• Published 1st Jul 2018
  • 4,625 Views, 121 Comments

Luna Wakes up to Marehood - Fiaura

Luna wakes up one morning to discover she might have more in common with Celestia than she ever thought possible.

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The Fateful Day

Princess Luna awoke as she did every morning, dragging her hooves from the bed to the royal powder room and its sink. Tiredness filled her eyes, exhaustion encompassed her mind. The fatigue of dealing with everypony’s nightmares gripped her muscles. This was the fate of the princess of night. Her requirement to work through every pony's nightmares in order to keep them at bay. Sleep was never a relief for Princess Luna, it was always a chore and task that she had to look forward to; every night. She looked in the mirror with heavy circles beneath her eyes, she furrowed her brow and let out a very ungraceful yawn. “Why must it be so hard to enjoy the morning like my sister? Can I never get one night where I am allowed to simply sleep?”

Her horn glowed as she turned the water to the sink on. Her hoof touched it and she jumped with a shock, “Oh, right, no hot water today, wonderful.” Her sarcasm was palpable. She remembered the warning that at 9 am they were going to shut off the hot water for maintenance. With a discontented groan, she closed her eyes to try to gain some respite. Luna splashed the icy liquid on her face to help bring her senses back. She was certainly more awake now, but a true bath would have to wait until later when the hot water was restored to the palace.

Luna opened her eyes slowly and stared into the mirror at her reflection. She couldn't put her hoof on it, but she looked very different for some reason. Perhaps it was just a rough night’s sleep making her see things, and she could discount it as simply a bad night. Luna turned and dragged herself away from her own visage towards the doors that would lead to where Celestia likely had pancakes ready for her. Even Princess Luna had to admit, those were something to look forward to now that Starlight had given her some perspective. Those pancakes always did taste good. Those with her coffee mixed in chai sounded delicious this morning. She looked forward to the refreshment pancakes and coffee would bring her more than ever now.

Her horn glowed as the doors shrouded in her pale blue aura opened. Outside her room, two stallion guards snapped to attention: one bat pony dressed in platinum armor and one white earth pony dressed in gold plating. They stood to either side of the door and the main walkway looking at Luna with their carefully stalwart expressions. “Princess! Good morning to you, I hope you slept soundly.” Night Spear said with a sharp salute and an expression of absolute attention to Princess Luna.

Stalwart Shield on the other hand, smiled and waved. He took a long sip of his coffee and grinned at her. “Morning Luna, your sister has made us all some excellent coffee this morning.” He was so laid back about it, you would have thought he never went through basic training. Luna wanted to complain about the lack of discipline Stalwart always showed. But she was too tired. Luna nodded to them both, one at a time. She gave a warming wink at Night Spear, a slight reward for his respect.

“Morning. We slept as we always do, Night Spear and Stalwart Shield.” Princess Luna could never forget a pony's name, especially since she had been in every pony in Equestria's dreams at least once. They looked a bit nervous while she dragged her hooves past them, as she always did every morning. Just as she passed them, there was an abrupt clatter from Night Spear as he dropped his weapon and a snicker from Stalwart Shield. Princess Luna snapped her gaze towards them and turned her head on alert. When she did, Night Spear snapped back to attention while Stalwart Shield started to whistle. That obviously guilty whistle that a pony only does when they know they’ve been caught. He looked at Luna out of the corner of his eye with a very coy smile to top it all off.

“Whatever are you two doing?” She demanded with an angry, unrested growl. She was never particularly nice or attentive until she had her coffee with Tia. Today was no exception. Night Spear looked like a colt whose hoof had been caught in the cookie jar. Stalwart Shield rolled his eyes and looked around like he wasn't being spoken to; his whistling interrupted by sipping his coffee more. Luna was in no mood for games. “Well! What have you two to say for yourselves?”

“I… ” Night Spear stumbled and fumbled for words, then snapped to, “Please, Princess Luna it was nothing, go ahead and enjoy your breakfast.” He lowered his head in a particularly low bow and hoped Luna wouldn’t press him further. His eyes darted around for anything at all to latch onto and avoid the question. Stalwart Shield couldn't take it anymore, and started to snicker at his compatriot. Princess Luna tried to be patient, but was rapidly becoming annoyed.

“Out with it! It is too early in my day for me to have to deal with childish nonsense from full grown stallions!” Luna slammed her hoof down with a loud metallic bang onto the stone floor. She almost cracked it as the hallway echoed with her demand. Stalwart Shield tried to hold it together but couldn’t keep his laughter in. Night Spear looked up with an expression of absolute horror.

Stalwart Shield just kept laughing and holding his side with an armored hoof while he talked through it, “Princess, I just caught Night Spear staring at your, umm… much improved flanks!” Princess Luna staggered back onto her rear and felt herself almost unbalanced. Her face contorted in surprise as her eyes widened. She felt like, even sitting on her flanks, she was slightly taller. She looked at her backside. Sure enough, it was not its usual petite, flat self. No, it was full and round like the moon! A sense of panic rushed over her.

“How? How did this happen? When? I have been watching my diet!” She mused out loud while Night Spear tried to hide his obvious staring as she was speaking. Stalwart Shield kept chuckling until he fell on his side, rolling in laughter. “This has to be a dream! A nightmare! My posterior hath become like unto mine sister’s!” Luna cried in distress, and she broke into Old Ponish as her emotions flared up wildly. Luna was thinking about all the fine dresses and wonderful pieces of evening wear she possessed that would no longer fit. She let out a further cry of dismay and threw herself into her forehooves, hiding her face.

“Well, I mean, Princess, if I may say; it is quite fetching.” Night Spear announced, and then immediately covered his mouth. He realized what he had just said and looked like he’d give up a leg to take it back. Stalwart Shield stopped laughing and stared at him. He leaned over with a laser sharp glare and growled.

“We are not allowed to hit on the Princesses!” Stalwart Shield at least remembered to keep one piece the military rules in the palace. He growled at his partner. “And we never openly flirt with them unless they approach us!”

Luna heard the word “flirt” and nearly fainted. The guards were flirting with her, metaphorically embracing her newly enhanced and enlarged flanks: flanks that might even rival her sister's! She would not stand for it! “YOU! Night Spear, go fetch us a robe, one of my sister's, since my old ones likely won't fit anymore. And you!” She snapped at Stalwart Shield with a look that could kill, “Do not mention this to a single guard, pony, or princess, and especially not my sister!” Luna leaned in close and Stalwart Shield back away till he was pressed against the wall. Between a solid piece of marble and the wrath of the moon itself. “We know how big of a mouth you have. If any pony asks, say that my robes were not washed last night.”

Night Spear bolted down the hall towards the other royal bedchamber. He took flight just as he turned the corner to speed his way along. He would do anything if it meant he would not have to endure Luna's ire. Celestia might be more powerful and older, but Luna was the one princess no pony would ever want to anger. If any pony could channel pure, unadulterated wrath, it would be her.

In less than two minutes he returned with a very fluffy, white bathrobe that bore Celestia's cutie mark on it. He offered it to her from his back, and Luna used her magic to float the garment onto her body. It was a little big around the neck and barrel, but at the flanks, it fit snugly. The robe fit like it belong there, even if it was on the opposite sister. Luna had a brief moment where she considered not even leaving her room but realized her royal duties would not allow it unless she had fallen ill.

She hung her head and started towards the dining hall of the Sun and Moon, where she and her sister could eat in private. Luna stared at the door and said a quick prayer to the sun and moon themselves, for luck. She hoped that her sister wouldn't notice or ask too many questions. The last thing she needed was to be teased, like when they had gained opposite cutie marks.

She opened the door slowly with her magic and saw her sister sitting there. Celestia was bright eyed, sipping her tea and looked very chipper. Princess Luna winced and hung her head, as though the adrenaline from earlier hadn't hit her.

“Good Morning, Luna! How did you sleep?” Celestia said as she pulled the cup away from her lips with her golden aura. She hadn't opened her eyes yet, as she likely assumed that Luna looked like a bus had hit her, or she had just gone a few dozen rounds with Rockhoof, without gloves.

“Morning. Coffee,” Luna replied, trying to act as she normally did. She wanted to come in, grab the coffee, then flee, but she knew that if that happened it would raise suspicion. Celestia opened her eyes and cocked her head at the curious sight of her sibling in her bathrobe. She set her tea down and giggled.

“Did you lose your robe, or did the castle servants get them mixed up?” Celestia teased as she levitated the coffee pitcher with a crescent moon over to Luna. The coffee inside was specifically blended for Luna's tastes. She poured her a cup before setting the cream and sugar on the other end of the table.

“I couldn't find mine this morning, so I thought you wouldn't mind.” Luna replied with the hope her little white lie wouldn't be caught. She took a seat and realized she wasn't sitting slightly lower than Celestia like normal, she was sitting at eye level to her. Her mind raced at how much her posterior might have grown in one night. She knew the pony doctors could barely figure out anything about Alicorns to begin with. They had tried to document and keep records of every little ailment, sickness, injury, body change, everything, yet this took the cake, truly. Had her sister just woke up one day with a posterior that was three times larger and another few inches onto her body length?

Her chair let out a long creak. The added weight of Luna's new form made it protest at not being given the same weight it had supported for decades. Luna winced and her concentration faltered as she dropped the creamer on the table, spilling sweet cream everywhere. A deep, violet blush filled her cheeks: Celestia only smiled at her and wrapped the liquid in magic.

“Luna, if you are that tired this morning, perhaps you should take an extra hour or two; I'm sure whatever your plans are, they can be delayed a bit?” Celestia offered as she put the creamer onto the serving cart and the cream into a bucket. The royal hall echoed with the sound of their voices. Luna leaned forward nervously and her chair let out another creak of protest.

“No, Tia. It's fine, I just am having a little trouble getting started this morning.” She took the coffee into her aura and it clattered on its saucer, betraying Luna's nerves. Celestia looked at her, wide eyed and perplexed. Celestia narrowed her vision at her sister, full of concern and worry. Luna tried to hide her face in her pancakes. She was taking her time to eat slowly and finish her meal after Celestia, so she could leave after her sister. “Luna dear do you need to see one of our physicians?”

“Not at all! Everything is fine Tia.” Luna said through a mouth full of pancakes. Celestia stared at Luna, her expression changed to one of careful study and doubt. Luna was certainly not very good at hiding her feelings, especially when she was nervous. She felt the extra suspicious stare passing over the borrowed bathrobe. Celestia sipped her tea cautiously and picked up the empty creamer cup to refill it. Luna immediately shot upright wide awake with a nervous smile. She pushed herself back away into her chair to hide her flanks. The chair creaked and groaned in response.

“Tia! Why did you get up? Do you need something?” Luna asked with a start. Celestia stared at her, dumbfounded. She might act regal or even oblivious at times around other ponies, but anytime her sister acted strangely, Celestia noticed.

“Well, you did spill the cream, and I'd like a second cup of tea. Are you sure everything is alright, dear sister?” Celestia questioned as Luna physically turned her body to keep her front towards her while she walked. The way she moved, only made Celestia act more curious. “Sister, what are you hiding? Is there a surprise under that robe? It fits you way too well.” Luna’s eyes bulged out as she realized her sister was starting to catch on. Celestia set the tea cup down and tried to walk behind her sister.

“Sister, what are you hiding back there? And why is your chair creaking?” Celestia demanded, leaning right up to Luna and putting herself nose to nose with her.

Luna felt nervous sweat starting to peek out on her forehead and neck. “Whatever do you mean, Tia? I'm just making sure that the two of us can look at each other's lovely faces this morning? Is there some new treatment you have gotten at the spa? You look radiant this morning.” Luna's bluff, while well worded, was extremely poorly delivered. Luna knew her poker face wasn’t going to hold up.

Celestia snorted at her and pressed further, pushing Luna back into the seat and making it let out a loud creak, with a heavy, cracking sound of wood starting to give. “Sister, out with it!” Celestia inquired, her curiosity peaked. Luna bit her lip, shaking her head rapidly from side to side.

“Nothing at all, Tia! I swear, it is perfectly fine! Go on and get some more cream, I could use a second cup of coffee myself.” Luna gulped as she finished the words. Celestia growled and jumped into the air, flying to get behind Luna. The robe billowed from the wave of air sent into Luna, who fell back head over hoof to try to block her sister.

The chair had enough and gave out with a loud crash as the shifting weight broke its two back legs and sent Luna sprawling out onto her back. While she was in the air from the fall, the wind from Celestia’s wings sent the robe flying off Luna, revealing her much larger flanks and heavier thigh muscles. Celestia landed and stared at her sister quizzically. Luna looked at her, hurt and nervous; she started to flush as her own sibling looked over her flanks.

Slowly, Celestia's mouth corners started to peak up. Luna wished she was dead now. The tender, girlish giggle from her sister told her she was found out. Then finally, Celestia burst into a high-pitched cackle that echoed off the dining hall. Luna buried her face under her hooves, and felt so embarrassed that she might actually get her wish. It took a while for Celestia's laughter to die down, and she shook her head, clicking several teasing tisks from her tongue, much to Luna’s dismay.

“Dear sister, whatever am I going to do with you?” Celestia asked, while Luna raised her head angrily above her hooves to look at Celestia.

“We knew you would tease us! We knew you would make fun of Us unmercifully!” Luna shot back in her Royal Canterlot voice. She snorted indignantly at Celestia. Celestia’s response was to just snicker at her sister for resorting to the royal voice and trying to command her down.

“Luna, come now; it is not the end of Equestria as we know it. You've discovered what I did about 990 years ago.” Celestia shot back and softly patted her sister's cheek with a hoof.

Luna pulled her head away, angier at herself and the chair for the ruckus they had caused than anything else. The doors burst open and six guards came dashing in, spears held in mouths, wings, or magic. They snapped to attention as Flash Sentry ran through them.

“Princesses! We heard the commotion…” Flash Sentry had charged in, stopped cold when he saw Luna from behind and stared slack jawed. “Wowza!” Luna growled at him while Celestia just gave more open laughter, no longer giggles but outright laughing like a school bully.

The rest of the squad suppressed their own laughter or rampant blushing as they stole glances at the Princess of the Night. Celestia could no longer hold herself back and had to let it out, "Well, as you can see, the full moon has risen this day! Indeed, there are many exciting new features. Such mountains! Such... valleys!" She called out at the top of her lungs and then rolled on the floor laughing. The servant ponies were unsure if they should laugh and remained stalwart. The guard remained absolutely turned to stone, more in reverence and fear than anything else. All except Flash Sentry. Flash stared at the whole situation, then he watched Luna, and she saw him taking in the whole situation. He started to giggle when Celestia started rolling on the floor, which he tried to suppress. But, as Celestia continued, he was the only guard who joined her, rolling on the floor. Both of them cackled and there was little sign of stopping. Luna slammed her head back below her hooves and felt herself burning with a blush from nose to the base of her mane.

The laughter bit and tore at her, and she bolted up and ran towards her bed chamber in a full gallop. Luna didn't know what else to do other than hide herself away. The guards, her servants, her sister; all of them were laughing at her.


Luna was buried in her bed, crying and wishing that her sister hadn't been so mean to her. She suppressed her wails of dismay into her pillow. Several soft knocks echoed at her door. Luna glared at the door and threw a pillow at it with her magic, “GO AWAY!” She commanded, but the Royal Canterlot Voice cracked in her distress.

"Sister, open up, please. I sent the guards away and put all my tasks off to tomorrow. Can we talk?” Celestia called out from beyond the door. Luna’s weeping echoed and she bit her lip. Luna stood up from her bed and stomped her hoof hard before she spoke.

“Why! So you can make fun of us more!” Luna shot back with an angry huff. The doors slowly opened and Celestia stepped into the room, holding her head low and keeping her eyes fixed towards her sister.

“No, dear sister of mine, I've come to apologize and make amends.” Celestia slowly tried to push the door open.

“Give me a good reason why I should listen right now!” Luna demanded, she threw another pillow when Celestia tried to open the door.

Celestia let out a heavy sigh and let the door open enough she could speak softer. “Sister, I know what I did was wrong. I know what Flash Sentry did was wrong.” Luna heard the genuine hurt and sorrow in her sister’s voice. She leaned up to listen and slowly approached the door. “I told all the guards and servants to not speak a word of this or face triple duty and kitchen detail for the next month.” Celestia snorted like she was more upset than sorrowful. “And Flash Sentry must write you an apology letter before sundown, and I might consider not demoting him to recruit.” She added this sternly and matter of factly. Then peaked her head, a little deflated as she looked at Luna. “It is up to you, to decide his fate.”

This last part shocked Luna, she realized just how much Celestia meant it. “Tia, come in.” Celestia started inside and as she got past the door, Luna spoke again. Her tone was low and meek, she felt tiny in spite of her new body. “And lock the door behind you.” Celestia didn’t argue or hesitate, she turned around and locked the door. The older alicorn looked at her sister and waited. Luna stared at her with judgemental eyes.

“Explain to us, I mean, me, why you made fun of me for growing?” Luna demanded as she pointed a hoof at Celestia rather angrily.

“Luna, it was a mistake. I was caught in the moment.” Celestia paused and hesitated, she looks at Luna begging her to not make her finish the sentence. Luna looked unamused and motioned for her sister to continue. She was starting to calm down and hear Celestia out, but she wasn’t going to give her anything. Not until Celestia truly expressed how she felt. “I lost control, in the worst way and you paid for the price. I was an awful, terrible pony and a worse sister.” Celestia replied and placed her hooves up onto the bed next to her. Luna backed down, her heart softened. Even she had taken things too far from time to time and knew it. While Celestia spoke and Luna laid on the bed. Her tears soaked the pillow that she turned over to avoid pressing into them again. Slowly, Celestia eased into bed and pressed their bodies together. She extended her wing over Luna's back like a living blanket and held her close.

“When I grew up, you weren't here, and it was so awkward. I don't even have words to describe it.” Celestia explained as Luna's tears dried. “I mean, I still hear guards giving the occasional 'Praise The Sun' jokes when they think I'm out of ear shot.” Celestia smiled and Luna gave a snicker.

“Truly? What all have you endured?” Luna asked as Celestia wiped her tears away.

“Very much so! I mean, can you imagine what—well, I guess you know a little of what it must have been like when I was alone and this started.” Celestia pulled tissues over to Luna and offered them. Luna wrapped one in magic and blew out her nose as the two stayed on the bed, close together. Luna pressed back into the reassuring warmth of Celestia and looked down at their flanks.

No longer was she smaller and concealed by Celestia's size, but they were almost the same size. Luna was still a little thinner around her shoulders and neck, but they certainly could share dresses if they wished. “Well, no, I can't imagine what it must have been like for you to be alone.”

"And you won't have to,” Celestia reaffirmed, which brought Luna's attention back to her. The two of them shared a loving stare and Celestia smiled before kissing Luna at the base of her horn. “I'll be here to guide you, and when the guards say 'The Full Moon Rises' you can blame me for that joke.” Luna grimace in disgust, which caused Celestia to giggle. “Which also means you know that they are staring at you, and know that they wish that you would flirt with them, or take them to your bed chamber.”

Luna looked shocked at such a thing, and she shook her head in disbelief. “Are you suggesting? I should, take a pony to bed?” Luna almost couldn’t get the words from her mouth as she tried to process that her sister had been, having affairs, with the guards!

Celestia laughed and tapped a hoof against the bed. “Luna, it's not that big a deal. I mean, do you not think I haven't taken a guard or two to mine? Or perhaps you would like the list of mares and stallions whom joined me for a night when I felt lonely?” Celestia tapped her horn to Luna's to emphasize the point.

“Sister! That is improper, and...” Celestia pressed a hoof up to Luna's mouth to stop her from her incoming tirade.

“You're right, but we are both mares who have our needs. I'm sure you've been tempted to on many occasions, and if you like, I can help you pick the right suitors until you have found a magical special somepony.” Celestia offered, removing her hoof and pulling her head back to get a view of her sister's new figure.

Luna looked at Celestia, then at what she was looking at, “I suppose this means I will need all new dresses, as well as new furniture made to support me?” Luna complained and felt like this might cost a small fortune.

“Yes, you will. But you can borrow a few things of mine,” Celestia said with a wink. “We can share while they are made, and even modify them to look like they belong on The Princess of the Night.” Luna envisioned the possibilities. The Grand Galloping Gala was a month away, and such a dress from a few centuries ago that Celestia had worn would probably look delightfully new on her figure. She felt lucky now. Her sister had made a mistake yes, but done so much to make up for it and genuinely admitted it. There were few ponies if any who would do that. Luna softly smiled as tears welled in her eyes. She wasn't about to cry right now, through; only nuzzling into her sister tightly.

They stayed there, ignoring any duties today; something truly special had decided to make itself an event. A one-time ever event; the two sisters cuddled until they fell asleep.


Luna awoke around noon when Celestia was trying to sneak a lunch cart into the room with her sister. She actually felt rested for once, and her body missed the feeling of warmth from her sister. “Sister?”

Celestia smiled and took a seat next to the bed, pulling the cart between them with her magic. “I bought us lunch, and I want to share some awkward stories from my time while you were away.” She removed the covering to the dish to reveal sandwiches with little toothpicks in them and olives on the end. Next to them were pre-poured cups of tea. “Tomato sandwich?”

Luna sat up, rather confused, and looked at her smiling sister. “Stories about you from while I was away?” Luna took a sandwich and hesitantly bit it, she was surprised by the spicy mustard. It was a pleasant surprise that her sister remembered that she liked spicy mustard.

Celestia nodded and took a long sip, “You see, my body changed while you were away, and I had to endure it alone. I thought I should commiserate with you about our shared, awkward experience.” Celestia took a big bite of her sandwich and nodded.

Luna swallowed and leaned in, sipping on the tea, then speaking, “You had to endure this alone? What happened?”

“Well, let’s see.” Celestia was taking her time to think it over. “Back then, the guard wasn’t nearly as disciplined, and Starswirl was the first to notice. As usual, he noticed everything first.” She paused and looked at Luna with a grimace. “He is the one who made a harsh joke, ‘Praise the Sun.’”

Luna spat out her tea onto the floor, “HE MADE THAT JOKE!?” She demanded, looking at her sister and feeling like she owed that old wizard a punch.

“Well, yes. He caloussly made that joke within earshot of the guards.” Celestia explained and looks rather hurt. “That pony may have been smart, but he lacked tact and always made sure every pony knew that he was smarter than them. This was his way of trying to humble me.”

Luna looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “So, the guards know where it comes from and still do it?”

Celestia shook her head, “Oh, heavens no, they just think it’s a cute way of flirting and mocking at the same time. They have no idea it was him. He did it first, and from there the guards in the room spread the joke. I haven’t been able to get away from it for a thousand years.” Celestia took a sip of tea and waited for her sister. Luna was letting it sink in before she spoke and raised her head looking rather upset.

“So, why do you let them get away with it?” She asked leaning over curiously to try to understand exactly what her sister was getting at.

“Because, Luna, I can tell you one thing about the changes being an alicorn has made to you,” Celestia stopped and reached up placing her hoof against her sisters and holding it to her chest. “Changes made to us. Your body will change and there is no spell, no magic that can stop it. We have to own it.”

Luna was incredibly perplexed by this and looked at Celestia with an expression of utter confusion. She started to speak and Celestia raised a hoof to stop her. “Listen, we have to own it by turning it into a source of power. Yes, I take the occasional guard to my bedchamber. Yes, I flirt back and figure out how to turn ‘Praise The Sun’ into a compliment, instead of an insult.” She pressed a hoof to Luna’s chest to emphasize the point. “You have to take it to heart that now that I’ve done something awful and thoughtless. I regret that, but it’s gotten out, and there is nothing we can do about it. You must own it and turn it into a source of strength.”

Luna looked at her sister and smirked, “Like I did with the Element Bearers and the Tantabus? As I did with all the pain of my past?” Celestia nodded to her and embraced her sibling. They sat there for a long moment, silent and holding each other. Neither princess moved. They just stayed and remained silent for as long as they could stand it. Luna pushed away from her sister.

“Use it responsibly. Know that they stare at you because you are something beautiful, but also something they cannot have. And when they make an off-color comment; know that you have more power over them than they ever want to admit.” Celestia leaned in close and whispered. “You distracted them from everything and made them say ‘The Full Moon Rises’. No other pony can do that, and it means they are more frustrated that they cannot possibly touch you.”

Luna started to understand, she knew her sister was right. It was her new body, there was no changing that. Moreover, she realized Celestia had just explained to her, any teasing was jealousy or pride; attributes that were flaws. “So, I should take advantage and tease them back, or use it as a way to relieve the monotony of their days?”

Celestia smiled and gave an affirmative hum. “Also, when you find the right suitor for you, wear the best dress you can. Not to mention, this is an excuse for you to get a whole new wardrobe!”

Luna blinked and thought about that last part, “Well, I think I’d rather somepony made many of my old dresses fit again, or redesign them for my new form?”

Celestia smirked, “I’d recommend you talk to Rarity about that. She will give you ways to move in the dresses as well, to show off and make yourself even more glamorous than you could imagine.” Luna giggled, and her mind began to wonder just what life would be like now that her body had grown to match her sisters. “Oh! One other thing, I asked Pinkie Pie to prepare a party for you.” Luna turned and all the color drained from her face. She stared like she had seen a ghost.

“Now, you don’t have to go; you can lean on me when you need help, and you can leave whenever you wish. But I think you growing into being a full alicorn like me should be something to celebrate, don’t you?” Celestia asked and leaned up to see her sister’s response.

“I don’t know. It could be, but what if—” Luna tried to finish the thought and looked indignant when Celestia raised a hoof up to stop her.

“No, there is no what if, and I think it would be good for you to try to start owning your body as soon as possible. It will make it easier than when I went nearly three weeks hiding in my room or behind tables and cloaks.” Celestia replied with a smirk.

“You went three weeks hiding?” Luna remarked, she stared aghast at her socialite sister, imagining her hiding like an introvert.

“Yes, three whole weeks. Then there was a parade that I had to attend and nowhere to hide on the float; so I had to just accept it.” Celestia explained as they finished their lunch. The twin sisters continued to talk about Celestia’s awkward experiences growing up. Celestia took the time to prepare her sister for any other major changes that might come with her body or magic. She knew everything she had endured for the last 1000 years would start happening with Luna. Now was as good a time as any to be the big sister; and Celestia wasn’t about to pass up a chance to be even closer to Luna.


It was late afternoon, when a castle maidservant, Blueberry Blossom, had come to alert to Luna that the arrangements that had been made for dinner in the courtyard were ready. Celestia had met Luna outside her chambers, and they had made their way down to through the castle side by side, almost with identical figures in shape. The hall reflected the twin sisters opposite natures and colorations, as light reflected from deep royal purple and black trotting hoof in hoof with white and pink.

“Sister, are you sure this is wise?” Luna asked turning her head as they approached the door that lead to the courtyard.

“I wouldn't have my sister's special day be anything less. Pinkie Pie and I agree. This is a special day that we cannot possibly skip.” Celestia wrapped Luna around her barrel with her wing in a soft hug. “Just trust me.” Celestia's horn lit and the doors opened. Immediately, a party cannon went off and Pinkie Pie appeared from nowhere, jumping into the air as high as she could and barely getting halfway up the massive doors.

“PRINCESS LUNA! Happy Grown Up Princess Day!” The pink pony squealed at the top of her lungs and landed on the marble floor, sliding across it right up to Luna and Celestia. Celestia laughed, Luna staggered back in shock and surprise.

Nearly everypony in Canterlot was there. Cadence and Shining Armor, along with Twilight and the Elements Bearers were all present. Cider was being served, and a giant cake topped with blueberries and raspberries stood in the center of the courtyard. The cake was decorated in Luna's coloration with a giant icing drawing of the moon. Each layer of it was the size of a carriage. Ponies shouted and yelled cheers at Luna from far and wide.

“Pinkie, you did an excellent job!” Celestia asked through her chuckling laughter. Luna tried to shy away, but her sister's wing was wrapped around her derriere and would not let her go. She leaned in close to Luna and whispered, “Oh no you don't, not until you have some fun!”

Luna was dragged out, and Pinkie Pie walked next to Celestia as she talked, “Well it's only once in a blue blood moon that you get an alicorn, much less a second one that grows into full marehood! So I grabbed every pony I could and told them that I was throwing the BIGGEST PARTY EVER!” Pinkie bounced as they walked and giggled, “I said there would be no if's or and's, and lots of but’s. There would be no way this wouldn't be the best day for Luna's butt!”

Luna blushed until it looked like she might die of embarrassment as Pinkie Pie bounced past her. She bounced back right in front of the two sisters and forced them to halt instantly. She had a blindfold colored with the pattern of Luna's cutie mark and a large baseball bat in her mouth. Her tail wagged side to side as a pinata fell out of the center tree in the garden. The pinata looked like Celestia and Luna's rears pressed together, showing off their cutie marks.

Celestia took them into her magical aura and started to blindfold Luna. “You get the first hit! It is your special day, dedicated to your butt!” Luna couldn't help but laugh at the raw enthusiasm that was delivered by Pinkie Pie.

Soon enough, Luna was swinging at the pinata, as everypony cheered. There was a loud smash as she hit the pinata and broke it apart. Luna grinned and lifted the blindfold, watching as candy shaped like tiny mare rears made of hard jellied sugar rained down. Every single candy had a different cutie mark made of taffy attached to it, giving them all bright colors and interesting flavors.

“Has the fun been doubled, sister?” Celestia asked with a smile.

“Yes, it has.” Luna turned to Cadence and Twilight who were standing nearby sipping cider. “I wonder when it shall be tripled.” The two younger alicorns both spat their cider out onto each other with expressions of pure embarrassment painted over their faces.

Comments ( 120 )

:) you should think about making one for twilight and it's a awesome story BTW. First comment Yay!!!!!!

This was cute for a short little thing.

Luna looks like she has a tumor.

Short, cute, and relatively harmless. Well done.

Oh god this story was so funny and hilarious that there is something that I must do

Praise the Moon and Sun butt! Though Luna is best Princess :trollestia:

i thoroughly enjoyed it, and to see luna struggle with the fact that she is growing up adorable.

Cute slice of life story. You do a great job getting in to the heads of the sisters. I will say It dances right on the edge of a E rating. It some what suggest of. But then again the show MLP dose the same thing some times.

I have to say, this made me smile despite the stressful morning of work that led up to me sitting here and reading this. Well done!

I'm glad it made you smile.

Exactly! That is exactly what we did and hoped to maintain.

Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed and yeah I thought that maybe someone should pull this off.

Praise the Sun in the Morning and smile when the Full Moon Rises.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Yep you got first, surprisingly as it hit 11 upvotes before someone commented.

Yeah, I can see that:

Dear Princess Celestia,
Overnight, I seem to have... I mean there's... My behind... Oh, nevermind Spike! Just tell her I need to talk to her and send it!
Princess Twilight Sparkle
P.S. (from Spike) By the way, do you know why Twilight's butt is so big now?

Exactly! That is wow I should totally do this.

I admit it was more fun and far better handled than I thought it would be. Celestia was so OOC during the breakfast but you clearly knew what you were doing with her as shown in the next scene. There might be a legit case of this being rated T with all the references to princessly needs and stallions in beds. Also I would have laughed out loud if there was a short ending where Flash Sentry came to deliver his letter in person and Luna just asked her to come inside her room... :raritywink:

EDIT: Posterior scriptum: For some werid reason I think Blueberry Blossom is a fantastic name for a pony. Alliterations ho-oooh!

I had to make Celestia step just slightly out of bounds with her trollish nature in hopes of getting the proper effect. I'm glad you kept on and enjoyed.

And I have learned a very hard lesson about writing ponies; if you name it, you have to give it a backstory, personality, and also make them into something.

Having been to Fort Benning for training way back when, trust me, Soldiers can be quite a crude lot.

“I'll be here to guide you, and when the guards say 'The Full Moon Rises' you can blame me for that joke.” Luna grimace in disgust, which caused Celestia to giggle. “Which also means you know that they are staring at you, and know that they wish that you would flirt with them, or take them to your bed chamber.”

“Listen, we have to own it by turning it into a source of power. Yes, I take the occasionally guard to my bedchamber. Yes, I flirt back and figure out how to turn ‘Praise The Sun’ into a compliment, instead of an insult.”

I'm pretty sure any guard worth their salt would know that laughing at Luna's butt to her face and making fun of it when she isn't looking would be a fast track to getting fired instead of flirted with.

9019080 Names are really dangerous that way. Ever since Man was a young species and learned to communicate, we've ever since tried to control what we know by giving it a name. Hence why even in the Bible Moses shouts out to the burning bush "What is your name?" so he could control the supernatural around him. Ever since then it's been the same with humans: Every single thing, idea, object and person needs a name, or it loses its (hur de hur) identity. In this case, though, I don't really think you need to do too much more about BB. Her name gives a nice idea of her looks and personality. I guess sometimes it's okay for background ponies to stay background ponies.

You would be surprised and shocked the number of jokes that soldiers across the ages share with each other.
As referenced to Elizabeth I in the Middle Ages from her personal guard journals they referred to her as: "Elizabeth the Squealer" in private.

yes but perhaps you have given me inspiration to write something like: "A day in the life of a Palace Servant."

Yes, but I was referring more to the seeming willingness of everyone to openly mock Luna while she's in clearly compromising positions and right there in front of them.

ya I think that is fair but this is a moment between siblings you quoted; the only open mocking point was when Celestia went a bit above and beyond.
And more Celestia thinking of the Worst Case Scenario for Luna.

“Why! So you can make fun of us more!” Luna shot back with an angry huff. The doors slowly opened and Celestia stepped into the room, holding her head low and keeping her eyes fixed towards her sister.

“No, dear sister of mine, I've come to apologize and make amends.” Celestia slowly tried to push the door open.

“Give me a good reason why I should listen right now!” Luna demanded, she threw another pillow when Celestia tried to open the door.

This part is a little messed up, Celestia enters the room and then tries to open the door just after. Also to me there's too much difference between the teasing Celestia who puts Luna that public mocking and the remorseful Celestia who admits she had an absolutely terrible time going through the same thing. If there was more a buildup to the teasing then I would understand it but Celestia just jumps straight to the worst part in a snap. If it was an accident, like Celestia making that joke just when the guards burst in so they hear, I could understand it but as it stands there's just too much disconnect for me. Fun read all the same.

9019145 I'd read it.

A delightful read, MLP could use more slice of life stuff like this.

Amusing read, thanks Fi.

Slight typo though

It was late afternoon, when a castle maidservant, Blueberry Blossom, had come to alert to Luna that the

you used a second To in a confusing place

I've got more Slice of Life stuff and another major Pony Crossover working on now. As well as your Dead Tree fun.

Glad to know I should do this!

Sorry you feel that way. I'll keep in mind how to present punchlines like this in the future.

There is nothing pornographic or suggestive about it.
Not to mention, it is done in the same style as Celestia is done for the show itself just with the artist adding their own flare and detail.
I actually had artist draw Luna with Celestia's body first then do the drawing afterward.

If that is truly your issue; then wow. I'm very surprised you manage to watch the show.

There is less detail here than the butt of a Barbie doll

I kind of have to agree with Headie here.

That or you are very sheltered.

Good day and good luck; but I doubt you will enjoy very much here with that attitude and I'm obviously not the author for you. Not to mention, I don't know anyone that writes well, that would be an author for you in my circle of friends.

If you think this is bad; well, you haven't even cut the top of the surface of what I put up with at Cons as a Community Guest.

My Little Pony is classified Anime in Japan by Japan. The Japaponycon is one of the largest in the world and it's classified as an Anime Convention.
Meaning, My Little Pony, is Anime or at the very least; Amerime.

As a father I have no problems with my little girl seeing that cover

*Points at* And this is one of my subscribers I ran this by before we used it as a cover. An actual Parent whom I've met and his little girls are Angels.

How does it feel to be so sheltered and weak that a PICTURE offends you

Much harsher than I would have put it. But Appropriate.

Glad you enjoyed it :)

I got a good laugh from this. Very well written, and enjoyable all around.

Luna spreading her cheeks to the audience, plus a mention of marehood in the title, is at least suggestive of the undrawn focus of the picture. I won't claim it's pornographic, but to say it's not at least suggestive is too far.

Glad you enjoyed it.

I literally watched the episodes of Cadence and Shining Armor talking about having a baby as well as how they interact as a couple.
I made sure not to push the envelope further than that while at the same time; playing a joke at those whom come here for clop.

I appreciate your feedback, just the way the first person came off as was I was suppose to be ashamed and I'm bad for making them think of it. When I ran this by several parents raising small children in my own discord first. They were all fine with it, Headdie is an example.

This was a heart warming one off.:pinkiesmile:

I'm glad, I have another one that is multi-chapter using Luna and some OCs. I am very happy you enjoy it though.

“Yes, it has.” Luna turned to Cadence and Twilight who were standing nearby sipping cider. “I wonder when it shall be tripled.” The two younger alicorns both spat their cider out onto each other with expressions of pure embarrassment painted over their faces.

Man you don't want to be Teasing Cadence like that... She'll turn it around on you she's a smartcookie that one is.

Someone has already suggested a Twilight version am I planning for 2 sequels now?

No no i am more talking about how Cadence is smart and will likely tease Luna back for teasing her. With it being Cadence you can bet it's gonna be a clever retort

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