• Published 3rd Aug 2018
  • 3,115 Views, 168 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Four - Doug Graves

Four years after Doug arrives in Equestria and the mares of Herd Apple are still going strong. Well, relatively speaking; Rainbow is on the road to recovery while Applejack and Pinkie Pie add new members.

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24 Epilogue: Three Years Later

The Carousel Boutique - normally bustling inside with ponies trying to get new dresses, accessories, or last minute repairs done to their outfits - instead has a long line of ponies outside, wondering what is causing the delay. The doors open, a purple unicorn sprinting out with what appears to be an inebriated dragon youngling on her back. The various mares glance at each other before starting to file inside, Rarity exclaiming, "Oh dear, I forgot all about you! I'm terribly sorry for the delay, just give me a moment to get my shop in order. I'll be with each of you as soon as I am able!"

The first pony in line moves over, holding a dress with a long tear in it. Rarity finishes putting away the costumes the mystery mare had been trying on; she levitates her red glasses over, glancing at the tear, then at the long line of ponies. "Ahem," she announces, "Attention everypony: if you are here for a repair, I'll be able to get all of those out of the way first. Please, form up inside, your attire with you with the necessary repair facing out, please!"

A dozen needles, thread of various colors, and two pairs of scissors levitate up. Rarity inspects each article of clothing as the ponies line up, needles and thread moving to the articles in question, the unicorn humming to herself as she mends the tears, rips, and minor damage that might occur when a foal gets into the wrong closet. The repairs finish quickly, and Rarity looks at the next pony. This one is not wearing anything, instead looking at the various dresses arranged around the store. Rarity announces, "Everypony who needs new attire, I am sorry, but the only available dresses will be off the shelf. Minor alterations free of charge, as always. Please, come inside, and I can provide assistance as needed."

Outside the Carousel Boutique, near the outskirts of Ponyville, Pinkie Pie quickly pronks along a dirt path. She looks around the various trees and bushes, scanning for Fluttershy. She has just gotten Rarity's emergency message, that the Summer Sun Celebration Organizer has escaped her clutches earlier than expected. The pink pony spots Fluttershy near a thin, sparsely leaved tree, hovering in the air and leading a bird choir. As the sound builds, Pinkie Pie sees the organizer approaching. She gasps, disappearing from the path and darting behind the small mound under the tree. She reappears behind the tree, her body stretched thin as she contours herself to not be seen. She begins whistling out of time, an annoyed blue jay glaring at her.

Fluttershy interrupts the choir, saying, "Oh, my. Um, stop please, everyone." She takes off; Pinkie Pie talks at the same time as Fluttershy, keeping her voice to a whisper and inaudible to the organizer. Fluttershy says, looking at the blue jay, "Um... excuse me, sir." The blue jay jumps backwards, chirping that he isn't the one to blame. Fluttershy continues, "I mean no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny, tiny bit off."

While Fluttershy is talking, Pinkie Pie hurriedly whispers, "Fluttershy, keep talking normally. You need to stall the organizer, the purple pony walking up. Anything; stand still, lead her the wrong way, whatever you can think of. I just need a little time." Fluttershy flies backwards, giving Pinkie Pie a wink as she gently glides back to the ground, her eyes remaining closed. Pinkie Pie, now out of sight of everypony, slinks down and away from the tree, hastily making her way back to the Ponyville Library.

Fluttershy says, "Now, follow me, please. A-one, A-two, A-one, two, three," as the birds resume singing their melodies.

A look of panic briefly crosses Pinkie Pie's face as she sees birds scatter from the tree. She quickly calms herself; if Fluttershy isn't able to manage this, well, she'll just have to be faster. Pinkie Pie arrives at the library, a blur of motion as she sets up the cupcakes, gets the drinks ready, and double checks the punch bowl. A few ponies are starting to dance, some quiet music playing while they shuffle around. Pinkie Pie places the drinks, salivating at the Fire Sauce Rainbow brought and placed on the table already. The games follow next, Pinkie dashing between closets, some not even in the library, in order to get all the necessary board games and her deluxe Pin the Tail set.

Applejack walks through the front door, carrying a few of the games that Pinkie Pie had been searching for, those she keeps at the Apple farmhouse. Pinkie Pie jumps up, quickly sorting through them and putting them in the appropriate places. Applejack looks around at the party, "Wow, Pinkie, you've really outdone yourself. All this for a Summer Sun Celebration pre-party?"

Pinkie Pie rolls her eyes, "The pre-party is only, like, the most important party! Without it, how would you get in mood for the real party?"

Applejack rolls her eyes, "Alright, sure. And it ain't to try to impress, you know, a certain purple pony?"

Pinkie Pie raises an eyebrow, "Who, Amethyst Star?"

A green coated mare looks over, "Did you need me?"

Applejack shakes her head, "No, Lyra, Ah mean, Amethyst Star. Ah didn't mean you, sorry." Applejack turns to Pinkie as the unicorn walks off, "Ah'm talking about that organizer. You know, she kinda meets all the requirements."

"Oooh. Hmm, I guess she does! That just makes going all out on this party even better!" Pinkie Pie pronks around, quickly double checking the various sections of the party.

Satisfied with the games, the party setup, and with nearly all of the participating ponies inside, Pinkie Pie does a quick check outside, spotting Fluttershy and the organizer walking down the road. She smiles to herself; Fluttershy has done it again, somehow managing to slow down the implacable organizer. Well, more like easily distracted organizer, given that each member of her herd had been able to distract the organizer at least once. The front door to the library opens, a pristine Rarity walking through. "Oh dear, I hope I'm not too late, I was swamped with last minute requests for tonight and tomorrow." She comes up to Pinkie Pie, looking out at the road and spotting the organizer as well. "Just in time, I suppose."

Pinkie Pie nods, a whispered "Quiet!" that somehow manages to shush the entire room. Well, scratching her hoof on a chalkboard helps as well. The gathered ponies wait silently, preparing themselves for whatever it is Pinkie Pie has planned.

From outside the library they hear a muffled, "I am so sorry. How did we get here so fast? This is where I'm staying while in Ponyville, and my poor baby dragon needs his sleep."

A number of mares glance at each other, their worried looks difficult to make out in the darkened room. A second younger voice says, "No I don't," before giving a short lived scream. The impact of what could only be a baby dragon on hard ground is heard, a number of the mare wincing and waiting for the inevitable cry of the injured baby dragon.

Instead, they hear a condescending, "Aww, wook at that! He's so sweepy he can't even keep his widdle bawance!" The gathered ponies again try to make out each other's expressions in the dark; who is this mare?"

A brief silence comes over the room for several seconds before the door opens, Fluttershy visible in the open door and carrying a small purple dragon. She says, mid sentence, "Him to bed," as she flies in before a purple mare dashes past, pushing Fluttershy back the way she came and leaving the dragon sitting among them.

Pinkie Pie silently gasps, scrounging around for something. Finding what she is looking for, she flicks a light onto the baby dragon that illuminates him and helps keep the rest of the room in relative darkness. The purple mare says, "Yes, yes. We'll get right on that. Well, good night!" before shutting the door in Fluttershy's face.

The baby dragon says, "Huh, rude much?", many of the ponies nodding in agreement. Pinkie Pie glares at each of them, though how she is able to see their nods or they are able to know she is glaring at them in particular is better left unknown. Pinkie Pie directs a second light that illuminates the purple pony as she walks back into the main room.

"Sorry, Spike, but I have to convince the Princess that Nightmare Moon is coming, and we're running out of time!" The purple mare sighs, "I just need to be alone so that I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time. Now, where's the light?"

Before her horn can flare Pinkie Pie turns on the lights, the gathered ponies smiling and yelling, "SURPRISE!", releasing streamers, confetti, and blowing on their noisemakers.

Comments ( 16 )

Poor Pinkie she went through all of this and her new pony friend will not be appreciative of it. I can't wait till Spike gets to know the girls better in the next flash forward.

i wonder how twilight will react to doug

"Ah'm talking about that organizer. You know, she kinda meets all the requirements."

Fresh off the carriage and the herd alright locked her in their sights. Looking for a unicorn to balance things out, not a local and five years are up. Game on

Seriously it's costing me a lot not to skip the remaining 3 years of history just to see the reaction with Doug from Twilight and Spike when he finds out about Rarity and his daughter XD

with Fluttershy apprehensive but hopeful with her choice to be next

I've only just finished reading the outstanding First Year rewrite, but...didn't Fluttershy join in said first year? Or does this mean something else?

She begins whistling out of time, an annoyed blue jay glaring at her.

Through year four and still enjoying the story. Onwards to five. :3

Glad to hear it!

I suppose I could have worded it a little differently; her beat is off, not the right cadence, but she is in tune.

Can't wait to see even more of this madness.

Most excellent.

Well obviously.... and my comment was meant to be like you were 'so close yet so far away' kind of thing.

Depends on the body; a thin, muscular person (which Doug, after three years of a relatively fat-free diet and lots and lots of exercise, is) has a greater density than a fatter person. He would float only by holding in his breath. The body thing is quite interesting, though.

Well... is it something you would bring up? He doesn't use the word much (and it's the name of a doctor). How many books, outside of Urban Dictionary, contain pejoratives and insults?

I shudder to think how many horsepower Applejack puts out. She sends boulders a hundred times her mass soaring through the air with a single well-placed kick! Big Mac drags houses across dirt roads!

Lol I didn't actually mean something like a name. You knew someone named Only:pinkiegasp:? That's a kewl name lol.
I used to no a guy whose nickname was Nobody, and a girl whose nickname was Someone. I shit you not.

Yep, his legal first name. Not sure if i believe the story he told me how he got it.

His parents wanted to call him Jason with no middle name, so when asked, his father said "only Jason." The registrar was not paying full attention so wrote Only for the first name and Jason for the second. When asked if they wanted to change they decided to keep the mistake.

That's funny but yeah I'm with you on not knowing if I believe it. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if it was true because sometimes the more unusual circumstances of a story can be true. Did that make sense? I'm kinda tired at the moment so I'm not sure.

love this also now onto year 5

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