• Published 11th Jun 2018
  • 289 Views, 0 Comments

Building Harmony - zombiepegasus226

After ponies from the three tribes were broken from their ice prison they begin the task of making this new land a home for everypony.

  • ...

Returning Home

The two unicorns tore through the forest kicking up dirt that started clinging to the sweat that ran down their limbs , caking their legs in a thin layer of filth. Both ponies began to slow down a bit , the lack of sleep and food taking a toll on their bodies. The clothes they wore had stuck to the unicorns sweat soaked backs, the two doing their best to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of wet fabric rubbing against them, matting up their fur. Despite this Princess Platinum hadn't uttered a single complaint, even when the same pony was very out spoken at getting wet when met with a small stream.

And now said unicorn felt her lungs burning inside her chest with each pant attempting to draw air back into them. She had never so much as moved faster than a trot, accustomed to being pulled around in a carriage when traveling long distances. The muscles in the royal's legs were screaming at her to stop, but had managed to push through the burn ignoring the tempting thought of laying down.

At her side Clover wasn't fairing any better. She didn't mind dirt or sweat but researching scroll and tombs in the library didn't require much physically taxing work. Even spending hours or days practicing spells didn't seem to add up to this. Maybe after all this was done with she should work on exercising her body as well as her mind.

As the two went on a chill ran down their backs both noticing the light breeze began to pick up. Taking a closer look the two noticed a few snowflakes swirling in the air. Pushing onward the wind and cold grew stronger the further they went. Soon neither could hear or see anything clearly due to the howling wind and snow. Shivering the unicorns galloping pace had been forced to a crawl ,the snow burying them nearly up to their chests. The strong icy wind burned their eyes forcing both ponies to lower their heads against it, eyes clamped shut.

Platinum and Clover inched towards the other till their sides pressed together. The clothing they wore did little to protect against the cold, the sweat on their bodies began forming into ice crystals freezing the wet clothes to their fur .All Clover wanted to do was huddle into a ball in a attempt to keep warm, she shook her head shoving the thought aside. With a now clear head the green unicorn concentrated, her horn lit up forming a shield over them. Now that the wind was no longer whipping at her face Clover brought her head back up surveying the area to get their bearings as best she could. If they managed to trudge through the snow hopefully they'd reach the castle sometime during the night to early morning.

Taking a deep breath Clover winced as the cold air filled her lungs, feeling as if the organs themselves would freeze over. She forced her mind clear focusing all her consideration on her magic, turning the rounded shield's front to resemble a plow. Unfortunately to save energy to keep up the shape their back were once again exposed to the storm. Despite this Platinum smiled at her.

"Again I'm glad you were chosen to come with me." She said through chattering teeth.

Clover weakly returned the smile even though her body trembled against the cold. "I'm honored your majesty but lets focus on getting back to the castle."

The two ponies pressed as close as they could against each other hoping their shared body warmth would see them through the journey home. The two began to push forward against the snow and wind, the magic plow made moving through the snow easier but did little to shield them from the cold.

They had been moving for a few hours stomping there hooves every so often when the limbs began to numb. This caused Clover to fear they would succumb to frostbite and hypothermia. Just thinking of the possibility urged her to pick up their pace.

When nightfall came the two ponies were plunged into inky blackness, and without the stars the only sense of direction Clover had was the brief glance around she got earlier. She just hoped they hadn't wondered off route. Clover was brought out of her thoughts by a weight against her side. Platinum was heavily leaning on her companion the silver unicorn's body screaming at her to stop and rest. The green unicorn was feeling about the same, the magical strain used to maintain the plow was draining her. It didn't help that she was almost fully supporting the princess.

Using her shoulder Clover leaned to the side pushing against the other pony managing to get her back on shaky hooves. Platinum stumbled a bit but was caught by her companion hearing the other unicorn yell over the wind. "Your majesty we're almost there just keep it up for a bit longer."

Slowly Platinum moved her head facing Clover,the pale glow of the others magic giving off just enough light to make out the green unicorn's features . She stared into the exhausted yet confident face of her companion who was shaking as much as she was from the storm blowing across their backs.

With the strength she could muster Platinum yelled back over the storm. "Okay. You've done well getting us this far, I trust you."

Clover gave a grateful nod bringing her attention straight ahead. She needed to stay positive to get through this and back home, but that seemed to be waning a bit as time passed. The storm was stronger then it had been when they left. Must have been the summit among the three tribes, from what the princess had told her it didn't go as well as she hoped. That must have caused more anger among the tribes subjects.

The thought of the storm worsening while they were so exposed began to weigh on her, and if it was bad here it probably wasn't any better for the others. A sinking feeling grew in the green ponies chest. What if the two of them didn't make it, or one of the other tribes representatives. The three tribes subjects would probably think it was one of the other tribes fault, resorting to blaming each other again, and with messages harder to send they wouldn't know what really happened. It was possible they wouldn't want to listen, too angry to hear any explanations. If that happened who knows how bad the storm would get or if anypony from either tribes would survive. Just as her mind began to delve deeper into what ifs the faint outlines of buildings began forming before them.

As the outlines became clearer Clover perked up her smile growing looking over to the other unicorn her voice becoming more energized. " Your highness look we're nearly home!"

Slowly raising her head Platinum did her best to focus all her attention on the horizon with the small amount of light from Clovers magic. though they weren't clear the silver unicorn could make out the buildings. A smile that most likely matched Clovers formed on her face as she turned to her companion. Their eyes met, new energy filling them knowing the journey was nearly over. With renewed hope the unicorns shot off pushing themselves as fast as they could knowing home was so close gave them enough incentive to press on.

The magical plow cut through the snow as they sped ahead, both noticing it didn't seem as deep the closer they got. Meaning at some point some ponies must have tried clearing the roads possibly for their return. Thankfully it made it easier to get through as they entered the town, Clover even dispelled the plow now that the two were able to move about the town without it, but maintained the rounded half using it to shield them against the heavy wind. Passing a few homes and boarded up shops the castle had begun to come into view. Though their legs had gone somewhat numb from the cold the two ponies willed them to move, the stiffness of their frozen clothes pulling against the fur it had fused to. The large stone castle was getting closer by the minute encouraging the two ponies on. Clover dispelled the shield completely slightly flinching when the freezing wind hit her face. Truthfully she had gone numb enough from the cold that she hardly felt it. Raising her head focusing any remaining magic she possessed Clover sent a yellow ball of magic toward the sky ,which exploded lighting up the area in its yellow glow . Another ball was shot up from Platinum bathing a portion of the sky over the town in purple.

Drawing nearer to the castle they set off a few more bursts into the air, the large gate finally becoming visible. Alerted by the lights the metal gate began to lift up, the shouts of ponies coming from inside.

" Get it open the princess has returned!"

The two ponies ran under the gate entering the courtyard as the metal structure closed behind them, both feeling the vibration once it hit the ground. Pushing onward they left the empty courtyard crossing the covered bridge coming to the final stretch, the large doors of the castle. The two were filled with joy as the thick wooden doors began to open letting them inside. Bursting into the entry hall Clover and Platinum were surrounded by frantic ponies who all spoke at once, voices melding together into nothing but noise. Trembling uncontrollably as their bodies tried to warm them up the two ponies eyes lazily shifted around, trying to focus and recognize the faces around them.

"Silence!" a loud demanding female voice rang through the hall breaking through the gibberish silencing everypony in the room.

Clover turned her head in the direction she suspected it came from, seeing an older teal mare closing in on the group. The mare stopped before them sending a hard glare to the circle of ponies.

"You all know better than this. Your main priority at the moment should be helping these two not questioning them." Stated the mare eyeing the servants.

Embarrassed the ponies looked away fidgeting their hooves, which didn't help matters as the mare's eyes never left them."Fidgeting about wont get anything done, get some boiled water, blankets and something for them to drink." she said irritation clear in her voice.

The ponies quickly ran to retrieve said items, their hoof steps disappearing deeper into the castle. Before the remaining ponies could utter a word the sound of hooves were heard coming down the stairs, along with the faint jingle of bells. A bearded stallion entered the hall running to the nearly frozen unicorns stopping in front of them. A smile formed on Clover's muzzle glad to see her mentor clad in his usual cloak and hat, bells sewn into the trim.

" I'm glad both of you made it back safely. I feared you wouldn't return once the storm had worsened. " Star Swirl said with a relieved smile.

Platinum and Clover returned the smile both pressing their shivering bodies together desperate for some form of warmth." I think the princess and I feared the same on the way back." Clover said through chattering teeth.

Star Swirl took pity on the freezing mares his horn lighting up surrounding the two in warmth. Platinum sighed in relief the ice on her body starting to melt, but felt discomfort as the water seeped into her fur down to the skin. The silver unicorn cringed as the wet fabric rubbed against her coat until the buttons were being undone, the clothes were magically removed floating over to the teal mare.

"My apologies your majesty for the servants behavior. I felt they would do better under my order." she said giving a small bow.

Platinum shook her head "That's quiet alright Mint Jewel, I can't expect you to have control over everypony in the castle at once. Besides eveypony is on edge and afraid they just want answers, to know if they'll be okay."

With a hum Mint Jewel worked on removing Clover's wet cloak just as the other servants returned with large wooden basins , blankets and water. The basins were placed in front of the two mares who eagerly stepped into the steaming water. The two let out a small hiss as their numb legs were submerged, the heat of the water helping to get the blood circulating again.

Two cups of water floated before the two unicorns who gratefully took them in their hooves, gulping it down. Clover flinched when the water touched her tongue. It had a sour taste for it was made by melting the snow from outside. The snow was the only water available,once the rivers, lakes and wells froze over. They managed to filter it as best they could, it was drinkable but a bit bitter. Despite this both were grateful for it draining the cups in seconds. Taking the now empty cups the servants used their magic to wrap blankets around the two mares, before lining up behind Mint Jewel awaiting further orders.

"Is there anything else you require your majesty?" Mint asked her attention on Platinum and Clover.

"How is my father?" Platinum hesitantly asked.

" Not better but not worse either." the older mare answered giving the princess a small smile hoping to ease the younger mare.

Pulling the blanket tighter around herself Platinum buried her muzzle into the soft material. " Guess that's the best we could ask for at times like this." She said with a sigh.

Clover lowered her head giving a sad sideways glance to the royal. With the cold and depleting food supply many had either died or became ill. Unfortunately King Berly was no exception. The king had been bedridden in his chambers for a few months, it was the reason his daughter was sent to the summit in his stead. Everypony began to fear they could lose their king. Queen Gilded Stream had passed a few years prier trying to deliver her second foal. Sadly due to complications she nor the foal survived. This left Berly to rule alone

In the case something were to happen to the king many were skeptical on how Platinum would be as a leader. Some saw her as spoiled but if it came down to it Clover hoped what they experience in the cave, and the responsibility she was given would shape her, and obliterate any doubt other had of her.

Clover watched as the princess pulled her face from the blanket making eye contact with the teal unicorn. "Mint I believe Clover and I would like to retire to our chambers , and once we wake please draw us each a bath and hopefully bring some food."

"Of course your highness." Mint said with a bow rising back up , motioning for the other servants to follow her leaving the three ponies in the entry hall.

Adjusting the blanket around her Clover lowered her head staring down into the basin. The dirt that had gathered on her legs had washed off a bit turning the water brown tempting her to call the servants back to request a bath right at that moment. But her body's demand for sleep was quickly winning over the desire to wash as she struggled to keep up right. The urgency to get home was what kept the two mares going, and now that they were in the castle all they wanted was to sleep. Star Swirl must have sensed this for he remained silent after the servants departure. The stallion normally would want to know everything the mares had experienced , but decided to hold back till either was ready to speak.

The three sat in silence, Clover and platinum doing their best to stay awake, while Star Swirl examined the chandeliers and tapestries that decorated the hall. A few minutes passed before a couple of servants returned ready to escort the exhausted ponies to their rooms. Carefully the unicorns stepped out of the basins the servants quickly moving to their sides slowly leading them further into the castle, with Star Swirl following behind.

Clover allowed herself to lean against the servant as she and the princess parted ways heading to their chambers in opposite wings. Continuing up the staircase Clover started to wish she had chosen a room on a lower level instead of one further up near the library. Moving along the spiral steps Clover's legs felt heavier with each step it was beginning to be a feat to move them. To her relief they came to her floor, only a few feet separated her from a warm bed.

Coming to her door Star Swirl opened it turning to the servant. "You may go I can take it from here."

Stepping forward the servant moved the green unicorn from his side letting her lean onto the gray pony. With a bow the servant turned making his way back down the stair well. Slowly the bearded unicorn led his apprentice into the room carefully maneuvering around a few books stacked on the floor.

"You should really clean up in here." He said with a slight playful tone to his voice.

" Your chambers probably looks no better than mine." Clover shot back with a chuckle as Star Swirl moved the bed covers helping her onto the mattress.

With a sigh she sunk into the sheets and pillows pulling the blanket still wrapped around her tighter. Stiff muscles began to relax as the covers were placed over her surrounding her in warmth. Clover shot a grateful smile at Star Swirl which he returned before heading to the door.

"Now get some rest, I'll come by later and hopefully if you're up to it tell me everything that happened." He said over his shoulder opening the door.

All Clover managed was a weak nod as her eyes closed, giving up the fight to stay awake slipping into the realm of sleep.

The sound of the storm rattling against the windows was the first thing Clover registered as she regained consciousness. Slowly opening her eyes the unicorn glanced around the room, comforted by the familiar bookshelves along the walls, and pages of parchment full of notes sprawled on the desk and floor. Testing her magic she pushed the covers off before untangling herself from the blanket that had cocooned her during sleep. Once free she began to sit up wincing as her sore muscles protested against the movement. Managing to get herself up the door cracked open a bit, her mentors bearded face popped from around the door frame his horn glowing.

"Oh you're finally up." He said fully opening the door entering with a tray that held a tea pot, two tea cups, along with a kettle and tin container floating behind him.

Setting the tray on a small table he moved it to the side of the bed, using his magic to reheat the kettle as the stallion picked up the nearly empty tin.

"Oh Star Swirl it's okay don't waste your last bit of tea on me." Clover quickly said before he could drop any into the tea pot.

The bearded unicorn smiled taking a few spoonfuls of tea leaves dumping them into the pot. "Don't worry about it. What is the purpose of having tea if you're not going to drink it?" He stated picking up the kettle pouring the hot water into the pot covering it, waiting for the leaves and water to mix before turning to face the other pony. "Besides with the state you and the princess returned in I say you more than earned it."

Knowing how stubborn the grey unicorn could be once his mind was set, Clover rested against the headboard not having the energy to even try and argue with him.Though she had just woken up she still felt a bit lethargic and feared if she got too comfotable she'd fall asleep. Knowing he had won Star Swirl moved the kettle to the side as his student turned to the window staring at the grey sky and snow.

"How long have I been asleep?" She asked her gaze remaining on the window hoping having something to focus on would keep her awake.

" For a good while. I suspect about twelve or more hours." He said checking on the tea.

All feeling of exhaustion quickly evaporated as she whipped her head around. Eyes wide Clover shot up from her resting position muscles screaming in protest from the sudden movement. "Why didn't anypony wake me!"

" You both were barely able to stay up on your hooves last night. Nearly everpony agreed to let you two sleep as much as you wanted." he said keeping his voice calm so as not to escalate things turning to face the mare.

Even when she was staring straight at him Clover wasn't registering that he was there, her mind had begun wondering to other things. If the princess was still asleep there was nopony trying to make contact with the other tribe leaders. The thought of none of the others making it back to their territories had started to resurface.

Before her mind could conjure up anymore worse case scenario a cup was levitated in front of her face. Snapping back to reality she turned her head meeting the calm face of her mentor. Gently taking the cup in her hooves Clover took a deep breath the scent of the tea filling her nose as she took a drink. Though it didn't have honey or sugar it still held a pleasant taste even if it was a bit bitter.

Her nerves seemed to ease a bit with each sip filling her empty stomach with warmth, as the older stallion stood patiently at her side drinking from his own cup in silence. It wasn't a awkward silence in fact it was rather calming , reminding her of the small breaks they'd take between studies before the storm hit. They would sit in the library discussing theories or test results over tea with honey, snaking on small pastries from the castle kitchen. The memory had helped in calming the green unicorn even more.

With her cup now empty it was lifted from her hooves by Star Swirl along with his own empty cup. He refilled them passing the cup back into his students hooves as she took another drink.

" Feeling better?" he asked watching her, glad to see she wasn't about to try and jump out of bed again.

" Yes much better, thank you." she replied with a smile taking another drink before facing the stallion. "I think I'm ready to talk."

Placing his cup on the tray Star Swirl's horn lit up levitating the stool at her desk to the side of the bed before taking a seat, picking the tea cup up from the tray and into his hooves. He looked into her eyes and in a calming voice said "Alright. Tell me everything."

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