• Published 14th Jun 2018
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The Worst Equestrian Necromancer - Nobodyslament

Some necromancers want to rule the world. Some want to reign terror across their own demented plane of existence. One just really wants to annoy heroes. These are his stories.

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The Alpha

Tartarus was opened. Of course, Ragar had known about this weeks ago, and had in fact kept an eye on Twilight as she put Cerberus back in his home. It was important to know that Tartarus was opened because of one very specific inmate that was held within. Ragar had watched the centaur as he scavenged magic, but the time wasn't right. He felt his bony hands clench and unclench as the centaur went into Canterlot Castle and turned around. Black Sun, everything is ready." His son nodded, his body language lacking any of his normal confidence.

Black Sun trotted over to the corners of the lab, grabbing a few key items. A small orb of glowing gold, a bone with scrapes and cuts marring it's visage. Black Sun stared at Ragar for a moment. "Dad, just before you go I need to know. Will anypony get hurt?"

Ragar paused as he put on his robe. Not the oversized purple one that he wore to talk to Celestia. Not the comfortable one he used in the lab. This one was his personal robe. Black as pit from pole to pole, with runes seeming to swim across the fabric. As the silence stretched on Black Sun could hear it whisper. Ragar let out a breath that he hadn't needed to hold. "My son. There has ever only been one creature I could bring myself to hurt, and he is currently attacking on of my only friends. No pony will be hurt, and all the citizens of Equestria will sleep easy. But for that monster that is currently trying to steal the very magic from my friend..." Ragar tightened his robe, squaring his shoulders. "All I can do is beg you to forgive me if I take it to far."

Black Sun paused, before laying out all the tools he had gathered. "The he's the one who..." Black Sun looked at the door beside them. The four statues sitting past it seeming to speak without a single sound coming from the hall. He nodded. "Try and do the right thing dad, I'm going to shore up the wards here, just in case."

Ragar nodded, walking over to his son and wrapping his boy up in a large hug. "Black Sun, before I leave I need to tell you one thing." Ragar backed up slightly, keeping his hands on Black Sun. "You are so much better than I could ever be, and no matter what happens, I am proud of you."

Black Sun nodded, but didn't speak. His father stood up, and without any pomp or ceremony a portal opened in front of him. He walked through quickly, no clack of bones as he stepped. When the portal closed behind him there wasn't a single noise in the entire lab. Black Sun looked over the lab. The tools he assembled gone with his father. He walked in the Hall of Remembrance, looking over the statues. He stopped at the youngest one, looking at the smiling face. He didn't say anything, but slowly flew up, hovering in front of her face. He touched the corner of her cheek and frowned. "He's gonna be ok sis, just you see."


Twilight Sparkle stared at the destroyed remains of her library, and felt something stir in her chest. It was unfamiliar. An emotion she had rarely felt before, but could still identify quickly. It was rage. She felt mana crash through her form. She hadn't had a reason to fully let loose with the power of an alicorn yet, but she could feel it now. It felt like a small sun rising within her. It filled her entire being with what could only be divine rage. As she started a spell in response she felt her magic choke around her, and from looking at Tirek he felt the same thing, as the spell he had been forming collapsed, sending arcane light showering around him. A bony hand touched her shoulder and she looked up, staring at a skeletal necromancer towering over her. He didn't bother to look down at her, but Twilight needed no introduction to know who Ragar was, and the feeling of death around him seemed to cause a reaction to the very air around them. He spoke slowly, without any of the joy she normally heard in his voice. "Twilight, you need to head under the castle in the woods right now. Bring your friends with you."

She flinched from how calm he sounded, and stumbled away from his. But something made her hold. Ragar didn't look right. His back was to straight, his skull to closed. If he had a face, she was sure he would be frowning. Her musing was stopped by Ragar's voice. "NOW TWILIGHT! He rolled up his sleeves. "Leave this fight to your elders."

Tirek smiled as Twilight ran away, before turning to the skeleton. "I don't recognize whatever's left of you, but that voice. I know that voice." Tirek righted his stance, squaring up against the necromancer. "Oh, your screams have kept me happy for millennia. What was the whelps name before I ran her though? Or maybe the scream was for the others as they bled to death?" Tirek's mouth stretched into a smile that knew his words were cutting deep. "Isn't it poetic? The first creature I'm going to kill after getting free is the only one who managed to live through me before my imprisonment."

Ragar didn't move, simply tilting his skull. "Tirek, do you know what kind of magic I use?" Tirek opened his mouth, but was cut off as Ragar spoke. "I'm a necromancer. I study death in all its forms. Undeath, souls, and reanimation. In all my studies for a basic reanimation the only thing you need is around a gram of whatever dead thing you are reanimating and enough of a similar remain to fill out the mass." Ragar knelt down on one knee, putting his hand on the dirt. "Of course, this combined with my own love of science has let me make some interesting discoveries. Dirt is my favorite tool after my studies."

Ragar began dragging his finger through the dirt as Tirek laughed. "Dirt? You see dirt as the apex of your studies. I see that time has made you even more foolish than your whole team was when we last met! What are you going to do with dirt? Make me wash my fur when we're done."

The robes surrounding the necromancer seemed to shimmer as the skeletal palm rested on the sigil he had drawn in the dirt. "No, cleaning your fur will be the least of your worries. Dirt is simply the remains of thousands of years of death. the death of tree's, giants, and creatures long dead and oft-forgotten. With a bit of refinement I can create anything I want. This world is my very own infinite graveyard. And more fool you, you've stepped right into my haunt."

With that word, the entire country side exploded, and Tirek was surrounded by an army of creatures. He tried to catalogue them, to at least learn what he was dealing with. A Jabberwocky, a wendigo, even a small swarm of changelings. But they were outnumbered by the creatures he didn't recognize. A gaunt pony with a skull like head, some sort of liquid leaking from a mouth that seemed broken permanently open. A large lizard with two legs and a long serpent like body. And in the back something that seemed like a bird, but seemed to cover the entire sky as it took to the air. Tirek stared for a moment before energy rose to his horns. "A trick like that won't save you necromancer."

Ragar stared as his creations fell upon the centaur, but he was working on something far more important. The various items being channeled and melted into something that looked similar to a funnel, but with a small spike coming from the larger end. He didn't bother speaking, a portal opening in front of him to reveal Tirek's back. Ragar didn't hesitate, moving the spike into Tireks back in a single motion. No incantation was spoken, but mana flew into the funnel instantly. Tirek's body instantly began to collapse, shrinking slightly as Ragar pulled the funnel from his back, grabbing one of his horns and pulling the centaurs head straight to his bony face. "Tirek, you took something precious from me that you can never return. Now I have done the same."

Tirek felt his head shoot to the side as Ragar's creatures collapsed into dirt. He stood up slowly, raising his arms. "You think a little cut will stop me. I'm going to rip your magic from you and..." It was then Tirek realized that no mana was flowing through him. Magic itself not responding to his orders. It was only then, when the bone hit bone, and a laugh emerged. Tirek stared as Ragar began to laugh. His horns lowered as he charged forward, but by then the skeleton was gone. Ragar already checking to make sure Twilight was on the way. He raised the funnel to his face, looking at the magic held within. "And with that, we have everything I need."

Author's Note:

Welcome to a serious chapter as we approach the end. I'm going to try and give you guys the last two chapters, and then hit you with a few side stories in the sister fic and this whole series will be finished. Although much later than I planned.