• Published 23rd May 2018
  • 1,299 Views, 2 Comments

Dazzling World Rule - BG9

The Dazzlings successfully defeat the Rainbooms and turn the world into their own personal playground

  • ...

The Beginning of the End

Adagio echo's the first line into the microphone, her hips moving in a tantalizing motion

"Welcome to the show, we're here to let you know. Our time is now, your time is running out."

She could feel it, as could her sisters. Her power had been growing faster and faster. And now that all of Canterlot high was gathered she could feel it's immensity. It was so much she could hardly contain it, the power of their hatred and discord, all flowing into her and her sisters' gems. But of course, those dreaded Rainbooms wouldn't give up so easily.

"Don't need to hear a crowd cheering out my name, I didn't com here seeking infamy or fame," Twilight sang "the one and only thing that I am here bring is music, is the music, is the music in my soul."

Damn them, they just couldn't help but interfere. But it was too late. It was time to unleash the huge reservoir of power they'd spent nearly five years collecting. Dagi and the other two sisters release their ethereal siren bodies. They may not be as powerful as their true siren bodies, but soon they would be able to take their true forms. If they could obtain the magic the Rainbooms had, there would be no one to stand in their way. With a loud yell, the trio push the rainbooms to the ground in one fell swoop. But of course they had their ace in the hole: Sunset Shimmer.

"You're never gonna bring me down, you're never gonna take this part of me."

They had come this far, Adagio was not about to let it all slip away now. Using her energy body, Adagio snatches Sunset in her teeth and lets out a laugh.

"Well, well, well Rainbooms." Adagio said through the side of her mouth "Look at the situation you're in. If you fight us even a second more, I will snap little sunset here in half. You wouldn't want that would you?"

Twilight looks on in despair

"You wouldn't. You're bluffing."

She tightens her jaws around Sunset, making her squeal in pain

"Am I, really?"

"Stop!" she yelled

"You have 15 seconds to surrender your magic energy to us. Refuse and I will crush her"

Twilight grits her teeth. No matter what she thought, nothing would be able to pull her out of this situation.

"Well?" Adagio asks, clamping her jaws down slighty

Sunset yells in pain

"Don't give in Twilight!" she yelled "We can't let Adagio control the entire world!"

A devilish smile forms on Adagio's face

"Yes, Princess of Friendship. We certainly wouldn't want to let a friend stop you from defeating us."

Twi clenches her fist and looks down in defeat

"Fine. We give up. Just let her go."

"Not so fast your Royal Highness. We're going to need your magic first."

"You promise you'll let her go when we do?"

"I'm a siren of my word."

Sunset pleads with her

"Please, Twilight. You can't do this."

Twilight holds her arms up

"Take it. It's all yours."


"Good decision."Adagio chuckled

The Dazzling's gems begin to glow as the absorb the magic from the mane six, as well as Sunset Shimmer. Adagio could feel the power. It was overwhelming, as if an entire ocean was being dumped directly into her body all at once. This was the power of an Alicorn princess! Even split between the three of them, Twilight's power alone was enough to make every human on earth adore them, not to mention the rest of her friend's magic. They were without equal now.

Each of them begin to glow brightly until finally they shed their human skin, releasing their true forms to the world. Once the magic was completely consumed the mane six turned black and white and looked as if they hadn't eaten in days. Adagio lets out a laugh.

"So this is where the power of 'friendship' has gotten you huh? I hope Sunset's life was worth it."

The three Sirens fly back to the center of the stage and begin to sing once more, absorbing the last of the discord and hate flowing in the audience and turning them into mindless zombies.

Adagio laughs again.

"So girls. Where shall we make our next meal?"

"I heard about a school down the way." Aria suggested "Crystal Prep Academy?"

"I like the way you think. Sonata?"

Sonata looks down, seemingly guilty


"O-oh um. Yeah! Crystal Prep!"

"Well it's settled. Let's go girls." Adagio turned and looked at the portal to the pony world "But first."

With a swift kick of her hooves, she destroyed the portal and with it, any hope of defying them. They fly to the school and begin to sing their sacred song. They didn't even need to gather people together. Just the mere act of hearing the song was enough to put anyone in a trance. The latent energy began to flow out from the school and into their gems. It seemed like this school already had quite a strong aura of hatred to begin with. All the easier.

But this was only the beginning. First the school. Next the entire world.

The three of them had been going from place to place and, within the span of only three months, all of America was worshiping them as Goddesses. They had even begun to construct statues of the three Sirens in place of landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, working around the clock in labor camps to complete it. Religions had begun to form around them and schools were teaching of their greatness. With every new state put under the spell, their size increased. They were larger than sky scrapers now. Not only did they have overwhelming power but the adoration was incomparable. Maybe it could finally fill the emptiness inside Adagio that she had lived with since she was born.

It didn't take long for the rest of the world to come to heel. Each continent became easier and easier. The last to come under their rule was China, which they took in just under a day. They had grown an amazing fifteen miles long by the end of it. The girls had set up their main place of residence atop Mount Rushmore, where the people were replacing the faces of the presidents with the Dazzlings'. Sonata seemed displeased.

"Sonata," Adagio said "what on earth is the matter?"

Sonata looked worried

"W-well Adagi-"

"EMPRESS Adagio to you!" she roared

Sonata cowers

"Well Empress Adagio. I have been wanting to bring this up for some time now. D-don't you think we've done enough?"

"Done enough? We have barely ever scratched the surface! Don't you see my dear sister? We may have the entire world in within our grasp but there's Equestria. And with this power, not even the Princesses can appose us! Our work has but begun."

"But look at these poor humans. They work around the clock, day and night just to make sure we're happy."

"But they do it out of love! That is the beauty of it! No matter what I ask, they love me enough to make it so."

"But it's all fake!" Sonata cried "It's only because of the magic that they are doing it! They look like they are in so much pain! Please Adagio, we must stop this. It's not too late."

Adagio's face twists into one of malice and rage

"Are you actually saying we should feel sympathy for these wretched creatures? Do you remember how they treated us when we first came here?"

She did all to well. They had pushed Sonata around, called her horrible names, even beat her up a couple of times. While it felt good at first, this revenge was being taken too far. Sonata got tears in her eyes.

"But... I'm still not any happier. Even though they love me, even though we got back at those who wronged us, I still feel empty. In fact, I feel more empty then when we were human."

This seems to have hit a nerve inside of Dagi. She flies high in the air and the skies turn black.

"Well then, Sonata. If you feel so very strongly about the humans, I suppose then you wouldn't mind returning to them would you?"

Adagio opens her mouth and Sonata's tears begin to flow faster

"Adagio you're my sister! You can't do this!"

Adagio takes a deep breath in and almost instantly revokes Sonata's power, turning her back into her former human self. But instead of stopping there she keeps sucking in her energy. This grabs Aria's attention.

"Adagio stop!" Aria yells "You'll kill her if you keep this up!"

Adagio looks even more enraged. She had become drunk with power

"So what!? Death would be fitting for a human lover!"

Aria soars up to Adagio and sinks her teeth into her hide, forcing her to stop the process. Sonata lay on the grown, her skin black and white and completely unconscious. She was hanging onto her life by a thread. The odds were against Aria. She was now fighting Adagio at double her normal strength.

"So!? You dare to stand against me too Aria?" Dagi roared "I guess I really do have no one! No friends and no family!"

Aria knew it was a hopeless. She had no way of winning. But she had gone to far and she would pay for what she did. She charges at her sister against and takes another bite out of her. However, she was not as successful this time. Her scales had become so tough that Aria's teeth shattered on impact. Dagi slaps Aria with her fin, knocking her into the trees below. Adagio opens her mouth wide once again. Aria could feel the power being drained from her at an alarming speed. With the last of her strength, she dives next to Sonata before returning to her human form as well. She looks at her sister, holding her cold hand. Sonata felt colder than ice but she wasn't dead. Not yet anyway. Aria looks tenderly at her and, for the first time, cracks a genuine smile.

"I love you, Sonata."

She finally felt whole. She had all she needed right next to her all along. It was a shame that she only saw it now that it was too late. Aria closed her eyes as the last vestiges of her power left her, falling into a sleep she would never awake from. Adagio looks at them, surprised by the scene she had just seen. Why was she so happy? She had been defeated! Then it hit her like a freight train. In her mad dash for power, she had just killed the only two being who genuinely loved her. They weren't under any spell. She didn't need to sing for them to adore her. They loved her already. And now they were gone. By her hoof no less. She now truly was alone

Seventy years had passed since that faithful day. The entire world was worshiping Adagio as their God King, waiting on her fin and hoof. She was now filled with only one emotion: overwhelming, all consuming emptiness. No matter how many statues were erected in her honor, how many achievements were done in her name or how many offerings she received, nothing filled the void left by her sisters' passing.

She had made two impressive graves in for them, each as a big as a castle and made of white marble surrounded by a large garden. They each rested in a transparent coffin, looking as if they were simply sleeping. Each year the entire world mourned their death along with Adagio, it was an international holiday. Plays were put on to commemorate them and entire festivals were centered around their memory. But none of it made Adagio any happier or more content than before. She was truly alone now and there was no way for her to reclaim what she had lost.

Comments ( 1 )

Wow... that’s pretty dark. Like one of the darkest stories I’ve ever heard! It’s so sad!

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