• Published 31st Jul 2018
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Papers, Ponies, and Attitude - Yellowtail

At the Equestrian Border Checkpoint, we have our “hero”, Anon, who suffers through the day to day life of stamping papers. He's an ass.

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Non-Canon Ch2: If You Do The Fuckin’ Thing...

June 9th, Thursday, 2030

I sigh, rubbing my eyes as I grab some files Clipper hands me. "What're these?" I slur.

"Forms for some News outlet," Clipper says. "They wanted to-"

"Is it all news outlet files?" I ask, flipping through the papers.

"Uh, yeah, but-" Clipper stops as I casually put the files into the shredder next to her desk. Slowly, she looks up at me."... Why?”

"Because it's the news. My respect for them has long since departed," I say, taking out a cig.

“Oh! And don’t forget! You’re supposed to start interviewing candidates for the-“

“Yeah yeah, I know. Gotta get another substitute,” I say. Basically, one of our subs had finally retired. Certain substitutes come in at certain days, and the one that retired took up the majority of the week, such as Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. However, the other subs are here by contract, so I can’t make them fill in for other days. Which means, either I get multiple subs for all the days, or I find a couple that can take a few of the days at a time. This is a pain in the ass, but at least I didn’t have to go out and post help wanted posters. I look at my cig, thinking about how I’m going to go through with this. I’d ask Clipper to do it, but she doesn’t really have a good judge of character. If I can choose who’s going to sub for me, you bet your ass it’s not gonna be some random fuck who thinks they’re the law because they have a rulebook. I sigh. “Hey, I'm gonna step outside for a bit. Call me if something comes up." With that, I take out my lighter and walk outside, lighting up my cigarette. As I take a puff, I look up to see Segway walking over to me. It's been a while since I saw him, one whole week in fact. “Oi, where were you? Did your wife have stamina pills or something?” I ask, punctuating my sentence with a puff of smoke going out my nose. Segway sighs.

“I know, I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been helping around the house, my wife’s morning sickness is getting stranger and stranger.” Segway stops and looks up to me with a look of realization. “Hey, Anon, is it normal for mares to get weird cravings?” I sigh.

“What’s she hankering for?” I ask. “Soda floats? Dilled pickles? Sandwiches with weird shit in it?” I ask.

“Well, uh, sort of, on all three,” Segway says. He clears his throat. “Sugar coated pickles, with honey,” he says. “With a soda float as dessert.” I make a face at that.

“The fuck- I mean, it’s not the weirdest, but uh... certainly up there,” I say, puffing out some smoke.

“I’ve been trying to make her take better care of her diet, but now all she wants is chilli-carrots and cheese fries,” he says.

“Buddy, just, make sure that at the very least, she doesn’t eat too much of anything. Whatever she wants, give it to her in healthy amounts,” I say. He nods, taking breath as he looks around.

“It’s been... It’s been chaotic recently,” he says. “My uh, my brother’s coming.”

“Wait, you have a brother?” I ask. He sighs.

“Look, I don’t want to talk about him, but he’s coming by train today, so I might have to leave early,” he says. I do a double take and look at him incredulously.

“Segway, I don’t wanna burst your family bubble, but you’ve been off work for an entire fucking week,” I say. “It’s already hard enough to keep your military legitimacy out of suspicion, but you want to-“

“Anon, I know I’m probably asking a lot here, but hear me out,” he says. I puff smoke out my nose and cross my arms.

“I’m listening, but make it quick,” I warn.

“My brother’s a Uh, dangerous sort you see. He is also a loose canon, and I want to make sure he doesn’t get thrown in jail... again,” he mutters. “I promise I’ll work longer to make up for it. just please, tell Spearhead to let me off early.”

“Why not ask Spearhead yourself?” I ask.

“He uh... I might have made him mad,” Segway mutters. I start question him, but sigh as I realize I don’t have much time left before the day starts.

“... Dammit, fine. But I swear, if you do something stupid-“

“I won’t! Don’t worry!” He says. “I promise, it’s just for today.” I huff and gesture for him to carry on as I start my walk to the inspection booth. I quickly bring up my walkie talkie.

“Hey, Spearhead, a heads up, Segway has some family matters to attend to at some point today, so be prepared to let him off.” In response, the machine crackles.

“Sure, whatever,” he responds.

“What happened with you guys? He said you’d be mad,” I reply.

“Oh, it’s not like it’s important or anything,” he grumbles back. “Next time, the tacos are gonna stay on the shelf.” I give the talkie a confused look before shrugging and starting the day like normal. “Next!"

The first entrant is a coughing hippogriff. I quickly have flashbacks to when I found out about 2020’s outbreak on human Earth. Damn, I was one lucky sonova bitch. “I’m sorry, I forgot my sweater from home,” he says with a British accent. He looks up and gasps. “Why inspector, you’re still here!?” He asks excitedly. I lean away as he gets excited.

“Uh, who’re you?” I ask. He chuckles, grinning.

“I was here over ten years ago, when you gave me the greatest bit of advice!” He says. I’m still completely clueless as to what he’s talking about. “Uh, you told me to get something warm to wear, and I was sick, and-“

“Hold up,” I say. I reach down and get some hand sanitizer. I place it on the desk and nudge it towards him. “Sanitize your sickly-shitty self.”

“Ah, right,” the hippogriff says, taking the sanitizer and applying it. He starts to offer it back, but I shake my head.

“No no, keep it. I have a strange feeling you’ll need it,” I say.

“Right, very well. Though, I must thank you. I became a bit of a Doctor after my last visit here, and it made me realize that I wanted to be one!” The hippogriff says, laughing.

“... Okay?” I say, still unsure of what the fuck he’s going on about. He hands me his papers, after rubbing out the alcohol.

“It’s great to see you old bean, it truly is,” he says as I give him a green stamp.

“Suuuuure,” I say, handing it back.

“Oh, y’know, recently, I had just finished up making a vaccine for this strange disease that came from some bird folk over to the northeast,” he says. “It’s kinda like the flu, funny enough.” He stops to cough. I think I’m seeing a pattern here.

“Uh, is that why you’re coughing?” I ask. He starts to answer, but I stop him. “Never mind, just go. And for fuck’s sake, don’t cough on anyone. Call it a hunch, but let’s just make sure you don’t have the virus you saw, okay?”

“I see, in that case-“ he stops to take out a mask and puts it on, covering his beak. “I’ll have this on. Good enough?”

“No, seriously, stay home,” I say. He sighs.

“Well... I guess I’ll listen, you did help me the first time. I’ll see you then!” With that, he leaves, making sure his beak’s under the mask.

“That’s one less for apocalypse bingo,” I mutter, leaning towards the mic. “Next!” I quickly take out an alcohol wipe and wipe down the counter as the next entrant comes in.

“Uncle Anon!” A deeper-voiced Maple says. I look up to see Maple, who practically is my nephew at this point. He’s the height of a normal griffon, his pink feathers are now a more fuchsia color, his fur is darker and shinier. He runs over to me, and jumps over the counter to give me a hug. I stumble, but laugh at his affection.

“Maple! How’s my kiddo doing?!” I ask, returning the hug. Maple backs off and hovers in front of the counter. I can now see he’s carrying a large bag next to him, which he puts under a wing.

“I’ve been doing great! I got a job, I’m moving, and I’ll get to see you and Aunt Whisk more!” He says. I chuckle, glancing at his bag.

“Hey Maple, what’s in the bag?” I ask. He goes rigid, and drops to the floor, chuckling nervously as he tries to hide the bag a bit better under his wing.

“Uhhh, what bag?” He asks. I frown as my heart sinks.

“Maple,” I say sternly. Please, for the love of God, don’t tell me I have to detain him. He gulps.

“Uh, I-I kinda don’t want to show you right now,” he says. I sigh.

“Maple, give me the bag.” I say. I hold out my hand. He gives a defeated sigh and hands it to me. I put it on the counter. It’s not heavy, but I still fear for the worst as I open it.

Inside, there’s a bunch of clothing. Dark blue clothing, with MPD embroidered on it. I feel confused as I take it out. A clink sound comes from below. I look down to see a badge had fallen, with a pair of aviators. Maple chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck as I look at it. It has Maple’s name, with a badge number. “... What’s with the get up?” I ask aloud. Maple chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck with a claw.

“Welp, cat’s outta the bag,” he says. “I was hoping to spring that on you later, but um, I’m kinda became a police officer.”

“When did- but you’re- hold on,” I say, putting his clothes down and checking the rest of the bag. There’s a bottle of water, a wallet with his Equestrian ID, a picture of his parents that’s cracked, but nothing as dangerous as I thought there would be.”I-is it real?” I ask. He laughs as he nods.

“Yeah! I went to training, some Equestrian dude saw my skills, offered a job, went to Canterlot for a bit, and I got a transfer over to Manehatten after pulling a couple favors,” he sums up. I give a sigh of relief, clutching my chest.

“Oh thank Jesus,” I say.

“Hey, hey, are you okay Uncle?” Maple asks. “You uh, you don’t look too good.”

“I-I’m sorry, I just...” I stop to catch my breath. “I’m just so used to people bringing bombs or drugs, I seriously thought... I’m sorry I doubted you kid.” I look up to see Maple giving a small smile, coming up to hug me.

“I see, it’s okay, I understand. In the past couple of years, I’ve been learning what that’s like.” He zips up his bag and returns to hugging me. “Sorry, I should’ve known better than to surprise you like that.”

“It’s fine, no harm no foul,” I say. Maple winces a bit as he notes my hand still clutching my chest.

“Well, I mean, you’re fourty something, so I shouldn’t-“

“Oh, I’m fourty-something, huh?” I ask, mockingly. “What, am I too old to get scared?” I put my hand down as Maple snickers, shaking his head. “Exactly. Now, tell you what. Go to your Aunt’s bar, and just chill with her, okay?” I ask, ruffling his feather-hair. He nods, smiling as he shoos my hand away. “She’ll take you home when she closes up. And since you’re apparently a police officer-“

“Detective, actually,” Maple corrects. I blink, taking that in.

“... Alright. Since you’re a detective, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to talk to people at a bar,” I say. “Great place for information.” Maple chuckles.

“Yeah, I know. I’ve learned a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two.” With that, I stamp his papers green and he leaves with a smile. I, on the other hand, feel a bit bad for doubting him. I mean, I haven’t talked to him in a couple years, but not everybody changes that quickly. However, most of my thoughts are concerned as to why Bacon or Snowy didn’t tell Whisk and I something like this. I sigh, and decide to dwell on it later. I lean towards the mic.

“Next!” I call. The next creature to walk in, is Flurry Heart, with no disguise. “... Pretty bold, aren’t you?” I ask as she confidently puts her passport on my desk. She only smiles up at me. “...Are your parents-“

“Yep! I’m travelling Equestria!” She says. “We had a long talk, but they finally decided to let me travel around Equestria for myself!” Suddenly, an armor clad crystal pony stumbles through the entrance.

“-S-sorry! Royal duties!” He says to the irritated creatures outside. “Princess Flurry! I must require you to stay within eyesight!” He pleads as he comes up. Flurry doesn’t look at him as her face morphs into an exasperated look.

“So the McFlurry has a body guard,” I note. “Awfully convenient for you to forget to tell me this.”

“Excuse me, my name is-“ I hold up a hand as the guard talks, making him stop.

“Don’t know, don’t care, just papers please,” I say. I turn to Flurry as he gets his passport out.

“If I let you through, will you promise me to keep the guard around, you’re only fifteen y’know,” I say. Flurry huffs.

“I’m seventeen, I’m an adult,” she mutters. I laugh as the guard looks between us awkwardly.

“Where have I heard that before- oh wait, every teenager ever, says it,” I laugh. Flurry rolls her eyes as the guard stifles his snicker.

“I’m not that bad,” she says.

“Then, do you promise?” I ask. She sighs.

“Yeah, I guess,” she says.

“Good. Then, I’ll let you through,” I say. “This’ll be the first time you’ve legally crossed the borders!” Flurry sticks her tongue out at me before laughing with me as she leaves, while the guard follows behind. “What a handful.” I turn towards the mic. “Next!”

The next entrant is a tall minotaur, with a black and grey color scheme. “Hello, small creature, I-“

“Wow, you couldn’t take any more steroids, could you?” I ask. He blinks.

“Um, what?”

“Your muscles. Dude, don’t you know steroids are bad for you? Like, it fucks up your shit worse than 2020 fucked up humans,” I say.

“... Are you mocking my appearance?” He asks.

“No no, I’m just concerned. I’m just saying, because they say too many steroids makes the Uh... ‘Wood Pecker’ smaller,” I say. The minotaur glares at me.

“... Amusing,” he notes. “You’re the knight of Manehatten, I presume?”

“No, I’m the asshole that stamps papers,” I say, putting my hand out. He looks at it for a moment before shaking it. “That wasn’t for a handshake, it’s for your passport.” His grip tightens a bit, but he takes a deep breath before letting it go and handing me his papers. “Cool.” I take them and scan through it quickly.

“I am the new ruler of the Minotaur Lands, I-“

“Don’t care,” I say, never looking up.

“Hmph, I imagine politics should interest you, since you are of a figurehead of sorts,” he says.

“You have a question, I may or may not have an answer. I find that politics are just games of chess to politicians, and motherfucker-“ I stop to look at him. “-I’m just gonna play checkers.” The minotaur looks at my serious face before chuckling. His chuckling turns into laughter as he throws his head back to laugh.

“Well said! I misjudged you for an idiot,” he says. “But clearly, you have mastered your checkers, so to speak.”

“That’s debatable,” I say, stamping the papers green. I hand it back. “Now fuck off.” The minotaur scoffs, taking it.

“Very well. I’ll let this slide due to the amusement,” he says.

“Do I care?” I ask. He laughs a bit before leaving. I watch him leave, shaking my head. I lean towards the mic. “Next!”

The next entrant is a white pegasus with pink hair. However, the moment the door closes, she flashes a bright light. “GOD FUCKIN’-“ I curse as I get flashbanged. “I’M TOO OLD FOR THAT SHIT!!!” I yell in frustration.

“Sorry,” a familiar voice says. As I blink away until I can see again, I finally see the pegasus is now Celestia, who sighs as she walks up. “I forgot how much I hated traffic,” she mutters. I quirk an eyebrow.

“Was the disguise necessary?” I ask. She smiles sheepishly.

“Well, I didn’t want anyone to crowd around or something of the sort. Did you know that ponies will still try to ask favors from me?” She asks.

“People are people, if they can get a leg up then they’ll try,” I say.

“You didn’t,” Celestia points out.

“Because I didn’t need to,” I rebuke. She laughs, nodding. “So, I take it you’re gonna go and find a job to start off that sentence thing?” I ask. She nods again.

“Yep. Luna’s already in Manehatten, and she managed to snag a nice quiet house for us,” Celestia says.

“I take it you two are going to be disguised while you live here?”

“Oh, yes. Can we do that?” She asks. I shrug.

“I don’t care, as long as you do what you two said you’d do. So how many years of community service do you have to do for Luna?” I ask. Celestia looks up in thought, doing the math in her head.

“... About ten to twelve years,” she says. I grimace.

“Huh... That’s uh... a bit more than I thought,” I say. “I kinda figured it’d be like six or eight or something.”

“Nonetheless, it isn’t as bad as I first thought. I’d just be working for a little over twenty years,” Celestia says. She giggles a bit. “You know, truth be told, it would’ve been boring after a couple years of retirement. So I’m a little glad I can work a little more.” I shrug.

“Well, that’s nice. I hope it goes well enough,” I say. She hands me her papers, I stamp them green, and watch as she waves to me while walking out and re-disguising herself. I turn back to the mic. “Next!”...

Maple grunts as he walks through the streets, carrying his bag. He still feels pretty bad for scaring his uncle like that. He mutters, “Maybe I should get him a pack of cigs? No, Aunt Whisk would get mad. Maybe I could get him a watch? Yeah! He always looks at clocks, maybe he’d like a watch?” He hums as looks around, passing various creatures as he searches for a shop. Finally, his eyes land on a small pawn shop across the street. He smiles. “Perfect!” He rushes over, scooting past hurrying civilians. He opens the door, and walks in with a big grin as he sees all kinds of items. There are necklaces with feathers and trinkets, there are some flashy hats or Knick-knacks, but what Maple is worried about, is whether or not this shop has a watch. He walks up to the counter, where a pegasus with a tattered jacket smokes a cigarette as he reads a trashy romance novel. “Excuse me?” Maple says. The pegasus glances up before flipping a page in his book and setting it down.

“Yeah, what can I getcha?” He asks. Maple smiles.

“Do you have any watches?” Maple requests. “It’s for my uncle, I accidentally scared him today and wanna make up for it.” The pegasus looks Maple up and down.

“... You scared ya uncle? What is he, a pussy cat?” He asks, turning to rummage through his drawers.

“Well, no, it Uh... It’s kinda his job to worry, I guess. After some experiences, I understand what scared him,” Maple says.

“Uh Huh, tell me, what about you scared him?” The clerk asks with mild curiosity.

“Well... He’s a Border Inspector here at Manehatten,” Maple starts. This makes the pegasus pause. “I was carrying my bag with me, and I was hoping to surprise him with my new job. But uh, nothing gets past him. I think he might’ve thought I was smuggling something or another.” The pegasus takes his cigarette out and looks at Maple, looking him up and down again.

“... Is your uncle’s name Anon?” He asks. Maple’s eyes widen in surprise.

“How did- wait, do you know my uncle?” The pegasus snickers, putting out his cig as he turns back to the griffon.

“Kid, your uncle and I go way back. The name’s Lighter, you could say I’m a friendly acquaintance of your uncle’s,” he says. He barks a laugh, shaking his head. “Your uncle, one mean son of a bitch, lemme tell ya. Crazy bastard talked me into fighting for him.” Maple nods, chuckling a little.

“Yeah, I heard how he talked a lot of ponies into fighting the last battle. We’re you part of the guard?” With Maple’s question, Lighter laughs a bit more.

“Buck no! I was in the mafia, one of the right hooves,” he says. Maple feels his heart skip a beat when he says this. “Hey, don’t worry, I don’t run with them anymore. I quit a while ago, couldn’t take the constant running and hiding. Sweet Celestia, was that a load off my back.” Maple gives a weary glance at him. “Hey! Tell you what-“ Lighter stops to turn and pull out another drawer, finally taking out a watch. “-I’ll give it to you as a gift. Send that crazy bastard my regards, will ya?” Maple nods, giving a small smile at the genuine gift. The watch looks like it was made for Minotaurs, so it’ll probably fit his uncle. “Thanks. If you ever wanna talk, I’m all ears.” Maple looks at the watch, frowning a bit.

“... What did he do to deserve this much generosity?” Maple asks out of curiosity. Lighter sighs, lighting another cig.

“He pushes me kid. That ass of a monkey got me to do something right. Sure, I was promised a reward, but afterwards, I felt...” Lighter struggles to find words as he stares off into space, reminiscing on older days. “...happy, like I meant something. Like I had finally gotten the balls to do something for a good cause.” He looks at Maple. “So, again, tell him my regards!” Maple nods, walking out.

“Thanks! Hope I’ll see you soon!” He says. The moment he steps out, he breathes a sigh of relief. “Welp, that was a dodged bullet.” With that, he looks at the watch again, admiring its shine. “... I hope it wasn’t stolen.” Maple puts the watch in his bag and continues walking to his aunt’s bar.

It’s almost midnight, I’m walking home in the streets. Today was a pretty solid day, but I went ahead and called in for a sub tomorrow. I want to make sure Maple settles in alright. I also want to ask what his parents are up to. Well, I want to ask a lot of things, like how his last years of high school were, or if he had a crush yet, or some other embarrassing thing I can’t think of at the moment. I mean, I hadn’t seen the kid in almost two or three years! Suddenly, the sound of a thud sounds out from my right. “And get lost you runt!” A voice yells before a slamming door sounds out. I look over to see a grey and black-striped griffon, rubbing his head.

“And buck you too!” He yells. He gets up and brushes himself off, trying to smooth out feathers in the process. “I make a little comment and everyone gets their feathers in a twist.” He looks around before landing his eyes on me. “Hey, asshole, can you spare a couple bits?” I stare at him for a minute before shrugging. Fuck it, let’s see where this goes.

“Sure buddy,” I say. I walk over, pulling out a bag of bits. His eyes widen at the sight.

“Uh- hold on, not that much,” he says. I look up in confusion. “I don’t wanna owe anything to you, so just give me like a bit or two.” I scoff.

“Owe me? If I had a bit for everytime someone owed me something, I’d be a millionaire,” I say, ignoring the fact that I already am. “How about this, you look dirty as shit, and I can smell you from here. So, do everyone a favor and take the extra bits, and use them to clean up.” The griffon huffs.

“You think you’re so clever, huh?” He asks,

“No, I just know what it’s like to live on the streets and trying my best to survive,” I say, tossing the bag of bits. He catches them, narrowing his eyes at me. I turn to leave, but the griffon stops me.

“Hey, wait a minute,” he says. I turn to see him walk up to me, handing me a noticeably less heavy bag. “I took about a quarter of it. Keep the-“

“No, you keep it,” I say, pushing the bag back.

“No- you keep it!” He says.

“For the love of fuck- keep the money,” I deadpan.

“Buck no, it’s not mine, I didn’t earn it!” He says. I look at his eyes to see determination in them. Well, that, and they had another familiar look to them... Angry. Very, very angry. I hum in interest, making the griffon grit his teeth. “What!?” He asks.

“... Tell you what, I’ll let you earn it,” I say. “It’ll be tough though, so don’t expect it to be easy.” The griffon scoffs.

“Is this pity? Cuz I don’t need it asshat.”

“No, this is a gift you’ve gotta earn. Have you seen the Manehatten Border Checkpoint?” I ask. He scoffs.

“No, I have never in my entire life seen the giant buckin’ walls that borders the city,” he says sarcastically. I laugh.

“I like your spirit kid, what’s your name?”

“... Thin Page,” he says.

“Alright Thin Page, let’s make a bet,” I say. “If you win, you’ll get the money and a reward, but if you lose, you have to take the money anyway as a reminder that you needed it.” Page scoffs.

“A strike against my pride?... Sounds fair, alright,” he says. “What’s the deal? What do I have to do?”

“Come to the Manehatten Border Checkpoint around five in the morning and go to the big ass office building and talk with the secretary. Tell her I sent you, and wait for me,” I instruct. Page nods, walking off.

“Alright, see ya later fatso,” he says. I look at myself, remembering the beer gut I’ve been developing. I snicker.

“Dude’s gonna go far,” I mutter, continuing my walk home. I bet Maple’s sleeping already, so I’m not really rushing to get home...

Author's Note:

I know it isn’t much, but I’ve finally gotten past a bit of writer’s block. I have no clue when the next chapters will come out, but I’ll try not to take as long.

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