• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen 25 minutes ago


Just some loser with an unusual interest no one else has.


Silverstream hears about the Ghostbusters NES game, particularly its long flight of stairs, and tries playing it. Will she love the stairs or will the gameplay get too annoying for her? And then, the only other character who loves stairs joins in!

Credit to Angry Video Game Nerd for reviewing the game and making me aware of it. (Warning to anyone who has not seen his videos: They contain coarse language, unlike this story)

Set in an alternate universe with a few differences, most notably the movies and games we know in real life exist there, and that the Crystal Heart purified Sombra instead of destroying him and he is now living in Ponyville.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )


In a few vids, Mr. Rolfe has mentioned his daughter loves ponies. He also has a ponified Nerd figurine on his shelf, probably donated by a fan.

Did you notice the part where Silverstream holds the controller with her wings, and almost hit Sombra in the head with them? I thought you'd like that.

The Endless Stairs in Super Mario 64 is an endless flight of stairs where you can't reach the top unless you get 70 Stars. Then it's not that long. The interesting thing is, no matter how long you run up the Endless Stairs, you don't get any farther from the bottom (it's impossible to change the camera angles right to play around with this).

As for Ghostbusters... well, everything in the story speaks for itself. The movie was popular, but its NES game is one of the worst video games ever made. And yes, the ending screen actually does have those typos. AVGN reviewed a whole bunch of really bad games, but again, if coarse language or vulgar expressions bother you, you might not like his reviews. If you don't mind it, though, his reviews are entertaining.

I like ghostbusters

I had this game on the Sega Master System as a kid. It killed my childhood...

And so, Sombra weaponized the stairs.

And there's plenty more where it came from. A lot of the NES games based off popular movies were bad, kinda like the reverse of MLP: FiM. They even messed up all three Indiana Jones games. (The Nerd pulled out the Temple of Doom cartridge's heart)

Edit: Oh, Sega Master System version? I forgot about that part, I mainly remembered Part 1 of the review and his spell check for the ending screen.

Oh, yesterday I just climbed the Cultists' Tower on Final Fantasy VI. (Which most of you probably know as Filly Fantasy VI) It's similar in appearance, but there are 37 flights of stairs there. You don't have to press A repeatedly to move, you move the same as usual, but random encounters will be difficult because you can only use magic. (And the boss at the top is overpowered, and when he dies he casts Ultima, which kills your whole party) However, I equipped Reflect Rings with my entire party (which reflect all magic except Ultima), furthermore, though you have to know it's there to get it, you can get Molulu's Charm and equip Mog with it, it will block random encounters.

There's still the cult leader but Reflect Rings reflect his attacks back at him without making him change his immunity/weakness. And for Ultima, if I cast Reraise (learned through Phoenix Magicite which you obtain after Locke rejoins) it will immediately revive whoever it's cast on next time they die in that battle. (And actually, this time around, Edgar actually survived Ultima, he's like Level 64 now)

Even without random battles and knowing I have a very simple way to defeat the cult leader... climbing the 37 stairs could be tedious.

I did notice the pony Nerd figurine during his review of games based off him. That would also explain his "makes me want to punch a pony" comment in one of his later videos. I don't recall any other mentions of pony, so they must've been in his Board James videos.


It was a James and Mike Monday Romhacks episode, I *think*.

Ah, yes, the only two who could love that abomination of a game.

I think my favorite part is how you can basically have the end of the game start at any random momemt, including within minutes of starting.

"How can you go wrong with Ghostbusters and NES put together?" said Sandbar.

Well you see sandbar.....

Well this was a pretty random story but pretty funny and I did remember watching the review of the Ghostbusters video game on Nintendo and yeah it is really bad I still don't know how in the world they let this happen and make it so bad they had so many opportunity to make it look like awesome but they wasted on just making a generic ghost making the game a little bit too difficult and only put one music in there as the Video Game Nerd always say what were they thinking anyway this was a pretty fun one keep up the good work

Of all the bad games based off popular movies, hell, of all the games he's reviewed, this one stands out as being one of the worst, though the Nerd says Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is still the worst game ever (with ET apparently a close second), not counting ones that barely qualify as a game such as Plumbers Don't Wear Ties or Hong Kong 97. The monotonous gameplay of catching ghosts and avoiding drunk drivers is one thing and probably would've made the game standard fare for the games he reviews, but those stairs... even without the proton beam, whose idea was it to have you TAP A REPEATEDLY to climb 22 FLIGHTS OF STAIRS instead of just using the control pad? And it STILL would be virtually impossible to get by the ghosts without a cheat code.

It's so true every time he says "What were they thinking?" His encyclopedia even has an article on that phrase. So many of these games had so many things that could have been done better. Even a later version of Ghostbusters that has you able to use your proton beam on the stairs, it's almost impossible to hit the ghosts with them. (And they misspelled Gozer's name as "Gorza")

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