• Member Since 25th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Valiant Charge

Why do we fight? To protect home and family, to preserve balance and bring harmony. The true question is not why we fight but rather "What is worth fighting for?"

Comments ( 222 )

This is going to be goood~~🍿

Good, it begins...
Also would have commented here earlier, but my smartphone has been an ass about it...

actually, I disabled the comments and ratings by accident.:twilightsheepish:

No, really. My phone has been an ass about giving comments, liking, faveing, tracking,etc... for a while now (month's), showing "unknown error" message. Had to get to laptop to comment.

following please! :pinkiehappy:

I just love it😍

A resigned sigh, because I knew that I had to do it, but it was just so predictable.

I would watch the shit out of a GoT anime...

...provided Benioff & Weiss keep their dirty fingers off it.

when will we continue?:raritystarry:

Ok d'accord merci beaucoup :heart:

so it's a very good chapter but too bad it's short I hope the next one will be longer ^^

yeah. best I could come up with since I'm so busy.

"Where are the bodies?"

-...Taking a walk, maybe?...

Okay, if not a small question, will the rest of the fiction be as bloody and sexual as the original series or do you intend to do something different?

would it be a bad thing if it was as bloody and sexual?

not at all it was just to know if you were going to respect the tone of the series ^^

in any case I want battles, blood, sex and violence because I'm crazy!:pinkiecrazy:

Merci beaucoup :scootangel:

Arrgg!!! Stupid ending i want more!

So, now Blueballs is soon gonna join the stage... I hope his troops get a little... Frosty...

They might get cold feet at the first sign of trouble.

I hope so. They where mostly merc's right? And mercs, while they fight for money, they also want to survive in order to enjoy those earnings. Historical fact in RL.

mostly mercs and a few noble brats looking to make a name for themselves.

Ok this is bugging me from the last story what happened to Trixie? Was she freed or is she still that blue ball's slave.

she's still with him but not really as a slave.

No if she's with him she's his slave. Trixie is way out of that scumbags league. She is would not be with him by choice.

if she see's a chance to sieze power, she'll take it. at least this version of her will.

Please let this lead to a knife in his back. I wanted to hang him with his own intestine and spread him bloody eagle when I read he was using her.

And so the conflict officially begins it seems.

Hopefully the Army of the Dead will freeze Blueballs balls off... LITERALLY :pinkiecrazy:

yeah,.. Just had make that joke for some reason...:twilightsheepish:

I think that even with the warning of Shining Armor the ambassador will still try to get Applejack I'm not right?

ohh yeah and when that happens. stuffs gonna hit the fan.

I can not wait to see it ;)

otherwise it was a very good chapter despite the fact that it is quite short and not enough developed but otherwise it is very good continuous like that :heart:

and what is next for when? :raritystarry:

sorry for lack of development. I haven't had time to brainstorm lately.

No problemo Roberto ^^

Time to prepare Wulfric, because I have a bad feeling about what's going to happen.

nothing good that's for sure.

A arrow to the knee? Really? Eh still good.

So a new faction , eh? Let's see where this goes...

Comment posted by Silver Ghost deleted Feb 19th, 2019

It lives! Yay:yay:
Keep it up.

* Tries to conjure a pot of coffee at your location * ...*connection failed * Darn...:derpytongue2:

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