• Published 17th Jul 2018
  • 649 Views, 1 Comments

Worlds Apart - NannyLamb

Sunset Shimmer and Juniper Montage decide to visit Equestria... but they come back through the portal to an entirely different world.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Curiosity

Sunset Shimmer sped towards the school on her motorbike, her flame-like hair flying in and out of her face. She had arranged to hang out in the schoolyard with her recent friend, Juniper Montage. She was hoping that Princess Twilight might let Starlight Glimmer join them, too, although she wasn't sure whether or not it was too much to ask somebody--or somepony--to literally cross dimensions at a moment's notice just to have a chat.

She skidded to a stop next to where Juniper was waiting, noticeably startling the girl.

"Oh, Sunset, you scared me!"

"Sorry," said Sunset as she stepped off of her motorbike and leaned it against the building.

"So," said Juniper, "Now what?"

Sunset reached down and pulled her magical journal out of her backpack.

"I was thinking about asking Starlight Glimmer if she could join us," she explained.

"Ooh!" Juniper clapped her hands together in excitement. "It's been too long!"

Sunset looked up, an eyebrow raised.

"It's only been a few weeks, Juniper."

"I know, but she was, like, my first friend! I'm really looking forward to seeing her again!"

Sunset giggled and began writing in her journal.

Dear Princess Twilight,

I know it hasn't been very long, but Juniper and I would really love it if Starlight could come over to the human world again! We had a lot of fun last time and Juniper misses her already. Starlight was her first friend, after all! If what you say about her is true, then she really has come a long way. I hope it's not too much to ask! I know you're both busy running your new Friendship School, after all. Thanks!

Your friend,
Sunset Shimmer.

She finished writing and snapped the book shut.

"So that's like, a magical book, right?" asked Juniper, "And you use it to contact whoever Starlight lives with?"

"Something like that."

"Cool. How does it work?"

Sunset smiled.

"Like you said, It's magic."


Juniper began leaning by the portal with a misty look in her eyes.

"Don't lean against-"

Sunset quickly caught her before she could fall into Equestria. Juniper's head just barely dipped inside.

"What the-" The green-haired girl stumbled away from it.

"Juniper, you've seen magic before," said Sunset.

"Yes but... what was that?" Juniper pointed to the portal.

Sunset furrowed her brow.

"I didn't tell you about the portal?"


"You know, to Equestria?"

"To where?"

"The magical world of talking pastel ponies."

Juniper blinked. Sunset facepalmed.

"Where I'm from?" Sunset said.

"Wait. So you mean to say that you're from another world!?!"

"Yeah, I thought you knew already."

She looked up to see Juniper staring at her.

"Juniper," Sunset giggled, "You have literally trapped people in limbo and turned yourself into an evil supermodel. You really think this is that weird?"

"Yes!" said Juniper, "it is weird!"

She paused.

"Wait. Starlight's from there, too, isn't she?"

Sunset nodded.

"Ooh, so that's why you need that book to contact her!" Juniper said, jumping and causing her green pigtails to bounce up and down. "That makes sense... if magic can even make sense at all."

Sunset smiled.

Suddenly, her book started glowing and vibrating in her arms. She looked down at it, perplexed. For some reason, it was glowing blue this time instead of Twilight's usual pink aura.

"What the..."


"Why's it..."

Sunset opened the book to find that what was written was in different horn-writing than Twilight's. It was more elaborate and loopy, so fancy that it was difficult to make out the letters.

"What the..."


Sunset looked up at her friend.

"What's happening?" Juniper asked.

"This is... different."


Sunset squinted at the elegant writing and read aloud.

"Dear Sunset Shimmer,

It is a pleasure to contact you once again. My apologies for 'snooping' in Twilight's book; I just couldn't help myself! I can, admittedly, get a little bit excited from time to time.

Unfortunately, Starlight Glimmer is unavailable. I would ask Twilight about it, but she is with Starlight in Canterlot currently. I believe that they are conversing with my dear sister Celestia. I have been asked to watch over Twilight's castle while they are gone. However, I would love to get to know you outside of Celestia's stories and explore the functions of power in your world. I don't suppose that I could visit instead?

I await your reply.

Sincerely, Princess Luna."

"Wait, Twilight's book?" said Juniper, "But this is your book! And Twilight isn't a pony! She's a person, just like us! I mean, me. Just like me."

She blinked.

"I mean, she is a person, right?"

Sunset smiled.

"Of course she's a person. Luna means Princess Twilight. She has the other book."

"Princess Twilight?"

Sunset facepalmed.

"I really didn't tell you anything, did I?"

"Apparently not."

"Well, Equestria is like a parallel universe. Everybody here exists there, as well. Only in pony form."

Juniper stared.

"Wait. So there's a pony version of both of us on the other side of that statue thingy?"

"Well, there's a pony version of you. Technically, I am the pony version of myself. I'm from there, remember?"

"Then how are you not a pony?"

"The portal changes your form when you go through it."

Her journal vibrated again. She opened it up to see several random doodles all over the page.

:heart: 🎈 🎉 🎂 :pinkiehappy:
My apologies, Sunset Shimmer. I asked Pinkie Pie to entertain me.

"Well?" said Juniper. "Are you going to let her come over? I'd love to meet some more new people to hopefully make friends with. Y'know, like, not having my first impression have them think that I'm a greedy wannabe-famous-actress."

Sunset sighed.

"I don't know. It's probably a really bad idea. I mean, what would happen if the two Lunas met?"

"Oh, that's right," Juniper said, "the vice-principal of your- this school is Princess Luna's human counterpart, isn't she?"

Sunset nodded.

"Sorry Juniper."

She continued writing in her book.

"I'm sorry, Princess Luna. I don't think I can let you come to the human world, especially not when Pinkie's with you. It's just that, unlike Starlight, I see your human counterpart very often here and it's quite likely you'll meet. No offence, Princess, but I'm not sure that would go very well."

Luna replied almost immediately.

"That is all alright, Sunset Shimmer. However, I believe that you mentioned your friend, Juniper? I actually happen to be good friends with Equestria's Juniper Montage. I don't suppose they are the same pony? If so, or even if not so, I would love to meet her."

"I'm sure that you would be great friends with Juniper, (and yes, she is Juniper Montage) but again, It would be risky to have you come here."

"I am well aware of the risk, Sunset Shimmer, but I would like you to know that Equestria's Juniper does not live in Ponyville, and so it would not be quite the risk if you and Juniper visited this world. Assuming you're not busy, of course."

Sunset Shimmer was physically startled by this proposal. Her eyes widened and her back tensed, almost sending her through the portal herself.

She just hadn't been expecting it, that's all. What would Juniper think of it? The girl had only just learned that the portal, and, by extension, Equestria, even existed.

Juniper noticed her friend's surprised reaction to what she was reading.

"What? What happened?" she asked, positioning herself closer to Sunset so that she could peer over her shoulder at the journal.

"Well," started Sunset, "I told Luna that she shouldn't come here, but it turns out that she knows Equestria's, well, you, and that she doesn't live in Ponyville, where the portal is."


"So... uh, she was wondering if you and I wanted to come and meet her there. Like, in Equestria."

Sunset looked up at her friend, who she found just staring at her with wide eyes. Then she smiled cheerily like the cute, pigtailed teenager that she was.

Then she snatched the book and pen out of Sunset Shimmer's hands and messily wrote down one word.


"Juniper, what are you doing?!" Sunset screamed at her. Her response was a magic book in the face.

"Come on!" Juniper screamed, "I'm dying to see this place! Take me there!" she paused. "Please?"

Sunset smiled.

"Okay, okay, I guess we could visit."

She took a deep breath in, then smiled and beckoned Juniper to step through the portal.