• Published 15th Jul 2018
  • 3,626 Views, 270 Comments

My Little Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - Codex92

Another adventure in the Mushroom Kingdom, though in a new land with new foes, and even scarier dangers than anything in both this world and Equestria combined.

  • ...

The Pianta Mafia

Returning back to Rogueport from Boggly Woods via the sewers, it didn't take long for the group to make it back to the Thousand-Year Door. On the way, Mario got an e-mail from Peach again as they made their way to the warp pipe.

Dear Mario,
I'm sure all of you are concerned about us, but please know Twilight and I are both fine. We should be the ones worrying about you, especially the girls. Those fiends who kidnapped us are searching desperately for the Crystal Stars. We'll try to figure out more about them where we are, and e-mail you when we discover something. Twilight's been antsy without her magic, but we both miss all of you. I hope we can spend some semblance of peace with each other after all of this.
Princess Peach

The mares knew Twilight was trying to pull herself together, but the longer she was without her magic, the more worried she gets, and she goes into her usual Twilight panic attacks. As long as they didn't hurt her, she'll survive, and with Peach beside her, they know she's not alone as the captured princess in any cliched storybooks of a hero rescuing the damsel in distress.

After navigating a little through the sewers, Boggly Woods not too far from the hall of the Thousand-Year Door, they finally arrived without too much trouble. When Flurrie saw the grand door before them, she was in awe at its size, growing just as curious as the rest as to what lies beyond something that's been hidden for over a millennia.

"My, oh my," Flurrie uttered. "I may have been around for quite some time, but never in my life did I think that this legendary door was actually real."

"Neither were the Crystal Stars, but from what we've learned, legends are never really legends at all," Starlight said. "At least in our world."

"Might wanna close your eyes when Mario holds up the Crystal Star," Rainbow advised.

Taking the pegasus's warning, Flurrie shut her eyes as Mario made his way to the center platform on the dais.

The Emerald Star flew up out of Mario's backpack, hovering into the top right-most spot of the dais as it lit up its ethereal symbols. Mario pulled out the Magical Map, letting it float out of his hands as it began to glow, energy absorbing into it as the map revealed the next Crystal Star in a bright flash of light. In the top right corner of the map, in between Hooktail Castle and the Great Tree of Boggly Woods, appearing in the empty sky was what appeared to be a floating city of sorts. A huge platform was held up by rocket thrusters to keep it afloat, the main attraction of this city a huge building with a Chain Chomp on top of it, accompanied by smaller buildings that appeared to be shops. The next Crystal Star appeared in front of the floating city, its hue a bronzeish-gold as it's incorporeal visage hovered over its location.

Once the flashing lights dimmed down, Flurrie opened her eyes, a bit disappointed she missed the light show, but she didn't also want to loose her eyesight anytime soon. "Well, even when my eyes were shut tight, those flashes were something."

"Where's our next lead, Mario?" Goombella asked. He showed everyone the map, baffling the ponies, Goomba, Koopa, and wind spirit. "It's...in the sky?"

"At least it's not made of clouds like back home," Fluttershy said. "But, why is there one there?"

"Maybe we should ask Prof. Frankly," Koops suggested, the others agreeing and made their way back to Rogueport.

Back in Prof. Frankly's abode, the Goomba was given a rundown of what happened in Boggly Woods. While also given the map to look at the next location of the third Crystal Star, Frankly went on a short lecture about the history of the Thousand-Year Door and the kingdom that once thrived sink into the oceans below.

"...That means that beneath this town, the thousand-year-old ruins remain intact," the elder Goomba concluded, closing up the book before addressing the group. "And that door's been sealed shut for a thousand years by the Crystal Stars...In order to open that seal, we have to muster the power of the Crystal Stars."

"Yeah, we know," Rainbow commented, having gotten bored hearing the story. "That's why we're trying to find them, and keep the X-Nauts from getting whatever's in there, too."

"But why in Equestria would the older citizens of what are now ruins want to seal this treasure up?" Starlight asked. "Did they not want thieves or tomb raiders coming in to steal what they owned?"

"No, that's not..." Frankly uttered, pausing as he tried to figure out the true reason for the Thousand-Year Door's powerful seal set in place.

"'That's not' what?" Goombella asked curiously.

"I don't KNOW!" Frankly exclaimed, startling everyone from his outburst. "S-Sorry. I know the treasure was sealed away when the town was destroyed, but the problem is...no one's sure what caused the town's demise." He picked up the book he just read, waving it around as he emphasized what was quoted in the legend. "All that's written is this: 'Darkness stole the sky and the cataclysm rained down.' I need to research this some more. Assuming would just make an...Well, you all know the saying..."

"I wonder what actually happened back then," Fluttershy pondered. "I do hope no one was seriously hurt by this cataclysm..."

"Well, since there's no leads for the destruction of the town a thousand years ago, what about this floating city on the map?" Starlight asked.

"Ah, yes," Frankly muttered, looking over the map. "Perhaps the Crystal Star is being held in the floating town of Glitzville."

"'Glitzville'?" Applejack asked. "What in the name of oats and apples is in a place called that?"

"There is a stunning arena where there are great warriors who engage in furious battles!" Frankly explained. "It's a bit of a tourist spot for families to lounge and enjoy the fights."

"No way! That sounds awesome!" Rainbow cheered. "What are we waiting for!? Let's go there!"

"Not all of us can fly, Rainbow Dash," Rarity said, reminding the excited pegasus, who gave everyone a sheepish grin. "And how exactly do we get up there from Rogueport?...Please don't say more sewers."

"How would a warp pipe even lead up to something flying in the sky?" Starlight pointed out. "Last I checked, pipe systems have to be connected via an underground network."

"Yeah, it would have been way too easy to make it to Star Haven if warp pipes could lead to someplace floating above the earth," Pinkie added. "But that's what adventures are for! No shortcuts!...Unless we absolutely have to skip backtracking..." Her grin suddenly turned forced when she lifted up a small sign reading "Chapter 4", her hooves shaking as she struggled not to get angry. "Except when we can't avoid it...at all."

"What was that, Pinkie?" Flurrie asked, the pink earth pony tossing away the sign with a timid giggle.

"Nothing!" she squealed.

"Getting to Glitzville is not that difficult," Frankly said, getting them back on topic. "A special blimp flies up to Glitzville at the station here in Rogueport, and it runs several times a day. However, the problem is getting a seat. The only way to get a ticket is through certain...'channels'." Everyone looked at each other, surprised by knowing they could only get a blimp ticket through a bit of shady dealings. "Yeah, I know...But I don't think we have much of a choice if we want to get that Crystal Star. Word on the street is, all tickets go through Don Pianta on the west side of town."

"Don Pianta? What's a 'Pianta'?" Rainbow asked.

"Uhh, maybe they're the things with big noses and palm tree heads?" Pinkie guessed. "I don't know if anypony else noticed them in the background when we got here as they roughed up some birdy-looking guys."

"Don Pianta lives in the west side of Rogueport, but be careful," Frankly warned. "He's a syndicate boss. There's been some scary rumors about him, and he's also reclusive. Getting an audience with him might be a bit difficult."

"We'll figure it out. Let's go and meet Don Pianta and ask him for that ticket," Starlight said, the group heading out to meet with the don of the Piantas.

Leaving Frankly's study, the group headed back to the main plaza and begin exploring the rest of Rogueport to the west. Passing the inn, where Toadsworth was inside constantly worrying about Princess Peach and what kind of conflicts could spark with Princess Twilight being kidnapped in their world. Making their way to the west path, they saw a Toad grumbling as she walked around, looking down at the ground. Her mushroom head had yellow spots, white curly hair under her mushroom cap, wearing a red apron over a black shirt. Right as they got close to the building she was pacing in front of, she spotted them, holding her hand out as she leered at them.

"STOP!" she shouted, making them pause. "None of you take another step closer!"

"Uhh, sorry, miss, but we kinda-" Starlight began, lifting up a hoof to step forward.

"I SAID NOT ANOTHER STEP!" the Toad shrieked, making everyone freeze at her command. "Some jerk bumped into me and I lost my contact lens! I'm looking for it right now, so none of you move a muscle until I find it! Capisce!?"

"Ooh! We get a quiche for standing perfectly still!?" Pinkie asked, making the Toad roll her eyes before continuing her search. "Oh! Or maybe we can help you find your-!" Pinkie took a step forward, then froze when her hoof accidentally crunched something. The Toad quickly turned her head at her, glaring at her with a twitching eye. Pinkie slowly looked down, then lifted her hoof up, seeing the shattered fragments of what was supposed to be a contact lens. "...Oops."

"WHAT DID I JUST TELL YOU!?!?!?!?!?!" the Toad screeched angrily, running over to the pink pony, making her step back as she inspected the damage. "NO!!! My contact lens! Do your ears not work!? And who even said you were gonna get a quiche out of me if you 'helped' find it! Well, you found it, and broke it, so you get absolutely nothing from me besides my fury!"

"Hey, calm down there, lady!" Rainbow exclaimed. "It's not like we can see how big it was!"

"And it appears randomly when we get too close, so even backing away or leaping somewhere else would have left it under our feet," Pinkie muttered apologetically.

"Well, this is just perfect. Now I have to buy a new contact lens," the Toad grumbled, then pointed at the group. "But you're gonna be paying for it because of Miss Squishy here!" She then moved over to the archway, blocking their path to the west side of Rogueport. "And until I get my new contact lens, none of ya are getting by me!"

"B-But that's not fair!" Koops said. "We need to get to Glitzville."

"Oh ho ho! Don't even try asking me politely!" the irate Toad said. "I'm not like my sweet and charming cousin, Tayce T. back in Toad Town! In this town, I gotta be tough dealing with thugs and clumsy twinkle-toes breaking my stuff!"

"You know Tayce T.?" Pinkie asked curiously.

"Yeah. Name's Zess T., but don't try to get friendly with me!" Zess T. said. "Now, get me my new contact lens, or I'll go get my frying pan and bash someone so hard they'll be seeing stars!"

Starlight levitated the bits of the contact lens, definitely too small for a pony's considering how big their eyes are. "Not sure if I can fix this with magic if there's a sharp piece out of place. That, and how dirty this ground is..." She shook her head, discarding the broken contact lens. "Might as well see if the store has any in stock."

Luckily, Rogueport's store wasn't all that far from Zess T.'s home, the party making their way inside to see what wares they had. It would have helped to check this store first before going off through the sewers to Petalburg, though they didn't have as many useful items that Petalburg had. They didn't see any contact lenses on the shelf, so they approached the two Toads running the shop, hoping they have some so they can get by Zess T.

"Excuse us, sirs," Goombella said. "Do you by any chance sell contact lenses?"

"Hmm. Let me take a look in our storage," one of them said, making their way around the counter and into the back room. A moment later, the Toad came out with a small box, opening it up and pulling out several contact lenses in perfect condition. "We got ourselves a shipment of them not too long ago. I know Zess T. ends up losing hers no thanks to the hoodlums running around stealing coins and running past her, so we made sure to keep some in stock for her."

"Let me guess: one of you stepped on a lens that fell out, and she wants you to buy her a new one?" the other Toad guessed, the look on Pinkie's face explaining it all with her guilty look. "Thought so. These are ten coins apiece, but seeing how you got the brunt of her ire, which I think the whole town could hear, we'll give you a new contact lens on us."

"Really?" Pinkie asked. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, no problem," the first Toad said. "Not many folks around here wear contacts all that much anyway."

"Gee, thanks!" Pinkie was about to grab the contact lens, only for Rarity to snatch it away in her magic aura.

"How about you let somepony who can keep it from getting crushed, darling?" Rarity suggested. "Don't want her getting upset with you again. Besides, we need hurry and rescue Twilight."

"Right," Pinkie said with a nervous giggle.

After thanking the shop owners, the group headed back outside and back to Zess T., giving her her new contact lens. "About time," she grumbled, snatching the lens and carefully putting it in her eye, blinking a few times to let it settle in. "Ah, I can finally see again. I'll let you guys go now. Just be careful next time. No one likes their stuff being stomped on."

"Then how about a cupcake to make up for stepping on your old contact lens?" Pinkie offered, pulling out a random cupcake from behind her.

Zess T. raised a brow, wondering where the pastry came from and when she even had time to make it after waking into the shop, but shrugged, accepting it and taking a bite. "...Mmmm...Wow. Sour and sweet for a cupcake. You use actual lemons and limes for the batter and frosting?"

"Yup! From the desert oasis in Dry Dry Desert back in the Mushroom Kingdom!" Pinkie said. "I can never get enough of them, so I had them imported to Ponyville, and everypony loves them!"

Zess T. hummed, finishing off the cupcake, licking her lips as she showed a genuine smile, despite the serious look in her eyes. "Not bad for a young baker. If you guys have the time, I'll show you how to whip up a mean cupcake using my own special recipes."

"Deal!" Pinkie and Zess T. shook on the promise, the serious baker heading back inside her home to make some confectionery goodies.

"Well, that was...quite a one-eighty," Rainbow noted.

"Zess T. kinda reminds me of Limestone Pie," Applejack said, rubbing the back of her head in thought. "Almost sounded like her, too."

"I should introduce her to my sisters one day! We can even share baking tricks!" Pinkie squealed excitedly, bouncing up and down as many possibilities ran through her wild noggin.

Moving onto the west side of Rogueport, this area was a little bit nicer with several apartment buildings, a little garden in the southeast corner with a fountain, an archway leading to the station where the blimp was, along with some railroad tracks for a train, and far to the west was a shop and a place called the "Pianta Parlor", the front guarded by one of the Piantas Frankly mentioned, wearing a business suit and sunglasses, though his tough-guy look was thrown off by the leafy skirt around his waist. Seeing he must clearly work for Don Pianta, the party approached the bouncer.

"Excuse us, but do you happen to know Don Pianta?" Flurrie asked.

"Who wants to know?" the Pianta questioned skeptically.

"We would like to request an audience with him, if you don't mind." The Pianta shook his head, refusing to answer. Flurrie decided to lay on the charm, hovering before him as she struck an alluring pose, giving him a wink. "Come on, Mr. Big-Tall-and-Handsome. Isn't there any way you can do us a favor?"

The Pianta's cheeks began to turn red, sweat beading down his face rapidly as his eyes tried not to look down behind his sunglasses. "...M-Maybe I can...give you a hint on how to see the don, but don't mention this to him, or he'll have my tree if he finds out I helped someone." Flurrie nodded in agreement, looking back at her friends with a wink, making the girls giggle while Mario and Koops looked away nervously. "The shop near the parlor is where you'll find the don, but you won't get by the shopkeeper unless you say the password."

"And what is the password, hon?" Flurrie asked, laying on more of her charm.

"I-I can't say! I've already said too much!" the bouncer said. "B-But, there's a group on the other end of town who owes the don a huge debt, either coming to him to make their payment or us coming to them to force it out of them." Pinkie let out a awed noise, now understanding why those Piantas were roughing up some shady-looking bird people after getting away from Crump and his army of X-Nauts. "They know how to get it, so your best bet is to get it out of them."

"Hmm...Well, if that's all you can give us, we'll have to go with that, I guess," Flurrie said, slightly dejected, but they at least have a lead. "Thanks, sweetie."

She then rewarded the Pianta with a fat smooch on the cheek, startling him as he flailed nervously, falling backwards a few seconds after Flurrie pulled away with a smack. With the little information they got out of the bouncer, they headed back to the east side of town to find the group Don Pianta has "ties" to. Once they got back to the front of Prof. Frankly's house, their progress was halted by one of those birds Pinkie mentioned who got roughed up, blocking the path under the small archway to the rest of the shadier side of Rogueport.

"Oh, so this must have been the bird person Pinkie mentioned," Goombella said. "They're called Craws."

"Makes sense with the way their beaks look," Fluttershy said.

"Excuse us," Starlight said, trying to pass by, but the Craw held his spear out, impeding her progress.

"No one's allowed beyond here," the Craw said. "If you want to, ya gotta pay a price to pass me."

"What price?" Starlight asked skeptically.

"Ten coins," he said.

"...How about you just let us by, not acting as a toll for citizens to walk around wherever they please in a town, and we won't have any trouble?" Starlight suggested.

"Oh ho ho! You think you can take me on, little...whatever you are!?" the Craw asked, pointing his spear at the unicorn. "If it's a fight you're looking for, then I'll gladly kick your butt and show you I'm no pushover!" Starlight stared blankly at the "guard", her horn lighting up, then shocked the Craw when his spear was yanked out of his hand. He blinked, watching his weapon hover in front of the mare, the others behind her giving him a look that said he shouldn't have challenged someone definitely stronger than he thought she was. "...Oh...You have...magic powers?"

"Mhmm." She snapped the wooden handle in half, sweat dripping down the Craw's face as he giggled nervously. He tried to escape, only to be caught by Starlight's magic, hovering back over to him as she lead him over to the edge of the water. "We need to have a chat with Don Pianta, and one of his bodyguards told us you and your friends know how the password to see him. And we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, so I'd pick easy because we kinda have somewhere to be."

"Whoa, whoa! Let's not get too hasty here!" the Craw exclaimed nervously, looking down to see Nibblers leaping up as they catch sight of their next meal. "W-Why do you need to see the don? You're not gonna try to take over his parlor, are you?"

"We need to get to Glitzville, and the only way we can get a ticket for the blimp is by the don," Starlight explained. "Now, what's the password?"

"I-I don't know!" he screeched.

"Alrighty, then. Chow time, little fishies!" Starlight dropped the Craw, making him shriek in terror as he fell, only to stop mere inches from the water, then thankfully pulled back up before a Nibbler nibbled on his giblets.

"Y-You're crazy!" the Craw yelled out, shuddering slightly, then yelped when he felt Starlight about to dip him down like bait again. "W-Wait, wait! My boss knows the password! You can talk to him at our hideout!"

"Where is it?" Starlight asked, keeping her victim hovering over the water.

"T-There's a gap between two buildings you all can squeeze through! The door's just around the corner! Can't miss it!" he responded. "Please don't drop me in the ocean again!"

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Starlight smugly asked. He hovered the terrified Craw back on dry land, dropping him unceremoniously. "How about you run off and not bar anyone passage to a side of town as a toll booth if you don't really own the whole town?" Nodding his head rapidly, he quickly fled, heading past the arch he was blocking to warn his friends about their future presence. "There. Now we know where to go."

"So, does this make us as our own syndicate if we're beating up another gang or something?" Koops asked nervously.

"I call mob boss!" Rainbow said, raising a hoof.

"No, I think Starlight fits it better after dealing with that Craw," Goombella said, the group continuing their discussion as they made their way to the former guard's boss further beyond the east side.

Spotting the two buildings he mentioned, they squeezed their way through to the other side, the ones able to fly simply hovering over the houses until they saw the door to the hideout. Walking through without knocking, they found the same Craw Starlight threatened, along with a couple more Craws like him and an odd snail-like biped, the shell firmly connected to his back while he wore green vest over a white shirt, a brown knitted cap on his head, and a pair of sunglasses. The place was a pigsty just like the rest of the east side of Rogueport, offending Rarity when the west side was far better in cleanliness.

"Hey, who are you?" the snail said, clearly the leader as he addressed the intruders. "This is the fortress of the Robbo Thieves. You got no right trespassing on our turf."

"Uhh, careful, Ishnail," the nervous Craw warned, pointing at Starlight. "She's the one I told ya that almost fed me to the Nibblers."

"Look, we're not here to cause trouble, but we're really in a hurry," Starlight said. "We want to meet with Don Pianta, and we heard you know about the password to get to his hideout."

"What!? You wanna meet that no-good, dirty, rotten, lyin', cheatin', stealin', jerky-for-brains, Don Pianta!?" Ishnail exclaimed. "We never catch a break from that guy, and now we've got some prissy-lookin'...whatever you are messing with one of my guys when we're already strugglin' with them Piantas getting in our business!? Even when he demands protection money from us as well, you REALLY want to meet up with him!?"

"We need tickets for the blimp to get to Glitzville, and it's not for a vacation," Starlight reasoned, making Pinkie and Rainbow groan, the duo wanting to see some of the fights. "We're trying to stop a group WORSE than both yours and Don Pianta's combined, and they have two of our friends, both of them princesses no less. So if you want to get a taste of what your friend got, I'll assure you that I have done far worse to others in the past."

Ishnail grimaced, the serious look on Starlight's face enough of a warning, her pony friends nodding in confirmation as they witnessed what she was capable of. "...Grr...Fine then...but it's going to cost you 64 coins!"

"Are you serious?" Goombella questioned.

"This is insider information, and no one else must know about this! That, and it'll insure your'll keep your word from learning how to get to the don from us a secret." As much as they didn't want to waste too much money on a bit of information, time was of the essence. Starlight looked at Mario, nodding her head, agreeing to Ishnail's terms. Mario took out his wallet, handing the snail the 64 coins, shocking him and the Craws, neither of them expecting a payment after what the guard Craw told them. "W-Wait, you're really gonna pay?"

"You better tell us now, or Starlight will warp you to where my buddy Chompy is and he'll give you a bite worse than the Nibblers!" Pinkie warned with a sinister grin, somehow wearing a black mustache as she twirled it like a dastardly villain.

The Robbo Thieves gulped audibly in fear, Ishnail quickly giggling as he held his hands up. "Ok, ok, we'll tell ya!" he said, clearing his throat as he promised to tell them how to reach Don Pianta. "Ok. The secret entrance is behind the shop near that parlor of Don Pianta's. Go into that store, and buy a Dried Shroom and a Dizzy Dial in that order."

"Ooh! Just like with Moustafa back in Dry Dry Desert!" Pinkie mentioned. "But I'm not telling any of you how to meet him so easily...It's a secret!"

"...Ok...?" Ishnail looked at his group, the Craws baffled by Pinkie's odd antics and shifting moods, but to avoid meeting "Chompy", the leader continued. "Anyway, after buying those items in order, the shopkeeper will ask you what your favorite color is. You answer 'yellow'. Once you tell her the password, you're free to see the don."

"Doesn't seem all that hard to remember," Flurrie said.

"Thank you, Ishnail," Starlight said, the party taking their leave and made their way back to the west side of town.

Before they could sigh in relief, Pinkie poked her head in the doorway. "Oh! And this is Chompy!" she said, showing a picture of her and her friendly Chain Chomp playing together. The image of a Chain Chomp as Pinkie's "buddy" instilled more fear in the Robbo Thieves. "Ain't he cute!? Ok, bye now!"

She left and rejoined her friends, one of the Craws letting out a breath as he passed out in shock. "...Yeah...cute," Ishnail uttered.

Arriving back near the parlor, Mario and co. entered the shop next to the Pianta Parlor. There were some more decent items in this shop compared to the one in the center of Rogueport, along with the Dried Shroom and Dizzy Dial they need to purchase in order to say the password. It was run by a light blue female Boo, though her choice of attire was a bit strange; a pink bowtie around her neck, cufflinks around her small arms, and bunny ears on her head. She watched Mario buying the two items in the correct order, figuring this big group knew Don Pianta.

"Hmm...Very specific choice in items you bought," the Boo commented. "Ok. What color is your mustache?" Mario was about to answer yellow, but paused when he realized that wasn't the right question, even baffling the others with the expected question they needed to answer. "...Oh, oopsie! What's wrong with me! That's not the right question. Let me try again," she said, a bit flustered as she giggled, but the shop owner quickly composed herself and tried again. "What's your favorite color?"

"Yellow," Starlight answered.

"Uh huh. You guys know the password. So, you must be acquaintances of Don Pianta's, huh?" the Boo asked. Everyone muttered, either randomly answering unsuredly or lying about knowing him vaguely. "Here, let me get the door." She floated over to the back door, unlocking it for them, allowing them access to meet with the don."Alrighty, there you go."

"Thanks, ma'am," Koops said, the group filing out before the owner got suspicious.

Heading up the stairs to the door, leading to the second floor of the parlor next door, the group walked inside the luxurious room: a small gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling, lush carpeting, some comfortable chairs, and some vases sitting on dressers that looked expensive. There were two of the don's Pianta bodyguards in the room watching them, along with Don Pianta himself sitting behind a desk. The don also wore a similar black suit like his boys, though his glasses were a more sharper style, he wore a matching fedora on his head with the small palm tree sticking up from the top, and sported a black mustache, his skin color orange unlike his guards' yellow.

"What's wid all these wise guys bargin' into my private office?" the don questioned, leering at the group behind his sunglasses. "I ain't in a jolly mood today. If you got a beef with me, spit it out or dis is gonna hurt real quick."

"We don't have a 'beef' with you, Don Pianta," Starlight said. "We actually wanted to know if you could let us...borrow a ticket for the blimp to reach Glitzville."

The don stood up from his desk, tapping his hand against the wooden surface. "...Are ya pullin' my leg, sweetheart? You want me to give ya a ticket for da blimp?" The party nodded, making Don Pianta heave out a heavy sigh. "...You must not be a good comedian, 'cause I ain't laughin'. Ya got a lot of nerve comin' here askin' me for somethin' like that. Do ya even know who I am?" Pinkie was about to answer, everyone obviously knowing who he is, but he interrupted her, slamming his fist on his desk. "I'm Don Pianta! I'm no pushover, an' if ya wanna cause any trouble, I can end it real quick!"

"Ya want us to rough 'em up for ya, boss!?" one of Don Pianta's guards asked, pounding a fist into his hand, his buddy joining him as they leered at the intruding guests.

The don held up his hand, signalling his boys to stay put. "Not so fast, boys...I like this little lady's moxie," he complimented Starlight. "Seems to be the type to take charge, and instill fear with her power." Starlight chuckled timidly, having done that before in the past, and not wanting to relive her old days. "If they want to talk, then we'll talk." The two Piantas looked at each other, then stood back in place, obeying the don's command. "So, pray tell, what's your true purpose wantin' one of my tickets for da blimp?"

"Well, as crazy as it sounds..." Starlight pulled the Magical Map out of Mario's backpack, showing Don Pianta the city of Glitzville, along with the image of the Crystal Star that's hiding there. "We need to get to Glitzville not for a pleasure cruise. We're looking for the Crystal Stars, and we also need them in order to help two of our friends who were kidnapped by an evil organization called the X-Nauts, both our friends happening to be very important princesses from this world and the world my kind is from. One of those stars are here, and the only lead we had to make it up there is by asking for a ticket from you."

The two guards looked at each other, hearing rumors of the Crystal Stars, though they never thought they really existed. Don Pianta stared at the map, feeling a bit skeptical that such a treasure truly existed, but as he looked up at Starlight, she was dead serious about her claim, and her party was also determined to find their two friends, even though Koops and Fluttershy were nervous being in the Pianta mob boss's room.

"...I don't care whether them Crystal Stars are real or not, but savin' two skirts in one..." The don chuckled, eyeing Mario, being the only masculine male out of the two who looks like he's the type of guy who rescues a pretty damsel in distress. "Alright. I think we can make a little...arrangement. Do me a favor, an' I'll give you dat ticket."

"Is it a hit?" Pinkie asked, slowly pulling out her hammer. "I got a nice whacking hammer."

The Piantas stared at Pinkie in confusion. "...We ain't THAT kind of syndicate," one of Don Pianta's bodyguards said.

"Yeah, we ain't that violent with our 'clients' if they don't pay up," the other added.

"Oh...Well, when you roughed up those Craw guys, I thought you did some other stuff like that." Pinkie put her hammer away with a grin. "Continue, Donny Pianto!"

Ignoring Pinkie, the don continued. "Anyway, this favor is quite easy..." He took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, sitting back down in his seat, his hands clasped together. "...It's my daughter. She...eloped wit' one of my young associates. Dey vanished, but it wasn't that long ago. Dey still oughta be nearby."

"So, you want us to find your daughter and the man she's eloping with?" Flurrie asked.

"Yes. Either bring dem back here, or if ya can't, I'll settle dis matter myself," Don Pianta said.

"But boss, we don't know anything about dese guys!" one of the guards exclaimed.

"Yeah, ya can't rely on a group this random!" the other said.

"QUIET!" the don shouted, making the two Piantas wince. "It's 'cause you lugs can't find her dat I gotta swallow my pride an' ask dem! I hope you dopes ain't makin' complaints 'bout my decisions, are ya?" The glare from Don Pianta made his boys flinch, both of them shaking their heads nervously. "Good. So, do we have ourselves a deal?"

"We'll find your daughter for you, Don Pianta," Starlight promised.

"Excellent." He dug into his jacket pocket, pulling out couple of pictures and showing it to them. "Here's what my daughter an' associate look like; Francesca an' Frankie."

Starlight hovered the photos over to her friends, getting a good look at Francesca and Frankie. The don's daughter was a yellow Pianta, wearing a white shirt with a pink ribbon tied in a loose bow around the collar, the leaves of her skirt a more brownish-gold like they were in the autumn season, wearing a white sunhat, the top of her palm tree blooming a pink flower. Frankie was dressed similar to Don Pianta and his guards, though his outfit was white, his skin was a light blue, and he wore squared sunglasses.

"Shouldn't be all that hard to find them," Rainbow said. "We'll bring them back to you in ten seconds flat!"

"Then I suggest ya find them in that time, otherwise your luck just might turn terrible in ten seconds flat," Don Pianta warned.

The party winced, quickly taking their leave and begin their search for Francesca and Frankie. They asked around town, knowing they probably wouldn't be anywhere near Rogueport's west side, considering Don Pianta's influence in the area. They got themselves a lead when someone mentioned a Pianta couple making their way to the docks not too long ago. Once they arrived at the docks, standing at the end of the pier, they found the don's daughter and his young associate, the couple anxiously waiting for a boat to arrive.

"There they are!" Goombella said.

Rainbow flew over to them, the others catching up as the pegasus hovered in front the Piantas, startling them. "Ahh! Where in the world did you come from!?"

"Francesca and Frankie?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah? What's it to ya?" Francesca questioned.

"Your dad's looking for you two, so he sent us to find you," Rainbow said. "...And maybe you should come back with us, otherwise we might be in for a bit of trouble. Heheh."

"Oh no! I can't believe he's found us!" Francesca exclaimed nervously. "What do we do, Frankie? If he finds us...Oh, and the boat's gonna arrive any minute now."

"Listen, doll, maybe we oughta head back an' try to talk to da boss one more time," Frankie suggested.

"No, don't say that!" Francesca said. "Don't you know what he'll do to you if we do that? He'll...Oh, I can't bear the thought!"

"Uhh, what exactly will Don Pianta do to him?" Rainbow asked curiously.

"Probably nothin' good," Applejack said.

"Daddy sent more? How desperate is he?" Francesca asked worriedly, then turned back to Frankie. "Frankie, don't you love me?"

"Of course I love you, sugar cookie," Frankie promised, grabbing Francesca's hands. "More dan anybody in da whole world!"

"Then let's run away, Frankie! To the ends of the earth!" the don's daughter exclaimed. She looked at Rainbow, who stood beside her friends, breaking out of her distress as her curiosity toward the ponies in the group grew. "Or...where are you from, miss?"

"Equestria," Rainbow said.

"Or we could go to Equestria! Wherever that is!" Francesca announced. "Daddy doesn't know about a place like that, so it's perfect!"

"But, butter biscuit, dey already found us," Frankie stated, reminding his anxious lover about their predicament. "We can't keep running forever."

"Yes we can, Frankie!" she interjected. "The more they try to put out the flames of love, the hotter they burn! Until I marry you, no one will extinguish these flames of passion! NO ONE!" Mario and his entourage were conflicted, watching the Pianta couple hug, Francesca holding Frankie tightly as she proclaimed her love for him to the whole world. They needed the ticket, but they also didn't want to break them apart if they truly love each other. And if they brought them back to Don Pianta, who knows what he would do to Frankie, a former associate of his who's fallen for his little girl and doesn't approve of anyone to take his kin away. Francesca looked back at her father's "messengers", a pleading look in her eyes. "Can't you all see how much I love him? Please, I beg of you all; pretend you never saw us."

Everyone looked at each other, silently making an agreement as they made a tough choice. "...We won't tell your father," Rarity answered. "How can we break up love this pure between such a lovely couple like you two?"

"Oh, thank you!" Francesca squealed, running up to them and giving each of them a grateful hug. "You're all such stand up people and...what are you the six of you?"

"We're ponies, Francesca," Starlight responded.

"Ponies...You all just look adorable. And I love the white pony's hair," she said, complimenting Rarity's mane. "Thank you all again!"

"No...problem," Rainbow uttered, the group taking their leave, left with no chance of getting a blimp ticket, but they at least gave Francesca her chance to be with Frankie for the rest of her life.

"...We're in big trouble, aren't we?" Koops asked rhetorically.

"I'm sure we can deal with a syndicate leader and his goons if he puts the hurt on us...right?" Goombella asked.

"I guess we'll see what he does to us," Starlight said.

Heading back to Don Pianta's parlor, meeting back with the don himself in his private office, he was expecting them to bring his daughter and Frankie back with them. "Well, well, look who's back," he said. "You gonna brighten up my mood? Where are dose two runaways?" Mario stepped forward and told the don what they "knew", lying for the couple and keeping them still being in Rogueport until they left a secret. Don Pianta wasn't impressed, his eyes hidden behind his glasses glancing at Applejack, who seemed to fidget and look anywhere but at him. He took in a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "...Why are ya lyin' to my face?"

"Who's lying?" Flurrie asked. "We couldn't find them in Rogueport. They're long gone."

"Then why's da orange one look like she's tryin' to hide da fact she stole a cookie from da cookie jar from her mother, otherwise she'd spoil her dinner?" he said, making the mares yelp, knowing Applejack could never lie, and if she tries, she makes it very obvious. Applejack stammered, trying to find an excuse, but Don Pianta doesn't want excuses. "Ya know where dey are, an' I wanna know now before I have my boys beat da answers outta ya."

The two Pianta guards in the room slowly approached the group, but despite their tough exterior, Mario was far stronger, ready to fight back if they so much as harm the ponies. Right before Starlight was about to give Don Pianta the reason why they had to lie to him, the door to the don's office was slammed open, Francesca and Frankie barging in, to everyone's shock.

"Daddy, wait!" Francesca called out.

"Boss, I'm sorry!" Frankie said, the couple approaching Don Pianta's desk. "It's all my fault!"

"Well, look who's come back, head hung low an' wit' your tail between your legs," Don Pianta growled.

"No, daddy, don't him! Or he pony girls and their friends!" Francesca interjected. "I'm the one who said we should elope! It was my idea, not Frankie's! He wanted us to come back and talk to you!"

"Boss, I don't care what you do to me! I deserve it for bein' disloyal!" Frankie said as he tried to take the blame for Francesca. "But ya gotta forgive her! She's your daughter!"

"No, daddy, no! It's my fault!" Francesca said.

"No, mine!" Frankie said.

The couple went back and forth, blaming themselves while asking Don Pianta to forgive their lover. The don was overwhelmed, wanting to punish Frankie, but not upset his daughter. He had enough and yelled, silencing the two Piantas while the others watched in astonishment.

"ENOUGH!" he shouted, glaring at his daughter and youngest associate in his syndicate. "Francesca, my headstrong daughter...You used up your last favor long ago." Mario and co. gasped, unable to believe what they just heard, Francesca tearing up as her own father practically paraphrased he was done with her. "An' you, Frankie...You were like a son to me! Dis is how you repay your debt to me? I'm so disappointed in you two, it's like a Poison Mushroom in my gut!" Frankie lowered his head in shame, the don turning his back on everyone. "I don't ever want to see your mugs again! Ya hear me!? Get outta my sight! I don't care where, just go! Do whatever ya want, even if it means...gettin' married!"

The couple gasped, the don giving his blessing, despite how harsh his words were toward them. Francesca and Frankie looked at each other, going back a much better idea than running away, turning out ok for the both of them in the end, then looked back at Don Pianta.

"Thank you so much, daddy!" Francesca said.

"Boss, I'll make your daughter a happy woman! She'll want for nothin'!" Frankie promised.

"Enough already! Just...just go!" the don said, his voice wavering a little as he had tears begin to run down his face, thankfully kept away from everyone's sight with his back to them. After thanking her father again, Francesca and Frankie left, but not before being congratulated by the two Pianta guards and the mares, plumber, Goomba, Koopa, and wind spirit. The happy couple left to make it to their boat before it shoves off without them, the outcome not what the group had expected, but at least it turned out ok in the end. Don Pianta subtly wiped his eyes, sad to see them both leave, but he was happy knowing her daughter would be happy with Frankie, where he just might be his future son-in-law. He turned around, finding the group he asked for their assistance still here. "You're still here?"

"Yeah. Still kinda...recovering after something that dramatic," Starlight said.

"That and you promised us a little something for the favor we made," Rainbow said, emphasizing their rewarded ticket, only to have Starlight look back and glare at the pegasus, clearly not wanting to upset the Pianta.

"You're right. A deal's a deal." Don Pianta reached into his pocket, pulling out the promised blimp ticket, placing it down on his desk. "Here's your blimp ticket, special group boarding pass when me, the boys, and Francesca wanted to watch some fights. I knew you were the right people for the job...But I don't wanna see your gloomy and/or colorful faces of yours no more! Get outta my sight!"

He turned around again, Mario taking the ticket and stashing it in his pockets for safekeeping, then they all left and quickly hurried off to the station. With that bit of drama out of the way, seeing some action in Glitzville might do them some good, and hopefully, the next Crystal Star won't be that hard to find on the floating city than in an abandoned castle taken over by a dragon or hidden deep under a tree while racing to find it before the X-Nauts.