy is an actual name for a person, not an insult.

It's true then. You people really can't detect sarcasm and derogatory implications. :rainbowkiss:

Here's a lesson for you then; The name Nancy, yes that's what it is. relates to an actual person, not an insult. If you called me a pansy, it would have made much more sense. If you called Nancy a pansy, that would be just inappropriate.

Where's the sense of sarcasm in an misspelled insult? You lost me on that.

Word to the wise kiddo, if you're going to create an insult, at least make sure it makes sense, otherwise it just embarrass you when people like myself catch it.

Granted, that derogatory implication is largely unknown outside English speaking countries. How about bugman? Creampuff? Soyboy? I don't know too many non English slurs, and the ones I do know are Spanish and liable to net me a permaban.

Not really, you're just doing a very poor job of it. But yes, you were already reported as I can recall. I still have no idea why someone like Russian would ever want to be affiliated with someone like you. That just boggles my mind.

Are you Asian then? Because I know at least one of those has gotten criticized recently for being "homophobic".

You know, I am curious about something. How many times have you been reported in general? I would assume several times. Doesn't that give you a hint, an inking, a clue that other people don't like your attitude?

I've heard you also got perm banned from several other groups too. Hey I may not have been there, but based off of your very ugly personality, I think their decisions to ban you were warranted.

I definitely can see why you were both reported and banned by many people, you're the textbook definition of nuisance. And everybody's calling you out on it.

I've also taken the liberty of placing you on a list of individuals other people should avoid at all costs. Don't confront them, just ignore them. That'll leave a permanent stink on your profile that can never be removed. It'll give other well-minded individuals much incentive to give you a wide berth.

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