• Member Since 18th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen 19 hours ago



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Queen Chrysalis had been caught and is on her way to Canterlot when she receives aid from an unexpected source. Who is this benefactor, and what plan do they have for the former Queen of the Changelings?

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 19 )

excellent start to the story, can't wait to see where you take this

Being hard up for a date is one thing, Twilight, but this? Geez! :rainbowlaugh:

😑 And here I thought you were above “Hoo” jokes. But seriously, great chapter.

...First to comment on a chapter? That's a first for me, I think.
This is a very well-written story, and you're proving to be fairly skilled at providing necessary background information so far. While I know of the comics and have read a few, I feel safe in saying someone who hasn't read them would have no trouble understanding the basis of what's happened in the past of this plot. Good work so far, and please keep going with this fic. I think it's wonderful, and a good execution of Twilight's offer.

"So a broken bone here and there, not really that big a deal. They're guards, they'll walk it off and be fine in a few days," Twilight responded.

I´m speechless.
Twilight has a lot to answer for and many apologies to make.

Twilight nodded, "Chrysalis, I would like you to become my pupil."

Geez, Twilight, went a bit far just to ask her this, didn't you. Well, color me intrigued nonetheless.

This is an interesting development, my theory was that twilight, the princesses and the all the main six in general, planned this, as a way to reform her, make her believe twilight is acting behind Celestia's back, so Chrysalis will ally herself with her, offer to hide her in ponyville, create an identity, and help her create a new hive, so not to overthrow but to help her live again, and of course an adventure with tiwlight fighting against celestia and Luna, that was acted out, and ended up with a compromise, so Chrysallis will have her own nation allied with Equestria, of course, Chrisallys would have learnd about friendship with all the stuff she would have endured along XD, but now, it appears that twilight will only offer her a hiding pace in poniville and an identity, nothing more XD, she will bereform, and then find out later XD.

Hmm, interesting beginning. *sprays Thorax in the face with bug spray repeatedly*

'prison bus' - prison train

'Equestria was known forward' - for

I think simply 'With love, from Princess' and so on would sound better.

It's good that it wasn't a modern, fast train.

'due to the risk of the train rapidly carrying her away and dragging them under the train fast moving train' - due to see risk of being dragged under the train rapidly carrying her away

'told her this ponies wouldn't' - these

Hmm, that's an interesting proposal.

Jeez, chill out, Chryssie. It's still better than remaining imprisoned.

'Tirik' - Tirek

'if you find be trapped in a dark' - being

Hello, Chrysalis, I mean Chrysalis, I mean Regalia.

Could have named her Crystal Codex, a crystal unicorn bookworm/archeologist/researcher/bibliophile (sent) to study under twilight the magic of friendship and the tree and elements of harmony?

Snrk, now that's a name.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Chryssie should've bargained for the right to make Thorax's life miserable whenever he arrives at the castle. :B

'around in others affairs' - around in others' affairs

just began reading the first chapter and already feel like this is a sequel to a story I havent read yet. is this correct?

No, this story isn't a sequel to anything

im guessing then my lack of knowledge of the comics is where my confusion lies then lol. :twilightsmile:

It's obvious Regalia is Chrysalis, but dang if that's not an awesome name! Regalia Alias... I'd have never come up with that! Definite Favorite! Oh, wait I already favorited it. :twilightsmile: Also love Twilight's use of Magic Drain-like abilities–totally awesome! As for her personality... Yeah, that's actually pretty good, too. It makes sense, really; she's like a more approachable, Equestrian version of Sherlock Holmes from BBC's Sherlock (played by Benedict Cumberbatch, and highly recommended for anyone who likes Benedict's work). She isn't afraid to show how much she values her friends and loved ones, but they're still pieces on the game board of life to her, something she can study and use as she grows to treasure them.

Hope you update on this on regular basis, I liked where it was going

Such a interesting plot o.o sucks that it's dead tho

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