• Member Since 8th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen Saturday


Recently joined the madness at far too old of an age. Let's see what nonsense I can contribute...


When the summer is too hot for anycreature but dragons to feel comfortable, the CMC must take drastic measures to feel cool again. Such measures may or may not include yaks, hyenas, and a brave and valiant last stand against the tyranny of Heat.

Either way, come sun or rain, the CMC will stop that sun from shining. If only for a moment.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

Is it Poptarts?

Um... probably not, because I have no clue what you meant by that.

Well, in that case...
IT'S NOT POPTARTS!!!!!!!!! :derpytongue2:

That was funny, I didn't even know it existed. Thanks for introducing me to something new!

Hmm. Wandering in what ways?

Oh. That was me just trying to show the extent that the CMC were imagining the world they were in. They're trekking across the sandbox, Winona pops up, and this is how they incorporated her into their world. I did think it was still a bit confusing, but I decided to leave it in anyway, because this was literally a world born from children's imagination, and I thought it didn't need to make as much sense as an 'adult' story. Does that make sense? I think it makes sense.

Sorry. I guess I made it too subtle. Did you get that Apple Bloom turned off a hose as the waterfall?

I read pretty fast too, so I understand your problem. :) Hope you enjoyed it anyway!

That was pretty adorable. Been awhile since I've seen or read a cute CMC tale like this. I had fallen for their little adventure, wondering how this can lead to anything given the small word count.

I was pleasantly surprised. It made the incredulity of a couple scenes that acted as red flags for things I normally catch onto quickly, make sense. One involved distance. Another involved a certain species of animal. Heh.

Nice short, though I'm sad to say I expecting to be meh'd but that was genuinely well written despite descriptions making the story sound more random and over the top than what it really turned out to be, and that's a good thing.

It felt like this could be expanded into a bigger, longer running, full length mlp style episode ala "Reading Rainbow", only we'd stay focused on the CMC the whole time obviously with clues tossed in like you did to show there's something else going on we aren't seeing.

Thank you so much! Your comment practically made my day. I'm glad that my little story turned out better than you were expecting. It's true I probably could have turned it into something more episode length-y, but I was afraid that it would get too random and unrealistic otherwise.

Again, I'm very happy you enjoyed this, and hope your day is as good as mine is turning out to be. :pinkiehappy:

Story was perfectly fine at its current length, simply stating it was show quality if the show ever tried doing just a simple fun CMC adventure story in this adorable manner. Reminds me of Cold in Gardez Forever Summer which is also quite the adventure.

You've got a knack for the adorable. I hope you continue to enjoy writing and letting your own imagination take you where ever you please. There's no right amount of words that makes a story good.

The one thing I will say is perhaps remove the time machine mention out of the description, make it sound overly random. A more eye-catching picture tends to slow skimmers down a bit too when they're looking for a story to read. This site can help: https://derpibooru.org/

You've a cute style. And personally, I'd lose the random tag. I didn't really see or feel there was anything truly random here. Much like CoG's story, this was done in a very normal and natural feeling way. Especially for these fillies. Now if that time travel stuff and more wacky things happened, especially without Discord around, random tag would be justified here.

Also, glad to hear you in good spirits. Stay well and keep up the great work.

That's good to know, Maybe I'll focus a little more on the adorable side and see what happens. Forever Summer was actually my inspiration for this piece, so I'm pleased they remind you of each other.

Also, thank you for your advice about the tags. I'm still learning which tags are and are not appropriate for different situations. I had also intended the story to take a different direction than it did when I wrote the summary, so it's probably high time I updated it to more closely match the actual plotline.

And while I'm thankful for your suggestion of a better source for cover images, I'm afraid my computer hates derpibooru with a vengeance, and simply gives me privacy errors every time I try to load the site. If I ever figure out how to fix it, I'll try to find some better cover art.

Thanks again!

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