• Published 15th Jul 2018
  • 8,283 Views, 107 Comments

Displaced DemonSlayers - Flowjam

Two best freinds get transported to equestria by a man in a resident evil merchant costume at con.

  • ...

Chapter 4 Demon Killing

Back in the everfree. Berial soon was told that one of his babua warriors were killed from the other small red demons. He growled in frustration “That’s impossible! There's no way he could have been killed by the sisters, and no normal pony could face against even a gremlin

He looked towards were ponyville was, then turned towards his demon army “All of you! Storm towards the pony village and kill all in your way, leave no survivors

All of the demons screeched out and ran to ponyville. Berial didn’t believe that the so called elements of harmony could best one of his demons without the elements with them.

Berial breathed out “Who ever is there, they will not be able to take on the full force of my demons” sadly he didn’t know what he was facing and will soon find himself wrong.

Back with the others. Twilight was rambling on asking question to the two demonslayers “How did you do that, where did that sword come from, what was that thing you had in your hand, are you two really humans?”

Nero was starting to get annoyed by all of the question that were being fired at them while Dante wasn’t even listening. Dante moved his hand over twilights mouth making her stop “Dude, Stop with the Rambo questions. It’s not helping anyone”

Dante moved his hand away from her mouth. Celestia spoke up “He’s right twilight, this isn’t the time for questions”

Twilight was surprised to hear celestia say that to her “What to you mean! These two were able to kill a demon that easily took down two guards, they can’t be human their to unordinary”

“Were standing right here you now” Nero said startling twilight, she said sorry soon after.

Stone heart cut in “What do you mean princess” celestia was going to answer but nero did it for her.

“What she means is that things are going to get even more dangerous than before”

Everyone looked towards Nero, applejack said “What are you talking about partner?”

Nero looked at the dead babua on the ground “That demon was able to get here quickly” he turned back to them “Who’s to say the rest won’t come after”

Everyone gasped except for Dante. But rainbow said “But wait, what about the shield. They can’t get through that”

Dante said “I wouldn’t be so sure” he pointed his thumb at the shield they all looked and dread was sketched on their faces.

The shield looked even more weaker than before, the color almost completely faded. Twilight said “Oh no, my shield is started to disappear. One more hit and the whole thing will be destroyed!!!”

Rarity said “Can’t you just pour more magic into it” twilight shook her head “No, like I said. I put almost all of my magic into the shield just incase. If I put even more I'll run out of magic”

All of the ponies were destructed from what twilight said. Then pinkie said “Well it couldn’t get any worse” making the mistake in inflicting karma.

Dante and Nero heard hoofsteps heading towards them. Soon the others heard it and looked to see everyone in ponyville nearby.

Everyone looked at pinkie that had on a sheepish smile and said “Oops” It was a good thing pinkie was so innocent.

They all headed to the ponies with the guards helping the two pony guards that celestia cared, the main six and stone heart helping celestia. One of the guards was about to help up Luna but Nero stepped in.

Nero said “Don’t even bother, I got her”

The unicorn guards didn’t trust Nero and got mad at what he said “Don’t you tell me what to do! I can handle helping our princess”

Nero pointed at the guards hands, he looked down at his hands. They were shaking, he didn’t know he was even shaking until know “Your hands are to shaky, you could drop her like that”

The guard looked back at Nero. He was going to decline and say he could do it but Luna spoke up “Stand down guard, he is right. As the way you are know you could get use both hurt”

The unicorn guards was shocked to hear Luna agreeing with Nero. He backed off letting Nero take care of it.

Luna looked up at Nero “Are you sure you can do it. I can’t move much of my body, and I may not like it but I’m qu-” she wasn’t able to finished. Nero bent down and picked Luna up easily, holding her bridal style with little problems.

Luna made a cute eepe sound when he lifted her up. She blushed from how close she was, her head against his chest hearing his heartbeat.

Nero said “Like I said, I got this. Your actually really light. Weighing less than a feather” what he said made Luna blush hotter, she hide her face away from him. Nero started to walk to the others, putting his head in a good position so her horn doesn’t poke him.

When he got to them twilight was talking to the ponies that came out of sugercube corner “Why are you all out here! I said to stay in sugarcube corner where it’s safe”

The same tan, grey maned earth pony mare that tried to stop Nero and Dante said “I’m sorry twilight but we got worried and came out to help ”

Then a magenta, pink and light pink mane earth pony mare wearing a teachers outfit said “We got worried and came to see if you all were alright”

They all nodded. Twilight didn’t know what to say finding their reason in coming out innocent. Celestia stepped in and said “It is brave of you all to come and help, but it is still dangerous out here for you all”

The pony citizens lowered their head, thinking they should have stayed back. Stone heart spoke out loud for them all to hear “Princess celestia is right. I want you all to head back to sugarcube corner were it’s safe”

Dante and Nero soon felt a weird force coming from where the babua first appeared. They both turned to the weaken shield at the same time. Luna notice Nero’s sudden action “Is something wrong?” she said in a worried tone.

Nero didn’t say anything. What he was feeling was every negative emotion he could think of, hate, malice, rage, bloodlust, animalistic, it was all heading towards them.

Nero whispered one word at this outcome but Luna was able to hear it “God fucking dammit”

Dante said to stone heart “I don’t think they’ll get the chance Capitan” They all heard him and Dante pointed at the shield.

When they looked the first thing they could see was glowing lights coming from the forest, then soon after all of the demons that attacked canterlot came out, the glow of their eyes scaring all of the ponies.

The mares in the crowd screamed, while few of the stallion did the same with their own girly screams.

Even though twilight said if she poured more magic to the shield she would lose some of her magic in the end. But when she saw the demons and the scared looks on her friends faces she did it anyways.

Twilight fired a beam of magic into the air hitting the shield and putting more of her magic into it, not a lot just enough to hold back the demons just a little bit. But that didn't help. The demons all attacked the shield, attacking it with their hands, slashing the shield with their demonic weapons, or just breathing fire onto the shield.

Twilight tried her best but it ended up exhausting to much of her magic making twilight fall to the ground on her knees with her friends by her side helping her up.

The shield soon had cracks showing, it was close to breaking and falling down. Stone heart ordered his guards “All of you. I want a defensive line in front of the ponies, Know!”

Right when they were going to do that, Nero and Dante got in their way. Stone heart saw this so did the girls and the two sisters. Stone heart yelled at them “What do you think your doing!!!”

Dante was the one to answer back “Our job”

The ponies that heard him were confused. The main six and the princesses were wide eyed and shocked to hear him. They didn’t believe what dante said before about them being Demonslayers was true.

Rainbow dash said “What are you talking about, you can’t take all of them on by your self's!”

Twilight backed her up “Rainbows right. We need to evacuate while we still can”

The others agreed with the two, but Dante just waved them off. “You don’t have to evacuate. There's no reason of you all to doing that”

Luna wasn’t liking Dante's care free attitude at their dire situation. “Do you not see the army of demons right in front of you. There is no time in making joke’s!”

The guards and the girls with the citizens all understood what Luna was talking about and argued at what Dante said. But then Nero spoke out, his voice silencing them all. The serious tone of his voice catching their attention.

“Dante’s right. Evacuating isn’t needed, because we’re going to handle this ourselves” Nero said mentioning him and Dante.

The ponies didn’t want to believe that they would take on the army of demons by themselves. They couldn’t get to say anything when the whole shield broke down. They all looked to see the demons moving forward.

Nero walked up to two night guards “Here” and gave Luna to them. They didn’t argue and took Luna out of his arms and setting her down softly on the ground. A White mare, pink mane pony that had on a nurses uniform was there to help Luna.

Luna found herself feeling defenseless again. When Nero was carrying her she felt so save, like nothing could hurt her. She didn’t know why she felt that way, she didn’t know what he was or who he really is.

She looked over to see him walking to Dante. Nero had a plan and thought it would help keep everyone alive. He patted Dante on the shoulder “Here’s the plan. You go in and take on the demon's head on, while I stay back and take out any demon that gets pass you, while keeping the ponies safe from harm.

Dante smiled at his plan. He understood what that meant but in his own way. Inside Dante's head “If that’s it. Then that means I get to fight them all alone with no one helping me” Dante giggled in his head feeling his blood pumping in excitement.

Dante smiled and nodded at Nero's plan “Got it. That may be the best idea you ever had”

Nero smiled back “I knew you would like it”

Dante yelled out catching everyone's attention even the demons “ Finally! I get to have some action!” he turned to face the demons that were distance away and said “Just wait their, I'll be there soon” the demons heard him and were confused at his outburst stopping their advance.

One of the guards, a Pegasus stallion said “Your joking right you can’t take on that army of demons” finding Dante amusing.

Dante turned to the stallion, the fire in his eyes scaring the pony “Just watch me!!”

Dante walked off towards the demons but Pinkie, rainbow dash and twilight, that was able to get herself together ran to Dante in stopping him from doing something crazy.

Pinkie said “Danty. Are you crazy, you can’t fight all of those demons” when pinkie gave him a nickname he found himself liking the pink mare even more. He thought the nickname she just gave him was cute and funny.

Rainbow said “Pinkie’s right. You’ll die if you go out there. I just started liking you. I can’t have you die know” Dante raised one eyebrow at what she said. Rainbow notice her slip up and tried to fix it “What I mean is that I think your not bad, and wanted to get to know you better” rainbow dash twiddling her thumbs with a small blush on her face.

Twilight spoke next “Why are you even doing this? Don’t you know what your getting yourself into” twilight grabbed onto Dante's coat.

Dante saw the worried look in their faces. He didn’t understand, they didn’t know him but they cared for his safety. Nobody cared about him. The only one being his best friend neo/Nero that cared.

Dante grinned and booped twilight on the nose making her go cross eyed and rub her nose. Dante grabbed her hand letting her let go of his coat and looked at the three girls “Thanks. I’m happy to hear you all say that to me of all people”

The three mares saw a small look of sadness in Dante's eyes. Pinkie and rainbow being the two that got to know Dante were surprise to see such a sad look coming from him.

But that quickly faded, Dante went back to his normal crazy jokeful self “But don’t worried, I got this” he pulled twilights hand to his lips, kissing her hand and making her blush. He let her hand go “But thanks anyways”

Dante stepped away. He placed his hands inside his coat pulling out ebony & Ivory. The ponies saw the two metal objects in his hands, the light from the moon making them sparkle that made a few of the ponies eyes wide, even making vinyl pull up her shades to get a better look.

Dante looked backed at the ponies “If I were you. I’d sit back and enjoy the show” he started to walk off towards the army of demons.

The Ponies were shocked that Dante was actually going to fight them alone. Nero called out to him “Try not letting to many get pass you”

Dante kept walking and said “Got it. Just don’t get mad if I kill them before you get a chance to do anything”

All of the demons stepped forward hissing and growling loudly at Dante. He didn’t care. Dante put on a smile walking towards them. The smile he had made a few of the demons step back, they could feel energy that was just like theirs but much bigger and more stronger then theirs.

When he was in a good distance he dash right at the horde of demons. His speed catching the demons and ponies that were watching off guard.

Dante ran up to the leading demon, he jumped and kicked it right in the face. The demon went flying with a few others surprised and letting their guard down.

Dante took this moment and started firing his pistols at every demon around him. Troy/Dante only fired a gun a few times in his life. He’s never killed before mostly sending his attackers to the hospital. But right know he wasn’t feeling anything when shooting at the demons, he felt the same with a bit of excitement going through him and adrenaline running through his veins.

His new abilities gave him pinpoint accuracy, firing at each demons head killing them instantly. One demon tried to attack him from behind, but Dante sense this and ducked under the swipe of the demons claws, he elbowed the demon then placed ivory under it’s chin, he fired and blown the demons head off.

More demons ran in up close with Dante dodging and weaving around them, shooting each demon that got close. One demon far back opened its mouth and fired a ball of fire at Dante. He saw the ball of fire and moved his head to the side, the ball missing him but hitting a demon behind him, it’s face blasted off.

Dante looked over to the demon that fired at him and saw 5 more lining up with him and firing more balls of fire at him. He dodge and stepped to the side of a few of the flaming balls. He rolled under one fire ball, then slide on the ground Firing 5 bullets out of ebony and hitting each demon in the head.

Dante stood back up and fired more shot at the demon around him. Some tried getting close and others trying to dodge his bullets but each shot was aimed right at their heads.

Dante grinned wanting to show how awesome he was. He ran forward in the middle of the demon army, Dante jumped and spun his body spinning in midair and rapid fired all of the demons around him. They didn’t stand a chance, each bullet was hitting their bodies leaving holes all over them. Those that died fell down to the ground dead with their bodies turning to ashes.

He spun in the air for a bit then flipped himself up right and landing on his feet in a badass pose. Crouched down with his hand up and looking like he was bowing.

All of the ponies that were watching couldn't believe it. No one was strong enough to take on one demon, it would take a very skilled pony to take on two or three. Even the princesses had a hard time fighting off the army that attacked canterlot. But what they were seeing was the impossible being done by one stallion.

The main six and the princesses were also shocked at what they were seeing. Just like Dante said he was taking on the whole army alone and holding them down. The three mares that tried to stop him were scared that he would get hurt or worse killed, but after seeing him fight and kill more demons than any guard could dream their fears were replaced with wonder and amazement, mostly rainbow dash.

The rainbow colored mare literally had sparkles in her eyes. The way Dante just ran in and fought the demons without a second thought was amazing to her. And when he did his spin trick, rainbow was liking Dante more and more, she started thinking he was the most awesome person she has ever met.

Pinkie was feeling the same way. When she first met him near apple orchard she had a feeling she was going to like Dante, but the feeling she felt before only grew the more she talked and laughed with him.

Twilight was watching the whole thing with a critical eye. The way he fought, how he acted, and the strength and speed Dante showed off told her that he wasn’t any normal human, the same would be said to Nero. But just like the two she found herself liking him, not to far off like the two others. Twilight hasn’t spoken to Dante in a real conversation like pinkie or rainbow.

Nero was watching the whole thing with a normal look. He knew this would happen even if they just turned into the characters from “DMC” they both had their skills, and abilities right off the bat. Nero saw Dante do the spin trick and said in his head “Show Off

Dante was done using the pistols and put them back inside his coat. He cracked his neck and said “All right. Warm ups over” then what came next surprised the ponies and demons. On his back a symbol of a sword with wings glowed bright. Rebellion shot out spooking the ponies and making the demons move back in caution “Lets get this party started!”

Dante grabbed rebellion off his back with his right hand, the tip of the blade almost touching the ground. The demons got ready, not wanting to fall like the others.

Dante dashed at the horde, his sword low grinding against the ground. The demons ran at Dante with two demons up front. One tried to slash Dante with its sword. Dante parried the demon's blade, the next demon swung his blade sideways but Dante ducked under it. Dante was right between the two demon so he got behind the first one, he swing his sword cutting the demons head off, then turned slashing through the other demons head.

Dante started attacking the demons, swinging his sword in many different ways taking down each demon that faced him. He slashed one diagonally, the demons body severed. Five more attacked him but Dante quickly cut down the first one, he weaving passed the rest them slashing their chest open and killing them.

Dante turned then dodged a fireball from another demon. He pulled back rebellion and used “Stinger” piercing the demon through the stomach. He grip the sword then cut up it’s chest and then its head. He drew the sword back to his side.

Dante jumped back from another demon's claw, he rushed the demon then used “Hacked” cuttiing the demon in pieces.

Dante was having a blast. He was able to count that he killed 10 demons leaving 20 left. He was having so much fun he didn’t notice a few demons slipping passed him.

Eight demons got passed Dante, not wanting to be killed like the others. They started to head towards the group of ponies that were watching the whole thing.

A unicorn mare guard saw the eight demons coming towards them. Her eyes widen with a scared look on her face, she yelled out to stone heart “Sir, demons heading right towards use!”

All the ponies heard her and got scared when they saw the demons running towards them. Stone heart was about to order his group to protect the ponies and princesses but a loud bang went off near them.

Two Bullet were fired and blown one of the demons head off making the 7 stop in their tracks. They all looked to see Nero pointing blue rose at the demons, Smoke coming out of the barrel.

Nero glared at the demons then fired 5 more shot at them killing 5 of them that tried to get close. He then pop the slot mage out, raised blue rose in the air to let the empty bullet casings fall to the ground, he swung his left arm on his side making his coat fly open and pulling out more bullets, he spun around. The bullets sliding into the mage, spun back forward and fired two more shots at the last two demons. Killing them each with one bullet to the head.

Nero pulled back his revolver. Pulling out two more bullets out of his coat and placing them in the mage. He clicked the mage back in. He notice the ponies were much quieter than normal.

He looked to see all of the ponies staring at him know. Nero raised one eyebrow and said “What?”

They kept staring. Celestia was the one to speak for them all “What are you two?”

Nero heard her and grinned and said “Wouldn’t you like to know”

Fluttershy was trying to process what she just saw. Back at the party Nero was smart, nice, funny, and handso- cool, a word fluttershy learned from rainbow dash. But know He was being serious, focus, strong, and once again cool or was it cooler she didn’t really know. But she knew one thing, the butterflies were coming back.

Luna was having the same problem. She’s never had this happen before, she knew it was reason of unknown caused by Nero but didn’t know why.

Not that far away three young fillies were walking passed the houses. They wanted to go to the party but their sisters took them to applejacks home where they could be safe. They were left in the care of old granny smith. But these girls were not the kind to listen easily, so when granny went to sleep they snuck out the house leaving granny and another person that was sent there.

On the right was a yellow fur, red mane, orange eyed, earth pony filly. She had a red bow on top of her head, she was wearing blue overalls with a apple on the front, under the overalls was a light green shirt.

The filly on the left was a white fur, purple and pink mane, green eyed, unicorn filly. She was wearing a pink and yellow dress with pink and white striped shirt under the dress.

And lastly was the one leading the two. This filly had Orange fur, her mane dark purple, and her eyes a normal shade of purple, this filly was a Pegasus but was different because her wings were a bit smaller than most other Pegasus's. She wore brown shorts, and a small light orange sweatshirt.

The unicorn filly spoke out, thinking that walking around at night wasn't a good idea “Scootaloo are you sure this was a good idea”

Scootaloo responded back “Come on Sweetie belle, Why should we have to stay inside while everyone is partying”

Sweetie belle said “Maybe it’s because it’s a grown-up pony party”

The earth pony filly Said “Sweetie. Pinkie was tha one that organized the party. All of her party’s are always child like”

Scootaloo agreed with her “Applebloom’s right sweetie, there's no way they could be having an adult party if she's the one making it”

Sweetie was still not sure about this “Even still. Were not supposed to be out at night”

Scootaloo snorted at sweetie “Are you kidding. This is ponyville were talking about nothing really bad happens here” the three fillies were getting close to sugarcube corner.

Apple Bloom thought that scootaloo was wrong “That’s not true, bad things have happened in ponyville before”

Scoots rolled her eyes at applebloom “I mean like scary, dangerous stuff bloom. What you're thinking about is the weird things that happen here” scootaloo exclaimed

They stopped right next to sugarcube corner. Applebloom thinked about it and said “Then what about the time when that scary red minotaur attack ponyville huh, everything got destroyed even the school!”

Applebloom had a good point but scootaloo just waved her off “Come on. That wasn’t so bad. No one got hurt, and Rainbow dash and everyone else took care of it”

Sweetie cut in “Actually I heard it was twilight thst did the most of that”

Scootaloo gave sweetie an even look “As I said nothing bad, scary, to completely dangerous ever happens here” as she says that the girls heard loud bangs coming far of in the distance.

Sweetie jumped back and hide behind the two “W-what was that!?”

Scootaloo got a little scared from the loud noise, so did applebloom. But she shook it off and said “That must be everyone. Come on we can’t let them have all of the fun”

Scootaloo started to walk off but then applebloom said “But our sisters said the party was taking place here” she pointed at sugarcube corner.

Scootaloo looked back at them “They must have changed the party out here. Come on! Let go!” Scootaloo waving her friends to follow.

Applebloom and sweetie belle looked at each other then started to follow their orange, purple friend to the suppose party.

Not that far away a Purple and green, young dragon that was taken to the apple family farm was looking for the three fillies that snuck out. He left the farm house to bring them back inside because unlike them he knew why they were sent there.

He grabbed his head messing with his spines “Oh man twilight is going to kill me when she find out I'm here”

He looked around the ground and found small hoof prints, then started to follow them “But I have to bring them back before they do anything crazy like normal” he followed the hoofprints in a quick pace.

Back at the action Dante was messing around with the small pack of demons. The ponies were still watching with Nero keeping an eye on anything strange.

The Girls were watching Dante beatdown the demons. Rainbow was watching with stars in her eyes “This is the most awesomest thing I have ever seen! He’s doing what no normal pony or guard could do!”

Rarity Said “My word, there was so many but know it’s dropped down even less in a fraction of a minute!”

Pinkie was jumping up and down “Dante’s giving those Meany demons a good beating. And did you see the trick he did with those metal things in his hands”

Rainbow heard pinkie and said “Heck yea I saw! The way he spun in the air while shooting them was epic!”

Twilight cut into the conversation in her normal scientific talk “The weapons he had in his hands are completely metal, they fire like how a bow does but much faster and whatever is inside them is being launch faster than any bow an arrow”

“That’s because their from where were from” The girls looked to see Nero still watching the area. He said “The metal objects in Dante's hands are called pistols, while the one I have is called a revolver” Nero thought he would give them a bit of information so they didn’t get lost in all of the action that was taking place.

Twilight was the one to ask a question “What are those things that come out of the pistels you speak of”

Nero turned to her “First off its pistols not pistels, replace the e with an o” twilight blushed embarrassed in her mistake, rainbow laughed while pinkie and applejack giggled at her. They were silence when twilight glared at them.

Nero kept speaking “The small object that come out are called bullets. The pistols in Dante's hand fired them by trigger motion and putting force on the bullet making it fly out fast, to fast to see, only to leave a hole in your head in the end”

The girls listens with the guards and princesses listening also. They flinched from what Nero said in the end except Luna. Twilight was able to magical up a notepad and pencil, writing down everything Nero said.

Nero looked at her confusingly, Thinking why she was writing it down for. It’s not like they will be able to make their own without the right material or metal.

Rainbow dash was watching Dante mess with the demons “Wow watching him just tear those demon apart is crazy. He even has a smile on his face” the girls and others heard rainbow and looked, as she said Dante did have a smile on his face. It was like looking at a colt that was playing a game.

Nero turned to the girls and princesses “Dante has always been like that. He's the type to get excited and have fun in things like this. He may joke around and act like an idiot sometimes, but between the two of use he’s the more excited, first to run into fights kind of guy” Nero exclaimed to them.

The girls listen to Nero. Pinkie giggled at the way Nero spoke about Dante, that was all true. While the others smiled at him. The way he spoke about Dante.

Celestia also smiled with Luna giggling finding Nero making fun of Dante funny. Celestia said “You two must have been together for a long time for you to give a full description about him”

Nero didn’t find anything special in what he said “Well we are friends after all. Those that have been friends for a long time tend to understand how they act, talk, or the signs they give off when their happy or sad”

They all were surprise to hear an on inspiring reply from him. Luna heard what Nero said and thought that he was wise in speaking about friendship in such a way.

Nero turned back forward. He looking at the demons, he looked at them in a critical eye and notice something was wrong “Of all of the demons that appeared I haven’t seen any of the red bloody demons yet” Nero thought that they may be a special group of demon and who ever was leading them must have only sent the one out. The only thing he thought about is when the rest will come out.

Back inside the everfree. Berial heard all of the bangs, screeching and noise of his army in battle but it wasn’t the sound of a winning fight. He looked up in the air and saw all of the ashes of his demons that told him they were slain in battle.

Berial was getting madder the more this unknown threat keeps doing the impossible “Grrr... This is taking to long!!” berial turned to the four babua’s and yelled “All of you go! I don’t care what you do! Just kill who ever you see!” the babua’s backed away from berial his hot temper burning down the grass and trees around him. They scurried off to ponyville, to in act their leaders wish.

As Nero was thinking about the demons that haven't shown yet. Him and the other ponies didn’t notice the three fillies that came out not far off from them.

The three fillies stared wide eyed at what they were seeing. Just like the ponies, they were watching Dante fight off the demon army alone. They saw the demons on the ground die then turn to ash.

Sweetie was even more scared, her voice cracking “W-hat Is that?” she was referring to Dante.

“Ah Don’t know sweetie. It looks like a monkey of sum kind” applebloom said trying to think what the creature was”

Scootaloo said in excitement “A cool monkey you mean! He’s fighting all of those monster alone! That’s so awesome, well not as awesome as rainbow dash but still awesome!”

Sweetie pulled on both applebloom and scootaloo, they turned to her “Can we please go back, we can’t be out here. What happens if one of them attacks use”

The two faced sweetie. Scootaloo wasn’t scared “Oh come on sweetie that’s not gonna happen. The cool monkey guy is already fighting them”

Applebloom was feeling the same as sweetie “Sweetie right scoot’s. What if our sisters see use, then we’ll be in a whole lot of trouble”

Scoot’s rolled her eyes at applebloom “There's no way they would know were here while they're all watching the fight. Who would even find use” as she says that a young boy’s voice was heard running to them “There you all are. I was looking for you three”

The three fillies turned to see a young dragon wearing a purple sweater with a green dragon emblem on the front, wearing black pants, his black slit green eyes glaring at them.

Scootaloo waved at the dragon “Hey spike. What took you so long?”

Spike wasn’t in the mood for jokes “Don’t hey me spike! What are you all doing here. You were told to stay inside”

AppleBloom said “We wanted to join pinkie's party. So we came out”

Spike sighed rubbing his claw down his face “That doesn’t matter. We were sent to your home so we don’t get hurt”

“You mean the monster?” sweetie asked.

Spike said “Yes them!” but froze “Wait how did you know demons were attacking canterlot?!”

Both sweetie and bloom gasped at what spike said, except scoots “We didn’t”

Spike placed his hands over his mouth. Then said “Dang It” he looked at the three “Then how did you know about the demons?”

Scootaloo pointed behind them. Spike look, his eyes widen in shock. The demons he was talking about were there. He looked and saw that they were fighting some creature he’s seen before but didn’t remember from where he seen it”

Spike was trying to understand what was happening “I don’t understand, twilight placed a huge shield all over ponyville, there's no way they could have gotten in by force”

Applebloom looked at the scene also “We don’t know either. By the time we got here, we saw that monkey creature fighting the demons”

“And winning!” scootaloo pop between the two, surprising them “He’s fighting them all by himself. We saw some on the ground and notice there were more of them before we got here”

Spike agreed with her because the letter that was sent by celestia did say a army of demons was attacking. Spike was also shocked about it but shook it off “That doesn’t matter we need to go know!”

Scootaloo look at spike like he was crazy “Are you serious we just got here!”

Spike shook his head “To bad. We were told to stay inside, if we stay out here we could get ourselves hurt or worse”

Scootaloo frowned at spike “Come on spike your starting to sound like sweetie”

“Hey!” sweetie said, not liking how scootaloo said it.

She ignored her and continued “And as I said to her their fighting that guy already, there no way we could get attacked”

While spike and scootaloo argued. Not that far off the babua’s that berial sent made it through the forest. They looked around and saw the demon army, well more like a group instead of a army. They didn’t go in, but moved away from them.

The babua’s looked around and saw the ponies, princesses, and guards. They were going to attack but saw Nero, the air around him dangerous making them change their minds. They looked around again and saw the three filles and dragon. Sick twisted smiles were on their faces, They then moved fast towards them.

Scootaloo and spike kept on arguing non stop. Applebloom was trying to stop them but with little success. Sweetie was shaking, scared that something would happen. She looked back at the fight but then saw something red in the corner of her eye, she looked and saw the four babua’s heading right at them.

Sweetie did the only thing she could think of, she screamed. Spike and the other two fillies jumped from sweetie's scream and they looked and saw the demons coming. Scootaloo and applebloom screaming like sweetie in fear.

The scream was loud enough for some ponies to hear. The ones that heard it clearly was fluttershy and applejack. Fluttershy looked towards were the screaming came from, she gasped and dash to the fillies.

Applejack notice fluttershy's action she was going to speak but saw what was screaming. Her eyes widen when she saw the fillies and spike, her eyes changed to fear for the kids when she saw the demons.

She did the same thing and ran to the kids. The other girls looked with the ponies and princesses.

Nero heard them gasp. He looked to see them looking else were. He followed their eyes and saw fluttershy flying to the kids with applejack and the demons closing in.

Rainbow dash was about to fly to them but something faster ran past her and the others. It was moving to fast for them to know who it was.

Sweetie and bloom started to cry with scoots holding her tears down. They back away with spike getting in front of them, scared but wanting to protect them. The babua notice this and one rush them with it’s spear pointed.

His action made the kids freeze in place, to scared to move. Fluttershy was able to make it with applejack close behind. They both got in front of them covering the kids with their bodies and closing their eyes.

The demon kept on going getting closer to striking the two mares protecting the kids. Right when the spear got close, the Fast blur got in front of them and stuck its right arm at the spear.

When the spear connected, it stopped with the demon pushing it. A loud crash could be heard when the two connected, dirt and dust on the ground pushed back from the force.

The two mares didn’t feel any pain. They opened their to see the fillies holding onto them with tears in their eyes. Spike was covering his eyes with his claws, sitting with them.

Fluttershy and applejack turned. their eyes widen to see Nero, their mouths opened when they saw his right arm. So did the others that were looking. The fillies and dragon soon opened their eyes to see applejack and fluttershy, they looked over them, their eyes wide also.

Nero blocked the spear with his devil bringer. The force of the contact knocking his right coat sleeve back.

The demon was shocked just like the first babua that tried that trick. He was staring at Nero's arm, the demon could feel a very powerful demonic power coming off the arm.

He looked up to see Nero staring him in the eyes. Nero growled and grabbed the spear crushing it and making the demon gulp. He pulled the spear towards him with the demon in toe, he pulled back his right fist and punch the demon in the face. The power of his devil bringer making his punch stronger than normal.

The punch Broke the demons face, teeth, nose, everything. Nero pushed and sent the demon flying back. The other babua’s had to move out of the way from the babua. His body bouncing off the ground. The babua kept on flying until it’s body slammed into one of the trees from the forest, breaking the tree and making it fall to the ground killing the babua, leaving it broken and dead.

The ponies, Babua’s, fillies, and dragon. Were wide eyed, mouth open at the feat they just saw. Nero stood up, his movement startling the babua’s to move back from him.

He turned his head to see them looking at him. Nero didn’t pay much attention to it “Are you all ok?”

His voice bringing the two mares back to reality, Applejack said “Uh yeah. We're fine partner”

Nero looked her over making applejack blush from him looking. He did the same with fluttershy, making her blush also. He looked to the kids. His eyes widen a bit when he saw their tears, the scared look on their faces.

Nero spoke softly to the kids "Are you four ok?"

The young fillies and dragon were surprise to hear Nero speck calmly and caring towards them. They nodded their head slowly. Nero sighed glad they didn't get harmed.

Nero turned to them making the demons look at each other finding it strange of him to leave himself wide open. One of the babua's was about to capitalize this weak spot but stopped and froze like the others when they felt bloodlust coming from Nero. Making them stay back.

He bent down to look the mares in the eyes "Take the kids and go back to the others, I'll take care of things here"

Fluttershy got worried "But there are four of them and just you!?"

Nero just smiled at fluttershy's worried tone "Please. If Dante can take on an army of demons, fighting just four would be child's play" the two mares could hear the pride and dedication in Nero's voice, and he wasn't wrong either.

Applebloom didn't think Nero could do it, neither the others kids "Are you sure your going to be alright mister"

Nero looked down at applebloom startling her. She saw Nero reach out with his right hand at her. She gasp and closed her eyes like the other but didn't feel any pain. She felt his claw like hand rub her head caringly.

She looked up with the others to see Nero smiling at them "Don't worry kid. I'll be alright"

The fillies and drake could tell Nero wasn't scared at all. His voice determined giving them hope. He stood back up "Now go. I'll take care of these rats real quick"

Fluttershy and applejack nodded and picked up the kids. Running back to the group. Applebloom looked back to see Nero giving her a thumps up. She smiled and returned her own.

Nero kept his smile on until he heard the babua's growling and hissing at him. The noise annoyed Nero and for some reason he was angry. He yelled out "Shut it!!!" startling the demons and ponies from his outburst and shutting the demons mouths shut.

He turned to face the babua's. They could feel Nero's anger boiling making them shuffle away a little with their spears up. Nero said "I don't know why" an image of the fillies crying showed in his head "But I feel really pissed off right know" his devil bringer glowed attracting looked from the ponies, he turned his hands to a fist and looked at the babua's.

"There's only one way to relieve this rage. And that's to bash your faces to the ground!" after Nero said that he dash at the babau in the middle and push him back, knocking the air out of the demon and sending him a few meters away.

The action surprised the two but quickly fought back. One swung it's spear at Nero's head but he ducked under the swing. The second babua tried to Peirce Nero's head but was blocked it with his devil bringer. Nero first grabbed the spear, he kicked the first babua in the stomach knocking it to the ground, then pulled the second giving it a strong uppercut with his left sending the demon flying in the air.

Nero had the demons spear in his hand, he grabbed it with his other hand and kneed the weapon breaking it in half then tossing it to the ground.

The third babua got back up. His legs were shaking but the demon didn't care. He turned back and saw Nero. The babua yelled out and ran back into the fight, jumped in the air and pointed it's spear at Nero's head. Nero heard and sensed the third babua coming, when the spear got close to his head he turned and tilted his head to the side, making the spear go by. He then reach out and grabbed the babua's face with his devil bringer.

The babua yelled out, kicking and screaming. Nero got annoyed by it's action so he started putting pressure squeezing the demons head. The babua screamed in agony but was muffled because of Nero's hand. Nero squeezed harder, blood started to come out of the demons head, and then "Splat" the babua's head was crushed in Nero's grip it's body motionless.

Nero let the dead babua go, dropping the demon on the ground. He turned to see one if the babua's getting up but backing away from him. He turned and saw the second babua he punch get back up so he went for him instead. The babua got up and turned but was met with Nero's left fist that knocked the babua in the air. Nero wasn't don't and grabbed the babua leg with his left hand, he pulling the demon back to him and punched the babua into the ground with his devil bringer, smashing the babua's face and ground under him.

The punch shook the ground making the ponies wobble, trying to not fall down. Their mouth's hit the floor when they saw the ground around Nero, cracked and shattered from his punch. The babua's face broken with blood arounds it's head. Nero got back up and turned to the last babua.

The demon was stepping away from Nero but froze when he saw nero looking towards him. Nero eyed the demon, stepping away from the dead babua on the ground. He then rush the last babua without a second thought. Nero punched the demon with his left making it spin in the air from the blow. The babua hit the ground but was still alive, He tried to crawl away but was stopped when Nero grabbed it's leg.

With no warning Nero picked the babua up by the leg and slammed the demon on the ground, he did it again, again, again, again... For about 8 times. He lifted the crushed babua in the air and released the demon, not before giving it one more punch with his devil bringer. Sending the demon flying towards Dante that was about to finish the last demon on his side.

Dante was walking towards the final demon of the army that tried to attack ponyville "Seems like the show is about over know. Stand still for me, I don't want to miss your head" The demon had no where to go. Dante turned rebellion around behind his back and was about to run and slash the demons head off but the babua Nero punch flew and smashed into the demon. The impact cracked the demons ribs and when the two fell down the force broke the demons neck killing him and turning into ashes.

Dante stared at the two dead demons on the ground. He turned and saw Nero wiping his coat from the dust and dirt from the ground. Dante Scowled and yelled at him "Dude what the heck. You took my kill!"

Nero heard him and said "My bad. I wasn't trying to take your fun away" Dante just grumbled and started walking to Nero.

All of the ponies saw the whole thing and still couldn't believe it. Dante was able to beat the whole army alone, not even the guards could stop them. Nero defeated 4 average tier demons with no problems at all.

All of them had their own thoughts in the event. Luna was mostly fascinated by Nero's skill and strength he showed off "He beaten four demons with no problems at all. Not to mention the ones that tried to get pass but were easily killed! His strength is greater than any stallion or minotuar, the way he fought was strong with no hesitation, like a true strong stallion~" Luna looked at Nero with half lidded eyes.

The two demonslayers grinned and fisted bumped then grabbed each others hands in victory, Dante said "Stylish victory?"

Nero responded "Completely"

The two chuckled and went back to the ponies. Unknown to them the leader of the army will soon come and take matters in his own hands.